Is it possible to become infected with rabies if you are scratched or bitten by a cat: we answer in detail. Cat Scratches (Felinosis)

Scratches are a common occurrence for almost every cat owner. They usually heal quickly and are forgotten almost immediately. But what should you do if your cat scratches you and your hand swells, and this has never happened before? Is this dangerous and how can you help yourself in such a situation?

Possible consequences

At first glance, the scratches do not pose any danger. And indeed, in most cases, they do not cause trouble, with the exception of an external defect. It is quite difficult to avoid scratches during constant contact and active play with a pet.

But scratches from cat claws can be dangerous. There is a disease called cat scratch fever, or felinosis. It appears as a result of cat bites or scratches. And if your hand is swollen after being scratched by a cat, then there is a high probability that you are faced with this particular disease.

Main symptoms of cat scratch fever:

  • tissue redness;
  • swelling of the injured area;
  • bubbles with liquid on the surface of the wound and near it;
  • enlarged lymph nodes (nearby);
  • increased weakness, drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature.

Symptoms may not begin to appear immediately after infection. The first signs may appear 3 days after the scratch is applied. In some cases, more than a month may pass from the moment of injury to the onset of illness. Therefore, often a person may not see the relationship between the beginning feeling unwell and the incident with the cat.

In most cases, the prognosis for cure is favorable. But, in about 2% of those infected, complications may occur. Therefore, it is important to monitor changes in well-being after a cat scratches and promptly consult a doctor.

Causes for concern

Cats can quite often scratch or bite their owners severely during play. This becomes almost a habitual part of communication with your pet. Most often the arms and fingers are affected, less often the legs and torso.

You should pay closer attention to the scratch if:

  • scratched by a street cat;
  • the scratch was caused by an unvaccinated cat;
  • bleeding does not stop for more than 10 minutes;
  • the wound site hurts, blood, pus, and ichor are released from it;
  • bubbles appear in the area of ​​scratches;
  • the skin around the scratch is swollen and red;
  • temperature rises;
  • weakness appears;
  • increase The lymph nodes.

What not to do

If you are scratched or bitten by a cat, treat yourself first. necessary help It’s quite possible to do it on your own. But you should not overdo it, as some actions can only aggravate the condition. For healing to take place quickly and without consequences, remember that:

  • There is no need to stop the bleeding quickly. With the first drops of blood, an infection can potentially come out and inflammation can be avoided.
  • There is no need to apply a tight bandage, and also do not cover the wound site. dressing material. This increases the likelihood of inflammation and suppuration.
  • There is no need to remove swelling on your own. Swelling of the tissue indicates a high likelihood of infection developing in the area where the cat scratched you. Postponing application for medical care may result in the need for serious medical intervention.

First aid and treatment

To prevent infection from occurring and the hand to subsequently become swollen, first aid measures must be taken.

As soon as the cat scratches you need:

  • Wash the wound with plain water, preferably using regular or laundry soap.
  • Treat the scratch disinfectant(alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).
  • Treat the wound with an antibacterial or healing agent (cream, ointment).
  • Apply a light dressing using a bandage. It should serve as protection against possible re-injury, and should not be tight.

For several days after the cat has scratched you, you need to monitor how the healing progresses. In most cases, this happens quickly, and after one or two days the scratch is almost completely healed. But if your hand is swollen and red, you should immediately seek medical help. This may indicate infection and development pathological process. This condition must be treated promptly.

Scratches caused by a cat must be washed immediately with clean cool water with soap, and then treat with an antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide, or any other disinfectant intended for treating skin.

Particular care is required when using alcohol-containing solutions - products containing alcohol can only be used to treat the area around scratches or superficial wounds. If you pour alcohol into a deep scratch, you can also get a serious tissue burn.

If the skin is severely damaged, it is better to apply a bandage. Wound healing agents and preparations that accelerate skin regeneration can be applied when the scratches are dry.

You should observe the scratches for several days. If their edges are swollen, you can apply ointment; If there is no effect from this procedure, it is better to consult a doctor. The appearance of blisters and ulcers at the site of scratches is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Even if the scratches were caused by a domestic cat that never goes outside, the possibility of infection cannot be ruled out - pathogenic bacteria are often brought along with street dust on shoes by the owners themselves. If the wounds are inflicted by stray animals, antiseptic treatment should be carried out as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Why are cat scratches dangerous?

Dirt, teeming with pathogenic bacteria, can accumulate on the claws, especially of stray ones. Through damaged, scratched skin, pathogens enter the bloodstream and cause a variety of diseases - this way you can become infected with streptoderma, pyoderma, and other skin diseases are possible.

Infections with benign lymphoreticulosis, otherwise called cat scratch disease, are more common with this type of injury. With this disease, the lymph nodes closest to the site of injury become inflamed, fever is possible, headache, general malaise. Inflammation of the lymph nodes, followed by suppuration and the formation of fistulas, can continue for several months. In rare cases it is affected nervous system– multiple inflammations of the peripheral nerves and membranes of the brain are possible.

Infection with rabies, which patients often fear, through scratches is unlikely - the infected animal secretes the rabies virus in its saliva, so bites are mainly dangerous. If the animal that scratched you looked or acted suspicious, it is best to see a doctor, even for minor injuries. Rabies infection may be indicated by signs such as aggression, fits of rage followed by depression and lethargy, drooling, sagging lower jaw.

Many people have cats at home. Communication with them calms, brings positive emotions and relaxes. You can play with them, talk to them, in the end they teach responsibility. But games with them are not always safe.

A beloved and flexible cat can sometimes scratch you so much that you will remember this game for the rest of your life based on the remaining scars. It’s especially scary if the area of ​​the cat’s scratches is inflamed and itchy.

Prevention and disinfection measures for cat scratches:

The first and simplest precaution is to rinse the wound with water, even regular tap water;

If the results of playing with an animal are quite deep, you need to treat them with disinfectant solutions; hydrogen peroxide and alcohol-based products are perfect for this;

Not deep scratches should be lubricated with a wound healing agent and this procedure several days in a row;

You need to monitor the condition of the scratches very carefully for several days; as a rule, the changes will become clear within 3-4 days.

If the inflammation does not subside, you must go to the hospital.

If the redness has subsided and the scratches have become crusty, then it is enough to continue to lubricate them with a wound-healing agent.

By neglecting primitive preventive measures, you risk contracting the so-called cat scratch disease. The incubation period of the disease is from 5 to 30 days and can develop without manifesting itself in any way.

The main signs of the disease:

At the site of the scratch, bubbles form, which fill with liquid and burst;

The area of ​​the scratch became very red;

The lymph node closest to the scratch enlarges;

Fever and general weakness may occur.

Be attentive to your health and be careful when playing with cute and fluffy cats.

Domestic cats bring a lot of trouble to their owners positive emotions. However, there are also disappointments, for example, if the pet bites or scratches. In some cases, this entails not only a spoiled mood, but also a threat to health.

Why are cat bites and scratches dangerous?

Often bites and scratches from pets go away without serious consequences. But unfortunately, it happens differently. Any injuries skin may entail serious consequences for health, such as:

Bites and scratches are familiar to all cat owners.

There are symptoms to look out for if you have recently been scratched or bitten by a cat:

  • temperature;
  • swelling of the hand or other injured area;
  • bleeding from the wound does not stop;
  • the wound hurts a lot;
  • the bite site or scratch began to fester.

If such manifestations occur, you should immediately seek medical help.

Often people delay going to the doctor, hoping that the symptoms will disappear on their own. But you cannot hesitate, since spontaneous recovery is extremely rare, and usually without medical help a person only gets worse.

First aid

In any case, if a cat bites or scratches, you need to immediately treat the wound. This will reduce the risk of complications.

  1. Wash the area of ​​the bite or scratch with soap and water, preferably household soap. It will sting, but the cat’s saliva and possible bacteria will be washed away.
  2. Treat the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide or 0.05% chlorhexidine solution.
  3. Disinfect the edges of the wound with iodine, brilliant green or alcohol. Try not to get into the wound itself, otherwise a burn may occur.
  4. Apply a gauze bandage to the treated area.

After some time, when the bleeding has completely stopped and the wound has dried, you can make a bandage with antibacterial ointment. This will allow healing to occur faster and reduce the risk of re-injury to the wound. The following are considered effective:

  • Miramistin. Prevents inflammation and wound suppuration.
  • Rescuer. The balm relieves pain and accelerates scarring of the wound.
  • Solcoseryl. It heals scratches well and prevents the formation of scars, but it can only be applied to a dried wound. If there are signs of inflammation and suppuration, do not use.
  • Levomekol. Typically used when pus forms. If the injury occurred far from the city, where there is no opportunity to get medical help, and suppuration has begun, you can use this ointment.

When do you need a doctor?

As already mentioned, in some cases you will have to consult a doctor. The already mentioned symptoms will be a signal to seek medical help:

  • swelling at the site of the bite or scratch;
  • swelling of the hand or other bitten limb;
  • bleeding that does not stop or renews;
  • elevated temperature;
  • numbness of the injured area;
  • wound suppuration;
  • loss of consciousness.

In general, temperature can be a signal from the body to fight bacteria. However, if it is accompanied by edema, it is always bad sign. A tumor is a signal that the body cannot cope with an infection (and this could be, for example, dangerous tetanus or pasteurellosis), and it needs help, the type of which only a physician can determine. You cannot self-medicate.

A hand swollen after a cat bite is an alarming symptom

In addition, you cannot avoid going to the doctor if the mobility of the bitten limb is difficult. It is extremely rare, but there are cases when an animal damages tendons with its teeth. In this case, only a surgeon can help.

To obtain urgent help after a cat bite, if it is impossible to get a number to the local surgeon or it is night outside, you should contact the emergency room.

Even when there are no negative symptoms, you should go to the doctor if the cat that bit or scratched was a stray. In this case, you need to seek help immediately after carrying out primary medical measures. Street animals are always a breeding ground for all kinds of infections, so you will need a rabies vaccination and, possibly, others medical events at the discretion of the doctor. In principle, pets can also get rabies if they come into contact with other animals, walk on the street, or go to the countryside. You should especially sound the alarm if your cat is drooling or foaming at the mouth (a symptom of rabies) or has bitten for no reason.

A rabid cat cannot be cured, so the pet needs to do preventive vaccinations in advance

The author of the article had a sad experience of hand swelling after being bitten. domestic cat. Self-medication did not bring results, and on the fourth day I had to go to the emergency room. The doctor treated the wound, gave me an anti-tetanus injection, prescribed antibiotics and gave me a referral for a rabies vaccination. However, at the City Anti-Rabies Center, where vaccination is carried out, the author was reassured: since the cat was born and raised at home, without contact with other animals and without being on the street, there is no danger. In all other cases, vaccination would have to be done.

Video: Doctor talks about pet bites


As already said, correct treatment Only a doctor can pick it up. A person can only provide first aid to himself.

Drug therapy

In addition to the necessary vaccinations (against rabies and tetanus), the doctor may prescribe antibiotics:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin group;
  • doxycycline;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • fluoroquinol.

Other options are possible; the prescription of antibiotics and their dosage is entirely within the competence of the doctor and depends not only on the symptoms, but also on the age of the patient, his contraindications, and concomitant diseases. Pregnant and lactating women are especially careful when prescribing medications. Only Ceftriaxone is considered relatively safe for them (excluding the first trimester of pregnancy).

Also for local treatment suppuration and inflammation, the doctor may prescribe antimicrobial ointment, such as Levomekol. When large cluster pus may require cleaning the wound, and if blood vessels or tendons have been damaged, suturing them.

Levomekol is prescribed if the wound is infected and begins to fester

Folk recipes

Traditional recipes cannot replace medications, much less vaccinations. However, if the bite occurred far from civilization, in a remote village, where there is no way to seek help, it is worth trying to maintain health in at least this way. Can also be used traditional methods in addition to the main treatment, but first you need to consult with your doctor.

Possible consequences of bites and scratches

As a result of damage to soft tissues by a cat, infection with the following infections is possible:

It is almost impossible to become infected with HIV through a cat bite, since it lives outside human body only 8 seconds. For a hypothetical infection to occur, the cat must bite until it bleeds. infected person, and then immediately bite a healthy one, also damaging its blood vessels.

There is a disease called cat scratch disease (CSD). Its scientific name is felinosis. Children, elderly people and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to the disease. You can become infected through scratches and bites, or through a cat licking damaged skin. Incubation period from two weeks to three months. Typical symptoms: edema, swelling at the site of the scratch, its suppuration, as well as fever, weakness, general painful and broken state. The disease is always accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes; sometimes individual nodes can suppurate. Happens atypical form characterized by eye damage. Very rarely, but felinosis can develop complications: polyneuritis, meningitis, encephalopathy, damage internal organs. Usually the disease ends in self-healing with the emergence of immunity. In any case, if symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor, since deadly diseases can have similar manifestations.

A typical symptom of felinosis is swollen or suppurated lymph nodes

The listed diseases, in addition to rabies, can also be carried by domestic cats. Since they are carriers, animals often have no symptoms. And they can become carriers of infection after being bitten by fleas, which are able to jump into the apartment even with landing or even in childhood, from a cat mother.

If any illness occurs, always tell your healthcare provider about any recent cat bites or scratches. They may be related.

Video: in the Kama region, a teenager died after being bitten by a cat

Prevention of bites

Healthy indoor cats usually control the strength of their warning or playful bites. deep wound You can get it from a pet in the following cases:

  • the cat was angry or hurt;
  • the cat was fighting with another animal, and the owner tried to separate them;
  • she was offended by something and decided to take revenge on the owner (this is typical of exotic breeds, such as Siamese cats);
  • the cat was frightened, for example, by the noise of a vacuum cleaner or water;
  • leg bites can occur because the cat is “hunting” or playing (this is typical for young animals); If a person's skin is thin and sensitive, the bite may be painful.

It must be remembered that cats are independent animals that have their own boundaries. Unlike dogs, they do not obey their owner one hundred percent and can show character, so in order to avoid bites, you should not tease the cat or try to play with it when it is not inclined to do so. Especially it concerns Siamese cats or with an admixture of Siamese blood. The author of the article had a Thai-Siamese cat for many years, which regularly performed quite strong bites, and not only the hands, but also the face, neck, and legs of the owner. The reason for this could be fear from loud sounds, resentment (for example, when the owner was absent for many days) or the bad mood of the pet, who, with the help of bites, tried to protect herself from the advances of a person and show that she was not in the mood to play.

Siamese beauties are often biters

Young children who are in contact with the cat should be closely supervised. By trying to play or cuddle the furry cat, they may unintentionally cause pain to the cat, to which the cat may react with deep bites and scratches.

Based on the above, bite prevention involves proper behavior with your pet, which must correspond to the situation, breed and temperament of the cat. Your cat should also be vaccinated against rabies. This must be done if you plan to take it to nature, if the pet walks on the street or comes into contact with other animals that can carry the disease.

The above is also relevant in order to reduce the risk of deep scratches. If the nails are too long, the cat may cause deep damage to the skin by accident. That's why your pet needs a scratching post. You can also have your nails trimmed by your veterinarian; You can do this yourself, but the procedure is responsible, so it is advisable to learn from an experienced person.

Video: how to pet a cat to avoid scratches

To avoid serious harm to health after a cat bite, you need to immediately provide first aid to the victim and promptly consult a doctor. It is also necessary to vaccinate your pet against rabies and learn to interact with it correctly.

Cat scratch disease (viral benign lymphadenitis). Also known as cat scratch fever, this illness begins after a cat scratches or pierces a child's skin with its claws. The skin becomes inflamed and resembles a small abscess. The scratch can be deep and noticeable, but sometimes it is not even visible. Children usually get sick under 10 years of age. The disease is caused by the microbe Rochalimaea henselae, which is spread from cat to cat by fleas.

Symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, weakness, nausea, chills, loss of appetite, headache and low-grade fever. Some children have a fever of up to 38° for a week, and some children break out in a rash, like measles. Symptoms can last for months and in rare cases progress to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Conventional antibiotics have different effects on the patient's body, but their effect is limited. Treatment consists of washing the scratch area, wiping it with a disinfectant solution and making sure that no dirt gets there. Natural Methods Treatments help support the child’s body in the fight against infection.

Treatment of toxoplasmosis is very complex, using a complex of drugs. It should be carried out by a specialist experienced in treating children suffering from this disease. To prevent illness, a pregnant woman should never clean up after her cat.


Rabies is fatal disease. Any animal bite can cause bleeding and shock, but if a child is bitten by a rabid animal, immediate vaccination is required. Rabies usually affects dogs, cats, skunks, foxes, raccoons and the bats. Rats, mice, chipmunks, hamsters, Guinea pigs, gerbils and rabbits rarely get this disease. But any animal suspected of having rabies must be quarantined for ten days.


Marvelous big number Cases of ringworm infections occur from contact with domestic animals, especially cats. Unlike dogs, where the disease manifests itself in the form of hair loss and bald spots, cats rarely show signs of this disease. To identify the disease, you need to check the fur ultraviolet rays- and in their light the fungus glows and becomes noticeable on the fur.


This serious illness caused by helminths. Children can become infected if helminth eggs, which are found in the feces of cats and dogs, enter the digestive tract. When a helminth “travels” in a child’s body, it can cause allergic symptoms type, difficulty breathing, enlarged liver, skin rash. Treatment with medication does not help much, but recovery usually occurs spontaneously (i.e., on its own). In rare cases, worm eggs can infect the eyes, causing blurred vision and even blindness. This manifestation of the disease is most likely in children who often play in sand or in soil contaminated with dog or cat feces. Such manifestations of toxocariasis should be treated by an ophthalmologist.

Communication with cats is one of the few pleasures that almost every person can afford. And it's truly amazing! You can simply stroke them, talk or play. But games with cats are not always safe, because in addition to beautiful eyes, fur and good morals, the cat's paws are equipped with sharp claws. Our veterinarian Alexander Khamitov will tell you what to do if a cat scratches you and the injured area becomes inflamed and hurts.

Cat scratches are not so harmless. Any skin defect caused by sharp claws must be treated! Even if the cat scratched you completely by accident, not out of malice, they may still appear. unpleasant consequences. Therefore, when playing with cats, it is necessary to take certain precautions, and in case of scratches, know how to give yourself first aid.

Cat claws are a very formidable weapon

Disinfection and prevention measures for scratches:

  1. It is necessary to wash the area scratched by the cat as soon as possible; even plain water from the tap with soap.
  2. If scratches appearance very deep, they must be treated with some kind of disinfectant, such as hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol solution.
  3. For shallow and mild scratches after pre-treatment, it is worth applying some kind of wound-healing cream or just a herbal cream.
  4. In order to prevent dirt and microorganisms from the environment from entering the wound, it is necessary to apply a light bandage. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, after this they calm down a little. painful sensations and there is less chance of accidentally catching a wound somewhere.
  5. Over the next few days, you need to monitor the scratches. As a rule, improvements are noticeable already on the 2-3rd day. Otherwise, if there is swelling, noticeable redness, soreness, or a rise in body temperature, you should consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate the onset of the disease.

As for point 5, it is possible we're talking about about such an unusual disease as cat scratches or as it is also scientifically called -.

Cat scratch disease

The fact is that the so-called Bartonella bacillus lives in the saliva of cats, which, when it gets into the tissue when a person is scratched or bitten, reaches the nearest lymph node and affects it, as a result of which it becomes inflamed.

Subsequently, it enters the bloodstream and the infection spreads throughout the human body.

The insidiousness of cat scratch disease is that with a small incubation period(from 2 to 20 days), it develops rather slowly and sluggishly and a person does not always take its symptoms seriously.

Symptoms of cat scratches

  • Redness of the area where the cat scratched.
  • Formation of bubbles with a clear liquid at the site of scratches, which gradually burst and a crust forms in their place.
  • Enlargement of the lymph node closest to the scratch.
  • Temperature increase.
  • General malaise, weakness, headache.

And for those who like to “open” their claws, you can stick on “Anti-scratch”

IN inflamed lymph node the process lasts about 5-6 months, after which the inflammation gradually subsides, and the enlarged lymph node returns to almost its previous size.