The state educational standard provides. Requirements for the learning outcome of the new generation fgos

State educational standard (purpose, structure)

Federal state educational standards are one of the main instruments for the implementation of constitutional guarantees of the human and citizen's right to education. With the adoption of the standard, not only the state can demand an appropriate educational result from the student. The student and his parents also have the right to demand that the school and the state fulfill their obligations. With regard to European and world standards of education, it should be noted that the “blurring of boundaries” leads to certain obligations on the part of the educational institution, which guarantees not only the successful completion of education, but also the receipt of a well-paid job. On the other hand, the student has certain guarantees, but also the need to constantly and qualitatively replenish his knowledge, showing himself, which is very important - constantly, as a qualified worker. This implies a constant improvement of the student's qualifications, the desire to constantly be in demand. In this context, the standard is a means of ensuring the planned level of education quality. Being stable over a certain range of time, the standard of education is dynamic and open to change, reflecting changing societal needs and the ability of the education system to meet them.

Obviously, at present, human activity is increasingly becoming fundamentally innovative. Human activity is growing in all areas of its activity. The processes of constant growth in the educational sphere can be further effectively developed only in the conditions of the formation of an innovative education system - a system focused on new educational results. In this regard, the transition to the Unified State Examination is a certain significant stage on the way to improving the state educational standards of the Russian Federation.

Federal state educational standards must provide:

1. the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2. continuity of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1. the structure of the main educational programs;

2. conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs;

3. the results of mastering the main educational programs.

Purpose and functions of state educational standards of the new generation

Today, the developing potential of educational standards is becoming increasingly important, ensuring the development of the education system in the face of changing demands of the individual and family, society's expectations and state requirements in the field of education.

1. a tool for organizing and coordinating the education system, serving as a guide for its development and improvement, a criterion for assessing the adequacy of educational activities to the new goals and values ​​of education;

2. a means of ensuring the unity and continuity of individual levels of education in the context of the transition to a continuous education system;

3. a factor regulating the relationship between the subjects of the education system (students, their families, teachers and heads of educational institutions), on the one hand, and the state and society, on the other;

4. one of the guidelines for creating a modern education infrastructure.

At the same time, the new version of the standard should create conditions for more efficient implementation of the traditional functions of standards as a means of legal regulation of the education system.

1. Ensuring the right to a full-fledged education, which consists in ensuring through the standard of “equal opportunities” guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation for every citizen “receiving a quality education”, i.e., the level of education that represents the necessary basis for the full development of the individual and the possibility of continuing education;

2. Ensuring the unity of the educational space of the country, which is a transition to a diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions, requires a regulatory mechanism designed to stabilize the education system in the country. This stabilizing and regulating role should be played by educational standards. Without limiting the development of specific regional approaches, the availability of various types of schools, variable programs, educational standards fix the requirements for the results of mastering the main general education programs. The real educational programs of a particular educational institution in their content can vary significantly both in terms of the volume and depth of the training they offer to students, but all of them are obliged to ensure the implementation and achievement of the requirements of the standards. This will ensure within the country a guaranteed quality of training for school graduates, which can be relied upon when organizing further education. The standard is the most important factor in solving many demographic and social problems in the context of possible migration of the population; it will become the basis for recognizing the equivalence of education documents obtained in different regions, etc.;

3. ensuring the continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education;

4. criteria-evaluative, which stems from the essence of the standard as a guide, following which the education system develops. Separate components of the system of documents that ensure the functioning of the standard carry the requirements for the content of education, the volume of the teaching load, the procedures for assessing the educational results of graduates, are an integral part of the assessment of the educational activities of teachers, educational institutions, the education system as a whole;

5. increasing the objectivity of evaluation, the implementation of which is associated with the possibility of a radical restructuring of the existing system for monitoring and evaluating the quality of educational results based on a criteria-oriented approach to evaluation and the use of a system of objective measures of the quality of graduate training and the effectiveness of educational institutions, the education system as a whole, determined by the standard .

Obtaining reliable information about the real state of affairs in the education system will create conditions for making informed management decisions at all levels - from the teacher (selection of optimal methods, timely correction, differentiation and individualization of education, etc.) to the leaders of public education (development and adoption of measures to improve the state of education at the regional and federal levels, making changes to programs and textbooks, improving the organization and management of education).

At the same time, the Concept of Federal State Educational Standards for General Education is being developed: project / Ros. acad. education; ed. A. M. Kondakova, A. A. Kuznetsova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008., p. 19:

1. exemplary (basic) educational plans and programs;

2. systems for assessing the compliance of the content and quality of training of students with federal state educational standards in the process of attestation of graduates in various forms;

4. examination of textbooks, educational equipment and teaching aids for general education schools;

5. certification systems for teaching staff;

6. control measuring materials for an objective assessment and monitoring of educational achievements of students within the framework of the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education;

7. Approaches and methods for calculating the mechanisms of budgetary financing of the education system, tariffication of teaching staff.

Thus, the State Educational Standards in the system of the existing legislative field of the education system become the most important regulatory legal act that establishes on behalf of the Russian Federation a certain set of the most general norms and rules governing the activities of the system of general secondary education Senashenko V. S. On the conceptual foundations of federal state educational standards higher professional education / V. S. Senashenko / / Alma mater. - 2008. - N 9., p. 14.

The introduction of state educational standards into the system for ensuring the development of education is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state educational standards act as the most important regulatory legal act of Russia, establishing a system of norms and rules that are mandatory for implementation in any educational institution that implements basic educational programs.

Existing state educational standards at the federal, regional level and at the level of an educational institution, in accordance with the document, are replaced by the federal state educational standard, which will include requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs implemented by the educational institution.

At the same time, the implementation of higher vocational education programs can be carried out on the basis of educational standards and requirements independently established by federal universities, the list of which is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the educational institution retains the right to form a curriculum, as well as the ability of education authorities to influence its content, taking into account regional and national characteristics.

The new structure of the standard includes:

1. requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs (for general, social, professional competencies, as well as knowledge, skills and development of personal qualities of students, ensuring the implementation of relevant competencies);

2. requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including requirements for the ratio (volumes) of the components of the main educational program (humanitarian, natural sciences, mathematics, etc.), as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part that is formed by the participants in the educational process;

3. requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational programs (i.e. requirements for ensuring the implementation of the main educational program).

The fundamental difference between the educational standards of the second and third generation should be their focus on the result of education. Educational results, which essentially express the goals of education, are inextricably linked with the conditions in which the educational process is carried out. The goals reflect the needs of the individual, society, state in education. The conditions reflect the possibilities of society (the state) in providing education.

The law also spells out state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process.

1. staffing - a description of the necessary qualifications of teaching staff;

2. financial and economic support - the parameters of the relevant standards and mechanisms for their implementation;

3. material and technical support - general characteristics of the infrastructure of general education (including the parameters of the information and educational environment);

4. information support includes the necessary regulatory legal framework for general education and the characteristics of the intended information links of participants in the educational process.

Thus, the introduction of the federal state educational standard will allow the Concept of Federal State Educational Standards for General Education:

1. to ensure the unity of federal requirements for educational programs and the conditions for their implementation throughout the Russian Federation, the continuity of educational programs at various levels of education and the continuity in the historically established culture of the formation of educational programs;

2. to increase the exactingness in the development of the content of education by educational institutions of all levels, as well as to create prerequisites for more objective control over their activities;

3. promote the development of academic freedoms of educational institutions and take into account the peculiarities of the formation of educational programs for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

All of the above will ultimately contribute to improving the quality of education, the competitiveness of Russian education at the international level and, as a result, the quality of life and well-being of Russians.

An important feature of the development of education in our time is its global nature. This feature reflects the presence of integration processes in the modern world, intensive interactions between states in various spheres of public life. Education from the category of national priorities of highly developed countries is moving into the category of world priorities.

Modern civilization is entering a fundamentally new information (post-industrial) stage of its development, when the globalization of social and cultural processes on Earth is recognized as the leading world trend. However, globalization, along with its positive aspects, has also given rise to a number of serious global problems: social, economic, environmental, spiritual and moral. In accordance with the strategy for the sustainable development of modern civilization, adopted at the UN conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, a new concept of education is required that is ahead of the prospects of the 21st century. The global mission in the field of education is carried out by the UN University (headquartered in Tokyo), founded in 1975 and being part of the UN system. The University is a unique educational research structure, representing a community of scientists and serving as a forum for finding new conceptual approaches to developing and solving world problems.

For the transition to the European level of education, the State Educational Standards are undergoing rethinking and significant changes. Educational results, which are also the goals of education, are inextricably linked with the conditions in which the educational process is carried out. The goals reflect the needs of the individual, society, state in education. The conditions reflect the possibilities of society (the state) in providing education. The result of education is determined by the following directions for the formation of personality traits:

1. personal development;

2. social development;

3. general cultural development;

4. intellectual development;

5. communicative development.

Thus, the State Educational Standards are becoming the most important regulatory legal act, establishing on behalf of the Russian Federation a certain set of the most general norms and rules governing the activities of the general education system.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, education standards (or educational standards) have been introduced in our country.

The concept of "standard" comes from the Latin word "standard", meaning "sample", "norm", "measure". Under education standard understood a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal.

Main objects of standardization in education are: its structure, content, volume of teaching load and the level of training of students. The norms and requirements established by the standard are taken as a standard in assessing the quality of the main aspects of education.

What caused the standardization of education?

The need for standardization of education is caused by fundamental changes in the field of education as a social phenomenon. Russia's turn to democracy, to market relations, to the rights and freedoms of the individual required a rethinking of education policy. The sphere of education is now focused primarily on meeting the spiritual needs of the individual, and not on the interests of the state. This, in turn, led to significant changes in the organization of education. Educational institutions have acquired greater independence in the choice of content, forms and methods of education.

The standardization of education is also related to the fact that the transition of schools to new, freer forms of organization of the educational process, a change in the status of many schools, the introduction of new curricula, a freer choice of subjects and volumes of study by schools, the introduction of alternative textbooks, the creation of new teaching technologies, multi-level and differentiated education - all this required care to preserve the basic unity of the educational space, which makes it possible to ensure a single level of education received by students in different types of general educational institutions (lyceums, colleges, general education schools, both state, municipal and non-state, private). The state educational standard is the mechanism that ensures the existence of a single educational space in the country.

The standardization of education is also caused by the desire of Russia to enter the system of world culture, which requires that in the formation of general education, the achievements in this area of ​​international educational practice be taken into account. This provides Russian citizens with the recognition of their education documents abroad.

The idea of ​​standardizing education in Russia is not new. It existed even in Soviet times. Although in the USSR, as a rule, the concept of the state educational standard was not used, its role was actually performed by unified curriculum. They descended into the republics and were the basis of the real curricula of schools. The curricula and plans of those years were distinguished by excessive ideologization, they limited the teachers in the initiative, and the students in the possibility of choosing the content of education in accordance with their interests and abilities. Nevertheless, unified curricula seemed to level education throughout the Soviet Union. In fact, the idea of ​​introducing educational standards was tested in practice.

The current state educational standards do not subject the educational process to a rigid pattern, but, on the contrary, open up wide opportunities for pedagogical creativity, for creating variable programs and various learning technologies around the mandatory core of content (which is the standard).

State educational standards are developed on a competitive basis, updated at least once every 10 years, established by federal law, are mandatory for all educational institutions of the country, regardless of subordination, types and forms of ownership.

There are three components in the educational standard: federal, national-regional and school.

Federal component The standard defines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space in Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture. The federal component provides the basic standard of education in various subjects throughout the country.

National-regional component The standard defines those standards that fall within the competence of the regions (for example, in the field of the native language and literature, geography, art, labor training, etc.). Due to the national-regional component, the needs and interests in the field of education of all the peoples of the countries, the national identity of culture are taken into account.

school component the content of education reflects the specifics and orientation of an individual educational institution. Due to the school component, taking into account the federal and national-regional components, each school itself determines the amount of study time allotted for the study of certain subjects, the depth and nature of their study, depending on the type of educational institution.

The federal component of the standard is its unchanged part, which is rarely revised; the national-regional and school components are variable parts that are systematically updated and revised.

In 2001, an experiment was started on the transition to a twelve-year school. In the experimental basic curricula of educational institutions from the first to the twelfth grades introduced student component. Due to the hours of the student component, new forms and methods of organizing the educational process are implemented, providing personal orientation, including the organization of individual and group search and research work, project and active-motor activities of students.

Hello, friends! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch! Agree, everything that concerns our children also concerns us. Including how and what they are taught in school. Have you ever heard the abbreviation GEF? I'm sure you had to. Do you know what GEF NOU is? To be honest, until recently, I only knew the decoding. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

I decided to dig deeper and understand what the essence of the standard is. In the process, I learned that it was approved in 2009 and replaced the old educational standard, which is why it is called the “second generation” standard. And since September 2011, according to this standard, schools in the country began to teach children. For five years of application, changes and additions were made to it. And as a result, we have what we have. What exactly?

But this is a difficult question for parents, who for the most part are not certified teachers. There is a lot of information on the Internet. But this information leads to a stupor with phrases like: “Subject results are grouped by subject areas, within which subjects are indicated ...”

One would like to ask: “Is it possible to do something simpler?”

Now I'll try it, it's easier)

Lesson plan:

What is GEF and what is it like?

So my short definition! GEF is the standard!

GOST is also a standard. GOSTs establish certain requirements for products or groups of goods.

And the Federal State Educational Standard sets requirements for education. Moreover, each level of education has its own standard:

  • GEF DO - preschool education;
  • GEF IEO - primary general education;
  • GEF LLC - basic general education;
  • GEF SOO - secondary general education;

All must comply with the GEF.

The standards ensure the continuity of the main training programs. That is, preschoolers are ready for learning in the first grade. Primary school graduates are ready for high school. Ninth-graders to further education in the 10th grade, etc.

Standard requirements for primary general education

There are only three items on the list of requirements:

  1. Requirements for the results of mastering the program by students. That is, children at the end of the fourth grade must show the results determined by the standard.
  2. Requirements for the structure of the educational program. Apparently, we are talking about who, how and in what ways should teach children so that they achieve the results from point number one.
  3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program. Professional training of teachers, availability of methodological materials, computer equipment of schools, sanitary and hygienic conditions, etc.

Well, now about the first two points in more detail.

Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program

How was it before? At the end of elementary school, the student had to show certain results. These results were a certain set of knowledge and skills in school subjects. If, for example, we take mathematics, then the child had to know the multiplication table and be able to solve problems in three steps.

Now everything is different. The standard took and divided these requirements into three more groups:

  1. personal results;
  2. metasubject results;
  3. subject results.

Personal results

They can be judged by the portrait of an elementary school graduate, which is described in the GEF:

  • the student is ready and capable of self-development;
  • the student understands why he studies and strives for knowledge, is able to organize his activities;
  • the student is friendly, knows how to hear someone else's opinion and express his own;
  • the student has developed his own system of values ​​(family, homeland, sports, friendship, etc.), which corresponds to the personal qualities of the child and his individual position;
  • the student understands that he is a citizen of his country and a patriot of his homeland.

In the previous standard, there was not a word about this.

Metasubject Results

These results include the mastery of universal educational activities by the student. Or UUD. Remember these three funny letters. They will be discussed below.

Subject Results

School subjects have not been canceled. Mathematics, Russian, literary reading and other lessons are present in the life of a student. And he has to learn the basics. That is, to get a substantive foundation, a solid support, so that there is something to push off from and “fly up”.

Only the teachers are smarter now. They do not give their knowledge to children ready-made, as before. They teach children to extract, find, process and then apply this knowledge.

Subject results of students are evaluated. I mean, they're rated. The lower limit of subject results is established by the standard. It is expressed in the phrase:

"The graduate will learn..."

Failure to reach this lower limit prevents a child from being promoted to fifth grade. The upper limit of subject results is expressed by the phrase:

“The graduate will have the opportunity to learn…”

That is, if a child wants to know more, then the school has no right to refuse him this.

Requirements for the structure of the educational program

Use your imagination, friends. Now we will present. Imagine an educational program in the form of a kind of solar system, where there is a huge star and planets that revolve around the star.

The big star is UUD. Yes, yes, those same three funny letters! Universal learning activities. In essence, UUD is the ability to learn, obtain the necessary information and apply it. It is impossible to know everything, and it is hardly necessary. The main thing is to know where and how to get information. That is, to put it figuratively, the school does not supply the child with a limited amount of "fish", but gives the child a "fishing rod" and teaches how to use it.

Our "UUDash" star has a complex structure, so I propose to consider it in more detail, but for now let's take care of the planets.

lesson activity

Everything seems to be clear here. This is the activity of students during the lessons. It is aimed at achieving substantive results, which we have already discussed above. Only now, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, class activities are supplemented by extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities are as important a part of the structure of the educational program as the lessons. It is aimed at achieving personal and metasubject results.

Extracurricular activities are visits by schoolchildren to institutions of additional education, school sections, and extracurricular activities organized by teachers.

And what is important, the school is interested in what the child does outside its walls. At the beginning of each school year, parents are asked to fill out a questionnaire, where one of the questions is: “What extra classes does the child attend?”

Activity method of teaching

The explanatory method of teaching is a thing of the past. “They chewed it and put it in their mouths” - this is not about a modern school.

Miners in the mines extract coal!

And children in schools acquire knowledge!

They are getting it!

How is it shown? In the active use of design and research activities from the first grade. I don’t understand parents who complain that their children are constantly given some kind of projects. After all, first of all, it is very interesting. And secondly, it's useful. In life, the skill of finding the right information and processing it will definitely come in handy.

Also, often the work on these projects is not carried out individually, but in pairs or even in groups. It is also very useful, because in order to get a result, children first need to figure out who will do what, that is, to agree.

I think it makes learning so much more interesting.


Information and communication technologies. Nowadays, the school can no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that even first-graders know perfectly well what a computer is, what the Internet is. And so the Federal State Educational Standard determined that students should become competent in this area.

Along with writing at school, they begin to study the computer. Informatics lessons are introduced in schools from the second grade. But it's not just about computers. For example, when studying the surrounding world, such devices as video cameras, microscopes, digital cameras, etc. are used.

In our school, electronic boards are placed in the classrooms of primary classes. And they are actively used in every lesson. If a project is assigned to the house, then based on the results, you need to make a presentation on the computer and then present it to the class using an electronic board.

Electronic diaries. Also new in schools. This is a modern version of the good old paper diaries, which, by the way, have not been canceled yet. In these diaries, you can find not only information about academic performance, but also various messages of an organizational nature. About parent meetings, for example. As well as homework in all subjects.

educational activity

In the previous standard of education, this issue was not considered at all. Teachers, on their own initiative, conducted classes on topics such as: health, active lifestyle, patriotism, etc.

And now it's a must!

What does it look like in practice? In the first grade, my daughter was introduced to the subject "Nutrition Rules". There was even a textbook and a workbook. The name of the item speaks for itself. Questions about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition were considered.

And last year the subject of ORC and SE was introduced. Fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics. This is in order to get to know the culture of your country better, to feel like a part of it.

Here you can also mention the portfolio of the student. This is a student's personal document. It is needed to record his individual achievements. There are no strict portfolio requirements at the moment. So you can apply a creative approach to its creation.

So, friends, the school is not what it used to be! In my opinion, learning has become more interesting. Of course, a lot depends on the teacher.

Do you remember your first teacher? I remember. Her name was Elizaveta Khristianovna. Honored teacher of the Komi Republic, super teacher! We went along with her, and once again we were afraid to open our mouths. Of course, she drove knowledge into our heads, for which many thanks to her. But we never dreamed of such lessons as in the video.

That's all) Please share your opinions about what you read in the comments.

I wish you all the very best!

As always, say hello to the kids)

See you on the blog pages!

We all once went to school, but the term GEF, which has the most direct relation to the modern boarding school, is far from familiar to everyone.

What is FGOS?

The abbreviation GEF stands for Federal State Standard of Education. GEF is a set of requirements for the activities of institutions of general and vocational education. GEF has the force of law and must be observed by all educational institutions without exception.

Why do we need an education standard?

Not all countries, even developed countries, have uniform standards of education. In the West, for a long time, parents themselves decided the question of which educational institution to send their child to (and the programs for different schools were different). And at school, the children themselves decided which subjects to study and which not. Perhaps this was the reason for the low erudition of graduates of Western schools.

Also, educational standards provide continuity between the levels of education. After graduating from one stage, the graduate must be prepared to enter another.

  • The Federal State Educational Standard of General Education for pupils with disabilities is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of an adapted basic educational program of general education for students with mental retardation by educational organizations that have state accreditation.

The standard includes requirements for:

The structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations) and their volume;

Conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;

The results of mastering the main educational programs

Features of the modern GEF in Russia

The modern GEF is called the second generation standard. It has been developed since 2009. What is the essence of the FGOS? Compared to the first generation standards, the new standard has many radical changes. The old standards set only requirements for the minimum knowledge and skills that students should learn at school, and requirements for the maximum teaching load.

The second generation GEF consists of three parts:

  1. Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program. Moreover, the emphasis here is not on the sum of knowledge and skills, but on the assimilation of the so-called universal learning skills, that is, the ability to independently obtain the necessary information, using modern technologies and interacting with other people. Also, the standard formulates the expected learning outcomes in specific educational areas and describes the qualities that should be formed in graduates (love for the Motherland, respect for the law, tolerance, striving for a healthy lifestyle, etc.).
  2. Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities in the form of circles, studios, olympiads, etc.
  3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program. The requirements for the financing of education, the professional level and competence of teaching staff, as well as the material and technical base of the boarding school are spelled out

What caused the need for changes that we all have to go through in the near future, what is their purpose? What will be different in a boarding school after the GEF is introduced?

In our country, the State Development Strategy until 2020 was adopted, the main goal of which is to ensure a new quality of life for all residents of Russia. The demands of society, the problems facing the state in implementing the 2020 strategy, set new goals for education: education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia. A distinctive feature of the new standard is its active nature, which sets the main goal of developing the student's personality.

GEF IEO puts forward three groups of requirements:

  • Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education;
  • Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education;
  • Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education.

Consequently, the educational programs in the new school will be different, the conditions in which children will study, as well as other results of mastering the educational program are expected from students. Each state-accredited boarding school writes its own Basic Educational Program. The boarding school, being an institution with an in-depth study of individual subjects, will draw up a program that determines the content and organization of the educational process and is aimed at forming a common culture, spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development of students, creating the basis for the independent implementation of educational activities that provide social success, development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

The education system is abandoning the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal and subject results. The new wording of the standard indicates the actual activities that the student must master by the end of primary education.

The standard assumes the implementation in an educational institution of both classroom and extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural). The content of the classes should be formed taking into account the wishes of students and their parents (legal representatives). Extracurricular activities may include: excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, disputes, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, etc. The content of extracurricular activities should be reflected in the main educational program of the educational institution. The time allotted for extracurricular activities is not included in the maximum allowable workload of students. The alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities is determined by the educational institution and agreed with the parents of the students.

The current generation of schoolchildren study in educational institutions according to the recently adopted educational standards of the new generation. Since 2009, primary school students - from grades 1 to 4 - have experienced the impact of primary general education. For schoolchildren from grades 5 to 9, the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education has been developed and approved since 2010. High school students will not remain forgotten - at present, it is being considered that relates specifically to their GEF of secondary (complete) general education.

First-graders, having immediately plunged into the new school environment, do not have the opportunity to compare the effect of the previous and current educational standards. But for teachers and parents, "boiled" in the school environment of the first standards in the roles of "teaching" and "trained", there are changes.


What is the next generation GEF?

Federal state educational standards - this is how the abbreviation GEF stands for - are designed for educational institutions of state accreditation. They represent a set of mandatory requirements necessary for the implementation of general education programs.

Three groups of such requirements can be distinguished:

  • to the learning outcome
  • to the method of constructing educational activities
  • to the conditions for the implementation of standards

Requirements for the learning outcome of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation. Differences from the previous GEF

The task of the first standards was the subject result, the amount of knowledge accumulated in the school. The main goal of the new Federal State Educational Standards was to reveal the personality of the child, his talents, the ability for self-learning and teamwork, the formation of responsibility for his actions, the creation of a friendly environment, including after school hours. The school will give the child the necessary level of knowledge and skills to walk along the road of life, not being afraid to set and solve important professional and life tasks.

Educational outcomes have two levels. Required level of knowledge, which every child must master, will become, as it were, the basis, the foundation for building a building of skills and abilities advanced level. Its direction and degree of achievement will depend on the interests of the student, his abilities and desire to learn.

The fact that the school should not only teach, but also educate a person was also characteristic of the former educational standards. The Federal State Educational Standard of the new second generation focuses on the following educational results:

  • formation in the student
  • education of the personality of a Russian citizen
  • promoting the formation, responsibility for one's actions
  • ability to communicate with other people
The new Federal State Educational Standards, paying great attention to the spiritual and moral education of the student, do not bypass his physical health and development. In recent decades, with the increased level of human diseases, the task of a healthy lifestyle of a person is a priority. The foundations of the foundations are now being laid in elementary school. According to the educational standards that have come into force, already from the first grade, the child learns about the importance of maintaining his health, about the negative factors that worsen it, about ways to improve health. The student receives installations on the norms of behavior for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. School programs are enriched with Health Days, additional hours of physical education, and health promotion activities.

Requirements for the method of constructing educational activities

Such learning outcomes are clearly and in detail disclosed in the new generation of GEF. However, each educational institution will have to independently choose the way to build the educational process, adhering to these recommendations, in order to achieve the desired results.

The elementary school offers a set of programs for the education and upbringing of the child. Teachers and parents have the right to choose which of the proposed paths the child will begin his school life.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational standards of the new generation

The conditions for the implementation of the new GEF are defined in such a way as to fully provide participants in educational activities with everything necessary to achieve the agreed results.

For these purposes in the process of education it is necessary:

  • use of modern technologies;
  • updating the content, methods, technologies of the educational program;
  • constant and continuous development and training of personnel of educational institutions;
  • informational, methodical, scientific and technical support for teachers;
  • exchange of experience between educational institutions.
Financial support for the implementation of the new generation GEF is provided by budgetary allocations. Basic general education for citizens is publicly available and free of charge.

Key moments of the manifestation of the GEF of the new generation at school

So, how do the new educational standards manifest themselves in school? What innovations have become part of the school life of the new generation? Is there a noticeable difference from the previous standards?

To get an idea of ​​the new generation standards and compare them with the old ones, some key points will help - differences between old and new GEF:

  • Previously, it was possible to assess the success of a child only by focusing on school grades. New standards prescribe the student Mandatory portfolio where certificates, diplomas, test results and other works are placed. Thanks to this innovation, the achievements of the child become more visible.
  • The idea of. Previously, it was limited only to explaining the educational material and testing the knowledge of students. Now the teacher is an active actor in the life of the class. The teacher seeks to develop the individual abilities of the child, motivates students to independence, tries to include everyone in the work.
  • The former Federal State Educational Standards determined a unified curriculum for schools. New generation standards are revealed to teachers and parents variety of school programs. You can choose the right one, focusing on the preferences of each.
  • Educational standards of the past did not affect . The new Federal State Educational Standards define 10 hours a week for visiting circles, sports sections, excursions, participation in seminars. The purpose of this innovation is to save children from aimless pastime.
  • Life does not stand still. Computer techologies became an integral part of it. In order for the student to be able to easily maneuver in the modern computerized world, already in the 1st grade he gets acquainted with keyboard typing.
  • New educational activity involves the development of theoretical knowledge in practice with the help, where each student can prove himself. They replaced the laboratory work of the former curriculum.
  • One of the important principles of the new educational activity is principle of learning through play. Game moments in the previous GEF were minimal, the priority in learning was memorizing the rules.
  • A feature of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation will be profile principle of education. For high school students, 5 profiles of education are defined: socio-economic, technological, natural science, humanitarian and universal.
  • Students in grades 10-11 are provided the possibility of forming an individual curriculum. It will include common subjects for all curricula and subject areas, additional disciplines, elective courses. In addition to mathematics, Russian language and literature, a foreign language will also be added to the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination.
Summing up some of the above, one can notice the good goals of the federal state educational standards of the new generation. The development of a child as an independent responsible person who is able to think, set and solve life and professional tasks, who loves his homeland - this is the task outlined in the new standards.

The means to achieve these goals differ from the educational moments of the former GEF. They take into account the dynamics and directions of life, the psychological and pedagogical recommendations of our time.

The implementation of the goals and the results of such new formations will be positive, subject to the active participation and interest of all parties in the educational process. Only then will the school release into adulthood a physically and spiritually healthy citizen of a great country.