Signs of early menstruation. Signs of menstruation and causes of PMS

Before critical days, PMS occurs - premenstrual syndrome, which is often observed in girls. And sometimes the question even arises - what is less pleasant: yourself or PMS?

And such curiosity is quite appropriate, since most of all unpleasant processes occur precisely in the premenstrual period and the signs of PMS become obvious. The so-called ones are similar to some as many as ten Egyptian plagues, while others do not notice them at all.

In the second case, everything is in order, since if the symptoms are reduced, it means that the body is close to the “healthy” status. The only thing that can cause concern is the complete absence of symptoms and any signs of PMS - this is no longer normal. In the first case, everything is different.

What kind of organism - such are the symptoms and by which a woman determines the imminent onset of menstruation. And even more precisely their shape. Unfortunately, this statement is partly true.

What is meant by an individual characteristic of the body may turn out to be nothing more than a disease. In order to figure out “what happens, to whom and how?” Let's look in more detail at the main signs and symptoms that occur before menstruation. And then we will consider the severe form of these symptoms, giving vivid examples that explain this phenomenon. So…

Main symptoms before menstruation

First, let's make a list of the main symptoms that occur in the fair sex before their critical days.

Nine out of ten women during their pre-period period:

  • worry (over trifles and without reason);
  • I change my mood (very unexpectedly and dramatically);
  • they lose their temper over trifles (sometimes irritability is an understatement);
  • internal shaking (feeling of tension inside).

Six out of ten women during PMS:

  • often and before the onset of menstruation;
  • are subject to swelling (due to fluid retention this is not surprising);
  • experience unpleasant sensations, and even (this is often the case before breast swelling);
  • gain weight (due to increased appetite, no other reaction of the body should be expected).

Four out of ten women before their period:

  • headache;
  • dizzy;
  • rapid fatigue is observed;
  • increased heart rate.

Two out of ten women:

  • cannot make up their minds;
  • they constantly forget something;
  • experience (often progressing to vomiting);
  • get depressed;
  • they cry over trifles (often/rarely and senselessly).

Here is a small top of PMS ailments in various groups of women. In most cases, these are mental problems and should not cause much concern. Unless, of course, we assume that all this is caused by hormonal imbalance and these are not exactly symptoms of PMS. And if this is the case, then run to a consultation with a gynecologist, dear ladies.

Why do you feel sick before your period?

Nausea is the most common symptom in most women.

This phenomenon in the female body is caused by nothing more than an enlargement of the uterus. It swells, thereby squeezing the nerve areas, which leads to this feeling.

Don't worry when it appears before your period. This is the first sign of the imminent onset of menstruation.

Why do breasts swell?

There are some other symptoms before menstruation. For example, most women with PMS experience nipple swelling and discomfort. It even gets to the point of painful sensations. In the second phase of PMS, the breasts increase in size.

All this is expressed by a failure in production. In addition to it, there is another hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the body - progesterone. The production of which is also subject to failures.

Many women are afraid of gaining weight with the next arrival of their periods. This is expressed during the premenstrual cycle.

There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. Due to hormonal imbalances, the body poorly produces the substance serotonin. Thus, the balance of nutrients in the body is disrupted. The result is that you crave carbohydrates. In other words, for everything that is tasty and harmful. Unfortunately, these are not salads and mineral water.

Doctors don’t see anything wrong with the delay. On the contrary, this need must be satisfied, because the body is in dire need of nutrients and microelements.

But here you should stick to strict rules - eat often, but in small quantities. And it is necessary to give preference to fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Internal genital organs

It is not uncommon for ladies to experience pain in the ovaries. It is not surprising, since they swell - hence the disease.

In addition to the ovaries, the endometrium also changes temporarily. Peeling off from the walls, it causes pain and discomfort in the vaginal area.

The cervix also changes. First opening up, then lowering slightly, she does not leave her activity unattended.

All of the above are normal phenomena. However, if the sensations are very different from those observed during the previous cycle, then this is the right ticket to a consultation with a doctor.

Grand total

Regardless of PMS symptoms, every lady is simply obliged to visit once a year. I would like to add that observation by a doctor is a mandatory procedure.

Whether you experience malfunctions, pain, panic attacks - anything that causes concern is a reason to visit a specialist’s office.

The same applies to healthy ladies who do not experience any difficulties. Every periodic examination by a doctor is necessary.

Always be healthy and in good spirits.

Menstruation is a physiological feature of every woman. The appearance of an orderly cycle indicates that the fair sex is ready to bear a baby. There are many myths associated with this phenomenon, so getting reliable information is not easy. What precedes the onset of menstruation? Let's figure out which symptoms before menstruation are normal, and which are a reason to see a doctor.

Phases of the menstrual cycle and their features

The normal cycle of a healthy woman ranges from 21 to 30 days. The day from which it is counted is the first day of menstruation. The cycle is controlled by female sex hormones. Period symptoms appear before the next cycle begins. The cycle is divided into 3 phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal

The first phase should begin along with menstruation and lasts until approximately the middle of the cycle. Many people believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during this phase. This statement has a basis, but women should not believe it 100%. Several dozen pregnancies occur during this time. During this phase, the chances of pregnancy are low. Follicles form in a woman's ovaries, from which eggs are later released.

The hormone estrogen is “responsible” for the normal course of the first phase. Its release increases, which causes thickening and growth of the endometrium. Feelings of “swelling” in the abdomen are one of the symptoms of an early period. Estrogen production reaches its peak towards the middle of the cycle. 2-3 days before “day X” the concentration of the hormone approaches its maximum. The follicle then bursts and an egg emerges, ready for fertilization. Ovulation occurs.

Ovulation is not asymptomatic for everyone. About 15% of women experience discomfort. This is the norm. However, severe pain may indicate inflammation or an ectopic pregnancy. There are cases when ovulation was mistaken for an attack of acute appendicitis, and only a thorough diagnosis helped to understand why the woman was experiencing severe pain. Many women notice a slight increase in body temperature during ovulation until the start of the cycle.

The final phase of the cycle is the luteal phase. The hormone progesterone comes into action. Due to it and estrogen, the follicle becomes a corpus luteum. The endometrium becomes even thicker, lining the epithelium for the attachment of the future fetus. What happens next depends on the pregnancy:

  • If this happens, the baby is attached to the uterus and ends up in the place prepared for him. Here the placenta is formed, and the development of the embryo and then the fetus occurs.
  • If there is no pregnancy, the body begins to reject the epithelium, and menstruation begins. The cells of the lining layer come out of the vagina in the form of bloody discharge.

The main symptoms that appear before the onset of menstruation

Feelings of approaching menstruation begin during the ovulation phase. This is due to the presence of a slight hormonal imbalance in the body. Most common symptoms:

  • Changes in mood. Irritability appears, some women, on the contrary, become whiny and fragile. As you approach menstruation, these symptoms become more severe.
  • Another harbinger is a change in taste preferences. Just yesterday you went to the gym and didn’t allow yourself an extra piece of bread, but today you suddenly wanted cakes and chocolate? Don't be so quick to blame willpower.
  • Abdominal pain caused by ovarian activity. Discomfort is felt a week before the start of the cycle and often becomes a companion to menstruation in the first 2 days. A warm shower or any antispasmodic will help relieve pain.
  • Slight increase in basal body temperature. During and after ovulation, body temperature can rise to 37.2-37.4 ° C, these are common signs before menstruation. In this case, no symptoms of a cold or other disease are felt. A temperature above 37.5 °C is not normal, so you should consult a doctor.
  • If menstruation does not start on time (a delay of up to 5 days is normal), a woman may feel lethargic and nauseated. Such signs of menstruation resemble pregnancy, which occurs due to hormonal imbalances.

What is PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is surrounded by a lot of legends. Men are afraid of it, considering signs of negative changes in mood to be the consequences of PMS. During this period, the woman becomes harsh and irritable. Meanwhile, according to WHO, this syndrome is not typical for every representative of the fair sex. About 10% of women don’t even understand what it is. The rest are forced to endure this condition from 2 days to 2 weeks while waiting for their critical days.

Often PMS is not the norm. Abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, irritability indicate an abnormal course of the luteal phase. However, so many women are susceptible to it. You can reduce the manifestations of PMS by raising the overall tone of the body. Strong immunity, self-satisfaction, mental health are the main “enemies” of premenstrual syndrome.

What signs indicate pregnancy?

In the early stages, it is almost impossible to distinguish PMS from pregnancy by eye. Whether fertilization has occurred or not, the body can still behave as if conception has occurred.

Before menstruation, the breasts swell, tearfulness appears, and you feel sick from your favorite foods. Some even see the coveted stripes on the test. All this does not mean that your period will not come on time.

Delay is also one of the signs of pregnancy. However, a delay can sometimes indicate a hormonal imbalance. Thus, some athletes or novice vegetarians report severe disruptions at the beginning of the cycle. The reason to contact a gynecologist is a cycle failure for more than 5 days. In this case, the doctor will either confirm the pregnancy or inform you about the need to adjust your hormonal levels.

A reliable sign of pregnancy is the release of a large amount of hCG into the blood. This is a specific hormone present in the female body throughout the entire period of gestation. Pregnancy is determined by its concentration in urine or blood. A blood test gives more reliable results and allows you to determine the “interesting position” almost from the first week after fertilization. Toxicosis begins later.

Symptoms of pathology

A missed period is not always a reason to see a doctor. Thus, a variant of the norm is fluctuations in the cycle within 5-7 days, as well as violations of the timing caused by a sudden disruption of hormonal levels (for example, when taking oral contraceptives). In this case, you should listen to your body. Signs of pathology:

  • Severe abdominal cramps. Pain syndrome is not the norm, but some women turn a blind eye to it, explaining such sensations before menstruation as a peculiarity of the body. However, if the pain is unbearable, it is better not to try to drown it out with pills, but to consult a doctor. Severe pain is a companion to inflammatory processes and other pathologies.
  • Copious discharge. During the cycle, a woman notices how vaginal discharge is either completely unnoticeable (in the first phase), or abundant and resembles mucus (during ovulation and before menstruation) - this is the norm. However, discharge with a cheesy consistency, unusual color or unpleasant odor indicates an imbalance in the microflora. This is how thrush, bacterial vaginosis and some STDs manifest themselves.
  • Your period isn't going as usual. Critical days are individual for each woman. At some stage, she gets used to it, and she herself understands what is normal for her, including the sensations before menstruation and their nature. If heavy bleeding is suddenly replaced by scanty bleeding or vice versa, there is a reason to visit a gynecologist and undergo diagnostics.
  • A strong increase in body temperature or basal temperature is an alarming sign of menstruation. It may indicate inflammation of internal organs.

What factors influence a woman’s well-being before starting a new cycle?

Most women cannot avoid unpleasant symptoms before menstruation. However, it is quite possible to ensure that the warning signs of menstruation are kept to a minimum. Factors that influence a woman’s well-being during PMS:

  1. Diet. Menstruation aggravates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so some women report pain, bloating, and flatulence. You can avoid this by normalizing your eating habits. Avoid foods that are harmful and aggressive to the stomach. Give preference to foods rich in vitamins and microelements.
  2. Fitness level. It has been proven that if a woman’s body is in good shape, menstruation is easier. Just don't overdo it with loads. Without appropriate preparation, they can damage the body and cause a complete absence of menstruation (amenorrhea).
  3. Having bad habits. Large amounts of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol not only cause damage to the body, but also provoke pain during PMS.
  4. Psychological condition. Women with a normal psychological background can more easily endure any disruptions. One of the keys to mild PMS is creating a normal atmosphere at home and at work.
  5. The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. All pathological processes must be treated in a timely manner, avoiding the occurrence of complications or the arrival of menstruation.

Women who are satisfied with their work and do not experience unpleasant emotions at home feel better before the onset of menstruation than the fair sex who experience financial difficulties or are under constant stress. Even minor troubles in life have a negative impact on the state of the body.

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Menstrual bleeding accompanies women from the beginning of adolescence and ends with the onset of menopause. In a healthy body, periods, as part of the menstrual cycle, occur every 25–35 days. Such stability means normal functioning of the ovaries and all organs of the genitourinary system. Most women experience unpleasant symptoms before their period. Gynecologists call this phenomenon premenstrual syndrome.

The reproductive function does a great job throughout the menstrual cycle, trying to prepare a woman’s body for conceiving a child. A special mucous membrane is formed in the uterine cavity, and the egg matures - a favorable environment for the implantation of the fetus. The body has to get rid of processed biomaterials monthly through menstruation. And, naturally, such a process affects the woman’s condition.

For the first time, the separation of the functional layer of the uterus and the unfertilized egg and their further removal from the vagina with blood occurs in teenage girls. Average statistics note that the first menstruation (gynecological name “menarche”) occurs at 13 years of age. But starting from the age of 12, girls feel the first signs of menstruation. The fact is that about a year can pass between the first and second menstrual flow. During this time, the menstrual cycle stabilizes and puberty comes to an end.

In some cases, the first menstruation occurs outside the 12–14 year age range. More physically developed girls may experience signs of menstruation even at 10–11 years of age. Also, and vice versa, their arrival will last until the age of 15–16, if the girl’s physical parameters lag behind her age. The menstrual cycle is also influenced by genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of the onset of puberty occur 1–2 years before the first full menstruation. Girls' appearance changes, their figure acquires signs of femininity. The emotional state is not stable, aggression and hostility appear. A hormonal surge at this age leads to activation of the sebaceous glands - sweating increases, and acne appears.

Immediately before menstruation, the following sensations occur:

  • Dizziness;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • changeable mood;
  • gagging;
  • weakness.

A couple of months before menstruation, the nature of vaginal discharge in girls changes. They become more abundant and dense, but are odorless and colorless.

Symptoms of PMS in women

Against the background of hormonal fluctuations, a woman may experience unpleasant symptoms before her period.

An interesting fact is that several centuries ago premenstrual syndrome was classified as a mental illness.

Modern women have freed themselves from the need to prove their adequacy, because scientists have scientifically proven that symptoms before menstruation arise due to a decrease in certain substances in the body, due to heredity or due to an incorrect lifestyle.

PMS symptoms appear with a certain frequency during the menstrual cycle. After menstruation, they should disappear on their own; if this does not happen, then you should think about going to the gynecologist. The symptoms of some reproductive disorders are similar to PMS.

What kind of discharge before menstruation

Normally, vaginal discharge during the menstrual cycle is almost invisible. The small amount of mucus that leaks from the vagina between periods should meet the following parameters:

White discharge before menstruation is normal if there is no unpleasant odor, itching or burning in the perineum. Also, do not worry when the discharge becomes cloudy - this is the removal of exfoliated epithelium. The so-called spotting before menstruation requires careful monitoring; the reasons for its appearance can be both harmless and serious.

How to distinguish between symptoms before menstruation and during pregnancy?

Before the onset of menstruation, a woman can easily confuse it with PMS. During this period, it is very important to recognize an interesting situation, because in the early stages, the further successful bearing of the child depends on the woman’s behavior. Feeling the usual discomfort, the woman patiently waits for the arrival of menstruation. But if they do not appear according to the deadlines, then the right decision would be to donate blood to check the hCG level.
This study will give a definite answer - has fertilization occurred or will the cause of the delay have to be further clarified? This analysis determines pregnancy already on the 10th day from conception. At such an early stage, a pregnancy test will not show a positive result. Therefore, it is pointless to use it to find out the cause of ailments. After all, the level of hCG in the urine increases only by 3–4 weeks of pregnancy.

From the above we can conclude: only a hypersensitive woman can independently distinguish between symptoms before menstruation or pregnancy before a delay. Therefore, the most rational thing is to visit a gynecologist. An experienced doctor, during an examination on a chair, will check the condition of the uterus, evaluate its changes, and examine the mucous membranes. For additional accuracy, it will be sent to an ultrasound machine, where the presence of a fetus will be confirmed.

Treating PMS Symptoms

Women who suffer from premenstrual symptoms each month can benefit from general treatment recommendations. First of all, she should think about changing her lifestyle. To eliminate PMS, a woman should rest at least 8 hours a day, move more during the day and follow a diet. Cycling in combination with therapeutic massage perfectly relieves the signs of approaching menstruation. A woman should limit the consumption of fatty, salty and spicy foods, and give up caffeine-containing drinks and alcoholic beverages.

When a woman cannot cope with PMS on her own, then she has to resort to drug therapy. Treatment with medications is determined by the doctor after finding out all the details and the course of PMS. The main means of treatment are hormonal drugs containing progesterone analogues. Sedatives and psychotropic drugs are used to stabilize the nervous system. Excessive soreness of the mammary glands before menstruation is relieved using an external remedy - progesterone gel. Medicines intended to eliminate PMS cannot be taken without a doctor's prescription. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin B6 - its highest concentration is in walnuts, legumes and fish.

Alternative treatments for PMS include hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and acupuncture. Some women even benefit from hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.

What to pay attention to when treating premenstrual syndrome? The answer is the sequence of actions, the regimen of taking medications and following all the doctor’s recommendations. This process can last more than one month, and in severe cases, PMS treatment must be carried out throughout the reproductive period.

The individual characteristics of a woman’s body at certain moments in her life disrupt her general well-being and make her feel discomfort and even pain. With age, a woman begins to get used to the monthly symptoms before her period, and even acute pain does not always force her to see a doctor. But this is wrong and primarily dangerous to health. Even the most minor changes in the menstrual cycle should be examined by professionals before menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome without proper treatment can, at best, lead to a nervous breakdown.

PMS - how many days before your period can you feel its presence? The concept of premenstrual syndrome is familiar to absolutely every woman. But it manifests itself differently in everyone and begins at different times. In modern medicine, there are about 100 manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. How long does it take for PMS to start? What is considered normal, and what should you consult a gynecologist about?

Every day of the monthly cycle, transformations and changes in the reproductive system occur in a woman’s body. The first half of the cycle is responsible for the maturation of the egg - 14-16 days. In the middle it leaves the follicle - on days 14-16. The rest of the cycle, the body prepares to maintain the pregnancy, if it occurs, or to reject everything that is not useful. In the first half of the cycle, the woman feels just fine, but from the moment of ovulation the condition begins to change. Here is the answer to the question of how long before PMS begins - 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. For some women, it begins immediately after ovulation.

The main cause of premenstrual syndrome is hormonal changes in a woman’s body and the activity of the central nervous system. Immediately after ovulation, the balance of sex hormones changes dramatically. Estrogen gives primacy to progesterone, which affects the body somewhat differently. Hence the change in well-being. In addition, from the moment of ovulation the nervous system is in a tense state. Nerves are like a tense guitar string. The slightest irritation leads to a strong reaction.

In general, how many days before PMS begins depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But only its weak manifestations can be considered the norm. Severe pain, a malfunction in the nervous system with all the ensuing consequences is already considered a complex, terrible disease of PMS. He is being treated under the supervision of specialists. And the cause may be terrible diseases of the reproductive system, nervous system, pathological deviations in physiology. In severe cases, the condition of premenstrual syndrome takes up most of a woman's life. The symptoms worsen and even pose a danger to the life of the girl and those around her.

PMS symptoms

A set of various symptoms that negatively affect the emotional and physical state of a girl is usually called premenstrual syndrome. PMS symptoms begin before your period - about 10 days. This is the norm. In the best case, the girl feels its presence a week before menstruation. If symptoms last more than 10 days, you need to consult a gynecologist to find out the reasons. All symptoms of manifestations are usually divided into 2 parts.

Physical symptoms:

Psychological symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • panic;
  • touchiness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • presence of fear;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • causeless fear;
  • fatigue;
  • forgetfulness;
  • aggression;
  • insomnia.

Surely every girl will be able to determine by her condition when PMS begins and its manifestations. On the one hand, these symptoms spoil life, on the other hand, they warn of an approaching red day. Pleasant emotional events can change your physical well-being during premenstrual syndrome. The central nervous system will affect your physical well-being. Consequently, unpleasant events in a girl’s life can increase the duration of premenstrual syndrome.