Signs of duodenal cancer 12 symptoms. Malignant tumors of the duodenum

Duodenal cancer is a malignant tumor located in the beginning of the small intestine. This pathology is rarely diagnosed at a young age. It most often affects men and women over 50 years of age.

The intestine begins with the duodenum 12 and the risk factors for its oncology include:

  • chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract - Crohn's disease;
  • diffuse, inherited. These are small tumor-like growths of cells in the form of polyps of different shapes and sizes that protrude into the intestinal lumen;
  • benign vilene soft in the form of cauliflower, reaching large sizes;
  • heredity: in the presence of oncological tumors in relatives;
  • abuse of spicy, salty and smoked foods, coffee, meat, animal fats and bad habits: alcohol and smoking;
  • irrational nutrition with a lack of vegetable and fruit products;
  • diabetes mellitus, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

Precancerous diseases of the duodenum

There are conflicting opinions among physicians about peptic ulcer of the duodenum, as its precancerous condition. Patients complain of pain in the upper abdomen with a return to the hypochondrium on the right and left, in the region of the lumbar and thoracic spine, shoulder blade and chest on the left. The pains are accompanied by heartburn, nausea and vomiting, sour belching and a tendency to constipation. In terms of symptoms, duodenal cancer looks like an ulcer, so it is difficult to distinguish between these diseases.

Doctors believe that in order for an ulcer to degenerate into, appropriate conditions are necessary, such as long-term relapses of the disease in the absence of adequate therapy, a genetic predisposition. It is believed that an ulcer gives rise to cancer, but it can also occur against its background. A possible reason for the degeneration of an ulcer into cancer may be a disturbed process of reproduction and growth of cells (growing up) in the focus of inflammation of a chronic ulcer.

If bowel cancer, in particular duodenal cancer, is suspected, it is important to identify in patients not only precancerous diseases, but also precancerous changes in the digestive organs as a whole.

For example, it is worth worrying in the presence of chronic diseases with metaplasia and dysplasia:

  • esophagitis;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis.

Therefore, a histological study of the mucous membranes in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, large and small intestines, as well as a biopsy of the pancreas and liver is carried out. A marker of possible malignancy in the digestive organs is liver cell dysplasia from a biopsy.

Types and forms of duodenal cancer

Primary duodenal cancer is rare and accounts for 0.5% of all cancer cases. In connection with the germination of oncological tumors from neighboring organs, secondary duodenal cancer may develop.

According to the forms (type of growth), cancer occurs:

  • exophytic - growing in the intestinal lumen;
  • endophytic - growing outside the duodenum.

More often, adenocarcinoma is diagnosed, less often - ring cell cancer, undifferentiated. The share of exocrine cancer affecting the middle third of the duodenum accounts for 65-75% of cases. In this case, the walls of the intestine are affected by the tumor, their lumen narrows, which leads to intestinal obstruction.

With the appearance of a node growing outward, intestinal bleeding is possible, especially with primary cancer. Part of duodenal tumors cause obstructive jaundice, 10-30% spread metastases to the lymph nodes lying nearby.

There are three localizations of tumors in the duodenum:

  • the descending section and the peripapillary region, which is referred to as periampullary and peripapillary cancer of the major papilla (in 75% of cases), arising from the epithelium of the pancreas or bile duct;
  • the upper horizontal part of the duodenum (suprapapillary cancer, 16%);
  • the lower horizontal part of the duodenum (infrapapillary or pre-jejunal cancer, 9%).

Other types of duodenal cancer include:

  • lymphosarcoma arising from oncocells of the lymphatic tissue;
  • growing from smooth muscles;
  • from connective tissue cells;
  • malignant neuroma - from the sheath of the nerves.

Stages of duodenal cancer

According to the Clinical classification of tumors (described in the article), duodenal cancer has 4 stages:

  1. Stage 1 duodenal cancer is small and clearly separated from other tissues. It is located inside the mucous membrane and in the submucosal layer of the duodenum. Regional metastases and new foci of cancer cells are not observed.
  2. Stage 2 duodenal cancer increases in size from 2 to 5 cm, grows into the duodenal muscle layers, but does not violate neighboring organs. Gives single metastases to regional lymph nodes.
  3. At stage 3, the tumor acquires a significant size (more than 5 cm), extends beyond the intestinal wall and grows into neighboring organs. May be less than 5 cm, but give multiple regional metastases.
  4. Stage 4 duodenal cancer 12 acquires different sizes and character. Has distant metastases.

Stages of cancer development

TNM classification

The severity of the tumor process is assessed according to several criteria (size and spread of the tumor, metastases in the lymph nodes and distant organs). For this, the TNM classification is used (Tumor (tumor) Nodulus (node) Metastasis (metastases (spread) to other organs)).

T is the size and extent of the duodenal tumor:

  • T1 - the tumor begins to grow through the inner wall of the duodenum 12;
  • T2 - the tumor begins to grow into the muscular layer of the wall of the duodenum 12;
  • T3 - the tumor begins to grow through the superficial membrane of the duodenum 12;
  • T4 - the tumor has completely grown through the duodenal wall.

N - the presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes:

  • N0 - no cancer cells in the lymph nodes;
  • N1 - cancer cells are found in 1-2 lymph nodes near the duodenum 12;
  • N3 - cancer cells are found in 3-6 adjacent lymph nodes.

M - spread of cancer to other organs distant from the duodenum:

  • M0 - the cancer has not spread to other organs;
  • M1 - cancer has spread to distant from 12-p.

Cancer in advanced stages

As you know, duodenal cancer stage has 4 development. At the first three stages, the effectiveness of the treatment is still present and can help the patient, but at the last, 4th stage, it is far from always possible to help, because in most cases not everything depends on the treatment. However, this happens. And it is worth talking about the symptoms of cancer in the later stages because at this moment it can provoke complications and slow down the work of other organs. The disease is manifested by general signs of intoxication.

Possible manifestations such as:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • lack of desire to eat;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, nausea;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • body weakness;
  • psychological problems.

Even if a person ignores all the symptoms and does not want to see a doctor, it is imperative to pay attention to such signs of the disease:

  • vomiting after eating, after which it still seems that the stomach is full;
  • blood in the stool; jaundice.

It is worth noting! The symptoms of duodenal cancer in men are the same as in women.

Diagnosis of duodenal cancer

How to identify bowel cancer? Initially, it is necessary to analyze the family history for the presence of cancer and diseases of the digestive tract. Then the patient's life history is examined: diseases and bad habits and nutrition.

To confirm bowel cancer, the diagnosis of the skin, mucous membranes of all organs: the mouth and nose, the eyes is necessary to confirm jaundice and cachexia (exhaustion).

Also, a blood test for intestinal cancer is of great importance in the diagnosis: anemia (anemia) is determined by a general blood test.

As a result of laboratory studies:

  • helps to identify special proteins that are secreted in tumors;
  • a detailed complete blood count - an elevated level of albumin (protein);
  • urinalysis can also detect protein (proteinuria) and erythrocytes - red blood cells (erythrocyturia);
  • fecal analysis reveals blood in the stool.

Colonoscopy, as an instrumental method, is carried out with an endoscope. At the same time, the internal condition of the intestine is examined and evaluated.

How to check the intestines for oncology without a colonoscopy:

  • irrigoscopy;
  • capsule examination;
  • CT and MRI, ultrasound;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS).

With barium enema, X-rays and a contrast agent are used, while the intestines are pre-cleaned. The study is carried out double: stomach and duodenum. A video camera is built into the endocapsule to study the structure of the gastrointestinal tract and detect pathology. This type of diagnosis is carried out with abdominal pain, hidden bleeding and suspicion of oncology. The patient swallows the capsule on an empty stomach. After 8 hours, the capsule comes out with feces, and during this time all disorders in the stomach and intestines are recorded.

A sigmoidoscope examines 20-30 cm of the intestine through the anus of the patient, then they take material for. It is prescribed for other neoplasms in the rectum.

Computed tomography is a virtual way of performing colonoscopy without a contract substance and insertion into the devices. The degree of compression of the organs by the tumor is determined. An MRI is a more accurate method than a CT scan.

With endoscopy, the doctor examines the inner surface of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum with an endoscope and takes a fragment of the organ for biopsy. Ultrasound indicates the presence of a tumor and metastases.

Additionally, the chest is examined by X-ray to determine metastases and secondary cancer. Conduct examinations with a gastroenterologist and a therapist.

Methods of treatment of duodenal cancer

Treatment of duodenal cancer is carried out by gastropancreatoduodenal resection (GPDR). At the same time, nearby lymph nodes are removed. For small tumors (less than 1 cm): endocrine cell and non-epithelial elderly patients with aggravated diseases, tumors are excised and part of the duodenum is removed. Surgical intervention in this case will be non-radical.

When determining exocrine duodenal cancer, operations are performed in 60-80%, which depends on the structure of the tumor, stage and spread. Endocrine cell tumors of the duodenum are treated with NIERT - Low Intensity Electro Resonance Therapy. Since after GPDR surgery a relapse can develop, metastases can form in the liver, abdominal cavity, therefore, postoperative rehabilitation is carried out using the NIERT method.

After gastropancreatoduodenal resection, metastases can be removed by cryodestruction, thermal destruction, and chemotherapy is also used for duodenal cancer. With lymphosarcoma of the duodenum and doubts about the effectiveness of the radical operation performed, chemotherapy is prescribed. Combined treatment is used for a poorly differentiated tumor and the infiltrative nature of its growth.

Operational treatment

Surgical treatment can have 3 options for carrying out, while the removal of part of the intestine is necessary in all three cases:

  1. The first situation, the most severe, occurs when the tumor extends to the excretory duct and doudenal papilla. In this case, the doctor removes not only part of the 12th colon, but also part of the duct and head of the pancreas
  2. If the tumor is small, a circular resection is performed, which means the removal of only the affected part of the organ with possible restoration.
  3. The third option is also called circular resection, but they resort to it when the intestine is connected end to end, which is also possible.

Duodenal cancer, how long do patients live?

It is administered as part of therapy to enhance the effect of surgical treatment, improve the condition after chemotherapy and improve the quality of life. Of great importance is the correct prolongation of life during and after treatment.

Life expectancy for duodenal cancer within 5 years is:

  • 17-67% - after GPDR;
  • 60-80% - after removal of resectable tumors.

The prognosis of survival after the treatment is individual and depends on the histology of the oncological tumor, the stage of the disease, the presence of metastases and concomitant chronic diseases, inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach, age and general condition of the body.

With late diagnosis, the prognosis of bowel cancer is unfavorable. It worsens even more in the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes, stomach, liver and bile ducts, as well as distant metastases. The condition of oncological complications of the duodenum worsens against the background of germination of metastases in nearby organs, stenosis and bleeding.

Prevention of bowel cancer

In order to prevent duodenal cancer, one should revise the diet, give up alcoholic beverages, smoking, and completely switch to a healthy lifestyle. In the presence of gastric and duodenal ulcers, atrophic gastritis, polyps in the stomach and close relatives who have been treated for oncological diseases, it is necessary to undergo an annual gastroscopy and examination by an oncologist.

Conclusions. Oncological tumors in the duodenum can slowly progress in the male and female body equally, more often after 50 years. It is difficult to distinguish duodenal cancer from neoplasms of the head of the pancreas, major duodenal papilla, bile ducts, and stomach due to similar symptoms and features of the course of the disease.
Cancer develops slowly, so you can not ignore the symptoms of any chronic gastrointestinal disease, as well as with metaplasia and dysplasia, diabetes, stomach ulcers and DPS. With early examination, it is possible to detect cancer, the signs of which can hide behind the symptoms of these diseases. Early treatment improves the prognosis of survival after bowel cancer treatment.

Informative video:

In older people, the development of duodenal cancer is one of the most common and dangerous cancers. The disease progresses rapidly, so it is important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and start a full-fledged treatment.

In most cases, the tumor develops in the papillary region. In the upper intestine, neoplasms appear only in 16% of cases. Oncology of the duodenum in exceptional cases leads to metastases, so certain chances of recovery are noted in patients. If only one organ and adjacent lymph nodes are affected, there are good chances of recovery with proper timely treatment.

Usually, recovery occurs only at the initial stage of the disease. In addition, duodenal cancer sometimes becomes the result of oncology of the stomach or pancreas.


To date, the cause of duodenal neoplasms has not been identified. There are certain factors that increase the risk of developing pathological processes.

  1. Crohn's disease. Chronic disease affects the gastrointestinal tract. In the future, there is an increased risk of developing an oncological process.
  2. hereditary factor. Often, intestinal polyps are inherited, which can lead to the growth of malignant cells. There is also an increased risk if close relatives suffered from oncology.
  3. Vile (villous) adenomas. Such neoplasms are benign, but they can lead to oncology. Adenomas are soft and can be large.
  4. Bad habits. Often sick people suffer from bad habits that negatively affect their overall health and lead to a deterioration in well-being.
  5. Unbalanced and irrational nutrition. The diet often includes salty, smoked foods, refuse vegetables and fruits. Such dietary changes adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract and sooner or later can lead to cancer.

The above reasons for the development of oncological processes are the main ones, so it is important to understand the need for proper therapeutic measures.


When signs of duodenal cancer appear, you need to understand that oncology can develop in different ways. In each case, there is an increased risk of developing unwanted symptoms.

By type of growth

Tumor growth can occur in different ways:

  • exophytic: the tumor grows into the intestinal lumen;
  • endophytic: grows outside the gut.

Regardless of the direction of growth, there are serious health risks.

By localization

By localization, the tumor is divided into 3 main varieties:

  1. Periampullary cancer. In this case, the tumor is located in the descending intestine.
  2. Suprapapillary cancer. The neoplasm is located in the upper horizontal region of the intestine.
  3. Prejuvenile cancer. The neoplasm is located at the bottom of the intestine.

In most cases, the tumor is located where there is increased irritability of the mucous membrane with bile, as well as gastric and pancreatic juice.

General clinical manifestations

With the development of duodenal cancer, the first symptoms initially practically do not appear. In the early stages of oncology, it is difficult to diagnose the disease, as a result of which the diagnosis is difficult to make and treatment often begins late.

  1. A tumor in the papillary region of the intestine often proceeds without pronounced symptoms. The diagnosis can only be made during a routine examination or in the later stages, when symptoms begin to appear. People suffer from obstructed flow of bile into the intestines, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and lack of appetite. With the progression of the disease, the skin and mucous membranes become yellow, and their shade changes gradually. Sooner or later, pancreatitis develops, as the outflow of bile is disturbed and the digestive tract organs do not work well.
  2. Sometimes the tumor is located in the upper or lower horizontal part of the duodenum 12. With such duodenal cancer, the symptoms will be different. Intestinal stenosis may occur: nausea, the abdomen becomes swollen, pain appears in the right side under the ribs, heartburn, belching with sour contents, a feeling of heaviness. The development of pathology leads to intestinal obstruction, and the patient suffers from vomiting with an admixture of bile, a feeling of squeezing in the right hypochondrium.

Also, the symptoms of duodenal cancer resemble those of other cancers:

  • anemia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid weight loss without any obvious reasons for this;
  • apathetic state and feeling of constant fatigue;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • plaque on the tongue of white color;
  • profuse sweating.
Lack of appetite is a symptom of duodenal cancer

In the later stages, the abdomen becomes large due to neoplasm. With oncology, the decay of the tumor can also begin, which will lead to blackening of the feces during bowel movements.

Stages of the disease

Duodenal cancer develops in stages, with each stage having specific symptoms.

  1. At the first stage, a small tumor is observed, and it is separated from other tissues, located in the thickness of the mucous membrane and submucosal layer of the duodenum 12. Symptoms may be practically absent, as a result of which timely diagnosis and further initiation of treatment are difficult.
  2. In the second stage, a tumor develops that grows into the muscular layers of the intestine. However, there is no cohesion with neighboring organs. In the nearest regional lymph nodes, single metastases appear, which reduce the chances of recovery.
  3. In the third stage, the size of the tumor becomes significant. The neoplasm extends beyond the wall of the duodenum 12 and it can grow into neighboring organs. Sometimes the size of the tumor remains small, but numerous regional metastases appear.
  4. At the fourth stage, the size and nature of the tumor can be any. Sometimes distant metastases appear.

The severity of cancer is assessed by the size and spread of the tumor, the presence or absence of metastases. For example, in duodenal bulb cancer, the prognosis may be more unfavorable than in other processes.


Diagnosis is required before starting treatment. However, people usually think about getting tested only when symptoms of cancer appear, and it may not be the first stage.

  1. Initially, the doctor will refer the patient to an x-ray. A bowel scan will determine the exact location of the tumor.
  2. An ultrasound examination of the organ is mandatory to determine changes in the intestinal mucosa epithelium.
  3. They also take blood, feces, urine tests. These examinations allow you to correctly determine the characteristics of the state of health and begin the correct complex treatment.
  4. In many situations, it is recommended to undergo a CT scan or MRI to properly assess the state of health.
  5. A biopsy is recommended. In this case, a small piece of education is examined to determine the features of the structure.
  6. EGDS is a procedure in which a biochemical analysis is taken. This diagnostic method allows you to determine the condition of the stomach, duodenum, bile ducts, esophagus.
  7. They also take markers for oncology, since with tumors of the duodenum and other diseases of the intestine, oncomarkers for cancer allow you to find out the exact diagnosis.

EGDS - a method for diagnosing duodenal cancer

A comprehensive examination is mandatory to start a successful treatment of the disease.

Methods of treatment

Treatment must be comprehensive. At an early stage of the disease, there are good chances for recovery.

Surgical intervention

An operation is required to remove the tumor. The duodenum is partially removed.

The operation is performed in patients under 75 years of age in the absence of metastases, severe chronic diseases.

Surgical intervention can be carried out according to different schemes.

  1. The most difficult operation is performed in cases where the tumor extends to the duodenal papilla and the common excretory duct. In this case, a part of the duodenum, head and pancreatic duct is removed. Otherwise, the operation will be ineffective.
  2. Circular resection is performed for a small tumor. In this case, the affected area is removed. In the future, the function of the organ can be restored.

The method of surgical intervention is determined on an individual basis, taking into account the state of health of the patient.


Such treatment is carried out before or after surgery. Special preparations are used to destroy tumor cells.

Radiation therapy

The method usually helps in the early stages of the disease. Radiation therapy blunts the growth of atypical cells and helps to maintain the patient's condition at a certain level.

Medical treatment

Drugs are prescribed for two purposes:

  • reducing the risk of metastases and the emergence of new malignant cells;
  • Boost your immune system to help your body fight disease.

Drugs are selected on an individual basis, taking into account the patient's health status. During treatment, you can not use folk remedies, as they will be ineffective or turn out to be dangerous.

Palliative care

Palliative care can improve the condition and prolong life, despite the incurability of the disease. For this, symptomatic and supportive therapy is used. In difficult situations, patients are forced to contact the hospice, where round-the-clock monitoring will be organized.

In the later stages of cancer, it is important to correctly carry out pain relief, supportive and therapeutic, immunostimulating therapy.


It is important to know how long people live with duodenal cancer and what life expectancy depends on, how long a person can live after diagnosis.

If the cancer was detected at stages 1 and 2, the survival rate in the next 5 years is 70%. In other cases, the survival rate is 15-20%.

The prognosis depends on the following factors:

  • type of neoplasm;
  • the presence or absence of metastases;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • patient's age.

It is desirable to make a diagnosis as early as possible for guaranteed effective treatment. Late stages of the disease are difficult to treat.

Prevention measures

  1. Be sure to give up alcohol and smoking.
  2. It is recommended to eat a rational and balanced diet, as fatty, high-calorie, smoked foods lead to an overload of the intestines and stomach.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to oncology, are recommended to be treated in a timely manner.
  4. Preventive examinations by a gastroenterologist are considered important for people over 50 years of age and with gastrointestinal diseases. Surveys are carried out once a year.

Preventive measures are mandatory for those who are worried about their health and seek to avoid duodenal cancer.

Valery Zolotov

Reading time: 5 minutes


Duodenal cancer is a rare disease with a high mortality rate. Despite the fact that it is diagnosed only in 0.5% of cases, this problem should be treated with special attention. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the normal state of the body from the first signs of the appearance of pathology.

Duodenal cancer, as a rule, has a secondary manifestation, that is, it is the result of the germination of tumors of another organ. Often, the carcinoma reaches such a size that it grows into the epithelium of the duodenum 12. In such cases, the prognosis is disappointing.

Primary neoplasms can appear from mucosal recesses, dense glandular tissues, and also from the epithelium. This disease has age restrictions and most often occurs in people aged 50 years and older.

In other cases, when symptoms occur, the cause must be sought elsewhere. Duodenal cancer manifests itself in the later stages, which makes it difficult to diagnose and further treatment. What are the causes, how they treat and how long they live with duodenal cancer, you can find out by analyzing some facts.

Reasons for development

Any disease begins to manifest itself long before the appearance of a real threat to life. You need to figure out what can provoke duodenal cancer.

The main factors that can cause malignant formation:

  • unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, frequent consumption of coffee drinks, animal fats and meat products;
  • heredity;
  • chronic disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • advanced form of adenomatous polyps.

Each of the reasons has no scientific confirmation, therefore, it cannot serve as a guarantee for the development of such a serious disease. Many people who have led a healthy lifestyle all their lives, followed the basic rules of nutrition and were not at risk, can become victims of such an insidious disease as duodenal cancer. Of particular importance in the diagnosis is the symptomatology.

Symptoms of duodenal cancer

Symptoms of the disease appear depending on the stage of cancer development. The first symptoms are so subtle that they can easily be confused with a common gastrointestinal disorder. With a certain frequency, dull pains in the hypochondrium and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen begin to occur. As a rule, the pain that occurs against the background of duodenal cancer appears during the period when a person is hungry.

The main symptom of late development of cancer is complete intoxication of the body.

  • there is constant weakness and malaise. Loss of appetite, constant depression, apathy, frequent migraines, rhythm disturbance;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • pale and bluish skin tone. Perhaps the appearance of jaundice;
  • white coating on the tongue, dry mucous membranes;
  • constantly elevated body temperature;
  • sharp pains in the right hypochondrium. Localization can be confused with the liver;
  • heavy sweating, especially at night;
  • everyday vomiting and continuous nausea;
  • pain can radiate to the back;
  • stenosis, which provokes vomiting of coffee grounds;
  • hardening in the stomach, which in 60% can be palpated by a qualified doctor;
  • when the tumor is expressed, bleeding occurs;
  • black feces;
  • anemia.

Symptoms vary and intensify depending on the location and size of the tumor. The disease can also proceed, showing signs of an ulcer. However, with the appointment of treatment and a special diet, the pain does not decrease, but continues to grow.

Localization and forms of the disease

Like benign formations, cancer develops inside the duodenum and outside. The external manifestation is secondary and is the result of the germination of other tumors. The main type of primary cancer is adenocarcinoma.

According to the localization mark three places:

There are the following types of cancer:

  • change in the type of cells of any part of the intestine;
  • papilla cancer: elevations with holes in the duodenum;
  • fibrosarcoma: a formation no larger than 3 cm in size, has a white color. Symptoms often do not appear;
  • lymphosarcoma: 15% of all malignant tumors of the duodenum. It is characterized by damage to the lymph nodes;
  • leiomyosarcoma: duodenal cancer that grows from smooth muscle;
  • formations of non-epithelial origin: neurofibrosarcoma, neurinoma, ganglioneuroblastoma.

Stages and severity

Any type of cancer has 4 main stages, which are determined by symptoms, manifestations and size.

  • Stage I - the formation is clear, small in size, the symptoms are indirect. The tumor is located in the submucosal layer. Without metastases;
  • Stage II - the formation begins to grow into the muscle tissue, but does not reach the area of ​​\u200b\u200bneighboring organs. Regional metastases appear in the lymph nodes;
  • - duodenal cancer reaches a significant size and extends beyond the walls. May grow into the pancreas. Numerous metastases appear;
  • Stage IV - formation of various sizes with the presence of metastases in the lungs, stomach, liver.

Development of cancer

Also, when filling out the cards, special designations are used that characterize the severity, the presence of metastases and the size of the tumor. To decipher what is written on your own, pay attention:

T is the spread and size of the cancer:

  • T1 - tumor invasion into the intestinal wall;
  • T2 - tumor invasion into muscle tissue;
  • T3 - tumor germination through the superficial membrane;
  • T4 - The tumor has invaded the outer part of the intestine.

N - nodular formations in the lymph nodes:

  • N0 – no nodes;
  • N1 - up to two lymph nodes are affected by cancer cells;
  • N3 - multiple spread of cancer in nearby lymph nodes.

M - duodenal cancer affects nearby organs:

  • M0 - no propagation;
  • M1 - distant organs are affected.


The patient thinks about the presence of cancer in the body only at the moment when the symptoms become more pronounced: there is constant vomiting, obstruction, jaundice. However, the diagnosis is not limited to this:

  1. at any stage, an x-ray is performed, which allows you to find out the location of the cancer and its size;
  2. the overall clinical picture is assessed;
  3. the lumen of the intestine decreases, as a result of which stenosis is diagnosed;
  4. also, thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to determine changes in the surface epithelium of the mucosa;
  5. all necessary blood tests, feces for caprography, tumor markers, urinalysis, blood biochemistry are carried out;
  6. for inspection, esophagogastroduodenoscopy is performed;
  7. Recently, computed tomography and MRI are often used.

Preparation for FGDS with biopsy

Treatment of duodenal cancer

For the treatment of cancer, the most effective method is resection, that is, the surgical removal of the neoplasm and nearby lymph nodes. If the tumor does not exceed 1 cm in size, and the patient's age does not allow radical resection, then a partial excision of the duodenum is performed along with developing cancer.

Cancer treatment also includes chemotherapy. Strong drugs kill or slow down the growth of cancer cells.

X-ray of the duodenum

Treatment with radiation. As a rule, it can only be used in combination with surgery and chemotherapy.

Operability of the tumor is determined by histological examination and is about 70%.

How many live?

With appropriate treatment, the 5-year survival of patients is more than 50% of patients. In the absence of postoperative complications and relapses, patients live longer. The main thing is to prevent multiple spread of metastases. How long you live is up to you!

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Symptoms of a tumor of the duodenum 12
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The human intestine, as well as other internal organs, can be subject to oncological lesions. The most common and dangerous tumor is considered duodenal cancer early symptoms which is not immediately recognizable. Most often, the elderly (60-70 years old) are susceptible to the disease, although it is impossible to accurately predict the age category for the development of a fatal disease. Depending on the degree of damage to the body by an oncological disease, a distant secondary focus of pathology often affects neighboring lymph nodes and the liver.

Duodenal cancer is a cancer that begins in the small intestine, commonly called the duodenum. According to statistics, this is a rather rare type of tumor formation of a malignant nature that develops in the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the stomach, esophagus, and small intestine.

The duodenum is located in close proximity to the stomach, characterized by the beginning of the small intestine. In an adult, the organ is located in the region of the second, third vertebrae. In the process of digestion of the food entering it, it mixes with the bile secreted by the gallbladder, pancreatic enzymes. This is a natural process that promotes efficient digestion.

The main function of the duodenum:

  • bringing the acid-base level of the digestive tract to the normative indicators;
  • regulation of the synthesis of vital enzymes, bile;
  • normalization of the secretory sections of the stomach.

Since a malignant tumor in the duodenum is a rare site of localization, it is not always possible to immediately determine the most effective methods for its diagnosis.

Since the primary cancerous neoplasm is rarely localized in the small intestine, secondary lesions can be observed that develop from epithelial particles.

Classification of duodenal cancer

The criteria for classifying pathology are as follows:

  • direction of growth;
  • tissue development;
  • localization;
  • degree of spread.

growth direction

Since cancer cells manifest differently in the intestinal environment, two types of oncological processes are distinguished:

Tissue Development

The formation of a malignant tumor can affect various cells of the body. Based on this, several types of cancers are distinguished:

Signet cell tumorAtypical cells are visualized as rings. Rapid development of the disease with multiple metastasis is characteristic. Poorly diagnosed
undifferentiated cancerThe most common localization site is the inner wall of the duodenum.
LymphosarcomaIt is characterized by frequent metastasis to neighboring lymph nodes. Most often affects men over 50 years of age
LeiomysarcomaA non-epithelial type of tumor that metastasizes through the blood vessels to the liver, peritoneum. Grows up to 8 cm, most often found in men over 40 years old
NeurinomaA rare tumor of neurogenic origin, most often affecting the child's body. It is characterized by low ability to grow, delayed metastasis, ability to relapse.
fibrosarcomaA malignant nodule no larger than 3 cm is formed from the connective tissue of the duodenum 12
Mucosal adenocarcinomaIt develops directly from the mucous membrane of the muscular, outer layers of the organ. Grows into the abdominal cavity. Characterized by a large accumulation of mucus


Since the duodenum has several sections, the location of the tumor may be different. By location, several types of malignant neoplasms can be distinguished:

Degree of distribution

Duodenal cancer has several degrees of distribution (4 stages). Pathology is determined by the size of the neoplasm, growth, accompanying symptoms, the presence of metastases:

1 degreeThe tumor is characterized by clear boundaries, small size, localized under the mucous membrane. Symptoms are mild
2 degreeThe neoplasm affects the muscle layers without affecting neighboring organs, although metastases appear in closely spaced lymph nodes
3 degreePathology has serious dimensions that go beyond the duodenum. In this case, the pancreas is affected, multiple metastases are found, pronounced symptoms are observed.
4 degreeA cancerous tumor can be of different sizes. Metastases spread throughout the body, affecting the lungs, stomach, liver. Symptoms are pronounced

Attention! Treatment for duodenal cancer depends on the location of the tumor. It is also important to determine the development of cancerous tissues, the degree of damage to the body.

Reasons for development

The exact factors that influence the occurrence of cancerous tumors are not fully understood, but there are characteristic signs that can affect the development of the pathological process in the body.

Possible causes of small bowel cancer:

  • inflammatory processes of the duodenum in the chronic stage (inflammation of the mucous membrane, the presence of ulcers, Crohn's disease);
  • genetic predisposition to oncological diseases (presence in the intestine of neoplasms with a wide base or leg, protruding into the lumen of the small intestine);
  • unbalanced diet (excessive consumption of fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods, foods saturated with artificial dyes), as well as a deficiency of fiber found in vegetables and fruits;
  • passion for bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, drug addiction); alcohol and nicotine are especially detrimental to the cells of the digestive tract;
  • the presence of benign tumors that were not timely subjected to in-depth diagnosis, optimal treatment;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pathologies of the biliary tract, non-inflammatory chronic bowel diseases, Gardner's disease, diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the pancreas, etc.);
  • viral infections that can mutate into abnormal forms;
  • a decrease in immunity, in which a weakened body is not able to fight malignant tumors.


The presence of provocative signs significantly increases the risk of the first symptoms of a malignant neoplasm. Some of them are quite simply eliminated by working on oneself. Maintaining a proper lifestyle, regular hardening, playing sports, preventing infectious inflammatory processes help strengthen immunity, which, in turn, stimulates the body to increase resistance to the development of cancerous tumors.

The first symptoms of duodenal cancer 12

The early stage of cancer development is quite difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms are mild. Often, patients learn about a terrible diagnosis by chance, during a planned medical examination, ultrasound or FGDS.

Important! If a person has a hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases, he is at risk, the manifestation of the first symptomatology should alert, encourage a full course of examination.

The most characteristic symptom in this case is a dull pain in the stomach area, a little lower, which is more pronounced at night. Often it occurs when a person is hungry. At the same time, there is a feeling of heaviness, petrification of the organ.

With the inevitable growth of a malignant neoplasm, the work of the gallbladder is disrupted, while the bile and absorbed food cannot pass normally into the small intestine. During this period, the patient may feel the first symptoms of duodenal cancer:

  • there is a feeling of heaviness, nausea, constant belching and heartburn haunt;
  • there is a aching painful condition of a permanent nature;
  • some time after eating, the contents of the stomach spontaneously pour out;
  • poor appetite contributes to a sharp decrease in the patient's weight.

Similar symptoms may characterize other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, based only on them, the doctor cannot make a clear diagnosis.

General symptoms of cancer

With duodenal cancer, the patient experiences complete intoxication of the body, characterized by common symptoms. They are observed in the defeat of malignant tumors of different systems, organs. Intensity, severity manifests itself depending on the size of the neoplasm, the stage of the lesion and other signs.

General symptoms are as follows:

  1. The patient feels constant malaise, weakness, apathy to the events taking place around. He has depression, outbursts of aggression.
  2. Frequent dizziness, headaches provoke the fear of being alone, the patient is tormented by insomnia, nightmares.
  3. A change in the shade of the skin is noticed (the face turns pale, sometimes a bluish tint, yellowness appears).
  4. Lack of appetite sometimes provokes the development of anorexia.
  5. There is a violation of the "internal clock". A person can not close his eyes all night, and during the day there comes an irresistible drowsiness.
  6. There is dryness in the mouth, nose, the patient blinks frequently, trying to involuntarily moisten the eyes by natural closing of the eyelids.
  7. Increased sweating at night.
  8. Body temperature is constantly maintained at around 37 degrees (sometimes it reaches 39).
  9. Constant nausea provokes bouts of vomiting.
  10. Due to a decrease in immunity, the patient often suffers from infectious diseases.
  11. Sometimes there is anemia of the upper and lower extremities.

Attention! Symptoms of duodenal cancer largely depend on the location of the tumor node. With its growth in the lumen of the small intestine, intestinal obstruction is observed, if its growth is directed outward, a characteristic symptom is bleeding.

In order for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, a complete diagnostic examination of the patient for the presence of cancer cells is recommended. The first symptoms of oncology that occur in a person should not be ignored, especially if he is at risk. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the state of your health, timely undergo the necessary examinations. you will find the answer in the link.

Video - Colon cancer - home diagnostics

Duodenal cancer is a fairly common and severe disease. In this case, the cancer process affects the initial section of the small intestine - the duodenum. By symptoms, this disease can be difficult to distinguish from other cancerous lesions of the intestine. At the same time, people over the age of 50 suffer from this disease. In young people, this type of cancer is extremely rare.


To date, the causes of oncological pathologies in the human body have not been fully studied - there are only certain hypotheses. In particular, many researchers suggest that the toxic effects of various food elements play a role in the development of such an ailment as duodenal cancer.

We can definitely say that this disease leads to:

  • excessive addiction to alcohol;
  • smoking in large quantities;
  • food rich in animal fats;
  • some diseases of the internal organs, such as, and polyposis.

Often, this disease is secondary, that is, it is a consequence of the germination of tumors from nearby organs.

Genetic predisposition to such an ailment as duodenal cancer plays one of the main roles in the etiological picture. In addition, during the research it was found that substances such as benzidine, nitrosamine and a number of others have carcinogenic properties and often cause the development of duodenal cancer.


Most often, duodenal cancer develops in the papillary region - this is the so-called peripapillary cancer. Suprapapillary cancer (upper parts of the organ) occupies only 16% in the clinic of this pathology. In addition, there is an infrapapillary type - the location of the tumor in the lower horizontal section.

It should be noted that this pathology, unlike many other types of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, leads to the appearance of metastases much less frequently. This is an indicator of a very good chance for people with such a diagnosis to recover, because with cancer, either only the organ itself suffers, or both it and the lymph nodes surrounding it. But recovery is possible only if these are the first stages of the disease. In addition, there is a high probability that duodenal cancer itself is a consequence or, which can already metastasize.

Clinical picture

Depending on the type of tumor and its location in the organ, the clinical symptoms of the disease and methods of their treatment may vary. For example, with a tumor in the papillary region at an early stage, there are no symptoms, so the disease is often discovered by chance during a routine examination or at later stages, when the symptoms are already obvious.

The first signs of this type of pathology are obstructed flow of bile into the intestines, which is manifested by pain in the hypochondrium on the right, constant nausea and loss of appetite.

At the stage of progression of the process, symptoms such as slight yellowing of the mucous membranes and skin can be noted, which intensifies over time. At the same time, due to disruption of the organ and the outflow of bile, patients usually develop.

  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • pain syndrome in the right hypochondrium;
  • heartburn;
  • eructation of sour contents;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

The progression of tumor growth leads to a gradual appearance - at this stage, a tumor-like formation in the intestine can already be palpated. With obstruction, patients may experience vomiting with bile impurities, and a feeling of squeezing in the right hypochondrium.

As with other oncological pathologies, duodenal cancer can cause general clinical symptoms. This, loss of appetite and a sharp decrease in weight, apathy and constant fatigue, decreased performance.

Pathological tumors of the duodenum can have a different structural structure, and according to this factor, tumors such as:

  • neural type;
  • reticulosarcoma;
  • other.

Treatment of pathology

To date, the treatment of duodenal cancer involves the choice of one of three types of operations. At an early stage and if the tumor is in the upper horizontal zone, a circular resection is used, in which the affected area is replaced by an anastomosis. This operation is also suitable for intervention on the lower part of the organ, but the anatomical integrity is restored joint to joint.

The most complex operations in the presence of a person with such a pathology as papillary duodenal cancer - in this case, the removal of not only part of this organ, but also others affected by the pathology is shown. To destroy possible pathological cells left after the operation, patients are prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

Many people are interested in the question of how long people live after removal of a duodenal tumor. Unfortunately, the prognosis of the disease is unfavorable, since the duodenum is connected to other organs, which are often also involved in the process. And since the disease is rarely detected at an early stage, and operations are performed already at the stage of progression of the pathology, only 5-8% of people manage to survive the five-year milestone after surgical removal of the affected area.

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