Poor behavior at school. Son's behavior

The charter of a secondary school, instead of a five-point system, introduces the following assessments of student behavior: “exemplary”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”. The behavior of students is assessed by the teacher of grades I-III (IV) and the class teacher of grades IV-X (XI).

When assessing the behavior of students in grades IV-X (XI), the opinions of teachers teaching in these classes and public organizations of the school are taken into account.

The introduction of a new procedure for assessing behavior is intended to serve the main task - strengthening the conscious discipline of students.

Assessing student behavior requires the correct methodological approach and pedagogical tact. Assessment of behavior must be objective and reflect the actual picture of the student’s behavior and his compliance with the norms of socialist society.

The main criterion for assessing behavior is the student’s fulfillment of his basic responsibilities as set out in the Rules for Students.

The charter of a secondary school provides for two positive assessments of student behavior: “satisfactory” and “exemplary.”

A “satisfactory” grade is given to students who fulfill the basic requirements of the school, defined by the Rules for Students, and take part in the public life of the school and socially useful work. This assessment characterizes the behavior of a significant part of schoolchildren. Exposing it should not be considered an emergency.

The “exemplary” grade is given to students who study most diligently and are especially actively involved in the social life of the class and school and socially useful work, behave in an exemplary manner at school, at home and on the street, and steadily follow the Rules for Students. An “exemplary” grade should be given only to those students whose behavior can serve as an example for other students.

An “unsatisfactory” grade is given to students who systematically do not fulfill their basic responsibilities as provided for in the Rules for Students, do not obey the requirements of the school, teachers, and show indiscipline at school, at home, and in public places. In some cases, an “unsatisfactory” grade may be given for the student’s commission of isolated antisocial acts that have the nature of a crime.

Behavior assessment is carried out based on the results of academic quarters and the academic year. It is posted in the student’s diary and brought to the attention of parents. At the end of the school week, the teacher (grades I-III) or class teacher (grades IV-X (XI)), as necessary, makes brief notes about his behavior in the student’s diary.

An annual unsatisfactory grade for student behavior is issued only after an appropriate decision by the school’s pedagogical council. In this case, class teachers and teachers of grades I-III present a motivated justification to the pedagogical council, taking into account the opinions of the Pioneer and Komsomol organizations and student self-government.

Students of the final (X or XI) grade who have an annual unsatisfactory assessment of behavior, in accordance with clause 20 of the Charter, are not allowed to take exams and receive a certificate stating that they have attended a secondary school course. They can take the examination for a certificate of secondary education in the next three years in accordance with the established procedure, after submitting a positive reference from their place of work.

Students in non-graduating grades who receive an annual unsatisfactory behavioral assessment are conditionally promoted to the next grade. If a student repeatedly receives an unsatisfactory assessment for behavior, in the event of systematic disobedience to teachers and school leaders and gross violations of discipline, the pedagogical council considers expelling him from school.

VIII grade students who have an annual “unsatisfactory” grade for behavior receive a certificate of eight-year education with a corresponding entry in the behavior assessment line. The decision on the enrollment of such students in grade IX can only be made by the school’s pedagogical council.

Handbook of public education worker. M., ".Pedagogy", 1973, p. 210 - 212.

In fact, I strongly disagree with teachers assessing children's behavior. I believe that this is part of education, and education is mainly the task of parents. The teacher’s task is to maintain neutrality in education and simply maintain a friendly atmosphere during the educational process.
But what I found seemed interesting to me :)

Assessment of the behavior of students in educational institutions is the result of education, a way of regulating and stimulating forms of behavior of students, their self-development and self-education, an indicator of the effectiveness of ideological and educational work in an educational institution.

I formed an association with Pavlov’s dog and the formation of certain reactions in children.

Behavior Assessment "approximate" awarded to students who fully meet the basic requirements...
Behavior Assessment "satisfactory" awarded to students who do not fully meet the basic requirements...
Behavior Assessment "unsatisfactory" issued to students who consistently fail to meet basic requirements... A behavioral rating of “unsatisfactory” may be issued for the student's commitment to antisocial behavior, delinquency, and crime.

For some reason, it seemed that if a child is “like everyone else,” it will be easier for him to get “exemplary.”
But they won’t be happy with a bright individuality...

And now the fun part

Criteria and indicators for assessing the behavior of students in general secondary education institutions
from document

Criteria Indicators
I-IV classes

active participation in the activities of children's public associations
Partnership Friendly relations with classmates;
ability to show mutual assistance
Respect for elders Politeness;
providing all possible assistance
Kindness Willingness to help loved ones, friends, elders;
Honesty Sincerity;
fulfillment of promises
Hard work Conscientious attitude to one's duties;
participation in socially useful work
Thrift Neat appearance;

V-VI classes
Citizenship Knowledge of state symbols of the Republic of Belarus;
respectful attitude towards the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus;
active participation in socially significant matters of the class, institutions of general secondary education, and the activities of children's public associations
Camaraderie and collectivism The desire to be in a team;
friendly relationships with classmates;
respect and mutual assistance
Respect for elders Politeness;
providing all possible assistance
Kindness Willingness to help classmates and younger comrades;
caring for animals
Honesty Sincerity;
fulfillment of promises
Hard work Conscientious attitude to one's duties, participation in socially useful work
Thrift Neat appearance;
care for your belongings and school property, the environment and natural resources
Discipline Implementation of the charter of the institution of general secondary education, internal regulations of the institution of general secondary education, rules of conduct in public places;
no lateness or unexcused absences;
taking care of your health and the health of others;
conscientious attitude towards learning
full text


The charter of a secondary school, instead of a five-point system, introduces the following assessments of student behavior: “exemplary”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”. The behavior of students is assessed by the teacher of grades I-III (IV) and the class teacher of grades IV-X (XI).

When assessing the behavior of students in grades IV-X (XI), the opinions of teachers teaching in these classes and public organizations of the school are taken into account.

The introduction of a new procedure for assessing behavior is intended to serve the main task - strengthening the conscious discipline of students.

Assessing student behavior requires the correct methodological approach and pedagogical tact. Assessment of behavior must be objective and reflect the actual picture of the student’s behavior and his compliance with the norms of socialist society.

The main criterion for assessing behavior is the student’s fulfillment of his basic responsibilities as set out in the Rules for Students.

The charter of a secondary school provides for two positive assessments of student behavior: “satisfactory” and “exemplary.”

A “satisfactory” grade is given to students who fulfill the basic requirements of the school, defined by the Rules for Students, and take part in the public life of the school and socially useful work. This assessment characterizes the behavior of a significant part of schoolchildren. Exposing it should not be considered an emergency.

The “exemplary” grade is given to students who study most diligently and are especially actively involved in the social life of the class and school and socially useful work, behave in an exemplary manner at school, at home and on the street, and steadily follow the Rules for Students. An “exemplary” grade should be given only to those students whose behavior can serve as an example for other students.

An “unsatisfactory” grade is given to students who systematically do not fulfill their basic responsibilities as provided for in the Rules for Students, do not obey the requirements of the school, teachers, and show indiscipline at school, at home, and in public places. In some cases, an “unsatisfactory” grade may be given for the student’s commission of isolated antisocial acts that have the nature of a crime.

Behavior assessment is carried out based on the results of academic quarters and the academic year. It is posted in the student’s diary and brought to the attention of parents. At the end of the school week, the teacher (grades I-III) or class teacher (grades IV-X (XI)), as necessary, makes brief notes about his behavior in the student’s diary.

An annual unsatisfactory grade for student behavior is issued only after an appropriate decision by the school’s pedagogical council. In this case, class teachers and teachers of grades I-III present a motivated justification to the pedagogical council, taking into account the opinions of the Pioneer and Komsomol organizations and student self-government.

Students of the final (X or XI) grade who have an annual unsatisfactory assessment of behavior, in accordance with clause 20 of the Charter, are not allowed to take exams and receive a certificate stating that they have attended a secondary school course. They can take the examination for a certificate of secondary education in the next three years in accordance with the established procedure, after submitting a positive reference from their place of work.

Students in non-graduating grades who receive an annual unsatisfactory behavioral assessment are conditionally promoted to the next grade. If a student repeatedly receives an unsatisfactory assessment for behavior, in the event of systematic disobedience to teachers and school leaders and gross violations of discipline, the pedagogical council considers expelling him from school.

To help your child change behavior, you first need to put all your emotions aside.

The children are all different, they are different already in the womb: one lies calmly, gently moving his legs, and the other kicks, as if he is striving for freedom: “Well, let me out, finally!”

Unsatisfactory behavior

“Your child is behaving badly, take action”, “!”, “Your child is constantly fighting!” “Your child is exhibiting unsatisfactory behavior again.” Sound familiar? Some parents never hear other words about their child.

Is your child behaving badly? Let's find out! How to avoid hearing phrases about unsatisfactory behavior? Hide from educators and teachers? Will not work! And this will not change the situation. Maybe learn how to react correctly to such comments and try to help your son or daughter correct their behavior?

It's not the children who misbehave...

Before you help your child correct his behavior, you need to find the answer to the question: “Why does the child behave poorly?” Answering this question is not as simple as we think. It may even be impossible! Why so categorical? Do not know? Yes, because we adults do not want to accept the obvious: it is not children who behave badly, but we adults who treat them badly.

Moms and dads seem to love their children madly. This is not in dispute! As well as the fact that parents constantly reproach their children for something. Didn't wash the dishes well, scattered things and didn't put them away on time. If you get a C bad, you get a D and you are punished. Got an A - well done! You can if you want! The child is trying to do something, go away and don’t disturb. “Mom, talk to me?” No time, I have to run to work! And so on and so forth. And then we say: “! He doesn't know how to behave at all! It can only get on my nerves!”

What parents shouldn't do

The child’s behavior is bad, maybe try changing parenting tactics?

What should parents not do so that no one complains about their child that he behaves badly?

  • Always blame for everything
  • Don't trust
  • Offend by words and actions
  • Doubt everything he says and constantly double-check
  • Use negative words: “No”, “Never”, “You can’t”, “Don’t you dare” and so on.

As practice shows, most often a child behaves badly unconsciously, not on purpose. He just wants to attract the attention of adults. His bad behavior hides feelings that only he can understand.

Explanation of psychologists

What do psychologists say? What explanation do they find? Psychologists identify four reasons that lead to bad behavior:

  • The struggle for independence when parents are overprotective
  • Struggle for attention when children feel they are not getting enough attention
  • Loss of self-confidence when a child does not believe in his own abilities
  • Revenge or protest

Work for parents: understand, forgive, accept, correct.

Parents are the first people

How to avoid troubles associated with bad behavior? The first thing to do is find . And then for a long time and purposefully educate, or rather, work on shaping the personality of a son or daughter.

A child must feel the love of his parents, and be sure that he is loved, he is necessary, he is the main part in the life of his parents. To achieve this, you need to accept your child as he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages. Relationships with a child should be built on mutual respect and a certain subordination.

The most important thing is that children should always be sure that their parents are the first people they can always trust, and that they will always understand and support no matter what happens. The child should know that parents will be upset when they see a “D” or “F” in the diary. They will not punish, but they will worry and will try to help correct the situation. Perhaps they will give a “lecture,” but not out of malice, but with the goal of figuring it out so that this doesn’t happen again. They won't stop loving because of this! Only every diary entry about bad behavior can add gray hair to parents.

Of course, it is much easier to yell at a child and even hit him, but this will not bring any results, except anger and wasted nerves.

Is your child behaving badly? Maybe we should try to change our parenting tactics?

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