Interpretation of the name Arina. The main character traits of people with this name

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek, Arina means “peace,” tranquility, “peacefulness.”

Origin of the name: The name Arina has several origins. The most common version is that Arina is an obsolete form of the name Irina. Some given name associated with the Greek goddess of peaceful life "Eirene". In Rus', Arina was often pronounced as Irina, Orina or Yarina. Among the butler nobility, the name Irina was more often used, and simple peasant girls were called Arin. There is a version that Arina is a Hebrew name from the production word Aaron, which is translated as “high”, “mountain”, “enlightened”.

IN Orthodox calendar They venerate the martyr Arina, who was the wife of St. George the Confessor.
Other forms: Irina, Yarina, Orina, Irena, Arya, Arisha, Rina, Arka, Irisha.

January – 12th, 16th;

April – 29th;

May – 18th;

August – 10th, 17th;

October – 1st day.

Characteristics of the name

The name Arina combines several qualities, such as activity, peacefulness, and determination. Women with this name are independent and confident individuals. They are not characterized by envy, prudence or severity. They are kind and sensitive, always ready to help others.

Little Arina is growing up as an open and honest girl, she is active, always in sight, and her teachers and teachers at school love her. Arina diligently carries out all assignments, studies well, attends various clubs, and loves sports. She has many friends, but very few real ones, because Arina subtly senses deception and injustice, and she will not be friends with such people. She is independent, sometimes this trait in her character can turn into stubbornness and selfishness.

Adult Arina knows how to control herself, she smart and very kind, but in some situations it can become aggressive. He always holds his own opinion, has subtle taste and always knows what he wants. Hard work and perseverance help her achieve success in life. She can sometimes be indecisive and find it difficult to express her feelings. Arina is very jealous, and some actions of close people can make her furious.

Character of the name

Arina has a unique character, in which there is hardness and softness, determination and uncertainty. Sometimes she tries to lead other people, but she is not a very good leader. She is hardworking and persistent, very responsible and jealous. Alina has well-developed intuition, she always acts thoughtfully and intelligently.

“Winter” Arina – calm, modest;

“Autumn” - kind, brave, independent;

“Summer” - decisive, persistent;

“Spring” - shy, unsure of herself.

Fate of the name

Arina has been a kind and cheerful girl since childhood; she loves to help her mother around the house or take care of her younger sisters or brothers. He studies well at school and always takes part in various school events. She is very capable, but at the same time she strongly strives for independence.

Adult Arina is very responsible, she is always ready to answer for her actions. A woman with this name is a good leader and loves to abuse her power. Arina is capable, hardworking and persistent, she always moves confidently towards her goal.
Arina has good taste, she dresses beautifully, and is popular with men. She is naturally talented, draws, sings, dances well, but this remains only her hobby. As her main profession, Arina prefers a more pragmatic option; she strives for financial independence, but rarely holds high positions. Women with this name can prove themselves in the field of medicine or foreign languages, can also work as a designer, hairdresser, fashion designer. Arina always finishes any business she starts. In a team, she is sociable, sincere, and will never resort to cunning for the sake of career growth.

Arina has many fans, she is amorous and romantic, a little flirtatious. Before choosing a husband, Arina has many affairs, but after the wedding, she is a faithful and caring wife. In men he values ​​sincerity, honesty and masculine fidelity. Arina will never forgive betrayal; she is very touchy, but easy-going. Having entered into marriage, Arina is a wonderful and faithful wife, loving mother. For her, family always comes first, she is a good housewife, and knows how to create coziness and comfort in the house. Arina prefers to rely on her husband in all matters, so he must be a strong and responsible man.

Positive traits of the name

Arina is cheerful, cheerful and good-natured. She is always ready to help her loved ones. Bearers of this name rely only on themselves, they are persistent and hardworking. Arina knows how to lead household, loves to receive guests.

Negative traits of the name

Arina is used to sticking only to her own opinion. She is used to achieving her goals despite any obstacles.

Name compatibility Arina

The name Arina is in harmony with the character of Aries, Capricorn, Leo. Bad relationships often develop with Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

A successful marriage for Alina is possible with Arkady, Igor, Vladimir, Boris. Difficult relationships with Oleg, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Anatoly.

The name Arina translated from Greek means “rest”, “peace”.

Origin of the name

There are two versions of the origin of the name Arina: Greek and Slavic. According to the first version, Arina came from the name Irina, which, in turn, appeared on the name of the ancient Greek goddess of peace - Eirene. According to another version, the name comes from the ancient Slavic Yarin, which is a derivative of Yarilo, which was the name of the main god in Slavic mythology.

In Rus' in the Middle Ages, the name Arina was very common among ordinary people and merchants, but among the noble class the name Irina was more commonly used.

Characteristics of the name


Little Arina is very independent child who strives for personal independence. Outwardly, the girl looks like her father, but in her soul she is a copy of her mother. Arina grows up as an introverted child, so to speak in her mind. From the outside, she may seem somewhat naive and simple, but in reality this is not so: outwardly slow and stupid, she easily learns everything new and can surpass her peers in this. Therefore, she studies well at school herself and helps others do the same. She enjoys communicating with her classmates, but she doesn’t care who she’s friends with: girls or boys. Arina is fond of sports, in particular she loves swimming. She enjoys doing homemade crafts: knitting, sewing. Arina likes to draw.


Arina is a sensible woman who can control herself, never acts spontaneously, but always thinks through the consequences of her actions. She knows what she wants and slowly but surely moves towards her goal.


Professionally, Arina can realize herself as a manager, teacher, designer, fashion designer, hairdresser, cashier, nurse. Her developed intuition allows her to sense the mood of her interlocutor, which makes her an excellent psychologist from birth.

Personal life

Arina is a very amorous person, she is constantly looking for her ideal man. At the same time, she never loses her head in love, but always looks at relationships somewhat prudently. Perhaps this is why men consider her somewhat aloof and “cool.” When Arina finds her man, she will become a devoted wife and caring mother. In solving all family issues, she will rely on her spouse, since being a leader is not her destiny. She will be more willing to devote herself to raising children and creating home comfort.

Name compatibility

The name Arina is ideally compatible with men whose names are Eduard, Stepan, Sergey, Nikolai, Leonid, Ivan, Efim, Boris, Andrey, Alexander.

Name day

Orthodox name days:

  • February 26;
  • March 7;
  • April 29;
  • May 18, 26;
  • August 10, 17, 22;
  • October 1st.

Famous people

Famous women with the name Arina: Sharapova (TV presenter, journalist), Aleynikova (actress), Martynova (skater), Makhova (TV presenter), Rodionova (tennis player) and of course Arina Rodionovna - the nanny of the poet Alexander Pushkin.

Active Kind Hardworking

Arina Sharapova, famous TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Arina mean?

Arina – ancient, rare and beautiful name. IN last years it quickly gained popularity among female names. The meaning of the name Arina suggests the balance and independence of its bearers.

She has a sensitive and subtle nature. A girl is able to sense the feelings and mood of her interlocutor, and often puts herself in his place. She uses her peculiarity for her own benefit.

The girl is famous for her tranquility and calm attitude towards others. In her close circle there are only reliable friends, and enemies on her life’s path are rare. It is pleasant to communicate with these girls, they are sociable.

The following patronymics go well with the name Arina: Alexandrovna, Artemovna, Alekseevna, Valentinovna, Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Sergeevna, Eduardovna or Yuryevna.

Arina Evgenievna loves to be the center of attention, loves noisy companies. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is distinguished by her friendliness towards others and high sociability. Arina Alekseevna is endowed with a practical mindset and is distinguished by her calmness, while Dmitrievna has a strong character and likes to impose her views.

Would you name your child this name?

This name is of Greek origin. It was widespread in the society of the ancient Greek nobility. But now, in modern world, is rarely used in speech.

Finding out what the name Arina means, scientists have proposed several versions of its origin.

Most researchers claim that this name is a derivative form of addressing Irina. Translated, the word “Irina” means “peace”, “calmness”. In Greek myths, there is a goddess of peace, Eirene, whose name was later transformed into the words “Arina” and “Irina”. History remembers interesting fact, that in the 18th century Arins were the name given to the daughters of merchants and peasants, and Irins were the daughters of nobles.

Arguing what the name Arina means, we can conclude that it came from Old Slavonic name Yarina, formed from the supreme god of the Slavs - Yaril.

According to another version, the name appeared in Rus' from the Jews initially in the form of the name Aaron, which then underwent a sound transformation. The word “Aaron” translated means “highest”, “enlightened”.

The origin of the name Arina recalls her celebrities of the same name: Arina Rodionovna - nanny A.S. Pushkin, Sharapova - TV presenter, Kirsanova - actress, Makhova - TV presenter.

Name forms

Full: Arina Laskovaya: Arisha Short: Arya Antique: Arina

WITH early years Arisha stands out among her peers for her independence. She makes her own decisions about what to visit music school or enroll in a theater studio. The girl learns to sew and knit on her own. She probably inherited this character trait from her mother, and her external characteristics from her father.

As an adult, an active girl plunges headlong into her career, where she can achieve excellent results.

Her organizational skills make her an excellent leader.

The characteristics of the name Arina claim that its bearer is ideally suited pedagogical activity and educational work. This woman is able to lead people without pressure or coercion, captivating them with her enthusiasm, activity and rich inner world.

At work, she proves herself to be an active, reliable and responsible employee.

Arina doesn't trust anyone with hers job responsibilities, tries to do everything on his own, relying only on his own strength, his hard work, perseverance and practicality. Before doing anything, he first calculates everything and thinks it over carefully, and then only moves towards his goal.

The financial side of Arina’s life is going well. Generating income is usually not associated with running own business, but with receiving an inheritance or expensive gifts.

She likes to receive guests in a cozy home environment.

Arina is characterized by practicality, prudence, determination and hard work - these character qualities distinguish her from other women.

Throughout life path she will be distinguished by such traits as friendliness, responsiveness and perseverance. Arina knows exactly what she wants and always achieves her goals.

A distinctive feature of this name is independence and responsibility.

The secret of the name Arina provides us with a description of its representative, who has a secretive, somewhat cunning character. WITH outside the image of a simple, trusting and naive girl is formed, which in reality does not correspond to the real one inner world Arina. She has amazing intuition and is able to quickly sense the hidden essence of any matter.

Communicating with Arina is easy and pleasant. With others, the representative of the name is friendly, courteous and tactful. In conversations, she adheres to her own views. If you try to win her over to your side, you won't succeed.

This woman is a subtle psychologist at heart, has an excellent understanding of people, knows how to compromise conflict situations, it is difficult to deceive her. She is reasonable, calculating and prudent. She does not tend to commit spontaneous, rash acts.

Character traits




Good nature

Hard work

Excessive severity





In amorous affairs, Arina is indecisive and somewhat timid. This girl is cold to gentlemen, does not express her feelings, long time keeps them at a distance. Despite this, she is popular with men.

In Arina’s description you can find out that the main place in this girl’s life is occupied by family relationships. If, being married, she finds herself in a world of comfort, warmth, care and support from her husband, then the girl will become a wonderful wife, faithful friend and a good housewife. She transfers leadership in the family to her husband. She can forgive her husband a lot, but not betrayal. She experiences this situation painfully and immediately decisively ends all relationships.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The girl's name Arina came to us from Ancient Greece and means “peace” and “tranquility.” It is very tender and affectionate, which is why in recent years it has become increasingly popular in our country.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents choose Arina, since the meaning of the name implies that their daughter will be interesting to communicate with her peers. Baby Arishka always wants to hug, caress and tug her cheeks. The child will always calmly accept your attention, since the main qualities of her character are: sociability and calmness.

The character of the name Arina endows her charming babies with independence, practicality, determination, hard work and prudence.

From an early age, Arisha demonstrates her independence to her family and others. She chooses what to do, what clubs to attend, who to be friends with. But this does not change the fact that the girl is diligent and attentive.

In most cases, the child adores the father. Arisha always tries to spend her leisure time with him. When guests arrive, she behaves modestly and quietly, minding her own business. If she is asked to sing or dance, then she is “lost” and cannot show her talents to the guests.

What will Arina achieve success in?

Studying at school is interesting and easy for her. She shows her talents in drawing, music, and dance lessons. The only obstacle on the path to excellent study will be laziness.

The girl was born to become a leader. But she does not seek to achieve unquestioning obedience from others.

The best professions for this child are: fashion designer, hairdresser, designer, nurse, teacher, manager, educator, leader and others.

According to the meaning of the name, Arina’s parents are obliged to try and find the right approach to their daughter. This is really important. Otherwise, she will move away from mom and dad, stop trusting them and stop listening to them. In the process of raising this girl, do not skimp on praise and recognition. If the child feels supported, then he will strive to achieve his goal.

What games will Arina like?

Arina loves to sew, draw and knit. Already as a child, she shows herself to be an excellent housewife: she will help her mother, prepare a delicious dinner, and show a master class in handicrafts. She is attracted to Hollywood films.

She enjoys reading detective stories. And in general, the girl is interested in literature. Arina also plays sports, she especially likes swimming.

Arina's birthday

Arina's name day is January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, September 30, October 1, November 2. Saints: Irina (Gumenyuk), martyr; Irina (Smirnova), martyr; Irina (Frolova), venerable martyr; Irina (Khvostova), venerable martyr; Irina of Aquileia, martyr; Irene of Egypt, martyr; Irene of Cappodacia, reverend; Irina of Constantinople; Irene of Corinth, martyr; Irene of Macedonia, great martyr; Irina, queen; Irina, martyr.

The meaning of the name Arina

Arina means “peaceful” (this is a translation of the name Arina from ancient Greek).

Origin of the name Arina

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Arina with its origin. The history of the name Arina has Greek roots. Initially it was folk form female name Irina, which came from Greek name?????? (Eirene, Irini), translated as “peaceful”.

What does the name Arina mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Arina according to B. Khigir, since childhood, the bearer of this name has been distinguished by independence. She decides for herself whether to go to a music studio or whether it is better to enroll in a choreography studio; she herself learns to knit and embroider. The girl inherits this quality, like other character traits of the name Arina, from her mother, but her attractive appearance and plasticity - from her father.

These women are somewhat reserved (especially the “winter” ones) and have their own minds on their own. They seem simpletons, which, however, is far from true. They have amazing intuition and can instantly grasp the hidden background of a case, but their reaction is a little slow.

In personal matters, Arinas are indecisive, even fearful, and this does not allow them to express their feelings. They make good housewives and devoted wives - devoted, but jealous. They never rely on anyone - only on their hard work, perseverance and business acumen. They never act at random without first exploring everything. They are happy to receive guests, but they do not like to pay visits themselves; they prefer a cozy family atmosphere. They love sweets. “Winter” Arin has a difficult relationship with her parents.

Characteristics of the name Arina Derivatives of the name Arina

Variants of the name Arina: Irina, Irena, Orina.

Diminutives for the name Arina: Arinka, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha, Arinochka, Arinushka, Arya.

Name Arina in different languages

  • Name Arina on English language: Irene (Irene).
  • Name Arina on German: Irene (Irene).
  • Name Arina on French: Ir?ne (Irene).
  • Arina's name in Spanish: Irene.
  • Arina's name in Portuguese: Irene (Irene, Ireni).
  • Name Arina on Italian: Irene (Irene), Irena (Irene).
  • Arina's name in Corsican is Irena.
  • Arina's name in Occitan: Ir?na (Ireno).
  • Arina's name in Catalan: Irene.
  • Arina's name in Romanian: Irina (Irina).
  • Arina's name in Hungarian: Ir?n (Irene).
  • The name Arina in Ukrainian is Orina.
  • Name Arina on Belarusian language: Aryn, Yaryna.
  • Name Arina on Greek: ?????? (Irini).
  • Name Arina on Polish language: Irena (Irena).
  • Name Arina on Czech language: Irena (Irena).

Famous Arinas:

  • Arina Ivanovna Rodionova is a Russian tennis player.
  • Arina Petrovna Aleinikova is an actress, daughter of actor Pyotr Aleinikov. She made her film debut in 1963, playing episodic roles in the films “The Living and the Dead” and “I Walk in Moscow.”
  • Arina Ayanovna Sharapova is a famous TV presenter and journalist.
  • Arina Valerievna Martynova is a Russian singles figure skater. Two-time Russian champion among juniors.
  • Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva is a serf belonging to the Hannibal family, nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
  • Arina Andreevna Ushakova is a Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating. With Sergei Karev, she is a bronze medalist at the Winter Universiade, a bronze medalist at the Russian Championship and a participant in the championship. Master of Sports of Russia of international class.
  • Arina Matveevna Sobakina is a Russian ballet dancer, comic dancer of the late 18th century, one of the very first professional Russian ballerinas.

Arina Rits is a singer.

According to the main version, this name means "peace and quiet"(on behalf of the goddess Eirene). Arina is a common form of address to Irina. In the past, priests, focusing on the calendar, called some girls Irins, but in Everyday life it turned out that ordinary people from the outback it is easier to pronounce “Arina” instead of “Irina”, which led to the appearance of this name. And the original version - Irina was usually used among the nobility.

There are several other less common versions of the origin of the name:

  • - Perhaps Arina comes from Yarina - a Slavic name formed from the main Slavic god Yarila.
  • - The name Arina is female uniform Jewish name Aaron, which means high, mountain, mountain of light, enlightened, teacher.
  • - And, by latest version, Arina is the name of the Thracian goddess sunlight In Bulgaria.

Arina is a very beautiful, sonorous name in which all consonants are voiced. In Rus' it was quite common - confirmed by many proverbs where it is used - “Aunt Arina spoke in two,” “Three Arinas live in a year: Arina - the bank breaker (April 29), Arina the nursery (May 18), and Arina - crane flight (October 1, day of departure of cranes).

Between 1990 and 2000, the popularity of this name increased almost tenfold (like many previously rare names). The surge in popularity continues to this day, although not as active.

The short form of the name is Arya, Arinka, Arisha, Arishka, Aryukha, Aryusha.

There is no name Arina in the calendar, and usually the girl is baptized under the name Irina.

participant of season 1 of “The Voice.” Children"

Patrons named after Arina

  • Zodiac – Sagittarius
  • Planet – Mars, Jupiter
  • Green color
  • Lucky numbers – Usually multiples of three: 18, 3, 9, 6...
  • Happy time of year- Spring
  • Lucky Day – Tuesday
  • Treasured plant– Saffron
  • Patron – Seahorse
  • Talisman stone – Agate, opal, chrysoprase
  • Totem – Seagull

Arina's childhood

Little Arina - calm child, which does not cause any particular problems. The girl grows up open, diligent, reasonable, positive and balanced. Particularly pleasing is her goodwill and desire for everything that is right, bright, and joyful.

Since childhood, Arina has been distinguished by either independence or indecisiveness - these are the two extremes. She either strives to do and decide everything herself (this usually happens when personal qualities are passed on from the mother). Or she can be distrustful and indecisive, especially in large companies. In this case, the girl thinks about her actions for a long time, afraid of making a mistake, and parents, if possible, should try to teach the girl to be independent.

Many consider Arina simple, naive - and in vain. Despite some sluggishness, she quickly grasps any task, possessing not only good abilities, but also some kind of intuitive feeling that suggests the right decision.

It is very important for Arina to be valued, respected, set as an example and loved, so encouragement and praise in relation to her are mandatory.

She is doing well at school, studying is easy, she is growing up open, diligent and honest, so the teachers treat her well. Arina communicates equally easily with both boys and girls, but she has few close girlfriends and friends, because only those whom she completely trusts can enter her personal circle.


Arina is a good and reliable worker, she has an excellent memory, a sharp mind, observation, sociability and excellent intuition. She always accurately assesses both the situation and the interlocutor.

She is suitable for a variety of specialties and areas of activity. With equal success, she can be a marketer, designer, doctor, salesperson, but she still gravitates toward prestigious and well-paid fields of activity. Under favorable circumstances and perseverance, she can even become a fairly major leader. In any case, she will choose an activity to her liking and will strive to become a real specialist, a professional with a capital P.

Arina is capable, hardworking, persistent and always gets her way. She has her own opinion and is ready to defend it with confidence. Combined with calmness and diplomacy - she has full set organizational qualities, allowing you to occupy leadership positions and achieve success in business (including personal).

Arina knows how to work calmly and confidently, without hysterics, panic or stress, and deservedly enjoys the respect of her colleagues. She achieves her goals through hard and persistent work.

She does not try to show off, although she is quite erudite and educated. She will not be seduced by flattery or upset by an unfair reprimand - she knows the value of both herself and others.

Character of the name Arina

Arina means kindness, cheerfulness, caring and confidence. And although at first glance she is a simple person, she is still rather one of those people about whom they say “on her own mind.” She is an independent, caring, confident woman capable of achieving anything, who at the same time can be friendly and very cheerful.

Arina personally makes all serious decisions, both at home and at work, because she knows how to think correctly, plan and objectively assess the situation.

She is very responsible, non-conflict, and quite sociable - after all, she is an excellent psychologist who easily captures the mood and the very essence of her interlocutor. Arina has enough girlfriends and friends, of whom there would be more if not for her excessive directness.

Arina does not like gossip and empty talk, and she is capable of declaring real war on the offender, so you should think twice before aggravating relations with her.

She reads a lot, both classics and modern literature, enjoys going to the cinema and theater, and often herself is not devoid of acting and sports abilities.

If we briefly characterize her character, it is worth noting that she is a strong-willed, strong and determined woman, so you should not stand in her way unnecessarily.


Love, family and marriage

Arina is beautiful, loves to dress fashionably, and is successful with men, so loneliness is almost impossible for her. Arina is easy with men - and they are easy with her. Of course, as a girl, she really loves beautiful courtship, flirting and romance. She often falls in love, but without losing reality, always keeping the situation under control. Without losing her head, she searches for her ideal - courageous, responsible, capable of becoming a real support in life.

If the next chosen one does not live up to her hopes, she quickly breaks up with him, without regret or hesitation. Over time, in order to avoid loneliness, Arina may agree to certain compromises.

In relationships, she is quite conservative, and before achieving her, a man will have to put in a lot of effort - Arina keeps her partners at a distance for quite a long time. She needs an atmosphere of tenderness, security, comfort, love, and she values ​​all this much higher than intimate relationships.

In marriage, Arina is a wonderful wife and mother, a real keeper of the family, an excellent housewife who knows how to save money and please with culinary delights. Her family life usually turns out well. She does not take a leadership position and strives for equality, calm, and understanding. For the sake of the children, she is able to endure anything and make any sacrifice. At the same time, it cannot be said that she is completely fixated on family responsibilities - work, communication with like-minded people, and recreation, including the most active ones, are important to her.