Report: Business plan for a private music school, Treble Clef LLC. How to open a music school

The demand for private educational institutions is growing every day, especially in large cities of our country. More recently, private music schools have begun to open, as many want to send their children there or want to attend it on their own as a hobby. Having chosen this type of business, you should carefully consider and be sure to draw up a business plan for a music school in order to calculate the most important aspects of the project. This example will help you create your own business plan.


Thanks to the popularity of private schools, courses, sections and musical institutions, sometimes entrepreneurs themselves think about implementing projects for small and medium-sized institutions. To increase demand, specialized courses are offered. Examples: teaching English, a physics and mathematics school, a school with a programming focus, or a music school where students practice quality musical instruments with motivated and highly qualified teachers.

A private music school is a rather complex project; it is still a new thing for entrepreneurs. It is important to write out a business plan and think through the nuances in order to obtain profitability. To do this, you definitely need a business plan for a music school with calculations that will take into account all costs, the cost of equipment and rental premises.

Open private music school possible on the ground floor of a former large store or in government agency(we rent the premises). The value of such a school is high level and the quality of teaching students how to play musical instruments.

Market analysis and target audience identification

When developing a marketing plan, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis, determine the target audience, its volume and demand for a specific area of ​​musical disciplines.

The target audience is, first of all, parents of children aged 7 to 14 years (85-90%), adults, mainly women 28-40 years old (10-15%).

The most common instruments for which learning to play is in demand:

  • Piano (45%).
  • Violin (25%).
  • Guitar (25%).
  • Bayan (accordion) (5%).

It is necessary to look at the number of similar schools in the city and identify the most popular musical directions, and create a brief SWOT analysis of competitors. Highly qualified teachers and the location of the school are a priority.

Criteria for choosing a private music school:

  • School image.
  • Level of qualification of teachers.
  • Equipment (condition of musical instruments).
  • Proximity to school and home.
  • Price of classes.

Location and rental of the building (premises)

The location of a private music school directly affects its attendance. It is advisable to choose premises close to schools, kindergartens, and lyceums.

For a music school, it is necessary to consider spacious premises, at least 200-250 square meters, which will house at least 4 classrooms + a teacher’s room, a bathroom, a utility room, and a performance hall with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. m and a small hall (minimum 20 sq. m). The room should have windows to provide natural light and a positive atmosphere in the school. It is undesirable to place a school on the 4th-5th floor; children should be comfortable going up to the educational institution, as well as getting to it.

The price of renting premises in large cities is within 100 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m, in smaller cities (but not less than 1 million inhabitants) the price is about 20 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. However, such educational institutions have some discounts for large area, plus you can get benefits and financial assistance from the state. Rent of premises in a government institution will be much lower, no more than 7 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Tools and furniture

The priority for a music school will, of course, be high-quality musical instruments. This equipment should be purchased in excellent condition and good trademark, since parents, when bringing their children to a private school, often look at this. It is not recommended to buy a used tool due to possible wear and tear and problems with it. If after a year of work you have to re-purchase tools, this will negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise and bring reputational losses. In addition, you need to purchase furniture for the music school, namely:

Name Price Quantity
Piano 70 000 3
Violin 5 000 3
Guitar 5 000 3
Accordion 25 000 2
Chairs 600 15
Sofa (in the hall) 10 000 1
Teacher's desk 5 000 12
Plumbing 10 000 1
Household goods 2 000
Chairs for the hall 500 20
Total 391 000 60

The cost of musical instruments is the main expense item, but they affect the return on investment in the project.

To start a private music school, you need 2 pianos for 2 classes and 1 instrument for the hall, 2 violins for 2 classes and one for performances or for the teacher during classes, 1 accordion for a student and 1 instrument for a teacher. Next, you should look at the demand for lessons and purchase the necessary tools.

Before installing furniture and immediately inviting students, the tools must be set up for high-quality work. In addition, this process must be included in the schedule and the instrument must be retuned at least once every six months, this piano is especially sensitive.


It is possible to open a private school without a decent level of education, but the investment is unlikely to pay off even in a year. Most likely, no one will come to you. The guarantee of quality training is not only a high-quality instrument, but also highly qualified teachers. Clients place increased demands on their qualifications. In addition, the school must have employees who ensure order and discipline, as well as maintaining accounting records.

Required staff:

Job title Salary Number of units
Manager 40 000 1
Teacher 30 000 4
Cleaner 15 000 2
Security guard (night) 15 000 2
Accountant (part-time or remote) 15 000 1
Total 235 10

The manager and teachers work on a schedule 6 days a week from 9:00 to 18:00, a cleaner - from 14:00 to 18:00, a security guard is required on the night shift - from 18:00 to 9.00. An accountant will be sufficient for the period of submission of reports to tax service, this is no more than 10 hours per month.


When opening a private music school, you should register your business as an LLC. To do this, you must submit documents no later than 2 months before the official opening.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire department and a license to conduct educational activities. Documentation of teachers is very important, namely a certificate of qualifications and work experience.


When opening a music school, it is necessary to develop an advertising strategy, especially for the payback period of the institution. It is needed both in cases of high competition between similar schools and in the absence of them. This is explained, in the first case, by the struggle for a place in a niche, in the second – by attracting students and their parents to art and creativity, because many want, but are afraid to attend private schools. When creating your brand, you need to win over potential customers and offer them something they can’t refuse. In any case, a marketing analysis is required at the beginning of project development, identifying needs, identifying parents’ fears, as well as opportunities and threats for school development in a given city and under specific circumstances.

From the right strategy marketing and identifying the needs of the school’s clients depends on its profit and the payback period for costs in the process of activity. Therefore, even before opening a school, it is necessary to notify the entire district of the city in which the school will be located about its existence. To do this you need:

  • Conduct a survey of the target audience (parents with children aged 7-14 years) as in field research, and on forums and in groups on social networks.
  • Talk with the city school administration about cooperation.
  • Collect information on how many children live in this and nearby areas in order to form an approximate size of the target audience.

Decorate the entrance facade of the school with a beautiful large sign, inform people about the opening of the institution. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Flyers in the mailboxes of houses in the area.
  • Distributing flyers near the school.
  • Leaflets in schools, kindergartens (senior groups).
  • 2 billboards (one in the school area, the other in a neighboring area).
  • Advertising in city newspapers.

Approximate estimate:

Variable spending

Don't forget about utility costs. Despite the fact that musical instruments themselves are not expensive, it is necessary to illuminate 200 square meters. m and heating them will cost at least 20 thousand rubles. per month You need to spend money on communications (telephone and Internet). This is necessary for the mobility and work of teachers - about 10 thousand rubles.

Registration of an LLC will require about 2 thousand rubles, and the license depends on the city where the private music school is opened and the number of open music classes. On this moment we can conclude that the investments invested in the private music school project will amount to a minimum of 712,000 + a minimum of 10 thousand/sq. m (20,000) = 732,000 + cost of license (at least 5 thousand rubles) and additional costs (100 thousand rubles).


The business idea of ​​opening a private music school is quite risky and not very profitable. According to experts, the average profit rises to 25%. However, there is now a demand for private schools with good offers, and there are many free space in this niche. It is quite possible to create your own school and develop it to a strong and competitive scale, achieve a positive image and, using marketing tools, attract students from all over the city (if it is a metropolis) or from the entire region (if it is a medium-sized city). Success depends on the quality of education and effective PR of the school.

Before opening a private music school, you need to decide on the target audience to whom this art will be taught. And also decide on the direction of music taught.

So, first you need to find a good room. Because we are going to open a general education institution, thanks to this we can rent municipal premises at a very favorable price. For example, a room measuring 150 thousand square meters. meters will be approximately $1,350 per month.
For office space There are no special requirements. Workplaces and a place for employees to relax, where they can have a snack and drink tea, should be equipped. But in the case of a stationary school, everything is a little more complicated.

The room should be large and easily accessible. It should be possible to equip several classrooms for classes, an office part, a place for the administrator, and a kitchenette. It is also important to make a good and interesting room design.

Finding excellent staff is the most important and difficult task. It is essential that your staff genuinely do a good job and want to please your customers.
The state provides assistance in the form of preferential taxes and government subsidies, all of which can cover about 20% of all expenses. Thanks to this, a private school becomes a very profitable business.

It is very important that children and their parents learn about the opening of your music school. This can be easily achieved by posting advertisements in secondary schools Oh. It would be nice if you advertise in the media.

You can offer preferential services and discounts to employees of businesses in your area. For example, a 10% discount for children of medical staff located near a clinic. At first, you will also have to negotiate with school directors about advertising; this can be a regular announcement, but a live performance at a parent-teacher meeting or in front of children works better.

In addition to advertising and renting premises, you will have to incur costs for the purchase of musical instruments, which will cost about 300 thousand rubles, the payment of wages to employees - teachers and administrative staff - 200 thousand rubles, the purchase of furniture and equipment: tables, chairs, sheet music - 50 thousand rubles . In total, the initial costs of opening a private music school will be 350 thousand rubles one-time and 400 thousand rubles every month.

Let's calculate the profitability of this business idea. Training is carried out in 2 shifts, and one day there are 10 hours of lessons in 6 classes, a total of 1800 hours of lessons per month. According to the program, training is conducted 3 times a week for one and a half hours. The average monthly tuition fee will be 5,000 rubles. It is easy to calculate that monthly revenue is 450,000 rubles. Taking into account government subsidies, the net profit will be 130,000 rubles monthly. The payback period for a business is 3-4 months. With a tuition fee of 6,000 rubles, you will earn a profit even without government subsidies.

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Business plan

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A carefully structured school business plan will help you understand how to properly organize your business. Services additional education are in demand, many parents want to send their child to a school where they can develop additional creative abilities in him. Therefore, an art school or modeling courses are needed, especially parents are happy when these creative workshops are located near home. Therefore, joining this business means giving children diversified development, parents the opportunity to give their child additional education, and bringing you profit and prosperity.

You have the opportunity to study the finished document now. A convenient and understandable document will lift the curtain and help open a music school or studio, where the child will be given a high-quality musical education, knowledge of musical literacy, understanding and a sense of style. Piano and violin, guitar and folk instruments, music criticism and other wisdom can be taught at your school. Don't forget about marketing plan, with which you can tell about your initiative as much as possible more potential clients.

In a sample business plan for organizing a further education school you will also find economic calculations, which will allow you to determine the cost of an undertaking, be it a model school or a music association, an art school, or one aimed at the early development of children’s business skills. It is necessary to think about paying teachers, organizing high-quality material resources and purchasing educational materials, equipment, tools. The undertaking is not easy, but it will definitely bring profit, which will only grow as your creative business develops.

Hundreds of thousands of parents face the problem of choosing an educational institution for their child every year. Public schools have long been distrusted by many fathers and mothers, and therefore they involuntarily think about the possibility of sending their child to a private institution. But at the same time, doubts that a decent education will be provided there still remain.

According to statistics, the private educational business market in our country is developing slowly, and few entrepreneurs decide to open a private school. And the problem is not even that a business such as educational services requires a license. An educational license will cost several thousand rubles, and it is really not easy to get one. But the main difficulty is finding suitable premises. It must comply with numerous requirements of Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as licensing conditions.

At this stage, as a rule, the ardor of a businessman becomes minimal and the desire to open a private children's school remains among only a few. They will have to overcome all the thorns of the educational business, which a huge number await both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

As the experience of creating private schools shows, it is very difficult for such institutions to do without government support. Thanks to it, renting premises is slightly cheaper than current market prices. Until recently, such schools also had tax breaks, but now the only relief is exemption from VAT. Those businessmen who have acquired ownership of a school building find themselves in a more advantageous position. This allows them to feel some stability.

The main income of any private school is tuition fees. In private schools, the rates are set by the management, but it should be remembered that the higher the teachers’ salaries, the more expensive the education is for the parents of the students. Moms and dads are willing to pay hefty fees for their children's education, but only if the quality of education is high.

To open a private school, you will need a license, which will only be issued if the rented premises meet the most stringent requirements. If you decide to open not just your own school for the development of children, but to set up half board or even a boarding school where the child can stay for the whole week, the building should have rooms for sleeping and playrooms. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the private school population - these are mainly children from wealthy families who are accustomed to a certain level of comfort.

Organizing a private development school for preschoolers makes even more serious demands, which only a businessman who uses in his work can take into account professional example business plan for opening a private school with ready-made calculations. Guided by it, a businessman will not get bogged down in the quagmire of insoluble issues and will easily understand, for example, the features and procedure for opening new classrooms. Educational services, as an area of ​​business, require strict planning, and it is the business plan that is the document that gives the businessman the necessary support.

The market for paid educational services is experiencing standing time hard times. On the one hand, the decline in the quality of education in public educational institutions is a powerful incentive to pay attention to private schools. On the other hand, not every family is able to bear the costs of paid education. Businessmen themselves who decide to open their own private school find themselves in a far from simple situation.

When opening an educational business from scratch, entrepreneurs are forced to search for their niche, creating a reputation and a big name for themselves. The main problem is to be able to prove to parents that their school will provide the child with the opportunity to receive the highest quality education. But, in order to interest potential clients, you need to know what criteria mothers and fathers use when choosing a private school.

The demand for paid educational services still remains quite low - approximately 15-20% of parents living in large cities are ready to think about sending their children to a private school educational institution. And it is necessary to try very hard to ensure that this readiness develops into a serious intention to use the services of such schools.

The experience of implementing the project to create private schools clearly demonstrates all the problems characteristic of this market segment. When opening a private school, a businessman needs to clearly understand the purpose for which parents send their children to a paid educational institution. As a rule, the main motivating factor is the desire to provide your child with the opportunity to receive a quality education and the individual development of his abilities.

What criteria do parents look for when choosing a private school? As statistics show, first of all - on the reputation of the establishment. That is, reviews of the educational services provided can play both a positive and a sharply negative role. In addition, mothers and fathers pay the closest attention to the qualifications of the teachers who work at the school. Of course, any vacancy in a private school, for example, a teacher for the creative development of children, is attractive to many teachers. But you need to choose the best ones so that there are no problems later.

From all this it is clear that businessmen who are planning to open a school need to take care to become visible. But how can you open a private school and immediately be able to make a name for yourself? After all, in order for parents to be able to assess the prospects, time is needed. In solving this problem, any entrepreneur must be guided by a competent example of a business plan for an educational services center for children. Whether you decide to open an early learning school or a private arts school, the professional advice presented in this document will provide you with invaluable support. And, despite the fact that the return on investment in an educational business can hardly be called high, you will stand on your own two feet.

The question of how to open a music school is becoming increasingly relevant. And if you draw up a business plan with calculations, you can reach the full payback of the project within a year, make a significant profit and at the same time perform important social functions.

And if previously such institutions were the prerogative of the state and were subject to standard programs, today private education, even in a field with a narrow specialization, is gaining more and more popularity. This provides the basis for entrepreneurs to occupy their niche in the market.

Features of the idea

Before deciding whether to open a private music school in your city, you need to carefully study the market and draw up a business plan. To do this, analyze the level of demand for these services and determine your competitors. Usually they are:

  • state educational institutions with relevant specialization;
  • sections and clubs for the development of musical abilities;
  • private schools, in which, in addition to standard subjects, there are also creative directions;
  • tutors who work with talented children on an individual basis.

And if it turns out that demand exceeds supply, then the idea is worth it. And although today the private sector is mostly occupied with general educational institutions, development creativity are also beginning to pay attention. The prospects and relevance of opening a private music school are confirmed by the fact that public institutions are experiencing certain difficulties:

  1. Due to low salaries paid to personnel, there is a loss of qualified personnel. Good teachers leaving such positions for the private sector or giving preference to tutoring.
  2. Due to poor funding, state music schools are not able to promptly update their material resources and provide children with a new and high-quality instrument for learning.
  3. Too high a competition often prevents everyone from entering such an institution. And there are still many students who would happily take classes if they were available.

IN modern realities Parents are increasingly giving preference to private education, as they realize that it is in such institutions that their child will be able to receive the best development of individual abilities. Here Special attention pay attention to the qualifications of teachers, and the material base is constantly replenished and expanded through funding.

True, it is worth considering that in small towns such an idea is unlikely to be justified. After all, the narrow direction of the private sector will not be able to collect sufficient quantity students or parents with lower incomes simply will not be able to pay for such training. Therefore, this business can be considered as a successful and promising project only in large cities and regions where the population is highly wealthy.

Your target audience is parents of children 7-15 years old. Although there is a small percentage of adults who want to catch up or fulfill their dreams, they sign up for music lessons. Conducted studies indicate that the most important criteria when choosing a private institution are:

  • school reputation,
  • reviews from former students and their parents;
  • teacher qualification level;
  • convenient location.

But the cost of classes is considered a less significant argument. After all, if all of the above points correspond to the wishes of potential clients, then they will be willing to pay any amount for the development of their child’s skills and talents.

If we summarize all the features of opening a private music school, we should highlight the following advantages:

  1. There are many benefits and privileges from the state for educational institutions.
  2. Such projects are exempt from VAT.
  3. The demand for private lessons in various creative areas is growing every year.
  4. Teachers, whose work is honestly and worthily assessed, put all their strength and soul into their work, from which both the children, the institution itself, and its owner benefit.
  5. High profitability of the project.
  6. There is minimal competition in this segment, since music schools currently only exist in the public sector.

We also need to remember the disadvantages:

  • You will have to obtain a number of permits and go through the licensing process, without which you will have to conduct educational activities on legally will not work.
  • Such a project requires large capital investments, since the tools themselves are expensive.
  • There are difficulties in finding a sufficient number of students in small towns.

If you don’t know where to start such a business, or you lack experience in running affairs in the educational segment, then you should use existing franchises. Thanks to them, you receive a ready-made package of documents for registration, the material base for carrying out activities and assistance in establishing all processes, training staff, etc.

What does it take to open a private music school?

The most optimal form for running such a business is to create a legal entity. To do this, you need to gather all the co-owners, write the company Charter, decide on authorized capital, draw up a rental agreement for the premises or have documents confirming ownership. Based on this, the legal address of the company is determined.

Together with the application and copies of passports and TIN of all owners, they submit papers to the tax service. You will also have to pay a state fee. Having received consent, you need to start preparing the premises for the educational process. This requires compliance with all standards from the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire inspection. Only after a thorough check do they issue permits.

At the same time, you will have to register with Rospotrebnadzor and receive the relevant documents from them. The most difficult stage will be the licensing process. This case is being considered by the Ministry of Education. Before starting activities, it is necessary to check the availability of qualification documents from teachers. These could be diplomas higher education, narrow specialization, certificates, etc.

Preparing the premises

When searching for a suitable building for your music school, it is very important to find the best location. These do not necessarily have to be the central areas of the city. It is much preferable to be close to other educational institutions - kindergartens, clubs and sections of different directions. Even a residential area of ​​the city is advantageous, since many potential clients live there, and there is no competition.

It should be noted that all educational institutions in our country have privileges at the state level in terms of renting buildings. They are given a significant discount, which will save money invested at the very beginning. But before conducting classes there, it must be prepared in accordance with all the rules required by the SES and State Penitentiary Institutions:

  1. Ensure that each study room and other work areas meet state standards. For example, a classroom for individual lessons must be at least 12 square meters. m., and for groups – 18 sq. m. The sizes of rooms for staff, bathrooms, accounting and even wardrobes are also calculated. Check all the rules for landscaping in advance. According to average calculations, for 80-100 students there should be about 200 sq. m. total area.
  2. Repair work is carried out in accordance with fire service standards, that is, using fire-resistant materials. But at the same time they must be safe for the health of students.
  3. The entire space is divided into 5-6 classrooms, a teacher’s room, administrative offices, a bathroom, and a storage room for household needs.
  4. Pay attention to soundproofing the premises so that the sounds coming from the classrooms do not disturb others and neighbors.

Material base

The most expensive item of expenditure is the purchase of educational furniture and tools. Depending on what areas your school will specialize in, different elements are needed. The most popular lessons on playing are:

  • piano;
  • vocal classes that require a piano;
  • violin;
  • guitar;
  • button accordion or accordion;
  • saxophone;
  • drums

Each of the instruments must be of high quality and in several copies. For some of them, consumables (for example, strings) are also purchased. In addition, for the organization educational process we need study desks and chairs, music stands, methodological manuals, posters, portraits of famous musicians, etc. For the administrative part and accounting, you will need standard office equipment.

Class schedule

It is important to properly organize the educational process. For this purpose, special unique methodological programs, in which attention is paid not only to the content, but also to the form of teaching. All classes in music schools are most often structured according to the following algorithm:

  1. In the chosen major subject, 3 lessons per week are held for 90 minutes.
  2. Lessons for mastering basic literacy, which include solfeggio and specialized literature - 1-2 times a week.

Take into account students' preferences as to when it is most convenient for them to come to class. There are statistics that schoolchildren can attend classes in the afternoon, after the general education process. But kids who are still in kindergarten learn information better before lunch.


For the full functioning of a private institution, it is necessary to form a staff of employees:

  • Teachers - one for each subject qualified specialist.
  • The head teacher takes on the marketing side of the matter, selects teachers, and controls the rest.
  • Methodist - develops manuals, works closely with teachers, and adjusts teaching methods.
  • Administrators - perform support and organizational functions, take calls, communicate with potential clients, create a class schedule, etc.
  • Accountant.
  • Cleaning woman.

If you have expensive tools, you can also introduce the position of a territory security guard. To begin with, civil contracts are drawn up with teachers with the condition of piecework payment. As the number of students increases and the school’s work becomes more stable, we can talk about a certain salary level.

To attract more students to new school you need to start an advertising campaign long before the start of the educational process. Everything is used for this available funds and communication channels:

  1. They hand out flyers and leaflets on the streets that talk about the “day open doors"and everyone is invited to receive detailed information.
  2. Presentations, master classes, performances, and concerts are held at which students or teachers show their abilities and achievements.
  3. Over time, it will be important to participate in most local events in order to receive awards and thereby increase the reputation of the establishment.
  4. Create a website or groups in in social networks, where you will display all the interesting information, photos and video reports on the achievements of graduates.
  5. Post notices or posters in educational institutions, in residential areas, so that as many potential clients as possible see your advertisement.
  6. Take advantage of standard channels - newspapers, magazines, television, radio, etc.
  7. Make sure to install a beautiful and attractive sign at the entrance so that it can be seen from the street.
  8. Leave messages in people's mailboxes.
  9. Register in the catalogs of educational institutions in the region.

And even then, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the first years of the institution’s operation, the school’s occupancy will not exceed 50-60%. And only as it appears positive feedback, graduating talented students, we can talk about increasing the reputation and attractiveness of the institution.

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Financial part of the project

The creation of a private music school indicates certain expectations of profit for its owner. Therefore, it is important to draw up a business plan that takes into account all the expected costs of organizing the educational process and the expected income from classes.

It is also advisable to have some funds in reserve to ensure the operation of the school in the first months. After all, regardless of the appearance of clients and financing, you need to pay wages staff, public utilities, taxes, social contributions, rent, and possibly interest on the loan. On average, monthly expenses will be about 200 thousand rubles.

It is much more difficult to calculate the income received, since it will largely depend on the existing situation in the market - competitors, level of demand, established prices, etc. Remember that in summer period The educational process dies down or stops altogether, so it’s better to time the opening closer to the fall.

For example, if you conduct about 10,000 classes per year at an average cost of 300 rubles, you can make a profit of 3 million, which will cover all monthly expenses and help return almost the entire initial investment. It is important to approach the issue of pricing wisely. So, in the first years it is better to set low or average tuition rates. And only as the institution’s reputation grows, increase the cost of education.

Video: how to open a private music school?

Economic indicators of a private music school for 80 students, subject to the rental of premises.

Today, almost every type of education is gradually moving to a paid basis. Private schools, kindergartens, courses and studios no longer surprise anyone. But, there are several types of commercial training, which is completely new for the Russian market, just beginning its development.

These include classes in paid music schools. Opening such an establishment can be a good business idea for a novice entrepreneur; the main thing is to clarify all the organizational and financial nuances in advance.

Market analysis and relevance

Such a business has the greatest prospects in large regions of the country, in places where there is the least level of competition. Due to the fact that the profitability of private music schools depends on the level of income of the population, in small towns this activity practically does not develop, since there are high risks of not justifying their undertakings.

Main competitors of this business speakers:

  • state music schools;
  • various music clubs;
  • other private schools;
  • persons engaged in individual tutoring.

Despite the fact that the activity of maintaining a commercial music school in the domestic paid education market is just beginning to develop, there is incredible potential for advancement in this niche.

Opening such a business today is a relevant idea, as more and more parents are seeking to send their children to paid classes instead of standard lessons in public institutions. This is explained primarily by three significant reasons:

  1. Budgetary institutions live in a financial deficit, and therefore, sometimes there is even nothing to pay teachers’ salaries. As a result, highly qualified teachers leave schools for private tutoring or other fields of activity.
  2. Many government schools are unable to update equipment and tools.
  3. There is high competition for admission to public schools.

Registration and organization of business

Of course, at first, you can register an individual entrepreneur to open a music school. This will save time spent on preparation and execution of statutory documentation, as well as simplify tax reporting. But, the optimal form of ownership for this type of business is an LLC.

Despite the fact that there are higher risks than with an individual entrepreneur, it will provide much more development opportunities, and clients trust a full-fledged organization more.

Required Documentation

In order for a music school to officially operate and teach children, it must have the following mandatory documentation:

  • protocol or decision on the creation of a specific legal form of organization;
  • charter;
  • memorandum of association;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service as a legal entity;
  • premises rental agreement or other title document.

In addition to registration documentation, to conduct educational activities it is necessary to obtain an appropriate license. The procedure for its registration and issuance is regulated by legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Premises and renovation

When searching for suitable premises, it is recommended to pay attention to places that are located not only in the central busy areas of the city, but also near secondary schools and kindergartens in residential areas. More often than not, this area is less covered by competitors in the form of municipal schools.

Due to the fact that any music school, including a private one, is educational institution, therefore, its founder has the right to rent premises for its organization on preferential terms.

Of course, if there are sufficient funds, an entrepreneur can acquire ownership of the territory for a school.

When renovating and decorating a premises, it is first of all important to take into account the requirements imposed on such establishments by sanitary and fire regulations. First of all, they relate to sound insulation and calculation of area, which is carried out based on the following standards:

  1. The general territory of the school should be divided into several zones: work area, recreation area and service rooms.
  2. The work area includes classrooms for individual and group lessons. In the first case, the rooms cannot be less than 12 square meters. m., and in the second - less than 18 sq. m.
  3. The recreation area includes a teacher's room and a room for meetings of the Teachers' Council. Its area is calculated at the rate of 2.5 square meters. m. per employee.
  4. Service premises include an accounting department and a reception room of at least 5 sq. m. m for each, bathroom - at least 10 sq. m, a room for storing tuner's tools - at least 5 sq. m., cleaners' cabin - at least 3 sq. m. and wardrobe - at the rate of 1.5 sq. m. per student.

It turns out that if you plan to open a music school for about 80-100 students in various specialties, then you will need at least 200 square meters. m.

Equipment and facilities

The biggest expense item when opening a private music school is the purchase of the necessary equipment, which, first of all, includes a musical instrument. Its list will depend on what specialties will be taught at the institution, but the minimum set should consist of the following elements:

  • piano (several pieces for individual and group classes) and grand piano (for vocal lessons and concert hall);
  • violins (depending on the age of the intended students, different sizes of the instrument are taken);
  • guitars;
  • button accordion and accordion;
  • saxophone

In addition, furniture in the form of chairs, tables, and sofas will be required for the interior furnishings of classrooms, office spaces and recreation areas. Also, classrooms intended for group classes require desks and whiteboards, and the reception and accounting departments require computers and printers.

Organization of the educational process and educational materials

Regardless of the chosen training program, unique methods And special techniques As a rule, classes at a music school are organized according to the following schedule:

  1. The main subject (individual lesson on a specific musical instrument or vocals) – 3 times a week for 1.5 hours.
  2. Musical literacy (solfege and musical literature) 1-2 times a week for 1 hour.

When developing a training program, it is necessary to carefully think through not only the schedule and main content, but also the form in which knowledge will be presented. Accordingly, you will need to purchase visual material in the form of sheet music and educational books, as well as brochures, portraits, posters and other items necessary for music education.


To ensure the stable operation of a private music school, you will need to hire the following specialists:

  • a head teacher who will deal with marketing issues, selection of teachers and monitoring the work of the methodologist and administrators;
  • a methodologist who will be involved in direct work with teachers and clients;
  • two administrators who will work in shifts. Their responsibilities will include taking calls, scheduling classes, meeting potential clients and monitoring the resolution of everyday issues;
  • financier for accounting, compiling financial plans and reporting;
  • premises cleaner.

The main employees of a music school are teachers, the number and specialization of which will depend on the characteristics of curriculum. It is most convenient to hire them under civil contracts with the condition of piecework wages accrued for the number of lessons conducted per month. When the school begins to develop successfully, teachers can be hired on staff with a set salary.


IN modern conditions With the development of computer technologies, the most effective promotion of any business, including running a private music school, is advertising on the Internet. It includes the following activities:

  • accommodation contextual advertising in search engines;
  • creation and promotion of the official website;
  • social media targeting;
  • placement of banners on partner sites.
  1. Placing leaflets and brochures around mailboxes nearby residential buildings.
  2. Posting colorful advertisements in crowded places and placing advertisements in the local press.

Financial component of business

The financial component of the business of running a commercial music school will directly depend on the training program, namely on the expected list and number of classes. This will affect such project points as the size of the room, the list of necessary equipment and personnel.

In any case, during the planning stages entrepreneurial activity It is important not only to provide for all the registration and organizational features of its management, but also to carry out calculations of its economic efficiency.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The cost of opening a private music school in a regional region of the country, which involves teaching up to 80 students, includes the following main costs:

  1. Purchase of musical instruments and educational material – 350 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of furniture and office equipment – ​​200 thousand rubles.
  3. Costs for registration and obtaining a license - 15 thousand rubles.
  4. Advertising expenses – 50 thousand rubles.

The total amount of required initial capital will be approximately 615 thousand rubles.

The current costs of maintaining a music school will consist of the following amounts:

  • rental premises;
  • utility bills;
  • payment for advertising services;
  • wages and deductions from it.

The average monthly costs of an establishment can reach 200 thousand rubles. If borrowed funds were used as initial capital, the amount of current expenses will increase by the amount of interest on the loan.

Amount of future income

When calculating the size of the future income of a music school, first of all, you need to take into account that the school’s occupancy rate will not exceed 60-70% for the first few years of operation. In addition, such a business is seasonal, so summer time(holiday season) the number of classes is significantly reduced.

As a rule, the sales volume of services of such institutions, provided they are located in large regions of the country, reaches 10 thousand lessons per year.

If we consider that the average cost of one lesson is approximately 300 rubles, then the amount of annual revenue will be equal to 3,000 thousand rubles.

Payback period

As a result, the amount of profit that will remain at the disposal of the organization will be 600 thousand rubles. This indicator allows us to determine that investments in opening a private music school can pay off in just over a year of its operation.

Opening your own music school can become a promising and profitable business if you correctly analyze the regional market, draw up an organizational plan for the business and make the necessary financial calculations. But of particular importance for success of this type commercial activities the developed training program will play a role, or, more precisely, the presence in it unique techniques classes and individual approach to the students.