What can lop-eared cats eat. Nutrition fold and straight Scottish kitten or cat


1. Raw frozen beef - (at least 30 gr for a kitten, 100-120 gr for an adult cat). Every day (approximately from 3.5 to 8 months) eating beef can be 500-1500 grams (per day).

2. Boiled chicken without bones - you can every day. For kittens, chicken breasts. From about 3.5 months you can give chicken legs.

3. Chicken or beef offal (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) (frozen) boiled. Heart no more than 1 time per week (boiled). Boiled liver (since the liver is a filter of any organism, in ungulates too) - do not get carried away with kittens with a light color, the coat may turn brown or turn yellow. Lungs and kidneys optional, few cats eat them at all. All frozen meat products must be scalded with boiling water.

4. Fish - better not to give at all.

5. Chicken egg yolk (white should not be given) - raw or boiled in its pure form or can be ground with cottage cheese. 1-2 times a week. Quail eggs can be given whole raw.

6. Fresh, raw or boiled milk (only for kittens under 3 months of age, since milk in an adult cat is not digested and causes indigestion, but a kitten needs it).

7. Liquid milk porridge (for kittens under the age of 3 months): sometimes they give oatmeal, a small amount with a natural way of feeding, but this can not be done, it is better to replace it with vegetables.

8. Fermented milk products: kefir (it’s good for kittens to add gluconate and glycerophosphate, ground into powder), bioyogurt, cream (a little) - all of medium fat content, as well as cheese. It is possible every day. Cheese is given to older kittens (4-5 months old), more often as a reward or a treat during training.

9. Fresh non-acidic cottage cheese (also with the addition of gluconate and glycerophosphate, ground into powder) - can be mixed with sour cream or raw egg yolk. Kittens - 3-4 times a week, adult cats - 1-2 times a week.

10. Cereals: oatmeal (steamed), rice, buckwheat - mixed in a ratio of 1: 2 with boiled meat (1 cereal: 2 meat). Few times a week.

11. Raw or boiled vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, dried sea kale, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers (a little), fruits, etc. - mixed in a ratio of 1: 2 with meat (1 vegetable: 2 meat). Several times a week (alternate with cereals).

12. Greens - germinated grains of wheat. You can grow grass on the windowsill (from wheat or oats). Grass from the street is NOT allowed!

It is not necessary to add to food, because the cat regurgitates grass. Grown kittens are given a paste for removing wool (for example, 8in1).

13. Dry brewer's yeast - contained in all complex additives (vitamins of group B). A set is given daily + trace elements + top dressing.

14. Cats are not given vegetable oil, only vaseline, if there are problems such as constipation. It is possible in a mouth on a drop daily oil ADE vitamins. With a normal diet, constipation in kittens should not be.

15. Mineral and vitamin supplements (for example, Canine vitamins, 8in1). Every day, dosage - from the age of the kitten. The rest is a treat. Real vitamins are packed in powders, injections.

16. Fresh water, filtered or boiled, should ALWAYS be available. Do not accustom cats to boiled water, then if they drink raw water from the tap, there will be stomach problems. No need to raise a hothouse frail animal!

Cat food is not salted, sweetened or seasoned.

Meat and meat by-products, which are given raw, must first be refrozen in the freezer, followed by scalding before feeding. You can not feed the kitten only meat and fish, or only cereals. You should not get carried away with fish at all, its excessive consumption leads to inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urolithiasis. Castrated animals should not be given fish at all.

Food should be slightly warm or at room temperature. Do not give too hot or cold (from the refrigerator) food. All food for the kitten is very finely chopped, large and small bones are carefully removed. For an adult cat, food is cut into small pieces. Don't give big pieces! It is better to immediately teach the cat to eat only in one place (it should be a quiet place, not in a draft, where no one walks all the time, not at the door, as you can accidentally hit the kitten).

Raw meat is given in its pure form (you can also add raw carrots with a drop of refined oil), boiled meat should be mixed with vegetables to avoid constipation.

Kitten 1.5-2 months. feed about 5 times a day (or make free access to food). By six months, gradually reduce the number of feedings to 3 times a day. From 8 months Feed like an adult cat 2 times a day. In general, feeding a cat is difficult to reduce to times, as cats eat several approaches. If you want a well-fed, growing animal, you should not limit food: cats do not overeat if they do not have health problems.

Remember: a cat is a predator, and she is not obliged to eat borscht, pasta or coleslaw. The cat has its own, special diet, and you should take this into account when feeding your pet, and not try to accustom it to what we eat - this is HARMFUL for cats and leads to various diseases.

NO CATS! (at any age)

1. Chicken bones, fish bones - A kitten or a cat can choke, besides, the bones damage the esophagus and stomach, clog the intestines.

2. Pork. Poultry meat (except chicken and turkey): goose, duck. In its raw form, it leads to infection with worms, in some cases to dangerous infectious diseases, which leads to the death of the animal. Such meat is very fatty and poorly absorbed by the cat's body.

3. Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, including sausages and canned food for people. Fried foods. Cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupt metabolism. As a result, the animal looks bad, chronic diseases appear.

4. Sugar, chocolate, candies, cakes and anything sweet. Violates metabolism, weak immunity, dull coat, dental diseases. CHOCOLATE contains theobromine, which is a poison for cats, causes severe poisoning, death of the animal.

5. Potatoes. Starch is not digested by the intestines of a cat, potatoes are absolutely useless for her, they can cause an upset.

6. Legumes (soybeans, peas, beans). Not absorbed by the body, causes bloating and fermentation in the intestines.

7. Salt, spices. Cat food is not salted and spices are not used, because this does not benefit her body, only harm.

8. Medicinal preparations, including vitamins intended for humans. The cat has its own special balance of substances in the body, vitamins for humans are not suitable for them. In addition, many medicines for people cause severe poisoning in them, kidneys may fail, which leads to death. For example, a weakened cat can be killed with a no-shpy pill.


Ready-to-eat food is more convenient, as it saves time on food preparation, it is balanced, and the cat receives all the necessary nutrients.

You can feed dry and canned (canned) food (only an adult animal!).

Dry food must be selected from high-quality, good manufacturers: Eukanuba (Ekanuba), Hills (Hills), Nutro (Nutro), Eagle Pack (Eagle Pack), Purina Pro Plan (Purina Pro Plan), Iams (Yams), Royal Canin ( Royal Canin). Good foods are usually labeled "Premium" or "Superpremium".

Cheap food such as Kitty Cat, Katinka, Whiskas, Darling, Vaska, Friskas, etc. DO NOT give! They are of poor quality, contain too many mineral salts, they use not meat and high-quality offal, but bones, skins, feathers as protein. Their use leads to various diseases and does not satisfy the needs of the cat. There is also a high risk of developing kidney stones.

From canned food, good food from dry food manufacturers recommended above, as well as Gourmet (Gourmet Gold, Pearl), Petrit delicacies ("canned natural woman"), Bosita, Four-legged gourmet, Sheba.

A kitten up to 8-10 months, sometimes up to a year, is fed with special kitten food, both dry and canned.

This is very important for proper development. Then they are transferred to adult food. Also, kitten food is given to pregnant and lactating cats. When feeding dry food to a cat (male), especially a castrated one, the package should be marked “prevention of urolithiasis” (these feeds have a special formula with a low content of ash, phosphorus and magnesium).

For a cat, this is not so important, just high-quality food is enough. Dry food can be poured for the whole day, it does not deteriorate. Canned food is given as much as the animal can eat at one time. The following diet is recommended (based on the daily dose): 75% canned 25% dry food - for show animals, for the rest - 50x50.


Scottish fold kitten at 3 months old is quite independent and perfectly adapts to a new place of residence. Therefore, it is at this age that it is recommended to buy a small pet and accustom it to a new home. The nutrition of such a kitten, as a rule, has already been established by breeders and for new owners there will be no problems in choosing food or compiling a diet.

Also, there will be no problems in order to accustom the baby to the toilet, his own place; at this age, the main character traits are perfectly visible, so you can choose the one that will fully meet your expectations. Choosing a Brit with an easy-going nature is always a pleasure. Before choosing a Scottish three-month-old kitten, you should study several sections of information:

  • with what interval and what to feed him;
  • when to vaccinate and what kind of vaccinations are needed;
  • what conditions are necessary for a comfortable location;
  • how much does a Scottish kitten weigh at 3 months and how should it look.

Scots nutrition rules at 3 months

The most common first question that arises in the owners of a Scottish kitten at 3 months: what to feed a Scottish kitten at 3 months?

Indeed, at this age, he can even chew solid food on his own, but at the same time, without knowing the basic rules of nutrition, you can lead to digestive upset of a Scottish kitten at 3 months and completely disable the digestive tract, which is unacceptable for such small kittens.

In order for this not to happen, several rules must be taken into account:

The nutrition of a three-month-old kitten of the Fold breed also includes a small amount of fermented milk products and milk, however, their fat content should be strictly limited, since the presence of very fatty foods can lead to intestinal upset. Properly feeding a kitten at the age of 3 months should be started 4 times a day, while it is necessary to constantly ensure the availability of fresh, boiled water.

If you opt for dry food, it is also necessary to give them strictly in dosage, as they are addictive and upset the feeling of satiety.

At any age, Scottish cats are very fond of eating delicious supplements to their main diet, but they should not be abused, vitamins and additional supplements should be given only after consulting a veterinarian.

Required vaccinations for Scots at 3 months

After you have taken your little cat from the cattery, one of the main questions that arise is the need for vaccination. Vaccination of a three-month-old Scottish kitten should be done exclusively by a veterinarian.

Given that vaccination is carried out in a period of 8 to 12 weeks, special attention should be paid to ensure that the doctor correctly enters the vaccination data into the veterinary passport. After all, regardless of whether the cat will take part in competitions and exhibitions or not, it must be vaccinated annually.

It is also of great importance whether the mother of the Scottish kitten was vaccinated at 3 months, since if vaccination was not given, it is necessary to vaccinate from 8 weeks, and if the mother has a veterinary passport and all the necessary vaccinations have been carried out, you can be taken to a veterinarian at the age of 12 weeks.

If for some reason you missed the deadline for vaccinations, then every veterinarian will recommend not to carry out any medical manipulations with cattle from 4 to 7 months, since during this period his teeth change. Immediately before the injection, the doctor will definitely examine your pet, as the presence of any disease is a strict contraindication. In addition, do not forget about the mandatory digitization before vaccination.

Weight and appearance of a Scottish kitten at 3 months

A Scottish kitten at 3 months old looks quite strong and tall, while the features of his physique are already clearly visible. At this age, you can easily understand what an adult cat will look like, a clear coat color is visible, and sometimes eye color. The weight of a 3 month old Scottish kitten can vary from 900 to 1600 grams.

At this age, the difference between boys and girls is already quite clearly visible, both in the structure of the body and in the expression of the muzzle. Character formation is also completely over, and such a Scottish kitten adapts perfectly to a new place.

Before picking up a baby from the nursery, you need to get his veterinary passport, find out exactly:

  • how much does a Scottish kitten weigh at 3 months;
  • what diet was observed;
  • whether all necessary vaccinations have been made;
  • what features were in the organization of his life;
  • what filler was used for the toilet.

All this is very important in order to ensure a soft adaptation to a new home and minimally injure the baby's psyche.


You should not focus solely on the appearance of the baby when meeting, it is necessary to take into account the habits, character traits and contact of a particular Scottish kitten at 3 months.

At this age, he should clearly know where the tray is, easily make contact, respond with purrs to various caresses and strokes, and also have a healthy appetite.

In the event that the baby shows aggression, it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of its maintenance in order to determine whether this is an innate character trait, or whether it is simply the presence of annoying factors, such as: too small a territory for habitation, a large number of small kittens, insufficient care. If you carefully approach the choice of your new pet, then he will delight you for more than one year or a month and will become a great friend in a cozy home.

Scottish fold kitten will be a great friend for the whole family. With proper feeding, he will grow into a healthy and beautiful cat, which will certainly please the owners. It is important to know the basics of nutrition so that there are no health problems. Some people prefer to give only natural food, others buy ready-made food. In any case, you should understand the diet of the Scottish Fold cat, so as not to impair the functioning of the digestive system.

What is the best food for a Scottish Fold kitten?

When buying a pet, it is recommended to immediately consult with the breeder about how his animals eat. It is especially important for small pets to choose the right diet, because they need high-quality nutrition. Kittens develop quickly, and they need to give food in small portions up to 10 times a day. Up to 5 months it is allowed to pour boiled milk, but then it must be excluded from the menu. At the age of 6 months, three meals a day are required, and this will be more than enough for a pet. Naturally, you can only give permitted products so that the body functions fully.

What to feed a Scottish adult cat

Adult cats do not need to eat as often as kittens. It is enough to feed 2 times a day, while the portions must be such that the pet is full. Naturally, you will need to monitor the weight, because especially sterilized cats are prone to obesity. The owner may prefer both natural food and prepared food, but the food must be of good quality.

What is forbidden to feed

Owners of lop-eared kittens need to know exactly what should not be given to a pet in any case. If you neglect these rules, then the animal may have problems with the digestive system. To feed Scottish kittens, you need to make a menu that does not harm the pet's body.

List of prohibited products:

  1. Sweet dishes. They can not be given regardless of the quantity. Even if a cat asks for a cake, this does not mean at all that he is interested in this dish. It is possible that he wants another ingredient that is in the composition. You do not need to give your pet sweets, because of this, diabetes develops.
  2. Spicy. Spices should not be given to kittens as they will upset their digestive function.
  3. Salty. Food for cats should not be salted, and even more so give dishes with this component in the composition. Salt causes problems with the bladder and kidneys, and Scottish kittens are already prone to this problem.
  4. Coffee. This product is considered a pet poison. If a pet wants to try a drink, then it is quite possible that he is interested in milk.
  5. Onion and garlic. They also lead to problems with the digestive function of the pet.
  6. Marinades. The pet should not be given any pickled foods. And we are talking not only about meat, but also about canned food.
  7. Bold. Such a diet will worsen the function of the pancreas in a pet. At the same time, even sour cream can spoil the gastrointestinal tract of a Scottish kitten, which is why it is important to monitor the fat content of foods.
  8. Smoked. It is considered poisonous to cats, so it should not be given to Scottish Fold.
  9. Pork. If the owner wants to treat her pet, then it is allowed to give only a small piece of meat once a month. And the product should not be greasy.
  10. Citrus. Most cats dislike the smell of lemons, oranges, limes, and similar fruits. However, exceptions do happen. A strong aroma will harm the animal's sense of smell, moreover, such a product will upset the digestive function.
  11. Potato. It is starch in its pure form, which is poorly accepted by the cat's body. For this reason, this product should be excluded from the diet.
  12. Bean cultures. Soy, lentils, peas are prohibited for a Scottish kitten. These products are considered heavy for the pet's body, and also provoke fermentation.
  13. Flour dishes. Even bread is not allowed to be given to kittens, because it only harms, and at the same time does not carry nutritional value.
  14. Mushrooms. They are considered a heavy product and provoke intoxication.

Conscientious owners will make sure that there are no problems with the body due to feeding Scottish kittens. If a person is not sure that he can properly balance the diet, then it is better to use ready-made feeds. Naturally, you need to purchase only super-premium products for Scottish Fold kittens.

Determining the Type of Cat Food

Animal nutrition can be of different types. In particular, it is natural, ready-made and mixed. In the first case, a person uses only fresh products, such as meat, cereals, vegetables and other dishes. Ready meals are divided into two types: dry and jelly-like. Regardless of the type, it is necessary to purchase only expensive products from good manufacturers, and not be limited to cheap bags of cat food. If a person is not ready to pay a lot of money for such products, then natural food should be preferred.

A mixed look implies the presence of both fresh products and ready-made ones. Naturally, both types should not be given in the same feeding. You will need to evenly distribute the varieties of food in order not to harm the pet's body.

Breeders and veterinarians have different opinions about how exactly to feed a month old kitten and older animals. If the owner is not ready to carefully select the menu for the pet, then it is better to purchase ready-made food. They have the right ingredients and the right balance of products for the animal. At the same time, you need to buy expensive goods, since there is nothing useful for a pet in cheap ones.

Separately, it is recommended to pay attention to the characteristics of the pet's body. Some cats have upset digestion due to cereals or meat, so it is better to give them dry food or cat pate. If the animal feels good when eating natural food, then it should be stopped. In any case, each situation should be dealt with individually, so that there are no problems later.

natural nutrition

Now more and more people decide to switch to natural nutrition, because they consider it more useful and at the same time cheaper. The process will not be easy, as you will have to spend a lot of time preparing food. Naturally, busy people cannot afford this, which is why the pet suffers. If a natural diet was chosen, then it is imperative to follow the rules of feeding.

What products are allowed:

  1. Frozen raw beef. Babies up to 3 months should be given approximately 30 grams per day. Naturally, the meat must first be completely thawed and very finely chopped.
  2. Boiled liver. It is given a maximum of 1 time per week. If you abuse this product, then the stomach may be upset.
  3. Boiled chicken breast. It is useful for cats, as it contains many nutrients.
  4. Fish. It is allowed to give it to a Scottish cat only once a week, while only low-fat varieties are allowed. For example, hake, perch, and also carp are suitable. If you give this product in excess, then kidney pathologies may occur.
  5. Boiled milk, as well as porridge on it. This product can be added to the menu for animals that are under 5 months old. At a more mature age, the component will provoke indigestion.
  6. Vegetables and cereals. These carbohydrates are required so that the pet always has energy. At the same time, you can cook semolina, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal for your pet. It is useful to mix them with fish or meat, and then give them 3-4 times a week.
  7. Fat-free kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese. Scottish kittens love these foods and consider them a treat.
  8. Boiled or steamed vegetables. Suitable carrots, cauliflower. They should be mixed with meat so that the pet agrees to eat vegetables.
  9. Chicken yolk. In this case, the egg must first be boiled and the protein removed.

It is recommended to give kittens mainly meat products, because they are rich in useful trace elements, and they also contain protein. It is necessary for the full functioning of the body, in particular to maintain the function of the heart, eyes and reproductive system. If a person is not ready to feed the cat in a variety of ways and give only permitted products, then natural women should be abandoned. It is better to buy ready-made food for Scottish kittens so as not to plant the digestive system from childhood.

Industrial feed

If a person understands that he does not have time to feed his pet in a variety of ways, then it is better to purchase a ready-made product. Good for both dry and wet food. In this case, you should purchase packages designed specifically for this breed. If kittens have already been fed industrial feeds in the cattery, then it is better to use them.

It is highly not recommended to select cheap analogues, because they are worse absorbed by the body and bring less benefit. It is recommended to purchase products from Hills, Royal Canin, Advance, as well as other brands that produce super-premium goods. Naturally, it is necessary to select those products that are designed specifically for the Scottish Fold kitten. On the packages you can see exactly how much food you need to give depending on the age and weight of the animal.

How to Safely Switch Your Cat to Dry Food

If previously the pet consumed natural products, then it cannot be immediately fed with dry food. The transfer must be gradual so as not to hit the body. First you need to give a small handful of dry food between feedings. During the week, the portion should be gradually increased. After that, several natural feedings should be completely replaced with a dry product and the reaction of the body should be observed. If everything is in order with the digestive system, then you can completely transfer the pet to industrial feed.

mixed feeding

Mixed feeding causes a lot of controversy among veterinarians and breeders. Someone says that this will harm the pet's body. Others believe that the scheme is good and ensures the supply of all vitamins and elements. In any case, each person must decide for himself whether to use mixed feeding. If this option is chosen, then the right decision will be to follow the nutrition schedule.

Natural products are given no more than 2 times a day. The rest of the time the pet should be fed dry food. Of course, you should not interfere with natural women and finished products, they must be given to the animal separately.

Features of feeding in adolescence

Cats in transition also need proper nutrition. Scottish folds should eat 4 times a day at the age of 5 to 9 months. At the same time, many animals no longer want to eat so much and independently switch to a feeding schedule 2-3 times a day. In any case, the total amount of food consumed should be up to 240 grams per day.

During this period, cats have their first estrus. Because of this, they lose their appetite and lose weight. This phenomenon can be considered normal, so the owner should not force the pet to eat food.

At the age of 9 months, the cat is already considered almost an adult, although it will be formed before 2 years. Cats in this period should eat no more than 2-3 times a day, and the total amount of food reaches 200 grams. Naturally, for each pet, the portion will be individual. If the animal does not want to eat much, then you should not force it.

General principles of feeding

The nutrition of a small kitten must be balanced, so that later there are no problems with the digestive system. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the tendency of Scottish cats to constipation. If the kitten does not go to the toilet for more than 1 day, then it is better to contact the veterinarian. He must examine the pet and say if the food is right. You may need to eliminate certain foods that have led to constipation.

Calorie counting should be considered. If the pet is only 2-5 months old, then he should consume an average of 200 kcal. This will be quite enough to always have the necessary supply of energy.

You should not train your cat to snack, because this can cause weight problems. The pet should eat a strict number of times a day, and preferably at the same time. If the owner constantly treats the animal, then problems with the gastrointestinal tract may develop because of this. In addition, due to sweet, fatty and salty treats, obesity will occur, as well as problems with the kidneys and pancreas.

Natural nutrition should not be monotonous. That is, you should not allow your pet to eat only porridge and fish, or only chicken. Vegetables should be given, as well as fermented baked milk and cottage cheese. If the cat refuses any products, then it makes no sense to specially accustom them to them.

What to feed a Scottish kitten at the age of 2 months

At the age of 2 months, the kitten is ready to be weaned. This is the best period to gradually switch to a normal diet. The total amount of food will be up to 180 grams per day, and it is worth feeding 6 times a day. It is necessary to give small pieces of meat, grated vegetables and bran. You can gradually accustom to dry food, which is designed specifically for kittens.

If you follow all the recommendations about nutrition, then the animal will be healthy and active. Do not assume that the cat will be more pleasant to eat fatty, fried or salty foods. They will plant the body and at the same time cause only harm to health. If a person is not ready to independently select a diet for a pet, then you should immediately buy ready-made food and transfer the pet to them.

The feeding of Scottish kittens differs from the diet of their outbred counterparts, since the breed appeared as a result of a gene mutation, and this suggests some peculiarities in the animal's diet. The range of cat food is varied, so it's easy to get confused. Only high-quality balanced nutrition can provide a thoroughbred kitten with everything necessary for normal growth and development.

A lop-eared kitten that you acquired at the age of 2 months (it is not worth weaning it before) should be transferred from mother's milk to a more varied diet. To avoid possible digestive problems, it is advisable at first to feed the pet with the same food that was given to him at his previous place of residence. It can be as specialized food for kittens, as well as canned food or oatmeal with lean parts of boiled chicken.

Feeding a Scottish kitten with natural food

This food option is quite laborious, since it will take some time to prepare it. The diet of Scottish Fold kittens should consist of the following products:

  1. Boiled poultry meat. For cooking a small pet, it is advisable to use chicken breast.
  2. Frozen beef. This product should be given raw to kittens every other day for 30-40 g.
  3. Lean fish. It should be in the pet's diet in boiled form no more than once a week.
  4. Boiled liver. This product should also be given to the pet no more than once a week, since more frequent eating of the liver will lead to an upset of the digestive system of the little Scot.
  5. Chicken egg yolk. It can be added to the main meal (boiled) or served neat 2 times a week.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese. This product is necessary for the normal development of the kitten, so cottage cheese should be given at least 2-3 times a week. If the pet is reluctant to eat cottage cheese, it can be replaced with sour cream, fermented baked milk or kefir with a low fat content.
  7. It is recommended to give boiled milk and milk porridges to kittens up to 5 months.
  8. Kashi. Several times a week, a small Scottish fold should eat a small portion of oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge mixed with boiled fish or meat.
  9. Vegetables. Grated boiled carrots and cauliflower with the addition of boiled meat or fish without bones must be included in the diet of a thoroughbred pet.

When feeding kittens with natural food, it is necessary to ensure that minerals and vitamins enter the pet's body, and for this it is necessary to give appropriate supplements.

Ready feed

The advantages of this type of food are the convenience of feeding and excellent taste. Pets are happy to eat the contents of packages and jars. But ready-made feeds also have negative sides, and above all, this is a large number of fakes that do not always correspond to the declared quality, besides, not all sellers comply with the conditions for storing feeds, which can affect the health of the pet. Of all the existing ready-made foods for kittens, veterinarians and experienced breeders advise:

  1. Royal Canin. Straight kittens up to 6 months old should be given Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive in the form of canned mousse and gradually accustomed to Royal Canin Kitten Instinctive 12 dry food. When the kitten is 6 months old, he can be given Royal Canin Kitten 34 - these are small pieces in gravy that the pet absorbs with pleasure, and dry food Royal Canin Kitten 36. These foods are required to be given to a pet up to 1 year old. Dry food for Scottish Fold kittens after opening the package should be stored in hermetically sealed bags, and canned food after opening a jar or bag must be transferred to a glass container with subsequent storage in the refrigerator.
  2. Innova EVO. These ready-made foods contain a small amount of carbohydrates, so that the Scottish kitten will not gain excess weight, even if he overeats this brand of food. Dry food Innova EVO is enriched with calcium and contains only natural ingredients: chicken or turkey meat, fruits and vegetables.
  3. ORIJEN CAT and KITTEN. There are also no preservatives in the ready-made food of this brand, but there are amino acids necessary for the pet, so this type of food is great for feeding Scottish Straight and Fold kittens.
  4. Purina Pro Plan Dental Plus. The nutrition is designed for Scottish kittens and helps to keep the pet's oral cavity in good condition. The manufacturers of this dry food claim that after transferring a pet to this brand of food, dental deposits in cats can be reduced by almost 50%.
  5. hills. Ready-made feeds from this manufacturer contain a large amount of carbohydrates, so if the pet has gained excess weight, it should not be given. But it is perfect for feeding animals that are in good shape, as Hills feed has a balanced content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Combined feeding is a type of nutrition in which the kitten is given not only ready-made food, but also something from natural food. Usually dry food is used as the main pet food, and natural products are used as bait several times a day.

Rules for feeding Scottish kittens:

It is necessary to feed Scottish kittens aged 2 to 5 months 3 times a day, and after 6 months the animal can be transferred to two meals a day. Eliminate the possibility of feeding your pet from your table. If for an ordinary yard cat such food will be perceived as a treat, then for a Scottish kitten eating food from a person’s table can have negative consequences.

Prohibited Products

In no case do not give your pet bones, smoked meats, fatty, salty and spicy foods, as they are harmful to the animal. Do not give your kitten food that has gone bad or expired dry food. Be wary of milk in a lop-eared kitten's diet. The body of a small pet does not absorb milk well, and in some cases it may not be digested, so the benefits of this product for the Scottish breed remain in doubt. Lactose, contained in dairy products, can provoke a fermentation process in the body of a kitten, which will lead to an upset stomach in a pet. Therefore, it is best to exclude milk from the pet's diet or give it, but as rarely as possible. You don't need to feed your kitten raw meat. Not in all cases, you can be sure of the good quality of this product. If an adult cat willingly eats a small piece of meat, then it can lead to indigestion in a kitten, besides, meat products are the main cause of toxoplasmosis in an animal.

Feeding Secrets

How healthy and beautiful your pet will grow up depends on the quality of feeding. The first food is best fed by hand rather than a bowl. This will bring the kitten and his new owner closer together, help establish contact between them, and establish a positive character in the pet. Before feeding a Scottish kitten, give him the command - "come here", and when the animal sits opposite you, put a bowl on your pet, giving permission to eat. Such training will help a grown kitten to protect himself from eating poor-quality, and possibly spoiled food from someone else's bowl and trying to steal food from your table. You can start training your pet from the age of two months. You should not feed your pet more than the established norm or feed him from your table. Despite the fact that the "Scots" are unpretentious, this breed has a tendency to obesity, cardiac and genitourinary pathologies. Therefore, the pet's diet at any age should be clearly balanced, and the kitten's nutrition and adherence to the food intake should be treated with particular care.

Any pet needs a balanced and enriched diet with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. You can feed a Scottish Fold kitten with both natural food and ready-made food.

  • Natural diet. This type is considered traditional. It has a big plus - the animal receives natural and tasty products. But this type of feeding also has a minus - it is very difficult to balance it correctly. Natural food suitable for pets of all ages.
  • Ready feed. Such a product is completely balanced, looks like hard small crackers. Dry foods vary in composition and quality, with premium, super premium and holistic brands suitable for Scots. This type of food is suitable as the main diet for both small kittens and older and older animals.
  • Mixed diet. With this method of feeding, the cat receives both dry food and natural food.

Rules for feeding with natural products

The basis of the natural diet is meat (up to 50% of the total daily allowance). Suitable for Scottish Fold kittens: veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken. Also, once or twice a week, the baby is given fish (pink salmon, salmon, chum and other marine varieties). Meat or fish is pre-frozen, and before feeding it is scalded with boiling water or boiled a little.

INTERESTING! Periodically, meat can be replaced with offal. For the Scots, kidneys, liver, hearts are more preferable.

Throughout the entire growth period, Scottish Fold kittens must be given cottage cheese, preferably calcined. You can also offer your baby kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat cheese. It is not recommended to give milk to adults and small Scots, as it can provoke diarrhea.

The menu must include eggs: quail or chicken. They can be fed to cats both raw and boiled. Some pets like omelets, but they should be prepared with minimal milk and no oil.
The kitten receives carbohydrates from cereals. Most preferred: buckwheat, brown rice, wheat. They are added to the diet of the Scot in the amount of 20-25% of the daily requirement. In order for the pet to eat them well, you can make a mixture of minced meat or finely chopped meat and cereals.

Vegetables and fruits are also sources of carbohydrates and vitamins. They are fed to cats in raw or boiled form. You can mash them, grate them on a fine grater, or just cut them into small pieces.

From vegetables, the pet is offered carrots, green beans, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. From fruits, you can give the Scot apples, pears, a little plum, peaches.

REFERENCE! If the pet refuses to eat cereals, but eats vegetables and fruits with pleasure, you can only use them as sources of carbohydrates.

Ready-made dry food as the main diet of a kitten

- These are ready-made balanced feeds intended for the daily nutrition of cats.

These products fall into four categories:

  • Economy The cheapest food. The composition is based on cereals (wheat, corn, etc.). Animal protein in such diets is a very small percentage, and it is obtained from various waste products from meat processing plants. Economy class feeds include Whiskas, Kitiket, Darling and other products, the cost of which does not exceed 60-80 rubles. per kilogram. Breeders recommend avoiding such feed.
  • Premium. For the preparation of such diets, both meat and offal are used, but plant ingredients still occupy the majority. The composition includes vitamin and mineral supplements. Such diets can be used as the main menu, but only if the animal feels great and has no health problems. Premium foods include: Happy Cat, Sheba, Brit Premium, Cat Chow, etc.
  • Super premium. These products are made from high quality raw materials. They contain a large amount of animal proteins. Carbohydrates are represented by vegetables, cereals with high digestibility. Super premium food is enriched with minerals and vitamins, contains fruits, berries and other useful additives. The most popular brands: Fitmin, Brit Care, Blitz, Savarra, etc.
  • Holistic. These foods are made from high quality fresh and dried meat. Manufacturers also use sea fish fillets as a source of protein. As part of a holistic class product, there are no cheap sources of vegetable protein. Potatoes, vegetables, rice, peas, lentils, carrots, apples, etc. act as carbohydrates and fiber. Many holistics include probiotics. The most popular foods are: Acana, Orijen, Farmina, Grandorf, Applaws, etc.

Read also: What to feed a kitten at 3 months

Dry diets should not be combined with natural food. If you want to pamper your pet with something tasty, it is better to offer him wet food of the same brand as dry food. If it is necessary to transfer the Scot from the diet of one manufacturer to another, do it gradually, within 7-10 days.

Approximate natural menu by age

The number of feedings and the volume of the serving directly depend on the age of the baby. Small kittens under the age of 2-3 months eat more often. By six months, the Scots are transferred to two meals a day. Consider a sample menu by age.

Up to a month

From birth to a month, the mother feeds the babies with her milk. After the little Scottish folds are 3 weeks old, they can begin to offer their first complementary foods. To do this, use raw scraped or very finely chopped meat.

REFERENCE! At 3-4 weeks, kittens are just beginning to try "adult" food. They can be given rabbit, veal, turkey or chicken. Also, complementary foods can be started not with meat, but with fermented milk products (cottage cheese, low-fat fermented baked milk, yogurt).

1 month

The Scottish Fold eats about 120 grams of food per day, including mother's milk. Babies are offered food up to 7 times a day.

Kittens are happy to eat chopped raw meat. Porridges and vegetables at this age are contraindicated for babies.

2 months

They begin to separate from their mother. On the day of these babies are fed up to 6 times, while the daily food intake is about 180 grams. You can add some grated vegetables and bran to the pieces of meat (this product has a beneficial effect on digestion).

3 months

The Scots begin to disperse to new homes and leave their mother. The basis of the diet of such babies is still meat, but the menu already includes fermented milk products (cottage cheese, stale kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.), vegetables, chopped fruits.

A kitten at the age of 3-4 months eats up to 240 grams of food per day. You can start introducing the kitten to cereals. The meat is given to the pet in its raw form. It is cut into fairly large pieces.

4 to 6 months

The amount of food consumed can be brought up to 300-320 grams, but this applies only to very large Scottish folds. A medium-sized kitten needs 280-300 grams of food. At this age, the pet begins to be introduced to sea fish. It is fed to the baby in a scalded or boiled form 1-2 times a week.

Also, at the age of 4-6 months, the Scot begins to give sprouted greens. At this age, the kitten is already actively eating fruits and vegetables, eating meat cut into large pieces with pleasure.

REFERENCE! The number of feedings at 4-6 months is reduced to 3.

6 months to 1 year

From the age of 6 months, the kitten begins to be transferred to a 2-time diet. The average volume of the daily norm is 180-230 grams. This figure can be calculated by the formula: 3-5% of the animal's body weight.

At the age of 6 months to 1 year, a lop-eared pet eats all foods: raw meat, fish, cereals, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, vegetables, fruits, greens. Do not offer the animal bones, as their sharp fragments can pierce the stomach.

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements

Vitamin supplements are necessary for kittens who eat natural food. If the Scot is on at least super premium dry food as a main diet, vitamins and mineral supplements can be omitted.