Set to heal the liver. Divine healing rejuvenation of the liver with pathological disorders of the internal structure

The Lord God Himself pours colossal power into me with a constant stream

newborn youth. The Lord God Himself pours in a constant stream

I owe colossal energy to a newborn youth. Divinely passing

all the intermediate stages of development passed, I am immediately born

newborn-young - Divinely healthy - indestructibly healthy.

The Lord God Himself pours life-giving colossal power into my liver

Divine newborn youth. Divinely bypassing all passed

intermediate stages of development, the liver is born immediately

newborn young, newborn young - Divinely energetic -

Divinely healthy untouched by life.

The Lord God Himself moves time through me from the date of my birth

into the future at great speed. I quickly return to the past

stages of development. Divinely bypassing all passed intermediate stages

development, I am immediately born newborn-young - Divinely energetic

Divinely healthy is indestructibly healthy.

The Lord God Himself moves time from the date of my birth through my

liver into the future at great speed: 50 times faster than the real one

current time. The liver quickly returns to its previous stages

development. Divinely bypassing all passed intermediate stages

development, the liver is immediately born newborn-young - Divinely

healthy - perfectly healthy.

The Lord God more and more energetically - more and more energetically helps me with

remember with the brightness of lightning, feel my newborn-young -

Divinely healthy intact liver. Lord God constant

floods my liver with colossal power, colossal energy

newborn youth. Divinely bypassing all passed intermediate

stages of development the liver is born at once newborn-young - Divinely

healthy - Divinely energetic - Divinely strong.

The liver is born immediately newborn-young, immediately born

newborn-young - Divinely correct internal structure

liver. The liver is born immediately

newborn young - divine correct form -

Divinely correct size: I try it as deep as possible

comprehend. The liver is immediately born newborn-young ideally

correct - Divinely correct size, the liver is born immediately

newborn young - Divinely correct, ideally correct

A newborn-young is born immediately - Divinely correct inner

structure of the liver. All liver tissues are born at once newborn-young,

all liver tissues are born at once newborn-young,

newborn-fresh - Divinely fresh untouched by life.

The Lord God Himself pours into my liver a colossal Divine holy

creative force. The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensifies,

is sharply activated, the liver sharply increases. All liver tissues

sharply activated, sharply intensified.

The gallbladder is sharply activated, sharply intensified, sharply

is activated, the gallbladder sharply increases. Sharp

activated, the bile ducts sharply increase, sharply

bile ducts are activated, the bile ducts are sharply increased.

The entire liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. God

colossal Divine pure energy. colossal inexhaustible

the energy of youth flows into my liver in a constant stream.

The colossal inexhaustible energy of youth constantly around the clock

flowing into my liver. Throughout the vast area of ​​the liver

strong healthy nerves of steel are born.

The entire area of ​​the liver is born newborn-serviceable, firmly

calm, unshakably calm. The whole area of ​​the liver is born

light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver

light-light, light-weightless is born.

Strong mighty heroic heart with huge force impetuous

rushes blood through the liver. Blood cheerful-joyful

flushes-washes, flushes-washes

liver, washes out all salts from the liver - all toxins - all products

exchange. Immediately a newborn, young, ideally correct is born -

Divinely correct internal structure of the liver.

A newborn-clean liver is born, a newborn-clean -

A divinely pure liver is born. A newborn young is born -

Divinely correct internal structure of the liver. Colossal

newborn strength flows into my liver. Sharply activated

liver. My liver is rapidly activated. More and more is being born

energetic - more and more young - more and more energetic is born

liver. A newborn-youth is born, a newborn-young - Divinely

the correct internal structure of the liver.

inexhaustible energy of youth. Day and night - constantly around the clock

colossal inexhaustible energy pours into my liver

youth. More and more correct is born - more and more correct

internal structure of the liver. More and more energetic is born - everything

more energetic - more and more energetic liver is born.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. And the head is more and more

energetically - more and more energetically activates - activates,

rejuvenates-strengthens the liver.

bile ducts energetic, strong, more and more energetic are born -

ever stronger. bile ducts more and more vigorously - more and more

vigorously drive bile into the duodenum. The bile ducts are more and more

energetically - they drive bile more and more energetically, they drive bile into

12 duodenal ulcer.

gallbladder more and more energetic - more and more energetic

shrinks shrinks. Gallbladder more and more vigorously - more and more

vigorously - more and more - more and more shrinking, shrinking.

Gallbladder more and more vigorously - more and more vigorously pushes

bile into the duodenum. Gallbladder more and more vigorously - all

more vigorously pushes bile into the duodenum.

Bile ducts more and more energetic - more and more energetic

push bile into the duodenum. Newborn babies are born

Divinely energetic gallbladder - bile ducts.

The Lord God himself pours into the liver a colossal inexhaustible

Divine power. The Lord God Himself is constant

pours into my liver a colossal

holy divine power. Day and night - around the clock abruptly

the whole liver intensifies, the whole liver sharply intensifies. Is born

Divinely strong - Divinely strong young liver. Is born

Divinely strong - Divinely strong young liver.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into my liver a colossal

Divine creative power, colossal Divine energy

creation, rapid development. All through my liver completely

is being updated.

The newborn-young is quickly restored - Divinely correct

the internal structure of the liver: I try it as deep as possible

comprehend. A newborn-young is born - Divinely correct

internal structure of the liver. The liver is born

newborn-correct, ideal-correct - Divinely

correct internal structure.

Colossal Divine energy flows into all liver tissues -

colossal Divine energy of rapid creation, rapid

development. Day and night - constantly around the clock all liver tissues

newborns are born, young, ideally the correct structure.

The entire liver is completely renewed, the liver again and again

a newborn-young is born - Divinely correct structure.

A newborn young is born - Divinely healthy - Divinely

energetic liver. Divinely healthy is born - Divinely

energetic - Divinely strong liver. The liver is born

Divinely correct internal structure.

Divinely healthy strong liver. With God's energetic active

with the help I am brighter - I remember more and more vividly - I feel my newborn-young,

newborn young - Divinely serviceable - Divinely healthy young

liver. Divinely serviceable, newborn-correct is born,

newborn healthy young liver. More and more energetic is born -

more and more energetic - more and more strong liver. The Lord God Himself

pours into my liver in a constant continuous-round-the-clock flow

colossal holy divine power. The whole liver day and night -

constantly around the clock sharply intensifies, sharply intensifies the entire

liver. The gallbladder sharply increases, the bile

The gallbladder more and more vigorously - with more and more force - with all

shrinks with more force. The gallbladder is getting stronger - getting stronger

It contracts more and more, pushes bile into the duodenum.

Bile ducts getting stronger - getting stronger - getting stronger - everything

more vigorously pierce bile into the duodenum.

The entire liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified, sharply

is activated, the liver sharply increases. All liver tissues

The Lord God pours in a constant stream of colossal Divine

energy of development, rapid creation, rapid development.

Goes more and more energetic - more and more fast - more and more fast

development of all liver tissues. All liver tissues are sharply activated,

sharply intensify, develop rapidly. All liver tissues are born

newborn-whole - Divinely whole.

The entire liver as a whole is born divinely whole,

whole newborn. All liver tissues develop rapidly and vigorously,

all liver tissues are born newborn-fresh, newborn-whole,

newborn-fresh, newborn-whole, newborn-fresh,

whole newborn.

The whole liver is born newborn-serviceable - Divinely serviceable -

Divinely correct. All liver tissues are born divinely

strong - Divinely energetic. Divinely Correct Is Born

the internal structure of all liver tissues. The Divine Is Born

ideal-correct internal structure of the entire liver as a whole.

A Divinely serviceable, ideally serviceable inner

the structure of the entire liver as a whole. The whole liver as a whole is born

Divinely correct, perfectly correct

newborn-correct internal structure.

The liver quickly and energetically restores its newborn-correct

internal structure. His newborn-correct inner

the structure of the liver restores 50 times faster than the real current

time. Liver again-again born newborn-young -

Divinely fit - Divinely healthy - Divinely

a healthy liver is born. A newborn young is born - Divinely

strong - Divinely healthy liver is born.

I'm brighter - I remember brighter - I feel my newborn-young,

newborn young - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic -

Divinely strong liver. I'm brighter - I remember brighter - I feel mine

newborn-young - Divinely healthy energetic liver -

Divinely healthy energetic liver.

The Lord God constantly pours into all body systems

colossal inexhaustible energy of newborn youth. All systems

organisms are sharply activated, sharply intensified. All internal

organs are sharply activated, sharply intensified. All internal

organs more and more energetically activate-activate rejuvenate

Of all the internal organs of colossal strength, inexhaustible energy

life flows into the liver. Of all the internal organs - of

all body systems colossal inexhaustible energy of life

pours into the liver, colossal force inexhaustible energy of life

flows into the liver.

activates-activates strengthens the liver. In all brain

mechanisms that control the life of the liver, the Lord God infuses constant

a stream of colossal inexhaustible Divine power. All brain

the mechanisms that control the life of the liver are sharply activated, sharply

all the brain mechanisms that control the life of the liver are enhanced.

Head more and more energetic - more and more energetic

activates-activates strengthens the liver.

The holy divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver - the holy

Divine power, holy Divine power flows into the nerves of the liver.

The Lord God is a constant stream into my entire nervous system - into

head- spinal cord- into all my nerves pours colossal

Divine power.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into my entire nervous

system - into the brain-spinal cord - into all my nerves - into all my

The Lord God infuses the nervous system with colossal Divine power.

All mine nervous system sharply activated, sharply intensified. All

my nervous system is sharply activated, sharply intensified.

More and more strong is born - more and more strong - more and more strong

nervous system. Sharply activated, sharply intensified brain

mechanisms that govern the life of the liver.

Into all the nerves of the region of the liver the Lord God Himself infuses the Divine

steel indestructible fortress. Throughout the vast area of ​​the liver

get healthy, get stronger, get healthy, get stronger nerves. Throughout the vast area

Liver healthier, stronger, healthier, stronger nerves. Throughout the vast

areas of the liver are born Divinely strong healthy nerves of steel.

In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, firmly calm,

indestructibly calm - Divinely strong nerves of steel.

The whole area of ​​the liver is light-light, light-weightless. All extensive

the region of the liver is firmly calm, indestructibly calm. All extensive

the liver area is light-light, light-light, light-weightless. All

a vast area of ​​the liver is always-permanently firmly calm, firmly

calm, unshakably calm. The entire vast area of ​​the liver

always-constantly light-light, light-weightless, light-light,

light weightless.

The Lord God Himself pours colossal power into me with a constant stream,

colossal energy newborn fortress. I'm getting brighter - getting brighter

I feel more and more energetic - more and more fast - more and more

energetic - ever faster. I'm getting brighter - I'm feeling brighter

more and more powerful - more and more powerful - more and more powerful.

I am brighter and brighter - I feel a newborn youth in myself more and more brightly. I am everything

brighter - brighter and brighter I feel in myself a newborn youth. I am with brightness

lightning feel like a newborn young - Divinely healthy -

Divinely energetic - Divinely strong hero indestructibly

good health.

The triumph of indestructible good health shines in my eyes.

The triumphant power of youth shines in my eyes. Bogatyrskoe

Enduring Health - Divine good health glows in my

A newborn-young - Divinely healthy soul is born in me. In

I am born a newborn-young - Divinely healthy soul. Inside of me

the Divine all-conquering strength of the spirit is born.

My thinking is sharply activated, sharply intensified. Sharp

the power of my thought grows. Each of my phrases about the liver at once, quickly

materializes. Every phrase I say about the liver has real power.

materialization, by the colossal force of materialization. Everything I say

about his liver, immediately materializes. According to the law of reason and

As a result, my every phrase about the liver immediately materializes.

I'm brighter - I remember brighter - I feel my newborn-young -

Divinely healthy liver, Divinely correct internal

structure of the young liver. I am with Divinely energetic help with brightness

I remember lightning, I feel my newborn-young - Divinely strong -

Divinely energetic liver. I'm brighter - I remember brighter - I feel

my newborn young liver, perfectly correct - Divinely

correct internal structure, ideally correct - Divinely

correct - newborn-correct internal structure.

A liver of divinely correct size is born, a liver is born

Divinely correct form, the ideally correct liver is born -

Divinely correct internal structure. The bile is born

a bubble of perfectly correct - Divinely correct form, is born

gallbladder Divinely correct size, gallbladder is born

a bladder of Divinely correct size, a gallbladder is born

Divinely strong, Divinely strong, a gallbladder is born

Divinely energetic, Divinely energetic.

The bile ducts are born newborn-young, energetic-strong,

energetic-strong. The whole liver as a whole is sharply activated, sharply

intensifies. The Lord God Himself constantly-continuously sharply

activates, sharply activates, sharply strengthens my liver. All

liver tissues are sharply activated, sharply intensified.

In all liver tissues - in all liver cells, the Lord God is constant

pours colossal Divine energy of rapid development in a stream,

fast creation. All liver tissue rapidly-vigorously

develops, improves, rapidly-energically

develops and improves. The whole liver as a whole quickly

is being improved, constantly-continuously improving all my

liver. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic - everything

stronger liver.

Liver more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more

correctly - more and more Divinely correctly performs everything in the body

their functions. Throughout the body, the colossal energy of youth is in full swing.

In all internal organs, the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth

beats with a key. In all body systems, a colossal inexhaustible

the energy of youth is in full swing.

Head more and more energetic - more and more energetic

activates-activates strengthens the liver. The liver works everything

more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more energetic

liver. The liver is more and more correct - more and more energetic - more and more

properly performs all its functions in the body. Liver more and more

energetically with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body.

The liver performs more and more vigorously in the body

all its functions.

A strong mighty heroic heart with colossal force drives blood,

drives blood through the liver, drives blood in a rapid stream. Blood

merry-joyful swift stream washes-washes-washes

liver, washes out all salts from the liver - all toxins - all salts - all

slag - all metabolic products, cleanses-cleanses-cleanses the liver.

A divinely pure is born, a newborn-clean liver is born.

Is born Divinely pure, Divinely pure, newborn-pure

the liver is born. A newborn-pure is born - Divinely pure

A strong mighty heroic heart drives blood with great force

through the liver in a swift stream. Blood cheerful-joyful

flushes-washes-washes the liver with a swift stream,

washes-washes-washes out of the liver all salts - all toxins - everything

metabolic products, cleanses-cleanses-cleanses the liver. Is born

newborn-pure - Divinely pure, ideally pure is born

I remember with the brightness of lightning, I feel my newborn-young -

Divinely clean - newborn clean liver. I am with the brightness of lightning

I remember, I feel my newborn-young - Divinely strong -

Divinely energetic liver. I remember with the brightness of lightning, I feel

ideally correct - newborn-young - divinely correct

the internal structure of all liver tissues, the entire liver as a whole. I'm with

I feel with the brightness of lightning: again and again, the ideally correct

Divinely correct internal structure of the liver. I am with brightness

I feel lightning: a newborn-young is born - Divinely

correct - ideally-correct internal structure of the liver.

A liver of divinely correct size is born - Divinely

correct form - Divinely correct internal structure.

Born Divine healthy liver. A newborn baby is born

Divinely healthy liver. A newborn young is born

energetic-strong, energetic-strong - Divinely healthy liver.

A newborn young is born - Divinely energetic - Divinely

strong young liver.

I feel my newborn young with the brightness of lightning,

newborn young - Divinely strong - Divinely energetic

liver. With the brightness of lightning I feel an energetic-strong bile

bubble, with the brightness of lightning I feel energetic-strong bile

The gallbladder is getting stronger - getting stronger - getting stronger

contracts, drives bile into the duodenum. bile ducts

more and more energetic are born - more and more strong. bile ducts

stronger and stronger - more and more energetically pushing bile into the duodenum 12.

The whole liver as a whole is sharply activated, sharply intensified.

A newborn-fresh, newborn-whole liver is born. I'm iso

I try my best to be as bright as possible - as bright as possible

feel: a newborn-fresh is born quickly,

newborn-fresh, newborn-whole, newborn-whole

the liver is born. Quickly born newborn-fresh,

neonatal-fresh, neonatal-whole liver.

All liver tissues are quickly born newborn-fresh,

newborn-fresh, newborn-whole. All body systems

all internal organs work with great power, with great

energy for healing and rejuvenation of the liver. More and more is being born

young - more and more young - more and more young liver.

The liver quickly returns to the past stages of development. Divine

bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the liver immediately

a newborn young is born - Divinely strong - Divinely

energetic. The liver is getting stronger - everything is more energetic - everything is more energetic

perfectly correctly with valiant prowess performs in the body all its

Throughout the body of colossal inexhaustible strength, the energy of youth beats

key. In me, the colossal energy of newborn youth beats

key. In all internal organs - in all body systems

the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing.

I am more and more vivid - more and more vividly feel more and more energetic

More and more energetic - more and more fast - more and more fast - everything

more energetic - ever faster. The Lord God Himself is constant

floods me with colossal divine holy power. I am everything

more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person physically everything

stronger - more and more powerful. I feel with the brightness of lightning

a mighty indestructible heroic force. I am with the brightness of lightning

I remember, I feel in myself a heroic indestructible mighty force. I am everything

more brightly - more and more vividly I feel like a hero invincibly

healthy - Divinely healthy hero of a mighty physique.

Liver more and more energetic - more and more energetic with valiant prowess

performs all its functions in the body. A newborn baby is born

liver. Liver more and more energetic - more and more energetic with

valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: the liver is energetically energetic with

valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. I'm with

with the brightness of lightning I feel my Divinely strong - Divinely

strong young liver. I feel mine with the brightness of lightning

newborn young, newborn young - Divinely energetic liver.

I live more cheerfully more energetically. The Lord God is a constant stream

pours into my liver an ever new Divine joy of life. Liver

lives more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. Joy-fun

joy-fun pour into the liver.

More and more cheerful is born - more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful

liver. Joy-fun, joy-fun pour into the liver.

A happy newborn is born, a happy newborn laughing

liver. Happy newborn, happy newborn

laughing liver, a newborn happy laughing liver is born,

happy newborn, happy newborn laughing

I love my liver with a gentle, tender, great love. I love my

liver tender-gentle great love. In the rays of my gentle great

love cheerfully joyfully comes to life, comes to life, comes to life, comes to life liver,

revives-revives-revives the liver, restores its newborn

integrity. All liver tissues are merrily-joyfully, merrily-joyfully

born newborn-fresh, newborn-whole,

neonatal whole.

The liver is cheerfully joyfully born newborn-whole,

newborn-young, newborn-whole, merrily-joyfully born

newborn-fresh, newborn-whole young liver. I love my

liver tender-gentle great love. My sweet liver, my sweet

dearly beloved liver, come to life, come to life, become younger, restore

your newborn wholeness, restore your

newborn-correct - Divinely correct internal structure.

I do my best to help you, my dear dearly loved liver. I

I mobilize all the forces of the body - all the systems of the body - all internal

authorities to provide you constant help. I help you all the time

my sweet liver. The heart is a constant rush of blood

washes you, my dearly beloved liver.

The heart, a strong mighty heroic heart, drives with great force

blood through the liver, washes-washes you, my dear liver,

washes out of you all salts - all slags - all metabolic products,

cleans-cleanses-cleanses the liver. A newborn-clean is born -

A divinely pure liver is born.

All brain mechanisms are more and more energetic - more and more energetic -

perfect right with colossal stability - perfect

properly manage the life of the liver. Liver with colossal own

internal stability vigorously perfectly correct with a valiant

daringly performs all its functions in the body. With colossal

own internal resistance liver vigorously ideal

correctly with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body.

With my inner vision, I see more and more clearly - more and more clearly I see my

newborn young - Divinely healthy - Divinely correct

perfectly correct internal structure. With your inner vision

I see my liver more and more clearly - more and more clearly in 100 years, and

healthy - forever young, forever young, forever young untouched life.

I'm more and more bright - more and more I feel like a newborn young

fast-energy developing beautiful young man. I'm more and more bright -

more and more vividly I feel talented - Divinely brilliant -

Divinely healthy - heroically healthy - indestructibly healthy

wonderful young man.

A newborn-young beautiful body is born. I'm all through

completely renewed, I am born again through and through

newborn young. With the brightness of lightning I feel a newborn in me

youth is an energetic, tireless newborn youth. I am with brightness

lightning feel divinely healthy, indestructibly healthy

constantly-continuously rapidly developing beautiful young man.

With my inner vision, I see myself with the brightness of lightning and after 100

young - eternally Divinely healthy untouched by life. I am with brightness

I feel a constant connection with my Lord God. I am with brightness

lightning I feel: the Lord God carried me to his group of immortals.

With the brightness of lightning I feel like a holy immortal, holy

immortal, forever young - forever indestructibly healthy.

The Lord God Himself pours into me with a constant stream of colossal power the life-giving Divine healing rejuvenating newborn life. Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages, I am immediately born a newborn-young - Divinely healthy - ideally healthy beautiful young man.

The Lord God Himself pours colossal newborn strength into me with a constant stream. I am getting stronger fast. All body systems are sharply strengthened. All internal organs are sharply strengthened.

The Lord God Himself moves time from the date of my birth through me into the future at great speed. I quickly return to the passed stages of development. Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I am immediately born a newborn-young Divinely healthy, energetic, fast, tireless.

And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates and strengthens all internal organs - all systems of the body. Colossal energy is in full swing throughout the whole body. Colossal energy is in full swing in all internal organs. With the brightness of lightning, I feel more and more powerful - more and more energetic - more and more young - more and more young - more and more healthy - more and more healthy - Divinely healthy.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of colossal power pours into my liver in a constant, round-the-clock stream. Healing rejuvenating newborn life pours into my liver in a round-the-clock-constant flow. A colossal newborn force pours into my liver. The colossal energy of newborn life is pouring into my liver. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened.

The Lord God from the date of my birth to the future moves time through me with great speed. The Lord God moves time from my birth date through my liver into the future at great speed. The liver quickly returns to the past stages of development.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the liver is immediately born newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic. The liver is immediately born newborn-fresh - newborn-fresh - Divinely serviceable - newborn-fresh - ideally healthy - Divinely healthy liver is born.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power, healing, rejuvenating newborn life, pours into my liver in a round-the-clock, constant stream. Quickly returning to the passed stages of development, the liver is immediately born new-born - new - energetic - energetic - Divinely healthy - Divinely strong.

And the head is more and more energetic - more and more energetically activates and strengthens the liver.

The Divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. The holy divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. Strong healthy nerves of steel are born in the liver.

The Lord God Himself pours the Divine fortress into all the nerves of the vast area of ​​the liver. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. In the entire vast area of ​​the liver, Divinely healthy, strong, intact nerves are born. In the entire vast area of ​​the liver, strong healthy nerves of steel are born.

The entire region of the liver is born firmly calm, indestructibly calm. The whole area of ​​the liver is born light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver is born light-light, light-weightless.

A strong mighty heroic heart with great strength drives blood through the liver in a swift stream. The blood in a cheerful, joyful flow washes, flushes, flushes, flushes the liver, flushes out all salts from the liver - all toxins - all metabolic products.

The newborn-clean liver is born, the newborn-clean - Divinely pure liver is born. A colossal newborn force pours into my liver. My liver is rapidly activated. My liver is rapidly activated. More and more energetic is born - more and more young - more and more young - more and more energetic liver is born. A newborn-young, newborn-young, newborn-fresh energetic liver is born.

The Lord God constantly pours into my liver the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth. Day and night, the inexhaustible energy of youth is constantly flowing into my liver in a round-the-clock stream. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic liver is born. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic - more and more energetic liver is born. The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified.

And the head is more and more energetic - more and more energetically activates, rejuvenates, strengthens the liver. The Divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. Steel fortress, steel fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. Strong healthy nerves of steel are born in the liver. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and the nerves are getting stronger and stronger.

The holy Divine Fortress flows into all the nerves of the waist area. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, strong healthy steel nerves are born. The life-giving Divine newborn life of colossal force pours into the entire waist area. All internal organs in the waist area are sharply activated, sharply intensified with valiant prowess, perform all their functions in the body.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. Kidneys sharply increase. Healthy - strengthens the stomach. Healthy-strengthens the intestines. All the internal organs of the vast area of ​​the waist are born more and more energetic - more and more energetic are born - more and more healthy - Divinely healthy.

Lord, I pray you, help me: help me as vividly as possible - as vividly as possible to remember-feel my newborn-young - Divinely healthy energetic liver. With God's energetic active help, I more and more vividly - more and more vividly remember - feel my newborn-young, newborn-fresh - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic liver.

With the brightness of lightning I feel: again and again a newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy liver is born. A newborn-pure - Divinely pure young liver is born.

Lord, I pray you: help me as energetically as possible, help me heal - heal my liver. The Lord God Himself more and more energetically - more and more actively helps me to heal and rejuvenate the liver. The Lord God pours newborn youth into me with a constant stream. The Lord God pours newborn youth into my liver with a constant round-the-clock stream.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the liver is immediately born at the command of God as a newborn young. The liver is immediately born at the behest of God newborn-young, newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic, untouched by life.

The Lord God pours colossal newborn Divine power into my liver with a constant stream. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic is born - more and more energetic liver is born. A colossal inexhaustible energy of newborn youth flows into my liver constantly - around the clock. More and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more strong liver is born.

With valiant prowess, the liver performs all its functions in the body with energy and joy. The Lord God Himself is constantly pouring into my liver an ever new Divine joy. Joy-fun pour into my liver. Joy-fun pour into my liver. A cheerful, cheerful, joyful liver is born. The liver lives more cheerfully, more joyfully, more cheerfully, more energetically. The liver lives more cheerfully, more energetically.

More and more cheerful - more and more cheerful joyful liver is born. More and more cheerful - more and more cheerful joyful liver is born. Joy-fun, joy-fun pour into the liver. Joy-fun pours into the liver in a constant stream. Joy-fun pour into the liver. The liver is merrily and joyfully coming to life - merrily and joyfully comes to life - it is getting stronger and stronger, my young liver is getting stronger and stronger.

I love my liver with a gentle, tender, great love. In the rays of my tender great love the liver is merrily alive. In the rays of my tender great love, the liver comes to life merrily, the liver merrily comes to life, the liver merrily comes to life, comes to life, lives more merrily, lives more merrily, merrily, more energetically. A newborn-young is born - a newborn-young cheerful-merry laughing liver is born. A happy newborn is born - a newborn happy laughing liver is born, a newborn happy cheerful liver. A newborn happy, newborn happy cheerful liver is born. A happy newborn is born, a newborn is a happy cheerful liver.

Joy-fun pour into the liver. Day and night - around the clock joy-fun, joy-fun pour into the liver. A merry, merry laughing liver, a merry, merry laughing liver, is born. A cheerful, cheerful laughing liver is born.

The liver cheerfully and joyfully with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. The liver cheerfully and joyfully with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. The liver works more cheerfully, more energetically, the liver works more cheerfully, more energetically. More cheerfully, more energetically, the liver performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly with valiant prowess.

All body systems work with enormous, colossal power - all body systems work with great energy - all internal organs to improve the liver. From the whole organism flows into the liver of colossal force newborn life. From all systems of the body - from all internal organs, a colossal inexhaustible energy of life flows into the liver in a constant stream.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. With the brightness of lightning I remember-feel my newborn-young - Divinely healthy energetic liver. With the brightness of lightning I remember-feel my newborn-young Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic liver.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power pours into the entire vast region of the waist. Into all the nerves in the lumbar region flows the Divine steel indestructible fortress. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the lower back, they are getting healthier, getting stronger, getting healthier - getting stronger nerves. Healthy nerves of steel are born throughout the vast area of ​​the lower back.

The Divine steel fortress flows into the nerves of the lower back - legs. The steel fortress flows into the nerves of the lower back - legs. Healthy-strengthen, healthier-strengthening lumbar nerves. Strong healthy steel lumbar nerves are born. The entire lumbar region is born firmly calm - indestructibly calm. The entire lumbar area is light-light, light-weightless.

The entire vast area of ​​the waist is light-light, light-weightless. The whole vast area of ​​the waist is firmly calm - indestructibly calm. The whole vast area of ​​the waist is firmly calm - indestructibly calm. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, firmly calm - indestructibly calm, strong, healthy nerves of steel. The entire vast area of ​​the waist is newborn-fresh, newborn-fresh - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy energetic indefatigable.

In the lumbar region, it is easy and calm. In the lumbar region, it is always easy-calm, easy-calm. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, it is easy-calmly, easily-calmly. The entire vast area of ​​the waist is always-constantly light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​​​the waist is always constantly light-light, light-weightless.

The whole area of ​​the liver is light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver is light-light, light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver is firmly calm - indestructibly calm. A newborn-young - Divinely healthy - newborn-fresh energetic liver is born. I love my liver with a tender, tender great love I love my liver.

In the rays of my tender great love, the liver revives merrily, the liver merrily revives. In the rays of my tender great love, the liver merrily comes to life, the liver merrily comes to life, it grows healthier and stronger, it lives more merrily, more merrily, more joyfully, more merrily, more energetic, more merrily, more energetic, with valiant prowess, the liver performs all its functions in the body.

Throughout the body, colossal inexhaustible energy is in full swing. In me, colossal inexhaustible energy is in full swing. I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person more and more energetic - more and more energetic. I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person more and more powerful - more and more powerful.

Heroic strength is born in me. I feel with the brightness of lightning: heroic strength is born in my shoulders - in my hands. In all my young youth Divine healthy body a heroic indestructible force is born.

Heroic strength is born in the lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong tireless lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong is born - an indefatigably strong lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong tireless lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong tireless lower back.

I can bend over and work for hours on end - all day long. In the lumbar region, it is easy and calm. In the area of ​​the liver, it is easy and calm. I can lean in all directions for hours on end. In the area of ​​the liver, it is easy-quiet, easy-calm.

In the entire vast region of the waist - in the entire vast region of the waist - easily calmly, easily calmly. The entire waist area is light-light, light-weightless. The whole area of ​​the waist is firmly calm - indestructibly calm.

The Lord God in a constant - round-the-clock stream infuses life-giving Divine healing rejuvenating newborn life with colossal power. All internal organs in the waist area - all internal organs in the waist area: kidneys - liver - pancreas - stomach - intestines - all internal organs in the waist area are activated, sharply intensify - quickly and cheerfully come to life, quickly and cheerfully come to life, more and more young people are born - more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more healthy - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic - Divinely young all the internal organs in the waist area are born.

All internal organs in the waist area live more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. Fun and joyful with valiant prowess perform all their functions in the body. All body systems - all internal organs work with enormous colossal power - with colossal energy for healing and rejuvenation of the liver.

From all the internal organs, colossal healthy indestructible forces pour into the liver. From all the internal organs, the Divine rejuvenating power flows into the liver. A colossal inexhaustible energy of life flows into the liver from all the internal ones.

The liver merrily and joyfully comes to life. Liver merrily-joyfully comes to life, comes to life, comes to life, comes to life liver.

More and more healthy is born - Divinely healthy indestructibly healthy cheerful liver. A newborn happy, newborn happy cheerful liver, newborn happy laughing liver is born. A newborn happy, newborn happy laughing liver is born.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. All internal organs work with colossal energy, with colossal power to improve the liver. Invincibly healthy mighty forces pour into the liver. Enormous life energy pours into the liver.

All body systems work with tremendous energy to rejuvenate the liver. The life-giving rejuvenating newborn force flows into my liver in a constant - round-the-clock flow. Constantly, continuously - around the clock, my liver is getting stronger, getting stronger. More and more young - more and more young - more and more young liver is born.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the newborn-young liver is immediately born. The liver is immediately born newborn-young. The liver is immediately born divinely healthy. The liver is immediately born newborn-fresh - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic, untouched by life.

I remember brighter, brighter, I feel my newborn-young, newborn-young - energetic-cheerful, energetic-cheerful healthy liver - energetic-cheerful healthy liver.

With God's energetic active help, with the brightness of lightning, I remember-feel my newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic liver. And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically heals, heals, strengthens, rejuvenates the liver.

The brain mechanisms that control the life of the liver are dramatically enhanced. The Lord God Himself in a constant stream pours colossal Divine power into the brain mechanisms that control the liver. The brain mechanisms that control the liver are sharply activated, sharply intensified, sharply intensified. Brain-spinal cord, brain-spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates, activates, strengthens, rejuvenates the liver.

Colossal inexhaustible Divine power pours into the liver. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. The holy Divine steel indestructible fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. The holy Divine indestructible steel fortress flows into the nerves of the liver.

In the liver, strong, healthy nerves of steel are born. In the entire vast area of ​​the liver, strong, healthy nerves of steel are born. The entire region of the liver is born calm - firmly calm - the entire region of the liver is born indestructibly calm.

In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, they get healthier, get stronger, get healthier, get stronger nerves. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, strong, healthy nerves of steel are born.

The Lord God pours colossal newborn Divine power into my entire nervous system in a constant stream. My whole nervous system is sharply activated, my whole nervous system is sharply intensified.

All brain mechanisms are sharply enhanced. The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates and strengthens all body systems - all internal organs. The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically sharply activates, sharply strengthens my liver. All my nerves are getting stronger. All brain mechanisms are sharply enhanced. Healthy, strengthened nerves.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into all my nerves the holy Divine steel fortress. In my shoulders - in my hands they are getting healthier, getting stronger, getting healthier, getting stronger nerves. Nerves are getting stronger throughout the body. In all abdominal cavity healthier, stronger nerves. In the entire lumbar region, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger.

The Divine indestructible steel fortress flows into the nerves of the lower back - legs. Strong healthy nerves of steel are born in the lower back - legs, Divinely strong untouched nerves are born. From the top of the head to the fingertips of both hands - both feet, all the nerves are born Divinely healthy - indestructibly strong nerves of steel. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a man of steel nerves. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a man of steel nerves.

The Lord God pours into me with a constant stream of colossal power the life-giving Divine newborn youth. Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I immediately quickly return to the passed stages of development. I am immediately born a newborn-young 17-20-year-old Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy indestructibly healthy.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a newborn young, newborn young Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy indestructibly healthy. With God's energetic active help, I quickly return to the past stages of development. By the command of God, divinely bypassing all the intermediate stages of development I have gone through, I am immediately born as a newborn-young energetic-tireless, energetic-fast talented brilliant indestructibly healthy hero of a powerful physique.

A newborn young is born, a newborn young is born - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic - Divinely strong liver. Divinely pure is born - Divinely pure - a newborn-clean liver is born.

A strong mighty heroic heart with great strength drives blood through the liver in a swift stream, drives blood through the liver. The blood in a cheerful, joyful swift stream washes, flushes, flushes, flushes the liver, flushes out all salts from the liver - all toxins - all metabolic products, cleanses the liver.

A divinely pure is born - a newborn-clean liver is born. A newborn-young - Divinely pure liver is born. A newborn-young - Divinely pure liver is born. With the brightness of lightning I remember-feel my newborn-young, newborn-young - Divinely pure - newborn-clean young liver.

A strong mighty heroic heart with great force drives blood through the liver with a cheerful, joyful swift stream. The blood carries the liver in abundance with excellent nutrition. Everything the liver needs to live is perfect correct operation, constantly rejuvenation - all the blood carries the liver in excess. In full contentment, in complete contentment, merrily and joyfully comes to life, merrily and joyfully comes to life, comes to life, my liver comes to life. Lives more cheerfully more energetically. My liver lives more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.

I love my liver with a gentle, tender, great love. In the rays of my gentle great love, the liver merrily comes to life - the liver merrily comes to life, comes to life, comes to life - lives more cheerfully, more energetically, lives more cheerfully, more cheerfully.

My liver lives divinely free. Divinely free - Divinely free lives my liver. Eternally overflowing with the eternally new Divine joy of life, the liver lives more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more joyfully, more cheerfully. Cheerfully-joyfully lives - vigorously-works correctly: energetically-correctly - Divinely correctly with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body.

Throughout the body, the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing. In all systems of the body - in all internal organs, the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing. With the brightness of lightning, I feel energetic-fast, newborn-young, energetic-fast, energetic-fast.

Lord, I beg you: help me as vividly as possible - as vividly as possible to feel like a 17-20-year-old growing-developing, growing-developing Divinely beautiful, indestructibly healthy young man.

With God's energetic active help, I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly, I feel like a growing-developing, constantly improving, healthy-strengthening wonderful young man.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like an ever-developing talented genius - an ever-improving Divinely beautiful young man. With the brightness of lightning, I feel the process of constant improvement of the whole organism - all internal organs.

The Lord God pours into me a colossal Divine creative power in a constant stream. The Lord God constantly pours colossal creative energy into me. The Lord God constantly pours into my liver colossal colossal creative energy - the energy of creation, the energy of development. The Lord God in a constant stream pours into my liver a colossal inexhaustible energy of perfection - creation - development.

The liver is constantly improving. Everything is more and more ideally correct - more and more energetically - more and more energetically - more and more ideally correctly performs in the body, performs all its functions in the body. I feel with the brightness of lightning: my liver is ideally correctly energetically performing all its functions in the body with valiant prowess. My liver performs all its functions in the body ideally correctly energetically with valiant prowess.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: the liver lives merrily and joyfully, merrily and joyfully energetically. Joy-fun pour into the liver. A newborn young is born - forever young is born, forever young - Divinely young - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic - Divinely strong liver.

With my inner vision, with the brightness of lightning, I see my liver and after 100 years, and further, and after 1000 years, and further newborn-young - forever young - forever newborn-fresh - eternally Divinely healthy - newborn-young cheerful-joyful happy, cheerful -joyful happy.

With God's energetic active help, with my inner vision, I see myself in 100 years, and further, and in 1000 years, and further, as a newly born young - Divinely beautiful - eternally developing, eternally developing - Divinely beautiful brilliant young man.

All my abilities: physical - mental - spiritual are constantly developing. The process of development-improvement is limitless. All my abilities are developing rapidly and vigorously. My whole body is constantly improving. All internal organs are constantly improving: they become stronger, more energetic, more and more correct - more and more energetically perform all their functions in the body.

With God's energetic active help, I remember more and more vividly - more and more vividly - I feel like a newborn-young, newborn-young - Divinely beautiful - newborn-young - Divinely beautiful person. With God's energetic help, with the brightness of lightning, I feel like a hero of a mighty physique.

I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person more and more physically strong - more and more spiritually strong - more and more strong - more and more strong. With the brightness of lightning, I feel Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy growing and developing wonderful brilliant young man. I am getting healthier, getting stronger, getting younger.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I am immediately born as a newborn-young 17-20-year-old. I am brighter and brighter, I feel brighter and brighter like a newborn-young 17-20-year-old - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy - indestructibly healthy.

With the brightness of lightning I feel my newborn-young - Divinely beautiful physique. With the brightness of lightning I feel my newborn-young - Divinely beautiful thin waist. With the brightness of lightning, I feel my newborn-young, light, flexible, slender figure.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like an energetic-fast young man, energetic-fast, cheerful-merry, cheerful-joyful happy. A cheerful light is shining brighter in my eyes. The whole soul sings from happiness, from the joy of life. I am overwhelmed with the new Divine joy of life.

The brain-spinal cord increases energy resources every moment, restores a colossal primordial supply of vital energy. Increases the stability of the entire nervous system. Healthy-strengthen nerves throughout the body. The brain-spinal cord restores its original youthful freshness, every moment it is born young and tireless, with every moment the brain-spinal cord restores its original youthful freshness, it is born young tireless. Healthy-strengthen nerves throughout the body. Healthy-strengthen the nerves in both hands. The reserve reserve working capacity of the whole brain increases. Every moment the whole brain is born young and tireless, the brain more and more energetically controls the life of the body.

With every moment, the brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life of the whole body. The brain-spinal cord increases energy reserves, restores pristine youthful freshness, restores a colossal primordial reserve life energy. The stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves in the whole body become healthier and stronger, all my mental capacity. All the senses are filled with the tremendous energy of youth, with every moment an increasingly energetic young life is born in me.

A young life blossoms in me. A youthful beauty blooms in me. I am getting better and stronger every moment.

The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life and work of the entire digestive system. The brain-spinal cord becomes more and more energetic. The brain-spinal cord is born young and tireless every moment and more and more energetically-correctly, as in the young 17-20 years old, controls the work, the life of the entire digestive system. The whole brain has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the entire digestive system. All digestive system restores original youthful freshness, huge-young energy and works more and more vigorously. The entire digestive system is young and energetic. The tongue is red and clear. A young stomach is healthy and strong. Young nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly calm. Young, energetic intestines, all nerves in the intestines are firmly healthy. Throughout its entire length, the intestines are absolutely freely passable. Young-energetic-healthy intestines.

I have a healthy, strong stomach. The mucosal folds are smooth, even, thin, only 2-2.5 mm thick. Young-energetic-healthy stomach. All nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly calm. Young nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly healthy. The stomach is healthy and strong. The entire digestive system is firmly healthy. Young nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly healthy. The stomach is healthy and strong. The whole digestive system works vigorously, my appetite increases every day. Every day my appetite increases, and every day I eat more and more. Young-energetic absolutely healthy digestive system provides the entire body good nutrition. The young-energetic digestive system fully provides the entire rapidly developing young organism with good nutrition.

The stomach takes an increasingly active part in hematopoiesis. Thanks to this, the entire hematopoietic system works more and more energetically and produces more and more young-energetic-healthy blood. Every day I am born a young-full-blooded-pink-ruddy-young-energetic person. Every moment there is more and more young-energetic-healthy blood in my body. The stomach takes an increasingly active part in hematopoiesis. And the liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously.

All blood vessels in the region of the liver, eternally-permanently evenly open along its entire length.

My absolutely healthy young heart drives blood through the liver with great force. My young, absolutely healthy heart with gallant prowess drives the blood through the liver, and my young-energetic-healthy blood constantly cleans the liver clean. My young-energetic-healthy blood cleanses the liver clean. The liver is pristine clean. I have a newborn-clean liver. Young-energetic-absolutely healthy liver. The blood flushes the liver clean. The liver of a newborn is clean. An absolutely healthy, newborn-clean liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously.

The spleen increases the longevity of red blood cells more and more vigorously, thanks to which all red blood cells live in my body for at least six months. The bone marrow in all the bones of the body produces more and more red blood cells. The spleen increases the lifespan of red blood cells more vigorously, and the liver stores red blood cells more vigorously. The liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously. Inside the liver, the red blood cells become more energetic, even more full, even more energetic, the red blood cells become more energetic inside the liver.

I have a young, absolutely healthy, newborn-clean liver. A young, healthy heart with a dashing prowess drives blood through the liver. My ever-rejuvenating, energetic-healthy blood constantly-continuously cleans the liver, cleans everything from the liver harmful substances, all exchange products. My young-energetic-healthy blood constantly cleanses the liver clean. Newborn-clean absolutely healthy liver.

The whole body works with great power for a complete absolute improvement of the liver. The blood flushes the liver clean. The blood is better and better nourishes and rejuvenates the liver. The whole liver of a newborn is clean. The entire liver is elastic-elastic. The entire liver is young, newborn clean, elastic, elastic. With every moment, the liver restores its original youthful freshness. The blood washes clean and rejuvenates the liver. The whole liver is alive. The entire liver lives a young, energetic life and performs all its numerous functions in the body with a valiant prowess. I have a young, energetic, absolutely healthy liver with a dashing prowess that performs all its numerous functions in the body and more and more energetically stores red blood cells.

Inside the liver, the erythrocytes become even more energetic, even more complete, the erythrocytes become even more energetic inside the liver. The liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously. The liver creates favorable conditions for red blood cells. The spleen increasingly vigorously increases the longevity of red blood cells. The liver increasingly stores red blood cells, and Bone marrow in all the bones of the body it works more and more vigorously and every moment produces more and more red blood cells.

Every moment there are more and more red blood cells in my body. I already clearly see that in the near future the number of erythrocytes will double and reach six million in one cubic millimeter. The amount of hemoglobin will double, exceed 90 conventional units. Every moment I am born more and more of a full-blooded-pink-ruddy-young man.

Every moment I am born a young, energetic person of a huge male power. Every moment I am born a young, energetic man of great masculine strength. Every moment there is more and more young-energetic-healthy blood in my body. With every moment, the lips turn red, the whole body turns pink, the blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. I try to see as clearly as possible my lips are bright red like blood, bright red like poppies, like those of a young child.

With every moment, the whole body turns pink. Pinkish-strengthens the face under the eyes. Lips turn red, a young-pink blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. Every moment I am born more and more full-blooded, absolutely healthy-energetic-young-young man of great masculine strength.

The brain-spinal cord continuously day and night, every moment restores its colossal primordial supply of energy. The whole brain is born young and tireless every moment. Every moment more and more energetic young life is born in the brain-spinal cord. The whole nervous system becomes more and more stable. Healthy-strengthen nerves throughout the body. The young energetic brain-spinal cord strengthens all body systems more and more energetically. Powerful forces are ripening in my whole body for a new, young, energetic life.

In my entire body, in all my internal organs, powerful forces are ripening for a new, energetic, young life. The young, energetic brain-spinal cord has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the whole body, on all internal organs. The young, energetic brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life of the whole body, controls the work of all internal organs. All internal organs work energetically and joyfully, live a healthy, full-blooded, young life, perform all their functions in the body with valiant prowess.

The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically-correctly, as in the young 17-20 years old, controls the work of the entire digestive system. The entire digestive system becomes younger, restores its original, youthful freshness. Restores the original youthful freshness of the liver. The brain-spinal cord has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the liver. Every moment the liver is getting younger, restoring its original youthful freshness, its original youthful elasticity. The liver is elastic, elastic, like an absolutely healthy, young, strong person.

The whole liver is absolutely healthy. My liver is completely healthy. The young, energetic blood washes the liver clean and nourishes the liver better and better. The ever-rejuvenating blood continuously rejuvenates the liver. The ever-rejuvenating brain-spinal cord has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the liver. All my hereditary mechanisms rejuvenate the whole body and bring me fully into line with the young 17-20 years of age. All my hereditary mechanisms continuously bring my liver into full compliance with the young age of 17-20 years. Under the influence of these three powerful forces: the rejuvenating influence of the brain, the rejuvenating influence of the blood, the rejuvenating influence of all hereditary mechanisms, the liver becomes younger and healthier.

All body systems work with valiant prowess, with great power for a complete, absolute improvement of the liver. The blood flushes the liver clean. Healthy liver. Every moment the liver is born young and energetic, like a young 17-20-year-old healthy person. In the liver, an ever more energetic-young life is born. My liver is activated. With every moment, the liver restores its original youthful freshness. Restores original-young elasticity, original-young elasticity. Young-healthy liver is elastic-elastic. The entire liver is of pristine-young freshness, the entire liver is newborn-clean, absolutely healthy, newborn-clean liver.

A young, healthy heart with a dashing prowess drives blood through the liver. A young, healthy heart with valiant prowess drives blood through the liver, and my ever-rejuvenating-energetic-healthy blood flushes the liver clean. The liver of a newborn is clean, elastic, resilient, the liver is of pristine youthful freshness. I have an absolutely healthy, young, energetic liver. The whole body finds more and more new opportunities for constant, continuous, absolute improvement of the liver.

The spleen takes more and more active part in the full-absolute improvement of the liver. The spleen is activated every moment and takes more and more active part in the full recovery of the liver. The brain-spinal cord vigorously-correctly controls the life of the liver. The whole body works with great power for a complete, absolute improvement of the liver. The entire liver is of pristine-young freshness, newborn-clean, young, absolutely healthy liver. All internal organs constantly and forever firmly know that I have an absolutely healthy, energetic, young liver.

The bone marrow in all the bones of the body knows for sure that I have an absolutely healthy, young, energetic liver. The brain-spinal cord constantly-continuously knows that I have an absolutely healthy, young-energetic liver. I myself always, at every moment in my life, know for sure that I have an absolutely healthy young-energetic liver, that I have a liver of primordial-young freshness, an absolutely healthy-energetic liver.

The sex glands of the testicles produce more and more hormones that activate the liver. The bone marrow in all the bones of the body produces more and more hormones that activate the liver. The brain-spinal cord more and more vigorously Governs the young-healthy liver. And every moment the liver is born absolutely healthy, absolutely healthy, completely healthy every moment more and more energetic young life is born in the liver. Every moment the liver is born absolutely healthy, absolutely healthy, completely healthy every moment the liver is born. In the whole area of ​​the liver free, absolutely free blood circulation. Within the liver itself, all the blood vessels are forever-permanently fully open along their entire length. Inside the liver itself, there is free, absolutely free blood circulation and my young, absolutely healthy heart with valiant prowess drives blood through the liver. And my young-energetic-healthy blood cleans the liver and feeds the liver better and better and restores the original youthful freshness of the liver.

Young-energetic liver creates most favorable conditions for erythrocytes. Inside the liver, the erythrocytes feel great, become even more energetic, the erythrocytes inside the liver become even more full. The spleen increasingly vigorously increases the longevity of red blood cells. All red blood cells live in my body for at least six months, and the bone marrow in all the bones of the body continues to produce more and more red blood cells. With every moment there is more and more red blood in my body. The whole body turns pink, the lips turn red, the young, healthy blush on all cheeks flares up brighter and brighter. The whole head turns pink, the whole body turns pink. Every moment I am born a pink-ruddy young-young-energetic man of great male power.

The reproductive system is activated. Brain-spinal cord more vigorously rejuvenates reproductive system. Every moment I am born a young, energetic man of great masculine strength. All internal organs live a young joyful life. All organs live a full-blooded joyful life. All internal organs work with gallant prowess. All the internal organs perform all their numerous functions in the body with gallant prowess, and my whole body lives a full-blooded, joyful life. All cells of the body live and breathe freely. There is absolutely free circulation throughout the body. All body systems work energetically and correctly. The whole body lives a young, energetic, joyful life, and I am filled with a sunny, joyful smile of life. A young life blossoms in me, a young beauty blossoms in me, with every moment I am born a young, young, pink-ruddy, absolutely healthy, energetic person. With every moment, an increasingly energetic, young, young life is born in me. Every moment I become more and more energetic, tireless person, energy is in full swing, all the time I want to do something, do physical exercises. A rapidly developing musculature, a healthy-strengthening heart requires physical exercise, requires quick movements. A young, young gait is energetic, fast, I walk like I fly on wings, without feeling the heaviness of my body. A young gait is energetic-quick, I walk like I fly on wings, I do not feel the heaviness of the body. Every day the need for exercise, in fast movements. I enjoy running fast, swimming fast in the pool. Energetic-young-fast-willed gait. I walk like I fly on wings, not feeling the weight of my body.

With every moment a young one is born slim figure. Sharply sunken, skinny, youthful belly, thin, youthful waist. The waist is thin, the face is full. The cheeks are full, rounded with a bright healthy beautiful blush. Lips bright red, like poppies. Eyelashes are black, black. Eyebrows are black, black. Thick, curly curly hair stands like a wall on his head. Black eyelashes, black eyebrows, black head hair create a sharp, beautiful drawing young face. Lips bright red, like poppies. Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are black, black. Young-healthy-beautiful Blush on all cheeks is getting brighter and brighter. Smoothes, rejuvenates the face, strengthens, becomes more and more elastic. The whole body becomes more and more strong, as if from solid rubber, the whole body is strong, elastic, you can’t pinch it, you can’t gather it into a fold. I vividly and distinctly feel how every moment a more energetic young life is born in me, and this fills my whole being with happiness, happiness and joy of a young young life.

Spring is blooming in my soul and the sunny joyful smile of life fills my whole being without a trace.

All cells of the body live and breathe freely. The whole body lives a young-energetic-joyful life. All internal organs work with gallant prowess. With every moment, the entire hematopoietic system is strengthened. The brain-spinal cord more and more vigorously strengthens the entire hematopoietic system. Every moment there is more and more young healthy blood in my body. With every moment, the whole body turns pink, the blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. Lips redden. Every moment I am born a young, young, energetic man of great masculine strength.

Young energetic liver

Into my liver God is infusing a gigantic vibrant youthful life. All the blood vessels of the liver Divinely expand. Through all the blood vessels of the liver, blood flows in a spring, cheerful, joyful stream. The blood washes my liver with rapid streams, washing out all the salts, all the toxins, all the products of metabolism from the liver.

The liver is born divinely pure. Enormous Divine power flows into the nerves of the liver. Holy Divine steel is poured into the nerves of the liver. Strengthen, get healthier, get stronger nerves. The whole area of ​​the liver is filled with a very pleasant young healthy calmness. The entire vast area of ​​the liver of the newborn is firmly calm. The whole area of ​​the liver is light-light, absolutely weightless.

All structures of the liver Divinely revive the young, 18-year-old, God-created Divinely healthy structure. Now the liver is born exactly as young as at 18, physiologically energetic, active, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. now my liver is exactly the same as at 18, newborn-young, energetic, active, divinely healthy, untouched by life.

Liver health

The Lord God Himself pours into me with a constant stream of colossal power the life-giving Divine healing rejuvenating newborn life. Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages, I am immediately born a newborn-young - Divinely healthy - ideally healthy beautiful young man.

The Lord God Himself pours colossal newborn strength into me with a constant stream. I am getting stronger fast. All body systems are sharply strengthened. All internal organs are sharply strengthened.

The Lord God Himself moves time from the date of my birth through me into the future at great speed. I quickly return to the passed stages of development. Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I am immediately born a newborn-young Divinely healthy, energetic, fast, tireless.

And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates and strengthens all internal organs - all systems of the body. Colossal energy is in full swing throughout the whole body. Colossal energy is in full swing in all internal organs. With the brightness of lightning, I feel more and more powerful - more and more energetic - more and more young - more and more healthy - more and more healthy - Divinely healthy.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of colossal power pours into my liver in a constant, round-the-clock stream. Healing rejuvenating newborn life pours into my liver in a round-the-clock-constant flow. A colossal newborn force pours into my liver. The colossal energy of newborn life is pouring into my liver. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened.

The Lord God from the date of my birth to the future moves time through me with great speed. The Lord God moves time from my birth date through my liver into the future at great speed. The liver quickly returns to the past stages of development.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the liver is immediately born newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic. immediately a newborn-fresh is born - newborn-fresh - Divinely serviceable - newborn-fresh - ideally healthy - Divinely healthy liver is born.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power, healing, rejuvenating newborn life, pours into my liver in a round-the-clock, constant stream. Quickly returning to the passed stages of development, the liver is immediately born new-born - new - energetic - energetic - Divinely healthy - Divinely strong.

And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates - activates strengthens the liver.

The Divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. The holy divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. Strong healthy nerves of steel are born in the liver.

The Lord God Himself pours the Divine fortress into all the nerves of the vast area of ​​the liver. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. In the entire vast area of ​​the liver, Divinely healthy, strong, intact nerves are born. In the entire vast area of ​​the liver, strong healthy nerves of steel are born.

The whole region of the liver is born firmly calm, indestructible-light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver is born light-light, light-weightless.

A strong mighty heroic heart with great strength drives blood through the liver in a swift stream. The blood in a cheerful, joyful swift stream flushes, flushes, flushes, flushes the liver, flushes out all salts from the liver - all slags - all metabolic products.

The newborn-clean liver is born, the newborn-clean - Divinely pure liver is born. A colossal newborn force pours into my liver. The liver is rapidly activated. My liver is rapidly activated. More and more energetic is born - more and more young - more and more young - more and more energetic liver is born. A newborn-young, newborn-young, newborn-fresh energetic liver is born.

The Lord God constantly pours into my liver the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth. Day and night, a colossal inexhaustible energy of youth pours into my liver in a constant round-the-clock stream. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic liver is born. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic - more and more energetic liver is born. The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified.

And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates, activates, rejuvenates, strengthens the liver. The Divine fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. Steel fortress, steel fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. Strong healthy nerves of steel are born in the liver. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and the nerves are getting stronger and stronger.

The holy Divine Fortress flows into all the nerves of the waist area. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, strong healthy steel nerves are born. The life-giving Divine newborn life of colossal force pours into the entire waist area. All internal organs in the waist area are sharply activated, sharply intensified with valiant prowess, perform all their functions in the body.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. Kidneys sharply increase. Healthy - strengthens the stomach. Healthy-strengthens the intestines. All the internal organs of the vast area of ​​the waist are born more and more energetic - more and more energetic are born - more and more healthy - Divinely healthy.

Lord, I pray you, help me: help me as vividly as possible - as vividly as possible to remember-feel my newborn-young - Divinely healthy energetic liver. With God's energetic active help, I more and more vividly - more and more vividly remember - feel my newborn-young, newborn-fresh - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic liver.

With the brightness of lightning I feel: again, again, a newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy liver is born. A newborn-pure - Divinely pure young liver is born.

Lord, I pray you: help me as energetically as possible, help me heal - heal my liver. The Lord God Himself more and more energetically - more and more actively helps me to heal and rejuvenate the liver. The Lord God pours newborn youth into me with a constant stream. The Lord God pours newborn youth into my liver with a constant round-the-clock stream.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the liver is immediately born at the command of God as a newborn young. The liver is immediately born at the behest of God newborn-young, newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic, untouched by life.

The Lord God pours colossal newborn Divine power into my liver with a constant stream. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened. My liver is sharply activated, sharply strengthened. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic is born - more and more energetic liver is born. A colossal inexhaustible energy of newborn youth flows into my liver constantly - around the clock. More and more energetic is born - more and more energetic - more and more strong liver is born.

With valiant prowess, the liver performs all its functions in the body with energy and joy. The Lord God Himself is constantly pouring eternally new Divine joy into my liver. Joy-fun pour into the liver. Joy-fun pour into the liver. A cheerful, cheerful, joyful liver is born. The liver lives more cheerfully, more joyfully, more cheerfully, more energetically. The liver lives more cheerfully, more energetically.

More and more cheerful - more and more cheerful joyful liver is born. More and more cheerful - more and more cheerful joyful liver is born. Joy-fun, joy-fun pour into the liver. Joy-fun pours into the liver in a constant stream. Joy-fun pour into the liver. The liver is merrily and joyfully coming to life - merrily and joyfully comes to life - it is getting stronger and stronger, my young liver is getting stronger and stronger.

I love my liver with a gentle, tender, great love. In the rays of my gentle great love, the liver merrily comes to life. In the rays of my tender great love, the liver merrily comes to life, the liver merrily comes to life, comes to life, lives more cheerfully, lives more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically. A newborn-young is born - a newborn-young cheerful-merry laughing liver is born. A happy newborn is born - a newborn happy laughing liver is born, a newborn happy cheerful liver. A newborn happy, newborn happy cheerful liver is born. A newborn happy, newborn happy cheerful liver is born.

Joy-fun pour into the liver. Day and night - around the clock joy-fun, joy-fun pour into the liver. A merry, merry laughing liver, a merry, merry laughing liver, is born. A cheerful, cheerful laughing liver is born.

The liver cheerfully and joyfully with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. The liver cheerfully and joyfully with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. The liver works more cheerfully, more energetically, the liver works more cheerfully, more energetically. More cheerfully, more energetically, the liver performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly with valiant prowess.

All body systems work with enormous, colossal power - all body systems work with great energy - all internal organs to improve the liver. From the whole organism flows into the liver of colossal force newborn life. From all systems of the body - from all internal organs, a colossal inexhaustible energy of life flows into the liver in a constant stream.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. With the brightness of lightning I remember-feel my newborn-young - Divinely healthy energetic liver. With the brightness of lightning I remember-feel my newborn-young Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic liver.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power pours into the entire vast region of the waist. Into all the nerves in the lumbar region flows the Divine steel indestructible fortress. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the lower back, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. Strong healthy nerves of steel are born in the entire vast area of ​​the lower back.

The Divine steel fortress flows into the nerves of the lower back - legs. The steel fortress flows into the nerves of the lower back - legs. Healthy-strengthen, healthier-strengthening lumbar nerves. Strong healthy steel lumbar nerves are born. The entire lumbar region is born firmly calm - indestructibly calm. The entire lumbar area is light-light, light-weightless.

The entire vast area of ​​the waist is light-light, light-weightless. The whole vast area of ​​the waist is firmly calm - indestructibly calm. The whole vast area of ​​the waist is firmly calm - indestructibly calm. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, firmly calm - indestructibly calm, strong, healthy nerves of steel. The entire vast area of ​​the waist is newborn-fresh, newborn-fresh - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy energetic indefatigable.

In the lumbar region, it is easy and calm. In the lumbar region, it is always easy-calm, easy-calm. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, it is easy-calmly, easily-calmly. The entire vast area of ​​the waist is always-constantly light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the waist is always-constantly light-light, light-weightless.

The whole area of ​​the liver is light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver is light-light, light-light, light-weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the liver is firmly calm - indestructibly calm. A newborn-young - Divinely healthy - newborn-fresh energetic liver is born. I love my liver with a tender, tender great love I love my liver.

In the rays of my tender great love, the liver revives merrily, the liver merrily revives. In the rays of my tender great love, the liver merrily comes to life, the liver merrily comes to life, it grows healthier and stronger, it lives more merrily, more merrily, more joyfully, more merrily, more energetic, more merrily, more energetic, with valiant prowess, the liver performs all its functions in the body.

Throughout the body, colossal inexhaustible energy is in full swing. In me, colossal inexhaustible energy is in full swing. I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person more and more energetic - more and more energetic. I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person more and more powerful - more and more powerful.

Heroic strength is born in me. I feel with the brightness of lightning: heroic strength is born in my shoulders - in my hands. In all my young young Divinely healthy body, a heroic indestructible strength is born.

Heroic strength is born in the lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong tireless lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong is born - an indefatigably strong lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong tireless lower back. A heroically strong is born - a heroically strong tireless lower back.

I can bend over and work for hours on end - all day long. In the lumbar region, it is easy and calm. In the area of ​​the liver, it is easy and calm. I can lean in all directions for hours on end. In the area of ​​the liver, it is easy-quiet, easy-calm.

In the entire vast region of the waist - in the entire vast region of the waist - easily calmly, easily calmly. The entire waist area is light-light, light-weightless. The whole area of ​​the waist is firmly calm - indestructibly calm.

The Lord God in a constant - round-the-clock stream infuses life-giving Divine healing rejuvenating newborn life with colossal power. All internal organs in the waist area - all internal organs in the waist area: kidneys - liver - pancreas - stomach - intestines - all internal organs in the waist area are activated, sharply intensify - quickly and cheerfully come to life, quickly and cheerfully come to life, more and more young people are born - more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more healthy - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic - Divinely young all the internal organs in the waist area are born.

All internal organs in the waist area live more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. Fun and joyful with valiant prowess perform all their functions in the body. All body systems - all internal organs work with enormous colossal power - with colossal energy for healing and rejuvenation of the liver.

From all the internal organs, colossal healthy indestructible forces pour into the liver. From all the internal organs, the Divine rejuvenating power flows into the liver. From all the internal organs, a colossal inexhaustible energy of life flows into the liver.

The liver merrily and joyfully comes to life. Liver merrily-joyfully comes to life, comes to life, comes to life, comes to life liver.

More and more healthy is born - Divinely healthy indestructibly healthy cheerful liver. A newborn happy, newborn happy cheerful liver, newborn happy laughing liver is born. A newborn happy, newborn happy laughing liver is born.

The liver is sharply activated, sharply intensified. All internal organs work with colossal energy, with colossal power to improve the liver. Invincibly healthy mighty forces pour into the liver. Colossal inexhaustible energy of life pours into the liver.

All body systems work with tremendous energy to rejuvenate the liver. The life-giving rejuvenating newborn force flows into my liver in a constant - round-the-clock flow. Constantly, continuously - around the clock, my liver is getting stronger, getting stronger. More and more young - more and more young - more and more young liver is born.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, the newborn-young liver is immediately born. The liver is immediately born newborn-young. The liver is immediately born divinely healthy. The liver is immediately born newborn-fresh - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic, untouched by life.

I remember brighter, brighter, I feel my newborn-young, newborn-young - energetic-cheerful, energetic-cheerful healthy liver - energetic-cheerful healthy liver.

With God's energetic active help, with the brightness of lightning, I remember-feel my newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely energetic liver. And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically heals, heals, strengthens, rejuvenates the liver.

The brain mechanisms that control the life of the liver are dramatically enhanced. The Lord God Himself in a constant stream pours colossal Divine power into the brain mechanisms that control the liver. The brain mechanisms that control the liver are sharply activated, sharply intensified, sharply intensified. The brain - the spinal cord, the brain - the spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates, activates, strengthens, rejuvenates the liver.

Colossal inexhaustible Divine power pours into the liver. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the liver, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. The holy Divine steel indestructible fortress flows into the nerves of the liver. The holy Divine indestructible steel fortress flows into the nerves of the liver.

In the liver, strong, healthy nerves of steel are born. In the entire vast area of ​​the liver, strong, healthy nerves of steel are born. The entire region of the liver is born calm - firmly calm - the entire region of the liver is born indestructibly calm.

In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, they get healthier, get stronger, get healthier, get stronger nerves. In the entire vast area of ​​​​the waist, strong, healthy nerves of steel are born.

The Lord God pours colossal newborn Divine power into my entire nervous system in a constant stream. My whole nervous system is sharply activated, my whole nervous system is sharply intensified.

All brain mechanisms are sharply enhanced. Brain - spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates and strengthens all body systems - all internal organs. The brain - the spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically sharply activates, sharply strengthens my liver. All my nerves are getting stronger. All brain mechanisms are sharply enhanced. Healthy, strengthened nerves.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into all my nerves the holy Divine steel fortress. In my shoulders - in my hands they are getting healthier, getting stronger, getting healthier, getting stronger nerves. Nerves are getting stronger throughout the body. In the entire abdominal cavity, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. In the entire lumbar region, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger.

The Divine indestructible steel fortress flows into the nerves of the lower back - legs. Strong, healthy nerves of steel are born in the lower back - legs, Divinely strong untouched nerves are born. From the top of the head to the tips of the fingers of both hands - both legs, the nerves are born Divinely healthy - indestructibly strong nerves of steel. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a man of steel nerves. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a man of steel nerves.

The Lord God pours into me with a constant stream of colossal power the life-giving Divine newborn youth. Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I immediately quickly return to the passed stages of development. I am immediately born a newborn-young 17-20-year-old Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy indestructibly healthy.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a newborn young, newborn young Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy indestructibly healthy. With God's energetic active help, I quickly return to the past stages of development. By the command of God, divinely bypassing all the intermediate stages of development I have gone through, I am immediately born as a newborn-young energetic-tireless, energetic-fast talented brilliant indestructibly healthy hero of a powerful physique.

A newborn young is born, a newborn young is born - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic - Divinely strong liver. Divinely pure is born - Divinely pure - a newborn-clean liver is born.

A strong mighty heroic heart with great strength drives blood through the liver in a swift stream, drives blood through the liver. The blood in a cheerful, joyful swift stream washes, flushes, flushes, flushes the liver, flushes out all salts from the liver - all toxins - all metabolic products, cleanses the liver.

A divinely pure is born - a newborn-clean liver is born. A newborn-young - Divinely pure liver is born. A newborn-young - Divinely pure liver is born. With the brightness of lightning I remember-feel my newborn-young, newborn-young - Divinely pure - newborn-clean young liver.

A strong mighty heroic heart with great force drives blood through the liver with a cheerful, joyful swift stream. The blood carries the liver in abundance with excellent nutrition. Everything that the liver needs for life, ideally correct work, constant rejuvenation - all the blood carries the liver in excess. In full contentment, in complete contentment, merrily and joyfully comes to life, merrily and joyfully comes to life, comes to life, my liver comes to life. Lives more cheerfully more energetically. My liver lives more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.

I love my liver with a gentle, tender, great love. In the rays of my gentle great love, the liver merrily comes to life - the liver merrily comes to life, comes to life, comes to life - lives more cheerfully, more energetically, lives more cheerfully, more cheerfully.

My liver lives divinely free. Divinely free - Divinely free lives my liver. Eternally overflowing with the eternally new Divine joy of life, the liver lives with more cheerful energy, more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more joyfully, more cheerfully. Lives cheerfully and joyfully - the liver works energetically correctly: energetically correctly - Divinely correctly with valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body.

Throughout the body, the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing. In all systems of the body - in all internal organs, the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing. With the brightness of lightning, I feel energetic-fast, newborn-young, energetic-fast, energetic-fast.

Lord, I beg you: help me as vividly as possible - as vividly as possible to feel like a 17-20-year-old growing-developing, growing-developing Divinely beautiful, indestructibly healthy young man.

With God's energetic active help, I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly, I feel like a growing-developing, constantly improving, healthy-strengthening wonderful young man.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like an ever-developing talented genius - an ever-improving Divinely beautiful young man. With the brightness of lightning, I feel the process of constant improvement of the whole organism - all internal organs.

The Lord God pours into me a colossal Divine creative power in a constant stream. The Lord God constantly pours colossal creative energy into me. The Lord God constantly pours into my liver colossal colossal creative energy - the energy of creation, the energy of development. The Lord God in a constant stream pours into my liver a colossal inexhaustible energy of perfection - creation - development.

The liver is constantly improving. Everything is more and more ideally correct - more and more energetically - more and more energetically - more and more ideally correctly performs in the body, performs all its functions in the body. I feel with the brightness of lightning: my liver is ideally correctly energetically performing all its functions in the body with valiant prowess. My liver performs all its functions in the body ideally correctly energetically with valiant prowess.

With the brightness of lightning I feel: the liver lives merrily and joyfully, merrily and joyfully energetically. Joy-fun pour into the liver. a newborn young is born - forever young is born, forever young - Divinely young - Divinely energetic - Divinely energetic - Divinely strong liver.

With my inner vision, with the brightness of lightning, I see my liver and after 100 years, and further, and after 1000 years, and further newborn-young - forever young - forever newborn-fresh - eternally Divinely healthy - newborn-young cheerful-joyful happy, cheerful -joyful happy.

With God's energetic active help, I see myself with my inner vision in 100 years, and further, and in 1000 years, and further, as a newborn-young - Divinely beautiful - eternally developing, eternally developing - Divinely, wonderful young man of genius.

All my abilities: physical - mental - spiritual are constantly developing. The process of development-improvement is limitless. All my abilities are developing rapidly and vigorously. My whole body is constantly improving. All internal organs are constantly improving: they become stronger, more energetic, more and more correct - more and more energetically perform all their functions in the body.

With God's energetic active help, I remember more and more vividly - more and more vividly - I feel like a newborn-young, newborn-young - Divinely beautiful - newborn-young - Divinely beautiful person. With God's energetic help, with the brightness of lightning, I feel like a hero of a mighty physique.

I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a person more and more physically strong - more and more spiritually strong - more and more strong - more and more strong. With the brightness of lightning, I feel Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy growing and developing wonderful brilliant young man. I am getting healthier, getting stronger, getting younger.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I am immediately born as a newborn-young 17-20-year-old. I am brighter and brighter, I feel brighter and brighter like a newborn-young 17-20-year-old - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy - indestructibly healthy.

With the brightness of lightning I feel my newborn-young - Divinely beautiful physique. With the brightness of lightning I feel my newborn-young - Divinely beautiful thin waist. With the brightness of lightning, I feel my newborn-young, light, flexible, slender figure.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like an energetic-fast young man, energetic-fast, cheerful-merry, cheerful-joyful happy. A cheerful light is shining brighter in my eyes. The whole soul sings from happiness, from the joy of life. I am filled with the eternally new Divine joy of life.

/ life-giving power G.N. Sytin

Chapter 2

2.41. For liver health

The brain-spinal cord increases energy resources every moment, restores a colossal primordial supply of vital energy. Increases the stability of the entire nervous system. Healthy-strengthen nerves throughout the body. The brain-spinal cord restores its original youthful freshness, every moment it is born young and tireless, with every moment the brain-spinal cord restores its original youthful freshness, it is born young tireless. Healthy-strengthen nerves throughout the body. The nerves in both hands are healthy. The reserve reserve working capacity of the whole brain increases. Every moment the whole brain is born young and tireless, the brain more and more energetically controls the life of the body.

With every moment, the brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life of the whole body. The brain-spinal cord increases energy reserves, restores the original youthful freshness, restores the colossal primordial supply of Vital Energy. The stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves in the whole body get healthier and stronger, all my mental abilities develop. All the senses are filled with the tremendous energy of youth, with every moment an increasingly energetic young life is born in me. A young life blossoms in me. A youthful beauty blooms in me. I am getting better and stronger every moment.

The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life and work of the entire digestive system. The brain-spinal cord becomes more and more energetic. The brain-spinal cord is born young and tireless every moment and more and more energetically-correctly, as in the young 17-20 years old, controls the work, the life of the entire digestive system. The whole brain has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the entire digestive system. The entire digestive system is restored to its original youthful freshness, great-young energy, and works more and more vigorously. The entire digestive system is young and energetic. The tongue is red and clear. A young stomach is healthy and strong. Young nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly calm. Young, energetic intestines, all nerves in the intestines are firmly healthy. Throughout its entire length, the intestines are absolutely freely passable. Young-energetic-healthy intestines.

I have a healthy, strong stomach. The mucosal folds are smooth, even, thin, only 22.5 mm thick. Young-energetic-healthy stomach. All nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly calm. Young nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly healthy. The stomach is healthy and strong. The entire digestive system is firmly healthy. Young nerves in the region of the stomach are firmly healthy. The stomach is healthy and strong. The whole digestive system works vigorously, my appetite increases every day. Every day my appetite increases, and every day I eat more and more. A young, energetic, absolutely healthy digestive system provides the entire body with good nutrition. The young-energetic digestive system fully provides the entire rapidly developing young organism with good nutrition.

The stomach takes an increasingly active part in hematopoiesis. Thanks to this, the entire hematopoietic system works more and more energetically and produces more and more young-energetic-healthy blood. Every day I am born a young-full-blooded-pink-ruddy-young-energetic man. Every moment there is more and more young, energetic healthy blood in my body. The stomach takes an increasingly active part in hematopoiesis. And the liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously.

All blood vessels in the area of ​​the liver are constantly and evenly open along their entire length.

My absolutely healthy young heart drives blood through the liver with great force. My young, absolutely healthy heart with a valiant prowess drives blood through the liver, and my young-energetic-healthy blood constantly cleans the liver clean. My young-energetic-healthy blood cleanses the liver clean. The liver is pristine clean. I have a newborn-clean liver. Young-energetic-absolutely healthy liver. The blood flushes the liver clean. The newborn's liver is clean. An absolutely healthy, newborn-clean liver stores red blood cells more and more energetically.

The spleen increases the longevity of red blood cells more and more vigorously, thanks to which all red blood cells live in my body for at least six months. The bone marrow in all the bones of the body produces more and more red blood cells. The spleen increases the lifespan of red blood cells more vigorously, and the liver stores red blood cells more vigorously. The liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously. Inside the liver, the red blood cells become more energetic, even more full, even more energetic, the red blood cells become more energetic inside the liver.

I have a young-absolutely healthy-newborn-clean liver. A young, healthy heart with a dashing prowess drives blood through the liver. My ever-rejuvenating, energetic-healthy blood is constantly constantly washing the liver clean, completely washing out all harmful substances, all metabolic products from the liver. My young-energetic-healthy blood constantly cleanses the liver clean. A newborn is a clean, absolutely healthy liver. The whole body works with great power for a complete absolute improvement of the liver. The blood flushes the liver clean. The blood is better and better nourishes and rejuvenates the liver. The whole liver of a newborn is clean. The entire liver is elastic-elastic. The whole liver is young - newborn clean, elastic elastic. With every moment, the liver restores its original youthful freshness. The blood washes clean and rejuvenates the liver. The whole liver is alive. The entire liver lives a young, energetic life and performs all its numerous functions in the body with a valiant prowess. I have a young, energetic, absolutely healthy liver with a dashing prowess that performs all its numerous functions in the body and more and more energetically stores red blood cells.

Inside the liver, the erythrocytes become even more energetic, even more complete, the erythrocytes become even more energetic inside the liver. The liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously. The liver creates favorable conditions for red blood cells. The spleen increasingly vigorously increases the longevity of red blood cells. The liver stores red blood cells more and more vigorously, and the bone marrow in all the bones of the body works more and more vigorously and produces more and more red blood cells every moment.

Every moment there are more and more red blood cells in my body. I already clearly see that in the near future the number of erythrocytes will double and reach six million in one cubic millimeter. The amount of hemoglobin will double, exceed 90 conventional units. Every moment I am born more and more of a full-blooded-pink-ruddy-young man.

Every moment I am born a young, energetic man of great masculine strength. Every moment I am born a young, energetic man of great masculine strength. Every moment there is more and more young-energetic-healthy blood in my body. With every moment, the lips turn red, the whole body turns pink, the blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. I try to see as clearly as possible my lips are bright red like blood, bright red like poppies, like those of a young child.

With every moment, the whole body turns pink. The face becomes rosy under the eyes. The lips turn red, the young pink blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. Every moment I am born more and more full-blooded, absolutely healthy-energetic-young-young man of great masculine strength.

The brain-spinal cord continuously day and night, every moment restores its colossal primordial supply of energy. The whole brain is born young and tireless every moment. Every moment more and more energetic young life is born in the brain-spinal cord. The whole nervous system becomes more and more stable. Healthy-strengthen nerves throughout the body. The young energetic brain-spinal cord strengthens all body systems more and more energetically. Powerful forces are ripening in my whole body for a new, young, energetic life.

In my entire body, in all my internal organs, powerful forces are ripening for a new, energetic, young life. The young, energetic brain-spinal cord has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the whole body, on all internal organs. The young, energetic brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life of the whole body, controls the work of all internal organs. All internal organs work energetically and joyfully, live a healthy, full-blooded, young life, perform all their functions in the body with valiant prowess.

The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically-correctly, as in the young 17-20 years old, controls the work of the entire digestive system. The entire digestive system becomes younger, restores its original, youthful freshness. Restores the original youthful freshness of the liver. The brain-spinal cord has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the liver. Every moment the liver is getting younger, restoring its original youthful freshness, its original youthful elasticity. The liver is elastic, elastic, like an absolutely healthy, young, strong person.

The whole liver is absolutely healthy. My liver is completely healthy. The young, energetic blood washes the liver clean and nourishes the liver better and better. The ever-rejuvenating blood continuously rejuvenates the liver. The ever-rejuvenating brain-spinal cord has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the liver. All my hereditary mechanisms rejuvenate the whole body and bring me fully into line with the young 17-20 years of age. All my hereditary mechanisms continuously bring my liver into full compliance with the young age of 17-20 years. Under the influence of these three powerful forces: the rejuvenating influence of the brain, the rejuvenating influence of the blood, the rejuvenating influence of all hereditary mechanisms, the liver becomes younger and healthier.

All body systems work with valiant prowess, with great power for a complete, absolute improvement of the liver. The blood flushes the liver clean. Healthy liver. Every moment the liver is born young and energetic, like a young 17-20-year-old healthy person. In the liver, an ever more energetic-young life is born. My liver is activated. With every moment, the liver restores its original youthful freshness. Restores original-young elasticity, original-young elasticity. Young-healthy liver is elastic-elastic. The whole liver is of pristine-young freshness, the whole liver is newborn clean, absolutely healthy, newborn clean liver. A young, healthy heart with a dashing prowess drives blood through the liver. A young, healthy heart with valiant prowess drives blood through the liver, and my ever-rejuvenating-energetic-healthy blood flushes the liver clean. The liver of a newborn is clean, elastic, resilient, the liver is of pristine youthful freshness. I have an absolutely healthy, young, energetic liver. The whole body finds more and more new opportunities for constant, continuous, absolute improvement of the liver. The spleen takes more and more active part in the full-absolute improvement of the liver. The spleen is activated every moment and takes more and more active part in the full recovery of the liver. The brain-spinal cord vigorously-correctly controls the life of the liver. The whole body works with great power for a complete, absolute improvement of the liver. The entire liver is of pristine-young freshness, newborn-clean, young, absolutely healthy liver. All internal organs constantly and forever firmly know that I have an absolutely healthy, energetic, young liver.

The bone marrow in all the bones of the body knows for sure that I have an absolutely healthy, young, energetic liver. The brain-spinal cord constantly-continuously knows that I have an absolutely healthy, young-energetic liver. I myself always, at every moment in my life, know for sure that I have an absolutely healthy, young, energetic liver, that I have a liver of primordial, youthful freshness, an absolutely healthy, energetic liver.

The sex glands of the testicles produce more and more hormones that activate the liver. The bone marrow in all the bones of the body produces more and more hormones that activate the liver. The brain-spinal cord more and more vigorously Governs the young-healthy liver. And every moment the liver is born absolutely healthy, absolutely healthy, completely healthy every moment more and more energetic young life is born in the liver. Every moment the liver is born absolutely healthy, absolutely healthy, completely healthy every moment the liver is born. In the whole area of ​​the liver free, absolutely free blood circulation. Within the liver itself, all the blood vessels are forever-permanently fully open along their entire length. Inside the liver itself, there is free, absolutely free blood circulation and my young, absolutely healthy heart with valiant prowess drives blood through the liver. And my young-energetic-healthy blood cleans the liver and feeds the liver better and better and restores the original youthful freshness of the liver.

A young, energetic liver creates the most favorable conditions for red blood cells. Inside the liver, the erythrocytes feel great, become even more energetic, the erythrocytes inside the liver become even more full. The spleen increasingly vigorously increases the longevity of red blood cells. All red blood cells live in my body for at least six months, and the bone marrow in all the bones of the body continues to produce more and more red blood cells. With every moment there is more and more red blood in my body. The whole body turns pink, the lips turn red, the young, healthy blush on all cheeks flares up brighter and brighter. The whole head turns pink, the whole body turns pink. Every moment I am born a pink-ruddy young-young-energetic man of great male power.

The reproductive system is activated. The brain-spinal cord rejuvenates the reproductive system more vigorously. Every moment I am born a young, energetic man of great masculine strength. All internal organs live a young joyful life. All organs live a full-blooded joyful life. All internal organs work with gallant prowess. All internal organs perform all their numerous functions in the body with valiant prowess, and my whole body lives a full-blooded, joyful life. All cells of the body live and breathe freely. There is absolutely free circulation throughout the body. All body systems work energetically and correctly. The whole body lives a young, energetic, joyful life, and I am filled with a sunny, joyful smile of life. A young life blossoms in me, a young beauty blossoms in me, with every moment I am born a young, young, pink-ruddy, absolutely healthy, energetic person. With every moment, an increasingly energetic, young, young life is born in me. Every moment I become more and more energetic, tireless person, energy is in full swing, all the time I want to do something, do physical exercises. A rapidly developing musculature, a healthy-strengthening heart requires physical exercise, requires quick movements. A young, young gait is energetic, fast, I walk like I fly on wings, without feeling the heaviness of my body. A young gait is energetic-quick, I walk like I fly on wings, I do not feel the heaviness of the body. Every day the need for physical exercises, for fast movements increases. I enjoy running fast, swimming fast in the pool. Energetic, young, fast, strong-willed gait. I walk like I fly on wings, not feeling the weight of my body.

With every moment, a young, slender Figure is born. A sharply sunken, skinny, youthful belly, a thin, young waist. The waist is thin, the face is full. The cheeks are full, rounded with a bright healthy beautiful blush. Lips bright red, like poppies. Eyelashes are black, black. Eyebrows are black, black. Thick, curly curly hair stands like a wall on his head. Black eyelashes, black eyebrows, black hair on the head create a sharp, beautiful pattern of a young face. Lips bright red like poppies. Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are black, black. Young-healthy-beautiful Blush on all cheeks is getting brighter and brighter. Smoothes, rejuvenates the face, strengthens, becomes more and more elastic. The whole body becomes more and more strong, as if from solid rubber, the whole body is strong, elastic, you can’t pinch it, you can’t gather it into a fold. I clearly feel how every moment a more energetic young life is born in me, and this fills my whole being with happiness, happiness and joy of a young young life.

Spring is blooming in my soul and the sunny joyful smile of life fills my whole being without a trace.

All cells of the body live and breathe freely. The whole body lives a young-energetic-joyful life. All internal organs work with gallant prowess. With every moment, the entire hematopoietic system is strengthened. The brain-spinal cord more and more vigorously strengthens the entire hematopoietic system. Every moment there is more and more young healthy blood in my body. With every moment, the whole body turns pink, the blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. Lips redden. Every moment I am born a young, young, energetic man of great masculine strength.