Mastitis symptoms and treatment. Mastitis: home treatment with folk methods

Non-lactational mastitis is a character that affects the mammary gland. It occurs outside the period of breastfeeding. Among the main causes, doctors note those occurring during menopause or menopause. In girls during adolescence, breast tissue increases under the influence of estrogen. But the rapid formation of the body is reflected in the work of immunity. A decrease in protective functions is another cause of mastitis. Timely treatment of this disease can minimize the likelihood of complications. To do this, you need to know the signs of mastitis in non-nursing women. Symptoms of the pathological process, the main causes, as well as treatment methods will be discussed in this article.

Why does mastitis occur?

The main reason for the development of the disease are hormonal disorders. Non-lactating mastitis occurs in women during menopause, when estrogen levels fall, and in girls during puberty. Symptoms of this disease are not excluded even in young children.

Certain factors can also provoke mastitis in non-lactating women:

  • mechanical damage and injury if an infection gets into the wound;
  • weakened immunity against the background of certain diseases (diabetes mellitus, beriberi);
  • breast surgery.

In infants, mastitis is usually diagnosed in the first weeks of life. The mammary glands swell, a secret accumulates in them that cannot be squeezed out. The main cause of non-lactational mastitis in young children is hormonal failure. The disease does not require treatment and resolves on its own in about a month.

Signs of non-lactational mastitis

The development of the pathological process begins with inflammation of the mammary glands. Initially, the symptoms of mastitis in non-breastfeeding women are mild. Then the secretion of the mammary glands increases, there is a slight discomfort and swelling. In the place of localization of inflammation, the skin sometimes darkens and retracts. Such symptoms force a woman to see a doctor. At this stage, the disease responds well to therapy.

Mastitis of the mammary gland in non-lactating women has several variants of development. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the clinical picture of the disease in relation to each form of the disease.

Acute and chronic mastitis

Given the severity of the pathological process and its duration, two forms of this disease can be distinguished.

In acute non-lactational mastitis, a woman is concerned about a minor gland, which may be accompanied by reddening of the skin in this area. As the disease progresses, there is discomfort in the axillary region, which is associated with the involvement of regional lymph nodes in the pathological process. Sometimes the temperature rises, chills appear. All these symptoms fully characterize acute mastitis in non-breastfeeding women. Signs of mastitis indicate serious changes in a woman's body, so you should not self-medicate. You must immediately consult a doctor.

Chronic non-lactational mastitis outside the period of exacerbation rarely worries. However, a dense infiltrate may form in the area of ​​inflammation. Some patients note the appearance of chest pains of varying intensity, which are given to the arm or shoulder. Such symptoms are aggravated before the start of the cycle. With an exacerbation of the pathological process, fistulous passages with purulent contents open. Outwardly, the disease resembles cancer in all its symptoms. Therefore, you should not hesitate and postpone a visit to the doctor. The lack of competent therapy can complicate mastitis in non-breastfeeding women. Treatment with antibiotics minimizes the risk of negative consequences.

Other forms of the disease

Non-lactational mastitis very rarely passes into more complex purulent stages and responds well to therapy. If this is a physiological condition, treatment is not required at all. The symptoms of this disease are largely determined by its form.

  1. Serous mastitis in non-lactating women, it is usually a borderline condition. Symptoms are often absent and more like mastopathy. Some women note moderate swelling and swelling of the breast, a slight increase in temperature.
  2. Infiltrative non-lactation mastitis has a more pronounced clinical picture. Patients complain of an increase in temperature and heaviness in the mammary gland. The chest may be hot to the touch.
  3. Purulent mastitis in non-nursing women, it is characterized by pronounced symptoms: chest pain, swelling, high fever. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply. This is due to the entry of toxins into the blood from a purulent focus of inflammation. The disease in this form resembles a pathological condition that develops during lactation.

Depending on the form of the disease, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. However, to determine it, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Diagnostic measures

Confirmation of the disease is usually not difficult. The diagnosis of "non-lactational mastitis" in non-lactating women is determined on the basis of complaints and the clinical picture. The doctor may also order an ultrasound and biopsy of the affected area. In especially serious cases, a microbiological examination of the secret from abscesses is required. In addition, a complete examination of the patient is carried out in order to determine the underlying disease that caused the hormonal failure.

Basic principles of therapy

Treatment of the disease depends on its form, stage and the presence of concomitant ailments. As mentioned above, mastitis in non-nursing women is sometimes a physiological norm. In this case, specific therapy is not required, limited to dynamic monitoring of the state of health. The disease in severe form is treated with antibiotics and antihistamines. All drugs are selected individually.

Depending on what caused mastitis in non-lactating women, several specialists may prescribe treatment at the same time. If the disease arose against the background of hormonal disruptions, the endocrinologist selects therapy. When mastitis is the result of an infectious process in the chest or injury, a surgeon's consultation is required.

Treatment with folk remedies

Along with conservative therapy, doctors recommend the use of traditional medicine. At the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to include procedures for washing the affected breast with a special infusion. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of a dry mixture of chamomile flowers and yarrow (1: 4), pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. This infusion has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.

To relieve puffiness, you can cook a honey cake. To do this, you need to mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of flour and knead the dough. The cake must be applied to the affected area, and covered with gauze on top. Such a compress must be kept for at least 10 hours.

Mastitis in non-breastfeeding women, the symptoms of which are described in this article, requires qualified treatment. Do not use High temperatures can cause suppuration. The use of folk recipes is permissible only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

There is no specific prevention of this disease. It is enough to monitor the state of immunity, treat infectious pathologies in a timely manner. These are the two most common causes of mastitis in non-breastfeeding women. Signs of mastitis should not be ignored, you should immediately consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that causes pain, swelling, a feeling of heat, and redness of the breast skin. Mastitis is often accompanied by fever and flu-like symptoms. Most often, this disease affects women who are breastfeeding, but in rare cases it does not develop during lactation.

In 90% of cases, mastitis is diagnosed in nursing mothers. Statistics indicate that the disease occurs in 16% of young mothers and in 74% of first-borns. Most cases of mastitis occur in the first three months after childbirth. At the same time, a woman may experience extreme fatigue, it becomes very difficult for her to care for a child.

Sometimes women due to mastitis wean a child earlier than planned, although in reality with this disease it is possible to continue breastfeeding.

Mastitis in a breastfeeding woman

In a woman after childbirth, mastitis makes itself felt a day later. More often, mastitis in lactating women develops as a result of the accumulation of milk and the addition of bacteria (staphylococcus aureus) to it, which penetrate the woman's mammary gland, causing a strong inflammatory process of the tissues.

If a nursing mother experiences signs of lactostasis, you should immediately contact a doctor in the postpartum department at a maternity hospital or a antenatal clinic if the situation arose after discharge from the hospital.

With mastitis, breastfeeding is prohibited. In addition, in the treatment of mastitis, antibiotics are mandatory, which penetrate into mother's milk. Even with a temporary suspension of breastfeeding during mastitis, it is necessary to express milk regularly and carefully. This procedure will speed up recovery and maintain lactation.

For the prevention of lactostasis and mastitis, it is important for the first two hours after birth to attach the baby to the breast, stay together between mother and child, and feed the newborn in a free mode. This helps to empty the milk passages, creating conditions for normal lactation.

Causes of mastitis

Mastitis develops when bacteria enter the breast tissue through cracks and other breaks in the nipples. These bacteria may be on the surface of your skin or in your child's mouth. They begin to multiply in the mammary glands, causing symptoms of mastitis.

Risk factors for mastitis are:

  • cracks in the nipples;
  • history of mastitis;
  • feeding in only one position;
  • too tight bra.

If you've ever had mastitis, chances are you'll get it again while breastfeeding this or future babies. The risk of recurrence increases due to delayed or inadequate treatment.

Stages of mastitis

There are three stages of mastitis:

  • serous;
  • infiltrative;
  • purulent.

The serous stage of mastitis is manifested by a large increase in temperature, deterioration. The mammary gland thickens, increases in volume, pain increases during feeding and pumping. With belated treatment, serous mastitis passes into the infiltrative stage within 1-3 days.

Symptoms of mastitis

In most cases, problems occur in the first days after the birth of a child. The first dangerous symptom of mastitis is the occurrence of even small cracks in the nipples.

After that, bursting pains in the mammary glands often appear. The chest swells, becomes tight and very dense, the skin turns red, touching the chest becomes very painful. This condition is aggravated by a significant rise in temperature and the onset of chills.

Mastitis symptoms:

  • pain;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • breast augmentation;
  • chills;
  • redness;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands;
  • hanging temperature up to 39°C;
  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • weakness;
  • headache.

At the first symptoms of mastitis, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and, as prescribed, immediately begin treatment. With treatment and compliance with all recommendations, recovery occurs in a few days, otherwise mastitis becomes more severe (infiltrative) in a couple of days.

Very soon, the inflammatory process intensifies, appear in the thickness of the gland, hot to the touch seals up to 3 cm in diameter. There may be several seals, while the elevated temperature persists, and the general condition worsens significantly.

With such signs of mastitis, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, dizziness, headache) are added. If you do not take radical measures to treat mastitis, a severe form occurs - purulent.

Symptoms of purulent mastitis

Symptoms of purulent mastitis:

  • severe redness of the skin;
  • increasing swelling;
  • breast enlargement;
  • an admixture of pus is visible in the milk;
  • pain intensifies.

The temperature during this period can rise and fall sharply, depending on the course of the inflammatory process caused by microorganisms. A decrease in temperature is usually accompanied by profuse sweating, and fever is usually accompanied by severe chills.

Signs of mastitis of this stage:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • pain all over the body;
  • hot to the touch chest.

Descriptions of the main symptoms of mastitis

Mastitis treatment

The strategy for treating mastitis depends on the nature, duration of the disease and the volume of the affected area.

Which doctors to contact for mastitis

Infectious forms are treated with targeted antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. In order to achieve the desired result during bakposev, the type of pathogen and its concentration are determined.

In the boundary conditions between mastitis and lactostasis, first of all, antiseptics are used and the dynamics are monitored. Only if the situation worsens, they switch to antibiotics.

It is necessary to express milk every 3 hours, but with an abscess, the breast should not be touched. If purulent bags have formed, doctors open them surgically or pump out pus through a needle, wash the mammary gland and prescribe antibiotics.

In the treatment of mastitis, local use of cold, immunomodulators and physiotherapy are prescribed. Acute non-purulent mastitis is not a hindrance to breastfeeding, but if the milk contains pus, it is forbidden to breastfeed!

If you have problems with your breasts during the feeding period, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate, it is dangerous!

Whether or not to continue breastfeeding while taking antibiotics, the doctor who prescribed the medication will tell you. With reduced immunity and erroneous treatment of mastitis and self-medication, the disease will go into a phlegmonous and even gangrenous stage.

Folk remedies for the treatment of mastitis at home

It must be remembered that folk remedies for the treatment of mastitis at home should be used only with the permission of the attending physician.

Stir rice starch in water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to the bandage and attach to the sore spot. After 3 hours, everything will resolve.
Prepare an ointment from potato starch and sunflower oil and lubricate the hardened areas of the chest with it.
From 50 g of mandarin peel and 10 g of licorice roots, prepare a mixture. Divide it into 2 servings and take it as an aqueous decoction 2 times a day. With the same decoction, you can make an external lotion to the hardened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest. Mandarin peel quickly inhibits the growth of staphylococci, which usually cause purulent mastitis.
Tie grated carrots, a mixture of bean flour with soapy water, or fresh cabbage leaves, fresh leaves of coltsfoot, burdock with a shiny side to the hardened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest.
Peel the narcissus bulb, chop and mix with thick rice porridge or rye flour, spread on the sore chest and change 2-3 times a day, washing off the hardened crust with warm water.

Diagnosis of mastitis

Mastitis is diagnosed based on the characteristic signs that the doctor detects when examining and feeling the breast. In addition, the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged and painful when touched. In conditions of suppuration, a peculiar symptom of fluctuation will appear.

The type of bacteria and sensitivity to antibiotics is determined by bacteriological examination. In addition, blood and urine tests are done for diagnosis. Sometimes the diagnosis of mastitis is supplemented by ultrasound of the mammary gland and echography of the breast. These methods provide information about the course of mastitis.

In addition, ultrasound visualizes the abscess and helps to see necrotic areas. Ultrasound is an accurate process: the specificity and reliability of this technique reaches 90%. If in doubt, fine needle aspiration biopsy is done.

Complications of mastitis

In the absence of adequate treatment of mastitis, an abscess can form in the chest - a cavity filled with pus. In this case, the pus has to be removed by resorting to surgical methods. To avoid this and other complications, you need to see a doctor as soon as you notice signs of mastitis and follow all his instructions exactly.

Questions and answers on the topic "Mastitis"

Question:Good afternoon, I have swelling after the treatment of mastitis. What do I need to do next? I don't breastfeed.

Answer: Hello. You need a full-time consultation with a doctor for examination and other diagnostic measures.

Question:Hello! I have mastitis due to a blocked duct. The mammologist expressed the pus with his hands, said that it was not yet an abscess and there was no need for a puncture. The child was ordered to be breastfed. After decanting, the redness on the same breast on the other hand will have to go and decante again, perhaps the pus is also in another duct. Temperature 39, appointed augmentin. There are seals in the chest, the doctor said that you don’t need to strain yourself, only to relief if the child refuses. Compresses, heat, physiotherapy is strictly forbidden. Question: how else can you help yourself and speed up the healing process?

Answer: Hello. You should not be treated at home - follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Question:Hello. I have an infant. I feed him with milk that I express. Since the problem with the nipple in the right breast. Everything was fine for a month. Now my right breast hurts. Increased in size, and one half is hard as a rock. I don't understand why. I express myself completely. Who to contact? What should I do?

Answer: You have all the signs of lactational mastitis. It is urgent to contact the surgeon for an examination and ultrasound. Based on the results, the necessary treatment for mastitis will be selected.

Question:Hello, please explain whether it is necessary to do any other tests: my child is 1.2 months old, breastfed for 8 months, I am 37 years old, at the moment my right breast is worried, a slight induration is felt, about a pea, during lactation the right breast was two times more, and there was more milk, and the child sucked more often on the right breast. Uzi did - signs of uneven moderate ductectasia from 0.11 to 0.24 cm. Zone of inflammatory infiltration. Lotions with Dimexide are recommended. But the procedure did not eliminate the seal. Is there anything else worth doing? Thank you!

Answer: In our opinion, you should consult with a mammologist. The seal you describe may be a completely harmless complication of limited inflammation of one milk duct against the background of lactostasis, but this assumption still needs to be confirmed. Your doctor will order additional tests, possibly a mammogram.

Question:There was no milk after delivery. My son was already 2 years old when I had mastitis, reached for purulent, went to the clinic, where they cut me alive, (I couldn’t go to the clinic because of the child). local anesthesia in the chest did not work, then every day they did washings and dressings (drainage was inserted), drank antibiotics and gave injections. 1.6 months have passed, as I feel again a seal on the same chest, there is no temperature, as it was the first time, I am in shock, what should I do? I won't survive this anymore.

Answer: You should contact your doctor again. It is possible that this time everything will work out, but it is better to have a doctor see you as soon as possible.

Question:Is it necessary to express milk after feeding? If this is not done, something will change and how it will affect the child.

Answer: It is recommended to express milk after feeding in order to prevent lactational mastitis.

Question:Hello. I'm 25. gave birth to a daughter on November 5 this year. Due to improper attachment to the breast, severe cracks formed on both nipples. I smear the rud with bepanthen and aventshvsky cream. Before each feeding, I wash my breasts, plus I regularly wear breast pads. Today, my chest began to hurt a lot with a light touch on it, there are no bumps and seals, I express myself regularly. Sometimes it starts to chill. Tell me, is it mastitis? and where is the best place to go. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer: According to the symptoms you describe, it is possible to assume the debut of mastitis. Consult a mammologist or surgeon for advice.

Question:I have mastitis. First, the left breast swelled up, then a small bump formed when you touch it, it becomes painful. There is no temperature yet. How is it treated, and is it possible without surgical interventions?

Answer: You need an urgent consultation with a surgeon. It is necessary to perform an ultrasound examination of the mammary gland, it may be necessary to puncture the compacted focus. If the diagnosis confirms the diagnosis of mastitis, then it is necessary to start antibiotic therapy. The decision on the need for surgical intervention will be determined by the attending physician based on the dynamics of the process.

Question:A 20-year-old girl was diagnosed with fibrous mastopathy. Give please consultation. How to be, what to do?

Answer: Treatment is necessary under the supervision of a mammologist. You may need hormonal adjustment.

Question:I am 18 years old. In 2012, during the examination, she was diagnosed with mastopathy of the right breast. Tell me, please, is it possible to go in for sports, in particular, do exercises for the chest with mastopathy? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer: With mastopathy, there are no restrictions for playing sports (which do not injure breast tissue). It is only necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the mammary glands by a mammologist.

Question:I am 29 years old, one child, breastfed until 10 months. I finished feeding in June, before the new year I found a bump in my chest, the size of a pea, right under the nipple. I turned to the gynecologist, she gave me a referral for ultrasound, but it is only in February. In my head, except for breast cancer, nothing else climbs. What could it be?

Answer: It is not necessarily a cancerous (malignant) tumor. More often in the areolar region (the area of ​​the nipple) there are cystic formations, benign fibromas. Therefore, there is no reason to panic. It will be necessary to make an ultrasound of this area. And for a 100% reliable determination of the structure of the seal, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy and microscopic examination of the biopsy.

Question:Good afternoon. Please tell me how to cure mastitis and why is it dangerous? I saw a doctor. An incision was made on one breast, but there was no pus. They prescribed antibiotics (Medocef) once a day and a compress (Dimexide) + Levomekol. Is this treatment correct? I have been on treatment for a week now. Can you tell me something. How to express and stretch your chest?

Answer: With mastitis, breast massage is contraindicated. Treatment is prescribed adequately - it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Question:Hello. The child is fully guarded. I recently had mastitis. I just called the doctor (gynecologist) and she diagnosed mastitis by symptoms. I was shivering, my temperature was 38. The skin around the nipple on only one side (a small area) was red, swollen and painful. the doctor prescribed an antibiotic (by phone) and a glucose dropper with ascorbic acid. I did not do all this, but only breastfeeding and that's it. The next day the temperature was gone. And the redness subsides. This is the third mastitis in four months. Prompt, what to me to do or make and whether it was necessary to do or make antibiotics? Still intimidate mastopathy in the future. Is it so?

Answer: At the first sign of mastitis, there is no need to take an antibiotic. It is necessary to properly massage the painful area and express all the milk to the last drop after the child has eaten. Try to protect your chest from drafts and empty it in time. If the temperature persists with purulent contents appearing from the nipple and the seal is very painful, it is necessary to consult a surgeon.

Mastitis, or, as it is also defined, the breast, is a disease in which the mammary gland is exposed to inflammation. Mastitis, the symptoms of which can be observed in women aged 15-45 years, in the vast majority of cases of occurrence is associated with breastfeeding, but the possibility of the appearance of this disease immediately before childbirth or without any connection with them and pregnancy is not excluded.

general description

Mastitis is noted in about 70% of cases in women who have given birth for the first time, in 27% - in women who have given birth for the second time, and, accordingly, in 3% of cases - in women with multiple births. It is noteworthy that mastitis can also develop not only in women without a corresponding connection with pregnancy, but also in girls, and even in men.

Mastitis, not associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding, is defined as non-lactational mastitis, it appears mainly due to trauma to the mammary gland, is not excluded as a cause and a variant of the development of this disease as a result of the relevance of hormonal disorders for the female body.

Causes of mastitis

As the main reason for the development of mastitis, the bacteria enter directly into the breast tissue. This can happen through cracks in the nipples, which in this case act as an open gate for penetration into the indicated infection environment, as well as through blood, which occurs in the presence of chronic infectious foci in the body. In the latter case, such foci include pyelonephritis, chronic tonsillitis and other diseases.

It should be noted that in a normal state of health, the entry of a certain amount of bacteria into the mammary gland leads to their corresponding destruction, carried out by the immune system. Meanwhile, the vast majority of cases indicate a weakening of the female body after childbirth, respectively, the immune system ceases to properly fight infections.

As an important point contributing to the development of the disease we are considering, lactostasis should be singled out, in which stagnation occurs in the ducts of the milk glands, which occurs due to insufficient decantation of milk, incomplete decantation, or due to rare feedings. Stagnation of milk in the ducts provides a favorable environment for the process of reproduction of bacteria, because milk as a whole has a mass of nutrients.

Mastitis: types

There are the following main types of mastitis:

  • lactational mastitis (postpartum mastitis) - the most common variant of the disease (about 85%), associated with breastfeeding;
  • non-lactational mastitis (fibrocystic mastitis) - accordingly, it occurs due to the influence of causes not related to breastfeeding;
  • mastitis (breast) of newborns - manifests itself in the form of breast engorgement in a newborn baby, and gender is not a determining factor in this case, respectively, the disease can develop in both boys and girls. The reason for its development is the transition from the maternal blood of lactogenic hormones (that is, hormones that stimulate lactation).

Based on the characteristics of the current inflammatory process, the following types of mastitis are determined:

  • acute lactostasis, in which there is no milk secretion;
  • serous mastitis;
  • acute infiltrative mastitis;
  • destructive mastitis;
  • chronic mastitis (in purulent or non-purulent form).

In accordance with the specific area of ​​localization, the following types of mastitis are distinguished:

  • subcutaneous mastitis;
  • subareolar mastitis (that is, concentrated in the area under the areola);
  • intramammary mastitis (focused directly on the mammary gland);
  • retromammary mastitis (focused outside the mammary gland).

Mastitis and lactostasis

One of the reasons that provokes lactostasis is the "irregularity" of the shape of the nipples (which is important with inverted or flat nipples), which makes it difficult for the baby to suckle the breast, and also leads to incomplete emptying when feeding the mammary glands, which, in turn, leads to lactostasis .

As we have already noted, lactostasis in general implies stagnation in the ducts of the milk glands due to insufficient expression. As a result of this condition, the mammary gland becomes painful, focal seals appear in it, disappearing under the influence of massage. From the painful area of ​​​​the gland, milk flows unevenly. Mostly without a combination with mastitis, lactostasis is not accompanied by a temperature, however, if lactostasis is not eliminated within a few days, then it will inevitably move to mastitis. Mastitis in this case is accompanied by a temperature of up to 39 degrees.

Accordingly, the basis for the development of mastitis is precisely lactostasis, which acts as the root cause. In addition to these factors, lactostasis is also caused by a number of other options:

  • improper attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • the process of feeding the baby when taking only one position;
  • giving the baby a nipple, which leads to subsequent tactics on his part as a "passive smooch";
  • the use of a special lining on the nipple when feeding the baby;
  • sleep on the stomach;
  • stress;
  • tight clothing, bras;
  • restrictions in the frequency of feeding the baby, temporary restrictions in this process, as a result of which the breast is not emptied properly;
  • excessive physical activity, spasmodic ducts of the glands;
  • bruises and injuries of the chest;
  • feeding the baby without warming up after suffering hypothermia;
  • sudden transition to artificial feeding of the child.

Mastitis: symptoms

The clinic of manifestations of mastitis today has the following features:

  • late onset, noted after a period of about 1 month from the moment of birth;
  • the frequent appearance of subclinical and erased forms of the disease, the symptoms of which are not evidence of the true state of affairs regarding the process in question;
  • the predominant variant of the appearance of infiltrative-purulent mastitis in patients;
  • the duration of the course of purulent mastitis.

The symptomatology of mastitis depends on its specific form, below we will consider their main options.

Serous mastitis. The symptoms of the disease, as, in fact, its course, are characterized by the severity of the manifestation, the onset of this mastitis falls on a period of 2 to 4 weeks from the moment of birth. There is an increase in temperature (up to 39 degrees), chills. There are also symptoms associated with intoxication in the form of weakness, headache, general weakness. First, patients experience heaviness in the mammary gland, and then pain, milk stagnation occurs.

At the same time, there is a certain increase in the volume of the mammary gland, the skin undergoes redness (hyperemia). When trying to express milk, severe pain is felt, the result does not bring relief. The lack of adequate measures of therapy, as well as the progression of inflammation, leads to the fact that serous mastitis develops into infiltrative mastitis.

Infiltrative mastitis. In this case, the chill experienced by the patient is strong enough, pronounced tension and pain are felt in the mammary gland. Also relevant are symptoms in the form of loss of appetite, insomnia, headache and general weakness. There is also an increase in the mammary gland, redness of the skin. In addition, patients experience pain in the axillary lymph nodes, which is combined with the pain of their palpation (palpation). The untimely treatment of this form of the disease, as well as the lack of effectiveness in it, leads to the fact that the inflammation becomes purulent, which, in turn, ensures the transition to the corresponding, purulent form.

Purulent mastitis. Here, the patient's condition worsens significantly. Appetite decreases, weakness increases, problems with sleep appear. The temperature rise is mostly kept within 39 degrees. The chill persists, the skin becomes pale, sweating increases. In the mammary gland, tension and pain are still felt, its size is increased, redness has a pronounced manifestation, the skin is swollen. Expression of milk is greatly complicated, often in the resulting small portions of it you can find pus.

Mastitis abscessing. As the predominant options, an abscess of the areola or furunculosis is distinguished, retro- and intramammary abscesses in the form of purulent cavities are somewhat less common.

Phlegmonous mastitis. In this case, the inflammatory process captures a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, followed by melting of its tissues and switching to the surrounding tissue and skin. The patient's condition is generally defined as severe, the temperature is about 40 degrees.

The chill persists, intoxication has a pronounced character of its manifestations. There is a sharp increase in the volume of the mammary gland, swelling of her skin. In addition to reddening of the skin, cyanosis is also noted in some areas of the affected gland. Feeling (palpation) indicates its pastosity (swelling), as well as pronounced pain. With this form of mastitis, the possibility of developing septic shock is not excluded.

Gangrenous mastitis. The course of the disease is largely complicated, intoxication has an extremely pronounced nature of manifestations. Necrosis of the mammary gland develops (that is, it necrosis occurs). The patient's condition is generally severe, the skin is pale, there is no appetite, insomnia appears.

The temperature is about 40 degrees, there is an increase in the pulse (up to 120 beats / min.). The affected gland is enlarged, its swelling and soreness are noted. Above it, the skin may be pale green or purple-cyanotic, some places have areas of necrosis and blisters. There is no milk, the nipple is retracted. Enlargement and soreness also occur in the region of regional lymph nodes, which is detected by palpation.


The pronounced manifestations of the symptoms of the disease we are considering do not lead to any difficulties in making a diagnosis, which is based both on the general complaints of the patient and on an objective examination of her mammary glands.

It should be noted that with an underestimation of the symptoms characteristic of a purulent process, as well as with an overestimation of factors in the form of skin hyperemia and the absence of fluctuation by a doctor, it can lead to long-term treatment of a purulent form of mastitis, which in the end will simply be unjustified. Irrational antibiotic therapy in the case of abscessing mastitis or infiltrative-abscessing mastitis leads to a serious threat of the development of the disease in its erased form, in which the symptoms do not determine the actual condition of the patient and the severity relevant to the inflammatory process.

In such patients, the temperature is initially elevated, reddening of the skin and its swelling are often noted, naturally, within the framework of the mammary gland. These signs are eliminated by prescribing antibiotics. As a result, the temperature drops to normal levels during the daytime, with a possible slight increase in the evening. Signs of a local character, indicating purulent inflammation, are absent or very weakly expressed. Painful sensations in the mammary gland are moderate. Palpation reveals an infiltrate with the same size or with the size gradually increasing.

Infiltrative-abscessing mastitis, noted in more than half of the cases, has an infiltrate consisting of a large number of purulent cavities of small sizes, however, when used as a diagnostic method of infiltrate puncture, pus can be obtained extremely rarely. If, however, the puncture method is applied to the erased form, then it is already expedient to assert its value as a diagnostic method.

As additional diagnostic methods, a blood test is used, as well as echography of the glands.

Mastitis treatment

The treatment of the disease is determined based on the characteristics of its course, form and other factors in a strictly individual order, and its measures are focused primarily on reducing the growth of the number of bacteria while simultaneously affecting the inflammatory process in order to reduce it. In addition, of course, therapy involves the selection of appropriate measures aimed at pain relief.

With non-purulent forms of mastitis, conservative methods of treatment are applicable. Antibiotics are used as the main drugs, the sensitivity of bacteria is the basis for their choice. Basically, these antibiotics belong to the penicillin group, to cephalosporins, etc. They are applicable internally, intravenously or intramuscularly. Anesthetics are used to relieve pain.

Expression of the patient's milk should be done at intervals of three hours and for both mammary glands, this is done to avoid stagnation of milk. The acceleration of the healing process is facilitated by a decrease in milk production or the complete suppression of this process through the prescription of appropriate drugs by a doctor. After recovery, lactation can be resumed.

As for the treatment of purulent mastitis, it is carried out exclusively through surgical intervention. As an addition to the treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures are used in the form of UHF and laser therapy, vitamin therapy, antianemic therapy and desensitizing therapy.

If mastitis is suspected, it is necessary to contact the attending gynecologist and mammologist.

Many women know what mastitis is, especially those who have carried and fed a child.

This is the name of inflammation of the mammary gland, the causative agent of which in 95% of cases becomes Staphylococcus aureus. It can be acute or chronic, lactational or non-lactational, caused by infection with harmful organisms, or appear due to milk stagnation.

After childbirth, nine out of ten women face it, primiparas are most susceptible to inflammation. Moreover, the disease can appear in men, and even in children, we will describe in detail all the varieties in this article.

Mastitis is usually divided into several forms or stages, which smoothly flow from one to another, if the disease is not treated. Each of them is accompanied by "their" symptoms.

Serous mastitis begins when harmful organisms enter the breast tissue, the symptoms are:

  • The temperature rises to 38-38.5 degrees, the patient is shivering;
  • The body weakens, appetite is lost, a headache appears;
  • In the chest area, a constant and pulling pain appears, which intensifies over time;
  • The skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation turns red, compacted zones appear.

The infiltrative stage is accompanied by the association of foci of inflammation, edema appears.

Accompanied by:

  • high body temperature;
  • Increasing pain;
  • The mammary glands become dense;
  • Lymph nodes are enlarged in the armpits.

Purulent mastitis, the most difficult phase, in which the infiltrate begins to fill with pus.


  • Body temperature rises to 39.5 degrees and above;
  • There is a strong and continuous pain in the affected area, often throbbing;
  • Lymph nodes in the armpits continue to enlarge and become painful.

Inflammation of the mammary glands in a nursing mother is called lactational mastitis, it is often observed shortly after the baby is born, and during feeding. The likelihood of its occurrence during breastfeeding increases if the mother does not properly express milk, or puts the baby to the breast. This leads to stagnation of lactose, the appearance of microtraumas of the nipple, through which microbes enter the body.

The fibrocystic form of the disease can appear not only in lactating women, but also in men. The disease can provoke a disturbed hormonal balance in the body, climatic changes, mechanical damage to the mammary gland, provoking necrosis of fatty tissues. Patients with diabetes are also prone to this disease.

Male mastitis is extremely rare, since at birth the glands in men are reduced, and therefore they are not intended for feeding children, and remain as undeveloped rudiments. However, hormonal changes may well provoke mastitis, due to which the glandular tissue begins to grow and then becomes inflamed.

In general, the symptoms resemble those that occur with other breast diseases. It can be confused with inflammation of the skin, subcutaneous tissues or muscles in the chest area, so before starting treatment, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Symptoms in men:

  • The mammary glands increase in size;
  • Redness appears in the affected area;
  • The inflamed area swells and hurts;
  • Other signs of inflammation

Due to the fact that the disease is provoked by hormonal imbalance, other symptoms appear, such as reduced potency, voice changes, muscle and fat mass can be redistributed.

In this case, all the symptoms remain mild until the mastitis becomes purulent. The diagnosis becomes obvious, but the only treatment available at this stage is the intervention of a surgeon.

Signs of mastitis

Since inflammation of the mammary glands most often occurs in women, it is they who are best acquainted with all its manifestations. Recognizing it is quite simple - fever, changes in breast size, tissue thickening, pain and increased sensitivity. In a nursing mother, the disease can cause manifestations similar to ordinary flu, the disease develops very quickly, a few days after the first symptoms appear, the skin begins to redden, and the lactation process causes a burning sensation and pain.

In most cases, the disease affects only one breast, after 6 months after the birth of a child, the threat of inflammation becomes minimal. But in the first two or three weeks immediately after the birth of the baby, the probability of occurrence is quite high, and remains so for three months.

If a woman has already been ill once and has cured mastitis, she still has an increased likelihood of recurrence of the disease. When signs appear, treatment should be started immediately, moreover, “grandmother's remedies”, arbitrarily proven and reliable, must be combined with treatment under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise mastitis may become purulent, after which an operation will be required.

Women over 30 years of age may experience non-lactational mastitis, which develops against the background of a weakened immune system, and the body as a whole, which causes sluggish pathologies.

Signs at first remain subtle, which makes diagnosis difficult. Between the ages of 40 and 60, symptoms may resemble breast cancer, to determine the cause of the inflammation, excision of tissue in the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe breast is performed.

Signs of mastitis in men compared to women are very small, and therefore inflammatory processes are not able to lead to noticeable malaise. Only if mastitis appears against the background of a hormonal failure, simultaneously with a weakening of the immune system, and if no measures are taken to treat it, the disease can develop to a purulent stage.

The disease can also develop in children, more often in newborns. Appears as a result of an infectious infection in the first few weeks of a baby's life, harmful microorganisms can enter the mammary glands through the blood vessels from other foci of infection, or due to mechanical damage. It proceeds extremely quickly, in a day it can reach the purulent stage. The intensity of inflammation and the likelihood of its occurrence does not depend on the sex of the child.

The symptoms differ little from those mentioned above:

  • A sharp increase in temperature;
  • Apathy or excessive excitability of the child;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • The affected gland significantly increases in size;
  • On the second day, the affected area swells, turns red, and becomes painful.

If there is even the slightest suspicion of mastitis in an infant, you should immediately seek medical help, the child and mother are most often placed in a hospital where the infant will be treated with antibiotics and vitamins.

Mastitis occurs in girls in adolescence, this is a consequence of the hormonal changes in the young body, due to which the immune system is temporarily weakened. It can develop to complex forms only if nothing is done.

You can learn more about the signs of mastopathy here:

Mastitis treatment

Regardless of the stage of mastitis, it should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. As soon as the first signs of illness appear in a nursing mother, such as malaise, high fever, she should contact the attending gynecologist, he will conduct an examination, determine the cause of the disease, and prescribe the appropriate treatment. That is, it is not recommended to treat mastitis at home.

The first thing the doctor will do for the examination is a blood test, the second measure will be the sowing of milk for sterility, this will determine the pathogen by their reaction to the antibiotic. Verification of the diagnosis takes some time, therefore, in the presence of severe symptoms, treatment is started immediately, and subsequently adjusted depending on the pathogen. Breastfeeding is stopped, as this can harm the baby. Milk contains both the pathogen and the medicines introduced into the body. The period for which the child needs to be weaned and transferred to artificial feeding is discussed with the attending physician.

In medical practice, antibiotic treatment is primarily prescribed. To do this, choose those that penetrate the breast tissues as quickly as possible, while they should be as effective as possible against the infectious agent. Such a selection of medicines allows you to create the maximum concentration of the antibiotic in the tissues of the mammary gland, where it can fight harmful microorganisms. The antibiotic is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, the doctor may also prescribe drugs in tablets.

The use of antibacterial drugs lasts 5-10 days, depending on the doctor's prescription.

It is important for breastfeeding women to void sick milk women to avoid milk stagnation, so a doctor may prescribe hormonal medications designed to speed up the flow and release of milk. Pumping is a mandatory procedure in the treatment, it must be carried out every 3-3.5 hours.

Naturally, such measures are not needed in case of mastitis in men. Treatment in this case is reduced to the usual medical intervention using antibiotics.

If the disease has developed to a purulent form, surgical intervention is indicated, and further treatment in a hospital. A purulent abscess is opened in order to prevent further development of the disease. The doctor may prescribe infusion therapy, which involves the introduction of glucose and saline solutions through a dropper, this reduces intoxication and supports metabolism. If the disease appeared due to weakened immunity, the use of immunomodulators is allowed.

After the treatment of purulent mastitis, the milk formed in the breast is checked for the presence of pathogens or medication residues. The study is carried out for about a week, if it showed a negative result, the mother can feed her child again.

Many people think about the treatment of mastitis with folk remedies, but the disease is too serious to self-medicate. By applying various plants and compresses to the chest, one can indeed contribute to healing, but such “medicines” can also be harmful if applied thoughtlessly. They can be used, but only after consulting a doctor.

As you know, it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it. A woman may well exclude the appearance of mastitis after the birth of a child, or minimize the likelihood of its occurrence, for this you can:

By following the correct feeding regimen so that it remains natural, avoiding stress, the likelihood of breast inflammation can be minimized.

While carrying a child, the mammary glands are prepared for future lactation, in the presence of mastopathy, or if a woman has previously undergone breast surgery, it is necessary to consult a mammologist.

In the second half of pregnancy, you need to wash your breasts every day with cool water, and wipe it dry with a hard towel, massaging the nipples. It is allowed to use special ointments and creams. Hygiene should not be neglected even after childbirth, the mammary glands should be washed every day up to 3-4 times, the bra should be comfortable. The mother should be able to walk regularly and eat right.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid the appearance of mastitis, and ensure the normal feeding of the child.

We welcome our regular readers and newcomers who have looked at our site in search of an answer to the burning question: what is mastitis and how to treat it. The main topic of today's article is the treatment of mastitis at home. We will also touch on the types of this disease, the factors contributing to its development and standard therapy.

This is easy to judge by the name of the disease alone, it speaks of an inflammatory process affecting the mammary gland. In the history of medicine, this disease is called - infants, which is also very significant. Think breastfeeding is only for breastfeeding mothers? It turns out that this is not so. This disease can be:

  1. In newborns, regardless of gender. A baby at the age of a newborn is associated with the ingestion of mother's lactogenic hormones into the baby's blood. In this case, the baby's nipple becomes rough and slight discharge of a translucent liquid may be observed. With mild symptoms, treatment is not required.
  2. Girls and women of all ages. Usually proceeds sharply.
  3. In men, because they also have a mammary gland, although it is greatly reduced. And its tissues may well become inflamed under adverse conditions.

Mastitis can be:

  • purulent;
  • serous;
  • and fibrocystic.

The most common is lactation (postpartum), caused by stagnation of milk in the breast. The second place in the frequency of occurrence is occupied by the breast of newborns and plasma cell mastitis.

Signs of the disease

In a nursing mother, acute inflammation of the breast tissue can occur against the background of prolonged lactostasis or develop very quickly without signs of milk stagnation. The main signs of pathology:

  • pain in the affected gland of a bursting nature;
  • swelling, the appearance of well-palpable seals;
  • swelling and hyperemia of tissues;
  • an increase in local temperature;
  • difficulty and severe pain when pumping.

With purulent mastitis with abscess formation, signs of general intoxication are added to local symptoms, body temperature reaches febrile numbers, lymph nodes in the armpit on the side of the lesion increase, tachycardia, weakness, and headache are noted. In milk, an admixture of pus and streaks of blood is noticeable.

Inflammation of the mammary gland in women after 50 years of age, against the background of hormonal changes in the body, or in men, can be acute and chronic. The main symptoms, with the exception of lactostasis: swelling, redness, temperature (the area of ​​the affected gland is hot to the touch) will be the same as in lactating women.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Lactational mastitis usually develops against the background of poor outflow of milk, in the presence of nipple cracks or other microdamages of the areolar zone. Conditionally pathogenic microflora (staphylo-, streptococcus, rarely E. coli) under such conditions easily penetrates into the breast tissue and actively multiplies there. Contributes to the development of pathology and early weaning of the child from the breast.

Non-lactation mastitis is provoked by:

  • piercing of the areolar zone;
  • injuries in the chest and nipple complex, severe hypothermia in this area;
  • degeneration of breast tissue (age-related, associated with mastopathy);
  • infectious processes in the area of ​​sweat and sebaceous glands,;
  • fungal infections (actinomycosis);
  • STD (syphilis);
  • side effects of some antihypertensive drugs.

With the development of breast discomfort, it is worth seeing a mammologist. The most serious disease with which to differentiate mastitis is cancer. Mastitis itself is prone to progression, suppuration and abscess formation. In the latter case, the treatment will be exclusively operational.

Directions in the treatment of the disease

Standard medical therapy involves taking antibiotics. With non-lactational mastitis, physiotherapy may be prescribed. In the case of fibrocystic changes, treatment of the underlying disease is required ().

You ask whether it is possible to heal with folk remedies at home? It is better, of course, to visit a mammologist. But healers offer a variety of methods for treating this disease:

  • mechanical impact (massage: manual and water, suction of milk at);
  • use in the form of decoctions, infusions, lotions;
  • essential oils for rubbing the affected area and compresses;
  • apitherapy;
  • applications from the leaves of white cabbage, beets, carrots;
  • camphor oil / alcohol, linseed and olive oils;
  • salt heating.

In the case of lactostasis, in the past, husbands literally sucked milk from their wives in order to alleviate their condition. Today, any woman can use a breast pump. Maximum pumping is an excellent preventive measure and a necessary action for postpartum milk stasis and the onset of inflammation.

Simple and popular methods of folk therapy

Those methods that helped are good. Simple, affordable and effective measures are:

  • honey cakes;
  • compresses from cabbage leaves;
  • rubbing with camphor alcohol;
  • wraps with camphor oil;
  • dry heat (salt heating or using semolina pads).
  • compresses with aloe leaf or Kalanchoe;
  • poultices from sweet clover and sophora decoction.

A honey cake is made from honey and flour and applied overnight. Honey has excellent absorbable and regenerative properties. For a warming effect, you can drop 2-3 drops of juniper or fir essential oil into such a cake, if a woman does not feed a child during this period, it is better for nursing mothers not to use essential oils. Enhances the effect of aloe juice.

Cabbage leaf and camphor alcohol is applicable for serous mastitis, both postpartum and not associated with lactostasis. A white cabbage leaf is quite effective when used alone (cabbage must be beaten off with a chef's hammer so that it releases juice) and in combination with honey or sour cream / kefir. It has excellent absorbable properties, relieves swelling.

Camphor alcohol and oil are the first assistant to young mothers. Alcohol can rub the affected area. It is better not to put compresses on the chest area. The skin is delicate and can be easily burned. For a compress or wrap, it is better to use comfort oil. It has excellent warming-absorbing properties, fights inflammation and does not burn tissue.

A mixture of juices (aloe and kalanchoe) in equal parts with the addition of olive or linseed oil in the same amount and honey has a good anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates tissue regeneration.

Lotions and washing of the chest with decoctions of medicinal plants with an antiseptic effect accelerate the process of restoration of affected tissues. An effective remedy in the fight against inflammation is a decoction of sophora and a decoction of sweet clover.

Salt can be used as dry heat, as can semolina. To do this, bags filled with coarse salt or semolina are heated in the oven, in a frying pan or the lid of a boiling pot and applied to the affected area (carefully, do not burn yourself!).

Salt, preferably sea salt, can be used as a poultice. To do this, it is dissolved in water heated to 50 ° C, a towel is moistened in this water and applied to a sore spot. The procedure is effective in the initial stages of inflammation.

Other methods of folk therapy

Animal fats are often used to treat inflammatory processes. Bear and badger fat have gained particular popularity. With their help, mastitis can be prevented by treating the nipples when the first cracks appear. Treatment of the disease is carried out by applying warm compresses with these fats.

Traditional medicine recipes for patients with non-lactational mastitis are more diverse. On the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, they suggest applying a compress of grated beets or carrots. Well proven essential oils (mint, lemon balm, juniper, fir) mixed with olive or linseed oil, bear fat.

A rich selection of decoctions and teas. You can prepare drinks in equal parts:

  • with mint, lemon balm, sweet clover;
  • hypericum, sage;
  • a leaf of strawberry, blackcurrant and raspberry.
  • calendula, red-fruited mountain ash, linden blossom.

Infusions can be drunk, mixing them with tea, or separately. Usually 1 tablespoon of collection per 200 ml of water is required.

Remember that all these recipes are relevant at the beginning of inflammation. If purulent mastitis has begun, it is better to contact a mammologist in order to avoid the development of an abscess and an operation to open it or sepsis.

On this, let me say goodbye to you until new articles. Visit us anytime and invite your friends to visit us via social networks.