Oral and written speech.

Two forms of speech: oral and written.

Speech communication occurs in two forms oral and written.

The basis of written and oral speech is literary speech.

Oral speech is any spoken speech. Historically, the oral form of speech is primary; it arose much earlier than writing. The material form of oral speech is sound waves, i.e. pronounced sounds that arise as a result of the activity of the human pronunciation organs. This phenomenon is associated with rich intonation capabilities of oral speech. Intonation is created by the melody of speech, the intensity (loudness) of speech, duration, increase or decrease in the tempo of speech and the timbre of pronunciation. In oral speech, the place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, and the presence or absence of pauses play a big role. Oral speech has such intonation variety of speech that it can convey the entire wealth of human experiences and moods.

the perception of oral speech during direct communication occurs simultaneously through both the auditory and visual channels. Oral speech is accompanied, enhancing its expressiveness, by such additional means as the nature of the gaze (wary or open), the spatial arrangement of the speaker and listener, facial expressions and gestures. A gesture can be likened to an index word (pointing to some object), can express an emotional state, agreement or disagreement, surprise, or serve as a means of establishing contact, for example, a raised hand as a sign of greeting.

Irreversibility, progressive and linear nature of development in time is one of the main properties of oral speech. You need to speak and think here and now.

Oral speech can be prepared(report, lecture) and unprepared(conversation, conversation). A prepared speech is a thoughtful, clearer structure of the organization. Unprepared oral speech is spontaneity. Oral speech is the same as written normalized and regulated. Oral speech unfolds through associative additions. The oral form of speech is assigned to all functional styles of the Russian language. Functional types of oral speech: - oral scientific speech, - oral journalistic speech, - types of oral speech in the field of official business communication, - artistic and colloquial speech. In oral speech, emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, figurative comparative constructions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, and colloquial elements are used.

Written speech This is a human-created auxiliary sign system that is used to record sound language and sound speech. Writing is an independent communication system, which, while performing the function of recording oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions: written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by a person and expands the scope of human communication. By reading books and historical documents, we can touch the history and culture of all humanity. It was thanks to writing that we learned about the great civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Sumerians, Incas, Mayans.

Writing has gone through a long path of historical development from the first notches in trees, rock paintings to the sound-letter type. Written speech is secondary to oral. Letters used in writing are signs that represent speech sounds. The sound shells of words and parts of words are depicted by combinations of letters, which allows them to be reproduced in sound form, i.e. read any text. Punctuation marks used in writing serve to divide speech: periods, commas, dashes correspond to intonation pauses in oral speech. This means that letters are the material form of written language.

The main function of written speech is to record oral speech.

The main property is the ability to store information for a long time. Written speech uses bookish language.

Written speech is characterized by complex syntactic structures, participial and participial phrases, common definitions, plug-in constructions.

Written speech is focused on perception by the visual organs, therefore it has a clear structure and formal organization: it has a page numbering system and division into sections. Paragraphs, link system, font selection. It has a style-forming function, which is reflected in the choice of linguistic means that are used to create a particular text. It is the main form of existence in scientific, journalistic, official business and artistic styles.

So, verbal communication occurs in two forms - oral and written, we must keep in mind the similarities and differences between them. The similarity is that these forms of speech have a common basis - literary language, and occupy approximately equal places in practice. Differences in means of expression. Oral speech is more tied to a conversational style. Writing is often a bookish language with all its styles and features.

Speech communication occurs in two forms - oral and written. They are in a complex unity and occupy an important and approximately equal place in speech practice in terms of their importance. In real communication conditions, their constant interaction and interpenetration is observed. Any written text can be spoken, i.e. read aloud, and oral - written down using technical means. There are such genres, for example, drama, oratorical works, which are intended specifically for subsequent scoring.

The basis of written and oral speech is literary speech, which acts as the leading form of existence of the Russian language. Literary speech is speech designed for a conscious approach to the system of means of communication, in which orientation is carried out on certain standardized patterns. Oral and written forms of speech are independent and have their own characteristics and features.

Oral speech.

Oral speech is any spoken speech.

In addition to the linguistic characteristics of speech, there are intonation, emotionality, gestures, pronunciation features (diction, accent), etc.

Irreversibility, the progressive and linear nature of unfolding in time is one of the main properties of oral speech.

Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation).

Prepared oral speech is distinguished by thoughtfulness and a clearer structural organization, but at the same time, the speaker, as a rule, strives for his speech to be relaxed, not “memorized,” and to resemble direct communication.

Unprepared oral speech is characterized by spontaneity. An unprepared oral utterance (the basic unit of oral speech, similar to a sentence in written speech) is formed gradually, in portions, as one realizes what has been said, what should be said next, what needs to be repeated, clarified.

Oral speech, just like written speech, is standardized and regulated, but the norms of oral speech are completely different. "

The oral form of speech is assigned to all functional styles of the Russian language, however, it has an advantage in the colloquial and everyday style of speech. The following functional types of oral speech are distinguished:

Oral scientific speech,

Oral journalistic speech,

Types of oral speech in the field of official business communication,

Artistic speech and colloquial speech.

It should be said that colloquial speech influences all types of oral speech. This is expressed in the manifestation of the author’s “I”, the personal principle in speech in order to enhance the impact on the listeners. Therefore, in oral speech, emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, figurative comparative constructions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, and even colloquial elements are used.

Written speech.

Writing is a human-created auxiliary sign system that is used to record sound language and sound speech. At the same time, writing is an independent communication system, which, while performing the function of recording oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions: written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by a person and expands the sphere of human communication.\

The main property of written speech is the ability to store information for a long time.

Written speech unfolds not in a temporary, but in a static space, which allows the writer to think through the speech, return to what was written, rebuild the text, replace words, etc. In this regard, the written form of speech has its own characteristics:

Written speech uses book language, the use of words is strictly standardized and regulated. The order of words in a sentence is fixed; inversion (changing the order of words) is not typical for written speech, and in some cases, for example, in texts of an official business style of speech, is unacceptable. The sentence, which is the basic unit of written speech, expresses complex logical and semantic connections through syntax. Written speech is characterized by complex syntactic constructions, participial and participial phrases, common definitions, inserted constructions, etc. When combining sentences into paragraphs, each sentence is strictly related to the preceding and following context.

Written speech is different in that the very form of speech activity definitely reflects the conditions and purpose of communication, for example, a work of art or a description of a scientific experiment, a vacation application or an information message in a newspaper. Consequently, written speech has a style-forming function, which is reflected in the choice of linguistic means that are used to create a particular text. The written form is the main form of existence of speech in scientific, journalistic, official business and artistic styles.

Thus, when talking about the fact that verbal communication occurs in two forms - oral and written, we must keep in mind the similarities and differences between them. The similarity lies in the fact that these forms of speech have a common basis - literary language and in practice they occupy approximately equal space. The differences most often come down to the means of expression. Oral speech is associated with intonation and melody, non-verbalism, it uses a certain amount of “its own” linguistic means, it is tied more to the conversational style. The letter uses alphabetic and graphic symbols, often bookish language with all its styles and features.

Both forms of speech are combined:

1) basic vocabulary;

2)rules of word formation and changing forms;

3) rules for combining words, etc.

The main differences between oral and written forms of speech:

1) in oral speech the choice of words is freer than in written speech;

2) in oral speech, incomplete sentences are used more often than in written speech.

3) in oral speech, sentences can be shorter than in written speech, since understatement is compensated by the context of the speech (situation). For example, it is enough for a teacher to strictly say “Guys!” in class for the students to understand: this address requires silence and attention. In writing, complex sentences are more common;

4) in oral speech, more attention is paid to the correct pronunciation of sounds, and in written speech - to the correct designation of sounds with letters (spelling). In oral speech, it is very important to pronounce words with the correct intonation and stress, and in written speech, use correct punctuation marks.

Without communication, like without air, a person cannot exist. The ability to communicate with other people allowed man to achieve a high civilization, break into space, sink to the bottom of the ocean, and penetrate into the bowels of the earth. Communication makes it possible for a person to reveal his feelings, experiences, talk about joys and sorrows, ups and downs. Communication for a person is his habitat. Without communication, the formation of a person’s personality, his upbringing, and the development of intelligence are impossible.

At first glance, it seems that the content of the concept of “communication” is clear to everyone and does not require any special explanation. Meanwhile, communication is a very complex process of interaction between people. As rightly noted by A.A. Leontiev, in the modern science of communication there is a huge number of conflicting definitions of this concept. Representatives of different sciences - philosophers, psychologists, linguists, sociologists, cultural scientists, etc. - study problems of communication.

It is through speech that communication between people most often takes place. Human speech activity is the most complex and most widespread. Without it, no other activity is possible; it precedes, accompanies, and sometimes forms, forms the basis of any other human activity (production, commercial, financial, scientific, managerial, etc.).

Oral speech - This any sounding speech. Historically, the oral form of speech is primary; it arose much earlier than writing. The material form of oral speech is sound waves, i.e. pronounced sounds that arise as a result of the activity of the human pronunciation organs. This phenomenon is associated with the rich intonation capabilities of oral speech. Intonation is created by the melody of speech, the intensity (loudness) of speech, duration, increase or decrease in the tempo of speech and the timbre of pronunciation. In oral speech, the place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, and the presence or absence of pauses play an important role. Oral speech has such intonation variety of speech that it can convey all the richness of human experiences, moods, etc.

The perception of oral speech during direct communication occurs simultaneously through both the auditory and visual channels. Oral speech is accompanied, enhancing its expressiveness, by such additional means as the nature of the gaze (wary or open, etc.), the spatial arrangement of the speaker and listener, facial expressions and gestures. A gesture can be likened to an index word (pointing to some object), can express an emotional state, agreement or disagreement, surprise, etc., serve as a means of establishing contact, for example, a raised hand as a sign of greeting.

Irreversibility, progressive And linear character deployment in time - one from main properties oral speeches. It is impossible to return to some point in oral speech again, so the speaker is forced to think and speak at the same time, i.e. he thinks as if “on the go”, in connection with this, oral speech may be characterized by sluggishness, fragmentation, division of a single sentence into several communicatively independent units: the secretary’s message to the meeting participants “The director called. He’s delayed. Will be there in half an hour. Start without him.” . On the other hand, the speaker is obliged to take into account the reaction of the listener and strive to attract his attention and arouse interest in the message. Therefore, in oral speech there appears intonation highlighting of important points, underlining, clarification of some parts, auto-commenting, repetitions: “The department carried out a lot of work during the year / yes / I must say / great and important / And educational, and scientific, and methodological / Well / educational/ everyone knows/ Do I need detailed/ educational/ No/ Yes/ I also think/don’t/.

Oral speech Maybe be prepared(report, lecture, etc.) And unprepared(conversation, conversation).

Prepared oral speech is distinguished by thoughtfulness and a clearer structural organization, but at the same time, the speaker, as a rule, strives for his speech to be relaxed, not “memorized,” and to resemble direct communication.

Unprepared oral speech characterized by spontaneity. An unprepared oral utterance (the basic unit of oral speech, similar to a sentence in written speech) is formed gradually, in portions, as one realizes what has been said, what should be said next, what needs to be repeated, clarified. Therefore, in oral unprepared speech there are many pauses, and the use of pause fillers (words like uh, um) allows the speaker to think about what follows. The speaker controls the logical-compositional, syntactic and partially lexical-phraseological levels of the language, i.e. makes sure that his speech is logical and coherent, chooses the appropriate words to adequately express thoughts. Phonetic and morphological levels of language, i.e. pronunciation and grammatical forms are not controlled and are reproduced automatically. Therefore, oral speech is characterized by less lexical precision, short sentence length, limited complexity of phrases and sentences, the absence of participial and adverbial phrases, and the division of a single sentence into several communicatively independent ones.

Oral speech just like written normalized And regulated, however, the norms of oral speech are completely different. “Many of the so-called flaws of oral speech - the functioning of unfinished statements, the introduction of interruptions, auto-commentators, contactors, reprises, elements of hesitation, etc. - are a necessary condition for the success and effectiveness of the oral method of communication.” The listener cannot retain in memory all the grammatical and semantic connections of the text, and the speaker must take this into account; then his speech will be understood and meaningful. Unlike written speech, which is constructed in accordance with the logical movement of thought, oral speech unfolds through associative additions.

Oral form speeches fixed behind everyone functional styles Russian language However, it has an advantage in the colloquial style of speech. The following functional types of oral speech are distinguished: oral scientific speech, oral journalistic speech, types of oral speech in the field of official business communication, artistic speech and colloquial speech. It should be said that colloquial speech influences all types of oral speech. This is expressed in the manifestation of the author’s “I”, the personal principle in speech in order to enhance the impact on the listeners. Therefore, in oral speech, emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, figurative comparative constructions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, and even colloquial elements are used.

Russian written oral literary

Did you know that ancient people could not speak at all? And they learned this gradually. When did speech originate? Nobody knows for sure. Primitive people invented a language, because it did not exist at all. Gradually they gave a name to everything that surrounded them. With the advent of speech, people escaped from the world of silence and loneliness. They began to unite and pass on their knowledge. And when writing appeared, people were able to communicate at a distance and store knowledge in books. During the lesson we will try to answer the questions: why do we need speech? What kind of speech is there? What kind of speech is called oral speech? And which one - written?

You know that the main worker in our language is the word. Sentences are built from words. Our speech consists of words and sentences. Conversations, stories, questions, arguments, advice, even the songs you sing and listen to - this is all speech. Speech conveys our thoughts. By communicating with each other and using language, you perform a speech act.

Look at the pictures. What speech actions do the guys perform (Fig. 1)?

Rice. 1. Speech actions ()

Speaking and listening is oral speech. In ancient times, the mouth and lips were called mouths, which is how the word “oral” appeared, i.e. what is pronounced sounds. The guys also write and read - this is written speech, the one that is written down and read. Oral speech is conveyed by sounds, written speech by signs.


oral written

listen and speak write and read

What is necessary for writing? Know letters and be able to read and write words and sentences. What is necessary for oral speech? Understand the meaning of words and be able to tell stories using sentences.

Why do we need speech? Imagine a little man who cannot talk, listen, read, or write. There are no books, notebooks, computer, friends, or classmates in his life. Is it interesting to live like this? Do you want to be in his place? I think it's unlikely. Living like this is boring and uninteresting.

A person’s speech “grows” and “matures” with him. The more words a person knows, the more accurately and vividly he expresses his thoughts, the more pleasant it is for people around him to communicate with him, so it is necessary to get acquainted with new words, their meaning, learn the rules and laws by which correct and beautiful speech is built.

In distant, distant times, people did not know how to write and read. But they knew how to compose beautiful songs, fairy tales, and riddles. And some of them have survived to this day. How did they do it? People retold them (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Oral folk art ()

In the old days, people passed on all information by word of mouth. From grandparents to children, from children to grandchildren, and so on from generation to generation (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Oral folk art ().

Read the folk wisdom:

“Good speech is good to listen to.”

“Friendly words will not dry your tongue.”

“Let any other word fall on deaf ears.”

“Think first, and then say.”

“The field is red with millet, but the conversation is with the mind.”

What did our ancestors value? First of all, speech is literate and intelligent. In our language there are words with which you can give a speech characteristic to a person: loudmouth, silent man, idle talker, joker, grumbler, debater, talker. What you will be called will depend on your oral speech.

Complete the task. Divide the words into two columns. In the first - words that will tell what the speech of an educated person should be like, in the second - speech that needs to be corrected:

Speech (what?) - understandable, thoughtful, illegible, rich, cultured, literate, free, hasty, confused, slurred, illiterate, poor, correct, pleasant, legible, confused.

This is how teachers would like to hear their students speak.

Speech should be clear, thoughtful, rich, cultured, literate, free, correct, pleasant, and intelligible.

Did you know that in Ancient Greece and Rome there were even public speaking competitions (Fig. 4)? An orator is one who gives a speech, as well as a person who masters the art of making speeches.

Rice. 4. Speakers' competition ()

The art of oratory has always interested people and aroused admiration and admiration. The speaker was seen as having a special power that could convince of something with the help of words. The speaker was supposed to have mysterious qualities that do not exist in an ordinary person. That is why orators became government leaders, great scientists, sages and heroes.

Some peoples even had gods and goddesses of eloquence, persuasion, and debate who were worshiped (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Goddess of eloquence ()

The art of speech was studied in schools, in families, independently. What did they learn in those distant times (Fig. 6)?

Rice. 6. Pre-revolutionary school ()

First of all, we learned to speak and write only what leads to virtue and happiness of people, not to talk nonsense, not to deceive. In addition, they were taught to collect and accumulate knowledge. They taught that speech should be clear and expressive. Finally, it was necessary to master the art of calligraphy - beautiful and clear writing - and mastery of your voice - its intonations, pauses, voice strength, tempo. Do you think it’s worth learning the same thing in our modern times? Certainly.

What kind of speech do these rules apply to? To oral. How to develop written speech? In Russian language lessons, you need to learn how to correctly compose and write sentences, and collect texts and stories from them. Learn to sign greeting cards and SMS messages on your mobile phone. But always remember: other people will read your written speech, so it needs to be corrected, that is, corrected and improved.

On our huge planet Earth, only we, people, have been given a great gift - the ability to speak, to communicate with each other using words. It is important to use this gift only for the benefit of others and yourself. Try to be interesting interlocutors, good listeners, and active readers. Language is what a person knows, speech is what a person can do. Improve your speech - oral and written.

Today in class we learned what speech is, got acquainted with the concepts of “oral speech”, “written speech”, and learned to distinguish between them.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011. (download link)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. - M.: Ballas. (Download link )
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook.
  1. Nsc.1september.ru ().
  2. Festival.1september.ru ().
  3. Nsportal.ru ().


1. Tell your friends what you learned about the topic of the lesson.

2. Why is oral speech called this?

3. What do oral and written language consist of?

4. Choose words that name speech actions.

They listen, sit, talk on the phone, watch, read, sleep, write, type on a computer, tell stories, share impressions, draw, sendsms-message.

5. Read the riddle. What kind of speech do readers use?

I know everything, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write.

6. Connect the parts of the proverbs. What kind of speech do they characterize?

There is no shame in being silent... in time to remain silent.

Know how to say it in time... don’t say too much.

Fear what is above... if you have nothing to say.

Did you know that ancient people could not speak at all? And they learned this gradually. When did speech originate? Nobody knows for sure. Primitive people invented a language, because it did not exist at all. Gradually they gave a name to everything that surrounded them. With the advent of speech, people escaped from the world of silence and loneliness. They began to unite and pass on their knowledge. And when writing appeared, people were able to communicate at a distance and store knowledge in books. During the lesson we will try to answer the questions: why do we need speech? What kind of speech is there? What kind of speech is called oral speech? And which one - written?

You know that the main worker in our language is the word. Sentences are built from words. Our speech consists of words and sentences. Conversations, stories, questions, arguments, advice, even the songs you sing and listen to - this is all speech. Speech conveys our thoughts. By communicating with each other and using language, you perform a speech act.

Look at the pictures. What speech actions do the guys perform (Fig. 1)?

Rice. 1. Speech actions ()

Speaking and listening is oral speech. In ancient times, the mouth and lips were called mouths, which is how the word “oral” appeared, i.e. what is pronounced sounds. The guys also write and read - this is written speech, the one that is written down and read. Oral speech is conveyed by sounds, written speech by signs.


oral written

listen and speak write and read

What is necessary for writing? Know letters and be able to read and write words and sentences. What is necessary for oral speech? Understand the meaning of words and be able to tell stories using sentences.

Why do we need speech? Imagine a little man who cannot talk, listen, read, or write. There are no books, notebooks, computer, friends, or classmates in his life. Is it interesting to live like this? Do you want to be in his place? I think it's unlikely. Living like this is boring and uninteresting.

A person’s speech “grows” and “matures” with him. The more words a person knows, the more accurately and vividly he expresses his thoughts, the more pleasant it is for people around him to communicate with him, so it is necessary to get acquainted with new words, their meaning, learn the rules and laws by which correct and beautiful speech is built.

In distant, distant times, people did not know how to write and read. But they knew how to compose beautiful songs, fairy tales, and riddles. And some of them have survived to this day. How did they do it? People retold them (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Oral folk art ()

In the old days, people passed on all information by word of mouth. From grandparents to children, from children to grandchildren, and so on from generation to generation (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Oral folk art ().

Read the folk wisdom:

“Good speech is good to listen to.”

“Friendly words will not dry your tongue.”

“Let any other word fall on deaf ears.”

“Think first, and then say.”

“The field is red with millet, but the conversation is with the mind.”

What did our ancestors value? First of all, speech is literate and intelligent. In our language there are words with which you can give a speech characteristic to a person: loudmouth, silent man, idle talker, joker, grumbler, debater, talker. What you will be called will depend on your oral speech.

Complete the task. Divide the words into two columns. In the first - words that will tell what the speech of an educated person should be like, in the second - speech that needs to be corrected:

Speech (what?) - understandable, thoughtful, illegible, rich, cultured, literate, free, hasty, confused, slurred, illiterate, poor, correct, pleasant, legible, confused.

This is how teachers would like to hear their students speak.

Speech should be clear, thoughtful, rich, cultured, literate, free, correct, pleasant, and intelligible.

Did you know that in Ancient Greece and Rome there were even public speaking competitions (Fig. 4)? An orator is one who gives a speech, as well as a person who masters the art of making speeches.

Rice. 4. Speakers' competition ()

The art of oratory has always interested people and aroused admiration and admiration. The speaker was seen as having a special power that could convince of something with the help of words. The speaker was supposed to have mysterious qualities that do not exist in an ordinary person. That is why orators became government leaders, great scientists, sages and heroes.

Some peoples even had gods and goddesses of eloquence, persuasion, and debate who were worshiped (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Goddess of eloquence ()

The art of speech was studied in schools, in families, independently. What did they learn in those distant times (Fig. 6)?

Rice. 6. Pre-revolutionary school ()

First of all, we learned to speak and write only what leads to virtue and happiness of people, not to talk nonsense, not to deceive. In addition, they were taught to collect and accumulate knowledge. They taught that speech should be clear and expressive. Finally, it was necessary to master the art of calligraphy - beautiful and clear writing - and mastery of your voice - its intonations, pauses, voice strength, tempo. Do you think it’s worth learning the same thing in our modern times? Certainly.

What kind of speech do these rules apply to? To oral. How to develop written speech? In Russian language lessons, you need to learn how to correctly compose and write sentences, and collect texts and stories from them. Learn to sign greeting cards and SMS messages on your mobile phone. But always remember: other people will read your written speech, so it needs to be corrected, that is, corrected and improved.

On our huge planet Earth, only we, people, have been given a great gift - the ability to speak, to communicate with each other using words. It is important to use this gift only for the benefit of others and yourself. Try to be interesting interlocutors, good listeners, and active readers. Language is what a person knows, speech is what a person can do. Improve your speech - oral and written.

Today in class we learned what speech is, got acquainted with the concepts of “oral speech”, “written speech”, and learned to distinguish between them.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011. (download link)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. - M.: Ballas. (Download link )
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook.
  1. Nsc.1september.ru ().
  2. Festival.1september.ru ().
  3. Nsportal.ru ().


1. Tell your friends what you learned about the topic of the lesson.

2. Why is oral speech called this?

3. What do oral and written language consist of?

4. Choose words that name speech actions.

They listen, sit, talk on the phone, watch, read, sleep, write, type on a computer, tell stories, share impressions, draw, sendsms-message.

5. Read the riddle. What kind of speech do readers use?

I know everything, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write.

6. Connect the parts of the proverbs. What kind of speech do they characterize?

There is no shame in being silent... in time to remain silent.

Know how to say it in time... don’t say too much.

Fear what is above... if you have nothing to say.