What to do if a child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: causes of inflammation and treatment at home. Modern approaches to the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in children

Round lumps have appeared on the child’s neck, which are easily identified by touch and sometimes visually noticeable. Parents, as usual, immediately panic, because everyone knows from biology lessons in school that lymph nodes are no joke. However, enlarged cervical nodules in childhood occur more frequently than in adults, and are not always a cause for parental worries and worries. Famous pediatrician and author of books for adults children's health Evgeniy Komarovsky tells what enlarged nodes on the neck can mean, and how caring and loving parents should treat this.

About the problem

In medicine this unpleasant phenomenon There is a very specific name - cervical lymphadenitis. It is generally accepted that lymph nodes enlarge in response to pathogens (viruses or bacteria) entering the lymphatic system.

  • Sometimes the disease is independent, but it is usually preceded by infected wounds, abscesses, boils. This disease is called specific.
  • Quite often, cervical lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but one of accompanying symptoms some infectious and other diseases. Their list is incredibly large - from tonsillitis and influenza to tuberculosis and cancer problems. This disease is called nonspecific.

Lymph nodes are an integral part of the body's defense system - the immune system. It is not surprising that for any pathological process in the body, small nodules react as part of the vanguard of immunity - among the first. This especially applies to children, whose immune system as a whole is not mature, perfect and strong. It is for this completely physiologically explainable reason that lymphadenitis in children is much more severe than in adults.

The symptoms are quite easy to recognize at home, without any prior preparation. medical training. The child's submandibular and cervical nodes, as well as nodes located between lower jaw and ear, occipital. The increase can be either significant or small, barely noticeable to the touch.

In some cases, the child’s body temperature rises, appetite disappears, and severe lethargy is observed. Upon palpation, he feels noticeable discomfort (and even pain).

Acute lymphadenitis with severely reduced immunity and improper treatment in children it can become purulent. Chronic lymphadenitis is almost never purulent. We can speak of a chronic form of the disease if the child’s cervical lymph nodes become enlarged with each cold.

Often, a child's lymph nodes may become inflamed in response to a special infection - Bartonella - entering the body. Its carriers are dogs and cats. It is clear that Bartonella enters the bloodstream through cat scratches on the skin, which is why it is called a disease cat scratches.

You can often notice enlarged lymph nodes in a baby during teething. This is due to the increased work of the nodules as part of the entire immune system at this difficult time for a child.

About cervical lymphadenitis

Parents often turn to a well-known pediatrician with complaints about enlarged lymph nodes in their child’s neck. Before answering the question of how to treat this unpleasant illness, Evgeniy Olegovich advises to carefully understand the possible true reasons enlargement of nodules. Determining this is not as difficult as it seems. It all depends on the location of the enlarged node:

  1. According to the pediatrician, the increase in so-called retropharyngeal nodes(located at the junction of the lower jaw and the edge auricle) is most often caused by pathogenic microbes that live in the pharynx.
  2. If the lymph nodes are swollen under the lower jaw, This is most likely due to infections of the mouth and face. If there is no inflammation in the indicated areas, then Komarovsky advises considering the option of infection with atypical mycobacteria.
  3. Nodules on the neck (side or back) may indicate the presence of a source of infection in the immediate vicinity (inflammation respiratory tract, larynx, skin infections).

Enlarged occipital nodes Komarovsky considers it a sign successful work immune system in the process of the body’s fight against various viral pathogens. If a child has suffered from ARVI, influenza, or adenovirus, then such an increase cannot be considered an independent illness. This increase does not require treatment and usually goes away on its own within 2-3 weeks.

Bilateral inflammation - alarming symptom which may accompany infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, secondary syphilis and others serious illnesses. If the nodule is inflamed on one side, there is no need to worry. According to Komarovsky, this may indicate that this particular node works as part of the immune system a little more actively than its other counterparts, taking on an additional “load.” Its increase cannot be considered a sign of disease.

Most common reasons emergence cervical lymphadenitis, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, lie in numerous lymphotropic viral infections, which even include the familiar herpes, adenoviral infection and others.

In any case, the doctor says, parents should not panic and immediately drag the poor child through a variety of medical specialists. Urgent and emergency treatment in most cases it is not required, and often the inflamed lymph node returns to normal on its own, without any effort on the part of doctors, mothers, fathers and grandmothers. You should not immediately go to the pharmacy for antibiotics. But you definitely need to visit a pediatrician and get a referral for tests.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

Before prescribing treatment, Evgeniy Olegovich recommends that parents find the opportunity to get tested in a good virology laboratory. It is its specialists and modern high-precision laboratory equipment that will help to most accurately determine which virus is causing the increase in lymph nodes.

In most cases, the usual is sufficient clinical analysis blood, in which the leukocyte formula is determined.

If lymphadenitis is recurrent and comes back again and again, then Komarovsky considers it sufficient to do such a blood test 2-3 times a year. This, he said, is quite enough to control the situation.

If confirmed viral etiology cervical lymphadenitis, treatment makes no sense at all, emphasizes Evgeny Komarovsky. The disease will go away on its own - as the immune system completely copes with the foreign agent. If the culture gives positive result on

Lymph nodes are quite accurate “sensors” that react sharply to the fact that a virus or infection has appeared in the body. In the near future they may provoke disease. The parents themselves call this disease “glands.” Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child and their swelling indicate that there is a problem in their health. Parents should immediately think about this and make every attempt to eliminate them.

Lymphadenopathy is inflammation of the lymph nodes in medical practice. If 1 group of lymph nodes is affected, then it can be localized; if there are more than 2, not adjacent to each other, then it is called generalized.

There are about 500 lymph nodes on the child’s body, the purpose of which is to “separate” bacteria and other pathogenic forms. Thus, the lymph nodes protect the body from all kinds of bacteria and infections. Lymph nodes are located either in groups or individually in strategic places for the body. They can be divided into: cervical, axillary, inguinal, which can even be touched. Other lymph nodes and their groups cannot be palpated in any way because they are located much deeper. If the lymph nodes are in in good condition, then their size does not exceed the size of a small pea. They move easily, are very mobile and painless. If they are enlarged and painful, then this indicates various diseases, ranging from common colds to rare ones, which include leukemia.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes (or lymphadenitis) is an inflammatory process that occurs in the body as a response defensive reaction to the penetration of infection. Swelling of the lymph nodes in a child is a signal to parents that his health is impaired.

Healthy lymph nodes are soft to the touch and almost invisible. But when inflamed, they can reach sizes hazelnut. As a rule, they are painless and soft upon palpation.

The most important and largest lymph nodes are located in the upper part of the neck, under the lower jaw, on inside elbows, under the arms and in the groin.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is the body’s response to:

Inflammation of a separate group of lymph nodes indicates a specific disease. Thus, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck behind the ear indicate diseases such as:

  • rubella;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • measles-like rash.

But at the same time, it is also possible that other groups of lymph nodes may enlarge (for example, with infectious mononucleosis almost all nodes can increase; with toxoplasmosis they increase in size and inguinal lymph nodes). But still, it is the occipital areas that become most inflamed (on the neck behind the ear), which become noticeable even without palpation.

Colds can also cause enlarged occipital lymph nodes. Lymphadenitis behind the ears indicates dental or ear pain, and also about eye infections. Inflammation of the lymph node in the neck of a child indicates diseases of the throat, respiratory tract or head.

In the presence of inflammatory process in the outer and middle ear, with allergic dermatitis or with furunculosis of the scalp, an increase in nodes behind the ears is observed. The cause of their inflammation in the neck can be a viral (or bacterial) infection in the nasopharynx, scarlet fever, tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis.

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in a child

The largest group of lymph nodes is the group located in axillary area, and their inflammation is observed with wounds to the skin of the shoulders, arms, and also with other diseases. It may also be a consequence of a previous cold or infectious disease. In most cases, the cause of their inflammation is benign lymphoreticulosis or cat scratch disease (when a cat scratches a child, inflammation occurs in the lymph node located near the wound, which is the “entry gate” for infection - in this case, it is necessary to immediately treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green) . Possible reason Toxoplasmosis can also cause enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in children abdominal cavity occurs as a result of a bacterial (or viral) infection in digestive system, and it is called mesadenitis. The most unpleasant (and at the same time dangerous) symptom of mesadenitis is severe pain in a stomach.

The risk group includes children aged 6 to 13 years. Often the symptoms of mesadenitis are similar to an exacerbation of appendicitis. Inflammation of the nodes in the abdominal cavity in children is accompanied by acute cramping pain in the abdomen. An increase in body temperature to 38 degrees is also typical. The child suffers from nausea, constipation or diarrhea.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of a child

Lymphadenitis in the groin of a child is a signal of damage to the skin of the legs. It may not appear immediately, but 2-3 weeks after the injury, since the infection, having penetrated the lymph node, remains inactive for some time.

In most cases children's body is able to cope with the infection on its own - and the swelling resolves spontaneously, but suppuration of the lymph nodes is also possible, which requires immediate surgical care. To prevent infection from penetrating inside, parents must immediately respond to all injuries to the child’s skin and treat them properly.

Among the reasons inguinal lymphadenitis the most common are:

  • boils on the buttocks;
  • diaper dermatitis (its severe course) with numerous ulcers on the skin;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the genital organs.

If inflamed lymph nodes are detected in a child, treatment should be started as quickly as possible, but just do not self-medicate - everything must be done under the supervision of a doctor. Basically, when the cause of lymphadenitis is an infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

Parents are often advised to warm up the inflamed lymph nodes, which is strictly forbidden to do, as this can cause severe suppuration and even infection. Warming up in such a situation is permissible only if prescribed by a doctor and only in medical institutions.

When identifying inflamed lymph node In a child, treatment, first of all, should be aimed not at the node itself, but at the underlying disease. The doctor is not always able to diagnose correct diagnosis, based only on the patient’s complaints, sometimes you need to resort to ultrasound examination affected area and internal organs (liver, spleen, abdominal lymph nodes).

If there is a suspicion that there are pathogens of toxoplasmosis or herpes in the patient’s blood, the doctor should prescribe a laboratory research blood.

You shouldn’t immediately panic when you detect lymphadenitis in a child, but you also shouldn’t ignore it. In most cases, the causes of such conditions are completely harmless and can be easily treated.

Especially for - Marta Klimchuk

Often with the birth of a child, parents learn about the insidiousness of lymphadenopathy (enlargement or inflammation of the lymph nodes). This pathology is often not separate disease, requiring special treatment: This is the body’s signal about disturbances in its functioning. Lymph acts as a protective barrier, because it produces immune cells (white blood cells) that can destroy pathogens. If the lymph nodes in a child’s neck are inflamed or swollen, it is important to detect the inflammatory process and completely cure the disease.

What are lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are peculiar filters of the body in which various toxins and other dangerous substances settle. They are scattered throughout the body, located next to large blood vessels and main organs. In children, lymph nodes are round and oval in shape; in normal condition, their diameter does not exceed 5 mm. As a result of a malfunction of the body, the nodes may increase in size, which indicates the development of pathology and the onset of a serious inflammatory process.

The localization of an enlarged lymph node indicates a malfunction of a particular organ. In the neck area in children, there are several groups of nodes:

  • submandibular (under the jaw, in front of the neck);
  • submental (directly under the chin, in front of the neck);
  • supraclavicular;
  • posterior cervical;
  • occipital

Why does a child have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck?

The causes of enlarged lymph nodes are very varied. This pathology often appears as a result of an infectious disease, but can arise as a manifestation of general intoxication of the body. Localized (1 group of lymph nodes is affected), regional (2 groups of nodes) and generalized lymphadenopathy are divided. The enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck in children does not require special treatment. In children under 3 years of age, a slight increase is considered normal, because at this age babies put everything they see into their mouths.

The occurrence of generalized lymphadenopathy (inflammation of several groups of nodes at once) in a child has several causes that require special attention when diagnosing the disease:

What is the danger

In childhood, enlarged lymph nodes can be a structural feature of the body or a sign of reduced immunity after suffering a cold infectious disease (in cases where the lymph node is no more than 1 cm in diameter and does not cause pain). Parents need to sound the alarm if a “pea” larger than 1.5 cm in size appears on the child’s neck, which does not move well, causes pain, is dense to the touch, or does not decrease within a month. Strong increase lymph nodes can lead to compression of the esophagus and respiratory tract.

Even if a child has an inflamed lymph node in the neck, you should not start treatment without consulting a doctor. Some actions can greatly aggravate the situation and lead to complications:

  • Do not smear lymph nodes with alcohol-containing solutions:
  • It is forbidden to warm the lymph nodes or rub them;
  • massage of the lymph node can provoke its enlargement and accelerate rupture with the release of pus.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child

With reduced immunity, the body may not be able to cope with the pathogen, and then there is a risk of inflammation of the nodes or the development of a purulent process. If skin in the area of ​​the node are red, swollen and cause pain when touched - this is an accurate sign of the onset of the inflammatory process. Inflammation can be primary (the pathogen enters the lymph system through wounds and cuts, bypassing other organs) or secondary (then such a pathology indicates the development of a serious infection, which stimulates the production and accumulation of large quantity immune cells in lymph nodes).


Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck in children always have specific reason, without identifying and eliminating which, reduce the node to normal sizes will not work. In the baby’s body, the location of inflammation indicates problems in certain organs (for example, lymphadenitis cervical nodes indicates problems in the oral cavity, bronchi, pharynx or nose). Lymphatic system The body is built in such a way that, passing through all organs and tissues to the back of the head, the lymph nodes serve as reliable protection against infection and tumor development.

Causes of inflammation cervical lymph nodes the child has a variety of Among them are seemingly harmless ailments, incorrect or untimely treatment which may be accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes and cause an inflammatory process in them:

  • infectious colds (ARVI, influenza);
  • cat scratch disease (introduction of pathogenic bacteria from cat saliva into the body through a bite or scratch);
  • mononucleosis (large elastic nodes that appear against the background of sore throat symptoms);
  • vaccination;
  • diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis), often inflamed submandibular lymph nodes;
  • dental problems (caries).


In acute cases, lymphadenitis is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of acute viral infections. The child feels general malaise, weakness, and there are other signs of general intoxication. The temperature rises sharply (up to 39 degrees), palpation of the node causes pain. When trying to treat enlarged nodes without integrated approach A short-term remission and rapid resumption of the disease may occur. If the enlargement of the “pea” on the neck does not cause pain, the temperature rises slightly - this is chronic form cervical lymphadenitis.


An enlarged node can be easily palpated even in infants; such pathology may be the result of a previous illness and indicates the presence of infection in the lymph. Special attention need to pay attention to the signs of lymphadenitis in acute stage– red, hot to the touch skin, painful sensations upon palpation or if the lymph nodes are fused with surrounding tissues. In addition to palpation, diagnosis uses blood tests, ultrasound, x-rays and the Mantoux test. Sometimes doctors prescribe a puncture of the lymph nodes followed by examination of the collected material.


Lymph nodes in a child’s neck are a signal to examine the body. When the cause of the disease is found, the doctor will be able to prescribe medication treatment in combination with physiotherapeutic methods and folk remedies. With the right treatment, inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes will go away within a month, without special treatment. In advanced situations (purulent lymphadenitis) or for oncological diseases, it is prescribed surgery.

Antibiotics are often prescribed that can immediately affect the development and reproduction of several types of harmful bacteria. When treating lymphadenopathy, the following drugs and procedures are used:

  • antibiotic therapy to eliminate the cause of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes - Cefuroxime, Amoxiclav;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs – Prednisolone, Medrol;
  • taking immunostimulants;
  • consumption of multivitamins, vitamin C;
  • using probiotics or prebiotics for gut support;
  • reception antihistamines;
  • UHF therapy (exclusively as prescribed by a doctor)