British cat pregnancy. How long does pregnancy last in cats of the British breed: stages and timing

The imminent appearance of babies in the family is a trembling and at the same time extremely responsible event, especially if the expectant mother is your "murka" - an infinitely trusting creature who cannot talk about her experiences and problems. The owners of all cats should know the main signs of the imminent appearance of babies, how many pregnant cats go, what awaits the pet, and what problems can complicate the process of bearing and giving birth to kittens.

Your kitty is a representative of the breed, has received documents allowing the animal to be bred, are you planning to have fluffy children, but do not know how to do everything right? Of course, there are no guarantees in the process of producing offspring, but we will clarify the main points.

Physiologically, the level of hormones responsible for the “hunt” for mating and the ability to procreate rises to right level already by 7–9 months, depending on the breed and size of the animal. Around this age, your pet will begin to roll on the floor for the first time, "sing" enticing "operettas" and pester every man who enters the house. Yes, the first heat can be uncomfortable, but it is not a sign of a cat's readiness to mate. The young body has not yet strengthened, the spine is not fully formed, the joints are vulnerable, psychologically the cat is still a kitten, in fact, only the hormonal background is ready.

The normal age for mating is considered to be 1.3-1.5 years old, for some breeds the first mating up to 2 years is strongly recommended. Having shown consciousness, the owner will save the cat from moral injuries, curvature of the spine, future problems with the hormonal background and health. Statistically, early mated cats are more likely to abandon newborn kittens and suffer miscarriages.

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The main signs of successful mating in cats

The owners of the cat are responsible for the favorable reception of the bride. "Groom" has a more fragile nervous system and may experience "embarrassment" after the move. The room in which the mating will take place is prepared in advance, the owners of the cat must bring a carrying house, a bowl and some personal belongings of the pet. The cat enters the room first, she is given time to get comfortable and recover, only after the initial adaptation they let the groom in.

With positive trends, mating games begin shortly after sniffing. The cat teases the male, calls to him, throws him in the tail, and at the last moment drives the boyfriend away. The cat goes through the process of "humility" 3-5 times, after which he receives the favor of the cat. There are no guarantees of successful mating of specific animals, you can’t get anywhere, if the bride “rejected” the groom, there will be no mating, no matter how the owners insist.

After a successful coat, the cat loses interest in the female, moves away, can wash or rest. The cat actively rolls on the floor, purrs, but does not "sing" mating songs. Upon arrival home, the cat continues to estrus in normal mode and there is redness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Appearance heavy bleeding, abrupt stop of estrus, foreign smell may be symptoms internal violations and require veterinary intervention.

Breeder advice! Do not force the cat to stop at the cat of your choice if she resists. The cat may not fit her physiologically, be weak in terms of health or genetics, although outwardly this is imperceptible. A cat is a child of nature and its choice falls only on really worthy partners.

Read also: How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat: signs and manifestations

Timing, stages and signs of cat pregnancy

You can judge the first signs of pregnancy after the end of estrus. Normal pregnancy lasts 65 days, for large and large mothers, it can be delayed for a week, for small ones, childbirth can occur a few days earlier. Childbirth that began before the 60th day of pregnancy is considered early and is associated with the risk of death of the offspring. Most often, premature kittens need to undergo resuscitation procedures that help “open” the lungs and take the first breath.

A clear sign of mating success is that in the first week of the term, the mammary glands become more pink, red, coral, which is especially evident in cats that are pregnant for the first time. A change in color may not affect all glands, but only 2 or 4 lower ones. The cat becomes less active, sleeps 1-2 hours more, drinks well, may lose its appetite for several days. A favorite can be tormented by bouts of morning sickness, but within reasonable limits.

Important! Excessively frequent vomiting may indicate problems - from severe to intrauterine death embryos - if you doubt the reasons, it is better to show the animal to a specialist.

Between 2 and 3 weeks there is an active growth of embryos and an increase in the uterus. Visually, nothing is noticeable, but at this time pregnancy can be confirmed by a veterinarian or ultrasound. By the end of the 3rd week, the cat will “round up” a little due to the filling of the uterus with amniotic fluid, and the kittens will make the first weak movements.

Further, up to 9 week period, kittens are actively growing, forcing mom to eat and sleep a lot. By the 6th week, awake children literally burst the cat from the inside, putting your hand on the pet's stomach, you can feel the "blows" of the paws and the chaotic rotational movements of the babies.

From 1.5 months Pregnancy kittens are engaged in the "correct" laying, continuing to grow actively, they can no longer freely "spin" and begin to divide the "territory". Given that there can be from 4 to 8 kittens in a litter, feuds cause a lot of inconvenience to a cat. Ideally, by 8 weeks, all kittens will find a compromise and lay head down, towards the "out".

The duration of gestation of kittens depends on several factors that the owner should consider when determining the date of birth. In order to prepare in advance for the process, you need to know how many pregnant cats walk, and by what signs you can determine that the pet is in position.

The duration of pregnancy in cats is normally 60-72 days, that is, approximately 2 calendar months. If kittens are born before the specified date, they will be weak. A pregnancy that lasts longer than 72 days poses a health risk to the cat.

The date of birth is easy to determine if the mating was planned. Fertilization occurs after 1-1.5 days, so the estimated duration of pregnancy is calculated starting from the next day after the cat meets the cat. However, discrepancies of 2-3 days are possible.

The timing of childbirth depends on many factors. These include:

  1. Age. The older the cat gets, the longer the gestation period lasts. With age, the metabolism slows down, so it takes longer for the formation and development of embryos.
  2. The number of kittens. Childbirth will come a little earlier if the litter is multiple.
  3. Emotional condition. Stress can cause an increase in pregnancy.
  4. breed features. long haired cats give birth later than shorthairs. This is due to the peculiarities of genetics. The gestation period in individuals with long hair is 62-73 days, in cats with a short coat– 59-69 days.

The duration of gestation may depend on the breed. In British women, pregnancy lasts 63-70 days. cats Scottish breed give birth 62-69 days after conception. persian cats go cat 63-68 days, canadian sphinxes- 62-63 days.

Most a long period pregnancy in Siamese, it is 65-72 days.

It should be borne in mind that the relationship between the duration of gestation of kittens and belonging to the breed has not been scientifically proven. More significant role play individual characteristics organism. In any case, each birth in a cat is individual, in the same individual, the duration of pregnancy will vary.

How long does pregnancy last for cats for the first time?

The first pregnancy in a cat is an exciting moment for the owner. Puberty in animals it occurs as early as the sixth month, but veterinarians do not recommend mating at this age.

Early childbirth negatively affects the health of the cat and offspring, reduces the reproductive period, and increases the risk of complications in the birth process.

How long the first pregnancy in a cat lasts will depend on the physiology, condition of the body, breed of the animal. Normally, the time from conception to delivery usually does not change and ranges from 60 to 72 days (both for the first time and in subsequent ones).

If a cat walks pregnant for too long, and the period exceeds the norm for a week or more, you need to contact your veterinarian. Childbirth that began a week earlier will negatively affect the viability of the offspring.

How to determine pregnancy in cats?

The onset of pregnancy in a normal or purebred cat can be identified by characteristic features:

  1. No leaks. The pet ceases to be interested in cats, may be aggressive towards them. In rare cases, estrus occurs even during pregnancy. If this happens, it is necessary to exclude contact with the male.
  2. Increased sleep duration. The cat can sleep even at an unusual time for her.
  3. Behavior changes. Playful animals become calm, while affectionate ones, on the contrary, can be aggressive.
  4. Loss of appetite. Usually observed at 1-3 weeks, later the pregnant cat begins to eat more.
  5. Toxicosis. Manifested by nausea, vomiting in the morning.
  6. Swelling of the nipples. characteristic feature, which appears from the 21st day of pregnancy.

Embryos can be felt after the 4th week. Starting from this period, the cat begins to visit the toilet more often. The belly grows by the end of the 6th week, then all doubts about pregnancy completely disappear.

How many months a cat is pregnant depends on many factors. The average pregnancy lasts 60-65 days.

At the age of 7-9 months, the cat begins the first estrus, i.e. the animal reaches puberty, is ready for reproduction and the production of offspring.

Experienced breeders do not practice early mating. This negatively affects both the health of animals and their future offspring.

A cat walks on average every 2-3 weeks. It is optimal to skip the first 3-4 estrus and tie the animal at the age of 1.2-1.5 years.

During mating, the egg is released from the ovaries and fertilized. The most favorable for conception are the 3rd, 4th and 5th day of estrus. Conception itself occurs approximately 30 hours after mating.. Productive mating with subsequent pregnancy can be expected in spring and summer.

  • for chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis.

A swab is taken from the vagina and examined by PCR.

The groom also needs to visit a veterinarian, take tests and get a health certificate. Both animals must be vaccinated and dewormed.

How do you know when a cat is going into labor?

Determine if a cat is pregnant early dates impossible. So the intrigued owner will have to be patient. In the first 3 weeks you can see increased drowsiness pets, loss of appetite and excessive demands on the attention and affection of the owner.

After 3 weeks, the cat's nipples noticeably swell and turn into a rich color. pink color . In animals pregnant for the first time, this is especially noticeable. Cats, like humans, can experience morning sickness and vomiting. In most cases, toxicosis in cats is short-lived and sometimes goes unnoticed by the owner.

IMPORTANT! Professional breeders do not breed cats more than 2 times a year, because. pregnancy and childbirth deplete the body of the animal, it takes time to fully recover.

In 20 days experienced doctor can determine pregnancy by palpation. After 5 weeks, the cat's belly begins to noticeably round. During this time, the embryos are actively growing.

You can check the kittens in the stomach, make sure they are healthy, using ultrasound. At the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat is clearly audible; its activity can be used to assess the viability of the cub. In order for the results of ultrasound not to be blurred, it is recommended to carry out a number of activities:

  • The day before the study, as well as a couple of hours before it, give the cat espumizan. It will reduce gas formation in the animal's stomach, which will allow you to see a more accurate picture on the screen.
  • Full bladder makes it possible to obtain more reliable information: it shifts the uterus slightly from the pelvic area, thereby increasing its visibility.

With the help of ultrasound, it is not always possible to establish the exact number of fetuses, because. Images on the monitor sometimes overlap.

After 7 weeks, putting your hand on the pet's stomach, you can feel the active movement of the kittens and even feel their heads. The cat becomes restless, looking for secluded corners, preparing a nest for itself. AT last week During pregnancy, the mammary glands increase significantly and the nipples protrude. The cat's activity is reduced, it looks sad and aloof. 3-4 days before giving birth, the cat's body temperature drops to 37 0, she is looking for the owner's support, she tries not to be alone.

How is the pregnancy

A cat's pregnancy only lasts 9 weeks. During this period, small tadpoles turn into fluffy lumps.

The first sense that appears in embryos is touch. Starting from day 28, kittens can feel the space around them.

Veterinarians believe that taste buds babies also develop early, and already in the womb they are able to distinguish the taste of food.

From day 25 to day 28, the embryo is a small copy adult cat . Kittens have a mouth, nose, chin and cheeks. The formation of teeth begins. From the 28th to the 32nd day, the bones, while still made of cartilage, gradually ossify, forming a skeleton. In girls, the uterus is forming.

From 38 to 44 weeks, the fetus continues to actively grow and develop. Its length reaches 50-80 mm. By day 48, the kitten is covered with fur, which gradually acquires color.

By 60 (2 months) days, the fetus reaches a size of 90-186 mm and is completely ready for birth.

Pregnant cat care and nutrition

The process of bearing offspring takes a lot of energy from a cat.. It is very important that in the house during this difficult period for the animal it was quiet and calm.

The foundation for kitten health is laid during pregnancy, so a cat's diet should be varied.

If the cat used dry food before pregnancy, you should not transfer it to natural food.

Choose in the manufacturer's line of food for pregnant and lactating. Suitable future mother and kitten food. It is more high-calorie, enriched with vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for both the expectant mother and babies.

ATTENTION! With the increase in the duration of pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the portion future mother. In the first two weeks daily rate can be increased by 10%, after 3 weeks - by 50%, after which the number of feedings increases, but not the volume of servings.

AT natural nutrition everything should remain the same. Balanced Diet consisting of lean meats, vegetables and fermented milk products- a great menu for a pregnant cat. For the full development of kittens and the support of the mother's body, it is necessary to include vitamins and mineral supplements in the diet. Some substances play a huge role in the formation of healthy offspring:

  • Vitamins of groups B, A, D.
  • Iron and copper - prevent the development of anemia.
  • Proteins - affect the production of milk. Absence enough protein leads to rapid weight loss.
  • A lack of taurine in the body leads to the development of pathologies in kittens.
  • Deficiency of fatty and saturated acids can lead to intrauterine death of the offspring.
  • Thanks to calcium and phosphorus, the bones of babies, teeth and joints are formed.

It is optimal to choose a vitamin and mineral complex together with a veterinarian.

First birth in a cat what to do

While the cat is carrying kittens under the heart, the owner should prepare for the adoption of childbirth.. Of course, it's better when everyone minds their own business, i.e. childbirth should be taken by a veterinarian, not the owner of the cat. If the process goes well and without complications, then the animal will cope on its own.. In the event of any unplanned situation, there is a great chance of losing both the cat and the kittens. Therefore, consider whether you are ready for such risks or it is better to entrust the animal to a professional.

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It is not enough just to name the number of days during which a mother cat bears kittens. The animal organism is no less unique than the human one, various nuances and deviations are also characteristic of it. This suggests that the gestation period in cats can fluctuate, depending on various factors.

General information about the duration of gestation

On average, the question “how much does a cat wear during pregnancy?” the most frequently heard answer is 2 months. However, this is a rather loose concept - some individuals barely carry offspring up to 60 days, and for some, the process can drag on up to 70.

According to generalized calculations, the minimum gestation period for cats is 56 to 60 days, the most normal is considered - 71 days(some sources give 72 days). These are periods when the birth of viable offspring is allowed. Most often - 64-67 days(Roughly rounded up, 9 weeks).

The entire "pregnant" period is conditionally divided into 3 phases of development, each of which includes an average of 3 weeks.

1 phase

This period takes from the moment of the alleged conception to 21 days. During this period, eggs are fertilized and embryos develop. By the 15th day, the embryo already becomes up to 1 cm in size, by the 18th day paws appear, and by the end of the period internal organs. It is in this phase that active pinking of the nipples is observed.

2 phase

During this period (from 22 to 42 days), the brain, skeletal skeleton, muscles and endocrine system. From this point on, the kittens are called fetuses, acquiring a classic feline appearance with a clearly defined muzzle and genitals. Only after a month of pregnancy, the cat's belly begins to grow a little.

3 phase

At 43-63 days from the moment of conception, kittens, growing up to 8-10 cm, acquire a tail and acquire a coat with a bookmark of a certain color. By the middle of the period, their size reaches 13 cm, by day 57 they are already fully formed and developed babies who are ready to be born at any moment. The maximum size of newborns depends on the constitution of his parents.

There are exceptions to all rules. Duration may vary depending on many factors:

  • offspring of purebred individuals born into the world before 60 days, most often are not viable;
  • cats with a slender constitution (slender) usually never go pregnant longer than 65 days(on average it is 60-65 days), and fat and beefy ones usually overwear and the terms can reach 70-72 days;
  • primiparous cats, especially those who become pregnant in the first estrus at the age of up to 1 year, in most cases give birth earlier than the prescribed average period (up to 60 days). Kittens are not always born viable, often weak and small. That's why experienced breeders do not recommend mating a cat for offspring in the first estrus and under the age of one year;
  • primiparous older cats bear offspring a little longer than their peers who gave birth;
  • yard outbred cats bear fruit less than domestic and especially pedigree. Sometimes they are born on the 55th day healthy babies- this indicates better endurance and higher adaptability of street individuals compared to domestic ones;
  • at fold cat (British, Scottish) kittens are born on average 63-67 days, but almost never less than 60 days;
  • cases of nursing have been reported up to 75 days. The course of the entire period was without complications, and the newborns are all alive and well. The reasons for such a long but safe gestation is still a mystery to veterinarians;
  • breed pregnancy Maine Coon usually longer than other breeds - up to 68 days or 9 full weeks+ preparation for the birth of the cat itself;
  • long haired cats pregnant women walk longer (up to 70 days) than smooth-haired or completely bald (around 65 days);
  • the fewer fruits in the litter, the longer cat can walk on demolition and, conversely, the more, the more childbirth will come faster and more often before the due date;
  • weather affect the onset of labor sharp drops temperature with humidity environment can suddenly provoke premature birth;
  • pregnancy Scottish cat usually less than the British one, which can sometimes move upwards up to 70-72 days. Therefore, there is no unambiguous answer to the questions of how long a pregnancy lasts in a Scottish breed cat or how long a pregnancy lasts in british cat– duration variations are also present here.

preterm birth

Any birth before 55-60 days, regardless of the outcome of the course, is considered premature, i.e. ahead of time. You can try to save newborns if it came no earlier than 50-55 days of pregnancy.

That leads to early interruption process:

  • the presence in the womb of weak and non-viable embryos, their intrauterine death;
  • serious viral infections(calicevirosis, panleukopenia, mycoplasmas, etc.);
  • injuries and bruises of the abdomen;
  • pregnancy pathologies leading to placental abruption;
  • severe fear or sudden stressful situation.

Ultrasound will help determine the due date and expected date of birth

If a pregnant cat has anxiety, vaginal discharge or fever before the expected date of birth, then a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed. Help can be in two directions - removing the uterine tone so that the animal continues to bear babies to the end or a decision is made to stimulate premature birth or a caesarean section.

Postterm pregnancy

A pregnancy is considered post-term when all due dates pass and no babies appear. If the offspring has not been born before the 70th day, then the pregnancy is already accepted as postponed, despite exceptions when this number of days is considered normal. Even on the 73-75th days, it happens that absolutely healthy animals are born, but still, walking for the norm cannot be taken.

Any delay in delivery in time is always a reason to visit a veterinarian, because. There can be many reasons for the delay:

  • late death of kittens from hypoxia;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • "the spoon";
  • ascites

What is the pathology and why childbirth does not occur, ultrasound will show.

The main pathologies of the course of pregnancy, affecting the timing

In animals, by nature, everything is laid down in such a way that the main physiological processes run smoothly without human intervention. Domestication has led to the fact that deviations in the bearing and birth of offspring in pets have become more common. From this, the time of the cat's pregnancy also changes. What are these pathologies?


This is a fairly rare pathology characterized by the appearance of estrus (sexual activity) during the current pregnancy. This is a kind of hormonal imbalance. If in this state the cat is not protected from the covering of the male, then simultaneously with the main brood, another “batch” of embryos will begin to develop in the womb. It turns out that the fruits from both fertilizations develop simultaneously in the body, but with a difference of weeks in development.

The situation usually develops in two ways:

  • the first "batch" of kittens is born on time, the second "batch" remains in the womb, and the pregnancy continues on a par with breastfeeding newborns. Such cases have only one drawback - the lack of nipples for everyone after two births, so the owner will have to deal with feeding. This is the ideal development of events and it happens very rarely;
  • during the birth of the first kittens, a miscarriage occurs and the death of the second ones due to their underdevelopment - this happens in most cases.

False pregnancy ("spoon")

This pathology is distinguished by the fact that there are no kittens in the womb, and outwardly and by behavior it seems that the cat is pregnant: an increase in the abdomen is visible, the mammary glands swell and redden, colostrum appears. The catch is that the duration of the "spoon" coincides in duration with the usual time intervals. There is only one difference - at the set moment, the babies do not appear. The deviation is hormonal in nature. Most often, the condition occurs in sphinxes and orientals. Be sure to contact the veterinarian, because. this pathology leads to inflammatory processes on the background congestion blood in the genitals and severe mastitis.

Owners should pay attention to:

  • absence labor activity on the due date;
  • somewhat earlier, the absence of fetal movements.

Cat has ascites but looks pregnant

An accurate diagnosis is always made after ultrasound. Treatment is complex, including normalization hormonal background and treatment of comorbidities.


The exact cause of this pathology against the background false pregnancy not known. Experts are more inclined to believe that due to hormonal failure, protein metabolism and in abdominal cavity liquid begins to accumulate.

The belly is growing, the owners think that Murka will soon give birth to kittens, but the lack of pushing the kids on later dates and behavioral traits in the cat. Those. Besides big belly there is nothing more.

This is already a reason to contact the veterinarian for an examination of the pet. Ultrasound will be especially informative in this case. Unfortunately, the condition is incurable.

Frozen pregnancy

A serious pathology that occurs against the background of a stop in the development and death of fetuses in the womb of a cat. There are many reasons for this state of affairs:

  • infection,
  • hormonal deficiency,
  • various inflammations in the abdominal cavity and pelvis,
  • injury
  • stress.

Any attentive owner can determine this:

  • the stomach does not grow;
  • no fetal movements;
  • appetite drops, the cat becomes lethargic, inactive;
  • at the beginning of decomposition, signs of general intoxication and self-poisoning appear with fever, vomiting.

Be sure to visit the clinic. An ultrasound is done. If it is confirmed that all the babies are dead, then the cat is aborted in the clinic. If it turns out that there are live fetuses, supportive therapy is prescribed at the discretion of the veterinarian in order to gain time, to allow the living ones to develop further, so that Murka herself will give birth on the set dates. Usually, after such a pathology, sterilization is offered. The risks of relapse are high due to the inability to know exactly why it happened and the lack of the ability to prevent a recurrence.

Ectopic pregnancy

A condition in which the egg is not attached in the right place, and the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus. Outwardly, such a state until a certain time does not manifest itself in any way. Often this leads to a rupture of the main "pregnant" organ, and this, in turn, leads to serious bleeding and intra-abdominal inflammation. The cat needs urgent surgical care. At difficult situations in order to save Murka from sepsis and necrosis, they perform a caesarean section with sterilization (the animal will no longer give offspring).


This is a spontaneous interruption of the course of pregnancy in the early stages, when the fetuses are not yet viable and it is impossible to save them.

There are three types when

  1. embryos stop developing very, very early and are resorbed.
  2. kittens die and leave the cat's womb through premature birth.
  3. the fetuses die, but remain in the womb until the end of the "pregnant" period.

Any of these conditions is pathological, which is not always possible to predict. Often this happens suddenly and the owners are late to seek help. In all cases, the fetuses die, the only difference is at what period of time the cat is pregnant.

You can suspect a miscarriage by the following signs:

  • foul-smelling discharge from the genitals;
  • persistent asymmetry of the abdominal walls;
  • fever, fluctuations in body temperature;
  • refusal to eat, vomiting, sudden weight loss;
  • inexplicable anxiety.

What to do and what not to do for owners to keep the gestation period

In order for the cat to come out of the prescribed term, the owners need to know a few rules of what should be done and what should be avoided during this period so that the duration does not change towards the critical one. Rules are not a panacea, because is there some more genetic predisposition with which “you can’t argue.

What do we have to do:

  1. Contact a specialist as soon as possible after the alleged conception to identify possible risks for the life and health of the fetus and for the mother cat. With the help of ultrasound, it is reasonable to know if the cat is pregnant at all.
  2. Contact your veterinarian for any strange behavior Murki or deviations in the state of health (vomiting, fever, lack of appetite).
  3. Keep the pet away from children so that they do not squeeze, kick or do anything sudden movements in relation to animals.
  4. Provide a balanced and sufficient diet.
  5. If necessary, give vitamins for pregnant women (veterinary).

What not to do:

  1. Annoy Murka. This includes acquiring new pets during this period, arranging noisy indoor events where the cat cannot hide, and allowing children.
  2. Strongly press the stomach, allegedly trying to determine how many babies should be born. It is almost impossible to do this with your hands - especially for a non-specialist, and injuring the abdomen is easy!
  3. Give any medication without consulting a veterinarian.
  4. Allow Murka to jump from a height or climb there.
  5. Washing or treating your home with strong, strong-smelling household chemicals is a recipe for poisoning.
  6. Allow contact with sick and orphan animals.
  7. Do not follow the rules of hygiene (ironing dirty hands after the street or allowed to sleep in the shoes in which they came from the street).