Commercial offer form for 44 fz sample. How to request commercial proposals to justify NMC

The most popular way to determine the initial (maximum) contract price (IMCC) is market analysis. Whether a budgetary organization is going to use one of the competitive procurement methods or is considering the option of purchasing a product or service from a single supplier - it does not matter, because, in accordance with the current legislation (Article 22 44-FZ), in any case, it is necessary to provide a rationale for the NMCC. In order to do this without violations, the customer will need to find up-to-date price data. To do this, it is necessary to collect a number of commercial proposals from various suppliers offering the desired product or service.

Commercial offers in procurement

To determine the NMCC, a budgetary organization that acts as a customer must request commercial proposals from at least five potential contractors. As a response, she must receive at least three price letters describing goods or services that meet all the conditions stated in the procurement plan.

The main goal is to collect current price information for the purpose of its subsequent analytics. Based on the results of a thorough analysis, the NMCC is displayed.

  1. The most accurate and detailed description of the purchased goods, works or services. This implies both quantitative data, and a unit of measurement, and the amount of work performed.
  2. A number of heading conditions from the draft contract - everything that relates to the features of the delivery, the provision of services or the specific characteristics of the work. The points of payment and provision of the contract and the necessary warranty information about the purchased goods, works or services are also noted.
  3. Clarifications that the price information provided indicates the specific real cost of the goods, works or services requested by the customer and is not a basis for the subsequent conclusion of a contractual relationship.

Sample request for commercial proposals under 44-FZ

Submission of a commercial offer

After the customer sends a letter in search of three suppliers for the calculation of the planned purchase by the NMCC (a sample request for a quotation is presented above), he receives official responses from the selected organizations.

So what is the answer? First of all, this is a document on the official letterhead of the supplier, certified by a "living" seal and signature of the manager, and in some cases the financial director or chief accountant. It includes the following information:

  • full details of the enterprise;
  • the current price of the goods or services provided at the time of the request;
  • a full description of the services included in the price with specific characteristics and planned deadlines, if certain types of work are implied.

It is important to remember that such a paper is for informational purposes only and is not a direct inducement to conclude an agreement.

It should be noted that the received data on the cost does not have an expiration date. This should also be noted in the answer. When using this material for calculations in future periods, the current price will be indexed in accordance with the conversion factor.

Response to the request of the KP to justify the NMCC

Request for commercial proposals in accordance with 223-FZ

If a budgetary institution provides additional services to the population, that is, conducts business activities and receives official income, it has the right to withdraw part of the purchases from the strict regulations of 44-FZ and use 223-FZ, which is more loyal to budget customers.

It is worth distinguishing between a competitive method of determining a supplier and a direct request for price information for a tender or auction under FZ-223. Data on the cost of goods, works and services are requested for the same purpose as in the Federal Law-44 - to identify current prices and determine the NMTsK.

A letter asking for information on prices is drawn up in the same way as 44-FZ.

Based on this law, there is an additional competitive method for determining suppliers, called a request for proposals. The customer places in the system a notice of the procurement carried out in this way and specifies all the necessary information in detail. At the same time, certain performers that meet the technical criteria of the customer may be invited to participate. Any organization that meets the requirements of the procurement organizer can participate in the request for proposals. Then comes the acceptance, consideration and final evaluation of applications. Members of the commission take into account at least two established criteria for evaluation. As a result, according to the results of the procedure, a contract is concluded with the supplier who offered the most favorable conditions. The result of the RFP is also reflected by the customer on the official website in the public domain.

This method can also be used in case of termination by the customer of existing contracts or in case of repeated competitive methods (tender, auction) and their recognition as invalid.

Priority for calculating the initial (maximum) value of the contract. In this case, the customer can organize a request for prices 44-FZ, which is addressed to suppliers of identical goods, works, services and is placed in the Unified Information System (EIS).

Quite often, the process of requesting quotations is confused with such a concept as “request for quotations”. This is a big mistake, because the first process is connected with the formation of the NMCC for the start of trading, and the last one is a full-fledged procedure for determining the supplier. In this article, we'll explore the first concept and create a sample request for quote letter.

In procurement by certain types of legal entities under 223-FZ, there is a separate procedure for selecting the winner, which is also called "request for quotations". However, further we will not talk about the procedure, but about a tool that helps customers justify the NMCC.

In the Methodology for determining the NMTsK (approved), the customer is recommended to obtain reliable price information:

  1. Request data from at least five participants with experience in relevant deliveries (at least three of them must provide the necessary information).
  2. Submit an application to the EIS.
  3. Search in
  4. Collect and analyze publicly available information.

How to compose a letter

A price request is not an offer. These two concepts have completely different purposes. The purpose of the offer is to offer to conclude a contract. The one who sends the offer fixes all the essential conditions, and the one who receives the offer either accepts them or refuses to sign the contract. The purpose of the request is to request the necessary information. The letter may be free-form, but certain rules and mandatory provisions must be provided. Below is a plan and important provisions that should be considered when drawing up a request for quotations:

  • addressee and addressee data;
  • date, place and outgoing number;
  • topic of the appeal;
  • appeal to the addressee (taking into account the rules of business correspondence);
  • Basic information;
  • offer to cooperate;
  • gratitude for the answer;
  • signature, as well as indicate the position, surname, name, patronymic of the compiler.

Based on paragraphs 3.10.1-3.10.6 of the Guidelines, a request to provide price information in the proposal is addressed to a potential supplier and may contain:

  1. with due indication of the unit of measure, quantity of goods (volume of work, service).
  2. List of information to determine .
  3. The main provisions of the execution of the contract, the requirements for the guarantee.
  4. Terms of providing price information.
  5. Notice that the procedure does not entail the emergence of obligations of the customer.

Sample Letter for Quote Request

How to place a request for quotations in the EIS according to 44-FZ

Based in their actions on the norms of Art. 22 44-FZ and Methodological recommendations, the customer can organize an open request for quotations in the EIS in electronic form. To do this, you can use both the instructions below and the user manual. It is placed in the EIS in the "Documents" section.

All work on requesting price information takes place in your personal account. The functionality of the UIS makes it possible to carry out a preliminary search for procedures that have been published through the office.

To go to the desired page, you will need to select this item in the menu of the "Registers" block.

To start filling in the data, you need to click on the "Create a request for quotation" button.

Next, enter the data. The functionality of the system allows you to attach the necessary files. After filling in the fields with all the necessary information, you can make sure that the filling is correct through the "Save and check" button.

You can edit it through the "Edit project menu" item on the "Preparation" tab.

The system allows you to delete the generated project. To do this, select the menu item of the same name.

In addition, it is possible to delete the project of the previous change operation. This feature is available in the Prepare Changes phase.

After placing the procedure, the printed form is displayed in the form of two parts: upper and lower.

The active button "Sign and place" will allow you to confirm your consent to this action.

After posting, the ability to make changes remains. To do this, simply select the "Edit" menu item.

It is also possible to completely unpublish.

The system will ask for the reason and related documents. You can save this information (via the save button) or submit the change using the Submit for Posting button. This step will be reflected in the status "Cancelled".

The system features allow you to edit the cancellation project. To do this, click on the "Open Card" item. After that, go to the "Documents" tab. And then in the block "Cancellation of the request for quotations" you will need to click on the "Edit" item.

To submit a completed change, simply click the "Submit for Posting" button.

On the "Posted" tab, you can view the request card.

It is possible to delete a cancellation project through the "Open card" item. Go to the "Documents" tab. In the "Cancel" section, select the "Delete" item.

1. Sample commercial offer 44 F3

The easiest and easiest way to get hold of up-to-date information on the cost, as well as the characteristics of goods or services, in order to calculate the NMCP and announce a tender using the market analysis method, is. A sample commercial offer for 44 F3 is a special document that indicates the exact information about the participant and the name of the customer to whom this letter will be sent.

2. Request for a commercial offer to justify the NMCC

The most popular way to determine the maximum contract price is market analysis. It does not matter whether the organization will use a competitive procurement method or conclude a contract as with the only supplier, according to the current legislation (Article 22 44-F3), in any case, justification must be presented (NMCC). In order for everything to go smoothly, the customer must have up-to-date price data. Commercial offers are collected from a variety of suppliers who offer to use the desired goods or services. As a result, the arithmetic average cost is displayed, at which a tender is announced.

3. About commercial offers in procurement

To determine the NMCC of a budgetary organization acting as a customer, you need to submit a request for a commercial proposal to five potential contractors. The answer should be as follows - at least three price letters that describe goods and services. They must meet all the conditions that are stated in the procurement plan.

The main goal is to collect the necessary information in order to analyze it later. NMCC is withdrawn only after a thorough analysis of the results.

As for the content of the price document (base 44-F3), it must necessarily be consistent with the statutory requirements. This part includes the following information.

    Purchased goods, works or services are described as accurately and in detail as possible. We are talking about quantitative data, units of measurement, volumes of work performed.

    Basic conditions from the draft contract. This includes the features of the delivery, the provision of various services or the specific characteristics of the work.

    Clarification that with the help of the provided price information, the specific real cost of the services or goods requested by the customer is indicated, and this is not a basis for entering into a contractual relationship in the future, but only a preliminary calculation.

Commercial offer 44 F3 is a very important document that must be filled out correctly.

4. About providing a commercial offer

As soon as the customer has found the three necessary suppliers in order to calculate the NMCC of the planned purchase, and sent out letters, he receives an official response from the organizations he has chosen.

What is this answer? It is a kind of document on the official letterhead of the supplier, in which there is a “living” seal and the signature of the head.

There are times when you need the financial director to sign or the chief accountant. This document provides information about:

    full details of enterprises;

    actual, at the time of the request, the cost of the goods or services that are provided;

    a full description of the services that are included in the price.

This document is informational in nature. It should not affect the final decision on the conclusion of the contract.

It is important to note that the cost data received does not have an expiration date. However, when this calculation is used to determine the IMCP tender, the quoted price is indexed and must match the conversion factor at the time the tender is announced.

Having difficulty filling out a commercial offer?

Order competent assistance in filling out documents from our specialists, with payment for the result

5. Making a commercial offer

In order to justify the NMCC using market analysis, it is necessary to have information on prices that is relevant today. Requests for quotations are the easiest methods to obtain such data.

The initial maximum contract price is an important step in procurement planning. The Law on the Contract System establishes requirements that require the use of the market analysis method first. Therefore, it becomes necessary to apply commercial offers when the process of determining the value of an object takes place. If errors occur and the procedure for substantiating the NMCC is not followed, administrative liability is applied - this is a fine of up to 10,000 rubles, and this is a very unpleasant addition. We will talk about a sample commercial offer 44 F3.

Download a sample request for a quotation under 44 FZ

Download a sample Commercial offer under 44 Federal Law

6. The concept of a commercial offer

A commercial offer is an official important document confirming the value of goods, services, works with certain characteristics for the required period, but there is no obligation to conclude a contract.

According to Parts 2-6 of Art. 22 44-F3, describes the rules for using the market analysis method and states that if the justification of the cost of the contract by this method is used, it is necessary to compare prices for goods that are similar to the object of purchase. All you have to do is have access to up-to-date market price information. And the easiest way is to request a quotation from companies that supply goods or provide similar services.

7. How pricing information is obtained

There are specially developed recommendations that allow the use of methods for determining NMCC. In order to have the right data on all prices, the customer needs to send requests for price information to five companies. What is the algorithm for submitting such a request?

To begin with, a complete description of the procurement object is drawn up, qualitative and quantitative characteristics are indicated. The following are the essential conditions for the delivery of goods that affect their price. Then you should choose the target audience of the mailing. As recommended by the Ministry of Economic Development, suppliers should have supply experience. This stage involves the use by the customer of information retrieval systems or public reference organizations.

At the next stage, a request is made, and potential partners receive it. At the final stage, the answer comes, the data is analyzed and a rationale is drawn up.

Please note that the commercial offer for 44 F3 does not have an expiration date. The response document must have this information. This is done to exclude justifications when an out-of-date price basis is applied.

As for the prices of the last period, a conversion factor is used, which leads to the current level. It is necessary to deal not only with sending requests to suppliers. It is also recommended to carry out the following procedures:

    search for prices in the EIS contract register;

    collect and analyze publicly available price information.

So, we have learned the most important information about the sample commercial offer 44 F3. On specialized sites, you can easily download such a sample. As it turned out, it is not at all difficult to draw up commercial offers for 44 F3. It is important to have the necessary information. Then everything will be as clear as possible.

8. Video instruction commercial offer 5 blunders

For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement periods, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only on profitable contracts with minimal competition!

Price request- a popular way to purchase goods, works or services to meet the needs of organizations, within the amount established by law.

Naturally, there are a number of certain conditions under which this type of tender is carried out. Let's consider in what cases it is possible to conduct an open request for prices and who can take part in these auctions.

Request for Quotation Requirements

The role of the customer can be a state organization that needs to purchase goods, receive services or carry out work of the same nature, costing no more than 500,000 rubles. for a billing period of one quarter.

The volume of auctions conducted in this form should not exceed 10% of all annual purchases of the organization and be more than 100 million rubles. in year.

Any organization or individual entrepreneur can take part in the request for prices, unless special conditions are provided for in the tender documentation.

So, in the requirement for a price request, there may be a condition that only a small business can become a participant.

Federal legislation, namely 44-FZ, obliges all municipal organizations to include tenders in the procurement plan, which are intended specifically for participants in small businesses. The number of such tenders should be 15% of the total volume of annual purchases of a municipal enterprise in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 642.

Terms of Request for Quotations

Terms of request for quotations are determined for each of the stages. You can see the most complete and clear description in the table below:

The participant can participate and search for a request for prices on the website

There are quite a lot of filters to choose from, so finding an interesting bargain is quite simple. You will be able to select a filter by the name or number of the order, by the form of auction, stage of placement or by customer, as well as some other parameters.

Quote Form

The deadlines for filing an application have already been mentioned above, it depends on the NMCC auction, on which a notice was published.

Advice: because changes cannot be made to the submitted application, it is important to check all the information before it is transferred to the customer or site operator.

It is possible to withdraw it during the entire time allotted for the submission of contractors' proposals. If you did not have time to withdraw your application within the specified period, then you will need to take part in the tender.

The notice indicates the time when access to applications for the ETP is opened. Accept new, respectively, terminated.

A step-by-step price request is described in our other article, you can familiarize yourself with all the stages of the conduct on this page.

Winner and Request for Quotation Protocol

The winner of the open request for quotations is the contractor who has offered the most favorable (lowest) price for the execution of the contract and whose application fully meets the requirements of the customer.

Enforcement of participation in this type of procurement is not required, and security for the performance of the contract is established at the discretion of the customer. If this item is required, this information will be included in the tender documentation.

The protocol of the request for price quotations, namely the consideration and evaluation of applications, is published in the EIS on the day of signing. Then, within 2 days, one of the two compiled and signed copies is sent to the winner, and the second remains with the customer.

Sample request for quotations

The sample does not have a clear regulated form according to 44-FZ, but at the same time there are a number of parameters and points that must be filled out in order to accept an application for participation. We offer you a sample request for quotation application that meets the requirements. You can download the editable form in .doc format (Microsoft Word) from this link.

A sample price quote is shown below:

If you have any questions or difficulties with participation in any form of request for quotations, please contact our specialists. They will give you free advice and help you with any questions you may have. By leaving a request for feedback, you will receive advice specifically on your situation and will be able to make the right decision.

OOO IWC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without indicating the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

A correctly drafted commercial offer is a business tool that allows market participants to express themselves and thus attract new customers. It happens that the number of proposals exceeds the demand for them. But what to do when such proposals are really needed, but they are not? Write a request. A request for a quotation is a document whose purpose is to find a contractor for a large order. As a result of the mass mailing of such requests, the customer company gets the opportunity to choose the most advantageous offer from hundreds of applications from responding contractors.

Key Features of a Request for Quotation

Sometimes customers and contractors “change places”: the former have to look for the latter

A request for a quotation is drawn up in the form of a letter on behalf of a state (budgetary) organization or a private company with a request to receive an offer from the addressee company for the sale of goods (provision of services, performance of work) with detailed data on the quality of the goods, prices, features of the services provided, etc. d.

In a response commercial offer, the customer company, as a rule, receives the following information about (about):

  • types of goods (works, services) that the contractor sells;
  • prices for goods (works, services), as well as available personal discounts and special offers;
  • the preferred calculation procedure and the possibility of obtaining a deferment, installment plan, etc.;
  • successfully completed transactions in this line of business (which helps to conclude that the contractor is reliable and in demand).

Video: how to create an effective commercial proposal

The main purpose of the request is to conclude a profitable deal. Such an approach to the search for contractors guarantees the customer the opportunity to choose the most suitable offer from all their diversity on the market.

There are several types of KP requests. Their classification is based on the legal status of the customer who monitors the proposals. Allocate:

  1. Private request for a commercial proposal (such an appeal is not limited by the conditions for drafting and processing).
  2. State inquiry of the KP (the procedure for its implementation is regulated by the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ).

Although the procedures for sending private and public requests differ significantly, the content of the requests themselves is usually the same and consists of:

  • name of the customer company;
  • legal and postal address, telephone numbers and other contact details of the customer;
  • descriptions of the essence of the request (this includes - the estimated term of the contract and its cost);
  • desired reply date.
  • other (additional) conditions (for example, about the language of the KP);
  • the name of the person responsible for accepting the commercial offer (full name, signature, contact details).

Making a private request

A private request is not regulated by law, so the process of its creation is based on the decision of the management of a commercial company, as well as on the rules of business etiquette and workflow established in specific business communities. In any case, its purpose is to satisfy the production need and the needs of the customer organization.

Here are some examples.

JSC "Soft Toys"

st. Karamzin, 77

Voronezh, 394095

Tel. : + 7(473)415–23–35

e-mail: [email protected]

About the request for proposals for the supply of environmentally friendly raw materials for filling holofiber soft toys

Dear suppliers!

Our company has increased its capacity by reconstructing (updating) technical equipment and now intends to increase the scale of production. In this regard, it became necessary to increase the volume of raw materials for filling soft toys - holofiber up to 20 tons.

We ask you to offer us the supply of hollobyfer in the required quantity.

We are waiting for a response-application before 08/26/2015, preferably in Russian and English.

We ask you to send copies of certificates confirming the quality of raw materials along with the letter.

Thank you in advance for your attention and response to our request!

Head of the Raw Materials Procurement Sector (Signature) Fedorov V.P.

The KP request can be a “friendly letter” to colleagues, expressing hope for “long and fruitful cooperation”, this form is quite acceptable

Not always a private request of a KP is a detailed story of the customer about the conditions of a future transaction, sometimes it is formalized and “dry”.

A request for a quotation does not have to consist of a detailed description of the terms of a future transaction

Thus, when creating a KP request, a private organization is free to choose any form of this document. Only the rules of business etiquette should be observed.

You can send an appeal in different ways. If the document is printed on paper, it can be delivered in person, sent by regular mail or by courier. This type of delivery is appropriate if we are talking about a specific addressee whose services have already been used.

In other cases, it is advisable to use a digital format. You can send a request by e-mail to several recipients at once, it will not take much money and time.

There are a few things to keep in mind when submitting a quotation request online:

  • before sending, it is advisable to make a phone call and inform about the intention to send a letter with a request;
  • you should not send a letter “without a subject” (even if the recipient is a well-known partner and the day before he had a phone conversation with him). It is desirable to specify the topic, for example: a request for a commercial proposal for website promotion, cooperation in the production of soft toys, vehicle rental, etc.;
  • the text of the letter should contain an appeal to the addressee by name and patronymic, and their data should also be indicated: name and surname. You should also add a short “seductive” phrase that will interest the recipient and push them to take further action. At the end of the letter, the sender's contacts must be included;
  • Request text should be sent in PDF format.

After the contracting authority has received response letters with commercial offers from potential contractors, it can choose the most suitable quotation and proceed to a direct discussion of the terms of the transaction. The choice of the CP may be made by the director of the company or another person responsible for the conclusion of the relevant contracts. In large firms, entire competitive commissions can be created for this.

State Request for Quotation

For the implementation of state projects for the supply of goods or services for budgetary organizations, it is necessary to choose the most profitable option. After receiving dozens of interesting proposals, a tender is held and the ideal option is selected in terms of quality and price.

The request goes through several stages, the final point is the signing of the contract.

The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates the procedure for requesting proposals and requires its strict observance by all participants. For budgetary organizations, it is allowed to conduct a request for proposals for the conclusion of contracts in the following areas:

  • purchase of any goods (works, services) that were the subject of a contract terminated at the initiative of the state customer;
  • supply of sports equipment and equipment, sports equipment necessary for the training of sports teams of the Russian Federation in Olympic and Paralympic sports;
  • purchase of medicines that are necessary for prescribing to the patient in the presence of medical indications;
  • purchase and sale of products of folk art crafts of recognized artistic merit, samples of which are registered in a special order;
  • procurement of services to protect the interests of the Russian Federation in the event that individuals and (or) legal entities file claims against the Russian Federation with the judicial authorities of foreign states, international courts and arbitration.

Due to the high level of competition, government agencies receive a huge number of commercial applications.

The request, drawn up in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", ensures the selection of the most profitable applicant for the project. These requirements are based on budget savings.

The structure and methodology for compiling a state request almost do not differ from a private one. However, there are a number of limitations:

  • the commercial offer is entered into the unified information system (UIS), to which open access is provided;
  • even if the applicant intends to choose a specific company for cooperation, he still needs to send notices to at least two priority contractors;
  • the last word in the choice of the contractor with whom the cooperation contract will be concluded is with the expert commission;
  • the performer (contractor) must have the characteristics specified in Art. 31 FZ No. 44.

Speaking about the methods of sending a state request, it should be emphasized that, getting into the EIS, it becomes available to almost everyone.

Let's look at a few examples.

Public sector entity

"House of Children's and Youth Creativity"

st. Lermontov, 47

St. Petersburg, 43021

tel.: +7 (934) 37–95–35

e-mail: [email protected]

About the request for proposals for providing access to the Internet

Dear private entrepreneurs and representatives of commercial companies!

“The House of Children and Youth Creativity on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 04/05/2013 (FZ 44) asks you to send a commercial offer to provide access to the Internet.

Please inform about the cost of connection, monthly subscription fee.

We kindly ask you to send a letter from you in 3 copies in Russian before 04/20/2016 to the email address: [email protected]

We are waiting for copies of documents (certificates) from you on the quality of your services, as well as a copy of the license for the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Please provide confirmation of the compliance of your commercial offer with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Article 31 of Federal Law 44.

The procedure for conducting a state request for proposals

The process of selecting a contractor for a budgetary organization has a key characteristic - transparency. This is ensured through the following stages of the state request for proposals process (in accordance with Article 83 of the Federal Law No. 44):

  1. Formation by the customer of the composition of the commission, which is responsible for considering applications and summing up the results.
  2. Preparation of the necessary package of documents, draft contract, drawing up a notification, publication of documents after approval (5 days before the date of the tender).
  3. Within the framework of the requirements of Federal Law No. 44, responses to the request are received. Until the opening of bids, it can be withdrawn or amended. If the conditions of the request stipulate the deposit of funds to participate in the request, a payment order is attached to the response.
  4. When the appointed day arrives, the envelopes are opened, access to electronic applications is opened, the commission is taken for their consideration. As a result, only those that meet the legal requirements remain, the rest are rejected without consideration. A protocol is drawn up, an extract from which is sent to the EIS. After consideration and evaluation, the commission draws up a table indicating the price and all other criteria. The customer provides an audio recording of the opening of bids. Each of the participants also has the right to make audio and video recordings.
  5. The final offer shall be sent to all bidders no later than the day following the day of the competition.
  6. The winner is determined according to the criteria established by law (Article 32 of the Federal Law No. 44):
    • the cost of services or the price of goods;
    • expenses for the use of goods or services;
    • characteristics of the proposed facility (quality, environmental friendliness, functionality, validity period);
    • work experience, skill level of tender participants.
  7. The winner is the one whose final proposal most closely matches the terms of the request. A draft agreement is sent to him. This document is signed one week after the publication of the protocol on the results of the tender (no later than 20 days).

The request for proposals may be declared invalid if only one participant responded to the request. If there are no claims against him in terms of the requirements presented, the customer concludes a contract with him. If there is no application, the competition is repeated.

A private or public request for quotation is a great opportunity to get a huge number of suppliers or contractors with different conditions of work in different price ranges. This procedure is incredibly effective in large enterprises where project budgets are very high. Therefore, this business tool should not be neglected.