A private music school is like a profitable business. Private music school business plan

Several examples of a successful start in the market of private music schools, including the sensational Virtuosi network, made many people think that business on the desire of adults to learn vocals or guitar is a profitable business. Of course, there is no such general hype as in the field of coffee to go, in this niche, and nevertheless, there are those who want to open their own “music box”.

But questions about what this business really is, and what it takes to run it, remain open. Let's try to answer them.

What are the prospects?

Music in Russia is not the most common occupation: only 30% of our compatriots have anything to do with this area. Basically, music schools are perceived as a circle for children, where kids are often sent without asking about their desire. As a result, students either do not complete their studies or graduate from music school with the firm intention of never touching piano keys or guitar strings again. Although there are many who love music all their lives, as well as those who have a desire to learn to play an instrument or sing already at a conscious age.

Get ready for the fact that the audience for such a school is very “motley”.

Elena Ostapenko

Renaissance plus

A variety of students come to us. Among them there are many who have already graduated from music school 5-10 years ago, and now would like to "refresh" their knowledge.

The second category is, of course, those who do not have any basic musical education. They come both in order to gain some knowledge, to master the instrument, and in order to learn one single piece. For example, we learned a song with a girl who wanted to impress the guests at a wedding in this way.

Also, we often come to those who are involved in music, but are experiencing some difficulties. For example, a person wants to learn some work, but he does not succeed. Therefore, he resorts to the help of a teacher and takes lessons.

It is worth mentioning that the competition in this area is quite strong, because you will have to compete not only with other private music schools. The main "enemy" is teachers who work individually. They can offer clients almost the same as you: professionalism, convenient schedule and individual approach.

For those who just want to play for their own pleasure, learn one piece or remember forgotten knowledge, there are also houses of culture in most cities. The risk factor here is that they can offer their services almost for free, which a commercial project in your person cannot do.

AT recent times State music schools also became competitors. For a nominal fee (500-1000 rubles for a monthly course), they are ready to teach adults to play instruments.

In a word, those who want it may well find an inexpensive option, abandoning the more highly paid commercial schools. Therefore, to stand out from the competition, you need to try. How exactly? Provide what they cannot provide: a special atmosphere, level of service and quality equipment.

What difficulties await you?

A music school for adults is a business based on the human factor. This is the biggest difficulty, especially when working with teachers. After all, they must be excellent musicians, and good teachers, and suitable employees - who will like the fact that an employee is constantly late, even if he is Beethoven and Makarenko in one person.

The second difficulty is that for an organization such music school not suitable for any room. Electric guitar solo, singing into a microphone, playing the saxophone - all this can please maximum one evening a week. But the daily loud concerts are rather infuriating. Therefore, opening a music school in a residential building is a failed option. Moreover, classes will be conducted mainly in the evening, when your clients come home from work. Unfortunately, at the same time, residents of the house come home from work and want to relax in silence.

It is best to open a music school for adults in a separate building, while taking care of soundproofing. But finding such an option is not so easy. A compromise option is renting space in an office building.

Please note that an individual approach to students requires individual rooms for classes, and not one large class. Therefore, most likely, you will have to rent the entire floor.

What does it take to open a music school?

A music school for adults is an informal institution, something like an interest club. For students, this is of course a minus - they will not receive any documents on graduation.

But for you in this situation, there are only solid pluses. Firstly, you do not have to obtain a license to conduct educational activities and spend time communicating with officials from regulatory authorities. Secondly, the absence of a license will allow you to build the program in a way that is convenient for your teachers and your students. With a formal approach, the latter would have to spend 7 years learning to play the piano, coming to classes consistently and on schedule. Agree, a rare adult will agree to this.

Elena Ostapenko

Renaissance plus

In a private music school for adults, a student may not spend time on solfeggio or memorizing scales. He can study only what he is interested in, and when it is convenient for him.

Of course, an adult is more difficult to grasp, and it is harder to learn: the fingers are not the same, and the memory fails, especially at a respectable age. But unlike children, all our students study purposefully, and this compensates for other shortcomings.

A couple more words about the features and capabilities

The income of your school depends on only two factors: the number of students and the assigned price per lesson. It should be noted that business is affected seasonal factor. Holidays and the holiday season are the time when everyone wants to relax. Therefore, during the New Year holidays, May holidays and from June to September, classes are empty. But from the second half of January to the end of April and from September to December, you can notice an influx of students.

Today, many private music schools cannot, in fact, be strictly considered music schools. It's all about what they use. additional ways increase your income. Namely, in addition to music lessons, they also teach painting or acting skills.

Table of contents

1. Summary 3
2. Business plan concept 5
2.1. Industry description 5
2.2. Description of the enterprise 6
3. Marketing plan 9
3.1. Studying competitors 9
3.2. Advertising budget calculation 12
4. Production plan 15
4.1. Types of services and their cost 15
4.2. Scope of activity plan 17
4.3. Calculation of planned revenue 18
5. Logistics plan 19
5.1. Characteristics of the room 19
5.2. Equipment characteristic 20
5.3. Depreciation calculation 21
5.4. Low-value and wear items, that is, non-depreciable equipment 22
6. Organizational plan 23
6.1. Organizational legal form 23
6.2. Organizational structure 26
6.3. Organizational costs 28
7. Plan for labor and wages 30
8. Financial plan 32
8.1. Calculation of the initial investment 32
8.2. Calculation of net profit 32
9. Risks 34
10. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project 35
References 37

1. Resume

The business plan was developed with the aim of creating an enterprise - vocal studio Lucky People LLC. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the popularity of the music sphere is currently growing. All more population wants to spend their leisure time usefully, to improve themselves in various spheres of life. Finally, the mentality of our compatriots has replenished with another very attractive point: investing in yourself is the most profitable investment. However, the number of organizations providing such services is not high enough. I would also like to note one more important point: the services of teaching vocal skills in our studio will be provided not only to representatives of preschool and school age, but also to older generations who, due to circumstances, have long wanted to master the skills of owning a voice, but could not realize their plans.
Organization goals:
Satisfaction of one's own economic interests through profit, through the satisfaction of social needs;
· high-quality customer service, with maximum attention to them and the offer of the most high-quality and profitable services;
· Facilitating the satisfaction of a wide range of cultural and spiritual needs of the client.
To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
analyze the market for this service
determine the organizational and legal form of the enterprise
increase net income
Reduce payback period
The branch of activity of the enterprise is culture and art.
The date of commencement of the enterprise activity is September 2013. (preparation for the opening - April-August 2013)
Address - Russia, Moscow, st. Mitinskaya, 49
The main activity of the vocal studio is additional musical education for beginners and those who already have skills in the vocal field. Classes will be held in several areas: academic vocals, pop vocals, jazz vocals, folk vocals, musical notation, solfeggio. The training will involve professional teachers with relevant musical education.
The business plan is designed for 1 year of operation of the enterprise. At the end of this period, the activities of the enterprise will be expanded, subject to the achievement of the goals and objectives.
As a result of business planning this enterprise it was determined that the required amount of initial investment will be 6,238,250 rubles.
The effectiveness of the project is reflected in the following indicators:
payback period of investments - 1.3 years
return on investment ratio - 72%
sales profitability ratio - 34%
break-even point - 5,614,039.1 rubles
margin of financial strength - 61%
production lever - 1.6
net present income - 8,113,750 rubles

2. Business plan concept
2.1. Industry Description
The music business is very popular in Russia today. Big influence This, in turn, has a rich cultural heritage of our country with centuries-old traditions. The traditions of Russian musical folklore are absorbed with mother's milk, imprinted at the genetic level in the citizens of our country. It is also impossible not to note the wide popularization of the sphere of show business, which also "attracts" people to various music schools and studios. Also, recently there has been a tendency to increase the popularity of "useful" leisure in order to obtain various skills and improve skills in various fields, among which one should note the training in vocal skills. However, despite such a wide interest among the population, these services are provided mainly in music schools and studios that have a focus on a certain age audience, and it turns out that the adult population seems to be “left out”. And the number of the above schools and studios leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is easy to win in this market with a competent marketing and advertising campaign.
In connection with the popularization of vocal art, the awareness of the population about the services provided and their value is growing, therefore, the illiteracy of potential customers regarding the usefulness of vocal skills as a commodity and the search for information about institutions providing these types of services is decreasing. Therefore, it is especially important to correctly outline the target audience, choose the location of the vocal studio and choose the right teaching staff.

2.2. Description of the enterprise
It is planned to create a new company in the service sector, which will deal with additional education in the field of culture, and specifically - teaching vocal skills. The Lucky People vocal studio will be registered in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the form of a company with limited liability, since this form is the most flexible in market conditions and optimal for creating a vocal studio.
The vocal studio "Lucky People" will operate in accordance with Article 87 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where a limited liability company is a company established by one or more persons, authorized capital which is divided founding documents into shares of certain sizes; participants in a limited liability company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their contributions.
The Lucky People vocal studio will be located in the North-West Administrative District of Moscow, Mitino district, a 5-minute walk from the Mitino metro station. The room for the studio was chosen to be medium in size (a room of 200 square meters is suitable for the initial stage). special technical requirements such as soundproofing is not required because the building is freestanding and hence the noise from the activities will not disturb nearby residents. Communications are standard. In the immediate vicinity of the building there is a small area where visitors can leave their personal vehicles for the duration of the classes, which gives us another advantage over our competitors.
As already mentioned, the vocal studio will provide services in several areas: academic vocals, pop vocals, jazz vocals, folk vocals, musical notation, solfeggio. Classes will be held individually with each student. A separate teacher will be involved in each vocal direction, one teacher will teach musical notation and solfeggio. Vocal lessons will be held twice a week for 45 minutes. Classes in musical notation and solfeggio (the student himself chooses a subject according to the principle of the depth of study of the discipline: musical notation is a more superficial study of the basics of music making, solfeggio is a deeper one) will be held once a week for 1.5 hours. If desired, the student can take additional hours for an additional fee.
The successful location of the vocal studio will help stimulate demand for the provision of services - the vocal studio is located near the metro, in the very center of a residential area and in close proximity to 2 secondary schools, kindergarten and teacher training college. Near the studio there is a parking place for private cars.
The direct competitor of the vocal studio "Lucky People" is the Children's Art School No. 13 named after I.F. Stravinsky. The main competitive advantage of our studio lies in the narrow focus of activities (providing specific services for teaching vocal skills, and not the full range of musical disciplines required to be studied at a music school), as well as the possibility of teaching adults, in contrast to the children's art school ), where only representatives of school age study.
Thus, the goal of the Lucky People vocal studio is to occupy and ensure a leading position in this market segment in a specific territory. The tasks of the initial stage of the functioning of the vocal studio are: the payback of the project, the return on investment and, of course, earning a good reputation, which will directly put........

List of used literature

1. Borisov A.B. Big economic dictionary. - M.: Knizhny Mir, 2003. - 895 p.
2. Business planning: Textbook / Ed. V.M. Popova, S.I. Lyapunov and S.G. Mlodika. M.: Finance and statistics, 2007
3. Tulchinsky G.L., Shekova E.L. Marketing in the sphere of culture: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan"; "Planet of Music Publishing House", 2009. - 496 pp.: ill.
4. Lectures on the discipline "Planning at the enterprise" prof. Savkina R.V.
5. Lectures on the discipline "Enterprise Economics" prof. Urumova F.M.
6. 10900200/25/#20025

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Dmitry Tolstyakov, director of the Virtuosi music school, shared his practical experience in creating his own music school from scratch with the readers of the website project.

- Dmitry, how did you come up with the idea to start this particular business? How was the idea of ​​your music school born?

I started my business in my 3rd year at the University of Economics and Finance. I had many different projects: tourism business, courses foreign languages, wholesale of mushrooms and berries. These projects were not successful.

Once on the Internet, I saw a young man wondering where to find a good guitar teacher. And then I noticed how the guitarist posted an ad looking for students.

I decided to become an intermediary between these people. I started with an agency, at first I didn’t even have an office. Then I rented an office and worked as an agency for six months. But the turnover increased, the number of students and teachers grew, and I decided to open a stationary school.

We teach people of all ages how to play all kinds of games. musical instruments. The uniqueness of our approach to teaching lies in the presence of a staff of professional teachers, individual approach to each student, as well as the ability of students to choose the place of study: at school, at home, or with a teacher.

All students who come to us achieve their goals with our help, perform at reporting concerts and other events, and also win prizes at competitions and festivals. Our school focuses not only on adults. For children from 2 years old, the school has children's musical development courses according to the Zheleznovs' method, which today is recognized as one of the most effective systems early development.

- Tell us more about the peculiarity of your method of teaching music?

The main idea, and it is also a feature of the methodology, is an individual approach to each client. We are ready to teach both academic and pop vocals, both classical guitar and accompaniment for bard songs.

The basis of our unique approach is our teachers, whom we select very carefully. We rely entirely on their professionalism. It is they who, together with the student, draw up a training program based on the desires and abilities of the student.

Ready-made ideas for your business

One of our teachers specially traveled to Moscow in order to take a course in the Zheleznovs' methodology. The main principles of this technique are: the participation of parents in the process of teaching kids, learning takes place on the move, the use of phonograms, the use of classical or high-quality contemporary music and getting to know the keyboard and playing light songs. We conduct developing music classes for kids with parents, which brings the family together very much.

Were there cases when teachers, having learned the main secrets of the method, opened their own courses using your author's method?

We do not have a certain universal technique that could be stolen. However, there are other problems that we face. The first is the leakage of students from homeschooling. Every third client who came to the teacher's home offered the teacher to study without the participation of the school.

But we have our own methods of dealing with such manifestations. Firstly, we count on the honesty and decency of our teachers and talk to them about it. Secondly, if after the first free lesson the student does not come to us to conclude an agreement, and this situation repeats several times, then we stop cooperation with this teacher.

This means either that the teacher is not honest with us and deals with the student behind our back, or that he cannot interest the student. In both cases, we are not on the same path with such a teacher. In addition, we have more methods to combat and prevent such cases.

But still, there was a case when one of the teachers took our idea of ​​a private music school for adults and children, our thoughtful contracts, course system and created his own music school.

Ready-made ideas for your business

However, by and large, they do not create competition for us. Since we independently thought through all the details of running this business from the very beginning and we know where “pitfalls” can arise. And this teacher just copied appearance our scheme, and now faces deeper problems.

And there is nothing you can do about such cases. Anyone can steal an idea. In this case, we only need to keep the quality of services at a level so that competitors do not have any chances, despite the similarity of the scheme of work.

- How did you embody the idea from its conception to the final implementation of the school?

There is only one step from the inception of an idea to its implementation. I just started to act. At first, I independently searched the Internet for students and teachers and simply docked them. Three months later, I started renting a small office where I conducted interviews and meetings with clients, hired employees who received calls and entered into contracts with students and teachers.

From the very beginning, I immediately advertised on social networks (ads) and improved the position of the site in search engines. So the calls went by themselves. Six months later, the school acquired a new format - it became stationary. It took me no more than a month to find a room and purchase tools. We did a lot of decorative work ourselves.

- How much did it cost you to start the project?

The initial investment in a music school operating under an agency scheme can be estimated at 150,000 rubles. But this is an approximate amount, I managed with much less money. The main costs are the search and rent of an office space, the purchase of furniture and equipment (tools and office equipment), printing and advertising.

- Are there any additional (administrative) requirements for the premises, staff?

For office space there are no special requirements. Workplaces and a place for employees to relax, where you can have a bite to eat and drink tea, should be equipped. But in the case of a stationary school, everything is a little more complicated.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The room should be large and easily accessible. It should be possible to equip several classes for classes, an office part, a place for an administrator, a mini-kitchen. It is also important to make a good and interesting design of the room.

Finding great staff is the most important and difficult task. It is necessary that your staff sincerely do their job well and want to please your customers.

- With what difficulties early stages doing business you are facing? And how did you deal with them?

The most a big problem at all times, it's you. Or rather, what's in your head. It is necessary to get rid of "garbage", of stereotypes, live for today and fight your fears. Therefore, the limitation of our success is only in ourselves.

The main difficulty is to find a good team. Find adequate teachers, good employees. But this is not even a difficulty, this is a task. And one of the most interesting in business in general. There is only one solution - to communicate with people, conduct interviews, find out what is important for these people, why they want to work at the Virtuosi music school.

- Have you recovered your initial investment?

Yes, paid off. Six months later, I was already fully working in the plus.

- What can you say about the profitability of this business?

If it had not been profitable, it would have ceased to exist long ago. Although this business has such a feature as seasonality - in the summer everyone goes on vacation and vacation, and there is a dip in the number of customers. However, even at this time, the school pays off. But the autumn period is a boom of new clients and applications. Last September, the company's turnover amounted to 1 million rubles. On average, the profitability of this business can be estimated at 20%.

Who are the staff members of your company? How did you select key employees (requirements)? How are they paid for their work?

Now the staff of the company consists of a head teacher, a methodologist and two administrators who work in shifts. The head teacher is engaged in marketing, finance, selection of teachers, control of the work of the methodologist and administrator. The methodologist works with teachers and clients. And the administrator receives calls, greets guests, draws up a schedule, monitors everyday moments.

The main requirements for personnel can be formulated in three principles:

    The attitude towards clients and partners should be what you would like for yourself: decent, respectful, without arrogance.

    Fulfill your obligations in a quality and timely manner. Or do not take on these obligations.

    Strive to always be the best at your job. If you are not interested in doing this work and constantly learning, our company is not for you.

I searched for people through ads on job search sites. I used both free and paid ads. But these investments paid off. As for the salary: for administrators, payment is made per shift. And for the methodologist and head teacher, a salary + percentage of profit scheme has been introduced.

We conclude civil law contracts with teachers, and the payment is piecework, i.e. the number of classes is simply counted, and wages are paid once a month. When the stationary school "Virtuosos" appeared, we registered several teachers for employment contract and they work on a salary.

- How do you promote your services? Name the main promotion channel. How is your sales network built?

We promote only through the Internet, and now word of mouth is already working very well. Tried different types advertisements: leaflets, advertisements in the newspaper... But in our time, only the Internet brings the real number of customers.

On our website, in a group on social networks, you can leave an application for training, and clients actively use this service. After receiving the application, our administrator or methodologist contacts the client and the production process begins: selection of a place of study, teacher, course.

Of the methods in "real" life, we tried advertisements on houses and poles, leaflets in mailbox, ads in public places. Now we have already abandoned all this, although some methods brought a certain number of customers (for example, ads around the city).

But this is Peter Big city. For cities all over Russia, not so big, all of the above methods can be effective. We were filmed on television several times. But it was free for us, because. they got interested. Why not? This is an excellent informational occasion, unlike another disaster or financial scandal....

Are you engaged in direct sales, offering your courses (lessons) to schools, kindergartens and other children's and adult institutions?

No, we are not engaged in direct sales. Advertising on the Internet (in the beginning, mainly social media) immediately brought enough clients. We are in such a position that people call themselves.

It's not just those who want to work that call. We often receive calls with offers to perform at some festival or competition. We gladly agree, providing an opportunity for our students to test themselves, grow professionally, and show the results they have achieved.

- Do you have representative offices in other cities of Russia?

Just two months ago, we launched a franchise program for our school. We want people in all Russian (and not only) cities to have the opportunity to realize themselves in music, regardless of age, employment, place of residence. We chose franchising development precisely because it is not just selling a business. This is a search for partners, new acquaintances, new people who are also infected with our idea and are ready to actively work on creating their own business, ready to share their ideas, successes and failures, tasks.

Quite recently we have signed the first contracts with Novosibirsk and Moscow. Now our new partners are actively preparing for the opening: they are looking for premises, teachers. We support them, consult by phone and the Internet.

In general, people from completely different cities - large and small, leave applications, call. So the idea of ​​organizing music education in the private sector comes to the mind of many. Because people see that the current system of music education is not able to meet the demand for services, does not provide such a quality service that the people of our country want to see for themselves.

- How do you see your prospects further development your business?

Now I am closely involved in the new project "Academy of Talents". It's massive educational project, which includes many various schools. For example, we will have a photography school, a chess school, a computer school, a culinary studio, a foreign language school, a creative workshop and a Virtuosi branch.

- Online learning is very popular now. Do you plan to launch such a service at your place?

Oh sure. I follow current trends and always try to "be in the know". I already have some ideas about how to implement this.

What can you say about the competition in your business? Have you faced such a problem as opposition from colleagues?

In St. Petersburg and Moscow, the competition is quite high. Now more and more various creative studios are opening for both children and adults. And in the regions this sector is not represented at all. That is why we count on the success of our franchisees.

What advice would you give to beginners who are just planning to launch their own courses in various fields and industries?

Focus on the results that your customers can achieve and do everything possible to ensure that they reach their goal.

1037 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 43629 times.

The main expenses for opening a dance school range from 650 thousand rubles. With good attendance per month, schools can bring their owners from 100-150 thousand rubles.

The cost of the project will be 14,530,000 rubles, of which 10,530,000 will be start-up investments in the opening, and 4,000,000 rubles. - working capital. Payback period - 32 months.

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in your region. Today, everyone is accustomed to, is not surprised and does not see anything innovative in the fact that all educational services are paid. Kindergartens, schools, universities - everywhere you need money, and besides, a lot of it. On an equal footing with the state, private similar establishments are constantly being opened. This article will tell you how to open your own private music school, in particular, what you need to consider, what to pay attention to.

So what needs to be done to music school opening at the beginning? The first thing you should focus your efforts on is finding a suitable room where your school will be located. Suitable in every sense of the word - both in terms of location and functionality of the premises, as well as the cost of renting it. Here, the fact that since the institution to be opened will be a general education institution, it will be possible to rent the premises on acceptable preferential terms is at hand. For example, the cost of a room with an area of ​​​​somewhere 130-140 m2 will cost approximately one thousand USD. per month.

You also need to know that the state practices the issuance of cash subsidies and can also provide preferential taxation conditions. This will make it possible to compensate for about 20 percent of all your expenses. That is, in this regard, and taking into account such "advantages", a private music school can be considered a very profitable business.

However, as in any other business, you should not forget about the initial investment that needs to be made. This includes the same rental of premises, and the purchase of various musical instruments and furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets). Add to this the payment of salaries to administrators, as well as to all teachers in your school.

As for the personnel, the formulation of this issue should also be approached very competently and seriously. The team must be selected not only qualified, but also, of course, patient, since teaching music to children is a diligent and painstaking process that takes a lot of strength, energy and, of course, nerves. You must remember that the reputation of your school will depend on the teaching staff as a whole and on each teacher individually!

Another important point that you should pay attention to when opening such a business is the location of the music school. Make every effort so that it is located, firstly, if not in a prestigious, then at least in a decent and quiet area of ​​the city, and secondly, far from similar public or private music schools. It is clear that you will absolutely not need excessive and unnecessary competition. The ideal option is to locate your school near a comprehensive school or kindergarten, which will help to quickly attract the first customers.

If we talk about income from such a business, then know that the amount of profit received will be directly proportional to the number of students in the school. Of course, this indicator will also be affected by its prestige and reputation.

Plus, by taking up this business, you can combine the development and prosperity of creativity with making a solid profit and recognizing the satisfied parents of your students.

There are no related articles.

Various educational institutions for creative development children is one of the trends of the modern educational process. To explore the commercial components of this industry, consider the example business plan private music school. Of course, modern computer technologies make it possible to synthesize any musical instruments, but the need for basic musical education and a large number of connoisseurs of live music determine the success and potential of this area.

In order to fully reveal it, approach business planning responsibly and with high quality, because the overall success of entrepreneurial endeavors depends on the presence of competitive advantages, the optimal investment and activities aimed at school occupancy.

Key features private music school business plan

Useful qualities of a private music school business plan

For a qualitative description of their activities and summing up a financial and economic model for it with all the necessary calculations, it is required to carry out a significant amount of project work. The optimal form of design is one that will combine your entrepreneurial abilities with a coherent and digitized description of the financial attractiveness of the project.

In such documents great importance is given to analytical studies of the subject area, the sequence and structured presentation of the main stages of implementation, as well as the objectivity and correctness of the calculations of the main financial and economic indicators.



Features and stages of work in the industry

The opening of the institution will allow training and graduating young musical talents in various classical and modernist directions in the development of musical art. The main target audience is children from younger to older adolescence. It will also provide for the possibility of passing targeted express courses for adults.

Stages of work in the chosen field:

  • school equipment and teaching staff;
  • a set of groups of students;

provision of educational services.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The amount of investment to launch a private music school

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Private Music School Sales Plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a private music school

7 - Conclusions

The business plan of a private music school is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business planprivate kindergarten

We bought a ready-made business plan on the Plan-Pro.ru website, adjusted it a bit and got a loan from the bank. Received 30 million rubles we will spend on opening a private kindergarten for 100 places. Many thanks to the specialists from Plan-Pro.ru for the excellent work done!

Olga Veronkina, director of a private kindergarten

Feedback on the business plan of the dance studio school

To open a dance studio, we needed investments and private investments. The result exceeded our expectations - the document turned out to be exemplary, and we managed to get an investment in the amount of 5 million rubles. Thank you very much to the specialists from the site for the excellent work done!

Irina Petrenko, Nikolaev

Feedback on the business plan of the educational training center

To launch and mid-term planning of the training center, a business plan was required, and we bought it on the websiteplanpro. en. The plan turned out to be very informative. The financial schemes are understandable, it is possible to substitute any numbers into the formulas, just make any changes. Special thanks for the beautiful design.

Natalia V.Sh., Deputy Director of the training center

Feedback on the business plan of a private music school

To receive investments for opening own business, my partners and I needed a high-quality and professional business plan. Lacking design skills, we purchased a finished product from Plan Pro. The following points attracted me: the cost is lower than the services of similar companies, a high-quality descriptive part and a convenient financial model, with the possibility of substitution eigenvalues indicators. After a successful defense, we received a loan in the amount of 15 million rubles. to start and grow a business.

Kolyadnikov A.I., private music school "Harmony", b. Bashkortostan

Organizational preparation before starting a business

Correct and timely organization of work within the framework of preparatory activities- one of the basic rules for successful implementation private music school business plan. To speed up all the main processes as much as possible, adhere to the following preparation plan:

  1. Register your activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Sign an agreement for banking services and get a TIN.
  3. License your company and obtain the necessary regulatory approvals.
  4. Choose the main suppliers of tools and equipment.
  5. Consider and evaluate several options for building a school or renting a building for it.
  6. Study the job market to determine the sources of teaching staff.

Filling the business plan of a private music school

Any business requires a certain consistency with structure, since the final efficiency depends on the quality of the description of the elements of the system and the nature of their interaction. To private music school business plan took shape and became a real plan of action, it is necessary to provide for the following sections in its content:

  • assessment of the state of the market, dynamic fluctuations of its indicators and options development in the future;
  • determination of the amount of investment for implementation;
  • technological features and equipment to support activities;
  • operating costs and profitability;
  • the number of employees and their labor costs;
  • calculation of the payback period of the project.

Design subject

A private music school at XXX places, providing services for teaching musical notation, the basics of composing and playing classical and modern musical instruments.

The first stages of forming a business plan for a private music school

After a brief description of the project, we proceed to the formation of the content of the main sections, the first of which is analytical, dedicated to the target market and competitive advantage our business.

Analytical part of the project

As a result of work on this section private music school business plan the entrepreneur must have a clear vision of the place of his company in the market and an understanding of those key characteristics, without which the success of the project may be in question:

  • modern musical equipment and computer processing facilities;
  • experienced teachers and new teaching methods;
  • a large practical share of classes;
  • career guidance for those who decide to become a professional musician;
  • goofy pricing policy.

Investment structure of a private music school business plan

If you decide to open your own business, but do not know how to write a project description correctly, objectively and correctly, including the necessary economic calculations, then download a sample of the finished product from our website private music school business plan, with the calculation of important economic and financial indicators, which will ensure all investment processes and compliance with the project launch deadlines.

Investment structure:

  • preparation of premises for classes - XXX rubles.
  • supply of musical instruments and related equipment - XXX rubles.
  • computers, software and other office equipment - XXX rubles.
  • studio equipment for sound recording - XXX rubles;
  • expenses for the search and training of teachers - XXX rubles;
  • security necessary measures fire and other safety - XXX rubles;
  • contingency reserve - XXX rub.

In total, the implementation will require external financing in the amount of RUB XXX.

Equipment and technological stages

The scheme of the educational process is as follows: the equipment of music classes, the set of students and the selection of a teacher, directly educational process, graduation qualification events and the issuance of diplomas and certificates of learning outcomes.

To implement the business plan of a private music school, we need the following equipment:

  • musical instruments;
  • studio recording equipment;
  • furniture and furnishings of classrooms;
  • office equipment;
  • air conditioning system;
  • fire alarm and video surveillance systems;
  • other equipment for the educational process.

The essence of the economic section of the business plan of a private music school

Operating costs

To assess the impact of spending within current activities on overall performance private music school business plan, it is necessary to calculate their volume and determine the structure, in accordance with the generally accepted accounting system:

  • maintenance of the premises and payments to the lessor - XXX rubles;
  • services of utility and energy supply companies - XXX rubles;
  • depreciation payments - XXX rubles;
  • expenses for the promotion and sale of services - XXX rubles;
  • supplies necessary equipment, modernization and tuning of tools - XXX rubles;
  • fund wages and the necessary deductions from it - XXX rubles.
  • other expenses in the framework of operating activities - XXX rubles.

In total, we get the monthly amount of operating costs equal to XXX rubles.

The volume and income structure of the private music school business plan

To understand what incomes are real for planning and will allow reaching the required payback periods private music school business plan, it is required to determine the key factors for the success of services and form the total sales volume, with the shares of various services in it.

Key success factors:

  • new equipment and the availability of a base for studying modern musical trends;
  • quality of training and practical applicability of acquired skills and qualifications;
  • participation in concerts and performances of the best students;
  • affordable prices and benefits for various segments of the population;
  • convenient location.

Shares of services in the revenue structure:

  1. General classes - XXX rubles.
  2. Private lessons - XXX rub.
  3. Participation in combined concerts and solemn events - XXX rubles.

Total, we get the monthly volume of sales of services in the amount of XXX rubles.

Employees and their material support

For such institutions, the experience and pedagogical skills of mentors are of great importance, since not everyone is able to learn music, and a lot depends on the qualifications and patience of the teacher. To ensure the implementation of the business plan private music school in in full, we formulate the requirements for staffing and the amount of material remuneration:

  • director - XXX rubles;
  • teaching staff - XXX rub.
  • artistic director - XXX rubles;
  • accountant - XXX rubles;
  • personnel service - XXX rubles;
  • administrative and service staff- XXX rub.;
  • service promotion specialist - XXX rub.

Calculation of the period for the business plan of a private music school to become self-sufficient

The payback of the project will be from 3 to 5 years, subject to the economic parameters of the model. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

Traffic report Money - the most important document any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate big picture company results.

Why you need a professionally designed business plan

Unlike the creative world, the business world is a very tough and uncomfortable environment, and if you win at least three famous music awards, investors will be more interested in numbers than previous creative achievements. To be ready for this, you need the services of professional consulting companies

It is enough to go to our website and download a ready-made full-fledged private music school business plan, with the calculation of important financial and economic indicators, in order to understand all the advantages of this solution. Plus, you have a great opportunity to order an individual turnkey business plan, in which we will take into account all the features of the industry and your particular enterprise.. This will allow, without the presence of special education, to obtain a qualitative description of the business and the basis for attracting external financing.

Paid educational institutions for teaching children music is an important and responsible business. In order for it to become profitable, it also requires entrepreneurial will, high-quality execution of all business processes, a large share of creativity, and a professional business plan that will form the basis of the business and become a reliable guide for the entrepreneur.