English language Golubev 8th edition GDZ. Guidelines for the English language textbook, edited by

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education in Technical Specialties, OGSE.03 “Foreign Language”.
It presents the main commonly used conversational topics, dialogues and tasks for them. An accessible presentation of the basics of phonetics and grammar in Russian, the presence of exercises for training allow you to use the textbook for beginners. A separate section - “Professional activities of a specialist” - consists of topics directly related to future work graduates of an educational institution.
For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

In English, just like in Russian, the stress in a word can fall on different syllables. Stress in transcription is indicated by the symbol ("), which is placed before the beginning of the syllable: possible, impossible.

In English polysyllabic words there can be two stresses of varying strength: main and secondary. The icon for the main stress is placed at the top, and the secondary stress at the bottom: possibility.

Stress in English, as well as in Russian, performs a distinctive function, for example, between some verbs and nouns:
contact - to contact; to interact
contact - contact; interaction.

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Download the book English for technical specialties, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Guidelines for the textbook on the English language, Golubev A.P., Balyuk N.V., Smirnova I.B., 2010 - This textbook is intended for teachers and students working on the textbook English language authors: Golubev Anatoly Pavlovich, Balyuk Natalia Vladimirovna, ... Books on English
  • English for technical specialties = English for Technical Colleges, textbook for students. institutions prof. education, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2014 - English for technical specialties English for Technical Colleges, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2014. The textbook was created in accordance with ... Books on English
  • English for kids, Smirnova E.V., 2018 - Dear readers! We present to you a series of exciting books English for kids. This publication was created with the active participation of my youngest daughter... Books on English
  • English language, Translation course, Dmitrieva L.F., Kuntsevich S.E., Martinkevich E.A., Smirnova N.F., 2005 - The proposed translation course consists of three parts: I - translation from English into Russian, II - translation from Russian to... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • English alphabet and phonetic transcription, Golovina T.A., 2016 - The manual in PDF format contains information about the English alphabet and an illustrated description of phonetic symbols that are used to describe pronunciation in ... Books on English
  • English for economists, Bedritskaya L.V., 2004 - For students of economic specialties, as well as those who have knowledge of the standard grammar of the English language and have a vocabulary of 2000 ... Books on English
  • 16 English lessons, Beginning course, Petrov D.Yu., 2014 - This publication is an initial English language course developed by Dmitry Petrov. The printed version of the course contains exercises, basic pronunciation rules... Books on English
  • English, 2nd grade, How to help a child learn English at school, Vereshchagina I.N., Uvarova N.V., 2016 - This educational and methodological kit (UMK) is intended to work with 2nd grade students of secondary schools who are just starting learn English (1st... Books on English

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Compiled by: teacher of GOU SPO KAIT No. 20

Moscow, 2010

a tooth – teeth a woman - women

a foot – feet a postman – postmen

a man – men a child – children

Page 77 No.3

1. I told him that I hadn’t read the book yet.

2. The weather was bad yesterday, so we didn’t go out.

3. Mary is standing at the blackboard now. She is answering the teacher’s question.

4. I’ll have finished this task by 5 pm tomorrow.

5. At 5pm tomorrow I’ll still be doing this exercise.

6. If the film isn’t interesting, I shan’t watch it.

7. At that time yesterday he was writing a letter to his mother.

8. He asks me if we had the test the day before.

9. They were playing football when their mother came home.

10. She goes to college 5 days a week.

Page 77 No. 20

Translate the text into English.

Tony is Italian. He is an English college student studying mathematics.

He is now in his 2nd year. Tony lives with an English family. Their last name is Thomson. There are five of them: Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, son Andrew, eldest daughter Jane and youngest Maggie. Their home is in Oxford.

In the morning, Tony goes for a run, then has breakfast. For breakfast he drinks a glass of orange juice and eats ham and eggs. Then he goes to college. Typically he has 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. Then he studies in the library with his friends.

He comes home at 5 o'clock and has dinner with the Thomsons. In the evenings he goes to the gym and plays basketball or volleyball.

After dinner, he prepares his homework for the next day or goes for a walk if the weather is good. He usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock.

Tony is Italian. He is a student at an English college and studies mathematics. He is in his second year. Tony lives in an English family. Their surname is Tomson. There are five of them: Mr and Mrs Tomson, their son Andrew, an elder daughter Jane and younger Maggy. Their house is in Oxford.

In the morning Tony jogs, then he has breakfast. For breakfast he drinks a glass of orange juice and eats bacon and eggs. Then he goes to college. As a rule, he has 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. Then he studies in the library with his friends.

He comes home at five and has dinner with the Tomsons. In the evenings he goes to a sport hall and plays volley-ball or basket-ball.

After supper he prepares his homework for the next day or goes for a walk, if the weather is fine. Usually he goes to bed at eleven pm.

Speaking About Friends

Vlad: Good morning, mum. How are you?

Mother: Fine, thanks. Did you sleep well?

Vlad: Yes, thank you. And where is Dad?

Mother: He went out half an hour ago together with Alexei. They went shopping. Well, Vlad, it is your birthday soon. Are you going to have a birthday party this year?

Vlad: Well, I "d love to. You know, mum, now when I am at college I have got many new friends. It would be nice if I could invite them to my place.

Mother: Excellent idea! Let's count how many friends you are going to call so that I can think about the menu and all the things.

Vlad: I want to ask my best friends. They are Ilya, Stepan and Igor.

Mother: Do I know any of them?

Vlad Ylad: I suppose you have seen Ilya. Maybe you remember that broad - shouldered fellow with fair hair and dark eyes. We came across him in the street the other day.

Mother: Ah, now I know whom you are talking about. He is fond of music and plays the guitar very well, as you told me. Okay, what about the rest?

Vlad: Stepan is a funny slim little guy with brown hair and a snub nose. He is fond of reading fantasy and T took several books from him to read. He is an easy-going fellow. I like to talk to him. He came to our place in October. But you were not in at that time. Dad saw him, I believe. And Igor is my new friend. He is very clever. He is a computer genius. The teachers say. But he is not a bookworm. He plays volleyball and swims well.

Mother: Do you want to call any of your former schoolmates?

Vlad: Actually, it will be nice to invite Misha. I haven't seen him for ages.

Mother: Good! And will you ask Lena to come?

Vlad: Oh, yes, certainly!

Mother: Then you will invite your friends with their girlfriends, too.

Vlad: You are right, mum! Well, Igor"s girlfriend is at college with us, and Ilya took Masha hiking this summer, you know, when our group went on a three-days" hike. She is good-natured and friendly. And just a week ago I saw Stepan with a remarkable long-legged girl with blond hair. I suspect it is his new mate.

Mother: What about Misha?

Vlad: So far as I know, he doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment.

Mother: Maybe you will invite one of your former classmates who is on friendly terms with him.

Vlad: Why not? I think I will invite Veronica. She is very sociable. I will be glad to see her, too.

Mother: So, how many people do we have, all in all?

Vlad: Let me see... Igor and Olga, Stepan and his girlfriend, Ilya, Masha, Misha and Veronica. Ah, and Lena and me, of course. It makes ten people all together. Well, it is going to be a magnificent party, Mum

Mother: I am sure of that.

TEXT Talk about friends (page 89)

Vlad: Good morning, Mom. Ka what's up?

Mother: OK, thank you. Did you sleep well?

Vlad: Yes thank you. Where is Dad?

Mother: He and Alexei left half an hour ago. Let's go to the shop. Vlad, it’s your birthday soon. Are you going to have a party this year?

Vlad: Well, I would like to. You know, Mom, now that I'm in college, I have a lot of new friends. It would be great if I could invite them to my home.

Mother: Great idea! Let's figure out how many people you're going to invite so I can plan the menu and everything.

Vlad: I want to invite my best friends. These are Ilya, Stepan and Igor.

Mother: Do I know any of them?

Vlad: I think you saw Ilya. Maybe you remember that broad-shouldered guy with blond hair and brown eyes? We ran into him on the street the other day.

Mother: Ah, now I understand who you are talking about. He is interested in music and plays the guitar well. Okay, what about the rest?

Vlad: Stepan is a cheerful, thin, short guy with brown hair and a snub nose. He is interested in science fiction, and I borrowed several books from him to read. He is very pleasant to talk to. I love talking to him. He came to our house in October. But you weren't home then. Dad saw him, it seems. And Igor is mine new friend. He is very clever. Teachers say he is a computer genius. But he's not a botanist. He plays volleyball and is a good swimmer.

Mother: Do you want to invite some of your former classmates?

Vlad: In fact, it would be nice to invite Misha. I haven't seen him for a hundred years.

Mother: Okay, but will you invite Lena?

Vlad: Yes, sure!

Mother: Then you and your friends need to invite girls.

Vlad: You're right, mom! Well, Igor's girlfriend is in college with us, and Ilya took Masha with him this summer, you know, when our group went camping for three days. She is good-natured and friendly. And about a week ago I saw Stepan with a beautiful long-legged blonde. I suspect this is his new girlfriend.

Mother: What about Misha?

Vlad: As far as I know, He has no one now.

Mother: Maybe you could invite someone from the class who is friends with him?

Vlad: Why not. I'll invite Veronica. She is very sociable. And I will be pleased to see her too.

Mother: So, how many people did we end up with?

Mother: I'm sure.

Words and expressions you need to know on this topic:

Attractive……………….. attractive

Be friends with someone………………….be on friendly terms with someone


Nerd, bookworm………….bookworm

Friend (best, close)……………friend (best, close)


Dark, blue, brown eyes……...dark/blue/hazel eyes

Brown, dark, blond hair......fair/dark/blond hair








Handsome (about a man)………………handsome


Look like………………………..look like

Make friends………………………… make friends

Quarrel………..make enemies


Regular facial features…………… regular features

Resemble, remind………………..resemble

Round (oval) face……………...round/oval face



Snub/straight nose………………..snub/straight nose




Page 91 No. 2

Translate into Russian

My friend, his father, their son, her boyfriend, our teacher, your book, his former classmate, my computer.

Whose book is this? This is his book.

Who knows where they live? My friend.

Who did he invite to his birthday? He invited us all.

Which of these books is yours? That one is mine.

What book have you read? I've read all these books. I want another book.

Page 91№3

Rework the sentences according to this model.

1. This is her friend. This friend is hers.

2. Those are our teachers. Those teachers are ours.

3. That is his cat. That cat is his.

4. These are their bags. These bags are theirs.

5. Is that your cat? Is that cat yours?

6. Are these their computers? Are these computers theirs?

Page92 №4

Fill in omissions returnable pronouns

Fill in the blanks with the corresponding pronouns

1. In the morning I go to the bathroom and wash myself.

2. He can do his homework by himself.

3. She knows it herself.

4. My younger brothers can’t dress themselves. My mother usually dresses them.

5. Will you help us? We don’t know how to do this exercise ourselves.

6. Don’t ask me to help you. Think yourself!

Page 92 No. 5

Fill in the blanks with pronouns and their derivatives

1. We have some new friends in the college.

2. Do you know any of these students? I don't know anyone here.

3. Does anyone know his name? I think no one does.

4. Something has changed in your appearance, but I can’t see what it is.

5. Do you have anything to tell me? There is no news.

6. There is somebody in that room.

Page 92 No. 6

Fill in omissions pronouns

1. Jim says that Sam is his new friend.

2. This is my old friend Jack. I haven’t seen him for ages.

3. I want to invite my friends which you know very well.

4. I get up, go to the bathroom and clean my teeth, dress myself, say goodbye to my mother and leave home.

5. Meet Ted and his father, Mr. Johnson.

Page 92 No. 9

Use the adverbs given in brackets.

1. I saw him yesterday.

2. We met before.

3. He often visits his cousin.

4. You have never told me about this idea.

5. I saw him almost every day.

6. Sometimes he comes in time.

7. I have already read this book.

8. We will come to our party tomorrow.

9. He knows English very well.

Page 93 № 10

Fill in omissions prepositions.

1. They got out of the car.

2. He stood behind his father.

3. They had coffee with a bun for breakfast.

4. They decided to meet at five o’clock at the station.

5. He took a book from the table, looked at it then put it back.

6. They looked at each other.

7. I go to college.

8. He isn’t at home now. He is at school.

9. This book was written by Perumov.

10. The school year begins in September and is over in May.

12. This story is about a famous painter.

13. He is a funny little guy with brown hair.

14. He is keen on animals.

15. She is fond of reading thrillers.

16. Sunday is the only day of in our school.

17. The book is on the table.

18. I don’t want to go to the party. I am going to work on Sunday.

20. He stood at the door and didn’t let me go out.

21. He works in a hospital. He looks after children who are ill.

22. When my friend came into the room there was nobody in.

Page 93, № 11.

Describe friends Vlada.

Describe Vlad's friends.

Ilya is a broad-shouldered fellow with fair hair and dark eyes. He is fond of music and plays the guitar very well. His girl-friend is Masha. She is good-natured and friendly.

Stepan is a fanny slim little guy with brown hair and a snub nose. He is fond of reading fantasy and Vlad took several books from him to read. He is an easy-going fellow and it’s nice to talk to him. His new mate is a remarkable long-legged girl with blond hair.

Igor is Vlad’s new friend. He is very clever. He is a computer genius, the teachers say. But he is not a bookworm. He plays volley-ball and swims well. His girl-friend is Olga.

Page 93, № 12.

Translate into English.

My friend is a very sweet girl. She is slim and attractive. She has regular facial features. She wears her hair short; Her hair is curly and blond, her nose is straight. She and I became friends at school. She can play the guitar and loves to read. She is a good friend.

My friend is a very nice girl. She is slim and attractive. She has regular features. She has a short hairdo, her hair is fair and wavy, her nose is straight. We made friends with her at college. She can play the guitar and likes to read very much. She is a good friend.


1. Which of these qualities would you like to see in your friend, and which ones would you avoid?

Look at the qualities below. Which do you look for in a friend? Which do you try to avoid?

1. Loyal – firm in their support for a person

2. Selfish - caring only about themselves

3. Aggressive – angry and violent

4. Patient – ​​calm, not easily annoyed

5. Respected – admired and considered important

6. Dedicated - devoted and enthusiastic

7. Mean – unkind to another person

8. Caring – affectionate, helpful and sympathetic

9. Jealous – angry or bitter about something

10. Creative – able to invent and develop original ideas

11. Trusting - honest and sincere

12. Dishonest – not truthful, cannot be trusted

13. Supportive – kind and helpful during difficult or unhappy times

14. Moody – angry or depressed without any warning

15. Well-meaning – unsuccessful when trying to be helpful or kind

3. aggressive

4. patient

5. respectful

6. devoted

7. unfriendly

8. caring

9. jealous

10. creatively gifted

11. trusting

12. dishonest

13. loyal, supporting someone

14. unbalanced, capricious

15. trying unsuccessfully to act with the best intentions

2. Fill in: nerves, back, eye, shoulder, neck, head in idioms

1. They never agree with each other. They don’t see eye to… .

2. What’s wrong with Sam? He is like a bear with a sore… .

3. They gave me a cold…. When I entered the room/

4. He drives me crazy. He is a pain in the….

5. Get off my… . I'm in a bad mood today.

6. I’m fed up with him. He really gets on my….

See eye to eye - to see eye to eye with someone

Like a bear with a sore head – angry, enraged

Get off one’s back – leave behind, leave alone

Get on one’s nerves – get on someone’s nerves

Give someone the cold shoulder - give a cold shoulder

A pain in the neck - a bore, an unbearable person

3. Choose the correct word and make a sentence with the other word

1. Amy is very supportive/ supportive. You can rely on her to help you if she can.

2. Josh is really careful/ caring person – he is always ready to listen to my problems.

3. The teacher wasn’t respected/ respectful by his students.

4. Angela always tries to do the right thing - she is really mean/ well-meaning.

TEXT Choosing a Present. Hobbies (p. 99)

Stepan: Hello, old boy. How are things?

Ilya: Not bad, thank you. Look, Stepan, has Vlad invited you to his birthday party?

Stepan: Yes, he has. And why are you asking?

Ilya: The matter is that he has invited me as well, "and I am now thinking about a present for him. It is always a difficult issue, isn"t it?

Stepan: I don't think that it is such a great problem.

Ilya: Well, of course, you are going to give him a book in fantasy. Both of you know everything about this sort of thing.

Stepan: Actually not. You see, there is hardly a book in fiction he hasn't read. What I am really thinking about is a photo album. So far as I know, he is fond of taking pictures and has a rather good camera. It"s not a bad present, is it?

Ilya: You see, just a month ago we went shopping together and he bought a large album.

Stepan: Thank you for telling me this thing. I didn't know that.

Ilya: Besides, I think it is not a good present for a close friend. I mean you can give such a thing to a fellow whom you don"t! know very well. I know Mad well enough to give him something that he will really like. We have been friends with Vlad for quite a long time to learn a thing or two about his tastes, haven't we?

Stepan: Maybe you are right. What else can you suggest, then?

Ilya: In his free time he likes to work with his PC. Is it possible to give him a couple of nice games on CDs?

Stepan: Oh, no. He says he doesn't understand people who play computer games. It's a waste of time, in his puter is for work, not for leisure - these are his own words.

Ilya: He is a very serious guy, I know. But the problem remains. What will you say about a CD of his favorite group? Do you want to give him a poster or a T-shirt?

A textbook aimed at developing students' skills in modern English oral and writing, in accordance with the course program, consists of five sections, each of which contains thematically selected texts, situationally oriented dialogues, cultural notes, grammatical reference material, exercises; At the end of the book there is a short English-Russian dictionary.
For students of secondary vocational educational institutions. It may also be useful for school students and teachers.

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Download the book English, Golubev A.P., 2009 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • English language, Golubev A.P., 2013 - The textbook can be used in studying the discipline of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle OGSE.04 Foreign language in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard ... Books on English
  • Guidelines for the textbook on the English language, Golubev A.P., Balyuk N.V., Smirnova I.B., 2010 - This textbook is intended for teachers and students working on the textbook English language authors: Golubev Anatoly Pavlovich, Balyuk Natalia Vladimirovna, ... Books on English
  • English for technical specialties, Golubev A.P., 2014 Books on English
  • English for technical specialties, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2016 - The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education in technical specialties, OGSE.03 Foreign language. IN … Books on English

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  • Popular grammar of the English language, Nekrasova E.V., 1999 - Basic models of a simple English sentence. An English sentence can consist of two elements: Dogs bite. The girl screen med. Dogs bite. ... Books on English

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