My lower back hurts, what ointment should I apply? Ointment for back pain

Ointments are the most convenient way to get rid of acute pain in back. Such drugs have a good therapeutic effect. It is also worth noting that the funds local application less side effects than other forms of drugs. In this article we will talk about which drugs of this kind to choose for back treatment.

Ointments for back pain and lower back pain with osteochondrosis, warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory: list, names, method of use

The main causes of osteochondrosis are sedentary image life, poor ecology, violation of the daily routine and chronic diseases. If you are experiencing common problems with your back, then maybe you need to change your lifestyle? Start exercising, eating right and getting good sleep?

If you need effective remedies here and now, then the best of them are topical ointments. They can have a warming and analgesic effect. All drugs of this kind are divided into several types. The most popular of them are: homeopathic, massage, complex, antiphlogistic, warming and painkillers.

  • Homeopathic. Most Popular: "Traumeel S" And "Target T". These products contain natural ingredients. They have a quick but short-lasting effect. When using them, there are practically no allergic reactions. Penetrating into areas of pain homeopathic remedies restore injured tissues.

HOW TO USE: The product is applied to the damaged area and lightly rubbed into the skin. For acute pain, up to five applications per day are allowed. Some ointments in this group can be used using compresses and electrophoresis. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use it in complex treatment.

Traumeel S

  • Massage. Most Popular: "Dikul ointment", , And "Larkrisk". For osteochondrosis, massage is an effective way to relieve pain and restore performance. Creams for this procedure, in addition to the main effect, can have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. They are able to improve blood flow to the affected area and restore impaired metabolic processes.

HOW TO USE: The product is applied in a layer of medium thickness and rubbed into the affected area or used as compresses. Can be used up to three times a day.

  • Complex. The most popular ointment "Dolobene". Products that can quickly restore the functioning of the spine by accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues, improving blood circulation, relieving inflammation and eliminating blood clots.

HOW TO USE: Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to prepare the skin. To do this, you need to wash off dirt and residues from it. medical supplies. Do not apply the ointment to skin with traces of cuts and abrasions. The product is applied in a small amount and rubbed into the skin. After which the application site can be covered with a blanket. The duration of treatment is selected individually.

  • Antiphlogistic. Most Popular: "Ketonal", "Nurofen", "Voltaren" And "Menovazin". These drugs are based on non-steroidal active substances that will quickly help restore the functioning of the spine, relieve swelling and have an antimicrobial and antithrombic effect.

HOW TO USE: Squeeze out a strip of ointment 5-8 cm long from the tube. Rub it into the affected area until completely absorbed by the skin. No more than four such procedures can be performed per day. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks. After use, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap or other detergent.

  • Warming and painkillers. Most popular: "Kapsikam", "Finalgon" and turpentine ointment. Thanks to its warming effect, they relieve pain and relieve inflammation. After their use, the muscle tissue at the site of pain relaxes, blood flow accelerates and, as a result, metabolism improves. All this is achieved due to a local increase in temperature. During remissions of the disease, it is useful to use warming drugs as prophylactics.

HOW TO USE: Apply similarly to the methods described above. After application, the area where such drugs are used should be covered with a warm cloth.

Warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory ointments for back and lower back pain with radiculitis: list, names, method of use

Radiculitis is a disease of the nervous system that manifests itself as acute pain in the lumbar region. All people who have experienced such a back problem at least once in their lives should have special ointments for radiculitis in their first aid kit. They are an excellent remedy For emergency assistance your back.

  • Pain relieving ointments. Products based on active substances that have an analgesic effect. Used for pain in the lumbar region, swelling and post-traumatic syndromes.

HOW TO APPLY: The mass is rubbed with gentle circular movements into the area where the pain is localized. Apply 2-4 times a day.

  • Ointment "Finalgon". This product contains active substances that can dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation. Thanks to the thermal effect, metabolic processes are accelerated and the functionality of damaged areas of the body is restored. It is strictly forbidden to use for dermatitis, inflammation and abrasions.

HOW TO APPLY: Apply thin layer and rub in in a circular motion. After application, the area where this ointment is applied must be kept warm.

  • Ointment with snake venom . A product based on viper venom that has an irritating and analgesic effect. The active substances of this drug increase capillary permeability and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

HOW TO APPLY: Before first use, apply a small amount of ointment to the skin. If such application does not cause redness, severe itching and other side effects, then you can use the product in the future. Used in the same way as most other ointments. Can be used no more than 2 times a day.

  • Ointment for radiculitis with bee venom. The active ingredient of this ointment natural origin can improve blood circulation, which will help relieve pain. Bee venom also has other properties. It is able to remove decay products, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

HOW TO APPLY: Squeeze out the ointment (3-4 cm) from the tube and rub it into the affected area. If the ointment is used for the first time, then you need to test its effect on a small amount. It is permissible to use an ointment based on bee venom 2-3 times a day.

  • Kuznetsov ointment for radiculitis. The active ingredients of this product are bee venom and components plant origin. The drug can be used as prophylactic after heavy loads and as a restorative after injury.

HOW TO APPLY: The ointment is applied with circular massaging movements once or twice a day. After three days of use, you need to take a break.

IMPORTANT: Ointments for rheumatism have good effect. But, before using them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Ointments for back and lower back pain due to hernia and pinched nerve in the spine, warming, painkillers, anti-inflammatory: list, names, method of use

Probably many people know first-hand what a pinched nerve is. Sharp, unbearable pain, which often unexpectedly appears in the lower back, can temporarily disable you. And in the absence of proper treatment, this time can stretch for several endless days.

Most often, such pain occurs due to osteochondrosis. Cartilage tissue intervertebral disc wears out, which can lead to intervertebral hernia and protrusion. Treatment of this problem is carried out only comprehensively. Ointments and other topical products can help relieve pain and alleviate suffering.

  • Balm "Chaga". The drug has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Capable of restoring damaged cartilage tissue and removing muscle spasm. The main active ingredient of this drug is betulin. This natural antiseptic protects joints and spine from inflammation.

HOW TO USE: The balm can be used both for acute pain and as a preventive measure for back problems. In the first case, it is rubbed into the problem area massage movements. To reduce the risk of a pinched nerve before physical activity The balm is used up to three times a day.

  • Cream "Venitan". Mainly used to restore the structure of venous vessels. But it can also be used for back pain due to a pinched nerve. The main active ingredient of this drug is escin. By acting on the source of pain, it is able to relieve muscle spasms and improve local blood circulation. Which helps relieve pain.

HOW TO APPLY: The cream is applied in a thin layer and wiped off with light movements. Can be used no more than twice a day. For minor pain, it can be combined with a light massage of the affected area.

  • "Capsicam" (or "Viprosal", "Nikoflex", etc.). Complex drug irritating and analgesic effects. Able to quickly relieve pain and muscle spasms. Can be used for prevention during severe physical exertion.

HOW TO USE: Apply a thin layer and rub into the skin using a special applicator. After which, the site of use is covered with a special bandage. You can use this ointment no more than three times a day.

  • "Ketoprofen" (or "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", etc.). Gels and ointments for external use. Can relieve pain and muscle spasms.

HOW TO USE: Apply in a standard way 2-3 times a day.

They can also help homeopathic ointments "Traumeel S" And "Target T". Read about their action, method of application and benefits above.

Ointments and creams for pain in the back and lower back due to bruises

Extreme back bruise dangerous problem, which should only be treated with the help of a specialist. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is go full examination and identify malfunctions internal organs after such an injury.

If the examination does not reveal serious problems, then you can recover from such a bruise at home. To do this, you can use special ointments:

Ointments and creams for pain in the back, lower back, joints and colds

It's very easy to catch a cold on your back. Moreover, this problem is more often observed in the summer. The thing is that in the warm season we forget about protecting our backs. Furthermore, we often cool our hot bodies with air conditioning. Which can lead to big problems.

Cold back muscles are best treated with medications local action: ointments and gels. They are divided into several groups:

  • Irritant drugs. Most popular: "Finalgon", "Kapsikam", "Viprosal" and other ointments and gels based on bee venom, red pepper extract or mustard. With their help, you can increase blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the body, warm it up and speed up metabolism.
  • Combination drugs. Most popular: gel "Dolobene". The products not only relieve pain, but also restore tissue and promote rapid recovery. Combined drugs can increase blood circulation due to irritating components (snake venom, menthol, etc.) and relieve swelling.

Burning ointments for back and lower back pain

As we have already found out, ointments that have an irritating effect can help with back pain by activating the body’s anti-inflammatory and immune response to the action of some components of such products. As a result of such actions, blood circulation increases, metabolic processes in the body are activated and pain subsides.

The most popular are:

  • "Apizartron"(with bee venom)
  • "Kapsikam"(with camphor and turpentine)
  • "Efkamon"(with eucalyptus and mustard oil, menthol and red pepper tincture)
  • "Finalgon"(with nonivamide and nicoboxyloin)
  • "Viprosal"(with viper venom, turpentine and camphor)
  • "Nicoflex"(with alkaloid capsicum- capsaicin)

These drugs can cause allergic reactions, so they should only be used after making sure your body reacts normally to them.

How to treat the lower back, back during pregnancy, lactation: ointments

Back pain during pregnancy may be caused by for various reasons. Therefore, before starting treatment for this problem, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Since many products cannot be used during this period of a woman’s life, you need to find one that will not have a negative effect on both the mother and the unborn child.

  • The “safest” ointment for treating the back while pregnant is "Menovazin". This remedy can be used for pinched lumbar nerves in pregnant women.

IMPORTANT: Do not use back treatments that have a warming effect during pregnancy. They increase blood circulation and can lead to premature birth.

Which cream is better to choose for back and lower back massage for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hernia, bruise, cold?

Massage ointments can also have a positive effect on correct use. Such ointments can relieve inflammation, relieve pain and restore the structure of damaged tissues. But, you need to understand that such ointments should not just be applied to the affected area of ​​the back. They need to be rubbed into the skin according to all the rules of medical massage.

The best massage products for osteochondrosis are:

  • "Sofia"
  • "Arthrocin gel"
  • "Shungite"
  • "Comfrey"
  • "Valentin Dikul's Balm"

Treatment of the lower back and back with folk remedies for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hernia: recipes

Facilities traditional medicine, proven over the years, can also help with back problems. But, before using them, you should definitely consult with your doctor. After all, such drugs also have side effects. Which must be taken into account when using them.

  • Take 250 g of dry mustard and dilute it in hot bath. Immerse yourself in such a bath for 7-10 minutes, and then wash off the remaining mustard with a warm shower. This bath has a similar effect to irritating ointments.
  • You can increase blood flow to the sore area of ​​the back using horseradish or radish. To do this, they are grated on a fine grater, mixed with chopped raw potatoes and applied to the sore spot as a compress. If you have sensitive skin, then to prevent the active substances of horseradish and radish from creating a burn on it, mix these chopped vegetables with cream or vegetable oil.
  • Warming compresses can be made based on such medicinal herbs like thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, burdock leaves. When using such compresses, their effect can be enhanced by wrapping the sore spot with a warm blanket or scarf.
  • Badyaga is good for back pain. This plant has a strong warming effect. Therefore, it must be used with caution. A large amount of bodyagi can cause a burn on the skin. To treat the back, use dried bodyaga powder mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 30.

  • A good remedy for back pain is parsley root and leaves. To do this, they are twisted in a meat grinder, poured with boiling water and left for several hours. This remedy is used internally to activate the body's defense systems.
  • To restore the performance of your back, you can use ginger root. It is ground using a meat grinder or food processor and mixed with olive oil. The product is applied to the sore spot and left for three hours.

Treatment of the lower back and back with folk remedies for bruises, for colds, if it’s blown: recipes

If you have a cold back, you can make your life easier and restore your performance using the following traditional medicine:

  • Rubbing the sore back with various alcohol tinctures. The greatest effect can be achieved using propolis dissolved in alcohol.
  • You can also use a dry heating pad, a bag of heated salt or mustard plasters.
  • You can also relieve pain with cabbage leaves. You can enhance their effect with honey and vinegar. To do this, they are mixed together and applied to cabbage leaf. Which is then applied to the affected area.
  • If you have back problems, you cannot ignore such a proven method as using garlic. To do this, chop a few cloves of garlic and mix the pulp with lemon juice. A cloth is soaked in this product and applied to the sore spot as a compress. Onion ointment has a similar effect (chopped onions are mixed with any vegetable oil.

Ointment for back and lower back pain: reviews

Kirill. My back pain is chronic. Two or three times a year I will definitely break my back. Therefore, in my first aid kit I have to have a product that will help me get rid of pain and get me back on my feet faster. I found such a drug for myself as "Viprosal V". This is an ointment based on viper venom. It has a warming effect, relieves pain and restores the functionality of the back. I love.

Kate. Back problems started during pregnancy. After which they appear periodically. After the birth of the child, she began to go to Gym to restore your figure. The pain did not appear for more than three years. But then I got a job and forgot about the gym. I am accountant. Often you have to sit at the computer for hours. The load on the back is enormous. The pain returned again. I am treated with gel "Ketoprofen". This is an inexpensive but effective remedy.

Video. How to live a full life with osteochondrosis? What is osteochondrosis really?

There are many ways to treat a sore back, among which warming ointments for the back are the leaders. Their main principle of action is aimed at improving local blood circulation.

The principle of action of warming drugs

Warming ointment, getting on the skin, stimulates the trophic and metabolic processes in soft tissues. Thanks to its warming effect, it relieves muscle spasms. After using warming ointments, the temperature locally rises at the site of application and metabolism improves.

The therapeutic effect is observed from the first use: pain is significantly reduced and active mobility is restored. For achievement best result The place where the warming ointment was applied can be additionally tied with a scarf or scarf.

Warming ointments and creams for the back have a pronounced tonic effect on nervous system. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should not rub the ointment too hard; apply it in a thin layer to the skin and only to the affected area. By applying the drug to a healthy area or vigorously rubbing it, you can provoke microtrauma on the surface of the epidermis and, as a result, get a burn.

Popular ointments for the back

Today, pharmacies sell many warming medications for the back. The most popular among them are:

  1. Finalgon. This cream is widely known and has established itself as an excellent preparation for external use, which has a warming local effect. The main active ingredients are nonivamide and nicoboxil. The operating principle of Finalgon is based on the expansion blood vessels and increased blood flow in the affected area. The drug is available as an ointment in tubes of 20 and 50 grams. The package includes a special applicator, which is used to apply Finalgon to the sore area of ​​the back. After application, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Capsicam. Another cream that has a pronounced effect. The main active component is the substance - dimethyl sulfoxide. Capsicam contains benzyl nicotinate, which increases blood flow, racemic camphor and turpentine oil have a local warming effect. Before use, it is necessary to conduct a drug tolerance test. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the composition to the skin and observe the reaction. If allergic reactions are not observed, you can safely use the drug. Release form: aluminum tube of 30 and 50 grams.
  3. Nicoflex. The drug is released in the form of an ointment. Has a pronounced warming effect. It contains ethyl nicotinate, hydroxyethyl salicylate and capsaicin. This complex of substances has vasodilating, warming and analgesic effects. Nicoflex has anti-inflammatory properties due to active influence to prostaglandins. This drug Penetrates quickly enough into the affected tissue, thereby achieving an instant therapeutic effect. Nicoflex is available in 50 gram packages.
  4. Apizartron. Therapeutic actions are achieved thanks to the following ingredients: mustard oil extract has a warming and locally irritating effect, bee venom has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Distinctive feature Apizartron is the fact that this ointment acts as a combination drug. That is, in addition to the warming effect, it contains NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The drug should not be used by people sensitive to bee venom. Apizartron is produced in aluminum tubes of 20 and 50 grams.

The drug is selected taking into account the severity pain symptoms, as well as taking into account all possible side effects and allergic reactions in the patient.

Each case is individual, so the best ointment for back pain is the one that suits you.

1. Why do lower back pain occur?

Modern man is in less harmony with nature. Most people live in cities, so it is not strange that problems with the musculoskeletal system, in particular with the back, occur at a young age.

Some because sedentary work suffer from back problems, and many are familiar with this problem from school.

Many factors contribute to lower back pain, including external ones. But most often this may be due to irrational and poor nutrition, which can be affected by office work that requires constant sitting. Most people work out in gyms and gyms, rush there after a hard day at work. Today, having a toned shape is very fashionable, and thanks to physical culture your back, in particular your lower back, thanks you so much.

What can we say about external factors, about the current ecology, about the situation in major cities. The human body is complex mechanism complete interaction of all organs, bones, muscles.

Many suffer from lower back pain when temperature changes occur, that is, in the autumn-spring period.

Many diseases of internal organs, such as diseases of the uterus, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, are directly related to back pain. Therefore, before starting self-treatment with various ointments for the lower back, find out the cause of this pain.

Today, medicine has developed enough to reduce lower back pain and help cope with it once and for all.

There are a lot in various ways and methods to cope with back pain, for example:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy;
  • use of ointments, gels, creams;
  • painkillers and medicinal injections;
  • surgical methods.

2. How to use ointments correctly and in what cases?

Before you start rubbing your back with ointments, you should consult a doctor. For each individual case, a specific ointment with a specific active drug may be prescribed.

The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medicine for you. Perhaps he will also appoint complex treatment, which will include exercise therapy.

All ointments that are prescribed for the treatment of lower back pain can be divided into several groups, depending on the effect they give. And also depending on the symptoms and diagnosis.

So, groups of ointments:

  • Homeopathic, balms. Used for inflammatory diseases;
  • NSAIDs - required only with a doctor's prescription, because have an effect on unbearable severe pain. It is forbidden to use it independently, as they have a number of severe side effects and have a number of contraindications;
  • Local irritants. Relevant for past injuries, hypothermia, etc.;
  • Chondroprotectors. Most often prescribed for diseases such as osteochondrosis and spinal hernia;
  • Combined means. Massage, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

3. Pain-relieving ointments for lower back pain

The medications listed below are presented for informational purposes only. Use and courses of treatment are prescribed only by the attending physician.

3.1. Homeopathic ointments.

Act as an anesthetic and promote rapid metabolism. Most doctors classify ointments of this type as folk remedies, since they have a rather peculiar attitude towards homeopathy. They also say that “you need to believe and then this ointment will help,” if we talk about religion.

Today there are two preparations of homeopathic ointments.

Traumeel S

Traumeel S- This homeopathic medicine, has a combined composition, produced in Germany.

It has anesthetic properties, and also has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Application: Apply a thin layer to the affected area 2-3 times a day. You can also make compresses and apply bandages. With any method, the course of treatment is from 2 weeks.

Contraindications: tuberculosis, HIV infection, leukemia, hypersensitivity.

Side effects: skin allergies.

Advantages: basically does not have side effects, assigned for wide application, has an impact on a wide range of diseases.

Disadvantages: copes with problematic diseases exclusively in simple cases of illness and inflammation. Do not use for serious complications and diseases that are pronounced.

The price is no more than 500 rubles in state pharmacies.

Goal T

Target T is also produced in Germany. Just like Traumeel S, it is a combination drug.

It consists of more than 10 components, which together have a metabolic and analgesic effect.

Application: used for glenohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, dystrophic ODS diseases, as well as for various lesions of the tissues of the spine and limbs. Used as an additional remedy in the form of auxiliary treatment.

Contraindications: those who are allergic to asteraceae, arnica and poison sumac.

Usage: Apply a thin layer 3-5 times a day, also apply bandages and compresses.

Side effects: skin allergies. During pregnancy, use strictly under medical supervision.

The cost is about 500 rubles in state pharmacies.

3.2. Ointments of irritating, distracting, warming action

Ointments belonging to this group, based on the name, have a predominantly warming effect on the sore spot. By warming up the inflamed area, blood circulation accelerates, the vessels dilate and there is sufficient blood flow to the sore spot where the cream was applied.

As a result, such ointments have an analgesic effect.

In any case, before using warming ointments for the back or neck, you need to have them approved by your doctor. Quite often, athletes use such ointments before training for better blood circulation in order to get rid of soreness.

It is not uncommon for ointments of similar action to be prescribed as part of the main treatment for joint pain, and sharp pain in back.


Consists of bee venom. methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocate.

Refers to combined drugs that have an irritating effect at the site of application, warm and anesthetize, improve oxygen supply to tissues, activate metabolism and reduce muscle tone.

Application: applied to the sore spot by squeezing a strip out of the tube, 3-5 minutes pass, after which it is rubbed in a range of 5-8 cm from the sore spot. Then wrap the sore spot (with a woolen scarf, bandage). Carry out 2-3 times a day, after this time the condition should improve.

Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, with skin diseases and irritations, kidney disease, liver failure, hypersensitivity to bee venom, mental disorders.

Side effects: skin allergies, rash, irritable, sensitive skin.

The cost does not exceed 170 rubles in state pharmacies.


Consist of camphor oil, salicylic acid, turpentine and viper poison.

It has an analgesic effect, accelerates healing, and is also a local irritant.

Application: rub the affected areas once a day until relief occurs, which usually occurs within 10 days of use. If the pain is frequent and sharp, rub it 2 times a day.

Contraindications: skin irritations, diseases skin, dermatitis.

Side effects: most often no effect, in rare cases - skin allergies.

The cost is about 150 rubles.

Finalgon, Betanikomylon

The composition contains two components: nicoboxil and nonivamide.

Dilates blood vessels and accelerates metabolism in the applied area. Used for rheumatic pain, sports injuries and muscle pain.

Application: the box contains an applicator; use it to apply a thin layer of gel and rub it in.

Contraindications: for children under 12 years of age, do not apply to the neck, irritated skin, tender and sensitive skin, on skin wounds.

Side effects: allergic reactions, with large quantities If the drug is applied, unbearable burning and skin irritation may occur.

Price from 200 rubles.


The composition contains turpentine, camphor, dimethyl sulfoxide, benzyl nicotinate.

Anesthetizes painful areas and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Application: apply a thin layer to affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day, rubbing slightly over the surface of the skin. Usually relief occurs no earlier than after 10 days.

Contraindications: lactation, skin diseases, children under 12, pregnancy.

Side effects: manifestation of allergic reactions such as burning, redness, rash on the skin.


Consists of camphor, pepper tincture, essential mustard oil, clove oil, cinnamon alcohol and eucalyptus oil.

Consisting of almost all natural ingredients, has an extremely positive effect, suspends inflammatory process, has a distracting, analgesic and relaxing effect, warms up the application site.

Application: relevant for any age, condition.

Contraindications: for children under 12 years of age, do not apply to the neck, irritated skin, delicate and sensitive skin, or skin wounds.

Side effects: also various manifestations of allergic reactions, including redness, itching, burning, and other similar irritations of the skin.

Cost from 100 rubles.

3.3. Chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors are prescribed by a doctor if it is necessary to slow down the degeneration of cartilage tissue and stimulate the restoration of tissue metabolism. Chondroitin sulfate is the main component of these drugs. Which in turn promotes the formation of connective tissue.

Chondroitin sulfate

Part medicinal cream includes chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfoxide.

Kills harmful components that destroy cartilage tissue and also stimulates recovery cartilaginous joints, restores intra-articular fluid. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties on tissues and cartilaginous joints.

Application: apply 2-3 times a day, rub in for 5 minutes until completely absorbed. Usually the course of treatment is from 2 to 3 months.

Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, people with hypersensitivity.

Side effects: manifestations of skin allergies and respiratory tract.

The average cost does not reach 400 rubles, depending on the type of ointment.

Teraflex M

The composition contains drugs such as chondroitin sulfate, camphose, peppermint oil.

Application, contraindications, side effects are similar to the previous drug Chonroitin.

It's hard to say about the cost, because long time is not available in pharmacies, or is available in limited quantities in some. Usually the cost is from 100 rubles per tube.

3.4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

They have the abbreviation NSAIDs (NSAIDs) - they have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of all groups that have a positive effect on the treatment of back diseases, the line of drugs belonging to this group have many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, they are used and dispensed in pharmacies most often only with a doctor’s prescription.

Uncontrolled use of ointments classified as NSAIDs is not allowed. All drugs in this group must be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to ointments and creams, there are tablets and injections that have a faster effect.


Contained in Dolgit products

Ibuprofen (strong pain reliever)


It has a fairly wide range of applications, it is used not only for back pain, but also in joints, neck, etc.

Application: apply in a strip of 5 to 10 cm and rub until completely absorbed, lubrication is carried out 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

Contraindications: skin irritation, dermatitis, eczema, do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects: burning, skin allergies. With prolonged use, side effects become more frequent.

Price Ibuprofen - from 100 rubles, Nurofen - from 150 rubles, Dolgit - from 150 rubles.


A very active component contained in Finalgel

Piroxicam (direct)

Prescribed for inflammatory processes in the muscles due to sports injuries, tenderitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis.

Application: apply 1 gram 3-4 times a day, rub in lightly. The course lasts up to 3 weeks.

Contraindications: children under 14 years of age, illness renal failure, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis.

Side effects: peeling of the skin, allergic reaction of the skin at the sites of application. Redness, itching.

The price of Piroxicam Verte is from 150 rubles, Finalgel – from 300 rubles.

When prescribing this drug, ointments such as Fastum gel are prescribed



Use as prescribed by a doctor for acute chronic inflammatory diseases: arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries, swelling, bruises.

Application: apply with rubbing movements (not until absorbed) 2-3 times a day, in a thin layer, apply a dry bandage.

Contraindications: in the presence of abrasions, open wounds on the skin, children under 6 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, eczema.

Side effects: skin eczema, purpura, allergic reactions.

The cost of drugs varies from 100 to 800 rubles.


Prescribed drugs such as Nimesulide

Nise gel

According to statistics and numerous patient surveys, it is considered the most effective means from the category of painkillers.

Relevant for use in cases of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, radiculitis, muscle pain.

Application: apply a small amount of gel to dry and clean skin with massaging movements, without rubbing. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day for 10 days (exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, on his recommendation).

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy and lactation, various skin infections.

Side effects: peeling of the skin at the sites of use, itching, urticaria, when used on large areas of the skin can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, difficulty urinating, anemia.

The price starts from 250 rubles.


Can be found in Diclofenac products




Use in the same way as preparations containing Nimesulide.

The contraindications are similar.

Application: 2-3 times a day, treatment lasts up to 2 weeks, applying to the skin, massaging the place where the pain is localized.

Prices in pharmacies vary, starting from 150 rubles.

3.5. Combined ointments for back and lower back pain

Modern medicine has been able to combine the analgesic effect in the back and joints in one ointment. Such ointments not only relieve pain, but also produce thrombotic, absorbable and other effects.


It produces not only an analgesic effect, but also resolves internal hemotoms, blood stagnation, and also improves tissue regeneration.

Application: apply 2-4 times a day to dry and clean skin.

Contraindications: bronchial asthma, severe kidney disease, pregnancy and lactation, children under 5 years of age, open wounds at the place of application.

Side effects: redness, burning, skin allergies, garlic breath, itching.

The price does not exceed 300 rubles in state pharmacies.

4. Conclusion

It is believed that all ointments, gels, creams for back pain are the most effective means, quick to use and most relevant in treatment.

However, you should always remember that ointments and gels for external use have one or another effect on the diseased area only by accelerating blood flow. And the skin allows only 5-7% of the active substance to pass through.

The main effect of applying external products is primarily distracting and less therapeutic. Such products have gained high popularity only because they have the lowest percentage of side effects and are also easy to use.

Also, many drugs are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, which absolutely cannot be said about tablets and injections.

The list of ointments and creams is quite long, many are approved for sale in pharmacies without prescriptions or doctor’s recommendations, which also saves a lot of time.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, consult a doctor about this problem first. This is extremely important because you need to know the root cause of the pain, since it cannot always be identified on your own.

The human body is an interconnected mechanism, up to the smallest particle, therefore, back pain can be caused by many factors, excluding external ones.

With many neurological disorders, diseases of the back and spine develop pain syndrome. Systemic drugs, NSAIDs, analgesics alleviate the patient’s condition, reduce discomfort, but to increase therapeutic effects it is important to supplement therapy with local agents.

Ointments for back and lower back pain consist of various components and exhibit analgesic, local irritant, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating effects. Compositions with natural and synthetic components improve metabolic processes and blood circulation, relieve swelling, and increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Causes and symptoms of back pain

Discomfort occurs against the background of negative processes and diseases:

  • muscle spasm;
  • lumbago;
  • pinched nerve roots during;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • renal pathologies;
  • osteoarthritis.

Provoking factors:

  • obesity;
  • hard physical labor;
  • work “standing” or “sitting” throughout the day;
  • hypothermia;
  • taking glucocorticosteroids;
  • congenital defects of vertebral structures;
  • complications after operations;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • reluctance to exercise;
  • age-related changes in the vertebrae, ligaments, cartilage tissue.


  • nagging or sharp pain;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • lameness;
  • the feet and areas along the affected nerve are colder and less sensitive;
  • the pain radiates to groin area, buttocks, legs;
  • muscles are tense, spasm increases pain;
  • mobility decreases lumbar region;
  • there is a feeling of “pins and needles” in the legs;
  • painful;
  • difficult to bend/extend your back;
  • discomfort intensifies after training, gardening, walking, and heavy lifting.

Ointments for lower back pain

Pharmacy chains receive several types of local formulations to eliminate negative symptoms in the lumbar region. Universal remedy, exhibiting a complex effect, removing all signs, pharmaceutical companies not offered yet.

There are several types of ointments commercially available, including, combined action. Before use, you always need advice from a vertebrologist, orthopedic traumatologist or neurologist: the doctor will select the optimal name taking into account the severity, type of disease, age restrictions, and other contraindications.

The main types of ointments for the back and lower back:

  • group anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • with local irritant effect;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • combined action;
  • herbal medicines with natural ingredients;
  • compositions containing bee or snake venom;
  • chondroprotectors.

On a note! You should not use an ointment that helps a neighbor or relative: it is important individual approach. Some brands contain potent components; using the wrong product without a doctor’s prescription often accelerates the progression of the inflammatory process.

Local agents of the NSAID group


  • actively relieve pain;
  • eliminate inflammation.


  • Nise. A drug based on nimesulide. Good anti-inflammatory effect, positive effect on rheumatism, muscle pain, bursitis, osteoarthritis. Possible skin reactions, digestive disorders. There are restrictions on the daily dose - up to 8 g of the drug.
  • Fastum-gel. The active ingredient is ketoprofen, and additional substances include neroli and lavender oils. The bioavailability of the drug for external use is low, absorption is slow. Ketoprofen inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. Good anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect for lumbago, osteoarthritis. Cannot be used when bronchial asthma, allergic reactions to NSAID components.
  • Ibuprofen. Active ingredient of the same name, active analgesic effect. Ibuprofen relieves inflammation well, helps with back pain due to radiculopathy, osteoarthritis, and hypothermia. The duration of treatment of painful areas is from one to three weeks.
  • Voltaren-emulgel. The product contains diclofenac, inhibits the activity of two types of cyclooxygenase enzyme. Thanks to the water-alcohol base, the tissues in the treatment area are cooled, and an analgesic effect is manifested. Use from 12 years of age. Duration of use: 2 weeks - soft fabrics, 3 weeks - bone structures. Apply in a thin layer.
  • Ketonal. The gel contains ketoprofen. It is allowed to treat the lower back, joints, and back for rheumatic diseases from the age of 15 years. Apply a strip of gel from 3 to 5 cm twice a day to painful areas. Be sure to wash your hands after the procedure. Ketonal should not be used for more than ten days.
  • Finalgel. A product based on piroxicam. The drug is easy to apply, does not penetrate deep tissue layers, low risk negative reactions. A noticeable therapeutic effect for osteoarthritis, arthritis, and rehabilitation after sports injuries.
  • Nurofen. Gel of the NSAID group with the active ingredient of the same name. Helps with painful sensations in the back, myalgia, sprains, sports injuries. Allowed for use from 12 years of age. Do not apply to mucous membranes. Treat the lower back no more than four times a day.

Ointments with phytoextracts and oils


  • eliminate swelling;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • activate metabolic processes in affected areas;
  • reduce pain;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration during irritation and thinning of the epidermis.


  • Cream-balm Shungite. Unique composition: mumiyo, extract of St. John's wort, aloe, wormwood, ginseng. The product contains natural mineral shungite, glycerin, vegetable oil, nimesulide, sodium stearate, emulsion wax. A natural product for back pain, for the prevention and treatment of age-related disorders in the spine.
  • Balm Dikul. Prevention and treatment of exacerbations of osteochondrosis, myositis, radiculopathy, neuralgia, gout. Plant, oil extracts, beeswax, bear bile, water with silver ions, chaga extract, panthenol. Other useful components: collagen hydrolyzate, tocopherol, lanolin, retinol.
  • Cream Sophia. The composition contains not only glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, but also extracts of comfrey, St. John's wort, beeswax, healing oils rosewood and sea buckthorn.
  • Ointment Comfrey 911 - effective drug based on allantoin. The composition accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces pain and inflammation. The drug contains tincture of comfrey root and red pepper, tocopherol, rosemary oil, sesame oil, camphor, and petroleum jelly. Used in the treatment of radiculopathy, sciatica, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, myositis.

Homeopathic medicines


  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • immunomodulatory effect.


  • Traumeel S. A popular remedy with a wide range of indications, minimal risk adverse reactions. Before starting treatment, it is important to consult a neurologist or vertebrologist: the composition has limitations. After a course of therapy, inflammation decreases, local immunity increases, and an analgesic effect appears.
  • Goal T. A unique product based on 14 healing substances. The drug is effective in inflammatory processes, degenerative changes in the vertebrae, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis. In case of intolerance to components or a tendency to allergies, it is advisable to use another homeopathic medicine - Traumeel S, which has fewer side effects.



  • nourish cartilage tissue;
  • stop the destruction of the elastic layer between the vertebrae;
  • accelerate cartilage regeneration;
  • reduce risk degenerative changes in the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculopathy.


  • Chondroitin (gel and ointment). The main components are dimethyl sulfite and chondroitin. Active substances inhibit the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue, exhibit a mild analgesic effect, and reduce harmful effects mediators of inflammation. The drug in the form of an ointment/gel is prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, radiculopathy, etc.
  • Cream Sophia. Composition contains natural oils, comfrey extract, St. John's wort, glucosamine complex, healing beeswax. Inexpensive product provides a noticeable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug rarely causes negative reactions, but not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Go to the address and learn about the symptoms and treatment of lumbar disc herniation.

Medicines with snake and bee venom


  • reflex;
  • analgesic;
  • local irritant;
  • regenerating;
  • warming.


  • Apizartron. The combination of stabilized bee venom with allyl isothiocyanate and methyl salicylate enhances the effect of the drug. The composition is used for neuralgic and muscle pain, including sciatica, radiculopathy, lumbago. After applying the ointment, be sure to wash your hands. This rule applies to all items for external use, especially those containing natural poison in limited doses.
  • Virapin. The drug contains an ointment base and bee venom. The composition helps with sciatica, myalgia, radiculopathy, neuralgia, and nonspecific polyarthritis. Apply morning and evening in a thin layer, rub only into painful areas. The course of therapy is from one to four weeks.
  • Viprosal. Active ingredients: common viper venom, turpentine oil, camphor, salicylic acid. The product for external use quickly eliminates pain from rheumatic and muscle pain. A skin test is required before the first application. Do not tightly cover the treated area with cellophane or an occlusive dressing.

On a note! Patients suffering from allergies to bee products, irritation or damage to the skin in the treatment area should not use formulations with natural poisons. Rubbing painful areas with compositions of this group is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor.

Gels that activate blood circulation


  • eliminate muscle spasm;
  • improve cell nutrition;
  • warm the affected areas;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • reduce pain in the lumbar area;
  • They help well with myalgia, hypothermia of the back, and lumbago.


  • Nicoflex. Active ingredients: capsaicin, ethylene glycol salicylate, ethyl nicotinate. Locally irritating, warming effect, activation of blood circulation, increase local temperature, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Finalgon. Active ingredients: nonivamide and nicoboxyl. Regular use of the composition warms the upper layers of the epidermis, activates tissue nutrition, enhances metabolism, and reduces pain. Do not apply the product in a thick layer.
  • Capsicam. Among the components: camphor, gum turpentine, dimethyl sulfoxide. Good warming effect, activation of blood circulation, analgesic effect. Do not use if the epidermis is damaged: wounds, scratches, ulcers, ulcers on the back, lower back. The course of therapy is no more than ten days.

Combined products


  • exhibit thrombolytic and regenerating properties;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce pain in the back and lower back;
  • restore the condition of affected tissues during the rehabilitation period after injuries in the presence of hematomas and edema;
  • eliminate manifestations of glenohumeral periarthritis, neuralgia, radiculopathy.

Dolobene-gel. An effective combination drug contains heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide, dexpanthenol. A long list of indications, a complex effect on muscles, ligaments, bone structures in case of injuries, degenerative and dystrophic processes.

Apply a thin layer of gel to the problem area two to four times a day. The optimal method of application: during phono-iontophoresis and under a breathable bandage. Possible allergic reactions, garlicky breath, redness, itching of the treated area.

Ointments to eliminate pain in the lower back and back are allowed to be used as prescribed by a vertebrologist, neurologist or orthopedic traumatologist. When choosing a local remedy, it is important to take into account not only the composition of the drug and the types of effects, but also contraindications, age: many names cannot be applied to problem areas up to 12 years old.

Vide - review of warming ointments for back pain, advantages and disadvantages of drugs:

There is no such person who would never be bothered by back pain. For a long time, healers treated illnesses with compresses and rubbing, and applied heat to the lower back. It was the herbalists who prepared the warming ointment for the back area, and its recipe was passed down from generation to generation.

Nowadays, a huge range of warming ointments are produced by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical factories. They are different in composition, but the same in action - they relieve acute symptoms of back pain.

Ointments with a warming effect - general information

Warming ointment is intended for local application for diseases of the musculoskeletal and muscular system person. In addition to the warming effect, they have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

This universal drug which is being treated most of population, regardless of age. It is applied when:

  • lumbar radiculitis;
  • Shane and thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • muscle cramps;
  • sprains;
  • muscle soreness after exercise;
  • muscle pain;
  • sports injuries;
  • pain caused by a herniated disc.

This is not a complete list of the use of warming gels and ointments, since they are in every home medicine cabinet and are used to smear bruises and joints. They are often used to rub the neck for pain caused by incorrect position during sleep. All warming ointments contain active substances: snake or bee venom, camphor, turpentine, capsaicin.

Groups of products for local effects on the spine

In conservative therapy for the treatment of pathologies accompanied by spinal pain, external medications are widely used. This is an ointment, a balm, a warming gel. These medications have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, warming and anesthetic effect, some of them have an antispasmodic effect. The list of ointments used for lower back pain is large, but they are all divided into groups, depending on the composition and the effect produced.

The right to choose an external remedy for the treatment of back pathologies belongs to the doctor, because only he knows the full effect of the drug and individually selects the right medicine in each clinical case.

What effect does warming ointment have?

An ointment with a warming effect acts on muscle tissue. It relaxes the fibers and has a warming effect. The product contains an antispasmodic substance that reduces vascular tone. Under its influence, the capillaries expand, providing an increased flow of blood to the damaged area.

There is an increase in metabolic reactions in inflamed tissues. As a result of this action, the inflammatory process decreases and swelling decreases muscle fibers, which reduces pressure on nerve endings. As a result, a pain syndrome appears.

What ointments are most effective for back pain

When choosing external medicines To treat back pain, you need to accurately diagnose it. Because the effect of topical ointments is somewhat different. If the disease is caused by hypothermia and is accompanied by myositis of the back muscles, then ointments with a warming and anti-inflammatory effect are indicated. They reduce muscle swelling, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

For spinal hernias, if the pain is caused by compression nerve fibers cooling ointments are prescribed, as well as gels containing non-steroidal drugs. Under the influence of such drugs, tissues are cooled, blood flow to damaged tissues is reduced, swelling is reduced, and NSAIDs relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

If a patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis of any part of the spine, then the use of ointments with chondroitin or glucosamine is indicated. These substances promote tissue regeneration, restoration of cartilage and vertebrae.

How to choose an ointment or gel for muscle pain

To decide on an ointment, you need to determine the cause of muscle pain. The main factors of myositis are drafts and hypothermia. But there are other reasons that cause the disease:

  • pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • ascariasis;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • rheumatism.

If the pain is a consequence of the above reasons, then treatment begins with eliminating the provoking factor. In this case, the ointment is used as additional remedy treatment. For myositis caused by overload of muscle fibers due to increased physical stress, use cooling medications with an analgesic effect. An example of such a medicine is Menovazine. Its composition contains menthol, novocaine and anesthesin. The product is available in the form alcohol solution for local use. Eliminates joint and muscle pain due to myalgia, arthralgia, neuralgia. Pregnancy and children under 12 years of age are a contraindication.

Myositis caused by hypothermia is treated with warming ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Finalgon is often prescribed to patients. This is an ointment that has a pronounced warming effect. The active substances (nonivamide and nicoboxil) dilate blood vessels, provide a rush of blood to the damaged area, and maintain a feeling of warmth on the skin for a long time.

Which warming ointment to use?

To choose the right one effective ointment To treat more in the back, you need to establish the exact cause of the discomfort. After establishing a diagnosis, the doctor selects a medicine with the required range of action, since, based on the diagnosis, he knows which structures are damaged. There is a classification of ointments, depending on their action.

Painkillers contain an analgesic. These are ointments and sprays based on novocaine, lidocaine. But they are rarely used to treat back pain. The main indication is short-term pain relief for an injury.

Anti-inflammatory topical preparations contain non-steroidal drugs. This is the most commonly used group of external medications that have a pronounced analgesic effect. They relieve inflammation, swelling, and pain. These are Nurofen, Fastumgel, Voltaren, Naklofen.

Warming and distracting agents contain active components of biological and synthetic origin. They contain bee or snake venom, camphor, turpentine, and menthol. Representatives of this series were: Finalgon, Efkamon, Apisatron, Kapsicam. The products are characterized by a long-lasting warming and irritating effect.

Homeopathic ointments are used over a long period of time. Only in this case is a therapeutic effect observed. They improve metabolic reactions in tissues and slow down the process of degenerative changes (Traumel S, Target T). The preparations contain herbal active ingredients, relieve swelling, pain, inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration.

Chondroprotectors contain a natural active ingredient obtained from animal cartilage and trachea. The facility is actively involved in metabolic processes, stimulates the restoration of cartilage cells, retains calcium in bone tissue. This ointment helps stop the destruction of cartilage and bones, reduces inflammation, reduces pain (Teraflex, Chondroxide, Structum, Chondroitin). For severe pain, they are combined with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Combined ointments contain several active substances, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain and inflammation. In addition, they promote the renewal of cartilage tissue and relieve tension from nerve fibers (Deep Relief, Dolobene, Arthrocin).

Which one is more effective?

With such a variety of ointments, it is difficult to determine the best one. After all, they differ not only in composition, but also in action. In addition, the drugs have a number of contraindications and are not suitable for everyone.

Also important role has a price. Therefore, when choosing the right medicine all factors are compared, and the person chooses the medicine that is right for him. But there are everyone’s “favorites” - Voltaren, Finalgel, Nurofen, Dolobene, Teraflex, Arthro-active.

Features of the use of ointments

The use of warming ointments has its own characteristics that must be observed when carrying out local treatment:

Most warming ointments contain active ingredients (venom of snakes, bees, turpentine, etc.). Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a tolerability test. Apply a little ointment to the skin and after 30 minutes see if there is any hyperemia, rash or other manifestations. If everything is normal, treatment can be carried out, otherwise use drugs with less active substances.

Traditional recipes for warming ointments

  1. Mix oil mint tincture with 100 g of Vaseline and 2 tablespoons of Indian onion. Apply the ointment to the damaged area a maximum of 3 times a day.
  2. Sweet clover leaves (dry), St. John's wort, hop cones, mix everything. Take 2 tbsp of ingredients, add 50 g of Vaseline. Rub the sore spot.
  3. Burdock root (chopped), Indian onion and lingonberry (leaves) - all 2 tbsp. Mix the ingredients with vodka (40-50g), add 10g of Vaseline. Apply the resulting product to the lower back no more than once a day, preferably at night.

Before using ointments, you need to conduct a sensitivity test, and also consult a doctor about such treatment.

How to use warming ointments for children

Ointments with a warming effect for the treatment of muscle pain, as well as the elimination of back pain, are not used in pediatrics. This therapy is prohibited for children under 12 years of age. This is due to the content of active substances that have a strong local irritant effect.

Such components may cause allergic reactions in the child. There are warming ointments that are used in pediatrics for treatment colds, but this is a different category of funds.

Comparison of characteristics and prices

Most consumers, when choosing a warming ointment, want the medicine to be effective and inexpensive. The table shows prices for popular external products.

Prices medications depend on the packaging of the medicine and the manufacturer’s plant.

Contraindications for warming ointments

Regardless of the fact that ointments are external agents, they have a number of contraindications:

If the patient has at least one factor from the list, the medicine cannot be used.

Only a doctor can select the necessary treatment methods based on the test results.