The name Olesya origin and meaning. Old Slavonic name Olesya: how to decipher the meaning of the name and what to expect from fate

The meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya): this name for a girl means “forest”, “girl from the forest”, “living in the forest”.

Origin of the name Olesya (Alesya): Old Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Lesya, Lesenka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesena.

What does the name Olesya (Alesya) mean: Lesya seems soft and flexible, but at the same time she has willpower and her own opinion. She prefers the company of friends and enjoys doing needlework. Can work in the restaurant business, as a taster, stylist, or yoga teacher. This girl adores her husband and tries to please his parents in everything, she is a good housewife and a gentle mother.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Olesya is not listed in the Saints, but Olesya celebrates name days together with the Alexanders - April 2, May 6, May 31, November 19.

Signs: If a blizzard blows from the south on this day, it will be a terrible summer!


  • Zodiac – Aquarius
  • Planet – Uranus
  • Aquamarine
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Treasured plant – sea anemone
  • Patron - jellyfish
  • Talisman stone – coral

Characteristics of the name Olesya

Positive features: Alesya is energetic and easy-going; This is a bright personality who loves to be seen and bask in the rays of universal love and worship. Lesya is reasonable, but she is also capable of throwing herself into the pool headlong.

Negative features: As a rule, they are respected by others, although they are recognized as “uncomfortable” in communication.

Character of the name Olesya (Alesya): What character traits does the meaning of the name Olesya determine? This girl is a purposeful and patient person. He is little susceptible to the influence of others, rarely trusts other people and relies on himself in everything, but often overestimates his strengths and abilities. She is straightforward, eccentric, optimistic. They are characterized by the desire to be different from everyone else, to stand out sharply from those around them. This can be expressed in different ways - extravagant clothing, a rare profession. Girls called Olesya are open, it is not typical for them, but to be disingenuous, to be disingenuous - they express their opinions without thinking about the consequences. This is a resilient person, one of those who are ready to start all over again in case of failure, and not complain about fate and look back.

The meaning of the name Olesya in numerology is under the “protection” of the number 6. It portends its owner success in those matters where it is necessary to first gain the trust of other people. A woman named Olesya excels in politics and the diplomatic sphere. She could make an excellent government official. In society, she is distinguished by her philosophical views and analytical mindset. But it is important to understand that everything said and promised will have to be fulfilled, because otherwise those around her will simply be disappointed in her, which will prevent her from achieving her main goal. Therefore, at an early age, Lesya already understands that honesty and ambition are fundamentally different things.

The girl literally radiates cheerfulness and optimism. Despite the fact that she is a purposeful person, Lesya does not always want to reach career heights - she has very few ambitions, and her dreams are concentrated in a completely different direction.

Olesya and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Olesya promise happiness in love? She is a true monogamist and is very attached to her family. In relationships, he is always excessively straightforward and often shows jealousy. The first marriage is usually unsuccessful. But, having made the appropriate conclusions, next time Lesya will be more careful in choosing a life partner and will be able to create a strong, friendly family with him. By the way, Lesya herself, despite her jealousy, will not cheat on her husband. However, the main problem in a relationship with him will be that Lesya will not always be able to express what she thinks. Omissions that arise sometimes lead to conflicts.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She will choose a profession that is, if not rare, then unsuitable for a lady - a geologist, a surgeon or, say, a sea captain. Don't be surprised if you see that the kitchen has suddenly been converted into a darkroom - this means that she has decided to become a photojournalist. There is no point in arguing: in the end, Olesya will be smart enough to listen to her parents’ sensible advice and become a normal engineer or accountant. She is not self-critical and will always believe that she was simply unlucky, and that is the only reason why she is not a world-class movie star.

Business and career: Lesya's career is going well if she wants it and puts in the effort. However, some people put family first and devote themselves to their home, husband and children. The first marriage may be unsuccessful, but in the second everything will probably work out well.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Olesya (Alesya): The meaning of the name Olesya from a medical point of view. Lesya is growing up very independent and often goes in for sports. Although in childhood she suffered from bronchitis, sore throats and in general, she cannot be called healthy. In the future, it is physical activity that can significantly improve the condition. In her habits and manners she is very similar to her father, but on the contrary, she inherits her character from her mother. Sometimes she behaves too eccentrically, which can surprise and even frighten the people around her. The girl is prone to spontaneous actions. So, she can get ready and jump with a parachute at one moment, or go rock climbing. By the way, she also chooses extreme professions. Sometimes even those that don't suit her. And then, having suffered defeat, the one with the name Olesya continues to firmly believe that she was simply unlucky - she does not draw any conclusions. What is characteristic is that this does not allow her to lose confidence in her own talents.

The fate of Olesya in history

What does the name Olesya mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Olesya Sudzilovskaya - Soviet and Russian theater and film actressOlesya
  2. Olesya Zheleznyak is a Russian theater and film actress.
  3. Olesya Nikolaeva - (born 1955) Russian poet, prose writer, essayist.
  4. Alesya - (born 1976) real name - Olga Yarmolenko; Belarusian pop singer, soloist of the Syabry ensemble.
  5. Olesya Forsheva - (born 1979) before marriage - Krasnomovets; Russian track and field athlete, vice-champion of the 2004 Olympic Games, world and European champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  6. Olesya Barel - (born 1960) Soviet basketball player, International Master of Sports (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1984).
  7. Olesya Lyashenko is a Russian singer, musician, and songwriter.
  8. Olesya Zykina is a Russian athlete, world champion, Olympic medalist. She competes in the 200, 300 and 400 m running disciplines. Her main discipline is the 400 m run. In 2001, as a member of the Russian track and field team, she became the World champion in the 400 m race, and the following year won gold at the European Championships. At the Olympic Games in Athens, as a member of the Russian relay team in the 4x400 race, he wins a silver award.
  9. Olesya Abdullina - Russian Bashkir athlete (Russian and international checkers), bronze medalist of the World Blitz Championship (Berlin, December 2009), bronze medalist of the European International Drafts Championship among women in the blitz tournament (Stockholm, Sweden, August 2009), champion Russia as part of the Bashkortostan national team in 2009, winner of the 1st World Intellectual Sports Games among girls, 4-time European champion among girls. International master of international checkers.)
  10. Olesya Stetsenko is an artist.
  11. Olesya Vladykina is a Russian athlete, champion and world record holder of the 2008 XIII Summer Paralympic Games in Beijing in the 100m breaststroke.
  12. Olesya Aliyeva is a Russian alpine skier, multiple champion of Russia, international master of sports, sports nickname - “Ali”.
  13. Olesya Ivanova - (1925 - 1995) real name - Lyudmila Ivanova; Soviet film actress, performer of episodic roles. Her role as Nadezhda Tyulenina in the film “Young Guard” is best known. In the early 1960s, she took the pseudonym Olesya Ivanova, which began to appear in films.
  14. Olesya Kurochkina is a midfielder and/or forward for the Russian women's national football team.
The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Alesya, manifestation in love

Alesya, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage and the creation of a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Independent Cheerful Active

Olesya Sudzilovskaya, actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Olesya mean?

The name Olesya is very gentle and feminine. Now, in modern families, it is not particularly popular. The meaning of the name Olesya endows its bearer with optimism, sociability and energy.

Olesya has the gift of foresight, worldly wisdom and subtle intuition. She will always give practical everyday advice and suggest a way out of a critical situation.

Speaking about what the name Olesya means, it is worth noting that her energy is very strong and is mainly manifested in independence, determination and willpower.

Middle names suit her perfectly: Makarovna, Alexandrovna, Yaroslavovna, Andreevna, Igorievna, Viktorovna or Kirillovna.

It is very important that each middle name gives the owner of the name its own unique aspect. For example, Olesya Alekseevna is more sociable and approachable, and she is also an excellent housewife. The bearer of the patronymic Andreevna is characterized by kindness, responsiveness, and loyalty in friendship and in the family. Evgenievna is distinguished by the fact that she is a pleasant conversationalist, a hardworking and hospitable hostess. Dmitrievna is jealous, quick-tempered, but at the same time careful.

Would you name your child this name?

This name has caused controversy among researchers regarding its origin.

According to one version, it came from Slavic lands. Analyzing what the name Olesya means, we can come to the conclusion that, most likely, its meaning is “forest”.

According to the second assumption, it first appeared in Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, the name meant “protector.” This interpretation originally meant spiritual protection.

Knowing the meanings of the male names Alexander and Alexei, they can to some extent be correlated with the name Olesya, since these words have common roots. It is likely that "Olesya" comes from these ancient Greek names and is their short form.

History suggests different versions of the origin of this name. However, now in the Russian name book it is listed as one independent name.

In Orthodoxy there are no patroness of all Oles. Usually her name day is celebrated on the day of memory of Alexandra.

The origin of the name Olesya recalls famous personalities, its namesakes: actress Sudzilovskaya, basketball player Barel, athlete Zykina, artist Stetsenko, film actress Ivanova, teacher and founder of educational games for children Emelyanova, actress Mankovskaya and others.

Name forms

Simple: Lesya Full: Olesya Vintage: OlesyaAffectionate: Oleska

As a child, Olesya was athletic, attractive and slim, like an angel. Since her school years, many fans have secretly sighed for her, and she gives her friend her attention. Olesya, as a rule, does not pay due attention to guys.

The characteristics of the name Olesya tell us that its owner is a faithful and reliable friend. She will always congratulate her friends on their occasion and will not forget anyone. Olesya will listen and support her friends in difficult times; she generally happily rushes to help people in critical situations.

Olesya is a passionate and inquisitive person: she is interested in many things. She is curious about almost everything.

When choosing a profession, she first of all takes into account the material side of the work; the career itself is of little interest to her.

She can succeed in trade or in the service sector. It is also possible to choose a completely “unfeminine” profession: surgeon, sea captain, machinist, geologist, programmer or mountaineer.

On the other hand, under the influence of parents, he can become a completely ordinary engineer or economist. Due to a lack of self-criticism, she will believe that fortune did not smile on her in life, which is why she did not reach the heights in show business.

Olesya is a straightforward and jealous person, she always says what she thinks to her face. She is not afraid to express her point of view that is different from others. This girl is characterized by eccentricity. She is capable of doing things that shock others.

The secret of the name Olesya suggests that its bearer has an optimistic outlook on life's problems.

She captivates other people with her optimism. Olesya never loses heart even in the most difficult life circumstances. In addition to all this, she is reasonable, able to calculate everything one step forward. After all, the owner of this name is accustomed to relying only on her own strength.

In general, the following description is quite suitable for Olesya: an affectionate, friendly and kind-hearted person.

However, do not forget that she has an impulsive and hot-tempered character. She may suddenly become angry and quickly return to a calm state. Olesya also strives to be original in everything, tries to stand out from the crowd of people. This woman can wear extravagant clothes, although sometimes not typical for her chosen profession.

She is a purposeful and energetic person. To achieve her goal, she can cheat, but at the same time she will not do anything bad to anyone. She always moves forward, forgetting about past mistakes and defeats: failures will not move her from her intended path. By nature, she is ready to fight for her own destiny.

Character traits











When choosing a life partner, Olesya places high demands on the opposite sex. In guys, a girl looks for reliable support in material and spiritual terms.

She is very selective, analyzes and looks closely at the young man for a long time before deciding on the formalization of the relationship.

In Olesya’s characterization, you can pay attention to the fact that she is a one-woman woman and a jealous person. A girl with this name is very attached to her family, although she will not devote herself to it completely.

She prefers to lead in family relationships, although she chooses a man with a strong character. She is faithful and devoted to her husband, tries to become a support and support for her children. Olesya often surprises her loved ones with extraordinary actions.

The meaning of the name Olesya for a girl

The name Olesya is of ancient Slavic origin and means “girl from Polesie”. In ancient times, our ancestors used this name as a sign of a happy fate. Now this name is not particularly popular in Russia.

The meaning of the name Olesya suggests that the baby is friendly, kind and positive. The main negative trait of her character is selfishness.

In childhood, Olesya is energetic. The girl always strives to be first. She adores her family and helps them.

Olesya has a proud disposition. This child is capable of doing eccentric things. She can surprise loved ones with her extraordinary behavior.

In relationships with people, Olesya is straightforward. With people she likes, she transforms and blossoms. This is a modest and grateful child.

What will Olesya achieve success in?

During her school years, Olesya is active, this child is an excellent student. Favorite subject is physical education. Actively takes part in amateur competitions.

When choosing a profession, a girl makes special demands on her future work. She is interested in material wealth. But the profession should also be interesting. Olesya will achieve success in trade or in the service sector. She can also choose a “male” job.

Don't put pressure on the girl, don't raise your voice. Talk to your child more, convince him. It is important to always listen to the girl, develop her intellect, control the child’s social circle and in no case allow communication with dubious people. It is worth checking your homework regularly.

What games will Olesya like?

Schoolgirl Olesya loves to communicate with people she likes. She is interested in intellectual games and often plays music or drawing.

In adolescence, he may choose extreme hobbies. For example, go skydiving or join a motorcycle club.

Olesya is a Slavic name, derived from the word “forest” and means “forest”, “girl from the forest”, “living in the forest”. Another version of the origin claims that it is a form of the female name Alexandra and takes on the meaning “protector”. The names Alesya and Lesya can be considered its variety.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: Christoprase, carnelian
  • Color: orange, green
  • Plant: orchid
  • Animal: bull, rabbit
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

At an early age, Olesya can be described as an intelligent and talented child. She is characterized by independence, she often surprises her loved ones with eccentric actions. The girl is endowed with the character of her mother and external characteristics from her father. Her hobbies are sports, rock climbing, and she loves extreme sports. She studies well at school, is confident in her abilities and easily endures all failures. Its disadvantage is selfishness. The adult owner of the name is a bright and direct person, always friendly and open. Communicating with her is easy.

The secret of the name Olesya lies in assertiveness, courage, philanthropy and kindness. Her positive qualities are straightforwardness, leadership, energy, prudence, optimism and hospitality. Tries to adhere to strict moral principles. Independent and purposeful. Always relies only on himself, has enormous willpower. Doesn't like to rush, but is easy-going.

Negative character traits of Lesya: prudence, commercialism.

Interests and hobbies

Olesya is passionate about extreme sports and everything connected with it. She can easily jump with a parachute, climb to the top of a mountain, ride a motorcycle. Spends a lot of time reading books. Enjoys drawing and singing.

Profession and business

Olesya can achieve good results in any field of activity. She is often interested in rare male professions. Success is guaranteed in geology, financial activities, trade and catering. She often chooses the profession of an athlete, actress, journalist or engineer.


Lesya is endowed with fairly good health. In childhood, he may often suffer from colds and bronchitis.

Sex and love

The representative of this name attracts the attention of men with her originality and emotionality. Feelings are of great importance to her. She never pretends or plays with a man. She is always sincere and truthful, even in a situation when she doesn’t like her partner. Guys go crazy over her cuteness and charm. Olesya loves novelty and cannot imagine her life without romance. She may be interested in a bright, athletic and active man with an original and unconventional mind.

In sexual relations, Olesya is curious, she is amused by erotic games. She loves tenderness, affection and love foreplay. She is able to give her chosen one unforgettable pleasure from sex. Never forgives betrayal and betrayal of a partner.

Family and marriage

Marriage is considered as a serious and responsible step in life. When choosing a second half, she looks closely and studies men for a long time. She strives to take a leading position in the family, although she does not always succeed. Olesya is a jealous person, so it is important for her that her husband does not give any reason to doubt him. In her relationship with her husband, she considers trust and love to be the most important. She puts her family first and is ready to devote herself entirely to her chosen one and children. Narcissism and stubbornness prevent her from strengthening family ties, so her first marriage may be unsuccessful. But in the second, Olesya does not repeat her mistakes and finds true happiness.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya), its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Olesya – Aquarius
  • Planet – Uranus
  • The color of the name Olesya is sea wave
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Olesya’s treasured plant is sea anemone.
  • The patron of the name Olesya is jellyfish
  • Olesya's talisman stone is coral

What does the name Olesya (Alesya) mean?: “forest” (the name Olesya is of Slavic origin).

Short meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya): Lesya, Lesenka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesena.

Angel Olesya's Day: Olesya’s name is not listed in the Saints, but Olesya celebrates name days together with the Alexanders - April 2, May 6, May 31, November 19..

Signs of the name Olesya (Alesya): If a blizzard blows from the south on this day, it will be a terrible summer!

Character of the name Olesya (Alesya): Olesya (Alesya) is energetic, easy-going; This is a bright personality who loves to be seen and bask in the rays of universal love and worship. Olesya is reasonable, but she is also capable of throwing herself into the pool headlong. Olesya (Alesya) is a purposeful and patient person. He is little susceptible to the influence of others, rarely trusts other people and relies on himself in everything, but often overestimates his strengths and abilities. Straightforward, eccentric, optimistic. Oles is characterized by the desire to be different from everyone else, to stand out sharply from those around her. This can be expressed in different ways - extravagant clothing, a rare profession. Girls with the name Olesya are open, it is not typical for them, but to be disingenuous, to be disingenuous - they express their opinion without thinking about the consequences. As a rule, they are respected by others, although they are recognized as “uncomfortable” in communication. Olesya is a cheerful person, one of those who is ready to start all over again in case of failure, and not complain about fate and look back. Olesya’s career is going well if she wants it and makes the effort. However, some Olesyas put their family first and devote themselves to their home, husband and children. The first marriage named Olesya may be unsuccessful, but in the second, everything will probably work out successfully. She will choose a profession that is, if not rare, then unsuitable for a lady - a geologist, a surgeon or, say, a sea captain. Don't be surprised if you see that the kitchen has suddenly been converted into a darkroom - this means that she has decided to become a photojournalist. There is no point in arguing: in the end, Olesya will be smart enough to listen to her parents’ sensible advice and become a normal engineer or accountant. She is not self-critical and will always believe that she was simply unlucky, and that is the only reason why she is not a world-famous movie star.

What does the name Olesya mean? The name Olesya is under the “protection” of the number 6. It portends its owner success in those matters where it is necessary to first gain the trust of other people. Olesya often excels in politics and the diplomatic sphere. The meaning of the name can make an excellent government official. In society, she is distinguished by her philosophical views and analytical mindset. But it is important to understand that everything said and promised will have to be fulfilled, because otherwise those around them will simply be disappointed in the name Olesya, which will prevent her from achieving her main goal. Therefore, at an early age, Olesya already understands that honesty and ambition are fundamentally different things.

A girl named Olesya literally radiates cheerfulness and optimism. Despite the fact that she is a purposeful person, Olesya does not always want to reach career heights - she has very few ambitions, and her dreams are concentrated in a completely different direction.

Health and talents named after Olesya: Growing up the name Olesya is very independent, often goes in for sports. Although in childhood she suffered from bronchitis, sore throats and in general, she cannot be called healthy. In the future, it is physical activity that can significantly improve Olesya’s condition. In her habits and manners she is very similar to her father, but on the contrary, she inherits her character from her mother. Sometimes she behaves too eccentrically, which can surprise and even frighten the people around her. A girl named Olesya is prone to spontaneous actions. So, she can get ready and jump with a parachute at one moment, or go rock climbing. By the way, she also chooses extreme professions. Sometimes even those that don't suit her. And then, having suffered defeat, Olesya continues to firmly believe that she was simply unlucky - she does not draw any conclusions. What is typical is that this does not allow Olesya to lose confidence in her own talents.

Love and marriage of Olesya: Olesya is a true monogamist, and she is very attached to her family. In relationships, he is always excessively straightforward and often shows jealousy. The first marriage named Olesya is usually unsuccessful. But, having made the appropriate conclusions, next time the name Olesya will be more careful in choosing a life partner and will be able to create a strong, friendly family with him. By the way, Olesya herself, despite her jealousy, will not cheat on her husband. However, the main problem in a relationship with him will be that the name Olesya will not always be able to express what she thinks. Omissions that arise sometimes lead to conflicts.

The fate of the name Olesya (Alesya) in history:

  1. Olesya Sudzilovskaya is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  2. Olesya Zheleznyak is a Russian theater and film actress.
  3. Olesya (Olga) Nikolaeva - (born 1955) Russian poet, prose writer, essayist.
  4. Alesya - (born 1976) real name - Olga Yarmolenko; Belarusian pop singer, soloist of the Syabry ensemble.
  5. Olesya Forsheva - (born 1979) before marriage - Krasnomovets; Russian track and field athlete, vice-champion of the 2004 Olympic Games, world and European champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  6. Olesya Barel - (born 1960) Soviet basketball player, International Master of Sports (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1984).
  7. Olesya Lyashenko is a Russian singer, musician, and songwriter.
  8. Olesya Zykina is a Russian athlete, world champion, Olympic medalist. She competes in the 200, 300 and 400 m running disciplines. Her main discipline is the 400 m run. In 2001, as a member of the Russian track and field team, she became the World champion in the 400 m race, and the following year won gold at the European Championships. At the Olympic Games in Athens, as a member of the Russian relay team in the 4x400 race, he wins a silver award.
  9. Olesya Abdullina - Russian Bashkir athlete (Russian and international checkers), bronze medalist of the World Blitz Championship (Berlin, December 2009), bronze medalist of the European International Drafts Championship among women in the blitz tournament (Stockholm, Sweden, August 2009), champion Russia as part of the Bashkortostan national team in 2009, winner of the 1st World Intellectual Sports Games among girls, 4-time European champion among girls. International master of international checkers.)
  10. Olesya Stetsenko is an artist.
  11. Olesya Vladykina is a Russian athlete, champion and world record holder of the 2008 XIII Summer Paralympic Games in Beijing in the 100m breaststroke.
  12. Olesya Aliyeva is a Russian alpine skier, multiple champion of Russia, international master of sports, sports nickname - “Ali”.
  13. Olesya Ivanova - (1925 - 1995) real name - Lyudmila Ivanova; Soviet film actress, performer of episodic roles. Her role as Nadezhda Tyulenina in the film “Young Guard” is best known. In the early 1960s, she took the pseudonym Olesya Ivanova, which began to appear in films.
  14. Olesya Kurochkina is a midfielder and/or forward for the Russian women's national football team.

What does the name Olesya mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Independent Cheerful Active

Olesya Sudzilovskaya, actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of name: Greek

When you're lucky: Wednesday, Friday

When there are problems: Tuesday

Important years of life: 18, 36, 54

Zodiac sign: Libra

Lucky number: 14

What does the name Olesya mean?

The name Olesya is very gentle and feminine. Now, in modern families, it is not particularly popular. The meaning of the name Olesya endows its bearer with optimism, sociability and energy.

Olesya has the gift of foresight, worldly wisdom and subtle intuition. She will always give practical everyday advice and suggest a way out of a critical situation.

Speaking about what the name Olesya means, it is worth noting that her energy is very strong and is mainly manifested in independence, determination and willpower.

Middle names suit her perfectly: Makarovna, Alexandrovna, Yaroslavovna, Andreevna, Igorievna, Viktorovna or Kirillovna.

It is very important that each middle name gives the owner of the name its own unique aspect. For example, Olesya Alekseevna is more sociable and approachable, and she is also an excellent housewife. The bearer of the patronymic Andreevna is characterized by kindness, responsiveness, and loyalty in friendship and in the family. Evgenievna is distinguished by the fact that she is a pleasant conversationalist, a hardworking and hospitable hostess. Dmitrievna is jealous, quick-tempered, but at the same time careful.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

This name has caused controversy among researchers regarding its origin.

According to one version, it came from Slavic lands. Analyzing what the name Olesya means, we can come to the conclusion that, most likely, its meaning is “forest”.

According to the second assumption, it first appeared in Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, the name meant “protector.” This interpretation originally meant spiritual protection.

Knowing the meanings of the male names Alexander and Alexei, they can to some extent be correlated with the name Olesya, since these words have common roots. It is likely that "Olesya" comes from these ancient Greek names and is their short form.

History suggests different versions of the origin of this name. However, now in the Russian name book it is listed as one independent name.

In Orthodoxy there are no patroness of all Oles. Usually her name day is celebrated on the day of memory of Alexandra.

The origin of the name Olesya recalls famous personalities, its namesakes: actress Sudzilovskaya, basketball player Barel, athlete Zykina, artist Stetsenko, film actress Ivanova, teacher and founder of educational games for children Emelyanova, actress Mankovskaya and others.

Forms of the name Simple: LesyaFull: OlesyaAntique: OlesyaTender: Oleska

As a child, Olesya was athletic, attractive and slim, like an angel. Since her school years, many fans have secretly sighed for her, and she gives her friend her attention. Olesya, as a rule, does not pay due attention to guys.

The characteristics of the name Olesya tell us that its owner is a faithful and reliable friend. She will always congratulate her friends on their occasion and will not forget anyone. Olesya will listen and support her friends in difficult times; she generally happily rushes to help people in critical situations.

Olesya is a passionate and inquisitive person: she is interested in many things. She is curious about almost everything.

When choosing a profession, she first of all takes into account the material side of the work; the career itself is of little interest to her.

She can succeed in trade or in the service sector. It is also possible to choose a completely “unfeminine” profession: surgeon, sea captain, machinist, geologist, programmer or mountaineer.

On the other hand, under the influence of parents, he can become a completely ordinary engineer or economist. Due to a lack of self-criticism, she will believe that fortune did not smile on her in life, which is why she did not reach the heights in show business.

Olesya is a straightforward and jealous person, she always says what she thinks to her face. She is not afraid to express her point of view that is different from others. This girl is characterized by eccentricity. She is capable of doing things that shock others.

The secret of the name Olesya suggests that its bearer has an optimistic outlook on life's problems.

She captivates other people with her optimism. Olesya never loses heart even in the most difficult life circumstances. In addition to all this, she is reasonable, able to calculate everything one step forward. After all, the owner of this name is accustomed to relying only on her own strength.

In general, the following description is quite suitable for Olesya: an affectionate, friendly and kind-hearted person.

However, do not forget that she has an impulsive and hot-tempered character. She may suddenly become angry and quickly return to a calm state. Olesya also strives to be original in everything, tries to stand out from the crowd of people. This woman can wear extravagant clothes, although sometimes not typical for her chosen profession.

She is a purposeful and energetic person. To achieve her goal, she can cheat, but at the same time she will not do anything bad to anyone. She always moves forward, forgetting about past mistakes and defeats: failures will not move her from her intended path. By nature, she is ready to fight for her own destiny.

Character Traits Optimism Activity Agreeableness Openness Purposefulness Selfishness Impulsiveness Eccentricity Self-confidence Self-love

When choosing a life partner, Olesya places high demands on the opposite sex. In guys, a girl looks for reliable support in material and spiritual terms.

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She is very selective, analyzes and looks closely at the young man for a long time before deciding on the formalization of the relationship.

In Olesya’s characterization, you can pay attention to the fact that she is a one-woman woman and a jealous person. A girl with this name is very attached to her family, although she will not devote herself to it completely.

She prefers to lead in family relationships, although she chooses a man with a strong character. She is faithful and devoted to her husband, tries to become a support and support for her children. Olesya often surprises her loved ones with extraordinary actions.

The meaning of the name Olesya for a girl

The name Olesya is of ancient Slavic origin and means “girl from Polesie”. In ancient times, our ancestors used this name as a sign of a happy fate. Now this name is not particularly popular in Russia.

The meaning of the name Olesya suggests that the baby is friendly, kind and positive. The main negative trait of her character is selfishness.

In childhood, Olesya is energetic. The girl always strives to be first. She adores her family and helps them.

Olesya has a proud disposition. This child is capable of doing eccentric things. She can surprise loved ones with her extraordinary behavior.

In relationships with people, Olesya is straightforward. With people she likes, she transforms and blossoms. This is a modest and grateful child.

What will Olesya achieve success in? During her school years, Olesya is active, this child is an excellent student. Favorite subject is physical education. Actively takes part in amateur competitions. When choosing a profession, a girl makes special demands on her future work. She is interested in material wealth. But the profession should also be interesting. Olesya will achieve success in trade or in the service sector. She can also choose a “male” job.

Don't put pressure on the girl, don't raise your voice. Talk to your child more, convince him. It is important to always listen to the girl, develop her intellect, control the child’s social circle and in no case allow communication with dubious people. It is worth checking your homework regularly.

What games will Olesya like? Schoolgirl Olesya loves to communicate with people she likes. She is interested in intellectual games and often plays music or drawing. In adolescence, he may choose extreme hobbies. For example, go skydiving or join a motorcycle club.

When is the name day?

April 2, 6, May 31, November 19 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

What does the name Oles mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Oles from Greek means “protector”.

Characteristic: Melancholic by nature. Very nervous, sensitive to the slightest troubles. It is difficult to tolerate failures. Unable to take decisive action to overcome difficulties. He completely surrenders himself to fate, without trying to change anything. Parents need to ensure that the boy actively participates in the life of the children's team and family, does not remain on the sidelines, and is not a passive observer. Oles is easily influenced. He is objective in his judgments, but lacks self-confidence, although sometimes he can take a combative position. But such a manifestation of character is short-lived and usually ends in deep despair. Olesya has a weak will, it should be developed from an early age. All his life he has been plagued by excessive nervousness, which gives his character traits characteristic of women. He tries to suppress his excessive excitability, to dampen the strength of his reaction to what is happening, instead of achieving his goal and directing his feelings in the right direction. Needs constant self-affirmation and therefore often looks funny. He only does well what he is truly passionate about. His interests are constantly changing, and therefore he will visit several educational institutions while he receives his education.
Chooses professions associated with frequent travel and a change of scenery: musician, sales representative, missionary. Too vivid imagination and intuition only increase his nervousness and restlessness. Oles is a good diplomat and adapts well to the current situation. Has a synthetic mindset. Able to determine a situation at a glance. However, you need to learn to avoid little things and not get stuck on them. Due to the inability to separate the important from the unimportant, various problems arise.
Too excited. He is characterized by outbursts of feelings, but after that he withdraws into himself for a long time. He has problems with the idea of ​​a moral code. He cannot decide what to do and is able to compromise with his conscience.

In childhood: Olesya's health is not very good. He often suffers from respiratory diseases and is predisposed to various infections. As long as he is busy with something, he feels fine. As soon as one is inactive and begins to get bored, feelings of depression, fatigue, and self-doubt appear. He must adhere to a measured lifestyle, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and spare the nervous system. Weak points - eyes, throat. An unstable psyche is reflected, first of all, in his sexuality. From an early age, masculine traits should be developed in him and instilled in constancy and fidelity.

In communication: pleasant, but talks more than he acts. Capricious in friendship. Today he is sincere and open, but tomorrow he is closed and dissatisfied with everything. Oles is a person with enormous potential, capable of much, provided that he clearly defines his goal. This name should be given to a boy born in winter or autumn, but it is undesirable for “summer” and “spring” ones or only with patronymics: Bazhenovich, Bogdanovich, Boleslavovich, Arturovich.

To “winter” and “autumn” Oles: patronymics are more suitable: Fedorovich, Alekseevich, Timurovich, Tikhonovich, Petrovich, Konstantinovich. You should choose creative professions: writer, artist, TV director, circus performer. May become a clergyman.

Where did the name Olesya come from?


The name Olesya is Russian, Ukrainian Orthodox. Origin - Slavic roots, appeared as a variant of the name Lesana, Lesya - a girl from the forest, forest girl, living in Leva. The second version of origin comes from Western Ukraine, Poland - a variant of the female name Alexandra, where it was converted into Olesya. Olesya has an independent nature, loves extreme sports - parachuting, for example. She can choose a profession that is rare for a woman, for example, geologist or sea captain (I have never met a sea captain named Olesya!) Monogamous, very attached to the family, but together with that's why she's very jealous.