What does the name Paul mean in Greek? The meaning and nature of the name Pavel

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Paul- baby, small (Latin).
The name has always been popular, and it is still fashionable today.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: red.
Talisman stone: ruby.
Auspicious plant: rowan, aster.
Patron name: rudd.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: calm, intelligence.


Pavel Byzantine, youth, martyr, June 16 (3).
, martyr, March 1 or February 29 (16) (in a leap year).
Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, July 29 (16).
Pavel Komelsky (Obnorsky), Rev., January 23 (10).
Paul I of Constantinople, patriarch, holy martyr, November 19 (6).
Pavel Korinthsky, martyr, March 23 (10).
Paul the Corinthian, Rev., July 4 (June 21).
Pavel Lampsaksky, martyr, May 31 (18).
Pavel Latriisky, Rev., December 26 (15).
Pavel Neokesariysky, bishop, confessor, January 6 (December 23).
Pavel Nicea, bishop, confessor, September 23 (10).
Pavel Novy, Constantinople, Patriarch, September 12 (August 30).
Pavel Pechersky, Obedient, in the Far (Feodosiev) caves, September 10 (August 28), September 23 (10).
Pavel the Obedient (Povinnik), Rev., December 20 (7).
Pavel Presimoy, Rev., disciple of St. Anthony the Great, March 20 (7), October 17 (4).
Pavel Prusiadsky, bishop, confessor, March 20 (7).
Paul of Ptolemais, martyr, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Pavel Sinaisky, abbot, martyr, January 27 (14).
Pavel Fiveysky, Egyptian, hermit, originally from Thewanda. He was the first Christian desert dweller: he labored in the desert for 91 years. Died 130 years old (IV century), January 28 (15).
Paul the Supreme Apostle ("apostle of tongues"), Hieromartyr, July 12 (June 29). Previously he was called Saul and was a persecutor of Christians. But then he was miraculously called by the Lord to the apostleship. Having been baptized, he became a fiery preacher of the gospel teaching. His passionate faith did not tolerate dissent. He had a strong, strong-willed nature, he was in a constant struggle with himself, he tamed his itch, his pride. In one of the messages there is a phrase that reveals this side of his character: “... having great... boldness to command... out of love I better ask...” For the spread of the faith of Christ in different countries he suffered a lot of suffering and was beheaded in Rome in 67. For our spiritual salvation, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I wrote 14 “Epistle”, one of which contains such wise words: “It is a great gain to be pious and contented! For we have brought nothing into the world; it is obvious that we cannot do anything.” and take it out of it. Having food and clothing, we will be content with that... for the root of all troubles is the love of money..."


January 28 - Pavel Fiveysky. If the night of January 28 is starry, it means a flax harvest. Pavel of Thebes added more days. If there is a wind on Pavel Favey, it will be a damp year. July 12 - Peter and Pavel mountain ash: if there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn will be rainy, if there are few, it will be dry.


Pavlik is a calm, even phlegmatic child. Like all children, he loves noisy games, but they do not captivate him entirely, he quickly gets tired of them, and in the midst of a game for everyone, he does not want to continue further. In school he is restless and lazy. The boy needs to be captivated by some interesting historical curiosity, a funny story. Then he gets involved in his studies, and his laziness disappears.

Pavlik is a kind and sympathetic child, somewhat slow, and reacts to events with a delay. He never takes part in dubious games, for example, torturing animals, setting fire to newspapers in a mailbox, moreover, he will dissuade the guys from doing this.

The adult Pavel is still kind and sympathetic, which attracts people to him. They share their experiences and secrets with him, but he does not justify trust; he can blab all the secrets, boasting of his knowledge. Pavel can stand up for the undeservedly offended, but he cannot be called a fighter for justice; he does not directly stand for the truth, but will try to find some kind of compromise. He will try to benefit himself from this situation. Pavel is selfish, but tries to hide it. He has a calm, firm look, his judgments are categorical, and objections are not accepted. He believes that he has the right to do so; there simply should not be another point of view.

Pavel lives his own inner life, he has an extremely rich imagination, wonderful memory and highly developed intuition. He will immediately understand any situation and understand all the undercurrents. Pavel is a man with the deepest intellect, but his mind is somewhat passive. Pavel loves to study. He is fascinated by classical sciences, languages, and oratory. Pavel has been looking for his place in life for a long time, but having made a decision, he no longer changes it, although he may become disappointed in his profession. Therefore, he does not always achieve a high level of professionalism in his chosen specialty. He can become a good administrator and lawyer, radio and television worker, philosopher, religious leader, even a teacher, but this is only because teachers have long vacations; he usually is not a successful entrepreneur because he does not have a strong will.

Pavel is capable of love, but he does not understand how it is possible not to respond to his feeling. He experiences defeat in love especially hard. He attracts the attention of women with his pleasant appearance, intelligence, spirituality, however, the latter can also be a mask; at this time he himself thinks about the sensual. Pavel is a remarkably tender and passionate lover. He usually marries late, helps his wife with housework, but does not like it when strangers know about it. Likes to receive guests and drink, but in moderation. She values ​​material well-being in the home and does not refuse additional work, as long as it is not too burdensome.

It is quite difficult to be Paul’s wife; she must have a truly angelic character in order to withstand his whims, insults, and injustices. When communicating intelligently with strangers at home, Pavel allows himself to show the weaknesses of his character. His most successful marriage will be with Vera, Dina, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Maya, Sophia.

Surname: Pavlovich, Pavlovna.


Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898) - Moscow merchant, founder of the first museum of Russian art.

Tretyakov did not have a special education in the humanities, but independently acquired comprehensive knowledge of art history. He loved music, visited theaters, and knew outstanding Moscow and St. Petersburg artists. At the end of the 1850s, he began collecting paintings from the Russian school. This business became the meaning of his whole life. Convinced of the creative powers of his people, he said: “I somehow believe that our Russian school will not be the last.”

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was not just a collector. He persistently and purposefully carried out his cherished idea - to turn his private collection into a people's museum of Russian art, to transfer his gallery to Moscow. This is evidenced by his will, drawn up back in 1860. Tretyakov understood that his collecting should not reflect only personal tastes, it should correspond to the full picture of the development of Russian fine art.

Tretyakov was reasonable, calculating and did not hide it. “I always tell you,” he wrote to the artist I. Kramskoy, “that I want to buy as cheaply as possible, and, of course, if I see two numbers, I will always choose the smaller one: it’s not for nothing that I am a merchant, although I often have anti-merchant virtues.” Tretyakov spent over a million rubles on acquiring the collection, adding and expanding the gallery building five times.

Possessing impeccable taste, he amazed with his unmistakable judgment about the artistic merits of a work. This allowed him to choose for his gallery all the best and most talented that Russian painting offered at that time. Quiet, silent, reserved, he appeared in artists’ studios, where works of art were still standing on the easel. Who knows how many wonderful artistic ideas would not have been realized if Tretyakov had not supported them financially! Progressive artists appreciated Tretyakov’s work; they considered it a great honor for themselves when their best works entered his collection. They understood that by doing so they received the highest appreciation for their creativity and entered the history of Russian art. In relations with artists, Tretyakov acted not only as a buyer, but also as a subtle, thoughtful critic, and often an adviser. He mainly acquired works by contemporary democratic artists, realists, with whom he deeply sympathized. However, he knew very well the work of significant Russian artists of the previous era and bought their works.

The magnificent result of the selfless work of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov is the gallery he founded - the beauty and pride of Russian national culture.

Pavel is a very capricious and selfish person. He does not like deception and is straightforward. He prefers to stay away from scandals.

The name Pavel, translated from Latin, means “small”, “baby”.

Origin of the name Pavel:

The name Paul comes from the Latin word "paulus". It was usually given to the latest or youngest child in the family.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Pavel:

Little Pavlusha is a kind and sympathetic child. He with great desire helps his mother take care of his younger sister or brother. He is very obedient and decent, so he does not violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his comrades not to cross the line of what is permitted.

The adult Pavel further demonstrates his ability to empathize and sympathize. People willingly trust him with their deepest secrets, and he is able to become their keeper. By nature, Pasha is very calm, even phlegmatic, somewhat slow, as well as kind and sympathetic, which very much attracts others to him. Sometimes he can stand up for the undeservedly offended, although he cannot be called a fighter for justice. Knows how to find compromises. He will try to extract some benefit from the current situation. Pavel is selfish, although he tries to hide it from others. He can be very categorical, believing that there is one correct opinion, and this is his opinion.

Pavel is inclined to philosophize and often chooses a profession accordingly. Colleagues at work value in Pavel, first of all, reliability, hard work and the ability to come to the aid of his friend at any time. He does his job conscientiously, so there is no need to adjust or force him. Pavel always strives for the opportunity to earn additional money, but only if this does not require him to violate a certain way of life. He has a very rich imagination, lives in his own inner world, has an excellent memory and very developed intuition. He will quickly understand any situation and find all the pitfalls. Pavel is a man of great intelligence, although somewhat lazy. Pasha loves to study very much. He is interested in classical sciences, languages, and oratory.

Pavel has been looking for his place in the sun for a very long time, but once he makes a decision, he does not change it, although over time he may become disappointed in his chosen profession. For this reason, the desired level of professionalism is not always achieved. He can become an excellent lawyer or administrator, television and radio worker, philosopher, religious figure, teacher. However, the laurels of a successful entrepreneur do not shine for him, since he does not have a strong will.

He is a gentle and passionate lover, however, he marries quite late. As a rule, there is nothing too outstanding or bright in Pavel’s appearance. His relationship with a woman, in most cases, is warm and smooth. Pavel is not always able to experience violent feelings and real passions. He gladly helps his wife with housework, but prefers that others not know about it, since he is sincerely afraid of ridicule. He devotes a lot of time to raising his beloved children. A wonderful father, a positive family man. He likes to host guests rather than visit himself.

Pavel will have a successful marriage with owners of such names as Dina, Vera, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Sophia, Maya.

A well-known representative of this name was Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. This man was the founder of Russia's first art museum.

The majestic name Paul is translated from Latin as “small.” This name was given to one of the apostles of Christ, so it can be found among many peoples - Paul, Pablo, Paul. A what's hiding behind this name?

Name Pavel for a boy

The child, who was named Pavel, grows up very responsive and kind. If, in addition to Pavel, there are other children, then he will definitely help take care of them. To the extent that he grows up calm and friendly, he will never offend other children.

During his school years, he is characterized by laziness, but at the same time he is flexible and obedient. With the right approach, Pavel will easily reach for knowledge.

With age, Pavel does not lose his characteristic trait of empathy, so people are increasingly drawn to him.

Basic character traits:

  • modesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • hard work;
  • reliability;
  • affection;
  • woman-loving;
  • mercantile

Character by name

You can easily entrust any secret to Pavel; he is not a talker at all; out of friendship, he will keep it for many years. Family relationships are built on complete calm without unnecessary storms and passions. There is always an equal relationship between him and his wife, so Pavel can easily help in everything, but he will not allow him to sit on his neck.

Despite the ability to quickly navigate any situation, relying on his clear mind, Pavel also has quite a developed intuition, but he resorts to it less often. To the extent that it is difficult for him to plan anything, it is also difficult to take the first step in the matter.

Pavel is patient and knows how to wait, although slowly but confidently he moves towards his goal and no difficulties can lead him astray. It is worth noting that Pavel is partly a perfectionist. If he has a desire to go towards something, then he will do it slowly but surely, treating others with all nitpicking.

If we talk briefly about Pavel, then he has a lively mind and intellect; you will never get bored with him.

Let us note that Pavel has his own cockroaches living in his head, which he furiously hides, but sometimes they themselves even scare him. From the outside we can conclude that he is a cold and distant person. But, despite this, Pavel is a romantic person and is capable of incredible deeds. His character can sometimes even be called feminine, he is so soft. But in no case can one say that this man is a rag; in difficult situations, Pavel shows himself heroically and courageously.

Family matters

In family relationships he is not jealous; he completely tries to trust his chosen one. In addition, it will be easy for the conqueror of his heart to get what she wants from him.

Fatherly qualities are manifested in him to the maximum– loves children, and also takes full responsibility for them.

Pavel finds peace in his home environment; he can firmly be called a homebody, since noisy companies only repel Pavlusha. He considers traveling to be the best way to spend his leisure time; he is attracted to learning something unknown and new.

Pavel and professions

The constant desire to earn money leads him to searching for new sources of income. If you entrust Pavel with work that is not even professional in nature, he will still complete it with full responsibility and knowledge of the matter.

Pavel is a person who is in the shadows, he does not know how to lead people, much less plan something, so leadership positions are not for him.

The likelihood that Pavel will become a successful administrator. Also professions in which Pavel can achieve success are journalist and lawyer. Oratory comes very easily to them, so success on the radio is guaranteed. Pavel has absolutely no desire to reach the top, so fate destined him to be an ordinary employee.

Name compatibility

Fate is preparing a strong union and a happy family with Dina, Zina, and Serafima. An equally successful marriage awaits with Elvira and Maya. The union will be filled with passion, but, unfortunately, without a happy outcome with,.

The meaning of the name according to the theory of Pavel Florensky

It is difficult to determine explicit internal energy. Paul can be a rebel one minute and fall deeply, and then remain completely peaceful and calm and rise up.

Two integral components live in this personality - faith and will. Fate predicted the bearer of the name tireless stress in life, perseverance and effort. There is an internal contradiction within him that can break the curve of his life.

First of all, Paul needs to embody and raise the spiritual principle within himself, without which the subsequent path will be wrong.

Meaning and origin of the name

Few people know, but the Apostle Paul was called Saul before he turned to Christ, which is why the name Paul came from him.

Comes from the word “Paulus”, which in Latin means “small”, “small”, “baby”.

This name can simply be described as colorless, since all the character traits inherent in the name indicate that the owner is a reserved person. The name gained its popularity in the 60s-70s of the last century, when there were about ten Pavlovs for every thousand children. Since that time, the name has not lost its popularity thanks to the apostles Peter and Paul.

Pavel's health

The owner of the name is always scrupulous about his appearance; he has a clear desire to dress beautifully. In general, he lives as a healthy person, but often has a predisposition to sexual neurosis. His health depends on the harmony of sexual relations.

It is extremely rare, but a depressive state may occur due to constant pessimism, and, consequently, a bitter feeling of disappointment.

Although he does not show his jealousy, this feeling is inherent in him, which is why his nerves also often suffer.

Paul's name day

Main patrons named after Paul are:

  • Paul of Byzantium (June 3)
  • Pavel Latriysky (December 15)
  • Paul the New of Constantinople (August 30)
  • Paul the Corinthian (June 21)
  • Pavel Kozelsky (January 10)
  • Pavel of Nicea (September 10)
  • Pavel Obedient (December 7)
  • Pavel Sinaisky (January 14)
  • Paul of Egypt (January 15)

As we see, Paul has a sufficient number of patron saints, and this is not the entire list that can be named.

The meaning of the name Pavel and versions of its origin.

The beautiful name Pavel has recently ceased to be popular as most young parents strive to name their children more modernly. And none of them suspects that it is capable of endowing its owner with a huge number of positive qualities that will help the little man turn into a real man. In our article we will try to talk in more detail about the origin of this name, as well as its energy.

The name Pavel and Pasha: are they different names or are there similarities and differences?

Character of Pavel (Pasha)

Some people mistakenly think that Pavel and Pasha are different names with different energy and life codes. In fact, the name Pasha is a shortened form of the sonorous name Pavel. That is why they reward a man or boy with the same positive and negative character traits. As a rule, both Pashas and Pavels have an open and cheerful disposition, which helps them make friends with ease.

Little owners of this name are very obedient and hardworking. They always live by the rules set by adults, and do not even try to disobey their parents or teachers. The Pavels carry their hard work and ability to accept people as they are into adulthood. Thanks to this, they move through life with ease and quickly achieve all their goals.

As for negative qualities, more than anyone else, the owners of this name express talkativeness and the desire to show their superiority. That is why it is best not to trust Paul with their secrets, because due to their character they simply will not be able to keep everything to themselves for a long time. But despite this, people still try to be friends with Pavel because he knows how to admit mistakes and properly make amends.

Name Pavel and Pasha: origin of names

As a rule, people living in Russia consider this name to be Russian and most often associate it with the Apostle Paul, whose name is mentioned in the Church Saints. In fact, it came to us from Ancient Byzantium around the 10th century. It was during this period that people began to accept Christianity en masse and during baptism they tried to choose the names of Holy People.

Initially, the name Pavel was pronounced in a foreign manner Paulus. That is why the first owners of this name were most often called Pasha or Pavlusha. But over time, when Christianity became more widespread and Rus' began to canonize its Saints, the name Paulus was transformed into the familiar Paul. They named him a man who at the beginning of his life was an ardent opponent of Christianity. But in adulthood, he radically changed his views and began to preach faith in God and did this even when his life was under threat.

For such dedication, he was canonized as a Saint and began to be called Apostle Paul. But this name cannot be considered truly Russian. It is quite common in other territories, it just sounds a little different, for example, Pauline or Paul. And this is probably why most scientists agree that it has Latin roots. Most often, its entire appearance is associated with the ancient tradition of naming sons the same as fathers.

And so that in the end, relatives could correctly address the owners of the same name, the prefix Paulus was invented, which meant Junior or Kid. As a rule, it was used when addressing a child or teenager. In the 17th-19th centuries, this prefix was transformed into the name we are familiar with and began to sound like Pavel (Pasha) and be translated as Small or Insignificant.

Pavel and Pasha: how to write the full name in the passport?

Pavel and Pasha: writing in the passport

I would like to say right away that although the name Pasha is a shortened form of the name Pavel, you will not be able to enter it in your passport. This is due to the fact that it is prohibited to use abbreviated and affectionate word forms in official documents.

To fill out official forms, there is a transliteration approved at the state level, which is used by passport office workers to enter names into documents. So the name Pavel (Pasha) will be entered in the Russian passport, as Paul. It will be entered in the document for foreign travel as follows: Pavel.

Full and abbreviated name, what will it be like from the name Pavel and Pasha?

Initially, it may seem that the two above-mentioned names do not have abbreviated and affectionate forms. But if you try to look for similar information in open sources, you will find that even the abbreviated word form Pasha can be pronounced a little differently.

So :

  • Pavlik
  • Pavlusha
  • Pavlushka
  • Pavlunya
  • Pavlyusya
  • Pashechka
  • Pashunchik
  • Pashutka

Is it possible to call Pavel Pasha and vice versa?

Pavel can be called Pasha and vice versa

If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that Pasha and Pavel are the same name. Therefore, if you wish, you can name your son, brother, husband or friend any of them.

However, you should take into account that the full word form is more suitable for adults and respectable men. The abbreviated form is best used to refer to a little boy or a very close person.

Video: The meaning of the name. Paul

What is the origin story and meaning of the name Paul? What characteristics do these men have regarding family, career and health? How to raise a boy named Pasha, and what to pay special attention to? Find out in this article.

History of origin and significance

The name Paul came to our lands from Byzantium. It became widespread after the adoption of Christianity thanks to the Apostle Paul, who is revered among the saints in Orthodoxy. In the 70s, the name became so popular in Rus' that every tenth boy was named by it.

Paul means "small", "lesser", "junior". The fact is that previously it was customary to name sons after their fathers, which caused confusion in the family. Therefore, they began to use the prefix paulus before the son’s name, which meant “younger.”

The name Paul in the church remains unchanged. This name was borne by one of the twelve apostles, revered in Christianity. Pavlov celebrates Angel's Day (name day) many times a year, depending on the date of birth.


Pashas are mostly prone to introversion. These people are focused on themselves, their feelings, their dreams, their ego. They cannot be called extraordinary personalities, however, because of their openness and ability to empathize, the Pavels still find friends.

As a friend of Paul, you should remember that they are overly talkative. Giving away someone else's secret is a common thing for them. Therefore, think twice about whether you should reveal something secret to him. Despite the fact that Pashas love to gossip, it is difficult to be angry with them, because they are so charming.

Due to the fact that Pashas are very focused on themselves, they do not strive to understand other people and accept their behavior. They should be more tolerant of other people's weaknesses and accept opinions different from their own.

Pavels love to think about lofty matters and the meaning of life, such is their nature. They have their head in the clouds, however, they are still ordinary people who need care and female attention. Pashas strive for self-development and never sit still. But despite this, difficulties frighten them. This is not the nature of a fighter; Pavel would rather step aside than fight.

Love, marriage and family

What is the nature of the naming Paul in terms of love and marriage? Let's figure it out. Pasha is a self-sufficient person, so he definitely won’t assert himself in a love relationship. Pavel is quite picky in his relationships and makes too many demands on his chosen one. This often creates problems for him, since few people fit all his requirements.

Paul is reserved both in life and in love. However, if he finds the woman who matches his ideal, he can jump into the pool headlong and completely surrender to the feeling. In fact, Pasha is a very sensual man, but he tries to hide it from prying eyes. Even his beloved may consider Pasha too cold. Time will pass, and when he opens up to a woman for real, she will understand how much she was mistaken about him.

A strong family and marriage is what Pavel secretly dreams of. He knows how to look after beautifully, but most likely he will not do this. Restraint and practicality - this is the meaning of the name Pavel. A girl who accepts these rules of the game will ultimately be satisfied. After all, these men are ready to do a lot for the sake of their family.

Female names that are ideal for naming Pavel:

  • Anastasia;
  • Faith;
  • Anna;
  • Tatiana;
  • Julia;
  • Elena;
  • Margarita.

Intimacy for Pasha plays one of the key roles in his relationship with a woman. It is important for him to receive satisfaction both physically and mentally. Therefore, a girl who rejects his sexual fantasies will be rejected.

If mutual passion subsides in marriage, Pasha will easily find a temporary replacement. At the same time, he himself is quite jealous. Being spiritually faithful to his wife, he will not disdain to go outside in search of physical satisfaction.


As mentioned above, Pasha has a desire for constant improvement. He loves to learn and does not stop doing this throughout his life. Pavel has an aptitude for both the exact sciences and the humanities. He can make an excellent lawyer, administrator, mathematician, journalist, teacher.

A man with this name is good at public speaking, so a suitable vocation for him would be a lawyer, lawyer, television or radio presenter. He can make a good financier, since Pavel is easy to work with money.


As a rule, Pashas have good health, however, mental overstrain is contraindicated for them. Depression and mental fatigue can lead to weakened immunity.

Men and boys with this name are prone to the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • sexual neurasthenia;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • hearing impairment.

The parents of little Pasha should know this in order to prevent the manifestation of the listed diseases and disorders.

A child named Pavel

A boy named Pasha is strongly attached to his mother, is obedient and not capricious. Already from childhood, one can note a tendency towards slowness and prudence. At school, Pasha studies “excellently” only in those subjects that he likes. It is difficult for him to concentrate on subjects that he does not like.

Pavlik’s parents should instill in him from childhood the ability and desire to communicate with peers. These boys are prone to isolation and loneliness, which in the future can lead to anger towards everyone around them. We need to make him understand that neither studying nor playing sports can replace live communication with friends.

Parents should also instill in the boy high moral principles. His excessive desire for wealth and power should be curbed by directing his energy in a more peaceful direction. The boy’s strengths can be channeled into creativity or the desire to teach. These areas of work would suit Paul's character perfectly.
