The biggest problem of all men.

The need to uninstall 32-bit apps from Mac and look for alternatives. Apple will no longer support such software in the next version of macOS, so it's time.

In the comments under this topic, many questioned the quality of the company's software, constant errors and failures in its work. They also noted that they do not plan to rush to upgrade to new versions of any of Apple's operating systems at all.

This made me think how everything has changed. Once upon a time, we did not get tired of writing that the key to Apple's success is optimization and simultaneous work on hardware and software. But today, even a hand does not rise to knock on the keyboard such a phrase.

Today, Apple's software is lame on both legs

My love for iPhone started with 4s. Before that, I used Android devices, and it was the talk of incredible iOS optimization that prompted me to switch to an alternative platform.

Then I chose between last year's iPhone 4 and the current 4s. I made a choice in favor of the latter only because of the camera pumped up to 8 megapixels, as well as talk about the wrong grip and loss of the cellular network signal.

There was a time… The system worked equally well on all devices. Applications opened quickly. And in games, only the graphics could differ, but definitely not the speed and smoothness.

At this time, I didn’t even think about whether I need to upgrade to a new version of iOS or it’s better to wait for the first reviews - I always did it right away. Today I put updates only to write about the problems that collect the most views.

I remember how after Android I was struck by the smoothness of the iPhone. Then only for this the smartphone wanted to forgive both the small screen and the huge cost even at that time.

If my memory serves me, there were no big problems with the operation of Apple smartphones until iOS 7. It was when Apple decided to change the interface of the operating system, it ceased to be the standard of stability. It is not possible for her to return this status today.

iOS 11.3 brought to mind, watchOS 4.3 spoiled

I switched to iOS 11 almost immediately after WWDC 2017 last summer. The first test versions of the system worked so poorly that it was almost impossible to use them on the main devices.

Of course, we hoped that everyone would bring to mind the final version of the operating system, but it continued to work disgustingly even after the release of iOS 11.1.

Everything got better only by iOS 11.2-11.3 - almost six months after the release. Horror…

The opposite happened with the Apple Watch. When we switched to the 4th version of the system, there were no problems. They only started with the release of watchOS 4.3. Now the watch strives to turn into a stone on a fashionable strap.

On the current watchOS, the watch does not always want to turn on. They can just hang on the "apple" and come to their senses only after 3-4 reboots in a row. Owners of not only outdated first ones, but also other versions of the Apple Watch complain about this on the Apple forums.

Turns out as long as cure one, cure another.

And if you raise the topic of the vulnerabilities of the company's operating systems, not even in front of malicious software, it becomes generally sickening. For example, not so long ago the iPhone, by simply sending one character to it.

Even Ming-Chi Kuo agrees that Apple has passed

Apple has given up a lot on the software front lately. In one of the latest KGI reports, Ming-Chi Kuo, the company's leading analyst, emphasized this. He insists that even the Chinese are starting to overtake her.

The expert cites Apple's ARKit augmented reality engine as an example. The company is convinced of his uniqueness and innovativeness, but many AR games without his participation work much better on android even on weaker hardware. That's where innovation.

And the point here is not in the successful actions of competitors, but in Apple's lack of motivation to do something really well.

Apple is moving forward confidently on a cart that has been dispersed by the company's successful moves in the past. However, someday it will start to stop, and that time is not far off.

Apple is on schedule and that's the problem

Apple is the most predictable company in the consumer electronics market.

We know for sure that at WWDC 2018, which will take place in early June, we will be shown iOS 12 for iPhone and iPad, as well as a set of operating systems for other devices. And already in September, we are waiting for new smartphones with a stub on the back cover.

They try not to reveal the features of each of the products to us before the presentation, but they are clearly spelled out long before the release of software and hardware.

The management of the company has created innovation plan, which engineers and developers are trying to keep up with, but they do not always succeed. And it's been especially noticeable lately.

We believe it's time for Apple to learn to shelve solutions that aren't perfect and stop using loyal users as beta testers.

To solve the problem, you need a specific kick.

According to Bloomberg, Apple is well aware that iOS and other platforms are steadily moving into a dead end. And we intend to take the most active steps in this direction.

What is Apple's biggest problem today? In software, which ideal turns into basement.

Which is why this year iOS 12 should get the biggest innovation of late - speed and stability.

Everything else that was on the company's innovation schedule is being delayed until iOS 13 and beyond. And we are sure that this is the right step.

If Apple does not change this year, the credibility of the company will be completely undermined. Then we will move to Android with a light heart, and give a concrete kick in the ass to our iPhone and Mac. And it won't be our worst decision.

“Thousands of books have been written on ways to make women happy.
Everything is wasted. Be honest - that's enough."

- Ersin Tezjan

#I'm not afraid to say

Facebook promotion # I'm not afraid to say where women (mostly women) shared stories of their pain, stories of thousands of locks and taboos, stories of sexual violence and abuse.

With all the justified and not too fears of psychotherapists about retraumatization, I consider this movement to be unambiguously correct and useful.

We cannot separate psychotherapy from social discussion.

Women and men need to go to therapists and discuss their troubles in silence, in an atmosphere of trust and support, but this is not enough to make a difference in society.
If the problem does not come out of the tightly closed offices in the square (online and offline), there will be no social changes.

And, by the way, given that the topic is taboo in the post-Soviet space, the level of psychological literacy is extremely low, and the services of therapists are expensive, how many of these stories still reach the ears of “healers of souls”?

The individual needs individual healing, but society needs public healing.

This healing takes place through conversation, through dialogue, through opening and cleaning the stinking public cesspools. Through overcoming fear. Fear to say. Fear to say “I don’t want to live like this anymore”. Fear of feeling your own pain, and fear of sharing the pain of another.

Yes, meeting even with a description of violence causes pain, but pain is a symptom that calls us to change something. And I hope that this action, having caused pain, will push at least some people to go to a psychotherapist and engage in healing (not only victims of violence, but also the rapists themselves - also victims in fact).

And I really, really hope that it will help the movement of society towards more just, tolerant and friendly relations.

This path is difficult and long, and it consists of small steps, like any other.

Critics of the action say that they say that such serious problems are not solved by flash mobs.

Thank you for opening our eyes, otherwise we did not know.

Of course they don't!

Not a single problem is solved by a flash mob. And it is not solved by the party meeting.

But the difference between a flash mob and a party meeting is that no one drives anyone to a flash mob - people come there because it turns out to be important to them. To realize a certain value. To talk about what is truly important to them personally.

As the suffragettes engaged in non-violent methods of civil disobedience—chaining themselves to gates, boarding tracks, demonstrating, and standing in the streets holding signs—as New York textile workers took to the streets, “Empty Pot March” against low wages and poor working conditions, did anyone think that these antics of “crazy women” would solve the problem?

No, no one thought so. But the women went out and out into the streets, and eventually became visible to those who were happy with everything. And they had to be dealt with, they had to be taken into account and their voice had to be heeded.

So to state: "I do not like it", is the first step, the main thing is not to stop at it and continue to strive to be heard and listened to.


But in general, I now want to talk about men and with men, many of whom were not ready to look into the abyss and hid behind the standard set of reactions: irritation, suppression of feelings, rationalization, generalization, detachment, withdrawal, sarcasm, irony, suspicion, conspiracy theory blaming the victim...

The wave of the flash mob, in addition to grief, pain, words of support and condemnation, also splashed a lot of useful materials, advice from psychologists and just thoughts into the feed.

I already knew that modern people have a very restless mind, but I didn’t think that this was a problem for all “whites”, that is, Western people. Moreover, I assumed that this was more about women, but it turned out that the “Europeans” have this feature no less developed.

First, an Ayurvedic doctor mentioned this after testing, saying that, like all Europeans, the brain is working too rapidly. But Asians (not by nationality, but by environment) do not have this, they say. I was surprised. Decided to think about it later.

See how simple it is. The situation is you need help. For example, you are walking from the store and you are carrying a very heavy bag of potatoes. You really need help. And nearby passes, for example, your neighbor. It would seem - ask him to help! But no!

A war begins in our brain: to ask or not to ask? What will he think of me? What if he refuses?

It's awkward to load. But it's too hard to pull. He will say, she bought it herself and drag it. But in the lectures they say you have to ask. Maybe try? Or is it better next time?

And even if she asked, the war does not end. If he agreed, you can break your brain on whether he wants something for it, why he agreed, maybe he has some kind of views on me, and what other neighbors will think when they see this. And if he refused, then you can talk about how to look into his eyes now, and that he is not such a good person as he seemed.

Indians have it easier. And not only them. Need help. Help me? Yes fine. No - good. And that's it. And no complex structures, attempts to predict the thoughts and actions of other people, assessments of decency, and so on. Everything is simple.

This has always amazed me in India, how simple and easy it is for them to ask for help, and how easy it is to contact them.

Take any other situation that could be solved more easily, and you will see how our restless mind can make the simple difficult.

If, for example, you like another person. Like what he does, how he does it, how he looks and so on. What's on your mind? Should he talk about it? How appropriate and correct is this? What will he think? But won't it get hot? Will he laugh at me? What if he comes up with more than he really is? What if someone finds out that you like it? Etc. It would seem - like it - say that's all. The person will be pleased, and you too. But no.

They do it in India. You walk down the street, and strangers tell you what a beautiful sari, how well you wound it, what beautiful children, what a smart mother you are. They do not want to build any relationship with you, they just walk by and say what they feel. They said - and went on, and most likely, they no longer remember you after five meters.

What if you don't like what the other person does to you? The key here is “with you”, we are talking about situations where a person acts towards you in a way that causes you pain or inconvenience. For example, they stepped on your foot and stand. You boil internally and when a person’s conscience wakes up, because he behaves this way on purpose! The farther, the more you are able to come up with both about a person and about his attitude towards you. And the person simply does not know that your leg is there. Doesn't know, doesn't feel. But you yourself have already come up with something and are offended, angry.

And so in everything, in any of our relationships, the head is capable of complicating everything, inventing something that does not exist, pumping it up. Remember the movie where the heroine told her beloved that they would someday have a son, and then trouble would happen to him? Here is a classic example. The son hasn't even been born yet. Maybe even a daughter will be born. Or no one will be born with this man. And she is already worried about a person who is not there yet.

Our restless mind is able to draw something for us and then get scared of it. And instead of here and now, we live in an unknown place. Not even in the past, because we see the past through the prism of our restless mind. Not even in the future, because the mind draws pictures for us, most often those that will never come true (and thank God!).

We live in these fantasies of our inflamed restless mind.

The girl, having barely met the guy, begins to be tormented by doubts whether it is her betrothed or not, whether he likes her the same way or wants to take advantage of her, what kind of children they will have, whether it is worth taking his last name, where they will grow old and how to name the grandchildren. She mentally married him already, and there she managed to quarrel and break up. And he simply invited her to drink tea together.

I often think of different stories told by girls who have healed relationships with their parents. How, after many years, they were able to speak out their grievances and found that moms and dads did not know anything about their torment and did not want to inflict on children. For example, as a child, I had a terribly prickly hat that I hated. But my mother asked me to put it on, because it is very cold outside. And my mind then drew different scenarios for me that my mother was torturing me on purpose. And a couple of years ago we remembered this hat, and it turned out that my mother knew nothing about my suffering, because I didn’t tell her anything. For her, it was just a warm hat and that's it. We grow up like this from childhood, we are taught this - and people, and the environment, and habits.

We try in every way to interpret any external signal in relation to ourselves. Although even Freud, beloved by many, said that "sometimes a banana is just a banana."

For example, if a girl hears a whistle from behind, then often she can interpret this as an appeal to an easily accessible woman, project it onto herself, and as a result, she will be offended, angry, and begin to blame herself for what she put on today. But most likely, they whistle not at all to her and with completely different thoughts. In the same way, when someone laughs behind your back, 90 percent of women will decide that they are laughing at her and frantically begin to check if she forgot to wear anything, if her legs are crooked, and so on.

And with clothes the same strange situation. We don't wear what we like, because what if someone thinks. We wear fashion, like everyone else, even if it is uncomfortable and we don’t like it. And constantly at the mirror we evaluate ourselves - how does it look? What signals does it send? Should I lose weight for this dress? Or vice versa, get fat? Am I too old for these shorts? Is it possible to wear such a dress of a mother of three children? What if people think it's me? What if I step on the hem of this skirt somewhere? What if I meet a girl in the same dress? What if other mothers on the site condemn me for showing off? What if your husband doesn't like it? It would seem - put on what you like, and you will feel differently - that's all. But no.

Instead of a stimulus-response, we get a complex chain of stimulus - long throwing of a restless mind - a reaction - and again the torment of the mind.

We spend too much energy on this, trying to understand what they think of us, how they treat us.

We complicate our own life, instead of just living, we think so much that there is no strength left for life.

In relationships, we endlessly fight with non-existent problems and suck problems out of our finger. We really suffer from stupidity more than from karma. We really look like crazy people.

How many far-fetched problems in our life! Because we want to be good, like everyone else, perfect, we do not accept our past and are afraid of the future. We can’t even often understand what we want, where our desires are, and where others’ desires.

Too restless mind, fed by TV, upbringing and rules of conduct, a bunch of useless knowledge that we don’t use, education that, for a crust, but ruffled the nerves and filled the head with nonsense ...

In this place, we have a lot to learn from the Indians or the Balinese. Yes, we sometimes evaluate them as too simple and not knowing the decency of people. But they do not worry about this topic and do not even think about what we think about them. They continue to live the way they feel and be themselves. And we should learn how to calm our restless brains, and this will already be able to bring us closer to feeling.

P.S. How they joke - God gave you brains to think what dress to wear, and you are about the fate of mankind. Do not do it this way!

P.P.S. And please, relax your frowned forehead, under which a war of thoughts has already begun on the topic that it is impossible to live without brains at all, that they are all poor, what am I doing here of all the fools. Relax. The article is not about that.

    Man is the biggest problem.

    the decline of morals, the stupefaction of youth...

    hahaha we are so smart
    "Today's youth is accustomed to luxury. They are distinguished by bad manners, despises authority, does not respect elders. Children argue with parents, greedily swallow food and taunt teachers."
    (Short. Athens, V-IV centuries BC)

    Of course, others are easier to blame.
    Morality, morals? Do not tell. Do you think they ever existed? And what is it anyway?
    The main problem of the human world (not only the modern one) is the desire of every person to be a "god". Everyone is sure that they are right, everyone wants power (but not everyone admits it), everyone wants to live in comfort and everyone does not care about each other. The main problem of people is the lack of tolerance, tolerance, respect, sympathy and understanding for all living things.
  • Biblical: "And because of the forgetfulness of the laws, the love of many will grow cold."

    Big ScoopAlo

    People around ... I want silence

  • Take a look at the questions on the first page of the irtz and everything will become clear.

    People don't want to think, they don't want to love themselves, they don't want to be deeper when superficiality suits them. People want money and to be loved and respected by everyone.

    You can add the corruption of children and adolescents through the mass media, an ill-conceived curriculum in high school, where no one teaches the child and tells how to behave in society, what values ​​​​are important and inviolable, what morality to follow is more correct and safe for oneself. They do not teach to speak with their hearts, to love and hear and understand themselves. Hence cruel hearts, unstable behavior, mutilated destinies and souls in the adult world.

    Yes, what kind of personal development of a child can we talk about when adults themselves direct them to debauchery, drugs, alcohol. A simple example - they just shot a film in Russia called "14+", where children of 15 years old are filming in erotic scenes ... (put out the lights, lower the curtain)

    Here the question is rather, what is the main problem of modern man? What prevents him from living happily from birth, so that there is no need to pursue this happiness all his life? What is the universal pledge of love for all? And how not to miss the moment, how to make the right choice?..

    In general, it is necessary to consider individuality, the possibility of a normal childhood with an acceptable upbringing and values ​​and understanding instilled from birth, and the essence of the whole society will be clear.

    mnu brown))))) there are 3 floors) norms)) enough)

    Modern man does not need love at all, as well as a real genuine culture of behavior, excluding selfish motives and hidden lust. He is interested in a quick buzz that is passed like a baton along with a "beautiful" bouquet of carnal viruses. And something "greater" cannot be embraced by those who are petty and closed in their complexes, presented as almost pious principles for perceiving relationships. So, in my words, one can trace a fairly simple conclusion: speed is not always equal to quality, but shameful slowness is fraught with the loss of that very mutual "higher love" that one dreams of, but does not make any serious efforts to achieve.

    connect the TV as a second monitor and voila