The dog's wound is festering than to treat. Bruises and scratches

On the dog body wounds may appear on the most different reasons, for example, as a result of contact with dry grass, branches of bushes and trees, thorns of plants. A piece of glass or other sharp objects can also damage the skin. Many animals are under the wheels Vehicle, which leads to more serious consequences than scratches and small open wounds. To determine how to treat a wound in a dog, you need to examine it and assess the severity of the wounds received.

If for one reason or another the animal has received rather severe injuries (it is not possible to stop the bleeding on its own, large lacerations that must be sewn up), then you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

Depending on the characteristics of the object causing injury, wounds are classified into nine types.

Table 1. Types of wounds in dogs

Type of woundDescription
Scratches with abrasionsThey arise as a result of how the dog touches one or another object or plant, trying to vigorously scratch a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Some animals injure themselves by biting fleas or trying to get rid of tangles and pieces of matted hair.
cutsAppear on the pet's body upon contact with various items having sharp edges. It happens, for example, that the tissues of the mouth are injured by the broken ends of the gnawed bones
Severe bites from other animalsWounds of this nature are most often subjected to inflamed processes. This is due to the fact that from the very beginning the surface of the damaged area of ​​the body is contaminated with substances released from the mouth of the aggressor.
splintersThese foreign particles usually get into the paw when the dog runs outside. However, sometimes they have to be removed even from the tissues of the cheeks or tongue, because these pets love to gnaw on wooden pieces of furniture.
Injuries resulting from an accidentAccording to experts, it is in these cases that animals receive the most complex injuries, which may even be incompatible with life.
stab woundsDamage occurs due to contact with a sharp object that can pass through living tissue quite easily. Depending on the nature of the damaging product, the wound channels are smooth and rough.
Chopped woundsThey are a type of damage, which is characterized by a serious destruction of sufficiently deep tissues, as well as damage to the walls of the lymphatic and blood vessels, torn nerves. In many animals, joints and other bone elements are crushed.
bruised woundsOccur after exposure to the dog's body with blunt objects. In this case, as a rule, reproduction and crushing occurs not only of the epidermis, but also of deeper muscles. In addition, there is a slight loss of blood
lacerationsApply with a pointed object. For pets, they are dangerous by rupture of tendons and ligaments, as well as by the ingestion of various infections.

It happens that dogs get combined wounds. In addition, each injury is accompanied by the risk of infection. After all, inside the damaged skin along with a foreign object, dirt and dust, fluff with wool, rust and foreign bodies penetrate. Therefore, even a small wound must be treated with an antiseptic.

It should be noted that on your own at home it is worth treating only those wounds that are superficial and do not pose the slightest danger to the life of a pet.

How are superficial wounds treated in dogs?

If the animal received a shallow injury that did not touch the tissues, then the owner can independently treat the wound without seeking help from a specialist. This medical procedure carried out according to the following instructions:

Antiseptics for wound treatment

When a person discovers a wound in his pet, he may be confused and not immediately decide which antiseptic is best to use. Experienced veterinarians advise pet owners to have a first aid kit that will always have enough hydrogen peroxide. This solution has a hemostatic effect and does not lead to burns of the injured area of ​​the body.

Chlorhexidine is also often used to treat shallow wounds. It is not only convenient to apply, but also completely cleans the area from various contaminants and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the wound.

For the purpose of antibacterial protection, Miramistin is also recommended - a solution that gently interacts with living tissues and does not cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. Thanks to it, it is possible to prevent infection of the body of the animal dangerous bacteria and viruses. Veterinarians use medication to prevent purulent inflammation and activation of regeneration processes.

One of the widely used drugs is "Furacilin". Its advantage over many other antiseptics is the absence of a specific smell and such side effect as skin irritation. A solution prepared from tablets can also be used to wipe wounds in which a purulent process has begun.

For the treatment of superficial damage, despite the opinion of many people, it is not recommended to use brilliant green and iodine. Experts explain this by the fact that these solutions contain alcohol, which, if it comes into contact with living tissues, leads to burns. In addition, the substances strongly dry the skin and cause irritation.

Wound healing process in dogs

Not deep wounds dogs begin to overgrow after purulent exudate forms on their surface and tissue granulation occurs around the wound channel. In addition, when wool, dirt and foreign particles get into the deep layers of tissues in the body of a pet, a process begins to occur that contributes to the formation of pus. Therefore, exudate is necessary to ensure a proteolytic action aimed at removing purulent matter from the wound canal.

If the wound is uncomplicated and has not been infected, it usually takes one to two weeks to heal. infection surgical wounds also occurs according to the so-called primary tension

In the case of animals receiving lacerations or injuries, accompanied by crushing of living tissues, the healing process is very slow, especially when infected. Similar phenomenon due to the fact that the infection of the wound channel occurs along secondary tension. To avoid serious complications, you need to seek help from a veterinarian. He must perform an operation to excise the edges of the wound, due to which healing begins to proceed according to primary intention, which occurs much faster.

With absence proper treatment or its untimeliness, the wound becomes inflamed and begins to fester. Getting rid of this problem is much more difficult, in addition, blood poisoning can occur as a result.

Video - Treatment of wounds in dogs: veterinarian's guide

Features of the treatment of lacerated and weeping wounds in dogs

After the injury, regardless of its severity, on the surface of the skin around the wound immediately accumulate various pathogenic microorganisms. If the injury is torn and touched the deep layers of the tissue, then after a couple of days the dog has a progressive inflammatory process.

An equally common cause that leads to inflammation is non-compliance with asepsis rules or the use of inappropriate antiseptics in violation of the integrity of the skin and soft tissues. In this case, exudate is released from the wound channel, containing blood plasma and lymph, as well as leukocytes, lymphocytes and other products of the inflammatory process. This substance is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. As a result, the formation of a weeping injury is observed. The wound gives off a specific odor. Many owners note apathy and depression in their pet.

Carrying out therapy in such a situation consists in the careful removal of the entire exudate and the crusts formed on the surface of the damaged area. After that, it is necessary to treat the place with a disinfectant. If the dog has severe itching skin and pain, you should consult a veterinarian who will recommend the most appropriate analgesics and antihistamines. Usually assigned "Tavegin" or "Suprastin", active substances which slow down the synthesis of histamine-like substances, thereby reducing the amount of exudate that accumulates inside the wound.

To eliminate pathogenic microflora, it is required to cover the affected area with ointments that have antibacterial action. Effective are "Vishnevskaya ointment", "Tetracycline ointment", and "Levomikol". In severe cases, the animal is additionally given broad-spectrum antibiotics.

In addition to ointments and antibiotics, special sprays that can be found in veterinary pharmacies contribute to wound healing. Below are some brands of such drugs.

Often, purulent processes begin to develop in the wound channel, which are accompanied by the formation of exudate and the manifestation of characteristic symptoms:

  1. A sharp increase in body temperature;
  2. Apathy;
  3. Weakness;
  4. Lack of appetite.

To eliminate undesirable consequences, the veterinarian must select suitable antibacterial medications that will help to quickly cope with inflammation and suppuration of the damage. Effective and widely used drugs are:

  1. Cephalosporins - Cephalen, Cephalex, and Cefotaxime;
  2. Penicillins - Sinulox, Ampicillin and Amoxicillin;
  3. Tetracyclines - Doxycycline.

As a rule, the course of therapy lasts no longer than two weeks. It should be noted that it is forbidden to suture wounds complicated by infectious microflora.

What to do with open and deep wounds?

If a a pet received a deep wound, then, first of all, the surface must be washed and disinfected. Then antiseptic solutions are applied to the skin: Miramistin, Formalin or Chlorhexidine. However, you should not do further treatment on your own, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid any dangerous complications.

Features of nutrition of a dog after injury

After receiving an injury that leads to the destruction of the integrity of the skin, soft tissues, bones, nerves, tendons, blood and lymphatic vessels, processes aimed at stopping inflammation and regenerating damage begin to occur in the animal's body. Therefore, the dog quickly loses strength.

To restore them and support immunity, it is very important to provide your pet with good nutrition, along with which everything will enter his body essential vitamins and useful trace elements. In addition, it is necessary that he has constant access to clean water, because the wound is accompanied by blood loss, which requires the restoration of water balance.

We will immediately tell you about one important circumstance. The fact is that ulcerative skin lesions are often confused with a weeping wound. In addition, this term is very often understood as eczema or simple dermatitis. So what are their differences?

The fact is that the wound is the result of an extreme mechanical impact, which led to a violation of the integrity of the tissues, from the side external environment. Eczema, ulcers and dermatitis in the vast majority of cases occur under the action of negative factors from within the body. There is no mechanical injury.

In the lesions we describe, everything is different - first, a small defect of the skin occurs, which is seeded with pathogenic microflora. The body responds with inflammation. A “weeping” wound becomes because a secret is secreted on its surface, consisting of lymph, plasma, lymphocytes, inflammatory factors, etc.

Note that even a normally healing surface can get wet, in the process of regeneration of which pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora did not enter the wound channel. In this case, the secret that we have already talked about promotes the recovery process and speeds it up. However, it is he who often causes complications: the liquid contains a lot nutrients, and therefore, when microbes that can resist the natural defenses of the body get into it, it turns into an excellent nutrient medium for them.

Infection mechanism

To understand exactly how a weeping lesion is formed and what it threatens, it is necessary to know the basics of those processes that are activated in the body of animals and humans immediately after it is received. So, a wound channel was formed. Shreds of skin and wool remain in it, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora as well as dirt and other debris.

To counter the threat of sepsis, lymphocytes begin to migrate at an accelerated pace to the site of the “breakthrough”. To facilitate this process, inflammatory factors, histamine, and other “supporting” substances are released into the blood. All of them help to identify targets for T-helpers, which, in turn, greatly facilitates the work of T-killers.

In addition, histamine, which is released in abundance into the blood from destroyed mast cells, dramatically increases the permeability of the vascular walls. This is a natural mechanism that facilitates the release of lymphocytes from the blood into the surrounding tissues. By the way, this is also the cause of traumatic edema that develops immediately after an injury.

The fact is that pus has a proteolytic effect. Simply put, it dissolves dead tissue and microbes. The lysis of the latter is explained by massive "leaks" of enzymes from dead lymphocytes. When everything superfluous comes out of the wound, the process of granulation and further healing begins.

But all of the above refers to the so-called healing by secondary intention. If the regeneration process proceeds according to the primary tension, it does without pus. In this case, granulation immediately begins, which gradually tightens the damage. Of course, this happens only in the case of surgical wounds, when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis were strictly observed during the operation, as a result of which it was possible to avoid the ingress of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

Types of wounds

Experts identify several main types of the most common injuries in dogs. Each of them has its own characteristics, which means that for each of them there is a separate list of measures that the owner should take in the first place.

Small shallow wound

Most dog owners have experienced minor superficial wounds in their pets in one way or another. However, even if this is the first for you, you should not panic - such damage can be easily and painlessly cured using the following procedures:

  1. First of all, the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin must be thoroughly washed with a disinfectant, for example, ordinary peroxide or a solution of revanol.
  2. After this procedure, the wound site should be smeared with brilliant green or iodine. If you are, for example, in nature, and necessary funds was not nearby, you can rinse the damaged fabric with plain, but always clean water.
  3. After carrying out the above procedures, the main task of the owners is to prevent the dog from licking the wound. Even though salivary fluid is characterized by its antibacterial effect, tongue movements can harm an already damaged dermis or simply remove previously applied disinfectants.
  4. In the process of wound healing, you should lubricate the skin with brilliant green at intervals of a day - this will catalyze the healing process.

Ragged, deep but clean wound

A set of first aid measures for such an injury includes:

  1. Washing the injury site with ordinary peroxide or furacilin solution.
  2. Lubrication of the hairline growing near the wound with alcohol or iodine.
  3. After carrying out all the above activities, the animal must be taken to the hospital within the next 10-12 hours.

Large, deep, contaminated laceration

With this type of wound, the owner will require more endurance and composure than with the above, lighter varieties of damage. If the dog is severely injured and has brought dirt into the wound, you will need to:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the damaged area of ​​​​the body with peroxide, a solution of manganese, furacilin or rivanol.
  2. Carefully treat the edges (in no case the center of the wound) with brilliant green or iodine.
  3. Bandage the injury site with a sterile bandage.
  4. Take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible(the waiting period should not exceed 6-10 hours from the moment of injury).

Penetrating deep chest wound

This injury is quite easy to recognize - an injured dog makes loud wheezing during inhalations and exhalations, along with this, foam mixed with blood is released from the dog's mouth. It is highly likely that the dog may simply die from suffocation. Only the cold-blooded and clear actions of its owner can save the animal. To provide first aid in such situations, you must:

  1. Stop the passage of air into the dog's chest.
  2. Treat the edges of the damage with iodine.
  3. Lubricate with Vaseline hairline within a radius of 5-6 cm from the wound.
  4. Bandage the wound, after putting a film or a simple clean plastic bag on the affected area. Even if these materials were not around, you can make a so-called gag using an ordinary bandage or even a rag. With a similar roller, you need to close the wound. In this case, the owners need to ensure that the fabric does not fall directly into the chest area.
  5. It is necessary to take the animal to the hospital as soon as possible (maximum 8 hours after the injury). If deadlines are ignored, best case the dog will suffer from serious complications, at worst, a fatal outcome should be expected.

Injuries abdominal cavity

Despite the fact that the types of injuries described earlier represent a serious danger, injuries of the peritoneum threaten the life of the animal to a much greater extent. In general, only dogs that have managed not to damage the stomach and internal organs have a chance to survive. In such cases, owners must:

  1. The abdominal cavity should be washed with a solution of rivanol (furatsilin can be an alternative) or simply with clean water.
  2. A sterile bandage should be applied to the intestines.
  3. The wound itself must be treated with syntamycin liniment.
  4. It is necessary to take the dog to the doctor within 6 hours.
  5. Under no circumstances should you give your dog water.

Wounds do not appear on their own. They are applied by some object. Depending on the nature of the latter, veterinarians divide wounds into the following types:

  • Stab. This kind of damage is formed by contact with a sharp object. Accordingly, the latter freely penetrates into living tissues. Depending on the type of damaging factor, the wound channel has either smooth or rough edges.
  • Sliced. This type is the most common. The most affected area is the paw. The formation of a wound occurs due to the dissection of tissues with sharp objects. In most cases, the damage zone has smooth edges.
  • Chopped. Pretty serious damage. When a wound of this type is applied, the deep layers of the tissue are destroyed. Often, with chopped injuries, damaged and nerve fibers. Lymphatic and blood vessels can also be affected.
  • Bruised. Wounds of this type are formed when struck with a blunt object. Bleeding may be minor. Integuments with such an injury are compressed.
  • Torn. This type of injury is formed when a pointed object strikes a tangent. Not only the top layer of the skin is involved, but also the tendons and blood vessels. Lacerations are serious because they quickly become infected.
  • Gunshot. This wound can lead to the death of the animal. The damage is deep, the bleeding is intense.
  • Bites. Can be obtained from fights with other dogs. With such wounds Great chance rabies infection.

It is worth noting that combined wounds can occur in dogs. For example, bruised-torn, stab-bitten, stab-cut and so on.

Clinical signs accompanying wounds in dogs

Usually, wounds in dogs are manifested by bleeding, pain and divergence of the edges of the skin. As for the first of the above symptoms, the duration and strength of bleeding directly depend on the characteristics of the vessels of each individual patient, as well as the ability of the blood to clot. Pain is caused by damage to especially sensitive nerve endings.

In such circumstances, experts call this phenomenon primary pain. Contrary to popular belief, this pain only gets worse as the wound dries out or becomes infected. The gaping, in turn, depends on the direction and size of the wound. It is not usually seen in stab wounds. But if the wound was inflicted perpendicular to the muscles (namely their fibers), the divergence of tissues becomes huge.

Especially strong pain in dogs occurs when the wound becomes infected, inflamed or suppurated.

Be sure to monitor during treatment general condition dogs. If you notice that there is thirst, depression, convulsions, involuntary twitching of the limbs, fever, then in any case you need to get to the doctor. Or, at your own risk, prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Also dangerous signs: the appearance putrid smell, severe swelling around the wound.

It is important to remember that when bitten, a dog can become infected with the rabies virus, which is dangerous for your life. Therefore, if your dog is not vaccinated, it must be vaccinated within 36 hours after the bite, no later.

About diagnostics

Of course, even an inexperienced owner can identify the presence of the wound itself, but in these cases there are exceptions. Thus, weeping and painful lesions often appear on the skins of "folded" breeds, like Shar-Pei. If the dog is poorly cared for, this will almost certainly happen. They discover the wound only when the dog starts to smell bad, and he himself becomes apathetic, refuses to feed.

In addition, in the process of diagnosis, it is extremely important to find out which pathogen caused the inflammatory process. For this purpose, swabs and/or scrapings are made from the wound surface, which are then used to grow a culture of microorganisms on nutrient media. The resulting "mycelium" is used to test antibiotics and identify the means that are most effective in a particular case.

Preparations for the treatment of wounds

The main health hazard is lacerations in dogs. Usually such a lesion does not heal quickly, often has undesirable consequences. The treatment of such a pathology, as a rule, requires prompt measures, because without this, pus and tissue particles quickly accumulate in the wound, which are semi-decomposed, and a purulent wound is already formed in dogs.

It is generally accepted that with this type of injury one should not worry only when it is insignificant (no more than 2 long, 1 cm deep). More serious cases always involve immediate medical assistance. It is especially required when the pet's wound begins to fester. At home, the affected area should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, pre-cut the hair, remove pus and dirt. And then the action is up to the experts.

The Animal Clinic will install drainage to assist in the removal of purulent discharge, which is not removed until the wound is completely cleaned and the inflammatory process is relieved. Always used in the form of antibiotic injections for dogs when festering wounds Oh. It can be Biomycin, Terramycin, Gramicidin, etc.

Along the way, napkins soaked in a solution that promotes exudate discharge are applied to the wounded area. If the wound is serious enough, then it is sutured, but treatment is also prescribed. As a rule, antibiotics are used, which have a wide range of effects, and in high doses.

It happens that they are attributed hormonal preparations, although in the treatment of complex lesions, when the treatment period is 2-3 weeks, such an appointment is not recommended. And here vitamin complexes will be in place here. After all, with their help, you can improve metabolism, accelerate the production of leukocytes, strengthen defensive forces animal body. Often, tampons with Vishnevsky's balm are applied to such wounds.

At any home first aid kit for first aid, you should always have Chlorhexidine, Levomekol ointment, Ranosan and another that promotes wound healing, bandages, napkins. If you are taking your pet on a long trip or hunting trip, the right drugs should be with you. You can always provide the necessary assistance in such unforeseen cases.

Other medicinal and medicinal products appointed by the attending veterinarian, based on specific case. Of the antiseptics, these can be: Ranosan, Septogel, Xidicol-spray, Aluminum-spray, Septonex. All of them have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. It is good to use streptocide powder for wound healing.

Complications and risks

Always about it in question with severe lesions, when, as they say, minutes count. And the life of a pet is determined by how extensive the lesion is and how soon the owner can deliver it to the clinic. This is especially important when a lot of blood is lost, which usually happens with large wounds. Blood transfusions in canine clinics are almost never done due to the lack of blood supplies.

But this, however, is not so scary. Operations, if carried out on time, are mostly successful, the animal recovers in 2-3 weeks (with a rehabilitation period, the recovery period is extended). It happens that you have to mess around with your pet for six months.

Immediately after stitching, the dog can be taken home (in the clinic it can be left for 2-3 days only in especially severe cases). The owner will need to make a daily inspection of the seam, so as not to lose sight of the appearance of the first signs of its redness, suppuration, swelling. And at least once every 7 days, it is important to show the pet to the treating veterinarian.

How to treat a weeping wound in a dog? The hair around the lesion is carefully cut off and the wound is washed using antiseptic and bactericidal preparations. In addition, the edges are washed with warm soapy water to remove crusts of dried exudate and dirt. It is highly recommended during treatment to cover the affected surface with surgical gel or at least cotton-gauze bandage. This is done to additionally protect the wound channel from the ingress of contaminated water, hair, and other debris.

In many cases, antibiotics are used. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 7 to 10 days. In addition, many pets will need analgesics and sedatives to relieve pain and itching. Finally, to stop the latter, it is useful to introduce antihistamines. In cases where even a light touch causes pain, the area is pricked with novocaine or oil-based lidocaine before any manipulations.

And if the wound was formed as a result of crushing? In addition, we must not forget the need surgical treatment wounds to remove dead and crushed tissue. Of course, in this case, you can not do without the use of sedatives. The operated area is closed with surgical glue, sutures, or a medical stapler. As in the previous case, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics is practiced.

If the wound is infected or an abscess has occurred, then drainage is required to remove the pus. It is left until the wound becomes clean and the inflammatory process has passed.

At the same time, antibiotic drugs (biomycin, terramycin, gramicidin, etc.) are prescribed to inject, and compresses with retracting solutions are applied to the wound.

How to calm an animal

If the animal behaves restlessly, then it can be calmed down. medicines. Of these, it is advised to give the animal Corvalol or Valocardin, diluted in sweetened water, from veterinary drugs recommend "Antistress".

The animal must be put in a warm place. Be sure to monitor and keep under observation until complete recovery.

After PHO processing stitches are performed daily until they are removed. For the entire period of wound healing, it must be closed and inaccessible to the animal to prevent self-injury of the surgical wound and sutures. To do this, they put on a collar or blanket, covering the damaged area.

Competent, qualified first aid for a dog with wounds and good care for an animal after a wound will save his life and quickly restore health.

Treatment of difficult, contaminated wounds

When the wound not only gets wet, but is also complicated by the development of pyogenic microflora, there are a lot of dead tissues in it, all operations will almost inevitably require an appointment general anesthesia. The wound surface is dissected, completely removing all tissues in the viability of which there are at least some doubts. The surface is then irrigated with antiseptic solutions.

Here it must be remembered that not all weeping wounds formed due to crushing of tissues can be properly sutured. Because of this, they have to long time leave in an open state, ensuring the outflow of exudate by draining the wound channel. The type of drainage can vary greatly depending on the severity of the wound and the severity pathological process, but usually they only manage with bandages soaked in Vishnevsky's liniment.

The advantage of such designs is that even the owner of the animal, who has at least minimal skills in medicine or veterinary medicine, can change them. As in the previous case, the pet in without fail broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed in order to suppress the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

Antibiotics for animals with purulent wounds

Complications and risks

A course of antibiotic therapy for purulent open wounds should be prescribed by a veterinarian. In complex therapy, four-fingered patients are prescribed oral antibiotics of the penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline series, ampicillins, macrolides to prevent infection. Therapeutic therapy for purulent wounds should also be selected taking into account the phases of the course of the wound process.

Antibiotics are selected according to the results of microbiological tests, bacteriological research aimed at determining the sensitivity of pathogenic flora to certain substances of medicines. Additionally on initial stages painkillers are used to treat purulent wounds in dogs pharmacological agents.

For local treatment a good wound healing effect is noted after the use of antibacterial ointments, gels, creams. Dogs are given:

  1. Levomikol.
  2. Liniment Synthomycin 5%.
  3. Tetracycline 3% ointment.
  4. Ranosan.
  5. Betadine.
  6. Safroderm gel.
  7. Sangel.
  8. Gentamicin ointment.
  9. Septogel.

The above listed pharmacological agents have a pronounced bactericidal effect, relieve swelling, prevent degenerative-destructive processes in tissues, and accelerate regeneration processes. Used to treat pustular lesions of soft tissues, furunculosis, purulent abscesses in animals, in the presence of open wounds infected with pyogenic flora.

At difficult character infections, extensive soft tissue lesions, antibiotics are prescribed to dogs in the form of tablets, injection solutions for intravenous, intramuscular administration. Often, the tissues surrounding the wound are chipped with an antibacterial drug. Duration medical therapy depends on clinical manifestations, nature, condition of a purulent wound.

In the treatment of purulent wounds in dogs, apply:

  1. Cephalexin.
  2. Cefuroxime.
  3. Amoxiclav.
  4. Kanamycin.
  5. Oxacillin.
  6. Betamox.
  7. Doxycilin.
  8. Amuril.
  9. Tetracycline.
  10. Erythromycin.
  11. Enroxil.
  12. Neomycin.
  13. Metacycline.
  14. Cefapim.
  15. Gentamicin.

Antibiotics penicillin series(amoxiclav, penicillin) negatively affect almost all types of pyogenic flora. Cephalosporins kill gram-negative bacterial flora, act on Escherichia coli.

Macrolides, carbapenems (imipinem, meronem) have a good effect on strepto-staphylococci. Kanamycins prevent the development of gram-positive, gram-negative pathogenic pyogenic microflora. It is used to treat purulent-septic diseases, including extensive purulent wounds in dogs. Kanamycin is often administered to animals in postoperative period to prevent infection of postoperative wounds.

Most modern antibacterial drugs have a broad, combined action. The active components of drugs are effective against several types of pyogenic bacteria, microorganisms. Quickly eliminate traumatic processes of any origin, etiology, promote rapid healing of wounds.

Since there are no specially developed antibacterial drugs on the market yet, for treatment in traditional medicine use human antibiotics, but only in different dosages.

First aid for paw cuts

When a dog is injured, it involves certain measures on the part of its owner:

  1. First, treat the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, furacilin or chlorhexidine. In the absence of these funds in the home first-aid kit, you can use clean running water.
  2. Shave or trim the hairs around the wound.
  3. Lubricate the area around the wound well with iodine or Monklavit-1 ( modern drug for disinfection, created on the basis of iodine).
  4. Try to stop the bleeding with a homeostatic dressing and tight bandaging.

After these actions, it is desirable without the slightest delay, even with a seemingly trifling wound, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian. After all, poor-quality processing or incorrect actions of the owner of a four-legged pet can lead to various complications. And with bleeding, any delay can even cost his life.

Faced with a similar situation before the arrival of the veterinarian, a trip with a pet to the veterinary clinic, it is very important to prevent infection, to prevent the development of the inflammatory process. If the damage is quite extensive and contaminated, first of all, wash the lesion large quantity warm water, laundry soap.

At the next stage, with sterile tweezers, try to remove third-party particles that have entered the wound. Carefully trim the hair around the affected area with sterile scissors. Treat the skin around the purulent wound with brilliant green, alcohol tincture iodine using disposable gauze-cotton pads. Make a short novocaine-antibiotic block. It may be necessary to partially excise dead tissue, followed by drainage of the wound. Carried out in a veterinary clinic.

For washing wounds, you can use any aseptic means: a weakly concentrated 3% solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, chlorhexidine, tincture of propolis, calendula, decoction of plantain, and other medicinal plants.

Important! If the wound has been sutured, the sutures are treated daily with disinfectant solutions for five to seven days.

Wound healing preparations (Solcoseryl, Actovigin, Vinylin, Levomikol) are applied to a clean wound. In severe advanced cases, to prevent the development of infection or if the wound is already infected, it is mandatory to use local bactericidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (ointments, creams, pharmacy talkers), complex antibacterial agents. After treatment, the wound is closed with a sterile bactericidal plaster, a bandage is applied.

First of all, do not panic and inspect the paws of the dog. If she cut the pad shallowly, the wound can be treated on her own without seeking help from a veterinarian. However, there are some nuances that you should be aware of in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

First of all, you need to cut the dog's hair on the injured area (this is especially true for representatives of long-haired breeds) so that it does not get into the wound and thereby provoke an inflammatory process. Then the cut is thoroughly washed under clean running water to remove hairs, dirt and foreign objects - earth, glass and other debris.

The second step will be the treatment of the injured pad with an antiseptic solution, which is used as:

    hydrogen peroxide;


    weak solution of potassium permanganate;

    furacilin solution.

For convenience, you can use a disposable syringe into which a disinfectant is poured.

After treatment, the area around the wound on the dog's paws should be anointed with iodine to relieve swelling. Neither iodine nor brilliant green can be poured into the wound itself, as this can cause a burn of muscle tissue, due to which the cut will heal longer.

Next, soak the gauze antibacterial ointment Levosin, Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment and apply on the paw pad (these drugs can also be applied directly to the wound). Bandaging is carried out every 1-2 days (depending on the condition of the injury). For additional protection, a baby sock or even an umbrella cover can be put on a sore paw.

In order for the injured pad on the paw to heal faster, after a few days, the use of Actovegin and Solcoseryl is shown - agents that promote tissue regeneration and heal wounds.

The most common mistake that inexperienced dog breeders make if the dog has severely cut its paw is to apply a tourniquet over the wound. Not all owners know how to do it correctly, so the result of incorrect actions may be increased bleeding, while a regular bandage will stop the bleeding within 15 minutes.

If the dog cuts the pad on its paws, in no case should you treat the open wound with your own urine or apply bulk medicines to it, for example, Streptocide. Should be abandoned such funds, as they burn muscle tissue, especially if the wounds are deep. This leads to the formation of ulcers, which aggravates the course of the disease, and cuts heal much more slowly. In addition, the blood turns into a caked crust, which also worsens the patient's condition and gives him discomfort.

In the process of treatment, you need to make sure that the dog does not have the opportunity to lick the wounds on the paw pads. It is believed that saliva has a healing effect, but this is an erroneous opinion. There are a lot of bacteria and microorganisms on the animal's tongue, which, if they get into the cut, can lead to serious inflammation.

Signs of a wound are pain, bleeding, tearing of the skin and tissues. The algorithm of action of the primary surgical treatment (PST) of the wound must be observed. The further healing and restoration of the integrity of animal tissues depends on how correctly and in a timely manner it will be carried out.

Wounds in dogs occur quite often. In the event that the dog is injured, the owner must be able to properly treat the injury before taking the pet to the veterinarian for examination. Exist different kinds wounds in a dog, which differ primarily in the methods of treatment and treatment.

Superficial small wound

In the event that the wound is not deep enough, the following measures must be taken.

  1. Such a wound must be washed with a solution of furacilin, revanol or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. After treatment, the wound must be lubricated with iodine or brilliant green. In the event that there are no medicines nearby, the injury can be washed with drinking water or fluid that is produced by the human body.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not lick the wound - despite the fact that the dog's saliva has antibacterial properties, the animal can damage the skin or lick off previously applied medicines.
  4. After treating the dog, it is recommended to use brilliant green once every 1-2 days to improve the wound healing process.

Extensive and deep laceration without contamination

Treatment of such an injury involves the following steps.

  1. Wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide or furacilin.
  2. Lubricate the wool around the wound with alcohol, refined gasoline or iodine.
  3. Deliver the dog to the veterinarian no later than 12 hours from the moment of injury.

Deep and extensive laceration with severe contamination

Treatment of this type of wound requires clear and deliberate action on the part of the owner of the animal.

  1. Rinse the Nara with furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of rivanol.
  2. Treat damaged edges with iodine or brilliant green.
  3. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound.
  4. Deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic no later than 6-12 hours after the injury.

Penetrating chest wound

Symptoms of this injury are wheezing of the animal during inhalation and exhalation, the release of bloody foam. As a rule, after receiving such an injury, the dog dies from suffocation. Therefore, it is necessary to act as clearly and quickly as possible in order to save the pet's life.

  1. Stop the air supply to the chest cavity of the animal.
  2. Treat the edges of the wound with iodine.
  3. Wool 5-6 centimeters from the wound in a circle should be smeared with petroleum jelly.
  4. Attach a piece of film or a plastic bag to the wound - bandage it. If such materials are not at hand, you can make a gag from a clean bandage or rag and close the wound with it - care must be taken that it does not penetrate into the chest area.
  5. Take the dog to the veterinarian no later than 8 hours after the injury. It must be remembered that untimely delivery of the animal to the doctor is fraught with complications and serious consequences.

Abdominal wounds

Such injuries are among the most dangerous for dogs. The animal can only survive if the intestines and stomach are not damaged. In the event that the internal organs are not damaged, it is necessary to treat the dog as follows.

  1. The intestines must be washed with a solution of furacilin, rivanol or clean boiled water.
  2. Gently place the intestines in the abdominal cavity and apply a sterile bandage to them.
  3. Treat the wound with syntamycin liniment.
  4. Deliver the animal to the veterinarian no later than 6 hours after the injury.
  5. It is strictly forbidden for the dog to consume any liquid.

In order for the dog not to be injured, it is necessary to ensure that the animal does not interact with sharp and prickly objects.

In veterinary practice, specialists deal with dog wounds every day - for example, dog bite wounds, especially lacerations in dogs. And literate correct handling wound is one of its components fast healing without inflammation or complications. We will tell you how to treat lacerated, purulent wounds in a dog.

A wound is a mechanical violation of the skin or organs, muscles or blood vessels. Wounds are clean, infected or inflamed. Animal can get hurt different ways: these may be bites from other animals, various injuries, cuts and punctures with sharp objects, surgical wounds.

First aid for injury

Signs of a wound are pain, bleeding, tearing of the skin and tissues. The algorithm of action of the primary surgical treatment (PST) of the wound must be observed. The further healing and restoration of the integrity of animal tissues depends on how correctly and in a timely manner it will be carried out.

If the animal received a wound while being far from the veterinary service, then its owner must provide first aid, rinse and clean the wound himself, if the wound is extensive or deep, then you should definitely contact a specialist, since pain shock and blood loss can threaten his life.

How to clean a wound

Immediately clean and rinse the wound. First you need to remove (cut off, shave off) the animal's hair around the wounded area. And treat with 5% iodine solution or Monklavit-1 around the wound.

Monclavit-1 is a modern bactericidal medicine for all types of infections, produced on the basis of iodine.

It is recommended to wash the wound with special disinfecting solutions, such as furatsilin, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or weak water solution potassium permanganate. It should be cleaned so that there is no dirt left in it, foreign objects, hair, etc. Next, the wound is carefully examined for further treatment and, if necessary, for application. surgical intervention.

How to stop bleeding

When injured, the bleeding must be stopped. To do this, a homeostatic bandage is applied to the wound and pressed against it, tightly bandaged, until the bleeding stops. If the wound is deep or the vessels are damaged, the animal is given anesthesia.

After that veterinarian sutures blood vessels and removes non-viable tissues, affected vessels, crushed dead bones and cartilage.

He can also prescribe calcium preparations, Vikasol, Ferakril, to stop bleeding, ascorbic acid. The dosage of drugs is determined individually and depends on the breed and weight of the animal.

How to treat a dog wound

When the wound is treated, the edges of the wound are connected and sutures are made. The edges are treated and antiseptic ointments that contain an antibiotic are applied. Of the antiseptics, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

1. Ranosan is a drug for external use, has antibacterial property for the treatment of all types of wounds.

2. Septogel is an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent for all types of animals.

3. Ksidikol-spray - antibacterial drug, contains an antibiotic, recommended for the treatment of various damaged surfaces.

4. Aluminum spray is an oily suspension of silver color, it is prescribed for the treatment of all types of wounds and is used for dressings.

5. Septonex - an aerosol of antiseptic and disinfectant action, indicated for the disinfection of surgical wounds.

Or powdered with streptocide powder. For prophylactic purposes, the wound is cut off with a novocaine blockade with an antibiotic.

If the wound was treated sterile and the dog has a strong immune system, then the stitches should be removed after a week or two, it all depends on the number of stitches and where they are located.

Treatment of festering wounds in dogs

If the wound is infected or an abscess has occurred, then drainage is required to remove the pus. It is left until the wound becomes clean and the inflammatory process has passed.

At the same time, antibiotic drugs (biomycin, terramycin, gramicidin, etc.) are prescribed to inject, and compresses with retracting solutions are applied to the wound.

How to calm an animal

If the animal behaves restlessly, then it can be calmed down with medicines. Of these, it is advised to give the animal Corvalol or Valocardin, diluted in sweetened water, from veterinary drugs, Antistress is recommended.

The animal must be put in a warm place. Be sure to monitor and keep under observation until complete recovery.

After PST, the sutures are processed daily until they are removed. For the entire period of wound healing, it must be closed and inaccessible to the animal to prevent self-injury of the surgical wound and sutures. To do this, they put on a collar or blanket, covering the damaged area.

Competent, qualified first aid for a dog with wounds and good care for an animal after a wound will save his life and quickly restore health.