Darts betting latvia. Betting on darts: how to bet so as not to lose? Key features of rates

World history knows many cases when great discoveries were made quite by accident. The birth of the now famous game called darts is another confirmation of this rule. The prototype of darts was invented by British soldiers who used throwing spears and knives as entertainment during long military campaigns. A cut of a tree or an empty barrel was used as a target.

Over time, darts became more and more popular, acquiring new rules and shapes. Barrels are replaced by lined targets. Darts are used instead of spears. Today this game is most popular in the Scandinavian countries, the British Isles, as well as in Holland and the USA.

The task of the players is simple and clear - you need to make as many well-aimed hits as possible, knocking out the maximum number of points. The striking difference between darts and most other games is that here you do not need to score points, but get rid of them. Among rivals, the one that first "drops" to zero wins. As a standard, each of the participants is given three attempts in one move, after which the move passes to the opponent. When throwing the last dart, athletes try to hit the outer part of the target so that their points are doubled.

Initially, each of the opponents has 501 points. A maximum of 180 points can be written off in one move. When one of the opponents writes off all the points, this is considered the end of the game. Parties in darts are called legs, the total score of the game in major competitions is up to 8 or 14 legs.

Darts and sports betting: how to hit the target

In darts you can bet on:

  • the winner of the match (or individual leg);
  • total parties;
  • number of times of knocking out 180 points.

Possible long-term bets on the winners of game days and full tournaments. For a winning forecast, it is important to analyze many factors: the tournament bracket, match schedules, etc. And you definitely need to understand the rules, otherwise you just won’t understand which bet will be correct and which one will be obviously losing.

In the field of betting, the main players in the direction of darts are foreign bookmakers. In our country, this sport is not represented as massively as, for example, in England or Scotland. The audience popularity of darts is not the highest, so bookmakers do not see potential profit in it for themselves. In fact, we haven't seen it until recently. In recent years, domestic bookmakers have significantly expanded the lines for this sport, because. many bettors showed their interest in him.

Good odds, "tasty" odds

The reason for the rise in popularity is simple. The fact is that making predictions in darts is easy and without much risk. Firstly, sports betting on favorites is great here. In darts there is no teamwork or fitness as a winning factor. The main role is played by the individual qualities of the player, such as accuracy and psychological attitude. Accordingly, the leader, if he is such on paper, will actually be head and shoulders above his opponent. Corrections are possible only if the favorite is not sufficiently motivated, and its weaker opponent, on the contrary, has something to prove.

12.10.2018 07:09

The game of darts appeared in the British Isles as early as the nineteenth century, and initially aroused scathing ridicule from professional archers who considered throwing darts child's play. But, gradually, darts began to attract the attention of an increasing number of participants, and now the game of darts is extremely popular in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries and the USA. Its rules are very simple - the winner is the dartsman who knocked out the maximum possible number of points (3507). But, most importantly, the British mini-shooting game, which has its roots in past centuries, attracts increased attention of experienced bookmakers, and therefore betting on darts is becoming increasingly popular.

In the realities of today, the most popular darts tournament is the annual world championship, which, of course, is held in Foggy Albion. The current world champion is the Englishman Glen Durrant, who defeated his compatriot Mark McGinney (7:6) in the decisive final match. The status of the prestige of this tournament is confirmed by a very impressive amount of prize money, and this final winner receives 100,000 pounds sterling (115,000 euros).

And now a very interesting fact! In the mid-nineties of the last century, a split occurred in the Organizing Committee of the World Cup, as a result of which, since 1994, in addition to the traditional one, an alternative world championship (PDS) began to be held.

The history of world culture and sports has known similar splits before. For example, thunderstorms from the mid-eighties after the split of the Academy of Soviet Theater Arts - the Moscow Art Theater at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater and the Gorky Moscow Art Theater are still clearly audible. And in sports, it's enough to recall the split in North American hockey in the early seventies, and the emergence of an entirely new WHA league led by living NHL legends Gordie Howe and Bobby Hull.

It is unlikely that the new darts tournament was initially given increased attention. However, now the main sponsor of the annual alternative world championship is the oldest British bookmaker William Hill, and its prize fund is 1,800,000 pounds. And therefore, the current winner of the tournament, Briton Rob Cross, for his final victory over compatriot Phil Taylor, received four times more than Glen Durrant, that is, 400,000 British pounds (460,000 euros).

Features of modern rules

In the realities of today, participants in the game of darts need to win seven games (legs). The final goal (target) of each leg is 501 points. Moreover, the countdown in darts occurs in the opposite direction. And the winner of the leg is the player who first reduces his balance from five hundred and one points to zero.

According to its original bookmaker status, modern darts is the exact opposite of some sports, and first of all, lawn tennis and motorsport. After all, very often, watching the completely unpredictable results of men's, and especially women's tennis, a completely stable opinion is created that top tennis players in a very narrow circle behind the scenes initially determine who wins the super tournament in Indian Wells and who wins in Miami. And if you pay attention to the line-ups of at least semi-final pairs of successive top tournaments, you will very rarely find the name of the same tennis player in two semi-final pairs in a row. Moreover, the “sensational defeat” of the winner of the last top tournament in the first round of the subsequent championship is becoming very popular. Therefore, here you can safely “load” a new favorite on the opponent.

The same unpredictable situation in modern motorsport. After all, it is very rare that top racers give all their best at 100 percent in the following one after another stages of road-ring races. But in modern darts, the situation is absolutely opposite. The thing is that there are very few really strong, top dartsmen. For example, in a quarter of a century since the beginning of the alternative world championship, only eight players from Dennis Priestley to Rob Cross have become its victors. Calling the facts by their proper names, darts is an extremely predictable sport, and therefore the betting odds for the favorite are incredibly small here.

And therefore, experienced bookmaker players prefer to bet on the winner of a particular game (leg), since here the initial quotes look more solid. Especially popular is the bet on a negative handicap. Naturally, such a choice of bet is most acceptable in a meeting of a pronounced favorite with an outsider, when you can safely bet on the victory of a titled dartsman with a certain handicap.

head-to-head statistics

We again give an analogy with tennis, so popular among millions of bookmaker players, where the statistics of personal meetings are of paramount importance. Indeed, very often there is an “oil painting” when a player occupying a lower position in the rating has a positive balance of personal meetings, and therefore, under the traditional definitions of an “incredible sensation”, once again beats his eminent opponent. Undoubtedly, a thorough knowledge of the statistics of personal meetings will help you avoid mistakes when choosing bets on darts.

Live betting

The basic types of bets on darts are the same as in most other sports. These are bets on the winner of the match, on the exact score, on the victory with a handicap (by legs), and, of course, on the individual total of legs won by the opponents. For lovers of long-term bets, bets on the final winner of the tournament are very popular.

And now the most interesting! Modern darts is one of the most revered on the international sports channel Eurosport. Today, two free channels Eurosport and Eurosport 2 are also available to Russians, like Channel One, Russia 1, NTV, TVC and other major general political channels. And as we have already noted, one of the cultivated sports here is darts. And this is almost a daily live broadcast of the most interesting duels of dartsmen. And therefore, bets in the exact time mode, when you can safely follow the course of a particular match, observe fluctuations in betting odds, and make certain adjustments (alternative bets), are the most popular in this sport.

Traditional sports have already become boring, and now the era of exotic sports disciplines is coming, those that, in the recent past, were considered as entertainment. These include the traditional fun of British pubs - darts. Of course, now it is already a full-fledged sport with its own representations and championships, by the way, there are also international darts competitions - the World Championship.

At the same time, darts remains the most democratic sport. Participants are not professional athletes, but people of various professions. Moreover, most of them do not differ in good physical shape, and are unlikely to play with their muscles. On the contrary, overweight and stoop are even encouraged here, which allow darters to perfectly coordinate the center of gravity for accurate throws.

Along with a special physical form, the appearance of the participants remains extravagant: colorful T-shirts and trousers, the presence of a large number of jewelry on the fingers and ears, flashy hairstyles. It is in this form that tournament participants determine the strongest, the one who, at the end of the competition, will be able to count on a check with six zeros. The competitions themselves take place in pubs, where the participants are allocated a small area, and around them there are fans shouting and cheering their idols, and, of course, beer is an integral attribute of the competition, which is consumed in unlimited quantities.

Darts has remained at the level of British pubs, although it is already gaining popularity around the world. The Americans and the Dutch have already learned how to throw darts no worse than their British counterparts, and in the CIS countries darts also found its fans. Bookmakers have also paid attention to this sport, so today you can bet on darts not only at British bookmakers, but also at legal domestic bookmakers.

As you already understood, further we will talk about betting on darts. Yes, yes, this incredibly positive sport, which is more like a fun family show, can also bring good income. The main thing is to carefully study the rules and deal with the composition of the participants. And, of course, do not forget about the financial strategy.

Types of bets

Since bookmakers offer darts bets to bettors, it is necessary to understand their types:

  • Outcome bets.
  • Total bets.
  • Handicap/handicap betting.
  • Special rates.

Outcome Bets

As in any sport, in darts you can also bet on the victory of one of the participants. Recall that two athletes compete for the victory here, and the winner of one pair in the next round meets the winner of the other pair. And so on until the final. The principle is somewhat reminiscent of the principle of tennis: the loser is eliminated, and the winner advances to the next round.

Unlike other sports that have seen a lot of sensation in recent years, darts is a conservative sport in which pre-match favorites almost never lose. So, if you see a low odds for the victory of one of the athletes in the line, you can safely bet on him. Darts is a great sport for accumulators. For example, in BC Marathon or Betcity, offering a large selection of bets on darts, you can always make an express from the favorites, including such recognized masters of dart throwing as M. Van Gerwen, G. Anderson, F. Taylor, P. Wright and others. Yes, the overall coefficient will be small, but still, it will allow you to have a great time watching darts and further increase the game bank.

Total bets

In darts, the total consists of lags - an analogue of the game in tennis. Depending on the rules of the tournament, there may be a different number of lags and sets, the main thing is that the maximum number of lags and sets must be odd. For example, if a match is played to a win of 5 legs, then the maximum number of legs cannot be more than 9.

Depending on the level of the athletes, the bookmakers offer total total lags or sets. For example, if M. Van Gerwen meets with a weak opponent, then the bookmakers will offer a total total of 5.5, that is, bettors will be asked to predict whether the opponent will be able to win a leg against M. Van Gerwen or not. Of course, when betting on totals, the odds will be much higher than when betting on the victory of the favorite. On the other hand, the risk of losing here is also quite high. M. Van Gerwen may not have a shot in one leg, and the opponent will have a good chance of winning.

Handicap betting

Considering that bookmakers offer small odds for the wins of clear favorites in darts, many bettors are looking at the handicap. Handicap in this sport is considered to be the difference in legs. For example, if M. Van Gerwen defeated his opponent with a score of 5:0 in legs, then the 4.5 leg handicap offered by the bookmakers worked, but if the final score is 5:1, then no. In principle, that handicap, that total in darts, especially in matches of clear favorites and outsiders, the concepts are identical. The main thing here is to build on the current psychological and physical form of athletes.

Darts is a one-on-one game, and it must be taken into account that at the time of the game it is very noisy in the hall, so the athletes must be extremely concentrated so that they can successfully hit the right sector, and this is very difficult.

Special rates

Depending on the prestige of the tournament, bookmakers offer special bets on darts. It can be both short-term - bets on one match, and long-term bets - on the winner of the tournament. BetCity, 1xBet, Marathon - these legal bookmakers offer the largest selection of special darts bets. There are good lines here, and those who understand this sport can break a good jackpot by making such bets. As we have already said, darts is a sport in which sensations very rarely occur, therefore, all offers of bookmakers should be considered, starting from the readiness of the favorites.

Betting strategies

There are a small number of darts betting strategies. Here it is necessary to take into account the very specifics of this sport. Since the matches are held one on one, then, first of all, it is necessary to build on the personal meetings of the athletes, their current form and psychological preparation. Throwing darts accurately to the noise of the crowd is an art, and the main thing here is to be able to control emotions.

Therefore, it is best to bet on darts during the match. Already from the first throws of each opponent it is clear with what psychological attitude he approaches the match. Today, almost all legal bookmakers offer live bets on major darts tournaments. So, there will be no shortage of betting options.

If you bet before the start of the match, then it is best to bet on the favorites. As mentioned above, sensations are rare in this sport, and by collecting a small accumulator from the victories of clear favorites, you can enjoy watching matches without worrying about their outcome. However, betting on handicaps and totals in such matches is a risk, because the favorites do not always win with a devastating score, an outsider can also get together and fight. Therefore, such offers of bookmakers should be carefully selected.

There are, of course, corridors and forks. Usually, such offers of bookmakers can be found in matches where the level of opponents is approximately the same. It is preferable to look for middles and surebets in foreign and domestic bookmakers. For example, British bookmakers are best suited for this, since darts is the British national sport, and the analysts there have the best knowledge of the current shape of an athlete. If you hurry up, you can earn up to 10-20% of the turnover.


If you like an extravagant sport where there is no dress code and you can drink beer, then darts is just what you need. Dynamism, intensity of passions, unbridled support and love of fans - all this makes darts a unique sport that makes you fall in love with yourself from the first seconds of viewing.

Legal bookmakers offer a good selection of short-term and long-term darts bets, and considering that there are also Live bets, there is simply a huge field for earning here. The main thing is to study the rules and find out the favorites, and then it’s a matter of technology, and the first profit will not be long in coming. By the way, in order to get to know darts better, there is no need to wait for the start of a major tournament, you can watch a selection of matches on the Internet, and you will understand that this is a special sport with its own unique atmosphere.

Darts is a fun game in the company of old friends, this is how the majority of our compatriots perceive the game. But quite recently, an exciting competition has acquired a new status and entered the international sports arena. Tournaments with the participation of professional players attracted the attention of not only fans, but also bettors from all over the world. World Championships gather millions of spectators around the world.

At first glance, darts competitions do not seem to be anything special; it is rather difficult to treat them as serious sports competitions. The apparent simplicity is deceptive. The professionals of the game have been studying various strategies and honing their skills for many years in order to perform at the highest level. A good athlete must feel the opponent, have an excellent eye and his own tactics, and also be distinguished by incredible endurance, composure and patience.

Fast passage

In darts, the opponents do not contact each other, so they cannot physically influence the outcome of the opponent. The decisive factor is the psychological confrontation and the ability to remain calm in the most tense situation. Therefore, professional darts is also called a duel of endurance and "steel" nerves.

Experienced athletes know a lot of tricks on how to unbalance an opponent, bring down his mood and win a landslide victory. In darts, there are pairs whose outcome is very easy to predict. It repeats over and over.

The PDC World Darts Championship is organized by the Professional Corporation (BDO) of the English Federation. Prior to the start of the World Cup, there is a qualifying Premier League. Professional athletes, on the eve of prestigious competitions, can play at half their capacity and lose a knowingly winning game to a beginner. Sensations of a different kind in the meetings of the masters of the duel are excluded. For the general information of betters, only 7 people became world champions in darts, 14-time champion Phil Taylor was recognized as the leader of the elite.

It is necessary to carefully study the darts themselves, their tactics of the game and the features of confrontation with opponents of lower and higher class. Some of them are very stable and only lose to a really strong opponent. Any extraneous circumstance matters for the result of the duel for others: whether it is insufficient motivation or a frivolous attitude towards a weak opponent.

Types of bets on darts

Considering that the championship takes place only once a year, you should not count on the frequent appearance of events at the bookmaker's office. The odds correspond to the possible outcomes and events in the game.

Main darts predictions:

For the outcome of the game.

In darts, a draw is possible, but not all bookmakers indicate it in the line. If there are only two coefficients in the line, feel free to choose one of them. In case of a draw, the bookmaker will issue a refund of the funds spent on the bet.

On the exact account of the legs.

One of the most profitable and at the same time risky forecasts - you need to specify the exact score by legs up to 7 wins. Here it is not enough to rely only on luck, you need to thoroughly know all the rules of the game and conduct a deep analysis of previous personal meetings of dartsmen.

On a head start on the number of knocked out maximums.

Great for betting against the favorite. Look for a couple that has an under-motivated leader and a lower-class lifter.

To total.

Bets are accepted both on the total number of legs and on the individual total of each athlete.

Who will score first 180 points (maximum).

And if everything is clear with the odds for the favorite and the underdog, then the odds that no one will knock out the maximum look funnier. That is, no one will hit the bull's-eye first - these are incredible assumptions with odds of 100.

Who will hit the bull's-eye the most times.

Again, statistics will help us, it is difficult to determine by the coefficients here, it is quite logical that the bookmaker will give preference to the favorite of the meeting.

For the winner of the tournament.

This is a long term forecast. Usually, the bookmaker selects 3-4 favorites and distributes the odds between them.

Features of betting on darts

Darts fans know that a variety of factors can affect the outcome of a duel. Let's look at the important ones:

1) Darts is a fairly predictable game, so the odds on the main outcomes are very low. It is necessary to take into account many nuances, look for loopholes in order to find an interesting bet on which you can earn a lot.

2) Beginners should not make live predictions without learning all the subtleties of the game.

3) Each darts tournament has its own nuances, so read all the points of the rules of the selected bookmaker in advance.

4) The main thing is the personality of the player, his tactics, playing habits and additional motivation for the current tournament.

How to bet on darts on the betting site

Betting on darts requires a serious and responsible attitude - you cannot win for luck in a sports discipline. In addition to a rigorous analysis, it is very important to choose a reliable office, familiarize yourself with its rules and check the official activities of the bookmaker. And only after observing all these points, you can join the game for money. On our site you will find reviews of only licensed bookmakers in the Russian Federation, registered in the First TsUPIS (details about the interactive betting control center).

You can place a bet on darts on the bookmaker's website in the same way as on any other type of sports competition. Select a category - the current tournament - click on the bet - indicate the amount and confirm your decision. You can make deals with the bookmaker as single bets, as well as express or system bets.

Darts today does not enjoy such crazy popularity in the world as football, basketball or hockey, but the long road to glory is just beginning, and bettors can still make good money in betting on darts. We wish you the same - register, predict correctly and win!

Darts is a game in which athletes throwing darts into a round target hung on the wall. This game is known to everyone, but few know that darts is currently a sport. The game originated in Britain, originally played in pubs and at parties, darts was just a traditional pastime for the people. But over time, darts began to be played at a professional level.

And now, by right, darts is considered a full-fledged sport. The popularity of darts is also evidenced by the fact that all bookmakers have begun to include darts competitions in the line of events. Nowadays, connoisseurs of this game can bet on darts in online bookmakers and get additional profit from their knowledge.

D-arts is an accessible game for everyone that is suitable for people of all ages. In fact, no special preparation is needed to participate in the game. This factor, plus inexpensive equipment and being independent of the weather, makes darts a very popular game. Almost everyone can go and buy the necessary equipment and play darts at any time. But it is a mistake to think that darts is easy. E

it seems simple only from the outside, and if you try to hit the target yourself, you will understand that becoming a successful darter is not easy. Accuracy is the courtesy of kings, watch the battle of kings in darts and win bets by correctly identifying the most accurate participant in darts competitions.

Want to bet on darts?

– Choose a bookmaker, register and place a bet on the selected event that you think is correct. Matches are held regularly, and they do not last long, which is the advantage of betting on darts. In the line of bookmakers you will always find the right event. As a rule, the list of bets is not wide, but the available outcomes are enough for a comfortable and profitable game.

If you are interested in betting on darts, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the main types of darts outcomes at bookmakers, which we will discuss in detail below:

The main outcome is the ability to bet on the victory of a certain player (P1 and P2) or a draw in the match (X).

Double outcome - betting on the selected player not losing (1X and X2) or no draw in the match (12).

Total over or total under– it is necessary to predict the total number of games in the match.

Asian Handicap– bets on the player's victory, taking into account a specific handicap.

Accurate Score – You must predict the exact score of the match to win this bet.

Tournament winner– Bets on the player who will eventually win the tournament.

Bookmakers pay the most attention to such tournaments as Premier League Darts, Las Vegas Desert Classic, Grand Slam of Darts, UK Open, Winmau World Masters, PDC World Darts Championship, World Grand Prix, European Darts Championship, BDO World Darts Championship. Therefore, first of all, it is most profitable to bet on the matches of the tournaments listed above.

Darts is a very interesting game, it's adrenaline, it's excitement. Betting on darts will give you a lot of positive emotions, and, hopefully, money, which remains to be wished to you.