Juniper oil medicinal properties and contraindications. Juniper oil: healing properties, indications for use and rules for taking

O healing qualities juniper has been known since ancient times. All components of the plant (leaves, bark and berries) have a powerful therapeutic effect on the human body. According to a special technology, oil is made from needles and dried fruits. The product is in demand various fields. Consider the main aspects in order.

Chemical composition and properties

  1. The plant composition is rich in many enzymes that help the body resist various ailments. The oil base includes terpene, camphene, borneol, terpineol, tannins, dyes, vitamin C, trace elements and organic acids.
  2. Studies have shown that juniper oil can have a strong phytoncidal property. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in places where juniper grows, the air is fresher and cleaner. People with many ailments and weak animals often visit such places. Thus, in a sense, they improve health.
  3. From some sources it is known that the ancient Indians were able to cure tuberculosis in initial stages with juniper. In addition, the plant easily coped with joint pain. The natives of America simply left the patient in the thickets of the bush.
  4. In the case of essential oil extracted from the berries of the plant, it is purified internal organs. The composition has diaphoretic, cleansing, expectorant, insecticidal properties, removes water and bile.
  5. In addition, it improves digestive processes, activates the lymph flow, heals the damaged dermis.
  6. It is proved that the composition, if necessary, will help to provoke premature attack menstrual cycle. The plant has a positive effect on the central nervous system. As a result, you will get sound sleep.

Juniper oil in medicine

  1. With the help of juniper oil, you can cure almost any ailment associated with gastrointestinal tract. Besides vegetable composition rid the body of infectious and viral diseases.
  2. If you catch a cold, you must dissolve in 15 ml. honey 2 drops of juniper ether. Stir the resulting mixture into any kind of hot tea. Consume healing drink three times a day.
  3. If you suffer from swelling of the limbs, it will help to cope with the disease herbal tea with the addition of 3 drops of juniper oil. Use hot composition 2 times a day.
  4. To fully cleanse the body of slagging and toxic compounds, you need to take a course. It consists of 4 procedures for 1 year. For this you need to use healing composition 3 days.
  5. On the first day, 6 hours before a meal, you need to combine 1 drop of juniper extract and 30 ml. olive oil. In the second and third - use 1 drop with food vegetable product 3 times a day. The procedure must be accompanied abundant reception purified water (3 l.).
  6. To get rid of excess weight, you will need to dilute in 100 ml. filtered water 15 ml. flower honey and 2 drops of juniper ether. Use an effective composition for 7-8 days 3 times a day.
  7. The systematic intake of a herbal product in a short period of time stabilizes metabolic processes in the body and enrich it with essential trace elements.
  8. Juniper oil is recommended for the treatment of cystitis, malaria, gout, arthrosis, varicose veins, polyarthritis, deep wounds, skin ailments, hemorrhoids, allergies, ulcers, diabetes, tuberculosis, edema, kidney stones and gallbladder, infections genitourinary system, influenza, impotence, bronchitis and atherosclerosis.

Juniper oil in cosmetology

  1. The oil has become popular due to its anti-cellulite effect. The composition effectively smoothes the skin, toning it to the fullest. As a result of regular use, scars are smoothed out, most of stretch marks.
  2. The tool can be used to nourish any type of skin. Beauticians still recommend using the product for problematic and oily epidermis prone to acne. In this case, the oil will show itself more effectively.
  3. Shrub extract cleanses the skin well, maintaining its turgor. As a result of the systematic use of the product, you will not encounter peeling, acne and wide pores. It is enough to add 3-5 drops of oil to the cream for daily moisturizing.
  4. In addition to an even tone, you can moisturize the skin in a short time, firmness and elasticity will appear. Also, possible swelling, signs of aging and withering of the epidermis will disappear. Please note that with juniper oil you can get rid of herpes, do not let the product get on the tongue.
  5. In addition to high-quality skin care, the oil effectively strengthens the structure hair follicles. Get in the habit of adding a small amount of herbal product to detergents for hair. Per short term you will return the curls to their original shine and strength. You will forget about dandruff, itching, hair loss and brittle hair.
  6. Dermatologists recommend including juniper ester when using skin baths. The product has proven itself well as a remedy for fungal diseases and corns. In addition, the oil will qualitatively soften and nourish the skin with beneficial enzymes.

  1. Juniper ether has enough pungent odor needles. If you combine the composition with a small amount of water, you will get a pleasant and fresh aroma at the end.
  2. If you regularly use scented lamps, water procedures and inhalations using juniper extract, you can not only improve the overall psycho-emotional background, but also disinfect the room.
  3. Aromatherapy helps to tune in to a positive wave, relieve tension and irritation. Regular use will save you from unreasonable phobias and stress. Thus, attention, concentration and performance will increase.
  4. To reach maximum effect for the body, juniper ether must be combined with oils of citrus, bergamot, cedar and pine. At the first symptoms of a cold, an effective composition of juniper and vetiver will help.

Rules for the use of juniper oil

  1. There are several ways to use juniper oil. Basically, a plant product is added to pendants, aromatic lamps. Based on the composition, inhalations, healing compresses are made, the oil is consumed orally and added to baths.
  2. To enrich the usual cosmetic products, it is necessary to mix with 15 gr. daily remedy about 8 drops of juniper ether. It is enough to pour 3-4 drops into pendants, about 6 drops into lamps.
  3. To relieve stress and tension throughout the body, take a bath. Dissolve in 50 ml. milk 7 drops of juniper ether. Pour the liquid into the bath. If you are going to use the extract inside, dilute it in 100 ml. purified water 2 drops of ether and 10 gr. honey.

Contraindications and harm

  1. Juniper oil is contraindicated only if a person has an individual intolerance to the plant. The composition is not toxic in any form, it is a completely natural product.
  2. In rare cases, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash has been observed. It is highly recommended to experiment before use.
  3. Smear a small amount of the product on the skin, wait for the reaction of the body. If missing side effects in the form of red spots and itching, use the product without fear. But start with small amounts (1-2 drops).
  4. It is forbidden to use juniper oil in any form for the fair sex, who are in position. The product stimulates the uterine muscles, which can result in a miscarriage or premature birth.

Juniper oil has healing properties. Before use, read the contraindications and dosage recommendations. Restrict infants and young children under 3 years of age from the herbal product. In addition, the oil must not be consumed when chronic illness associated with the kidneys. Get a quality composition.

Video: what is useful juniper

Juniper essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of needles, bark and crushed juniper berries. The oil obtained from the berries alone differs in quality and is more valuable.

It is an oily liquid with a clean, fresh, slightly woody and fruity aroma. Rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

Most often used for urinary system, skin, digestive and nervous system.

Chemical composition

Juniper is a coniferous evergreen shrub (tree) and belongs to the cypress family. Has blue-green needles, small yellow color and almost black, with a bluish tint, fruits.

Pine needles and berries have healing properties and have been used since ancient times in medicinal purposes. They were used to treat many diseases, including cholera, typhoid, and plague.

The main components of juniper oil are

Alpha pinene;





There is a small amount of limonene, camphor, linalool, linalyl acetate, borneol, nerol.

Main medicinal properties he is provided with:



Obtained by extracting dried, crushed needles, wood, berries by steam distillation.

Useful and medicinal properties

It can be applied as:










The antiseptic properties of the oil have been used by humans since before antibiotics and other drugs were synthesized. antiseptic properties. They treated wounds and injuries. It effectively protects against the development of tetanus.

Juniper oil is a good antispasmodic. It can relieve almost any cramps and spasms, relaxes muscles.

Astringent properties are useful in gum disease, hair loss, reducing bruising. Reduces blood vessels, improves blood circulation, contributing to the faster passage of bruises.

Juniper is a good diuretic. Helps relieve swelling in people who suffer from kidney failure by removing excess water through urine.

Useful for people who want to reset excess weight. Helps reduce high blood pressure.

Opening pores, removes toxins, salts heavy metals, uric acid and other pollutants.

Used to cleanse the pores of the skin and sebaceous glands which prevents acne and blemishes.

When applied to the skin, it has an irritating effect, thereby increasing blood circulation, and, as a result, oxygenation of the skin improves.

It has a good stimulating effect, helping to relieve fatigue, increases brain activity.

juniper oil application

Juniper oil:

Supports kidney and urinary tract functions;

Helps with problem skin;

Relieves stress and tension.

It is used for:



kidney stones;



Bloating (including before menstruation);

Painful menstruation;


Used for hemorrhoids. Just add one drop of oil to the bath and sit for 20 minutes. Longer is not necessary, as efficiency may be reduced.

The smell of juniper is a natural natural repellent. Use juniper berry oil for flavoring food products and at home. In addition, it is a good preservative.

Juniper oil for hair and face

In the cosmetic industry, it is mainly used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. The oil improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer, reduces swelling.

Use for hair and face allows you to:

improve balance oily skin;

Increase protective functions;

Tighten the skin;

Restore youth;

Increase the process of cell renewal;

Clear pores;

Soften comedones;

Prevent the appearance of acne and blackheads;

Reduce cellulite;

Improve outer hair;

Get rid of dandruff;

Reduce hair loss;

Reduce oily hair.

What oils go with

Juniper essential oil goes well with bergamot, cypress, lavender, geranium, rosemary, all citrus, cedar, vetiver, lemongrass oils.

How to apply juniper oil recipes

The fresh and soothing aroma of juniper is widely known for relieving stress, depression and anxiety. It cleans the air well.

It can be added to:

aroma lamp;

Massage Oil;

Massage Oil;


For skin diseases, it is used in the form of lotions and rubbing.

Add 1-2 drops of oil to water or citrus drink. it excellent tool naturally cleanse your body of toxins.

Apply 1 drop to the acne problem area.

By adding it to a spray bottle with water, you will get an excellent natural freshener for your home, which also purifies the air and relieves stress.

Mix 15 drops of oil with 0.5 tablespoon of glycerin and 60 ml of water.

As an antiseptic will reduce and prevent the development of bacteria. Absorbs odors. Use in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, bedroom and more.

If you feel anxious, stressed, put 1-2 drops of oil on your palm and rub your palms. Then bring it to your face and inhale the fresh, relaxing aroma.

To reduce children's fears, mix 4 drops of oil with 30 ml of water and sprinkle on the child's pillow.

You can rub the soles of your feet or your lower back. Just be careful. Children's skin is delicate and oil can cause irritation. One drop is enough or dilute with base.

As a repellant, mix 15 drops and 30 ml of base in a spray bottle. Apply to skin and massage into skin.

How to make juniper oil at home

Making an essential oil will be difficult. But an infusion infused with vegetable oil is quite possible.

To do this, take juniper berries. Place them in a clean, dry jar about three-quarters full. It is advisable to sterilize the jar before this.

Fill with vegetable or cosmetic oil so that all the berries are completely covered. You can take olive, coconut or any other.

Close tightly with a lid and put in a cool dark place for four to six weeks. Shake daily.

When the oil is infused, strain it and pour into a clean, dry dark glass bottle. Keep refrigerated.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication is the individual intolerance of juniper. The oil itself is non-toxic. This is a natural product.

In some people, it can cause an allergic rash.

Test for first time use on skin or by mouth. Apply a small amount, diluted with carrier oil, to back side hands at the wrist.

At chronic disease kidneys, liver should also refrain from its use. Especially in the acute stage.

Prolonged use may cause a violet-like odor to urine. It says only one thing - to stop using it for a while.

Juniper essential oil is quite common and in demand. You can buy it at a pharmacy or specialized stores. Avoid buying from unverified places.

Watch a video about benefits essential oil juniper and its uses

Juniper essential oil is made from the fruit of a plant in the cypress family. This oil contains important organic acids, trace elements and vitamins. Juniper essential oil has earned a separate place in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Juniper oil: properties

Juniper oil is a storehouse of valuable vitamins and minerals, contains more than 170 components, including carbon and oxygen compounds, organic acids, as well as minerals, such as zinc, copper, manganese, iron, due to which it has high cosmetic properties for any skin type.

Juniper essential oil will help:

☀ Eliminate excess glitter on skin, clean enlarged pores and shrink them, cure acne.

☀ Restore firmness and elasticity to aging skin, even out the color and restore a healthy radiant look to the face.

☀ Restore and normalize natural processes at the intracellular level of the skin.

☀ Also, juniper oil has powerful antioxidant properties, that is, it can be used to cleanse skin tissues from free radicals and toxins.

☀ In addition, juniper oil is wound healing and antiseptic, which is able to heal wounds and abrasions on the skin. It is often used in complex therapy such skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

Thus, juniper oil, whose properties are so multifaceted, is recommended to be used for both oily and problematic skin, so for the tired and fading.

Important point: Juniper oil is made from dried fruits and wood of the shrub itself. It is believed that oil made from dried berries is more valuable in its composition and properties. Therefore, choosing quality oil juniper for the face, pay attention to what it was made from.

Juniper oil in cosmetology

The use of juniper oil in cosmetology has long been known, it can be used to strengthen hair, improve skin condition, rejuvenate and tighten it. Moreover, it is one of the most effective means when losing weight, eliminating cellulite and stretch marks.

Cosmetics containing this useful component have such beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Tones and moisturizes it;
  • Smooth out small mimic and age wrinkles;
  • Improve complexion;
  • Remove puffiness and irritation of the skin;
  • Narrows pores, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Juniper has long been used to treat skin diseases, because it speeds up the process of cell regeneration. It is suitable for all skin types, but is considered especially useful for oily and problematic facial skin.

When applying oil to the skin, you may notice a slight tingling sensation, but this action increases blood flow to the epidermis, providing tissues with normal nutrition. If you found on your face small pimples, apply point method using a cotton swab.

By adding the product to a cream, tonic or face mask, skin elasticity is maintained, a fresh complexion is provided, oily sheen is eliminated, and wrinkles are prevented.

Face mask recipes

Mask for oily and combination skin

In the care of oily combination skin face juniper oil helps to cleanse the skin, narrow enlarged pores, eliminate oily sheen, get rid of acne.

Yes, as preventive care for oily skin, a mask will be effective, for the preparation of which you should beat 1 egg white, add a few drops of juniper essential oil, mix the mask components thoroughly and apply the product in an even layer on the skin of the face. Wash off the mask cool water after 15 minutes.

Simple mask - made of clay

To prepare it, you need a bag of blue clay and 1-3 drops of juniper essential oil. Clay must be diluted with water or a decoction of herbs to a thick consistency, stir in the oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask

You can also prepare a rejuvenating face mask yourself. To do this, dilute 2 drops of juniper essential oil in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and apply this mixture on the skin of the face. Wash after 40 minutes warm water and dry your skin with a towel.

Purifying mask with juniper essential oil

cook light mask for the face, which will help you cleanse the skin of impurities.


  • Essential oil of juniper 3 drops
  • Egg 1
  • Honey 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  • Separate the protein from the yolk.
  • Mix the yolk with the essential oil.
  • Heat honey over low heat.
  • Mix all ingredients.
  • Mix thoroughly.


  • Wash off with warm water.
  • Cleanse your face with toner.
  • Apply a face mask.
  • Leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with cool water.
  • Dry your face with a towel.
  • Apply thermal water.


Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, kidney disease, pregnancy and chronic hypertension. Harm can also overuse. Any course, medical or cosmetic, should not last more than 1 month. The use of juniper oil can cause and allergic reaction so you need to do a test first. It should be borne in mind that it always tingles the skin for the first few minutes, but no more. It is important not to exceed the dosage and store the bottle of oil correctly: in a well-corked and dark container at room temperature.

The unique properties of common juniper have been known since ancient times. Therapeutic effect plants due to the essential oil that is part of the cones, needles and other parts of the culture.

Juniper oil has a diuretic, disinfectant, choleretic, analgesic, expectorant action, and has other useful properties. The product is used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases, and also used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Characteristics and properties

Common juniper is a coniferous evergreen shrub or tree. Its fruit is a cone-berry containing seeds in the amount of 3 pieces.

Juniper essential oil is found in pine cones and needles (about 2%), less of it - in roots, wood, bark. The main composition of the product:

    • camphene;
    • pinene;
    • cidrol;
    • borneol;
    • juniper camphor;
    • terpinene;
    • phelandrene.

    The biological activity of juniper cones is due to the content of essential oil in them, which has the following beneficial properties:

    • Painkillers.
    • Antimicrobial.
    • diuretic.
    • Mild hypotensive.
    • Expectorant.
    • Cholagogue.

    The diuretic effect of the product is due to the presence of terpineol in it, which enhances filtration in the renal glomeruli.

    Juniper oil helps to liquefy bronchial secretions, facilitates the removal of bile from the gallbladder.


    In folk medicine, oil helps in the treatment and prevention of certain human diseases.body:

    Categories of diseases Diseases Methods of reception
    immune systemAllergyBath
    SkinAcne, dermatosis, ringworm, eczemaCompress, bath
    nervous systemAstheniaIndoor use, bath
    jointsArthritisCompress, rubbing, bath
    CardiovascularAtherosclerosis, varicose veins veinsIngestion, compresses
    Gastrointestinal tractAtony, gastritis, constipationinternal use
    ViralFlu, infectious diseases, coldInhalation, internal use
    Endocrinological systemDiabetesIngestion
    UrologicalUrolithiasis, cystitismedicinal tea
    Dentistryperiodontal diseaseRinsing, lotions
    RheumatologyGout, rheumatismRubbing, bath, ingestion

    Peppermint Essential Oil - Benefits and Uses

    Application in cosmetology

    Due to its cleansing and drying properties, the product is suitable for the care of oily and normal skin faces and bodies. It is used as a tonic, reduces swelling of the skin, increases turgor and eliminates cellulite, as in pure form, and mixed with other essential oils (lavender, pine, geranium, bergamot, fir, orange).

    The product is used for treatment acne, eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair roots, for aromatherapy. Juniper oil promotes weight loss.


    The remedy is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • intolerance to the components of the plant;
    • pregnancy;
    • severe hypertension;
    • acute inflammation of the kidneys.

    Application methods

    For oral administration, diuretic teas with juniper are prepared:

  1. 1. 1 st. l. composition of 4 parts of juniper berries, the same amount of bearberry leaf and 1 part of licorice root, brew in a glass of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes, strain. Take as directed by the doctor.
  2. 2. Take 2 parts of juniper berries and horsetail, 1 part of wheatgrass rhizome. 1 st. l. composition, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink according to doctor's prescription.
  3. 3. Take 1 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. l. mixtures of birch leaf, dandelion root, juniper berries in equal parts. Keep for 10 minutes in a water bath. Leave until cool. Means to drink daily 3 times 1 tbsp. l.

The diuretic and disinfectant effects of tea from juniper berries are due to the presence of essential oil in them. Excreted through the kidneys, it acts irritatingly, increasing diuresis.

At internal use the finished product is recommended to take 1-2 drops per 1 tsp. vegetable oil . It should be taken 2-3 times a day for 30 days.

outdoor use

The product is used for rubbing with neuralgia, rheumatism, polyarthritis, paralysis. For 10 ml of the base (vegetable oil), add 4-5 drops of the product, for compresses - 6-7 drops.

Hot compresses (for arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism) are prepared as follows: for 100 ml hot water add 5-7 drops of the product, mix. Wet a cloth made of natural fibers in the solution, wring it out slightly, apply it to the problem area for 2 hours, wrap it up. Perform 1-2 times a day.

Ointment for scabies is prepared on the basis of vaseline. 50 drops of juniper essential oil are added to it, mixed.

Other recipes for external use:

Procedure type How to use How to use
Rinses, lotions ( inflammatory diseases gums)
  1. 1. Dilute 5 ml of oil in a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth.
  2. 2. Moisten cotton wool in oil mixed with water, apply to the gums, leave for 15-20 minutes
2-3 times every day (2 weeks) morning and evening
Inhalations (diseases respiratory tract, cold)
  1. 1. Hot: pour boiling water into a wide bowl, add the drug (at the rate of 4 drops per 1 liter of water).
  2. 2. Cold: inhale the oil from the bottle or use the porous clay aroma medallion (apply to the surface)
Inhale 3-10 minutes
  1. 1. To 2 tbsp. l. milk, honey, sea salt add 3-5 drops of oil.
  2. 2. to 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​or food salt - 5-7 drops
10–15 minutes at water temperature +37...+38°C
Aromatherapy (room disinfection, insomnia, mental overload, headache)

Add 4-5 drops of oil to the aroma lamp with water (based on 15 sq. m), light a candle

Juniper is a thorny evergreen shrub. Its berries, branches and leaves are widely used in production. Anything is made of them, from alcoholic tinctures such as gin to special firewood for smoking.

Today we will talk about such a valuable gift of nature as juniper oil. We will find out what is valuable in it, where it is applied and how to use it.


Juniper oil is of 2 types:

  1. From bark and needles. Obtained by ordinary distillation. It is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever.
  2. From berries. The most valuable and useful concentrate. Produced by traditional water-steam way.

Juniper oil looks like a viscous clear liquid. It has a pronounced spicy smell, which, upon acquaintance, seems irritating, sharp, similar to the smell of turpentine. But it is worth putting a drop on the skin and letting it fade a little, as the wonderful aroma of this ether will be revealed.

It goes well with citrus oils. To get 100 ml of juniper concentrate, you need 3-5 kilograms of raw materials. The composition includes the following trace elements:

  • copper;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • formic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • resins.

Good to know: when buying, pay attention that the oil is from berries, and not from wood. Check it out like this. The oil from the berries has a light yellow tint. The greenish color indicates the origin of the oil from the needles, the orange color from the wood.

Also, the oil contains other elements, which include oxygen and carbon compounds. What makes juniper concentrate good for the skin.

Properties and application

Now let's talk about the medicinal properties of the concentrate and where it is used.

Juniper oil:

  • kills bacteria;
  • normalizes the fat balance of the skin;
  • moisturizes the epidermis, including the thin skin around the eyes;
  • copes with edema;
  • detoxifies with diuretic and diaphoretic effects;
  • copes with acne and other rashes;
  • strengthens the nervous system, helps to survive stressful situations;
  • improves digestion;
  • relieves spasms;
  • heals wounds, restores the mucous membrane.

As you can see, this oil is really a valuable find. Where is juniper essential oil used:

  1. In cosmetology. The concentrate is included in many hair masks and products to combat skin rashes.
  2. Lotions with a concentrate help in the fight against hemorrhoids.
  3. In aromatherapy. To relax and sleep well, apply a couple of drops of aroma oil on a special lamp.
  4. in dermatology. In the treatment of herpes. Avoid contact with mucous membranes.
  5. In the treatment of kidney diseases. It is used as a diuretic and toxin-removing agent.
  6. in gynecology. Ether eliminates inflammatory processes and normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  7. In narcology. Relieves hangovers.
  8. in cardiology. Strengthens blood vessels and lowers blood sugar levels.

The list of benefits of the oil does not end there. It is used in the treatment of almost the entire body.

Indications for use and contraindications

Indications for the use of juniper oil:

  1. Varicose veins.
  2. Respiratory tract infection.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Impotence.
  5. Ulcers.
  6. Skin diseases and allergies.

Like any medicine, juniper oil has its warnings. The first rule is not to exceed the dosage. Juniper oil is very strong remedy and you shouldn't overdo it.

Do not take in such cases as:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • the presence of diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, stomach.

It's important to know: do not use oil for a long time. Take a break between doses for a month.

Even if you have no contraindications, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction before use. Put a drop of ether on your skin. If the skin does not appear red or itchy, then it suits you. Tingling at the site of application for the first 3 minutes is considered a normal reaction.

How to apply

Essential concentrate can be used in the following ways:

  • drip on aroma lamps, add to pendants;
  • add with inhalation and compresses;
  • take inside;
  • drip into the bath.

Approximate dosage of oil for each procedure:

  1. To enrich purchased care products - 5 drops of oil per 10 g of product.
  2. For application to aroma lamps - 5 drops.
  3. For aroma coulombs - 3 drops.
  4. To add to baths - 6 drops, it is better to first add to milk, then all together into water.
  5. For oral administration - a drop of the product per 100 g of water plus a coffee spoon of honey.

For toothache, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with juniper oil and apply cotton swabs soaked in it to the affected area.
To alleviate conditions with rheumatism and arthritis, they do this, take 30 grams lard, crushed and add 50 drops of juniper oil. Apply a thick layer on sore spots.

If tomorrow is an important day and you need to look good, try the fasting day recipe with juniper. On the appointed day of the procedure, it is recommended not to eat anything.

Only water with lemon and a teaspoon of honey is allowed, with 3 drops of juniper essential oil. A light snack is allowed for dinner. Such unloading can be carried out 2 times a month without harm to the body.

To enhance the effect, take hot bath. Add half a serving to it. next recipe. Mix the following oils:

  • a teaspoon of grape seed oil;
  • 3 drops each of cypress and grapefruit oil;
  • 4 drops of juniper oil.

By watching the following video, you can learn about the benefits of juniper essential oil from an expert in this field: