Watermelon crust. Is it possible to eat watermelon peel

Watermelon is a favorite summer food for adults and children. At the same time, everyone knows that not only the pulp, but also the rinds and even the seeds are edible in a watermelon. What are the benefits for a person from eating watermelons and watermelon rinds, as well as what harm they can bring to the health of the body, find out from the article and video.

What is watermelon made of and how is it used?

This melon plant is represented by a thousand varieties that differ in shape and size, color and pattern of the skin, its thickness, quality of pulp and seeds.

For 80%, this melon culture consists of water, therefore it has a low calorie content - only 25-30 kcal. At the same time, watermelon pulp is a source of:

  • organic acids;
  • fiber and pectin;
  • alkaline substances and lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • vitamins - A, PP, P, C, group B;
  • minerals - iron, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc and others.

Watermelon is 80% water

All these useful material in addition to the pulp, they are also found in watermelon peels, and some of them are fiber, amino acids and chlorophyll even in more. Therefore, it is recommended not to throw away the peels, but to use them for cooking. healing decoctions and infusions, culinary delights - jams, marmalade, candied fruit.

Watermelon pulp has also found application in cooking, drinks, syrups, jellies and other desserts, marshmallows, honey, salted and pickled blanks for the winter are prepared from it. Watermelon bread, dried or fried watermelon in batter looks quite exotic.

Attention! In terms of the content of potassium salts in its composition, watermelon is ahead of oranges and bananas, and in terms of the content of lycopene, a bioactive substance that opposes the formation cancer cells, - tomatoes. In terms of the amount of iron in the composition, watermelon is second only to spinach and leaf lettuce.

In China, watermelon seeds are as popular as sunflower or pumpkin seeds in our country. And not in vain, since they have antihelminthic action, promote healing vascular system, strengthening the heart. Watermelon seeds for a quarter consist of fatty oils, which in some countries is used for food.

Attention! The oil obtained from watermelon seeds has properties similar to almond oil and tastes like olive oil.

Watermelon seeds help strengthen the heart

What is good for health

Watermelon is a product that has medicinal properties possess both pulp, and crusts, and seeds.

Official medicine recommends the use of watermelon as a natural diuretic that can cleanse the kidneys. Together with urine, watermelon removes toxins, sand, toxic substances and salt deposits. It is also useful for the liver, especially for those who suffer from hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the biliary tract.

Watermelon is a real antidepressant, beta-carotene contained in it, allows you to cope with emotional and mental stress, stress. The use of this gourd culture serves as a preventive measure:

The high content of iron makes it possible to recommend watermelon as a means of combating anemia. varying degrees. Its use will be very useful to anyone who has undergone antibiotic treatment or has undergone surgical operation under anesthesia. Folic acid contained in watermelon is useful for women planning pregnancy, as it creates the conditions for normal development nervous and hematopoietic systems in the fetus. Its use by lactating women increases lactation.

AT medicinal purposes watermelon rinds are also used. For example, juice squeezed from watermelon peels and consumed on an empty stomach in 100 ml has a diuretic effect. Its use will be useful in inflammatory processes flowing in genitourinary system and to fight overweight, edema.

Watermelon juice has diuretic properties

AT home cosmetology watermelon rinds use:

  • for the preparation of lotions, the regular use of which has an effect on oily and combination skin moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect;
  • for masks that have a tonic effect on aging skin.

Watermelon seed oil has an antiphlogistic effect, accelerating the healing of burns and wounds. It is used for hair and nail care, as well as for the prevention of prostatitis and urethritis.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Basically, the harm from eating watermelon and watermelon peels is associated with their ability to accumulate nitrates and other harmful substances. Their use may cause diarrhea, allergic rashes, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. Nitrates, getting into the human body, can be converted into nitrites, which reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood, provoking the development of cancer cells.

Watermelon accumulates nitrates, so you need to use it with caution.

Advice! It is not worth the risk and buy watermelons before the season, most likely they contain increased amount nitrates.

Reduce concentration toxic substances in watermelon peels, soaking them in cold water for 2-3 hours will help.

Watermelons should be completely excluded from the diet in the presence of the following diseases:

  • colitis, dysbacteriosis;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • prostate pathology.

Watermelon can be given to children only from 2-3 years of age - no more than 100 g daily, from 4 to 6 years - no more than 150 g.

Children can eat watermelon only from 2-3 years old

The use of watermelon peels is contraindicated in chronic ailments gastrointestinal tract and kidney disease.

Take advantage of the watermelon season to enjoy the taste and improve your body. To be sure of the quality of watermelons consumed, it is better to grow them yourself or purchase them in stores and official markets, where they can provide a quality certificate.

The benefits and harms of watermelon - video

Watermelon - photo

A well-known berry from the gourd family, melon watermelon, enchants with juicy, fragrant pulp. And watermelon crusts are often not paid attention to, they are simply thrown away. Therefore, it is useful to know what they are good for and in what form they can decorate the summer (as well as winter and off-season) menus.

What can you tell about the features of watermelon peels and their benefits

Whole watermelon peel is considered edible, except for the thin green skin, which creates the classic striped color of the fruit. The taste of the peel is refreshing, peculiar, neutral-pleasant, but most people will prefer the watermelon flesh flowing with pink juice to it. So the crust is valued mainly for its beneficial properties, and not for its taste.

Although, after a certain processing, watermelon peels are very appetizing, and you can make candied fruits, jam and pickled snacks in jars in the manner of ordinary cucumbers from them, moreover, jam and pickled blanks can be prepared by mixing crusts and pulp.

In folk medicine, crusts are also used in the form of decoctions and infusions, they are dried (then they are ground into powder and taken orally, for example, with honey) and juice is squeezed out of them (but they will not be able to quench their thirst like a fresh pulp - it's just a natural medicine) .

The peels of ordinary (pink-red) and yellow watermelons are equally useful.

The energy value watermelon is low - 25-35 kcal per 100 g of pulp, and the peel is not far from this level, but only while it is fresh - the same jam from it contains about 235 kcal per 100 g.

As for comparing the composition and benefits of watermelon peels and pulp, they are largely identical, and the former contain even more chlorophyll, fiber and amino acids, of which highest value has a non-essential amino acid citrulline, which, although not involved in the synthesis of proteins for growth muscle tissue, but:

Promotes the removal of ammonia from the body, especially a lot produced during intensive physical activity, which, in particular, prevents the feeling of fatigue and pain in the muscles after these loads;

Acts as a vasodilator (by increasing nitric oxide levels), which improves blood flow and oxygen supply to tissues, normalizes increased blood pressure.

The carotenoid pigment lycopene, which creates the red color of the pulp, is contained in the crust, of course, less, but it still improves the condition of the skin - participating in cell renewal, the production of collagen and elastin for its youth, protecting it from solar radiation.

In watermelon peels there are vitamins - A, C, several from groups B and E, as well as minerals - potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, sodium, silicon.

And it is also worth noting choline (B4) - it enhances the action folic acid, and when paired with lycopene acts as powerful antioxidant- strengthens the immune system and protects the body from premature aging and risks oncological diseases.

What diseases will benefit from watermelon peels

One of the main properties of watermelon is a diuretic, it is also found in berry crusts and is characterized the following features:

Unlike many diuretics, watermelon does not flush out potassium from the body;

Eating watermelon, even in large quantities, does not irritate urinary tract;

If in the kidneys and bladder stones have not yet formed, but there is sand, watermelon helps to remove it;

Conclusion excess fluid accompanied by a decrease in inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, the disappearance of such unpleasant symptom, as increased urination and a decrease in edema (especially those caused by cardiac and kidney disease).

The use of watermelon peels makes a good contribution to prevention cardiac diseases.

Due to the combination of coarse dietary fiber (fiber) and compositional features, watermelon peels heal the digestive tract, including:

Restoration of disturbed intestinal microflora;

Normalization of digestion processes;

Reduction of pain in the stomach;

constipation treatment;

Healing of minor mucosal lesions.

Along with this, there is complex cleansing body from toxins and toxins.

Also, watermelon peels are useful for the following:

Relief of symptoms of joint diseases;

Treatment of cholestasis (stagnation of bile) as a choleretic;

Restoration of the full functionality of organs respiratory system after inflammatory diseases.

How else is the benefit of watermelon peels

Despite the fact that watermelon has an average and even rather high glycemic index(about 75 units), in its peels, firstly, it contains less sugar than in the pulp, and secondly, it is mainly represented by easily digestible (does not require a large number insulin) fructose.

Thus, the berry is not contraindicated in moderation in diabetes and overweight(obesity).

Another plus of watermelon is that it is entirely related to products. medium degree allergenicity.

watermelon peels(especially in the form of sweets) have a positive effect on nervous system- improve mood, help with depression and apathy, increase concentration and body resistance to stressful situations.

Watermelon is one of the healthiest fruits for female beauty, and although in this respect the peels cannot be compared with the pulp, all the same, they, in particular, improve the condition of the nails, giving them strength and shine, protecting them from brittleness and delamination.

Can there be harm from watermelon peels

Not all plants, like melons (which, in addition to watermelon, also include pumpkin and melon) are able to accumulate nitrates in the peel, heavy metals and other harmful substances.

But to know all about environmental safety places where watermelons are grown and how they fertilize them is rarely possible.

Therefore, in order to use watermelon peels without harm, it is recommended that, before eating them or harvesting them in any way, soak the crusts (having previously cleared the green peel) in cool water. In 2-3 hours, harmful substances will pass into the liquid, and the crusts will only be dried and used with benefit.

Excessive and prolonged treats with watermelon crusts (and pulp) can lower the level of potassium in the body and to prevent this phenomenon, and in order not to give up your favorite watermelon, it is recommended to introduce into the diet something that has plenty of potassium, for example, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, spinach , potatoes (with skin).

You should not get carried away with watermelon crusts in the last stages of pregnancy - despite the fact that internal organs and so they experience increased loads, its pronounced diuretic property can adversely affect a woman's well-being.

Also, in order to avoid harm from watermelon peels, they are strictly contraindicated in:

Tendencies to diarrhea and flatulence;

Urolithiasis (movement of stones can be provoked);

Inflammatory and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (but theoretically, the doctor can cancel the ban with favorable health indicators).

Most people are sure that the main valuable component of a watermelon is its pulp, while the benefits of watermelon peels are not regarded at all. However, this is a delusion, they contain all the same useful substances as in the red pulp. But there is not much sugar and water in the peels, but there are more amino acids there, and besides, they have more fiber.

What are the benefits of watermelon rinds? AT alternative medicine they are used as a diuretic, mild analgesic, mucus-removing, cleansing and cholagogue. The advantage of using them is that they can be dried and used throughout the year until the next harvest of watermelons.

Beneficial features

What is useful watermelon peel? Fresh and dried are used in the following cases:

  • to reduce edema that develop against the background of diseases of the heart and kidneys;
  • to normalize the water-salt balance;
  • to lower blood pressure;
  • to get rid of excess weight;
  • with gout;
  • during the recovery of the body after prolonged illness or after heavy treatment;
  • in order to remove toxins and salts from the body;
  • to normalize digestion during inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive tract;
  • to prevent the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys, as well as to facilitate the removal of small stones;
  • to normalize the stool with constipation.


Very good for health to use candied watermelon. They are especially recommended for people who suffer from arterial hypertension, problems with stools, colic in the kidneys and ailments of the pancreas. Candied watermelon can be used as an independent product, or you can add them to cottage cheese, cereals, and so on. But such a delicacy can also be harmful to the body - candied watermelon is contraindicated for people who are overweight and diabetes. To prepare this delicious healthy treat it is necessary to remove the upper skin and the remains of the red pulp from the green peel, cut the green peels into cubes and cook for about 10 minutes. Then put the candied fruits in a colander and leave to drain.

During this time, you need to boil water with sugar, and when the water boils, place watermelon cubes in it and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to infuse overnight. The next day, boil the candied fruits again for 10 minutes, and leave to infuse for the whole day. So repeat until the crusts turn into real candied fruits - they become transparent.

Most often, 4-6 repetitions are enough. If desired, when you cook for the last time, you can add vanillin, cinnamon, lemon juice or ginger. Let the finished candied fruits drain and cool, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and lay them out on foil to dry completely (this may take several days). Then store in a glass container.

For problems with the kidneys, with the heart, with blood vessels, as well as for rheumatoid diseases, you can use a decoction of fresh or dried watermelon peels. To do this, boil the crusts in half a liter of water for 20 minutes, then let them brew for about half an hour, then drink 100 grams 3-4 times a day.

From pain in the epigastrium, with problems with the liver, gallbladder, in diseases urinary system, and also for weight loss it is useful to take an infusion of watermelon peels. To do this, pour the crusts with half a liter of boiling water and put in a water bath for half an hour. Then for another half an hour, insist on the remedy, and drink half a glass every time before eating.

In cosmetology, peels are actively used to moisturize the skin, to regulate the work of sebaceous glands, as an anti-inflammatory and tonic. In addition, masks made from gruel of watermelon peels help to get rid of puffiness of the face.

Dry watermelon top layer can be ground into powder, mixed with natural honey and add some lemon juice. Such a remedy well prevents the development of cystitis, nephritis and edema. It is especially useful to use it in the cold season.

With infusion and decoction of watermelon peels, it is good to gargle with sore throats, process trophic ulcers or apply as a lotion for inflamed facial skin. Watermelon rinds can be combined with some medicinal plants.

So that the dry layer does not lose all the usefulness of fresh watermelon peels, they must be harvested correctly. The watermelon layer, peeled from the pulp and the upper skin, should be cut into thin slices and dried in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees. The readiness of the crusts can be determined by their fragility. If the plates break well, then all the moisture has come out of them, and they can be packaged in tissue or paper bags.


Despite all the benefits, improper use of peels can be detrimental to your health. The harm is caused by the ability of gourds to accumulate chemicals and other harmful substances in the upper layer - heavy metals and nitrates. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat fresh watermelon crusts, and before use (including before drying), soak for 2-3 hours in cold purified water.

Candied fruits and jam from them are not recommended for people with diabetes, overweight, as well as for diarrhea and serious illnesses. gastrointestinal tract. In addition, people with individual intolerance to the product and allergy sufferers should use melons with caution.

Regular use of watermelon peels can lead to a deficiency of potassium in the body (since it will be washed out of the body), therefore, when treating with watermelon peels, it is necessary to introduce dried fruits, nuts and honey into the diet.

Watermelon peels - what outweighs the benefits and harms? At correct application they can help improve health and even prevent the development of many diseases, but misuse Of course they can be harmful to health.

I didn’t even suspect that the WATERMELON PEEL can improve HEALTH! Try it yourself


What can WATERMELON SEEDS do for your HEALTH?

watermelon peel and watermelon rinds Should I throw away 47 folk recipes watermelon peel treatment

Live healthy! Watermelon seeds. Useful waste. (16.06.2017)

Do not throw away watermelon seeds and rinds. Unusual benefits of watermelon for the body

Watermelon rind jam. Easy jam recipe

What are useful watermelons and melons? Health School 23/08/2014 GuberniaTV

BENEFITS and HARM from Watermelon!

Many believe that the main value of a watermelon is the scarlet juicy pulp, which both little sweet teeth and adults love so much. Despite the fact that the main component of watermelon is water, the fruits, under the green peel, contain up to 13% sugars, dietary fiber and pectins, proteins, organic and amino acids. The sweet pulp of watermelon contains a number of important human body vitamins and macronutrients, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

At the same time, most consumers of this giant berry either forget or do not know at all about the properties and benefits of watermelon peels (see). But almost all bio active substances, available in the pulp, is also in this part of the watermelon. There is less moisture and sugar in the crusts, but much more fiber and chlorophyll, amino acids and some other active ingredients.

When enjoying watermelon, there is no need to rush and throw away the remaining peels, which are used in folk medicine as an excellent diuretic, cleansing, analgesic, choleretic and expectorant.

In traditional medicine recipes, peels are used to make juice, infusions and decoctions, and healing effect possess both raw and dried peels which are easy to store and apply throughout the year.

The use of raw watermelon peels in traditional medicine

Juice from the light part of the peel promotes the passage of urine, it is used for edema, inflammatory diseases urogenital area and include diet food when losing weight. The benefits of watermelon peels become apparent if you drink 100 ml of such juice on an empty stomach. Raw watermelon peels are useful for migraine pains, feeling unwell with fatigue and overwork. In this case, slices of watermelon peel are applied to the temples.

Moisture, amino acids, vitamins and microelements in the fresh watermelon peel are excellent remedy to maintain the beauty of the skin. Gruel from such vegetable raw materials:

  • actively moisturizes;
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • has a slight anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves swelling and tones.

Watermelon peels are useful in the treatment of digestive disorders, in particular, peel-based products are included in therapy for colitis, dysbacteriosis and dyspepsia in adults and young patients.

As remedy ethnoscience from watermelon peels suggests making decoctions and infusions.

A decoction of watermelon peels

The tangible benefits of watermelon peels can be felt by patients suffering from obesity, kidney and gastric diseases, if three times a day they take half a glass of fresh broth.

For 100 grams of crushed peeled watermelon peels, a liter of water is required. The mixture is kept on low heat for about half an hour, after which the product is insisted for about an hour, filtered and cooled.

Infusion of watermelon peels

With spasmodic stomach pain, diseases of the biliary tract and liver, overweight and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, traditional medicine recommends taking watermelon peels in the form of an infusion.

For its manufacture, crushed watermelon peels are dried, and then poured with boiling water at the rate of 500 ml of boiling water per 80 grams of raw or two tablespoons of dry, crushed watermelon peels. The agent is infused and filtered, after which 80 ml of watermelon infusion is taken three times a day before meals.

How to dry watermelon rinds?

Dried watermelon peels retain all active substances and have beneficial effect at gastrointestinal disorders, constipation and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.

Accept herbal preparation it can be in the form of a powder mixed with honey, or in the form of decoctions, to which other herbs are added for greater benefit, for example, calendula, calamus and yarrow.

For medicinal purposes, use the dense white part of the peel. Before drying watermelon peels or making decoctions and infusions from fresh raw materials, the hard colored layer is first removed.

Then the crusts are cut into thin elongated plates, convenient for laying in an electric dryer or on baking sheets. Watermelon peels are dried at a temperature of 55-60 ° C until the raw material loses moisture completely, when the pieces of peels become light and brittle.

When drying, it is important not to allow the temperature to rise so that the benefits of watermelon peels are preserved at the highest possible level.

Contraindications and possible harm from healthy watermelon peels

Because in surface layers melons can accumulate harmful substances, for example, heavy metals and nitrates, then with the existing benefits, harm from watermelon peels cannot be ruled out either. To avoid negative impact products based on plant raw materials, they take only high-quality, safe for humans, grown in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology.

You can insure and remove nitrates from the crusts by soaking the peeled pieces for 2-3 hours in clean cold water.

During this time, most of the toxic substances pass into moisture, and the peels can be used to prepare decoctions, candied fruits and jams, and also dry after removing traces of water. Beneficial features vegetable raw materials are preserved if candied fruits are prepared from peels. However, here, useful watermelon peels are harmful to anyone who suffers from diabetes or wants to lose weight.

But at renal colic, painful sensations in the stomach, ailments associated with the pancreas, with gout and a number of other diseases, candied fruits will be a good addition to the menu. Means based on watermelon peels are also harmful to those who are prone to diarrhea and suffer urolithiasis. Damage to the health of crusts can also be exacerbated chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon peel face mask - video

Now, of course, it’s too late, you can’t find watermelons, but the recipe for next year come in handy. Haven't tried it yet, very interesting. You can then make candied fruits from it. And also from melon peels, they also make jam.

Watermelon jam can be cooked both from the pulp and from the rinds. If you can’t eat the watermelon completely for some reason, and it’s a pity to throw it away, then you can just think about making jam. Moreover, it is very tasty! You can do the same with watermelon peels, which we usually throw away. But in vain! If done right, then each piece of crust will be golden-transparent with a small red edging (if left, not cut off) in a golden lingering syrup. Yummy.

The name "Watermelon peel jam" is conditional, because the green peels themselves are not suitable for jam. .

There are several recipes, they are slightly different from each other, I will give different ones here.

Option 1

Cut off the outer green rind from the watermelon rinds. Rinse the peeled peels well. Cut the white pulp into small cubes or strips (can be cut with a curly knife). Prick each watermelon cube with a fork.

Dissolve baking soda in 1 cup of hot water. Put the peels in a saucepan, pour in water with dissolved soda and add 5 more glasses of water. Mix the crusts and leave in soda water for about 4 hours.

Drain the water, and rinse the crusts very well from soda solution. To do this, pour the washed crusts clean water and let stand for about 30 minutes. Drain the water, rinse the crusts again and again pour water for 30 minutes. Drain water again.

cook sugar syrup. Pour half the amount of sugar (600 g) into a large clean saucepan. Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan and stir. Bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat. Put the washed watermelon cubes into the syrup. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave the jam to stand for 8-12 hours. After 8-12 hours, put the pot with jam on the fire and pour the remaining sugar (600 g).

Mix jam with sugar and bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, cook for about 20-30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave for another 8-12 hours. The next day, put the jam on the fire again, bring to a boil and cook again for about 20-30 minutes.

If desired, thinly cut zest from 1 orange and 1 lemon can be added to the jam in the last cooking. You can also put half a vanilla pod (vanilla seeds can be used in another dish) or vanilla sugar.

Sometimes the juice of 1 lemon is added to taste (some people like this option).

Remove the jam from the heat and let stand for another 12 hours. Arrange cold jam in sterilized jars (previously remove orange and lemon peels and vanilla pod from the jam, if added). The syrup should completely cover the watermelon cubes. Close the jars with sterilized lids and put them in a dark, cool place for storage.

Option 2

For jam, it is recommended to select thick-skinned watermelons. They are washed, separated from the pulp, cut into slices, cut off the outer green peel. The crusts are washed, cut into cubes and dipped in water for 5-6 minutes. hot water, to which citric acid is added (about 2 g per liter). After that, the peels are again immersed for five minutes in cold water. At the next stage, the crusts are poured sugar syrup, bring to a boil and cook until clear.

After the candied fruits are infused in syrup, they are again brought to a boil and again incubated for 6-8 hours. Then add the remaining syrup and citric acid and again boil for 5 - 10 minutes. After the jam settles for the third time, it is finally boiled and vanillin is added at the end of cooking.

Option 3

Watermelon peels are peeled from the outer green layer and washed well. Then they are cut into small cubes, put in a pan, pour cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After that, the crusts are poured into a colander.

Next, prepare the syrup: sugar is poured into a saucepan, water is added, put on fire and the syrup is added to a boil. Then watermelon peels, which were in a colander, are added to it, everything is mixed and left to cool and stand for about 10 hours.

After that, the jam is put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool again and stand. Then repeat the same operation again. And only after that, the jam is boiled and laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

Watermelon pulp jam

Watermelon pulp is cut into pieces and separated from the pits. The pieces are placed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled until softened. The water is drained, and 400 g of sugar are poured into watermelons and lemon zest is placed.

Now we are preparing the syrup. For 1 glass of water 400 g of sugar. The syrup is boiled. Then it is poured into watermelon slices. All this is boiled until thickened.

Candied fruits from watermelon and watermelon jam

The first stage of preparation is exactly the same as when making jam from watermelon peels. We clean the crusts, rinse, cook until softened. Then we cook the syrup, throw the crusts into it and let it stand for 8-10 hours. Then two or three times we repeat the operation of cooking and standing. After that, the watermelon rinds will have a glassy appearance.

Drain the syrup, leaving only boiled watermelon rinds. We post them on wax paper, let it dry for 8 hours at room temperature. After that, we heat the crusts in the oven, and then immediately throw in sugar, mix and lay out again to dry. As a result, the pieces will be evenly covered with a sugar crust. After some time, candied fruits will be finally ready.

And a simple version:

We cover the form with baking paper. We take out pieces of watermelon peels from the jam, roll each piece in powdered sugar and put it in a mold, on top of the paper. Put in a preheated oven on low heat. Dry for 20-25 minutes. Watch out for candied fruits, they can burn without supervision.

Candies from watermelon peels

Peel cut into thin strips (without the green peel of course). Cover them with sugar and leave for 4 hours. The crusts will give juice, drain this syrup and boil for 10 minutes. He must boil down. Fill them with crusts and leave overnight. The next day, drain the syrup again and boil. An hour later and so 4 times. The crusts will become transparent. For the last time, put the crusts together with the syrup on the fire and cook until tender.

Put the peels in the dryer for 20 minutes, or in a preheated oven for 10 minutes. Roll candies in powdered sugar. Put into jars. Store in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. You can add them to porridge, after cutting them. The same can be done from the pulp of pumpkin and zucchini.