Scottish Greyhound. Deerhound dog

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Deerhound (Scottish deer greyhound) is one of the most ancient European greyhounds, a favorite dog of the Scottish nobility. Deerhounds specialize in deer hunting. More than once the breed was on the verge of extinction, now it is more or less stable. There is an opinion that if it were not for the rather large size and the need for serious physical exertion, these greyhounds would become the most popular among all breeds. In addition to remarkable hunting qualities (fast, hardy, with excellent flair), these dogs are known for their devotion and desire to please the owner. Obedient, friendly, calm - they are an ideal choice for the role of a companion dog.

Deerhound breed history:

Deerhound is one of the most ancient European greyhound breeds. And despite the fact that the first documents relating to deerhounds date back to the 16th century (in 1528, the Scottish king John (Landless) wished that Scottish noblemen (nobles) who had good hunting dogs gathered to hunt with him), there is evidence that which indicate that the breed was formed as early as the 6th century.

Deerhound care:

Deerhounds are not difficult to care for. Caring for them is no different from the standard care for a dog of any other breed. From time to time, brush your teeth, ears, eyes, cut off your nails, monitor the general health of the greyhound. The coat will look great if it is simply brushed weekly. Dogs that participate in exhibitions or various shows can be given a haircut to emphasize the beautiful muzzle or slender figure of the Deerhound.

Deerhound character:

The Scottish deer greyhound (deerhound) has a very interesting character and personality. On the hunt they are sharp, fast, hardy, ready to throw, in the house they become calm, friendly, gentle and tactful, they practically do not bark. Carry themselves with self-respect, rather independently, although always happy to please their master. They are generally known for their desire to please people.

Deerhound photo:

See photos Deerhound. Here is a collection of photographs. Very beautiful dog. Check it out by looking at the photo.

Deerhound video:


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The Scottish Deerhound is a large breed of dog used for deer hunting. Guided by sense of smell or sight, they are able to follow prey over rough terrain without raising their voice.

The signal to the owner is given only after the prey is captured. This feature, coupled with size, made the Deerhound the best pickling dog.

  • Not recommended for keeping with small pets, which can be considered as prey. If they are not properly socialized, and some Scottish Deerhounds are not even deterred by socialization, they will persecute other animals.
  • Not recommended for keeping in an apartment, despite the fact that they are calm at home. They need a lot of space, including for running. Daily walks and runs are required. It is best to keep them in a private house with a large yard.
  • In the city, you need to walk on a leash, as they are prone to chasing prey. Remember that a deerhound can easily knock a person off their feet with a jerk.
  • They are very friendly and usually see a friend in everyone they meet. They get along with other dogs as long as they are of a normal size. But they are not suitable as watchdogs.
  • In the house, they love to lie around, but need regular exercise to maintain their shape and mood. Good for walking, running, cycling.
  • They love children very much, but you need to take into account their size and strength. Do not let the child walk the dirhound, as if it rushes after prey, it will easily knock it down.
  • If you decide to buy a deerhound, then you still need to find it. There are kennels on the territory of Russia, but there may be a queue for puppies.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Scottish Deerhound lived long before the advent of writing. These were the hunting dogs of the tribes of the Gaels and Picts, with whom they hunted ungulates.

The National Museum of Scotland has Roman pottery dating back to the 1st century AD, depicting large greyhounds very similar to the modern deerhound.

Similar images can be seen on the stone slabs that adorned the Pictish tribes long before the advent of the Romans.

Outwardly, the deerhound is similar to other greyhounds, but larger and heavier. It is not as fast on level ground, but when the terrain is rough, it can overtake any greyhound.

The nature in which they have to work is often cold and wet, this is the Scottish highlands. Hard coat protects the dog from bad weather.

Deerhound was the main method of baiting red deer until the 19th century. Then came accurate guns and small breeds of dogs capable of following the trail, which displaced the deerhounds.

The history of the breed is closely connected with history and, most likely, until the 19th century it was one breed. But urbanization, changing ways of hunting and fashion - led to the fact that dogs began to be used for other purposes, and baiting red deer remained the lot of the elite.

Only thanks to the efforts of the breeders it was possible to save it. The Scottish Deerhound remains virtually unknown outside of its homeland.

So, in 2018, in terms of the number of dogs registered in the AKC, he ranked 141 and was at the bottom of the list of 167 breeds. On the territory of the CIS, there are even fewer of them, since the dog is large and rare.


The deer greyhound is similar to, only larger and with coarse hair.

Males at the withers reach 75–80 cm and weigh 40–50 kg, females 70 cm and weigh 35–43. The most common color is gray or sand, with a black mask on the muzzle. But, there are many colors, including those with white marks on the chest and paws.

The coat is coarse and hard, 7-10 cm long on the body and neck. On the chest, head and belly, the coat is softer and shorter. The tail is straight or curved, covered with hair almost touching the ground.

Deerhounds have long, flat heads with high-set ears. The ears are small, dark in color, hanging, soft. Eye color is dark brown to light brown with black rims. Scissor bite.


Decent, quiet, calm dog that rarely barks. Smart, loyal, loving - they are great companions and friends. Deerhounds like to be close to their family as often as possible.

They love children, soft and calm with them. The downside of this nature is that they cannot be watchmen, as they are friendly.

They generally get along well with dogs of similar size, but smaller ones may be seen as prey.

They also prey on other small animals, including domestic cats. To avoid attacks on neighboring animals during a walk, the deerhound is not let off the leash.

They have a headstrong disposition and need a strong hand and consistent training. Since they are not particularly willing to please the owner, treats are the best motivator.

At the same time, finding what they need today is not always easy, what worked yesterday may not work today.

These large dogs require a lot of space and are ideally kept in a private home with a large yard.

The kennel and enclosure are not suitable due to the dog's physical limitations and attachment to people. You need to exercise your dog regularly, as deerhounds are made for long and difficult races, so they are ideal for cyclists.


Simple, as the rough coat needs minimal care. Otherwise, the requirements are the same as for other breeds.


A healthy breed with a life expectancy of 8-9 years. They often suffer from intestinal volvulus, as a result of which the dog quickly dies.

This disease is common to all deep-chested dogs and the only way to combat it is prevention.

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The Deerhound breed is a large Scottish breed that became widespread in the early 19th century. Amazing, unusual warehouse and rare. This large dog, despite its elegance, is known for its ability to take on a deer on its own. The Scottish Deerhound is designed to help with gunless hunting.

The Deerhound dog is distinguished by a friendly attitude towards a person, complaisant, obedient and easily trained. Balance is considered a plus of the breed. The dog is not characterized by bouts of anger, aggression or distrust. In any situation Deerhound behaves calmly and confidently.

general description

The oldest European greyhound has been on the verge of extinction more than once. Deerhound "specializes" in deer hunting. Sophistication, aristocracy and gracefulness, especially in running, are recognized as a remarkable property of greyhounds.

The nobility of the Deerhound is expressed in appearance, behavior and attitude towards the members of the owner's family.


There is no consensus recognized as indisputable evidence of the formation and emergence of the breed:

  • The first researchers believe that the Deerhounds became descendants of the hunting dogs of the ancient Picts. As proof of the theory, depicted hunting scenes on pottery from the 6th century are cited, where dogs similar to Deerhounds are painted next to the hunters.
  • According to the defenders of the second theory, the dog is a descendant of the Irish wolfhound, which received a type suitable for hunting deer.

Deerhounds were considered favorites of the Scottish nobility, fond of hunting. Each clan had its own greyhounds, with which the highlanders hunted. The decline in the number of deer in the Scottish forests left the dog out of work. Then the English greyhound replaced the Scottish "colleague", because of the fast run. Scottish greyhounds are not used in dog racing, dogs are inferior to the Greyhound and the Australian Greyhound.

The new history of Deerhounds dates back to 1825, when breed lovers Archibald and Duncan McNeil began to save the original Scottish breed.

Representatives of the breed came to America, where they were used in hunting for coyotes - deer hunting in the USA is strictly prohibited. The appearance of firearms, the use of hunting, played a role. Hunting with a greyhound began to lose popularity: the work of the dog is done by a bullet, in addition, more efficiently. Now this type of hunting is considered a hobby of rare enthusiasts.


Deerhounds have an interesting personality:

  1. On the hunt - energetic dogs that do not know fatigue, hardy, always ready to run and, in a powerful throw, put a logical end to the hunt.
  2. Houses are lazy, calm, cute animals, the presence is imperceptible. Able to lie all day long and bliss from idleness.
  3. Sensitively react to the mood of the owner.
  4. Scottish greyhounds treat family members with love, they are tolerant of children.
  5. Deer greyhounds are among the non-barking dogs.
  6. They are not suitable for protection, they are loyal to strangers, they do not experience aggression. Defiantly ignored.

The description of the Deerhound breed can be succinctly reduced to two words: good-natured calm. Looking at the size of the dog and at the initial breeding in the interests of hunting, it is difficult to believe in the balance of his character. Aggression is not needed, solid dimensions will frighten a person who is not familiar with Scottish greyhounds. They are among the largest dogs!

Deerhound has a calm character, energetic and devoted. Hunting is a dog's element. Amazing flair, lightning-fast reaction and amazing endurance guarantee a successful hunt. Dogs of the breed are active, it is required to be constantly on the move in order not to lose physical shape and health. Trusting, they will not be able to become a reliable guard for family members. They love their owners, are easy to train and remember commands.


Like most greyhounds, the Deerhound is tall and lean. The breed standard was written in 1892:

  • country - Great Britain (Scotland);
  • height - from 71 cm for females and from 76 cm for males;
  • weight - about 36.5 kg for females and 45.5 kg for males;
  • body - graceful, muscular;
  • head - wide, tapering towards the nose;
  • color - dark gray or spotted, there is red with a black muzzle and ears, hind legs and tail;
  • life expectancy - 10-12 years;
  • group - 10 (greyhounds)

Any coat color, dogs of the Irish wolfhound color are often found: “grayish with gray hair”, although the color scheme is varied. The presence of white spots is acceptable, the less white the better. At shows, judges will be lenient with a spot on the chest and tip of the tail, a white collar and a mark on the forehead are unacceptable. The coat is coarse and harsh on the body, paws and neck. The hair on the head and chest is softer. Dogs with fluffy hair are subject to disqualification.

Features of maintenance and care

Deerhounds are considered hunting dogs, if the dog is acquired for other than its intended use, it is required to keep the dog in Spartan conditions, as hunting dogs are supposed to. If for the family and at home, it is advisable to educate and tame the dog from the beginning to the place. Deerhounds love home comfort and comfort. If you do not show the dog a place, get ready for the constant defense of the chair, sofa and bed and the constant picking up of wool during molting.


Dogs of the breed are hard to adapt to life in an apartment. Dogs are more comfortable in nature, where they will be able to run around. They don't like hot weather. Proper care of the Deerhound is no different from the basic care of dogs of other breeds.

  • The dog's coat needs weekly regular combing, trimming is required around the ears and muzzle.
  • It is shown to periodically clean teeth, eyes, auricles, cut nails.
  • The key to a dog's health will be quality food, physical activity, space, communication with other dogs and the owner.

Greyhounds are best kept in your own home. If the dog walks a lot on the street, it is important to take care of the presence of a shaded place. The Deerhound has a negative attitude towards heat. When choosing a dog in an apartment, keep in mind that you will need to provide the dog with daily outdoor exercise.

Deerhound puppies are active, prefer to spend most of their time in motion, love to frolic in nature. However, with age, Deerhound dogs sometimes become lazy, it is important not to forget to take them out for a run and let them run without a leash. It is worth carefully choosing a place for such walks: a fenced area or a field away from the road.


Deerhound is not picky about food. If the diet is balanced, the dog will not get sick. It is desirable that raw meat is often found in the diet. Perfectly eat cereals from cereals and meat. It is advisable to feed the dog twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The breed shows huge size, eats little, it is not recommended to overfeed. Always keep fresh water available.

Deerhound will not be offended by the owner when feeding once a day. For adults, this is normal. The main thing is that the food is well balanced. The pet must receive the required amount of minerals and vitamins.

According to veterinarians, ready-made food is considered to be fully balanced, it is purchased in specialized stores or supermarkets. Such food has the necessary nutritional properties, provides good nutrition.

If you become the owner of a small pet, find out how to feed Deerhound puppies. The approximate diet of a puppy under the age of two months includes:

  • 200-250 g of beef, including 50 g of raw minced meat;
  • 200-250 g of cereals (preferably millet, wheat groats or oatmeal);
  • 80-100 g of vegetables (preferably carrots and cabbage);
  • 25-40 g of greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, nettle);
  • 500-800 g of milk or kefir;
  • 4 grams of salt;
  • 1-2 grams of calcium gluconate.

To diversify the diet, it is permissible to periodically replace meat with eggs or cottage cheese at the rate of 100 g of meat = 1 egg or 300 g of cottage cheese. Well, if chicken meat is present in the diet of a small puppy, avoid only tubular bones, ingestion is fraught with serious difficulties with the intestines. It is better to replace bones with cartilage, foods are easier to digest by the stomach.

A couple of times a week, instead of meat, give the puppy boiled fish, after removing the sharp fins. Porridge will become the basis of the nutrition of a small pet. Their presence in the diet will become a guarantee that the grown-up dog has the correct metabolic processes. A dog accustomed to cereals from childhood is unpretentious in food in adulthood. Vegetables and herbs are added to the cooked porridge. If the puppy eats boiled vegetables better, it's okay.

Milk in the puppy's diet is considered a separate dish, in its pure form or in the form of milk soups.

Deerhound puppies under the age of one year need vitamins A and D, in the spring, give children's multivitamins, such as revit or oligovit.

The Scottish Deerhound served the ancient people of Scotland. Not without reason on the territory of this state to this day are found ceramic figurines and images on which dogs of a similar type are present. But the appearance of the breed dates back to the 16th century. According to the history of the breed, quadrupeds were bred to hunt deer. The dog could cope with a large animal on its own - catch up with it and ... kill it.

In the 18th century, the dog breed was threatened with extinction. But soon the Scottish greyhound gained popularity beyond the borders of Scotland. And at the end of the 19th century, the hunting breed was officially recognized. Times and customs have changed, but until today, greyhounds with a noble origin faithfully serve hunters and are good-natured companions.


Deerhounds have a classic appearance for greyhounds: judging by the photo, representatives of this breed are thin, elegant and tall. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has taken deer greyhounds under its wing. The Deerhound dog was included in the FCI list (Group 10 - Greyhounds, Section 2 - Wirehaired Greyhounds). There are certain breed standards that every purebred dog meets:

  • purebred animals have the following dimensions: weight 36.5-45.5 kg; height - 71-76 cm. As you can see, these are really large dogs;
  • a feature of the breed is an elegant and at the same time muscular, elongated body;
  • tetrapods have a broad head with a sharp muzzle. The jaws are strong, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle itself is smooth;
  • the ears are small in size, hanging down, but at the same time set high;
  • brown eyes, and the nose is black or blue - this is a feature of the breed;
  • the tail is long, drooping. During walking and running, it is raised on the line of the back;
  • wool is hard, resembles bristles. Particularly rough cover on the neck and paws;
  • the most common colors are red with black and dark gray. White spots are acceptable, but their number should be minimal.

Deerhounds are dogs with an average lifespan. 10-12 years - this is how long the age of a healthy pet lasts.

There is a certain dualism in the character of the Deerhound dog breed. On the hunt, they are frisky, energetic and uncompromising in relation to the game. From this it may seem that dogs behave in the same way in an apartment. But no. Within the walls of the house - these are the most peaceful creatures. Their behavior can even be called inert.

Deer greyhounds are sentimental and sensitive. If the owner is sad, the dog will share this state with him or ... will try to cheer him up by dragging him for a walk. The nature of deerhounds has patience, which allows them to get along with children and other pets. The description of the breed often says that these animals are useless guards. And all because of friendliness or indifference to others.

The Scottish deer greyhound, contrary to stereotypes, can live in an apartment. Also, the animal can be kept in the yard. True, the chain does not suit her at all. And if suddenly there is a severe frost on the street, the animal must be let into the house. Walking is an integral part of the life of every greyhound dog. She needs to let off steam. Therefore, walks should be active, at least 2 times a day.

Deerhounds shed. And not just shedding, but shedding terribly. Therefore, carpets and rugs should be removed to hell as soon as this creature crosses the threshold of your house. Hair care should be meticulous: comb the coat every day. Trim the muzzle and ears from time to time. Deerhound care includes ear care: check them periodically and clean if necessary.

In terms of nutrition, this breed is picky. Would you like to feed your pet regular food? You are welcome. But choose high quality food designed specifically for this variety. If you are ready to provide natural nutrition for your dog, include the following foods in your diet:

    • deerhounds are not picky, but they do need meat. 60% of meals should include meat and offal;
    • cereals (millet, wheat groats, oatmeal) are an excellent addition to meat;
    • do not forget about vegetables and herbs;
    • kefir and milk should also be on the dog's menu.

Deer greyhounds are dogs with a huge appetite and ... a predisposition to obesity. Therefore, dose portions, remove the bowl immediately after the dog has eaten, do not leave unfinished food in the bowl. And most importantly - feed your pet 2 times a day.

Deerhound education and training

Being a Deerhound owner is lucky by default. If only because the deer greyhound is savvy and diligent. So, there should be no problems with raising a dirhound. Even a beginner can cope with dog training, not to mention an experienced dog breeder. Quadrupeds of this breed grasp information on the fly, but do not tolerate monotonous training.

In order for the training of the deerhound to go “with a bang”, stock up on toys for dogs and your pet's favorite treat. Conduct training in deserted places. And keep in mind: hunting instincts make themselves felt. Therefore, attempts to chase birds, start spying on small animals, must be stopped immediately. Mobile and hardy dogs are suitable for joint running and cycling.

It belongs to the oldest. The dog is distinguished by its aristocratic appearance, strength and enviable endurance. Since ancient times, the dog was used to hunt deer. Repeatedly this one was on the verge of extinction, but today its position has stabilized. Thanks to her refined appearance and friendly character, she was chosen by dog ​​breeders around the world. Let's get to know the dirhound better.

Today, there are two theories of the origin of the breed, and both date the breeding of dogs to the 16th century. The first theory claims that the Deerhounds were formed as a result of crossing the hunting Picts. There is a lot of evidence for this: drawings repeating hunting scenes with dogs adorn ceramic products of ancient peoples.

The homeland of origin, according to this theory, is Scotland. There is also a version that dirhounds have common roots with, but scientific evidence has not yet been received.

Dogs have always been in the price of the local nobility, they were chosen as pets by the leaders of the clans. This breed was used to hunt a large inhabitant of forests - a deer. Pets were valued for their sharp mind, developed hunting instincts, courage and speed.

The valuable qualities of the breed led to its spread outside of Scotland, and soon the deerhounds began to be bred in the UK. However, excessive hunting has led to a sharp reduction in deer in the forests. The breed ceased to be in demand and they were replaced by Greyhounds, who hunted smaller game - hares.

This state of affairs almost led to the complete extinction of dogs at the end of the 18th century. However, thanks to the efforts of the McNeil brothers, the breed was presented at exhibitions, was distributed outside of Scotland and the UK. Deerhounds began to be perceived not only as an attribute of hunting, but also as pets. In 1892, the first standard for the external data of dogs was developed, and the breed received official recognition.

Exterior Standards:

  • general form- a large animal, height up to 73 cm, weight up to 45 kg, the body is elongated, has developed muscles, the head is miniature, the legs are long and slender, the hair is hard and long;
  • head- flat skull, elongated muzzle, softer coat than on other parts of the body, strong jaws, muzzle gradually tapering towards the nose;
  • eyes- oval shape, the inner eyelid has a black color;
  • ears- small size, set high, at rest laid behind the head;
  • frame- an elongated square shape, a neck without dewlap, a deep chest, a protruding loin, a powerful croup;
  • paws- strong and muscular, limbs are compact;
  • tail- thins towards the end, in dynamics is kept curved, covered with coarse hair;
  • hairline– shaggy coat, rough structure, close fitting, coat length up to 10 cm, hanging from the body, softer coat on the chest, stomach and head;
  • color- gray, gray with a blue tint, sand.

Deerhound breed character

The breed has an interesting character: hunting dogs are very frisky and energetic, always ready for battle, but at home they are the embodiment of tenderness and affection. They behave very independently, but quickly and irrevocably become attached to the owners. Pets like to be surrounded by people, to feel their attention and love. They will gladly carry out commands, try to please the owners, and sometimes even their guests.

Deerhounds have a peaceful and absolutely non-aggressive temperament. Therefore, as a watchman and guard, they are extremely weak. But they instantly capture the mood of a person, are ready to distract from problems and show support.

Despite the hunting disposition, dogs highly appreciate home comfort and coziness. They will be located on a comfortable sofa with you. They can occupy the master's bed and not feel remorse. To eradicate such a habit in pets, educational work should be carried out in childhood. Offer the dogs a soft alternative in the form of a couch on the floor.

Deerhounds have an amazing sense of humor. They can perform funny actions or play pranks on the hosts. Starting such a breed, you should be prepared for this.

Breed advantages:

  • developed intellect;
  • loyalty;
  • lack of aggression;
  • child care;
  • quiet disposition (almost never barks);
  • patience;
  • useful hunting aid.

However, dogs also have disadvantages. For example, pets do not like to be left alone. Some representatives of the breed may simply be sad and in a bad mood, while others may go to extreme measures and begin to damage property, trying to attract attention.

Also, dogs are very active, require frequent and long walks. Using dogs as guards is a bad idea. Peace-loving character and the absence of the habit of barking reduce the protective inclinations of the dog to nothing.

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Despite its impressive size, the dog easily gets along in city apartments. However, deerhounds feel much better in country estates. A pet can live in a spacious aviary, but with the onset of cold weather it is better to let it into the house. In the summer heat, the dog should have a secluded place where you can hide from the sun. It is not recommended to keep the breed on a leash in the area around the house. Such a restriction will not be to the taste of freedom-loving animals.

If you decide to have a pet in an apartment, then you should pay special attention to walking. At the same time, do not forget about active games and toys. The duration of the walk should be at least an hour. A great idea would be a combination of walking with the dog and jogging the owner.

You need to feed your pet several times a day. Do not overfeed the animal, as it is prone to gaining excess weight. Give preference to balanced premium food. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced owner to make the right diet from natural food, and culinary oversights can affect the health of the animal.

If you still decide to cook food for the dog yourself, then you should base the diet on the following products:

  1. lean meats;
  2. cereals;
  3. cereals;
  4. fresh vegetables;
  5. dairy products.

The breed is prone to frequent shedding, so dogs should be brushed at least once a week. The areas around the muzzle and neck need regular trimming. Ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab as they get dirty. Claws are cut off only if they do not wear down on the ground and asphalt when running. This happens when the dog is not active enough.

Deerhound health

Deerhounds are not among the centenarians, since on average they live no more than 11 years. In general, the breed is distinguished by good health, but there are also diseases that pets are prone to:

  • pathology of blood vessels;
  • hereditary diseases of the kidneys;
  • twisting of the stomach;
  • pathology of the heart;

Deerhound education

With the training of animals, there are no questions even for novice dog breeders, because deerhounds are those who want to please the owner. The pet remembers commands quickly, however, with repeated repetition, it may protest, because it does not like pressure from a person and the monotony of training.

It is recommended to accustom dogs to running, coursing, bikejoring with them. During outdoor training, you need to watch the dog, because of his hunting instincts, he can chase moving objects, cats or squirrels.

The team should be reinforced with praise expressed in an admiring form, as well as tasty rewards. Only the owner can train a dog. The dirhound loves other inhabitants of the house, but may not obey.


  • combination with children- the pet loves babies, but large sizes can be a threat. The dog can play too much and accidentally harm the child, also at a young age the breed is characterized by excessive activity and playfulness;
  • host type Deerhounds are designed for caring owners who try not to leave their pet unattended. You will also need to sacrifice personal time for long walks;
  • proximity to other animals- gets along well with other dogs, especially if they are among the hunting breeds. The peaceful dog also gets along well with cats. But pets from neighboring houses can awaken hunting instincts in a dog;
  • what to be afraid of- the breed needs socialization lessons, otherwise you risk raising a timid pet.

Deerhound breed cost

It is rather difficult to acquire such a friend in Russia, because there is no National Breed Club. And the number of pets is calculated in units. And not every owner wants to breed animals. Therefore, to buy a puppy, you will most likely have to go to Europe. The average price fluctuates within 60,000 rubles excluding travel expenses.

Deerhounds are stately and aristocratic animals, so their nickname should correspond to the status. For males, the following names are often chosen: Caesar, Mustang, Gray, Iris, Apollo, James. Nicknames for girls: Ellie, Stela, Tori, Blair, Jena.

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