The cat is yelling in March what to do. Why does a cat yell for no reason at night: what to do, the cat wakes you up at night and doesn’t let you sleep

Most owners are faced with the fact that the cat does not sleep at night and wanders around the apartment, meowing pitifully. The owners see no compelling reason for such a nightly "concert". But cats wander around the house at night, meowing pitifully and yelling for a reason.

For such behavior that is incomprehensible to the owners, the pet has a number of certain reasons. Before you just yell and scold fluffy pet, it is advisable to understand the reasons for his heart-rending scream and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.

Why does a cat yell at night: the main reasons

Some pets scream all day long, and not just at night. However, castration rarely helps and the pet continues to scream at night.

Any cat, regardless of gender and breed, has its own needs and desires, which it tries to convey to its owner by meowing and sometimes screaming. Therefore, these animals extremely rarely scream for no apparent reason.

Hormonal disbalance

The first and most common cause of cat crying is hormonal surges. Uncastrated (spelled together) cats scream at night from physical and mental stress, which they experience due to these failures, and unsterilized cats can behave this way during estrus.

Cats suffering from a lack of carnal love are popularly called “March cats,” but pets can scream at night not only in the spring season. The reason for the screaming in this case can be solved by providing the uncastrated cat with a female, and only then will he stop waking up his owners at night. A young pet can be neutered. The castration procedure is carried out by a veterinarian in a hospital under anesthesia. This operation is harmless to the cat’s body and is effective in combating the pet’s nightly “concerts”.

Psychological reasons

The following reasons are not related to the physical, but only to psychological state pet Among them, the following should be highlighted.

  1. 1. Longing. It is most often experienced by kittens that have recently been weaned from their mother. They behave restlessly, wander around the house in search of their mother and meow pitifully. The owners need to cuddle the babies, give them more attention, calm them down, and then they will stop being nervous.
  2. 2. Extortion. The night cry of a cat for no apparent reason indicates simple extortion on his part. Most often, cats try to beg their favorite treat from their owners. If you treat him delicious food and monitor the further reaction, you can easily figure out this tricky trick. Having received what he wanted, the cat will instantly calm down and stop screaming. But in the future, you shouldn’t give the cat a treat every time it screams, otherwise the owners will good sleep not to be seen.
  3. 3. Attracting attention. Cats that are alone all day try to attract the attention of their owners at night. The cat jumps onto the bed small child or at the head of the owner, starting to scream near the ear. He just wants to chat or play with him, since during the day he does not have such an opportunity. On weekends, it is advisable to pay more attention to a pet and then the problem will solve itself.
  4. 4. Feeling of anxiety. Being in a state of tension, cats often scream not only at night, but also in the morning. Most often, they sense something wrong and try to warn the owner. There are cases where cats, with their restless behavior, predicted earthquakes and other natural disasters.


The most serious cause of a cat crying at night may be a certain disease. Among the main ailments that provoke a pet to scream at night, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. 1. Nervous disorder. If old cat wanders around the apartment and does not find a place for herself, then she clearly has health problems. Older pets, even those who have been neutered, suffer from Alzheimer's disease or nervous disorder. It will not be possible to cope with these irreversible disorders at home, and the pet must be taken to the veterinarian. An appointment will be made at the hospital medicines, which will help alleviate the condition of an elderly pet.
  2. 2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After eating, the cat may constantly walk around the house and scream heart-rendingly. This behavior may be due to acute abdominal pain. You can determine it at home by palpation. U healthy pets the abdomen is soft, and palpation does not cause the cat discomfort.
  3. 3. Worms. Another reason for an animal meowing at night can be helminths. The cat is experiencing painful sensations because of the worms that have settled in his body, and cannot find a place for himself.
  4. 4. Urolithiasis. Castrated adults begin to scream loudly when they have urolithiasis. It is not difficult to determine whether your pet has this disease on your own. A cat with urolithiasis behaves restlessly not only at night, but also when going to the toilet, or cannot pee at all for several days.
  5. 5. Complications after sterilization. Sometimes young cats, after sterilization, do not allow their owners to sleep and scream at night, demanding a male. This behavior is not typical for sterilized females and therefore it is advisable to show the cat to a highly qualified veterinarian.

If you suspect any disease in your pet, you must immediately show it to a veterinarian. Fighting the disease at home without first consulting a veterinarian can only worsen the cat’s condition.

Does your pet scream just as loud? Then this article is for you.

Strange behavior of a cat in your house. Reasons for screaming

Most cat owners expect only pleasant moments from communicating with their pet. It's always a joy to pick up, stroke, caress a soft fluffy little ball, and listen to it purr. However, sometimes a pet shows character, expresses its emotions and becomes not so sweet and cute.

With a loud cry, a cat signals us about its problems and desires. Many pets do not want to silently experience stress, resentment, pain, but certainly try to notify the whole world about them and, first of all, their owners. Remember, every “cat concert” has a reason, sometimes we just can’t figure out what it is.

In this publication, we will help you figure out why a cat screams loudly and how to help your pet in a given situation.

The cat is in pain. Check your pet's health

Loud cat cries often indicate that your pet is in pain. The animal may be injured or worried sharp pain V gastrointestinal tract. To determine the cause of your pet's anxiety, gently feel it and make sure that touching different parts bodies do not cause him any unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, you should immediately show the cat to a veterinarian.

Pay attention to me

When a pet walks and screams without visible reasons Most likely, he just attracts attention to himself. Cats understand well that the owner will react to their cry. Often in this way they beg for a treat or food when they are hungry, and when they are not hungry either.

Most pets spend the entire day alone and lack affection and attention. With a cry, the cat asks to be played with, stroked, and given time.

Calm the cat down, play with it, talk to it, give it something tasty, let the pet feel your love and care. Spend more time with your cat, buy new toys more often. Perhaps then the pet will forget that you need to wake you up at night with its loud screams.

Pet is stressed

Cats don't like changes in their lives. Moving to another place of residence, the loss of a person or another pet, or the appearance of a new family member leads to the fact that the cat begins to worry and show its displeasure by screaming.

In such a situation, spend more time with your pet, do not leave him alone for a long time. If the situation worsens, show the animal to a veterinarian, he will prescribe drug therapy.

Hormones are to blame. The cat is in heat

Raging sex hormones are one of the most common causes of “cat concerts.” During this period, cats and kittens crave “love.” Unmet needs cause animals psychological and physical discomfort. In pets living at home, sexual activity can occur at any time. Cats are able to go for walks up to 10 times a year, and males can be constantly sexually aroused if they sense the female’s pheromones.

However, sexual heat in cats intensifies closer to spring. Already in February, pets begin to demand procreation: scream heart-rendingly, mark the apartment, and run away into the street.

Why do cats scream during heat? What should the owner do?

During sexual heat, cats emit loud cries that can be heard 2-3 km away. This is how pets attract potential partners for mating, telling them: “I’m here, quickly find me!” Hosts screaming cats at the same time, in a panic, they try to decide how to calm the animal: satisfy the pet’s natural needs, resort to surgery, or use a humane method of contraception with the help of special drugs to regulate sexual desire.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Mating a cat. Having solved one problem, you get another

Helping your pet satisfy the call of nature is the most natural way out of a situation when a cat screams. However, this is only at first glance.

If a cat does not represent a breed value, unwanted kittens will be born, which will be difficult to place in good hands. Thus, having temporarily solved the problem of your pet’s sexual desire, you get another problem related to the fact that there are often not enough good hands for everyone.

Sterilization and castration. How safe is it to operate on a pet?

Surgery is another way to get rid of a cat’s crying due to sexual heat. Sterilization and castration are surgical operations for the removal of genital organs in cats.

In cats, the ovaries and uterus are removed during surgery. The testes and part of the spermatic cord are removed from cats. In order to carry out sterilization or castration, the animal is temporarily euthanized, the pet is under general anesthesia.

Preparing your pet for surgery. Collection of analyzes

Preparation for the operation begins with choosing a veterinary clinic in which it should be performed. It is better if it is a large clinic that has proven itself well.

Before surgery, in some cases, an ultrasound of the heart is performed. The cardiologist must ensure that the cardiovascular system The pet is healthy and will be able to tolerate anesthesia. If necessary, the therapist takes general and biochemical analysis blood, does a urine test and a smear for hidden sexually transmitted infections. After this, the cat is sent to the surgeon.

Since sterilization is performed under general anesthesia, preparation must begin in advance. One of the doctors' requirements is a mandatory starvation diet. The pet should not be fed for 8-12 hours and given water 3 hours before surgery. An animal that is left without food is stressed and will constantly ask to be fed. However, you cannot give him food.

How much money will need to be spent on all these manipulations?

The amount will be different in different regions. Average preparatory tests will cost the animal owner from 1000 to 2000 rubles. In addition, sterilizing a cat will cost you 5,000 rubles, if you castrate a cat, the price will be about 3,000 rubles.

So, it is already clear that castration or sterilization is not simple operation. When we take a pet into our home, we take on a huge responsibility. So what can happen after the operation, what consequences can the owner expect?

Consequences of the operation

If the operation was performed poorly, an infection was introduced during it, cats may experience bleeding, prolapse or inflammation of the stump spermatic cord, abscess, peritonitis and sepsis, infectious diseases may develop.

Peritonitis may occur in cats if the operation is performed poorly. postoperative hernia, bleeding and inflammation.

If we talk about more long-term consequences, these are problems in the functioning of the kidneys and endocrine system. Especially if the cat was operated on before 8 months. The consequences of castration, which no longer depend on the conditions in which the operation was carried out, can be urolithiasis disease and obesity.

Note that the listed consequences do not always arise, but if the owner still had to deal with them, additional time and money will be required.

Spaying and neutering cats: the pros and cons of sterilization. The cat asks for the cat

The use of drugs to regulate sexual heat

Surgery is a serious step. Remember that this operation always has a safe alternative - the use of drugs to regulate sexual desire. The most famous drug that is developed for effective solution all problems associated with sexual heat in cats is the drug SEX BARRIER.

Benefits of SEX BARRIER. Safe alternative to surgery

Effectively solves problems that are important to you

The composition of the drug takes into account the type and sex of animals, which means
SEX BARRIER effectively solves problems that are important to the owner: keeping the pet calm, interrupting sexual arousal or preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Safe for your pet

It contains not one, but two analogues of natural sex hormones. Unlike drugs containing one hormone in their composition, the dosage of hormones in SEX BARRIER is reduced tenfold.

Every owner of a furry pet has encountered the fact that his cat, it would seem, for unknown reasons suddenly starts screaming loudly at night and keeps everyone in the household from sleeping. Naturally, such behavior of a pet can irritate even the most patient owners.

Why does a cat yell for no reason at night?

Why does a cat scream at night?

But in fact, there are a number of reasons why a cat yells at night, and in order to effectively deal with this, you must first identify the cause of your pet’s anxiety.

Reason 1: boredom

The cat may be bored, so he yells.

What do adult domestic cats do in daytime? Mostly they sleep! But cats are nocturnal predators and it is at this time of day that they behave most actively. At night, the pet rushes around the house, makes noise and plays pranks. And since he does not have a suitable company to play with and is overcome by boredom, he begins to wake up his owner with a loud meow, demanding that they play with him.

You can avoid this situation using the following methods:

  • Accustom your pet from a young age to the owner’s rhythm of life: that is, to stay awake during the day and sleep at night.
  • During the daytime, pay more attention to your pet, playing active games with him.
  • Offer to your cat before bed hearty dinner consisting of meat or fish products.
  • Late in the evening arrange for your pet walk for fresh air , this, by the way, will contribute to strong healthy sleep not only for the cat, but also for its owner.
  • If possible, do not let your cat sleep during the day.
  • Buy a wide variety of toys for your pet.
  • Get another cat so that the animals have someone to play with while the owners sleep.

In order for the cat to sleep at night and not scream, you need to actively play with him during the day.

Under no circumstances should you punish a cat for yelling at night. Cats are quite vindictive animals and after punishment the pet will continue to scream at night simply out of spite.

Reason 2: lack of attention

A kitten may cry at night due to lack of attention.

When purchasing a furry pet, do not forget that it needs not only basic care and proper nutrition, but also in attention.

Cats are extremely attached to their owners, giving them warmth and tenderness, but they also demand the same in return, because they it is very important to feel needed and loved . If you don't spend enough time with your pet, he may fall into mild depression and even get sick.

This is especially true for cats whose owners are forced to spend the whole day at work.

And very often this is the reason why the cat begins to scream mournfully loudly at night. In this way he wants to attract attention to himself, which he so lacks.

The cat starts screaming at night because he demands attention to himself.

The way out of this situation may be active evening games with your pet. You can simply pick up the cat and pet him or talk to him so that he feels that he has not been forgotten about. Typically, such measures help the animal calm down, and it will not wake up the owner at night with its screams.

Communication is very important for a furry creature , so it is advisable to talk to him as often as possible.

Reason 3: hormones

Outdoor cats release their hormones by fighting and courting the cat. So what to do domestic cat? Just scream at night from an excess of hormones!

The reasons why an uncastrated cat screams at night are quite obvious - he follows the call of nature and wants to have offspring.

In this way, the cat not only attracts the attention of the opposite sex, but also tries to intimidate potential rivals.

For owners in this situation, there can only be one solution to the problem - sterilize your pet . Of course, this does not give a 100% guarantee that the cat will stop screaming loudly at night, especially in the first months after the operation, but over time the level of testosterone in the animal’s body will decrease and it will stop organizing night concerts.

If you sterilize a cat, he will stop screaming at night.

Some owners prefer to ignore the cry of their pet, hoping that this period will not last long. But we should not forget that the inability to mate with a female causes not only psychological but also physical suffering. Therefore, there is nothing else left to do but find a suitable girlfriend for the cat, or give him special drugs that reduce hormone levels.

If a castrated cat yells

If a castrated cat starts screaming at night, this may be a sign of illness, then the cat should be taken to the veterinarian.

It happens that sterilized cats suddenly begin to wake up their owners with a mournful scream, as if demanding a cat.

This may indicate that the animal is under stress or is very frightened by something. As a rule, such cases are isolated, but if they are repeated systematically, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian. Perhaps the cat is sick with some disease.

Castration is the best solution for those animals whose owners do not let them go outside.

Reason 4: illness

The cause of your pet's nightly concerts can also be a variety of diseases.

Often cats suffer from stomach pain , most often due to the consumption of low-quality food or poor nutrition.

Cats, especially neutered ones, are susceptible, and often have problems with their kidneys and going to the toilet.

Neutered cats may have kidney problems and therefore cry when going to the toilet.

In any case, if a cat yells at night for no apparent reason, you need to take him to veterinary clinic. Perhaps it is Due to illness, the pet does not allow its owners to sleep .

Reason 5: old age

An old cat needs more attention and care.

Like most older people, old animals become capricious and mischievous.

It is also important that cats are also susceptible to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease . It has been proven that 30% of animals over ten years of age and 50% of cats over fifteen years of age suffer from it.

Unfortunately, this disease is incurable, but it is quite possible to alleviate its symptoms. An aging pet should be given more attention and try to avoid stressful situations for it.

There are even special medications that help animals become calmer, but only a veterinarian should prescribe them.

Don't forget that Older cats need care and affection , and become especially vulnerable, so the owner will have to turn a blind eye to the pet’s petty pranks and not punish him for his pranks.

Reason 6: anxiety

It's no secret that animals can feel approaching disaster, such as earthquakes or storms.

And if a cat starts screaming at night, this may be evidence of an impending cataclysm.

When a natural disaster approaches, the cat will begin to get nervous and scream.

Very often, pets begin to wake up their owners during a fire. Therefore, the owner should not rush to scold his furry pet if he woke him up with his cry at night, perhaps a cat warns him of some misfortune.

In custody

Under no circumstances should you beat or punish a cat for not letting you sleep at night, because this often leads to the opposite results and it will yell and make noise even more. Only by finding out the true cause of your pet’s loud cries can you get rid of this problem.

Video about why cats meow

A domestic cat is another family member for whom meowing and purring is a the only way communication with the rest of the household. Cats often meow when they need something from their owner - affection, food, water, attention. But in some cases, constant meowing can signal problems - screaming cats may experience physical pain, psychological stress or discomfort. Since about true reasons Cats cannot communicate their meowing to their owners; owners will have to independently find out the motives for this unpleasant and annoying phenomenon.

There is a current set of measures that will help the owner curb the “vocal impulses” of cats and return peace and quiet to the house. However, in order to choose the right therapy, it is necessary to understand why the cat constantly meows and yells throughout the day. Understanding the reasons will help to correctly adjust the animal’s behavior and help it overcome uncomfortable and stressful periods in life.

If the owner is wondering why a cat constantly meows, then he can pay attention to the following possible reasons:

As you can see, there are quite a few options for answering the question why a cat yells at night and during the day. A veterinarian will help you find out the true root cause of your pet’s increased “talkativeness.” The specialist will examine the animal and prescribe comprehensive scheme treatment.

Changes in hormonal levels

After puberty, all cats, with the exception of castrated and sterilized individuals, experience a natural need to procreate. During this period, the owner may notice that the pet yells throughout the day and night. The desire to find a partner for mating is absolutely normal and it will be difficult for the owner to deal with such behavior of the animal. If the pet causes discomfort with constant meowing associated with sexual instinct, then the owner may decide to sterilize or castrate the cat. He may also use special drugs that suppress sexual activity. Read about caring for your cat after sterilization.

If the decision is made to use hormonal drugs, then it is worth purchasing tablets in advance for cats during estrus, which should be given as prescribed by the veterinarian.

It is worth understanding that contraceptive pills for cats and means during estrus have absolutely no different action, therefore, owners who have no idea about the intricacies of selection veterinary drugs, you should entrust the process of finding a cure to a specialist. He will select the best drops or tablets for your cat to stop walking, and also tell you about their use.

Quite often, pets are prescribed Antisex drops for cats, designed to regulate the reproductive cycle in animals. Like other drops for cats against cat desire, Antisex has a number of side effects, among them:

If the rules for taking drops are violated, the pet may experience disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine and genitourinary system, so you should definitely coordinate the use of drops with your veterinarian.

Diseases are a possible cause of meowing

As mentioned above, for a cat, meowing is a way of communication. By meowing and screaming, pets may try to communicate to the owner about discomfort associated with illness or injury. If the owner does not understand why the cat is yelling for no reason, then he should take it to a veterinary clinic for comprehensive examination. The veterinarian will help determine whether the meowing is a signal of the presence of a disease, or whether the cat is simply trying to attract the owner's attention by making loud noises.

Constant meowing may be a sign of the following ailments:

  • increased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney diseases;
  • problems with urination;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • injury;

Attracting the owner's attention

When a cat is hungry, requires attention, or wants to attract the owner to play, he may constantly yell and meow. In such moments, it is important to correctly decipher the pet’s “messages” and provide it with everything necessary. A properly organized diet and leisure time for the animal will help maintain calm behavior in your cat. The cat must be available fresh food, pure water, tray. It is also desirable to have special play simulators, scratching posts and all kinds of slides in the house that will help the cat release its accumulated energy.

Pet stress

Moving, strangers in the house, the appearance of new pets - all these reasons can cause stress in a cat. If the cat's reaction to changes manifests itself in the form of screams and meows, the owner will have to take measures to correct the animal's behavior. To adapt to new conditions, cats can be prescribed sedatives, as well as behavior correction courses aimed at socializing the animal.

When changing the cat's usual environment, it is important for the owner to pay attention to the pet's condition in order to minimize the manifestations of stress and help him avoid common behavioral problems.

To be calm about your health and emotional condition pet, the owner must find the motives for meowing and understand why the cat yells for no apparent reason. Once the motives for the cat’s atypical behavior have been identified, the owner will be able to draw up a further action plan to eliminate meowing and improve the pet’s quality of life. Depending on the reasons for meowing, cats may be prescribed analgesics, herbal-based sedatives, hormonal pills and other means.

It is important for the owner to learn to interpret the signals sent by the cat and interact correctly with his pet. It is worth understanding that unjustified aggression, scolding and instructive spanking from the owner will not help overcome the animal’s feeling of anxiety and correct its behavior. Against, inappropriate behavior the owner can cause fear in the pet and provoke additional problems in behavior.

So spring has come, we enjoy the spring sun, good weather, and everything around us comes to life, wakes up. Streams, birds and, of course, March cats are singing.

Many people don’t really like their nightly serenades, but what can they do if their soul sings?! It is in March that these cute “fluffies” touch us so much with their singing. It’s not their fault, it’s all the hormones that are raging, seething like spring waters. In spring, the natural, basic instinct of all animals, including cats, intensifies. The surge of hormones in the spring intensifies with particular force.

Cats love to sing not only in March, they do this throughout the year, but in the spring their songs sound louder and more often than usual. This is how nature works, that in March, at the beginning of spring, love blossoms among all living beings. Seals become extremely active, and when hunting for cats, they are not averse to fighting among themselves. Sometimes people, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, forget what month it is, it’s good that cats remind us of this. All living things obey the call of nature, and cats eagerly and enthusiastically go out in search of their soulmate. When cats grow up, they begin to mark their territory. The reason for this behavior is explained simply by tags - this is an “odorous” method of protecting personal territory. Thus, cats, as it were, single her out in order to show the other cats their possessions, which cannot be encroached upon.

Do you think your beloved animal is just behaving badly if it peels off the wallpaper in the hallway, marks your beautiful carpet and vacuum cleaner? Tags are nothing more than a means of cat communication.

But you need to know that there are many reasons why cats mark. As scientists say. When marking the territory, the cat calms down, marking acts on it as an anti-anxiety agent. In March, not only cats sing, but also cute kitties, of course, not so loudly and not so emotionally. All these signs: singing, marking, occur in cats with the onset of puberty, this happens at 6 months and a little later. The time has come for animals to prolong their race.

The period of puberty in cats depends on many reasons: living conditions, feeding, climate, and, of course, the gender and breed of the cat. Cats can accept a cat only when the so-called estrus period begins. But the cat is ready to make friends with the cat at any time. The most favorable and active period for this purpose early spring and summer months. This is when your cat's sperm concentration is highest. It is believed that the main factor that influences the intensity of puberty and activity is the length of daylight hours. Therefore, in cats living at home, activity occurs all year round, due to heat and artificial lighting. Of course, activity intensifies a little with the arrival of spring.

Oh, the “activity” of our charming pets! Their throat singing at night under the windows, it simply “irritates” everyone in the household. But, nothing can be done, it’s a sign of spring, the onset of March! Testosterone is produced with increasing force, forcing cute creatures - cats, to disturb the peace and quiet of people at night. Aggressiveness and marking of territory are also not good for people. And if you are not going to breed cats for the purpose of selling, then an animal would be advisable. If an animal is not sterilized and lives in greenhouse conditions at home, without communicating with its relatives, then sooner or later it will get confused hormonal cycle, which leads to diseases of the reproductive system. Think and have pity on your pet, because there is no one to take care of it except you. And then cats will delight us only with their pleasant rumbling and affectionate purring.