Personal questionnaire npn a. Assessment of neuropsychic stress

Instructions: “This questionnaire contains statements relating to your health, views, interests, character, etc. If you decide that you agree with these statements, then on the registration form, according to the statement number, put “+”. If you do not agree with it , then put the "-" sign.

Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability personality questionnaire

2. Most of my friends consider me a cheerful conversationalist.

3. I often act according to my mood, and not according to my conviction.

4. Often some obsessive thought prevents me from falling asleep.

5. I am indifferent to alcohol.

6. I am very seriously interested in yoga gymnastics.

7. I like to study for exams, tests, etc. one.

8. In a dispute, I often avoid the essence of the issue and get personal.

9. I get very lost when I suddenly find myself in the center of everyone's attention.

10. I try to adhere to the principles of morality and ethics.

11. I often have a headache.

12. I never need the sympathy of others.

13. On trains, buses, etc. I often start conversations with people I don't know.

14. Often a trifle said to me can cause a violent reaction in me.

15. Criticism in the presence of others extremely depresses me.

16. I am often in a bad mood.

17. I began to doubt the correctness of my chosen profession.

18. I easily get used to any society.

19. At times I feel tempted to enter into an argument with someone.

20. I often find it difficult to resist feeling sorry for myself.

21. As a child, I was registered with a psychiatrist.

22. I try to live in such a way that those around me would say about me: “What a man!”

23. My physical development and health fully allow me to become a good officer.

24. I consider myself a quite sociable person.

25. I often want to do something dangerous or stunning.

26. If I made some mistake, I quickly forget about it.

27. Sometimes I take bromine, elenium and other sedatives.

28. I never follow fashion, but wear whatever I can find.

29. I willingly participate in organizing various events.

30. I can often not restrain myself and be rude, even if it harms my interests.

31. I tend to think back to my troubles and find it difficult to get them out of my head.

32. I was told that I walk in my sleep.

33. I believe that drug use is quite natural.

34. I like to wear super fashionable and unusual clothes that attract the eye.

35. I like to communicate with people and I rarely miss the opportunity to talk even with a stranger.

36. Quite often I act under the momentary influence of a momentary mood.

37. I experience difficulties in relationships with people because of my own shyness.

38. I feel that my abilities are probably not enough to master my chosen profession.

39. I almost always have some pain.

40. I tend to joke and tell stories. different stories.

41. When people shout at me, I respond in kind.

42. The use of obscene expressions is always unpleasant for me.

43. At times I cannot resist the temptation to steal something.

44. I live by my inner thoughts and have little interest in reality.

45. I believe that books are more entertaining than conversationalists.

46. ​​I often don’t give in to people simply out of principle.

47. Of course, I lack self-confidence.

48. During the medical examination, I hid my serious illnesses.

49. I always do and think in my own way, and the opinions of others interest me little.

50. I try to follow the laws and rules of the hostel.

51. I prefer to have a wide circle of acquaintances.

52. I like to make fun of others.

53. When people watch me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

54. I have poor and restless sleep.

55. My ideas and thoughts look like they are ahead of their time.

56. I can easily talk to a stranger.

57. I often start with half a turn.

58. I get very embarrassed when people talk about my character.

59. I have had cases of loss of consciousness.

60. I am a difficult person to reach.

61. I believe that most people lie if it is in their interests.

62. I can happily walk alone.

63. I get very irritated if I am rushed.

64. When talking to girls, I try to avoid sensitive topics that could cause embarrassment.

65. My nervous system is very upset.

66. I don't believe in God.

67. They often say about me: “Words are hard to come by.”

68. I am often ready to do anything to win an argument.

69. It happens that I am bothered by a feeling of guilt or remorse over some trifle.

70. I had reports to the police.

71. It seems to me that no one understands me.

72. People around me always know my point of view.

73. I prefer mutually beneficial solutions in disputes.

74. I feel less adapted to life and its demands than others.

75. I would prefer to sit most of the time, do nothing and dream (philosophize).

76. To one of political parties I would only join under public pressure.

77. I don’t expect to achieve anything in life.

78. In general, I am worried about my own shyness.

79. I love playing tricks on others.

80. In society, I am bothered by my own shyness.

81. I am capable of doing something extraordinary.

82. I was persuaded to enter this university, and the most special

there was no desire.

83. In a team, I rarely initiate anything.

84. I often want things that are not allowed.

85. I consider myself more dreamy than practical.


86. As a child, I had serious injuries and illnesses.

87. I believe that the American way of life can be accepted.

per sample.

88. In a circle strangers I rarely speak first.

89. It’s hard to make me angry.

90. I am bothered by the feeling that I am worse than others.

91. At times I regret that I live in this world.

92. My opinion often coincides with the opinions of others.

93. I have very strange and unusual inner experiences.

94. I am usually not very sociable.

95. It is often difficult for me to cope with my desires.

96. I often try to look into myself and find out the reasons for the appearance of my thoughts.

97. As a child, I was moody and irritable.

98. Based on my abilities, I can become a good leader.

99. If any issue is discussed, I am one of the first to express my opinion or consideration.

100. I do not consider it necessary to hide my contempt or negative opinion of anyone or anything.

101. Sometimes it seems to me that people guess what I’m thinking.

102. I like to quote brilliant or shocking sayings of famous people.

103. People around me often treat me unfairly. I like to work slowly.

105. Sometimes people tell me that I am short-tempered.

106. I am often bothered by thoughts that I am not doing what I think I should do.

107. With great difficulty I adapt to new conditions of study, life and everyday life.

108. I like to look for unusual or paradoxical methods for solving various problems or issues.

109. I am often the initiator of some business.

110. I easily lose patience with people.

111. I rarely have periods when I lose sleep due to anxiety.

112. Very rarely criticism and objections addressed to me are fair.

113. In companies, I am always the center of attention.

114. My weight fluctuates a lot (I sometimes lose weight, sometimes gain weight).

115. I adhere to the proverb: “He who is in a hurry makes people laugh.”

116. If someone annoys me, I can tolerate it for a long time.

117. I often miss opportunities because of my indecisiveness.

118. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.

119. I am easily confused.

121.V modern life There are too many obstacles and restrictions that really irritate me.

122. I often have to hide my shyness at the cost of great effort.

123. I am one of those people who know how to admire or worship someone or something.

124. At school I had conflicts with teachers.

125. I am a rather sociable and cheerful person.

126. Quite often I feel the need for thrills.

127. I have a dream world where I don’t let anyone in.

128. I had difficulty learning school material.

129. Sometimes I feel like someone is controlling my thoughts.

130. I feel like a deeply lonely person.

131. I willingly meet new people.

132. Sometimes I feel like a deeply lonely person.

133. I often worry about something.

134. I am characterized by violent manifestations of feelings.

135. I think that I am a doomed person.

136. For relaxation, I prefer group games and entertainment.

137. I am inclined to give categorical assessments of the actions of others.

138. I experience troubles acutely and for a long time.

139. At times I have bouts of laughing and crying that I just can’t cope with.

140. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.

141. I usually act and speak quickly, without thinking for a long time.

142. Everything boils inside me if they do something not my way.

43. I tend to worry about what awaits me.

144. I have qualities in which I am definitely superior to other people.

145. I like food made from exotic ingredients.

146. I often have constipation.

147. I am more silent and listen when I am in society.

148. I enjoy doing risky things for fun.

149. At times I feel overwhelmed.

150. Sometimes I have an obsessive desire to harm myself or others.

151. I am a special person and incomprehensible to others.

152. I like to talk a lot.

153. Rarely can something be accomplished by gradual, moderate methods; more often it is necessary to use force.

154. I feel like a failure when I hear about the successes of my friends and acquaintances.

155. I am characterized by some capriciousness.

156. I think that the chosen profession is quite suitable for me.

157. I express my thoughts as they come to my mind and do not try to “comb” them first.

158. I often have jitters in my hands or throughout my body.

. When doing any work, I prefer to do it independently, rather than in a team.

160. People consider me a calm and balanced person.

161. I tend to take everything to heart.

162. I often have attacks of irritability.

163. I don’t have and probably never will have a friend.

164. I answered all questions conscientiously and honestly.


Statements on a particular scale reflect the attitude towards oneself, towards other people, towards work, towards the future, towards the past, towards failures, towards criticism, towards risk, towards rules, towards orders, etc.

Accentuations of character should be considered as an extreme variant of the mental norm. This is the fundamental difference between the terms “accentuation” and “psychopathy”. At the same time, self-esteem remains adequate, and a specific type of accentuation indicates character vulnerabilities, which, under certain conditions, can cause a psychogenic reaction (situationally determined behavioral disorders) and lead to decompensation or maladaptation.



Criteria: +2, -7, +13, +18, +24, +29, +35, +40, -45, +51,

+56, -62, +67, +72, -78, -83, -88, -94, +99, -104, +109, -115, +120, +125, +131, +136, +141, -147, -152, -159.

Signs: high values indicate a person’s pronounced desire for society, lack of shyness, indiscriminateness in establishing interpersonal contacts, and frequent overestimation of one’s capabilities. Low values they talk about isolation, modesty, constraint in relationships with others, slowness, phlegmaticity.

Explosive form

Criteria: +3, +8, +14, +25, +30, +36, +4

1, +46, +52, +57, +63, +68, -73, + 79, +84, -89, +95, +100, +105, +110, -116, +121, +126, +132, +142, +148, +153, -160.

Signs: Inconsistency emotional reactions strength and quality of stimuli; increased excitability, aggressiveness, explosiveness, ease of “breakdown” over minor issues, tendency to harsh criticism, poor control of emotions, impulsiveness of actions.

Psychasthenic form

Criteria: +4, +9, +15, +20, -26, +31, +37, +42, +47, +53, +58, +64, +69, +74, +80, +85, +90, +96, +1

01, +106, +111, +117, +122, +127, +133, +138, +143, +149, +154, +161.

Signs: high anxiety, indecisiveness, lack of self-confidence, slight vulnerability, increased sensitivity, fatigue, fixation on failures, a tendency to doubt and introspection, shyness, timidity, decreased activity.

Schizoid form

Criteria: +6, +12, +16, +28, +44, +49, +55, +60, +66, +71, +75, +77, +81, +91, -92, +93, +102, +107, +108, +124, +129, +130, +135, +144, +145, +150, +151, +157, +162, +163.

Signs: unusual and original thinking, originality of logical connections and associations, emotional coldness, unceremoniousness, isolation, isolation from the life and affairs of the team, unusual perception of the environment.

Hysterical form

Criteria: +3, +10,

+14, +22, -28, +34, +35, +40, +46, +49, +51, +61, +67, +72, +81, +87, +97, +100, +102, +113, +123, +134, +137, +139, +140, +144, +145, +148, +155, +157.

Signs: egocentrism, desire to stand out in behavior, appearance, thirst for leadership and originality, theatrical behavior, desire to be in the center of attention, external expressiveness of experiences, high claims regarding evaluation of the results of one’s work and exclusivity of the position.

Directional scale

Criteria: -1, -5, +17, -23, +32, +33,

+38, +39, +43, +48, -50, +59, +65, +66, +70, +76, +77, +82, +86, +87, +91, -98, +135, -156.+164.

Signs: attitude towards the chosen profession, desire to master it, assessment of one’s physical development, health and abilities in relation to the opportunity to master a profession, highlighting their moral and mental shortcomings.

Reliability scale

Criteria: 3-36, 4-111, 7-159, 9-53, 13-35, 14-57,24-125,30-68, 37-80, 47-117, 51-131, 52-79, 74-85, 78-94, 84-95, 89-116, 90-154,138-161,146-152.

Signs: if the score on the scale is high, the signs in nine or more pairs of statements do not match, the survey results should be considered unreliable.

Neuropsychic instability

The concept of “neuropsychic instability” combines a number of pre-pathological and partially pathological manifestations of personality traits that predispose to breakdowns nervous system and mental activity even with minor mental or physical stress.

Most often, neuropsychic instability manifests itself with accentuations of character, alcoholism, drug addiction and some mental illness. The main forms of manifestation of neuropsychic instability are associated with insufficient social maturity, compliance with moral norms, requirements, rules of behavior and order, violations of discipline, interpersonal relationships and activities (work and educational), pre-morbid and painful conditions.

Neuropsychic instability scale

Criteria: +3, -5, +6, +8, +9, -10, +11, +12, +14, +16, +19, +20, +21, +22, +25,

+27, +28, +30, +32, +33, +34, +36, +39, +43, +44, +46, +49, -50, +53, +54, +55, -49, 2-50, +57, +58, +59, +60, +61, +65, +66, +68, +70, +71, +74, +75, +76, +77, +79, +81, +84, +86, +87, +90, +91, -92, +93, +97, +100, +101, +103, +106, +107, +108, +110, +111, +112, +113, +114, +118, +119, +121, +123, +124, +127,+128,+129,+130,+132,+134,+135,+137, +138, +139, +140, +142,+144,+145,+146, +148, +149, +150,+151,+153,+154,+155, +157, +158, -160, +161, +162, +163.

Signs: accentuation of character, violation of disciplinary and moral standards of behavior, interpersonal relationships and professional activity, insufficient social maturity; painful phenomena.


The conclusion is drawn up based on the analysis of the obtained numerical values, given on a nine-point scale, for each accentuation. In this case, the ratios are taken into account different meanings, indicating the degree of expression of a particular character trait and their relationship. The table shows approximate normative assessments the HAL and NPN scales in relation to a nine-point normal distribution scale.

9 points on the NPN scale is assessed as a state of “neuropsychic instability” and only after a focused conversation with a psychologist, regardless of the results of other types of professional selection, the candidate is assigned Group IV psychological selection. Group IV of psychological selection is also assigned with 8 points of NPN and 9 points on any of three scales: explosive, psychasthenic and schizoid. Analysis of the HAL scales provides clarifying characteristics of the NPN type.

The degree of expression of character traits is assessed on a 9-point scale. Extreme values ​​of 1 and 9 points are considered accentuated, sharply expressed - 2 and 8 points, pointed - 3 and 7 points.


Extraversion - the severity of this quality characterizes a person’s aspiration for society, a large crowded environment. The interests of such people are directed outward. They are socially open and relaxed, easily establish interpersonal contacts, are sociable and active.

Since childhood, such people are distinguished by noisy behavior, sociability, independence and courage. They are cheerful

and enterprising, love companies and strive for leadership; with increased vitality, optimism, and lively interest; easy to communicate, accessible and frank.

They are easily carried away and disappointed, and are not capable of systematic and sustainable work. They are confident in the success of their endeavors, but if they do not achieve it, they always console themselves by quickly replacing failed plans with new ones, the success of which they have no doubt about.

They are responsive, versatile and often give the impression of “sunny natures”, they are the “soul of society”, constant organizers of collective events.

They have neither shyness nor timidity in front of strangers, but they lack a sense of distance and tact; noting indiscipline, restlessness and distractibility.

They treat various requirements, rules and laws quite simply and frivolously; they easily see the line between what is permitted and what is prohibited. They cope poorly with work that requires perseverance, painstakingness, and thoroughness. They are not distinguished by accuracy either in fulfilling promises or in monetary transactions, they like to boast and show off. They overestimate their capabilities and abilities. Knowing and not hiding the peculiarities of their character, they often try to show themselves to be more conforming. Often careless, inattentive, careless and unemployed.

Introversion - (opposite to what was described above) - the interests of such people are aimed at internal experiences. They are modest, reserved, prone to solitude, constrained in relationships with other people, and do not actively establish contacts; tolerant of traditional difficulties, conservative and pedantic; reasonable, cautious, serious, silent, preoccupied, thoughtful, phlegmatic, slow, prudent, restrained, self-controlled, pessimistic, disciplined.

Explosive form of accentuations ( excitable form) – characteristic of people of this type is the discrepancy between emotional reactions and the strength and quality of stimuli, i.e. they are relatively more susceptible easy changes and fluctuations in mental state.

Various disturbances of emotional activity manifest themselves in the form of sharp instability of mood, irritability, hot temper, inability to restrain oneself during excitement, ease of a “breakdown” for a minor reason, distinct vascular and autonomic reactions (pallor or redness of the skin, general sweating, dilated pupils, immense increase in pulse, irregular rhythm and depth of breathing, dyspeptic disorders, etc.). A typical motor reaction is excitement, tension in the facial muscles, facial reactions. Often, in a state of excitement, speech is disrupted: they begin to stutter

, have difficulty pronouncing words, chanting speech, etc.

The reasons for the development of affective reactions are very different: orders from elders, remarks from an equal, and often even situations that are not directly related to them can cause a violent reaction. They cannot calmly relate to the conflict between others, they immediately intervene, take the side of those “unfairly” offended, shout loudly, and have a tendency to act aggressively.

Without thinking, making caustic remarks to others, they do not tolerate similar remarks, especially objections and comments addressed to themselves, and they react to slight insults as if they were serious insults.

Characteristic features are restlessness, “inability to wait,” and constant mild motor restlessness. Usually they find it difficult to engage in activities that require patience and painstaking work; any expectation is accompanied by painful experiences for them and causes active protest.

In persons with a pronounced form of accentuation, except affective disorders, there is a violation of the intellectual mediation of the situation and the ability to restrain oneself. Thinking is concrete and superficial. Attention is characterized by instability. Other symptoms include narrow interests and a tendency to boast, deceit, talkativeness, and concentration on sexual experiences. The behavior reveals demonstrativeness and originality.

They ignore rules and responsibilities and indulge their desires. Self-confident, inclined to take responsibility. Sleep disorder is also characteristic: poor falling asleep and shallow, light sleep, dreams reflect the events of the day and conflicts.

Psychasthenic form of accentuation - the basis of this form of accentuation is an anxious and suspicious character. In the severe form, the most characteristic qualities are such as easy vulnerability, increased sensitivity, rapid exhaustion and fatigue. They are usually scrupulous, sentimental, delicate, honest, timid, shy, indulgent and attentive to others, but picky about themselves. They are always tormented by doubts about the correctness of their decisions and actions, the justice of what they have done, and constantly focus their attention on failures. Circumstances arising from the demands of everyday everyday situations are subjected to painful “processing”. The tendency to delve into oneself: to find shortcomings in oneself paralyzes their activity. So, for example, remembering the events of the past day, he finds a lot of evidence that he did the wrong thing, said the wrong thing, and decided the wrong thing. The plan for the coming day does not yet seem clear to him, because the responsibilities arising from the real situation are a source of doubt and torment for him. Memories of completed tasks are colored by painful feelings of dissatisfaction and awareness of one’s inadequacy.

Constant distrust of oneself forces one to seek help from relatives, friends, and often from doctors.

Being, due to their anxious and suspicious nature, deprived of firmness and self-confidence, they continue to live more in dreams than in the implementation of their deep plans. Despite their rich outlook and often extraordinary abilities, these people often remain outside active life society, cannot arrange their personal life, finding themselves alone, without a family, are considered “wise eccentrics.”

One of the extremely characteristic features of psychasthenics is a tendency to introspection and a loss of the sense of reality. In their thoughts and dreams, they see themselves as strong, strong-willed, full of plans with the possibility of their implementation.

Often under the influence of asthenic influences external factors(infections, intoxication) this accentuation may experience decompensation, which manifests itself not only in terms of an even greater sharpening of anxious and suspicious character traits, but also in the appearance obsessive states of various contents (obsessive thoughts - obsessions, fears, phobias, etc.)

When these anxieties and fears are aimed at various sensations in one’s body, at the correct functioning of internal organs and systems, when weakness, exhaustion, and fatigue come to the fore - we can talk about the hypochondriacal form of psychopathy. Most characteristic feature this psychopathy is a tendency to hypochondriacal reactions, i.e. to unfounded complaints about health, concentration of all thoughts on well-being.

Among the types of psychasthenic accentuations, there are those in which increased sensitivity and vulnerability are especially acute. In these cases, we can talk about a sensitive form of accentuation and (or) its development into psychopathy.

Among the most typical character traits of sensitive accentuations are: increased sensitivity, excessive impressionability and exhaustion. They have an emphasized sense of their own inferiority. These are timid, shy and cowardly people. They flinch at the slightest surprise, are afraid of the dark, and faint at the sight of blood. They consider themselves ugly, even ugly, funny, and they think that those around them despise them and laugh at them. This is not nonsense, but a logical conclusion from a sense of personal insufficiency. They blush over insignificant things and cannot speak at meetings. Embarrassment and fear overwhelm them during the exam and during any somewhat responsible performance.

They are characterized by passive defensive forms of behavior. Because of this, they easily decompensate, have breakdowns, their sleep is easily disturbed, headaches, irritability, and unpleasant bodily sensations occur.

Insufficient development of persons with a mental form of character accentuation is a favorable somatic basis, and a weak type of higher nervous activitya necessary condition to form this form of accentuation.

It should be emphasized that in difficult conditions life situation, requiring the identification of civic qualities (during natural disasters, war), such a person is able to show traits of courage and composure. At the same time, suspiciousness, indecisiveness, indecisiveness with fruitless philosophizing and other qualities completely disappear for a certain period.

Accentuation according to the schizoid type - the main feature of pronounced schizoid accentuation is the conspicuous originality of their personality. They are characterized by isolation, low sociability, isolation from the real, self-centeredness, and difficulty in establishing contact with people. They are distinguished by low social intuition and low “responsiveness”: they are little able to understand the mood of the group, feel an attitude that is not expressed out loud, and are not capable of empathy. Interest in reality is reduced and they have a poor understanding of it; they live more in their own inner world and fabrications. Appearance they are of little concern.

They are distinguished by strange behavior. Their actions are often insufficiently motivated for an outsider, their behavior is eccentric, their actions are unexpected and incomprehensible to others. Schizotic people are prone to complex logical constructions based on a detail that interests them, often insignificant. Their hobbies can be persistent and unusual, but never demonstrative. Unusuality, non-banality and originality of thinking are based on the extreme originality of logical connections and associations.

Emotionally they for the most part cold, they are little affected by the misfortunes of others. They are often stubborn, straightforward, inaccessible to the influence of others, touchy, and proud. They adapt poorly to life, do not get along with others, and often waste their energy on unproductive activities (collecting, etc.). Much, however, depends on external conditions. Sometimes they have very good abilities, mostly one-sided (to music, painting, mathematics, etc.), flexibility of mind, ingenuity. Then nothing exists for them except the subject of interest, and they can produce truly valuable products and occupy a certain place in life.

It should be noted that there is a certain variety of schizoid characters, among them we can note cold egoists, pedants and artistically gifted dreamers, dreamers, reformists, etc. The main thing that unites these characters is their disharmony, the lack of the necessary proportion in the relationship of the mind, a sense of will, as if an expansion of the whole personality


Hysterical form of accentuation - main feature This accentuation of character is egocentrism, the desire to stand out, posing, demonstrative behavior, the constant game of “subtle nature”, not understood by others; an insatiable thirst for constant attention to one’s own person, the need to evoke admiration, surprise, veneration, sympathy; at worst, even indignation and hatred towards oneself is acceptable, but not the prospect of remaining unnoticed.

All other qualities are determined by this character trait. These faces are truly never the same even for a short time. Behavior, feelings, intentions, statements are determined mainly by the external situation. The desire to stand out at any cost, to attract attention, to be the center of others - this is the main content of the passionate desires of this character. Often these desires lead to fantasy and lies.

Due to insufficient control of the mind over the imagination, these individuals poorly distinguish what they experience in the imagination from what they experience in reality, and in their stories they unwittingly mix fiction with the truth.

Deceit and fantasy are entirely aimed at embellishing one's personality in order to again attract attention to oneself.

Their attachments are extremely labile: the transition from “boundless” love to “burning” hatred can occur within a few minutes under the influence of a situation that contradicts their desires and intentions. Rich imagination, lively fantasy, easy flow of associations combined with incendiary poems, among which the works of great poets can be passed off as their own creativity.

To the same extent as attachments, volitional actions are also unstable. Captivated by the desire to devote himself to one thing or another, such a person quickly cools down in his intentions, not being capable of prolonged volitional tension, especially if this does not promise immediate fame and admiration from society. Most of all, such a person is afraid of being considered boring and banal, similar to others. The “gray” life does not satisfy him, and to occupy a prestigious position that would please his heightened vanity, he lacks both ability and, most importantly, perseverance. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity; it contrasts with real opportunities and the opinions of others. They usually imagine themselves as they are in this moment, most likely, will attract attention.

They also try to occupy a prominent position in the group by inventing stories that attract people to them about their successes, merits, abilities, acquaintances, etc. This purpose is served by collecting unusual collections, yoga classes, etc.

Scale "schizoid form"


"NPP" scale

F____I________ O________ Date_______ Group No.__


Scale "explosive form"

F____I________ O________ Date_______ Group No.__


Directional scale

F____I________ O________ Date_______ Group No.__

The “raw” score for each scale is compared with diagnostic limits determined according to the laws of mathematical statistics:


Where M - average of the normative sample; S- standard deviation.

Mean and standard deviation values

4.5.2. Assessment of neuropsychic stress

To conduct the study, you can use a questionnaire for nervous mental stress(NPN), proposed by T. A. Nemchin. The questionnaire is a list of signs of neuropsychic stress, compiled according to clinical and psychological observation data. The questionnaire includes 30 main characteristics of this condition, divided into three degrees of severity.

The study is carried out individually in a separate, well-lit room, isolated from extraneous sounds and noise.

Instructions to the subject: “Please fill out right side form, marking with a plus sign those lines whose content corresponds to the characteristics of your current condition.”


1. Presence of physical discomfort:

A) complete absence any unpleasant physical sensations;

b) there are minor discomforts that do not interfere with work;

c) the presence of a large number of unpleasant physical sensations that seriously interfere with work.

2. Presence of pain:

a) complete absence of any pain;

b) painful sensations appear periodically, but quickly disappear and do not interfere with work;

c) there are constant pain sensations that significantly interfere with work.


1. Presence of physical discomfort:

a) complete absence of any unpleasant physical sensations;

b) there are minor discomforts that do not interfere with work;

c) the presence of a large number of unpleasant physical sensations that seriously interfere with work.

2. Presence of pain:

a) complete absence of any pain;

b) pain appears periodically, but quickly disappears and does not interfere with work;

c) there are constant pain sensations that significantly interfere with work.

3. Temperature sensations:

a) absence of any changes in the sensation of body temperature;

b) feeling of warmth, increased body temperature;

c) a feeling of coldness in the body, limbs, a feeling of “chills”.

4. State of muscle tone:

a) normal muscle tone;

b) moderate increase in muscle tone, feeling of some muscle tension;

c) significant muscle tension, twitching of individual muscles of the face, neck, arms (tics, tremors);

5. Coordination of movements:

a) normal coordination of movements;

b) increasing accuracy, ease, coordination of movements during writing and other work;

c) decreased accuracy of movements, impaired coordination, deterioration of handwriting, difficulties in performing small movements that require high precision.

6. State of motor activity in general:

b) increased motor activity, increased speed and energy of movements;

c) a sharp increase in motor activity, inability to sit in one place, fussiness, desire to walk, change body position.

7. Sensations from the cardiovascular system:

a) the absence of any discomfort from the side of the heart;

b) sensations of increased cardiac activity that do not interfere with work;

c) the presence of unpleasant sensations from the heart - increased heart rate, a feeling of compression in the heart area, tingling, pain in the heart.

8. Manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract:

a) absence of any unpleasant sensations in the stomach;

b) isolated, quickly passing and not interfering with work sensations in the abdomen - suction in the epigastric region, a feeling of slight hunger, periodic “rumbling”;

c) severe discomfort in the abdomen - pain, loss of appetite, nausea, feeling of thirst.

9. Manifestations from the respiratory organs:

a) absence of any sensations;

b) increasing the depth and frequency of breathing without interfering with work;

c) significant changes in breathing - shortness of breath, feeling of insufficient inspiration, “lump in the throat.”

10. Manifestations from the excretory system:

a) absence of any changes;

b) moderate activation of the sedative function - a more frequent desire to use the toilet, while fully maintaining the ability to abstain (tolerate);

c) a sharp increase in the desire to use the toilet, difficulty or even impossibility to endure.

11. Sweating condition:

a) normal sweating without any changes;

b) moderate increase in sweating;

c) the appearance of profuse “cold” sweat.

12. Condition of the oral mucosa:

b) moderate increase in salivation;

c) feeling of dry mouth.

13. Skin coloring:

a) normal coloring of the skin of the face, neck, hands;

b) redness of the skin of the face, neck, hands;

c) paleness of the skin of the face, neck, appearance of a “marbled” (spotty) shade on the skin of the hands.

14. Receptivity, sensitivity to external stimuli:

a) absence of any changes, normal sensitivity;

b) a moderate increase in sensitivity to external stimuli that does not interfere with work;

c) a sharp increase in sensitivity, distractibility, fixation on extraneous stimuli.

15. Feeling of self-confidence and self-confidence:

a) the usual feeling of confidence in one’s strengths and abilities;

b) increased sense of self-confidence, belief in success;

c) a feeling of self-doubt, expectation of failure, failure.

16. Mood: \

a) normal mood; ]

b) elevated, heightened mood, feeling of elation \ ema, pleasant satisfaction with work or other activity \ ness;

c) decreased mood, depression. ,

17. Sleep features: \

a) normal normal sleep; ?

b) a good, sound, refreshing sleep the night before;

c) restless, with frequent awakenings and dreaming sleep for several previous nights, including the night before. $

18. Features emotional state generally:

a) absence of any changes in the sphere of emotions and feelings; \

b) increased intelligence, good resourcefulness;

c) decreased intelligence, confusion.

25. Mental performance:

a) normal mental performance;

b) promotion mental performance;

c) a significant decrease in mental performance, rapid mental fatigue.

26. Phenomena of mental discomfort:

a) the absence of any unpleasant sensations and experiences from the psyche as a whole;

b) a feeling of mental comfort, increased mental activity, or isolated, weakly expressed, quickly passing phenomena that do not interfere with work;

c) pronounced, varied and numerous mental disorders that seriously interfere with work.

27. Degree of prevalence (generalization) of signs of stress:

a) single, weak pronounced signs, which are not paid attention to;

b) clearly expressed signs of tension, which not only do not interfere with activity, but, on the contrary, contribute to its productivity;

c) a large number of various unpleasant signs of tension that interfere with work and are observed in various organs and systems of the body.

28. Frequency of occurrence of the voltage state:

b) some signs of tension develop only in the presence of really difficult situations;

c) signs of tension develop very often and often without sufficient reason.

29. Duration of the state of tension:

a) very short-term, no more than a few minutes, quickly disappears even before the difficult situation has passed;

b) continues for almost the entire time of being in a difficult situation and performing the necessary work, and stops soon after its completion;

c) a very significant duration of a state of tension that continues for a long time after a difficult situation.

30. General degree severity of tension:

a) complete absence or very weak degree of expression;

b) moderately expressed, distinct signs of tension;

c) pronounced, excessive tension.

After filling out the form, the points scored by the test taker are calculated by summing them up. In this case, for the mark “+” put by the subject against point “a”, 1 point is awarded, against point “b” - 2 points and against point “c” - 3 points. The minimum number of points that a subject can score is 30, and the maximum is 90. Range

weak, or “detensive”, neuropsychic stress ranges from 30 to 50 points, moderate, or “intense” - from 51 to 70 points and excessive, or “extensive” - from 71 to 90 points. The data obtained in this way is entered into the protocol in the following form:

Last name, first name, patronymic_____________________Date______________

Brief description of the current situation (usual non-stressful, before the exam, after the exam, before performing a responsible and difficult task, after the task, etc.).

Mental State Assessment

4.5.3. Measuring the severity of asthenic condition

Scale asthenic condition(Shas) was developed by L.D. Maykova and adapted by T.G. Chertova on the basis of clinical and psychological observations and the well-known MMPI questionnaire (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory). The scale consists of 30 statement items reflecting the characteristics of the asthenic state.

The study is carried out individually in a separate, well-lit room, isolated from extraneous sounds.

Instructions: “Read each sentence carefully and, assessing it in relation to your current state, mark one of the four answer options on the right side of the form.”


Answer options: 1 - no, incorrect; 2 - perhaps so; 3 - $erno; 4 is absolutely correct.

1. I work under a lot of pressure 12 3 4

2. It’s hard for me to concentrate on anything 12 3 4

3. My sex life does not satisfy me 12 3 4


The waiting makes me nervous

12 34


I feel muscle weakness

12 3 4


I don't feel like going to the cinema or theater

12 34


I'm forgetful

12 34


I'm feeling tired



My eyes get tired when reading for a long time



My hands are shaking



I have poor appetite



It's hard for me to be at a party or noisy company



I don't understand what I read so well anymore



My hands and feet are cold



I'm easily offended



I have a headache



I wake up in the morning tired and unrested



I get dizzy



I have muscle twitching



My ears are ringing



I'm worried about sexual issues



I feel heavy in my head



I feel general weakness



I have pain in the crown of my head



Life for me is about tension.



My head feels like it's wrapped in a hoop



I wake up easily from noise



People bore me



When I'm worried I break out in sweat



Restless thoughts keep me awake


After filling out the test form, a calculation is made by summing up the points scored by the test taker. The entire range of the scale thus includes from 30 to 120 points.

Statistical data obtained on 300 healthy subjects showed that average value asthenia index is 37.22±6.47 points. If we take the results of a study of healthy individuals as “absence of asthenia,” then the entire volume of the scale can be divided into four ranges:

range 1 from 30 to 50 points - “no asthenia” range 2 from 51 to 75 points - “weak asthenia” range 3 from 76 to 100 points - “moderate asthenia” range 4 from 101 to 120 points - “severe asthenia”.

Thus, the results of each subject suggest one of four degrees of asthenia. The corresponding columns of the protocol indicate the number of points scored by the test subject on the asthenia scale and the degree of its severity.

Introductory Notes

The author of the NPN methodology is a professor at the Psychoneurological Institute named after. V. A. Bekhtereva T. A. Nemchin, when developing the NPN questionnaire, used the results of many years of clinical and psychological research conducted on large quantities subjects under conditions extreme situation. The first stage of developing the questionnaire consisted of compiling and systematizing a list of complaints and symptoms received from recipients in stressful situation: from 300 students during the examination period and from 200 patients with neuroses with leading symptoms in the form of phobias, fear, anxiety before performing painful procedures and stress interviews. At the second stage of development of the methodology, from 127 primary signs related to the phenomenology of neuropsychic stress, only 30 signs were selected, which were systematically repeated during repeated examinations.

Most high frequencies repeatability of 30 signs was found in the group of patients with neuroses. Various degrees the severity of symptoms in different subjects allowed the author to divide each of the questionnaire points into three degrees: mildly expressed, average degree severity, pronounced, received a conditional score in points of 1, 2, 3, respectively. According to the content of the questionnaire, all signs can be divided into three groups of statements: the first group reflects the presence of physical discomfort and unpleasant sensations from the somatic systems of the body, the second group states the presence of ( or absence) of mental discomfort and complaints from the neuropsychic sphere, the third group includes signs that describe some General characteristics neuropsychic stress - frequency, duration, generalization and severity of this condition. The questionnaire is recommended to be used to diagnose mental tension in conditions of a difficult (extreme) situation or its anticipation.

Instructions: Fill out the right side of the form, marking with a “+” sign those lines whose contents correspond to the characteristics of your current condition.

Full Name…………………………………………………………………….



Type of activity (work, waiting for an exam, procedures, etc.)


Professional affiliation…………………………………………….

Processing of results and their characteristics. After the subject fills out the right side of the questionnaire, the points scored are calculated. In this case, for the “+” sign placed against subparagraph A, 1 point is awarded; placed against subparagraph B, 2 points are awarded; placed against subparagraph B, 3 points are awarded. Maximum amount the points that the subject can score is 90, minimal amount equal to 30 points when the subject denies the presence of any manifestations of neuropsychic stress.

The questionnaire was developed by K.N. Polyakov, A.N. Glushko and is intended to identify neuropsychic instability and some character accentuations.

The questionnaire contains 276 statements and has the following scales:


Neuropsychic instability,







Instructions: You will be asked to answer a number of questions regarding certain features of your well-being, behavior, and character.

Be frank, do not think for a long time about the content of the questions, give a natural answer that first comes to your mind. Remember that there are no “good” or “bad” answers. If you answer “Yes” to the question, please check the appropriate box. registration form sign «+» (plus), if you chose the answer “No”, put a sign «-» (minus). Make sure that the question number on the questionnaire and the cell number on the registration form match. You need to answer all the questions in a row, without missing anything.

1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to tell anyone about them.

2. I rarely have constipation.

3. At times I have bouts of laughing and crying that I can’t cope with.

4. At times I just want to swear.

5. I often have a headache.

6. Sometimes I tell lies.

7. My mood depends on the company in which I am.

8. My sleep is usually rich in vivid dreams.

9. I love bright and catchy suits.

10. My appetite depends on my mood: sometimes I eat with pleasure, sometimes reluctantly, through force.

11. Often some obsessive thought prevents me from falling asleep.

12. I get very confused when I suddenly find myself in the center of attention.

13. Criticism, in the form in which many people carry it out, rather unsettles me than helps me.

14. I often act according to my mood, and not according to my conviction.

15. Often in a dispute I avoid the essence of the issue and get personal.

16. I will not take risks if there is only a small hope of success.

17. If I am treated unfairly, then I feel that I must repay, at least out of principle.

18. Fate is definitely unfair to me.

19. It seems to me that no one understands me.

20. From time to time I am possessed by an evil spirit.

21. Appearance interests me very little.

22. Sometimes I feel that my soul leaves my body and flies somewhere in space.

23. Once a week or more often, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel hot throughout my body.

24. It happens that I miss editorials in newspapers.

25. It happens that I get angry.

26. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

27. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what I can do today.

28. I willingly take part in all meetings and other social events.

29. I think that you should always be attractively dressed, as “you meet people by their clothes.”

30. I believe that you should not stand out among others in any way.

31. I feel great in unusual and eye-catching clothes.

32. I try to live in such a way that those around me can say about me: “What a person.”

33. It is often difficult for me to resist feeling sorry for myself.

34. If my successful remark goes unnoticed, I will not repeat it again.

35. If I have made some mistake in society, I forget about it quite quickly.

36. At times I feel tempted to enter into an argument with someone.

37. At times I insist on my own opinions so much that others lose patience with me.

38. I cannot fully listen to a person if, in my opinion, he says stupid things.

39. Sometimes I want to do something dangerous or stunning.

40. If people weren’t against me, I would have achieved much more in life.

41. I believe that most people are capable of lying to get ahead in their career.

42. Most of the time (life) I am quite satisfied with life.

43. I believe that some people can heal illness with one touch.

44. I know people who try to steal my thoughts.

46. ​​I experience muscle spasms and twitching very rarely.

47. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.

48. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me.

49. I behave better at the table at a party than at home.

50. If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want, and not where I’m supposed to.

51. Most of all, I appreciate attention from others.

52. I love fashionable and unusual clothes that involuntarily attract the eye.

53. Sometimes it’s completely stranger Instantly inspires confidence and sympathy in me.

54. Adventures and risks attract me when I get the first role in them.

55. I often tend to mentally return to my trivial troubles, and it is difficult for me to get them out of my head.

56. I often feel lonely and unwanted.

57. I feel that my friends and family don’t need me as much as I need them.

58. Sometimes I can’t help but be rude, even if it harms my interests.

59. Quite often I act under the influence of a momentary mood.

60. When people shout at me, I respond in kind.

61. I am often ready to do anything to win an argument.

62. Some people love to command so much that I feel the urge to do everything contrary, even if I know that they are right.

63. Some people would be happy to harm me.

64. I have never done anything risky in my life just for the thrill.

65. I believe that religion has the same right to exist as the various sciences.

66. I often experience a peculiar feeling that “I” is not “I”.

67. I think that my family life is as good as that of most of my friends.

68. Sometimes I have the feeling that I just have to hurt myself or someone else.

69. As a child, I had a company where everyone always tried to stand up for each other in everything.

70. When I play, I prefer to win.

71. Now my weight is constant (I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight).

72. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances; it seems to give me weight in my own eyes.

73. I always strive to be among people to “show off” myself.

74. I like to take care of someone I like.

75. I like to be the first, to be imitated, to be followed by others.

76. Sometimes I feel a lump in my throat or other unusual sensations.

77. When I get up in the morning, I often feel tired and exhausted.

78. Changes in weather affect my ability to work and my mood.

79. In relationships with people, I often experience difficulties due to a feeling of shyness, for which there are no real reasons.

80. I often don’t give in to people, not because the matter is really important, but simply because of the principle.

81. I often have a bad, angry mood.

82. I am probably an irritable and hot-tempered person.

83. I often “start up half a turn.”

84. Most people are honest only because they are afraid that they will be caught in a lie.

85. In my opinion, they are plotting something against me.

86. I know that I am being watched.

87. I have attacks of poor health, irritability and melancholy.

88. At times I smell strange smells.

89. I would be pretty calm if anyone in my family got into trouble for breaking the law.

90. It happens that something wrong is going on with my mind.

91. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

92. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.

93. Among my friends there are people I don’t like.

94. I think that I am a doomed person.

95. I willingly listen to those instructions that are pleasant and flattering to me.

96. I love it when others pay me a lot of attention.

97. I really don’t like any rules and restrictions that constrain me.

98. I don’t think twice about difficult situations, the solution comes to me immediately, instantly.

99. I feel awkward in company and because of this I make a worse impression than I could.

100. I find it difficult to sleep because I worry about failure.

101. Sometimes I notice that completely trivial thoughts and memories completely capture me.

102. I am against being made fun of.

103. I am very annoyed by people who jump in line, and I always tell them this or don’t let them in.

104. It’s hard to make me angry.

105. Quite often I do things (more often than others) that I later regret.

106. I think that most people are willing to do something dishonest for the sake of profit.

107. I know who is to blame for most of my troubles.

108. I am a difficult person to contact.

109. I never need the sympathy of others.

110. My relatives do not understand me and seem strangers to me.

111. There have been times when I have found it difficult to resist stealing from someone or somewhere, such as in a store.

112. It happens that I gossip a little with someone.

113. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about.

114. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without particularly thinking, agreed with the opinions of others.

115. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.

116. In general, my appearance suits me.

118. I like to participate in amateur art competitions.

119. I think that it is very important that the result of my work becomes known to others.

120. I believe that most people are capable of lying if it is in their interests.

121. It can be difficult for me to express my thoughts in words, so I rarely join in the conversation.

122. It happens that I am bothered by a feeling of guilt or remorse over some trifle.

123. When talking to members of the other sex, I often avoid “sensitive” topics that could cause embarrassment.

124. I get very irritated if I am rushed or pushed on.

125. Sometimes a trifle said to me can cause a violent reaction in me.

126. If I think that I am doing the right thing, then the opinions of other people are of little interest to me.

127. I can’t stand being interrupted when I’m busy.

128. I believe that I have often been punished undeservedly.

129. I cry easily.

130. I prefer dark and gray tones.

131. I live by my inner thoughts, and I am not interested in reality.

132. I do not feel (do not perceive) objections and criticism, but always think and act in my own way.

133. I am quite confident in myself.

134. Once a week or more often I get very excited and anxious.

135. Sometimes I feel like someone is controlling my thoughts.

136. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.

137. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.

138. I am happiest when I am alone.

139. I don’t attract attention to myself in company.

140. My mood is much better in company than at home.

141. I am capable of doing something extraordinary.

142. I like speaking in front of people.

143. I think that I am more sensitive to the aesthetic aspects of life than most people.

144. I often feel less adapted to life and its demands than others.

145. I am much more interested in searching for spiritual and artistic values ​​than business and material ones.

146. In most cases, I adhere to the formula: “Risk is a noble cause.”

147. It is very difficult for me, almost impossible, to remain silent for an insult.

148. I often get so bored with something that I feel “fed up.”

149. I have never had any troubles due to gross violations of discipline, conflicts with comrades, etc.

150. My ears rarely ring or buzz.

151. I am sure that people are talking about me behind my back.

152. My ideas and thoughts seem to be ahead of their time.

153. I get annoyed when people distract me from important work, for example, when they ask for advice.

154. It seems to me that no one understands me.

155. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.

156. I loved Andersen's fairy tales.

157. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.

158. I am easily confused.

159. I easily lose patience with people.

160. I often want to die.

161. I would agree to act as an entertainer at a concert of some celebrity.

162. I am always annoyed by people who strive to be first in the company.

163. My mood deteriorates, I feel bad if others do not show me proper attention.

164. I like to quote unusual or shocking sayings of sages or great people.

165. Sometimes I hesitate to implement my ideas for fear that they may turn out to be unrealistic.

166. I get very embarrassed if people talk about my character.

167. I am embarrassed by indecent jokes and stories.

168. I do not consider it necessary to hide my contempt or negative opinion about someone or something.

169. People often tell me that I have a short temper.

170. I don't get along with people very well.

171. There are too many annoying obstacles and restrictions in modern life.

172. There have been one or more cases in my life when I felt that someone, through hypnosis, was forcing me to do certain things.

173. I have never had any run-ins with the law.

174. I believe that prophecies and insights have a lot of meaning.

175. I would prefer to sit most of the time, do nothing, dream (“philosophize”).

176. At times I regret that I live in this world.

177. It happened that I quit something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t cope with it.

178. Almost every day something happens that scares me.

179. I am indifferent to religious issues; they do not interest me.

180. I rarely have attacks of bad mood.

181. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.

182. My beliefs and views are unshakable.

183. Very rarely criticism and objections addressed to me are fair.

184. In companies, I am always the center of attention.

185. I am one of those people who know how to admire and worship someone or something.

186. I think that classical pieces of music and painting make a greater impression on me than on others.

187. I often feel like I’m about to cry.

188. When leaving home, I often worry about whether the door is closed, whether the gas is turned off, etc.

189. I am never worried about the risk of contracting any disease through door handles.

190. Quite often I feel like everything is “boiling” inside me.

191. People consider me a calm and balanced person.

192. Sometimes I feel so angry that I want to break a door or break a window.

193. It seems to me that I feel everything more acutely than others.

194. A person who leads people into temptation by leaving valuable property unattended is almost as guilty as the one who steals this property.

195. I think that everyone can lie to avoid trouble.

196. I can quite calmly bear the sight of suffering animals.

197. I have very unusual and peculiar inner experiences.

198. Everything on earth is subject to some kind of powerful “magical” force.

199. I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety.

200. I am a nervous and easily excitable person.

201. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of others.

(no worse).

202. Everything works out badly for me, not as it should.

203. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.

204. I feel tired most of the time.

205. In a company, I like to tell different stories in order to capture everyone's attention.

206. I like to meet influential and authoritative people.

207. I am characterized by some capriciousness.

208. I am embarrassed to enter into an argument even on an issue that is well known to me.

209. I am overly sensitive and easily hurt.

210. I certainly lack self-confidence.

211. I am ready to give up my intentions if others think that I am wrong or that this is not worth doing.

212. I prefer to act impulsively, on the spur of the moment, even if this leads to difficulties.

213. I usually tolerate self-righteous people, even if they brag a lot.

214. I am always able to strictly control the manifestation of my feelings.

215. I am more impressionable than most people.

216. Most people, deep down, do not like to bother themselves in order to help others.

217. My mother and father often forced me to obey even when I thought it was unreasonable.

218. Strange and unusual thoughts often come into my head.

219. Often little things allow me to come to amazing conclusions.

220. I like to look for unusual or paradoxical methods for solving various problems and issues.

221. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.

222. It really annoys me that I forget where I put things.

223. I am very careful about how I dress.

224. I like adventure stories more than love stories.

225. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new living and working conditions. The transition to any conditions of life, work, study seems unbearably difficult.

226. It seems to me that people especially often treat me unfairly.

227. I like it when everyone recognizes me as the leader or the instigator.

228. I try to avoid unusual statements and actions that embarrass others.

229. It gives me great pleasure to do risky things for fun.

230. I can completely circumvent the law if I do not essentially violate it.

231. I often miss opportunities because of my inner indecisiveness.

232. I find it difficult to carry on conversations with people I have just met.

233. I often have to hide my shyness at the cost of great effort.

234. When making a decision, I am guided more by my heart than by my mind.

235. Rarely can something be accomplished by gradual, moderate methods; more often it is necessary to use force.

236. I express my thoughts as they come to my mind, rather than trying to formulate them better first.

237. I have definitely had more worries and worries than I should have.

238. Sometimes my hearing becomes so acute that it even bothers me.

239. I have no enemies who would really like to cause me any harm.

240. I don’t care if others think my actions are unusual.

241. I can't understand people who cry at the movies.

242. I think that I am different from most people because of my unusual behavior.

243. I often feel unfairly offended.

244. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinions of others.

245. I often feel tired of life, and I don’t feel like living.

246. People pay attention to me more often than to others.

247. I have headaches and dizziness due to worry.

248. I often have periods when I don’t want to see anyone. Nobody!

249. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed time.

250. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances; this increases my authority.

251. I like food prepared from exotic products.

252. I experience failures acutely and for a long time.

253. People can easily change my opinion, which before seemed final to me.

254. I can go ahead of others in mental reasoning, but not in action.

255. At times I am sure of my uselessness.

256. Some stories (anecdotes) are so interesting that I feel not just funny, but “wild laughter and delight.”

257. I believe that a strong person can be forgiven a lot.

258. I believe that for an interesting and tempting business, all sorts of rules and restrictions can be circumvented.

259. I am usually wary of people who act a little friendlier than I expected.

260. People say vulgar and offensive things about me.

261. When I am indoors, I feel somehow anxious and restless.

262. I am a special person and incomprehensible to others (not like everyone else).

263. At times I really wanted to leave the house.

264. Life for me is almost always connected with tension.

265. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.

266. As a child, I was moody and irritable.

267. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

268. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, codeine or other sedatives.

269. Do you have any relatives with criminal records?

270. Have you ever been brought before the police?

271. Did you stay in school for a second year?

272. I have qualities in which I am definitely superior to other people.

273. I am seriously interested in yoga gymnastics.

274. I tend to take things too personally.

275. I am too suspicious, endlessly worried and worried about everything.

276. If they borrowed money from me, I am embarrassed to remind you about it.

Registration form

Full name____________________Date of examination___________


The results are processed using seven “keys” corresponding to scales: “reliability”, “neuro-mental stability”, “hysteria”, “psychasthenia”, “psychopathy”, “paranoia”, “schizophrenia”. The examinee can answer “yes” or “no” to each question on the test. Therefore, when processing the results, the number of answers that match the “key” is taken into account. Each match with a key is worth one raw point.

The confidence scale assesses the degree to which responses are objective. If the total number of raw points is equal to or exceeds 8, then the data obtained should be considered unreliable due to the desire of the subject to correspond to a socially desirable personality type.


Question numbers

with the answer "Yes"

questions with

answer "No"



Neuropsychic instability (NPI)










205,206,207,227, 229,250,251,272,273















Schizophrenia (SH)




Key stencil

NPN Hysteria Psychasthenia Psychopathy Paranoia Schizophrenia

Attention! The reliability scale questions are highlighted in black in the key.

Table for converting raw points into stans

Name of scales and number of answers matching the key

36 or more

37 or more

36 or more

20 or more

26 or more


9, 10 stans are considered high indicators and reveal the virtual absence of these signs.

6, 7, 8 stans correspond to a satisfactory standard and allow the presence of signs.

4, 5 stans are borderline indicators, indicating the presence of these signs.

Less than 4 stans indicate a significant severity of the corresponding symptoms.

Neuropsychic instability scale

Unsatisfactory level of behavioral regulation, violation of interpersonal relationships, insufficient social maturity, violation of professional activity, violation of disciplinary and moral standards of behavior, lack of adequate self-esteem and real perception of reality, low adaptive capabilities.

High scores on the NPN scale indicate that the subject has signs of neuropsychic instability, the nature of which is clarified when interpreting the personality profile (graphical representation of the results on the questionnaire scales).

Hysteria scale

Individuals with high scores are characterized by posing, egocentrism, narcissism, demonstrative and theatrical behavior, a desire to be the center of attention, the desire to appear significant in the eyes of others, a thirst for recognition and originality, and a tendency to exaggerate. Superficial attitude to assigned tasks, careless execution. A painful and inadequate reaction to public censure, non-recognition of “merits”. Activity and behavior are focused on external effects.

Psychasthenia scale

Characterized by high anxiety, suspiciousness, indecision, self-doubt, especially in a dynamic environment, lack of time and information; increased vulnerability and feelings of inferiority, endless analysis of one’s actions, a tendency to doubt, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with oneself; demandingness in fulfilling formalities, delicacy and tact, timidity, reduced activity; difficulty making decisions, avoiding important tasks.

Psychopathy scale

Increased excitability, aggressiveness, quarrelsomeness, stubbornness and persistence; a tendency to violent reactions of protest and straightforward criticism; low level of self-control, authority, high sense of competition, desire to defend and justify one’s actions and beliefs at any cost; unpredictability of emotions and actions.

Paranoia scale

Tendency to form “outstanding ideas” and “struggle for justice”; deep theorizing, straightforwardness in judgment, arrogance and self-confidence; the ability to captivate and organize people to implement their ideas; narrowness and one-sidedness of interests, distrust and suspicion, persistence in defending beliefs, conflict in case of non-recognition of merit.

Schizophrenia scale

Tendency to theoretical constructions and unexpected conclusions, often not coinciding with the conclusions and judgments of others, originality and contemplation; emotional coldness, superficial empathy, misunderstanding of comrades, unceremoniousness and harshness or, conversely, increased vulnerability and sensitivity; the desire to immerse oneself in one’s own world, alienation, isolation, fruitless daydreaming, increasing difficulties in communication.

Attention! It should be remembered that only the NPN scale can be interpreted in isolation; all other scales are interpreted as a single whole, and not as a set of independent scales. A rise on one of the scales indicates the greatest presence of signs of this scale in the general characteristics of neuropsychic instability of the individual.

5.16. Methodology for diagnosing suicidal behavior S.A. Belicheva et al.

The technique is a modified version of the G. Eysenck questionnaire and the D. Sachs, S. Levy “Unfinished Sentences” technique.

Suicidal behavior is a consequence of psychological maladaptation of the individual, which occurs in the context of an experienced microsocial conflict in the presence of three factors: sociocultural characteristics of upbringing, unfavorable social environment, a combination of individual characteristics of the individual (personal anxiety, frustration, negative perception of the environment, lack of a conscious desire for life).

The questionnaire makes it possible to determine the level of anxiety, frustration, and aggressiveness.

Attention! The questionnaire was standardized on a male sample under the age of 18 years. In our case, the scope of application is limited to psychodiagnostic measures with conscripts and cadets.

Instructions: You have 40 statements. They concern some aspects of your life, your character. Read them and decide if they apply to you. If the statement suits you, then circle the number “2”; if it doesn’t quite suit you, circle the number “1”; if it doesn’t suit you, circle the number “0”.

Registration form



doesn't quite fit


Often I am not confident in my abilities

Often it seems to me that a situation is hopeless, from which it was possible to find a way out

I often leave behind the last word

I find it difficult to change my habits

I often blush over trifles

Troubles make me very upset and I lose heart

Often in a conversation I interrupt the interlocutor

I have difficulty switching from one thing to another

I often wake up at night

When I get into big troubles, I usually only blame myself.

I get angry easily

I am very careful about changes in my life

I get discouraged easily

Misfortunes and failures teach me nothing

I often have to make comments to others

It's hard to convince me in an argument

Even imaginary troubles worry me

I often give up the fight, considering it useless

I often have thoughts in my head that I should get rid of.

I'm scared of the challenges I'll face in life.

I often feel defenseless.

In any business I am not content with little, but I want to achieve maximum success

I get close to people easily

I often delve into my shortcomings

Sometimes I get desperate

I find it difficult to control myself when I'm angry

I get very worried if something unexpectedly changes in my life

I'm easy to convince

I feel confused when I have difficulties

I prefer to lead rather than obey

I am often stubborn

In difficult times I sometimes act childish

Sometimes little things get on my nerves unbearably, although I understand that these are trifles

I have sharp, rude gestures

I'm reluctant to take risks

I can hardly stand the waiting time

I think I'll never be able to fix my shortcomings

I'm vindictive

They even upset me minor violations my plans

Please continue with the following sentences:

1.Tomorrow I _____________________________________________________

2. At the end of my term of service (study), I____________________


3. The day will come when __________________________________________


4. I want to live because _____________________________________________



1. Anxiety scale: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37.

2. Frustration scale: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38.

H. Aggression scale: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39.

4. Rigidity scale: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.

When processing the results, the number of answers matching the key is counted. Responses on each scale are summed. For each answer “suitable” that matches the key, 2 points are awarded, for the answer “not quite suitable” - 1 point. Answers “not suitable” are not taken into account.


The average score on each scale is 10. Exceeding it indicates the predominance of the quality under study in the personality structure.

When evaluating proposals, the characteristics of the test taker’s perception of the environment, the presence or absence of a conscious desire to preserve life, and some personal attitudes are analyzed.

Personality anxiety an individual’s tendency to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the occurrence of an anxiety reaction.

Frustration- a mental state that arises as a result of a real or imaginary obstacle that prevents the achievement of a goal.

Aggression– increased psychological activity, the desire to take a leading position through the use of force in relation to other people.

Rigidity– difficulty in changing the activity planned by the subject in conditions that objectively require its restructuring.