Cat poisoning treatment at home. Poisoning in cats: symptoms, causes, treatment

Cat poisoning is not uncommon, unfortunately. These pets strive to try everything, and it is often simply not possible to keep track of them. The danger of poisoning in cats is that they themselves cannot say that they are feeling unwell, but the symptoms sometimes appear only after a certain period of time. And then the question becomes relevant, what to do if the cat is poisoned?

Types of poisoning

To begin with, let's figure out what are the possible causes of poisoning in a cat. In medicine, all poisoning of cats is conventionally divided into several categories.

  • Chemical poisoning. This includes cases of poisoning with cosmetics and cleaning products. It is unlikely, of course, that you will see a cat that feasts on whiteness. But a poorly washed shampoo or a flea remover during the licking process may well enter the cat's body and cause poisoning. The whole life of cats is based on their sense of smell, and therefore the fumes of paint, acetone, hairspray or even just cigarette smoke can also lead to chemical poisoning.
  • Medical preparations. Basically, this includes cases related to the negligence of the owners. Such poisoning can be caused by improper use of the drug, erroneous dosage, or use of an expired drug. It also happens that pills forgotten in a hurry can attract the attention of your pet.
  • Insect bites. In our climate, poisonous insects are rare, but still possible. Snakes, spiders and insects can cause not only severe allergic reactions, but also severe poisoning, the treatment of which is possible only in a veterinary clinic.
  • Food poisoning. Cats will not eat expired products, but poisoning with food or fish is quite real. This also includes cases when a cat was poisoned by a mouse or simply ate rat poison.
  • Plant poisoning. The love of cats for houseplants in pots is widely known. It is rare to find a cat that has not tried the plant “by mouth” at least once in its life. But not all plants are safe for cats, such as Dieffenbachia, Zantedeschia, Zamioculcas, Caladium and others.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of poisoning in a kitten and an adult cat, regardless of the cause that caused it. But, despite this, all types of poisoning have a number of common symptoms that need to be noticed in time: These can be attributed:

  • Partial or complete refusal of food.
  • Lethargy, turning into complete apathy;
  • Convulsions, convulsions;
  • Tachycardia, rapid breathing;
  • Vomiting or diarrhea. If the cat was poisoned by poison, blood impurities are possible;
  • Profuse salivation;
  • Constriction or dilation of the pupils;
  • Change in color of the mucosa;
  • Other.

If you notice any change in your pet's behavior or any of the above signs, it's best to contact your veterinarian immediately. If this is not possible, then you will have to provide first aid yourself.

First aid for poisoning

If the cat is poisoned at home, then do not rush to give her medicine. Here you need to try, and answer for yourself a few simple questions:

  • What did the cat eat in the last 48 hours, was there anything new. If you fed dry food or canned food, try to check the expiration date.
  • Was there any contact with other animals or birds?
  • Have you used any medications not only for the cat, but also for yourself.
  • How long have you been deworming (removing worms)?
  • Have you or your neighbors poisoned mice?
  • Could the cat have been in contact with poisonous insects?

By answering these questions, you can guess the cause of the poisoning as much as possible and, starting from this, give the cat help.

When a cat is poisoned by a flea remedy, you should immediately try to wash off its remnants under warm water and soap so that this situation does not happen again. Then it is best of course to seek help in the treatment of a veterinarian. When this option is not possible, you can try to give the cat activated charcoal diluted in warm water (at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg). And in order to reduce pain, give painkillers, for example, no-shpu or baralgin (½ tablet for an adult cat and ¼ for a kitten).

If the poisoning was poisonous insects, plants or rat poison, then it is better not to self-medicate, it can only blur the picture and aggravate the situation. In the veterinary clinic, the cat will undergo a series of tests that will help identify the poison and find an antidote for it. You will also be prescribed droppers and a diet.

The most common among the cat family is food poisoning. And treating a cat for this type of poisoning is quite simple:

  • To get rid of leftover food, induce vomiting. You can give the cat a drink of concentrated salt solution or press the cat on the base of the tongue.
  • Give activated charcoal and pain medication.
  • Make an enema. Take a small pear and fill it with 20-30 ml of warm water or saline.
  • The first day after poisoning, solder the cat with clean water, Regidron solution or a decoction of herbs such as chamomile or nettle.
  • If after a couple of days the cat's condition has not improved, contact your veterinarian.

Helping a kitten who has been poisoned is much more difficult and responsible. The body of the baby and its protective functions are not yet fully formed. And a simple enema can do a lot of damage. Therefore, take your time to take the kitten to a veterinary clinic or better call a doctor at home.

Recovery period

When a cat is poisoned, you must be prepared that the process of its recovery will be long and difficult. Recovery time depends on:

  • causes of poisoning and dosage of the toxic substance;
  • age and health status of the pet;
  • the time interval from poisoning to first aid.

An important role in recovery is played by full compliance with the doctor's prescriptions.

It should be remembered that the first 24 hours you need to observe only the drinking regimen. And complementary foods are introduced gradually and carefully. You need to start with dietary, low-fat foods and viscous cereals. You can also give low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, but it is better to refuse whole milk for the time being. You can also give boiled liver, chicken breast and vegetables. If you used to feed your cat with ready-made food, then some manufacturers have special food for such cases.

If your cat refuses to eat after being poisoned, do not force or force it. In this case, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian for several days for injections of glucose and saline.

Most drugs for poisoning have a negative effect on the liver. And during the rehabilitation period, it will be necessary to undergo another course of liver treatment. What drugs to use for this and in what doses will tell you the veterinarian.

Do not forget that during the period of illness and recovery after it, the animal needs your care and attention more than ever.

It is not at all difficult to understand that a cat has been poisoned, it will be enough to carefully monitor your pet. Take care of your animals and adhere to at least minimal safety measures, because the health of your pets is completely in your hands.

Poisoning in cats is a sharp intoxication with harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on the body and on the condition of the animal as a whole. Small kittens and young animals more often than others fall into this category because of their inexperience and stupidity, tasting unfamiliar substances and foods. Intoxication can occur with a slight intestinal disorder, but it happens that the animal becomes disabled or even dies.

Each case of poisoning is associated with the carelessness of pet owners or the dissatisfaction of negligent neighbors who live very close to you. However, it is possible that a cat accidentally found or stole objects, products, and drugs that were dangerous to itself.

In case of pet poisoning, each owner must be able to provide first aid and, upon arrival at the veterinary clinic, provide the veterinarian with the necessary information and test samples. So, the owner must know the basic information that will help him not to get confused and independently detect a possible object responsible for the intoxication of the animal.

Causes of poisoning

The curiosity of cats knows no bounds, but sometimes this quality leads to very sad consequences. Even if you are a knowledgeable and responsible owner, you may not always be immune from such a problem.

Symptoms of cat poisoning are not limited to vomiting and intestinal upset and may include the following signs:

  • Apathy;
  • Weakness;
  • Vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Foamy discharge from the mouth and nose;
  • Failures in coordination of movements;
  • Refusal of food;
  • Thirst.

However, signs of poisoning in cats are directly dependent on the substance that caused this grief and on its amount. The main manifestations of intoxication can vary greatly. But, if the pet owner knows the approximate characteristics of each irritant, then he will be able to provide first aid faster and save his life.

food products

  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • General weakness;
  • The animal tries to hide in a corner or under a bed;
  • Bloating
  • Refusal of food.


  • Vomit;
  • Profuse frothy salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • Weakness;
  • Temperature drop.

Household chemicals

  • Diarrhea;
  • Hard breath;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomiting blood.


  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • Weakness;
  • Vomit;
  • Wide pupils;
  • Paleness of the gums;
  • Refusal of food;
  • Drowsiness.

Symptoms of Poison Poisoning in Cats

  • diarrhea with blood;
  • Vomiting with bloody mucus;
  • Weakness and depression;
  • convulsions;
  • Paralysis.

poisonous plants

  • Foamy vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Constricted or dilated pupils;
  • Weakness;
  • Refusal of food;
  • Hard breath.

Insect bites

  • convulsions;
  • Possibility of paralysis;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Temperature drop;
  • Weakness;
  • Depressed state;
  • Vomiting blood;
  • Clouding of consciousness.

How to treat a cat with poisoning

If a poison or a substance that causes intoxication has got on the skin of a pet, you should immediately clean it with warm water and ordinary soap that does not contain additives. You should also not use special shampoos for animals, as they can worsen the situation by entering into a confrontation with a harmful substance.

If the animal is unconscious, the owners should never try to wash the stomach of their pet. Also, do not give any drugs without a doctor. If a furry friend has just swallowed an alkali or acid, it is very dangerous to induce vomiting, as the poison will damage the esophagus and injure the pet even more. In such a situation, it is better to reduce the effect of acids with special solutions:

  1. In case of alkali poisoning, it is worth giving the cat a drink with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 2 to 1. Add a few grains of citric acid to the solution;
  2. In case of acid poisoning, you need to solder the animal with a solution of water and beaten egg yolk in a ratio of 1 to 1. A syringe without a needle is best suited for such purposes, which you can easily and painlessly give the cat to drink.

If the animal has been poisoned by pills or low-toxic substances, and less than 2-3 hours have passed since then, it is worth giving the animal an emetic. Open vomiting can also:

  1. Salt mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 4;
  2. Plain boiled water in large quantities;
  3. A solution of water and hydrogen peroxide in proportions of 1 to 1. The solution should be poured in small proportions every 10-15 minutes.

The cat will definitely not drink these solutions on his own, a syringe without a needle or an enema with a rubber bulb is also suitable for this purpose.

After cleaning the pet's stomach, the owner will face two tasks:

  1. Don't let your pet suffer from dehydration;
  2. Give the cat a sorbent to drink - a product in crushed form or mixed with water. It can be activated carbon or Atoxil.

Despite the fact that the four-legged patient may feel better and relatively stabilize, do not forget that the threat to the body is left behind. That is why it is recommended to take the cat to the veterinarian.


A fundamental factor in the further health of the animal is proper nutrition.

In the first 24 hours after poisoning, the cat must be in a state of hunger. During this period, the cat needs small top dressing 2-3 times a day. As them, honey is placed under the pet's tongue in the amount of 1/3 of a teaspoon.

Three days after poisoning, the pet needs only liquid food. It can be cream soups, crushed potatoes, broth. Also, in small quantities, the cat can eat boiled chicken, kefir, semolina porridge without sugar and salt.


Prevention includes several rules, following which, any owner can maintain the health and well-being of his pet:

  1. Potentially dangerous substances for the cat should be stored in hard-to-reach places;
  2. Feeding from clean, well-washed dishes from detergents;
  3. Proper diet with processed meats, vegetables and fresh dairy products.

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What can poison a kitten. Symptoms of poisoning with various substances. What to do if the kitten is poisoned, and how to properly provide first aid.

In case of poisoning in a kitten, you need to contact the veterinarian

Your beloved kitten refuses to eat and drink, does not play, vomits - he may have been poisoned. Unfortunately, kitten owners face this problem quite often. And if adult cats are wary of everything new, then kittens, like all children, are curious and inexperienced. They want to try everything: be it detergents, medicines, or the mistress's favorite flower. Sometimes it is enough for a baby to inhale the evaporation of toxic substances or simply lick his hair, which caring owners treated with a flea remedy.

What to do if the kitten is poisoned and how to help the pet? First, calm down and give the kitten first aid. Secondly, try to take him to the vet as soon as possible. Unlike an adult cat, poisoning in a baby develops more rapidly, and the consequences are much more serious. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of poisoning can be different. They depend on the type and amount of the poisonous substance, the way it enters the body, and the health of the kitten.

But not only indoor plants are poisonous to kittens. Daffodils, tulips, lilies, chrysanthemums, lilies of the valley, irises: poisonous to cats. If the kitten eats them, then he may experience convulsions, impaired coordination, diarrhea, vomiting, pulmonary and heart failure, and increased excitability.

And if with these types of poisoning, timely assistance will help to avoid sad consequences, then when poisoning with various poisons, it is sometimes impossible to do without the help of a veterinarian.


One of the most dangerous is poisoning. Most often, kittens are poisoned with poisonous drugs designed to kill insects and rodents. General intoxication of the body occurs quickly, and without competent, and most importantly, quick help, the kitten is likely to die.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of such poisoning in cats:

  • high blood pressure;
  • excitability, which turns into apathy;
  • bloody with mucus diarrhea and vomiting;
  • convulsions and paralysis.

If after treatment the kitten has:

  • increased aggression;
  • muscle tremors and cramps;
  • dilated pupils;
  • fear of light;
  • unstable pulse,

then he, most likely, was poisoned by drops from fleas, so an urgent need to call a veterinarian. The later treatment begins, the less chance of a happy outcome.

First aid

Regardless of what caused the poisoning, it is necessary to provide first aid to the kitten. Examine the baby and try to eliminate the intake of toxic substances into the body as soon as possible. In order to reduce the concentration and prevent further absorption of the poison, you should try to give the kitten a drink. If he refuses to drink, then water should be given with a pipette. If you lose consciousness, give a sniff of cotton wool with ammonia.

Try to determine what provoked intoxication. After all, further actions depend on it. If poisonous fumes are suspected, take your small pet to fresh air. If toxic substances get on the wool, lubricate it with vegetable oil, and then wash it with plenty of shampoo.

If the kitten drank a liquid containing acid, then it is urgent to drink it with a 1% aqueous solution of burnt magnesia or lime water. For alkaline fluid poisoning, which includes many detergents, give your cat 1 teaspoon of lemon juice diluted 3:2 with water every five minutes. With such intoxication, vomiting should not be allowed. Therefore, it is necessary to give the pet milk, egg white, an aqueous solution of starch, rice water.

Activated charcoal will help with poisoning

If drug poisoning is suspected, give the baby 2 tablets of activated charcoal or any other absorbent. Try to induce vomiting. This can be done with a saline solution of 2 tsp of salt per 200 ml of warm water, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. It is given at the rate of 2 ml per kilogram of the animal's weight three times with an interval of 10 minutes.

Help with food or plant poisoning:

  • Give absorbent preparations (activated charcoal, Entrosgel, Polikorb);
  • Make a cleansing enema
  • drink strong tea, milk, jelly.

If the kitten's temperature has dropped sharply, cover it with a warm blanket and put it on a heating pad. With severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary to give the pet water constantly to avoid dehydration. It is best to drop it from a pipette every three minutes, this will help to avoid vomiting. Do not induce vomiting when the cat is unconscious or in convulsions.

After giving first aid, contact the veterinarian and take the baby to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. You should not hope that everything will go away by itself, in many cases the delay leads to the death of the animal.


How to understand that the kitten has poisoned? What symptoms indicate this? How to give him first aid?

Sometimes, cats are very reminiscent of little kids who love to jump, jump, play. Before that, everything is interesting to them that they strive to stick their nose everywhere, and their predatory initial instinct often becomes the reason that, having climbed all sorts of “unnecessary” places, animals accidentally lick or eat very dangerous substances. A cat can get poisoned by any toxic substance that the owner, through negligence, leaves in places accessible to pets.

Cats can get severe poisoning from chemicals in special fertilizers for plants, and if they eat poisonous flowers on the balcony, they will taste cleaning or washing, disinfecting home care products. Even a cat can easily be poisoned by medications that cause severe toxic poisoning in an animal.

There are such severe cases when a poisoned cat requires immediate medical intervention experienced veterinarian. A poisoned cat feels very bad, every hour it gets worse and worse, and if measures are not taken in time, the animal may die. Therefore, it is very important to provide the cat with the necessary medical, feasible assistance in the very first minutes of poisoning.

If the owner knows how to provide first aid in case of poisoning of his pet, it will be much easier for the veterinarian to put the animal on its feet. Be that as it may, the owner should not panic, but act quickly and wisely.

Causes of poisoning in cats

The main cause of poisoning in cats in most cases is carelessly left drugs in an open form, right under the pet's nose. It is impossible to forget scattered medicines on tables or other pieces of furniture. It is also unacceptable to keep poisonous flowers in the house where the cat lives. Or put detergents, chemicals in an accessible place for her. All this should be kept away from the eyes of the animal, in a well closed and corked place. Remember that there are such toxic agents that have a very attractive smell, to which the animal attracts.

Symptoms of poisoning in a cat

There are many, many signs of pet poisoning. It all depends on what kind of poison the cat inadvertently swallowed, whether it causes severe intoxication and after what period of time it begins to have a toxic effect on the body. Basically, in case of poisoning in an animal, the following clinical picture is observed:

  • strong salivation,
  • pupils are dilated,
  • body trembles with chills,
  • the animal is very frightened, runs around the house,
  • irritability or, conversely, depression,
  • breathes heavily, vomits and swears often.

In especially severe cases, seizures and convulsions are observed.

If your pet has all of these signs, take him to the vet immediately. Do not forget to tell the doctor the truth about what poisoned the cat, because only then can he prescribe proper treatment.

How to treat a cat with poisoning

Initially, the poison should be removed from the cat's body. If the cat did not eat the poison, but it got on her coat, you need to quickly clean the skin with warm water and soap. Do not invent any other detergents or disinfectants, otherwise you will only make it worse, because you do not know how shampoos or detergents act on the poison that has penetrated the cat's skin.

If the cat has licked or swallowed the poisonous substance, try to make it regurgitate. Give your pet a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is sure to induce vomiting. But do not forget that if the cat is very ill, she is lethargic, lies down and reacts poorly, then the poison has begun to act, and in this case it is impossible to induce vomiting. It can also paralyze the larynx and swallowing functions in a cat, therefore, with general weakness, the cat will not even be able to open its mouth.

What is important to do in the first minutes of poisoning is to rinse the cat's stomach with pre-boiled, warm water. The veterinarian performs gastric intubation (lavage) mainly with a tube. Until a clear liquid comes out of the stomach, until then the cat will be washed. Now you yourself understand that you alone cannot cope with such manipulation. But, if the veterinarian is far away, you can try using a large syringe to pour the liquid through the cat's mouth. So, at least, the body will be gradually cleansed of the poison.

The cat's stomach is washed with water along with a sorbent (you can add Sorbex or activated charcoal to the water). You can also buy a powdered drug Atoxil in a pharmacy, and administer it to a cat with a syringe. After all these procedures, make the pet drink freshly brewed tea or some milk.

After you yourself were able to provide first aid to your poisoned cat, try not to disturb the animal once again. Be sure to deliver the pet to the clinic, because the toxin is such a toxic substance that can again hurt very important organs of the animal, which will lead to various diseases of the liver, central nervous system organs, and kidneys.

It is important! If a cat is bitten by a poisonous snake or spider during a walk, the animal should be taken to a veterinary clinic within a few hours to be given an antidote. Otherwise, the animal will not survive.

Cat food for poisoning

After your cat has been poisoned, and has gone through all the torment of deep cleansing and washing, she should not be given anything to eat. A starvation diet is all you need to feed a cat throughout the day. At the same time, she needs to drink a lot so that the body does not suffer from dehydration. To make the animal feel better, it is allowed to drip a little honey under the tongue. After the day of poisoning, the next 3 days, a purely liquid diet is recommended. Veterinarians advise cook porridge from elm bark: it is elm that is an excellent stimulant of the digestive system.

During the week, along with liquid cereals, gradually include chicken meat, low-fat kefir in the diet (cow's milk is not recommended). If the cat was poisoned by rat poison - dairy and fatty foods are contraindicated so as not to overload the liver. And do not forget that drinking plenty of water will help to finally remove toxins.

Even if the cat feels better after a week or two, still visit the veterinarian to check again if there are any residues of toxic substances in the body, and if the poison has had a strong effect on the animal's organs.

Prevention from poisoning

If you have a cat in your home, always make sure that:

  • the house did not contain poisonous flowers or plants;
  • medical preparations (tablets, suspensions, medicines) were not scattered around the house and were open;
  • flea drops were applied to the animal according to the attached instructions. What is intended for dogs should not be used for cats, it is very dangerous;
  • there was no fatty food, smoked meats, canned fish on the dining table, since, having eaten them in large quantities, the cat can also get poisoned;
  • the trash can was always closed tightly and with a lid. Don't give cats an extra reason to climb into them and accidentally ingest a poisonous or chemical substance.
  • medicines, disinfectants, detergents, antiseptics were stored where the animal cannot reach!

Take care of your beloved cats!

Our four-legged pets are very curious - they can climb where they don't need to, stick their nose into the trash can or taste completely inedible things. Such actions sometimes cause consequences, for example, poisoning, which can be mild and the cat will overcome it, but there are also severe cases that are dangerous to the health of the mustache. Purring owners should take the problem seriously and know exactly what to do first if the cat is poisoned.

If a mustachioed creature is poisoned, then the activity of various organs in its body is disrupted, which was accompanied by the ingress of toxic substances from food, medicines, when bitten by a poisonous creature, or with toxic vapors from the air. In rare situations, intoxication occurs when the poison penetrates the skin or mucous membranes.

A four-legged friend who has fallen under the harmful influence of a toxic element needs the competent help of the owner or veterinarian, since a mild form of the disease can quickly develop into a severe one when the pet can no longer be saved.


Mustachioed creatures are often very picky about eating one food or another, but they are extremely curious and can lick something forbidden or eat food as natural to them as a mouse that was previously poisoned. Also, a purr can run on the ground, on the surface of which pesticides or other chemical compounds, reagents remain - then it will wash and lick a dangerous toxin from its paws.

Depending on what caused the problem with cat health, several types of poisoning can be distinguished:

  • Food - when toxic substances got to the mustache with feed or water, which causes problems with the activity of the digestive system;
  • Medication - if the pet was given the wrong drugs or at the wrong dose, he could also try them himself;
  • Vegetable - when eating poisonous juices from a plant;
  • Household - poisoning of the mustache with detergents, disinfectants or other household chemicals;
  • Gas poisoning - vapors of carbon monoxide, mercury, chlorine and other toxic substances adversely affect both people and cats.

There are a lot of situations that lead to the poisoning of a cat and often mustaches that have access to the street suffer from this.

An important role is played by the dose of the toxin - when a lot of it has entered the body, then this acute form of intoxication, in which the chances of saving a mustachioed pet are very small; if the dose of the poisonous substance is insignificant, but constant, then the health indicators of the mustache gradually deteriorate, the immune defense is also weakened and general exhaustion is observed.

The manifestation of the disease in a pet

It is food poisoning that mustachioed pets are most susceptible to, and if this happens, then the actions and health indicators of the pet will change:

  • He will become dejected and lethargic - the purr is weakened and will not want to play or move, his reaction to external stimuli will become much worse;
  • The temperature will drop;
  • Vomiting will appear, possibly interspersed with blood or mucus;
  • The mustache will suffer from diarrhea, blood impurities may appear in it;
  • He will often drink, but will not want to eat.

In case of poisoning with drugs, the above symptoms are added to - a restless state in a cat, impaired coordination of movement, dilated pupils, very strong salivation, in some cases foam.

If the poisoning factor is unsafe plants, then in the pet it is revealed by vomiting, diarrhea, general trembling, chills and frequent heartbeats.

Poisoning with pesticides causes symptoms in cats such as: severe diarrhea with vomiting, profuse saliva flow, weakness with trembling and chills.

If intoxication is caused by mercury or other toxic fumes, then the affected pet will suffer from vomiting, convulsions, low temperature, sores in the mouth and nose. Loss of consciousness, convulsions and paralysis are possible.

What to do if the cat is poisoned?

The actions of the owner in this situation must be quick and correct - the continued existence of a four-legged friend depends on this.

Mustaches are often poisoned by eating a "bad" mouse or other food with rat poison. If your cat has been poisoned by these toxins and you don't know what to do, check out the list below:

  1. It is necessary to get rid of the root of the problem - to remove the toxic substance and try to understand what dose the mustache took.
  2. If the mustache has harmed itself when consuming bad food or medicines, then it should be washed using saline or soda solutions (to drink the patient, use a syringe without a needle placed in the mouth).
  3. The next procedure is an enema with chamomile decoction and salt.
  4. After vomiting, give the mustache activated charcoal as an absorbent, after crushing it.
  5. After the above, we begin soldering with oatmeal or rice broth.
  6. If the doses of poison were large or the pet was bitten by a poisonous animal, then an antidote should be used. Here it is important to know exactly the source that led to intoxication (the procedure is carried out in the clinic).
  7. Take your pet to a specialist for further treatment.

Intoxication can also begin with external influences - contact with the fur or skin of the mustache of poison. Then it should be removed with warm water and soap.

In rare cases, a mustachioed creature can become poisoned by swallowing acid or alkali. In this case, drugs that will provoke vomiting should not be given to the mustachioed creature, since the dangerous substance, rising up, will be further absorbed into the walls of the esophagus.

It is necessary to create a neutralizing reaction: if there is alkali inside, we give the mustache apple cider vinegar diluted in water; if acid gets inside, we will give the pet a drink with egg white whipped with water.

In order not to get dehydrated, do not give diuretic or laxative drugs to the patient with a mustache, unless there were special prescriptions for this from a veterinarian.

Diet adjustment

After intoxication, even in its minor form, it is very important to limit the intake of food into the body of the barbel on the first day. If the cat is obsessively asking for food, then wait 12 hours after the painful condition and you can offer him some viscous rice porridge. Fresh water in a plate should always be.

In a day, feed your pet twice - it can also be rice or oatmeal (viscous), low-fat cottage cheese.

In the next meal, you can already add a small amount of boiled chicken fillet to the porridge. All food on these recovery days should be warm and liquid.

When three days have passed, the cat menu and feeding regimen can be returned to normal.

Preventive measures

  • Keep medicines in closed boxes.
  • Make sure that indoor flowers do not contain poisonous juice.
  • Products such as: chips, smoked meats, canned food, chocolate, coffee, etc. should be out of sight of the pet.
  • Limit the access of the mustache to the bins or close them tightly.
  • Keep all cleaners, detergents and other “dangerous bottles” for cleaning the house under lock and key.
  • When releasing a pet from "roommates" (fleas, ticks, etc.), carefully study the instructions for the drug and follow it.
