Tablets containing potassium and magnesium. Daily intake of potassium and magnesium

Magnesium and potassium - important trace elements necessary for every living organism, including humans. These elements are used to build right job many systems. They are indispensable in maintaining life important functions needed for immunity. The lack of magnesium and potassium negatively affects general health person. That is why it is so important to make up for the lack of these elements in the human body in a timely manner.

The role of potassium and magnesium in the human body

Since ancient times, potassium has been known as an important mineral that regulates the functioning of the heart, controls fluid balance, blood pressure and the functioning of the heart muscle. Potassium is involved in the functioning of nerve impulses.

Potassium is an important element involved in the regulation of blood pressure. An increase in the volume of the mineral in the human body reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure.

This element affects the regulation and production of energy. It inhibits the negative effects of free radicals on the cells of the body.

Reduces the level of thrombosis in the arteries and reduces possible risk occurrence of atherosclerosis. Potassium helps eliminate many Negative consequences an excess of sodium chloride (salt) in the body. Potassium is most important for the elderly, whose diet is low in potassium.

Magnesium is an important chemical element in the human body. It is involved in the production of intracellular energy, regulates the distribution of nerve impulses and the activity of enzymes.

Magnesium is most important in the work of the muscular and nervous system, in the structuring of the musculoskeletal system.

Magnesium directly stimulates the production of insulin by influencing the amount of glucose in the blood. This mineral favorably affects blood vessels and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. It is magnesium that keeps a long period rhythmic activity of the heart.

Thanks to magnesium, metabolic processes are activated, protein synthesis is enhanced. This important characteristic of the element is most appreciated by athletes. The recommended level of the mineral in the body should correspond to the scheme: for 1 kilogram of human weight - 4 milligrams of magnesium.

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At the same time, the average intake of calcium and magnesium is optimal in the proportion of 10 to 7, since an increased content of the magnesium element in the human body causes a deterioration in the absorption of calcium, which leads to negative consequences.

Learn about the rate of potassium and magnesium from the proposed video.

Micronutrient Deficiency Symptoms

Hypokalemia may appear on the background of malnutrition, for example, as a result of strict diet. In large quantities, potassium is lost with the release of sweat and frequent urination. Potassium deficiency often affects people involved in sports, heavy physical labor taking diuretic medications.

Frequent poisoning of the body with various toxins, leading to vomiting and diarrhea, can also lead to a lack of potassium in the body. Coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks leach out potassium.

The main symptoms of insufficient potassium are:

  • Increased fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • Nervous exhaustion;
  • Irritability;
  • Non-healing wounds and ulcers;
  • Fragility of hair and nails;
  • Pain in the muscles;
  • convulsions;
  • Dryness of the skin;
  • erosion of the mucous membranes;
  • The occurrence of superficial hematomas;
  • Frequent unreasonable constipation.

If there is not enough potassium in large quantities, the result of this may be a violation in the work of the heart, often expressed in the form of an arrhythmia.

If the symptoms of hypokalemia are pronounced, numerous and often a cause for concern, then you need to see a doctor for treatment. required examination and prescribing appropriate therapy.

Potassium preparations should not be used on their own, as this can cause serious disturbances in the functioning of the body due to the subsequent excess of the mineral.

Magnesium deficiency in the body can be primary and secondary. In the first case we are talking about congenital metabolic disorders provoked by human genetics. Here we are talking about the lack of magnesium in the body from birth.

The secondary deficiency of the mineral manifests itself with malnutrition, violation of the water balance, daily routine, with frequent stressful situations and diseases. Magnesium deficiency often accompanies a period in women, which can adversely affect the development of an unborn child.

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Eating foods containing high levels of nitrates, nitrites and pesticides can lead to the removal of magnesium from the human body. Plants grown in depleted lands, the fruits of which are eaten, can also affect the decline in magnesium levels.

Excessive physical and psychological stress can reduce the level of this element.

The main symptoms of magnesium deficiency are the following conditions:

  • Arterial jumps;
  • Heartache;
  • Drowsiness or insomnia;
  • Weakness nervous and muscular;
  • Nervousness;
  • memory impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Depressive states;
  • Distractedness and lack of concentration.

because of low content magnesium in the body is possible fast growth destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia. Magnesium deficiency is the primary cause of myocardial infarction and coronary disease.

People with magnesium deficiency experience weather dependence more often than others, are at greater risk of gastrointestinal diseases and. For women, the deficiency of this element becomes a priority cause of PMS, soreness of menstruation and problems during menopause.

If there is a suspicion of a lack of magnesium, then you should consult a doctor for help. Self-medication is fraught with an overabundance of the element, which can cause other health problems.

Products that compensate for the lack of magnesium and potassium

If it is established that there is a lack of elements necessary for health in the body, then this level should be replenished by eating foods with potassium and magnesium.

To compensate for some lack of potassium, it is required to eat meals from foods that have high level potassium. Its largest amount is found in dried fruits.

Recommended for food a large number of green vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs. It is advisable to use them fresh, and in case heat treatment You can't pre-soak them. The best cooking method is roasting and steaming.

High levels of potassium in seafood, fish, liver and milk. If you replenish the daily supply of fluid mineral waters, so you can slightly compensate for the lack of potassium.

Everyone hears the term hypovitaminosis, especially during outbreaks of seasonal infections. However, about the lack minerals Many of us don't even think about it, but in vain. Their role in maintaining health is no less high than other nutrients. In our article we will talk about such important chemicals like potassium and magnesium.

The first mineral is active ingredient water-salt metabolism, normalizes the heart rhythm, participates in hematopoiesis and ensures the integrity of cellular and tissue structures. Due to the fact that potassium constantly circulates in intercellular fluids, its transport function is especially valuable. The substance is involved in the delivery of oxygen to the brain centers, as well as nerve impulses to the areas of their processing.

Magnesium in turn, bears a great responsibility for the work of the muscular apparatus, in particular the smooth muscles of the heart. The substance contributes to the establishment of rhythm, blood pressure, blood flow in the capillaries. Magnesium is also involved in the elimination cholesterol plaques and other accumulations on the walls of blood vessels. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the presence of this substance in the regulation nervous processes. Magnesium balances the stages of excitement and relaxation, thereby increasing the body's resistance to stress and anxiety.

In view of the undeniable benefits of the considered nutrients for life and health maintenance, pharmaceutical companies produce vitamins containing potassium and magnesium, taking into account the quantitative characteristics of each of them for the body.

The daily requirement for the nutrients in question can vary significantly depending on age, health status, area of ​​​​residence and level physical activity.

So potassium necessary for an adult healthy person from 1800 to 3000 mg. For children, the figure is two times lower, for pregnant women it is higher. Need in magnesium in men, women in position and lactating is in the range between 350-420 mg. For newborns, the amount of nutrient is small, about 30 mg; after the first year of life doubles and then increases in geometric progression according to age.

Vitamins containing potassium and magnesium

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

A balanced diet should meet the needs of a person in macronutrients, but this is not always possible for a number of reasons. various reasons. In that case, on help will come a complex of vitamins potassium and magnesium.

Vitamin complexes with potassium and magnesium - comparative table
Complex The amount of potassium and magnesium in 1 tablet (mg)
K mg
AlfaVit Classic - 50
Vitrum 40 100
Vitrum Plus 40 40
Vitrum Centuri 80 100
Doppelgerz active L-carnitine + Magnesium - 175.4
Doppelgerz active Magnesium + B vitamins - 400
Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + Potassium 300 300
Duovit - 20
Complivit 16.4
Complivit Magnesium 50
Multi-tabs Classic 75
Perfectil 50
Supradin 5
Teravit 7.5 100
Teravit Antistress 80 40

The drug with the most high content The minerals described are German-produced Doppelherz Active magnesium + potassium. The drug is presented in two dosage forms: coated and effervescent tablets, potassium and magnesium content of 300 mg each.

The following vitamins rich in potassium and magnesium are Vitrum Centuri made in the USA. It contains potassium and magnesium in the amount of 80 and 100 mg, respectively. This is followed by Vitrum, in which the substances are present in a ratio of 40 and 100 mg. Exactly the same indicators are typical for the Centrum vitamin and mineral complex, which is also produced in the USA, but the cost is approximately twice that of the above drugs. We also mention the Vitrum Plus complex, which contains 40 mg of each element.

Vitamins with a high content of magnesium are produced not only by foreign pharmacological companies, among which Duovit, Teravit, Multi-Tabs and Perfectil, but also domestic Alphabet Classic and Complivit Magnesium containing 50 mg of the substance.

Medicines containing potassium and magnesium

If we consider not only vitamin complexes, but two-component specialized preparations, it is worth mentioning such preparations as Panangin and Panangin Forte. They contain therapeutic dosages of potassium and magnesium. They have a wider list of contraindications use only as directed by your physician.

Before taking vitamins with potassium and magnesium, you should make sure that the body is deficient in these nutrients. As you know, everything is good in moderation. Excess macronutrients will not be beneficial, especially since the course of water-salt metabolism may change and the electrolyte balance will be disturbed.

Sweating is natural physiological process, which is necessary for the implementation of excretory, thermoregulatory functions. The amount of sweat released per day is from 500 to 1200 ml, the loss of magnesium and potassium is insignificant. extreme situations accompanied by increased sweating - up to 12 liters / day, which inevitably leads to a deficiency of electrolytes in the body. Magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) leave the body, causing disruption of the macrosystems: nervous, cardiovascular and muscular.

The article is devoted to the causes and role of microelement imbalance in the pathogenesis critical situations. We will also look at ways to replenish electrolytes.

The composition of sweat and the role of electrolytes in the body

Sweat is 98% water. However, water “leaves” not one from the body, it takes part of the electrolytes and salts with it. This is due to the peculiarities of the physicochemical processes occurring on the cell membrane according to the laws of osmosis.

As you know, sweat is 98% water.

Sweat contains:

  • Electrolytes (Mg, K, calcium, sodium).
  • Salts (in the form of free or bound ions).

Only 2% off total sweat is accounted for by electrolytes and salts. However, when increased sweating(hyperhidrosis), the absolute amount of compounds lost by the body increases. This causes their imbalance, since increased sweat excretion is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of these substances.

Normally, the daily intake of Mg is at least 800 mg, K - at least 2000 mg.

The role of magnesium cannot be considered separately from calcium

Their coordinated work is the guarantor of normal functioning:

  1. Marcosystem:
  2. Microsystems of the body, as they are part of:
    • vitamins.
    • Enzymes.
    • Regulate biochemical reactions:
      • Conduct excitations through the cells of the heart, nerve fibers.
      • They fix potassium inside the cell.
      • Provide energy to the cell.
      • Synthesis (formation) of protein, lipids, nucleic acids (DNA genotype).

It is difficult to overestimate the role of magnesium and potassium in the body.

Potassium and magnesium are closely related and the lack of one of these elements instantly leads to a lack of the other.

Consequences and causes of imbalance of Mg, K

The deficiency of these cations is the cause of disruption of the central nervous system: the appearance of fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle cramps. Similar states familiar to professional athletes after intense training when the body leaves a large amount of fluid through sweat. Electrolyte imbalance adversely affects the work of the heart - vascular system. There are attacks of angina pectoris, rhythm disturbances such as flickering or atrial fibrillation. This impairs the pumping activity of the heart, symptoms appear: shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling, pain.

Causes are chronic conditions: elevated physical exercise, disease. Imbalances can occur due to excess demand for these electrolytes, or excretion from the body.

However, often the reasons are combined:

  1. Intensive physical training in professional athletes, which are accompanied by increased sweating. The result is convulsions, weakness. On the other hand, for enhanced muscle training, it is necessary elevated level Mg, K.
  2. Diseases:
    • Hyperhidrosis.
    • Diabetes.
    • Cardiovascular diseases.
    • Severe forms of poisoning, which are accompanied by profuse vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. Not balanced diet. Products that displace trace elements: chips, salty, spicy beer snacks.

How to fill their deficit? You can change your diet by removing junk food. But in case of illness, increased physical activity, you need to eat foods with high content Mg, K.

Replenishment of magnesium and potassium deficiency

You can make up for the deficiency of microelements on your own. Sometimes you can not do without the help of a doctor, blood tests. medical specialists will help diagnose the shortage, find out the cause. Doctors will prescribe the right treatment, you should not neglect their help.

You can fill the deficiency of microelements on your own

The table contains products, knowing which, you can independently adjust the diet in case of an imbalance of potassium and magnesium cations.

Foods containing potassium and magnesium

Cocoa powder, coffee, raisinsmore than 1000mg/100 gr.
Peas, spinach and walnutsmore than 500 mg/100 gr.
Fruits: apricots, peaches;
cabbage: kohlrabi, brussels;
Cereals: oat, oatmeal, buckwheat
more than 300 mg/100 gr.
Vegetables: green peas, radishes, carrots, onions,
beets, tomatoes, garlic, lettuce;
Fruits: apples, grapes
200 - 300 mg/100 gr.
Fruits: orange, grapefruit, melon,
Juices: apple, apricot, peach
Dairy products, eggs
Vegetables: cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage
100 - 200 mg / 100 gr.
Tea440 mg/100 gr.
Coffee, milk, cocoa powder
Groats: buckwheat, oatmeal and oatmeal
100 - 200 mg/100 gr.
Yeast, bread, spinach, pork fat, cod liver50 - 80 mg/100 gr.
Groats: rice, buckwheat, barley,
Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, green pea, garlic.
Condensed milk, raisins
30 - 50 mg / 100 gr.

The leaders among foods in terms of potassium content are cocoa powder, coffee, and raisins. The leaders among products in terms of magnesium content are tea. Using daily cocoa, tea, cereals, vegetables, we supply the body with electrolytes at the same time. All products are everyday, simple for many. From them you can cook a variety of hot, cold dishes, snacks.

Thus, a balanced diet can be successfully adjusted independently.

Taking medications

When foods cannot replace the loss of electrolytes, medical attention is needed. Medical professionals may recommend

the most popular medicines:

  1. Magnesium B6.
  2. Magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium B6

The composition of the drug - Mg and vitamin B, which contributes to the rapid absorption of the electrolyte from the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of the drug - Mg and vitamin B, which contributes to the rapid absorption of the electrolyte from the gastrointestinal tract

Released Forms:

  1. Oral ampoules contain 100 mg Mg. The ampoule must be opened, the medicine should be diluted in 100 ml of water. The solution should be drunk immediately.
  2. Tablets - contain 50 mg of Mg.

All tablet forms of drugs are drunk during or immediately after a meal, if not special instructions. The drug is the drug of choice for patients with hyperhidrosis or athletes, as it effectively compensates for the Mg deficiency that occurs against the background of increased sweating.

Magnesium sulfate

Contains only Mg.

Available forms: powder, oral solution. Has a very wide range actions due to high concentration active substance. It is used for convulsions, muscle weakness, rhythm disturbances, as depressant with large losses of magnesium.

Combined drug: anti-inflammatory effect, inhibition of platelet aggregation (prevents platelet adhesion, thrombus formation).

Combined drug: anti-inflammatory effect, inhibition of platelet aggregation (prevents platelets from sticking together, thrombus formation)

Manufactured forms: tablets of 75; 100 mg.

The composition of the drug:

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid
  2. Mg hydroxide. The magnesium content is low, and the main goal is to protect the gastric mucosa from the aggressive effects of acetylsalicylic acid.

Used for treatment different forms ischemic heart disease, for complex therapy rhythm disturbances.

The importance of electrolytes in the body is great. Imbalance causes failure of many systems. Timely diagnosis of magnesium and potassium deficiency will allow you to immediately begin treatment and prevent serious disorders.

Most potassium is found in the cells that make up any organism. A small amount of it is in. In the intercellular space, it is responsible for the passage of nerve impulses, monitors muscle contraction, including the heart muscle, maintains the level blood pressure. Intracellular potassium regulates acid-base and water balance, participates in the work nerve cells brain, interacts with enzymes. If you do not restore the balance of this element after taking diuretics, its deficiency can bring the body to neurosis, cause serious problems, stroke.

The natural loss of potassium in the body occurs when stomach acid is released during the digestion of food. Part of the potassium is lost during intense sweating in the heat or during physical exertion. Part is excreted through the kidneys. The largest number element can be washed out with the start of taking certain diuretic drugs. There are drugs that practically do not affect the excretion of potassium, for example, tripas, and there are those that have a significant effect on its balance in the body.

The diuretic effect of diuretics from the thiazide group (hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide) is based on the removal of sodium from the body, followed by sodium, water is excreted. But in addition to sodium, these diuretics also remove potassium. Blood pressure mediators are usually given simultaneously diuretic effect, but they have a potassium-saving mechanism, so it is not recommended to take them at the same time potassium preparations to avoid overdose of this element. Another nuance is associated with the presence of magnesium in the body. Magnesium deficiency does not allow the absorption of potassium and interferes with the restoration of the balance of this element in the body.

Monitor the level of magnesium, try to replenish it if necessary, then taking potassium-containing drugs will give the desired effect.

How to replenish the loss of potassium

If it is confirmed that the content potassium, you need to adjust your diet by increasing the intake of foods rich in this trace element. This is, first of all, leaf salad, bananas, potatoes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons. A lot of potassium also in sunflower seeds, spicy greens (dill, parsley, mint).

In consultation with your doctor, take medications that increase the level potassium. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health, and, if necessary, control biochemical analysis blood, because the content potassium also can lead to serious illnesses.

It is very important to establish the cause of the deficiency potassium in . The point is that this flaw can be caused by both overexertion, disordered daily routine, malnutrition, fatigue, physical and psychological, and more serious reasons. For example, this trace element may indicate various diseases of the liver and kidneys, dysfunction of the glands internal secretion, chronic deficiency glucose in the body (hypoglycemia), dropsy and many other diseases. If in the first case it is enough to adjust the diet and lead a healthy, measured lifestyle, avoiding overwork, stress, then in the second case it is impossible to do

As a rule, older people are more susceptible to diseases of the vascular system and heart. But today these ailments are noticeably “younger”. The reasons for this are obvious: unhealthy lifestyle, frequent stress, malnutrition, bad ecology. All this most adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular system. A serious problem is poor nutrition. An unbalanced menu does not allow the body to receive important vitamins and trace elements, in particular potassium and magnesium. For the heart, these substances are essential. In this article, we will talk about the role played by potassium and magnesium in the body and how to replenish their content.

Why do we need magnesium and potassium?

Magnesium affects the heart rate. This element lowers blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots, and prevents angina pectoris. It also enhances the action of potassium, thereby supporting normal condition muscle tissue. Daily dose magnesium is 100-130 mg.

Potassium is the main building material cells. He renders positive influence to nervous and cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, increases the endurance of the whole organism. A person needs 2000 mg of this substance per day.

What are the benefits of potassium and magnesium for the heart?

  • Improve the conduction of the heart impulse.
  • They help reduce blood viscosity, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • Maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Slow down the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Regulate metabolic processes in
  • Normalize the metabolism in the heart muscle and supply the myocardium with energy.

Preparations for the heart and blood vessels are necessary for the prevention and treatment of conditions such as:

  • various types of violation heart rate(arrhythmias);
  • ischemic disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction);
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension;
  • metabolic disorders in the heart muscle caused by severe comorbidities (cancer, severe anemia, blood diseases, liver and kidney failure and etc.).

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body

With insufficient content of this mineral in the body, the heart cannot work normally. The patient experiences discomfort pain in the chest, there are signs of arrhythmia. The heart does not relax, as a result, the body experiences a lack of oxygen. There are convulsions, spasms. Levels rise in the blood bad cholesterol. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In addition, there are depression, migraine, insomnia. Hair, teeth, nails suffer from a lack of this important element in the body, their condition deteriorates noticeably.

in the body

With a deficiency of potassium, the body in biochemical processes replaces it with sodium, which contains salt. As a result, the body is saturated with sodium, which leads to edema. A lack of potassium provokes irregular heart rhythms, impairs heart health, increases the risk

The lack of potassium and magnesium affects the functioning of the whole organism. This is manifested by a breakdown, apathy, rapid arrhythmic pulse, high blood pressure. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on anything, muscles cramp, any physical activity is accompanied by pain in the heart muscle.

What contributes to the loss of potassium and magnesium?

These elements can be lost by the body in conditions such as:

  • diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus and various metabolic disorders;
  • the use of hormonal contraception;
  • increased sweating ( heat body, climatic conditions, working in a hot shop, visiting saunas, baths).

How to replenish potassium, magnesium? What foods contain these substances?

In our diet, even with a normal content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, there is a very small amount of trace elements. Potassium and magnesium for the heart in particular and for the whole organism as a whole are simply necessary. And the staple foods we are used to contain these substances in small quantities and cannot ensure their sufficient intake into the body, even if balanced diet. Therefore, they must be replenished by eating certain foods high in these elements or taking magnesium and potassium supplements.

Foods Containing Magnesium

Products that will help saturate the body with magnesium and maintain its content are:

  • fresh meat and dairy products;
  • millet, bran, buckwheat;
  • legumes (especially soybeans and white beans);
  • potatoes, carrots, spinach and all leafy vegetables;
  • peaches, apricots, bananas, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries;
  • nuts, sesame.

What kind

AT enough this element is found in:

  • meat products;
  • in almost all cereals;
  • wheat bran and wheat germ;
  • legumes (especially green peas);
  • fresh champignons;
  • potatoes (especially baked or boiled in their skins);
  • carrots, beets, pumpkins, radishes, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, greens (especially in spinach and parsley);
  • apples, oranges, bananas, watermelons, melons, kiwi, avocados, mangoes, cherries, grapes, black currants, gooseberries, blackberries;
  • dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, dates, figs);
  • nuts (especially walnuts and hazelnuts).

Choose low-fat dairy and meat products. It is recommended to give preference to lean beef, chicken and turkey fillet (boiled or baked). The fat content of milk should not exceed 0.5%, kefir - 1%, cottage cheese - 9% and below. Fish, on the contrary, it is recommended to choose more fatty (mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, capelin). Eggs should be consumed no more than twice a week. It is preferable to use vegetable oil (olive, corn, sunflower, hemp, cottonseed, soybean) in an amount of no more than three tablespoons per day. Bread is recommended to use from flour coarse grinding, with bran or cereal - a maximum of 200 g per day.

To prevent the development of heart disease and maintain the balance of potassium and magnesium in the body, it is necessary to limit the consumption of certain foods:

  • Salt should be kept to a minimum. Excess consumption of salty foods disrupts water-salt balance which negatively affects the work of the heart.
  • At the risk of developing heart disease, the amount of fluid consumed should not exceed 1.5 liters per day, including juices, soups, etc.
  • Sugar consumption should also be significantly limited. Since it contributes to the appearance of edema, which complicates the work of the heart muscle.
  • Fatty foods should be avoided. Of course, in no case should we refuse meat and fish, since from them we get potassium and magnesium for the heart. Just follow fatty varieties replace with leaner ones. Instead of butter use vegetable, instead of mayonnaise - low-fat sour cream.
  • Limit the use of sweet pastries, strong coffee and tea.

Potassium and magnesium tablets

For the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is very useful to use vitamin complexes containing potassium and magnesium. "Heart" vitamins (potassium and magnesium) help the body to withstand various stresses and work smoothly even with increased emotional stress. These elements provide protection to blood vessels and heart cells from free radicals, they are necessary for muscle contraction, including myocardium. It is desirable that drugs for the heart and blood vessels With got coenzyme Q10. This substance also provides normal work hearts. Coenzyme Q10 prevents the development of atherosclerosis and slows down the aging process.

In pharmacies, you can buy the following preparations of magnesium and potassium:

  • "Panangin";
  • "Asparkam";
  • "Aspariginat";
  • "Pamaton";
  • "Kudesan" (contains coenzyme Q10).

Assign similar medicines only the attending physician should.

When does the need for potassium and magnesium increase?

Additionally, take magnesium, it is necessary for:

  • gastritis, gastroduadenitis, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hard mental work;
  • chronic stress.

Due to the regular intake of magnesium, potassium and other important elements the work of the heart and blood vessels will be uninterrupted. If for some reason the products are not enough, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.