What is the easiest way to prepare melted water? Melt water: benefits and harms for health and weight loss. How to cook it properly at home

If someone had said 30 years ago that in the future people would buy bottled water, they simply would not have believed him. However, the harsh realities of the present are forcing more and more more people to buy water.

Water is the basis of our health. And the better it is, the longer we will be young and the less money we will spend on doctors and medicines. Even when using household filters, we do not get clean water. The maximum that modern household filters of a small and medium price range are capable of is to remove bleach and small debris. Whatever filter manufacturers write there, they do not solve the problem of water purification (of course, I am not talking about high-quality home filters, the cost of which starts at $ 500, this is not counting the cost of filter cassettes, which must be changed once a month). Moreover, the chlorine in the water cannot be completely retained by the filters, and the carbon filters produce the finest dust. activated carbon. These negligible amounts of dust particles are enough to form when boiling water with residual chlorine dioxin. Dioxin is the strongest poison and carcinogen. Charcoal filters begin to "dust" more and more as they age. So how to be in such a situation, how to get high-quality clean water at home without spending a lot of money? The article "Metal water at home - preparation of melt water, benefits and properties" is devoted to this very important issue.

Melt water properties

Water is the most powerful carrier of information that can be on our Earth. In addition to information, water has a certain structure of molecules in the molecular lattice, which also affects the quality of water. Therefore, the properties of water directly depend on the information and structure that it carries in itself. In nature, water flows in winding channels, absorbing information about everything it comes into contact with in the course of the flow. Therefore, the water from forest springs and streams is the purest - it absorbed the information and energy of the forest, filtered out by silt, pebbles and all kinds of snags that are found on its way. Such water is healing for a person, directly transferring the power of the forest to him. The properties of such water are to charge and heal. Now imagine the way tap water: water is taken to the water treatment plant (the first stress it experiences); then it is cleaned with all kinds of chemicals, chlorinated and put into the water supply; before entering our faucet, water passes through hundreds and thousands of pipes, the joints of which have a right angle (this destructs water, breaks its molecular structure, since there are no right angles in nature); passing through thousands of houses, water absorbs information about each of them (can you imagine how much energy garbage it collects along the way?), and, in the end, we turn on the tap and observe all this energy muck. I will give a simple example so that a person who is not initiated into bioenergy can understand it more clearly. Where would it be more convenient for you to be (morally, psychologically and energetically) - in a pine forest or in a busy office? The answer is obvious. The house you live in is full of families that fight, have a depressive mood, and radiate other negativity. And all this water, passing through the pipes located in their apartments, absorbs it and carries it to your tap. This changes its structure and information field (in the illustrations I give a photo from the film “Water”, so that you can clearly see this; these are pictures of a frozen water crystal under various emotional influences - before taking a photo, certain words were said to the water, they showed a photo, put music). And we drink all this negativity!

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How to remove all this negative information so that the water becomes energetically clean again and acquires a natural structure? The answer is simple - freeze and defrost water. Our Nature has infinite wisdom, and everything has already been foreseen by Her from the very beginning of the Earth. After freezing, the water, as it were, "resets to zero" - it again restores its original structural, informational and energy state. It is the state that is good for our body. Therefore, the most important property of melt water is purity. In every sense of the word. That is why the most expensive water in the world, which can be found in the store, is water obtained from the Arctic ice.

The benefits of melt water

The benefit of melt water, first of all, is that it is chemically and energetically close to natural pure water. And this is the most important important condition in order for such water to perform its functions in our body. And it has a lot of functions:

1 - to cleanse our body of toxins and toxins - one of the main functions of water. It is with the help of water that the body is cleansed. Therefore, one who drinks little water has a large amount of toxins and toxins. During the day we drink very little water, from the strength of a liter will be typed. We drink large amounts of tea, juices, sodas and all kinds of other drinks, sincerely believing that in order to restore water balance It's enough. However, the body needs WATER, because all other drinks for the body are FOOD (remember this once and for all!). It doesn't occur to you to wash the dishes with tea or cola. Then why is it that most people do not pay due attention to drinking the amount of water per day that the body needs for self-purification? The daily norm is 2-2.5 liters of water (namely water (!), Not tea and other things just listed). Try to drink melt water in the right amount, and in no more than a month you will feel a significant improvement in health. Important: this norm designed for healthy person who do not have kidney problems (sand, stones, etc.). If you have such problems, consult your doctor about daily allowance water.

Melt water can be called an elixir of health and youth. It is a high quality pure "product" containing minimal amount heavy and deuterium water. Melt water has invaluable benefits for the human body of any age. It is a natural energetic, gives a significant recharge of energy, saturates the entire human body with health and strength. Melt water can cause harm only if it is used in excess or if the cooking technology at home is violated.

What is the use of melt water

Properly prepared and properly taken melt water brings undoubted benefits to the body, which is expressed in accelerating metabolic processes, getting rid of allergies of any kind, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, removing toxins and toxins from the body, strengthening immunity, improving digestion, increasing efficiency, activating memory, sleep improvement.

Also, the use of melt water has a positive effect on blood quality, heart function, and helps.

The use of melt water in the treatment of skin diseases along with the prescribed treatment helps to eliminate itching, irritation and hyperthermia on the third or fourth day of treatment. This speeds up the transition period. pathological process into the regressive stage.

The use of pure liquid slows down the aging process of the body. Melt water promotes the activation of metabolism, removal from the body harmful substances, there is an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, which helps to get rid of extra pounds and there is a gradual soft weight loss.

What structure do we get after defrosting

Melt water is obtained from melted ice. When water freezes, its structure changes.

It has been proven that water absorbs information. To remove "bad" information, water needs to acquire energy purity in order to return to its original structure. Freezing and its subsequent defrosting help to restore its energy purity. As a result of simple actions, the composition of water is “reset to zero”, its original state is restored - energy, informational and structural.

The use of pure glacial water helps to purify the blood in the human body. What gives pure blood? Carries blood to all organs useful material. Purified blood in the body contributes to the activation of immune processes, regulation of metabolism, activation brain activity, cleaning blood vessels and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. In order to start all these processes, it is necessary to consume at least 200 ml of melt water daily.

Melt water properties

Ordinary water, after freezing and subsequent thawing, changes its structure. Its molecules become smaller and similar in structure to the protoplasm of human cells. This allows molecules to easily penetrate cell membranes. This process accelerates chemical reactions organism.

The useful properties of melt water are improved due to the removal of deuterium, a heavy isotope, during the freezing process. Deuterium in in large numbers present in tap water. Its presence negatively affects the cells of the body, causing them significant harm. Even a small amount of deuterium removed from water helps to heal the body, release energy reserves, and stimulate all life processes.

The main advantage of drinking melt water is its purity. It is completely free of chlorides, salts, isotope molecules, and other hazardous substances and compounds.

Rules for the use of melt water

Daily intake of 500-700 grams of such water helps to get a charge of vivacity and improve well-being. It is recommended to drink the first dose of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before meals. During the day, drink the rest half an hour before meals three times a day.

Water must be drunk immediately after defrosting, so that its temperature is not higher than 10 degrees. If for some reason cold water you can’t drink, don’t let it warm up above 30 degrees.

How to prepare melted water at home

Melt water is not just thawed water or thawed ice. By the way, snow and ice taken from the street or in the refrigerator and then thawed is not melt water. Rather, such a composition can be called a bacterial bomb. Natural snow or ice contains a lot of dirt and harmful impurities. A snow coat in the refrigerator can also contain refrigerants and other dangerous substances, as well as have an unpleasant odor.

Making the right melt water at home is not at all difficult. The freezer container should not be made of glass, to avoid damage up to a split due to the increase in water volume during the freezing process. Metal utensils are also not suitable. The effect of its interaction with water will be low. A plastic box or other plastic container with a wide mouth is best suited for freezing.

  1. Pour filtered water or tap water that has been settled for several hours into a prepared container. It is better to take a container of 1 liter. It is convenient to freeze and freezes faster. You can prepare several containers at once.
  2. We close the lid and put (to avoid freezing the container to the bottom of the freezer) on a cardboard stand in the freezer.
  3. After 1.5 hours, the first crust of ice is formed. This is the deuterium that should be removed. Remove the ice crust and continue freezing.
  4. After about six hours, the water in the container will freeze to two-thirds of its volume. We carefully drain the water that has not frozen inside the ice, splitting the ice - this is the so-called light water. It contains all the remaining harmful chemical compounds.

The ice remaining in the container melts natural way at room temperature, without forced heating.

Fresh melt water can be drunk as it melts.

Wellness and medicinal properties melt water is not lost for 8 hours from the moment of defrosting.

Is there any harm from melt water

The benefits of taking melt water are obvious, and it can cause harm to the body only if the cooking technology at home is violated and it is used improperly. If you are forbidden to drink cold drinks, be careful about taking it, start drinking, gradually lowering the temperature.

Also, you should not switch to drinking exclusively melt water. The body must gradually adapt to the liquid without harmful impurities, additives, minerals, salts.

Reception is better to start with 100 ml per day, gradually increasing the volume to 500-700 ml.

It should also be understood that melt water is not a medicine! Starting to drink it is not permissible to refuse prescribed medications. The healing properties of water serve as an excellent cleansing and prophylactic for the body. In the process of treatment, the intake of melt water increases the effectiveness of medicines and promotes a speedy recovery.

I suggest you take a look interesting video about alternative way extraction of melt water, invented by Dr. Toropov:

Water is one of the most important elements for human life. It normalizes metabolism, ensures the normal functioning of the whole organism, affects the condition nervous system and human mood. The liquid extracted from different sources differs in properties. One of the finds for humanity was melt water.

The inhabitants of mountainous regions were the first to use it, extracting it from glaciers and snow by melting it. They noted special effect from the use of such a liquid: increasing the endurance of the body and even increase in life expectancy.

V modern world many have become interested in the beneficial properties of the wonderful liquid and are increasingly resorting to recipes from it, not only for eating, but also in cosmetology. You can prepare such a liquid at home.

The liquid resulting from melting is different from the tap and bottled water we are used to. After freezing and thawing, water molecules change, they become smaller, which allows them to easier to penetrate into the cells of the body. The energy accumulated in the cells of ice is purified, the liquid is freed from harmful impurities and salts.

As a result of freezing from an ordinary liquid, you can get healing drink with unique palatability . After its use, the state of health improves, the body becomes more resistant to viruses and infections, and metabolism normalizes. To do this, it is enough to drink only one glass of melted drink per day.

The most important difference between melt water and tap water is the absence of deuterium, an isotope that carries great harm organism, destroying living cells. If you regularly drink such a drink, you can quickly cleanse yourself of deuterium.

Since ancient times, women have used ice cubes to treat and prolong the youthfulness of skin and hair. Therefore, its use is widespread not only in cooking and the treatment of internal ailments.

It is necessary to defrost the prepared ice only in a natural way, without heating it. Then all healing properties melt water will be preserved, and its use will only benefit.

Possible harm from drinking melt water

Liquid as such does not harm the body at proper preparation. But if the technology of its harvesting is violated or poor raw materials are used for this, then there will be no benefit from it at all.

In order for the use of liquid to bring only benefits, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is impossible to prepare melt water from snow collected on the street or in the yard. It contains hazardous components that are formed there due to machines and various emissions from industry. Even having gone a considerable distance from the city, it is impossible to achieve the required purity of raw materials. Therefore, in order to avoid heavy metal poisoning, the use of melted snow is strictly not recommended.
  • If you decide to use liquid from the tap for cooking, you need to boil it only once. Repeated boiling leads to the formation of chloride compounds in water, which, if ingested, can cause serious illness.
  • After defrosting raw materials drink melt water as soon as possible. After long storage, useful components evaporate from it. However, be careful: if you tend to frequent colds You can’t drink ice water, let it reach a comfortable temperature.
  • In everything, even the most useful for the body, you need to know the measure. Overuse melt water can cause the cells of the body to cease to perceive normal liquid from a bottle or tap. For normal exchange substances, it is enough to take a third of the liquid in thawed form.

Some people who regularly drink this drink note that they did not notice the miraculous effect of drinking it. This may be due to the fact that it was consumed later for a long time after thawing or excessive heat. It is not recommended to use liquid in cooking, it does not make much sense, because when heated above 40 degrees, it loses all its healing properties and is no different from tap water.

Due to its special structure, melt water is quickly absorbed by the cells of the body, activating the work of all parts of the body. The structure of ice molecules differs from the molecular structure of a substance in a liquid state, it is more organized, therefore it binds other substances better. That is why the melted liquid should be drunk immediately after the ice has been defrosted.

When used, note the following beneficial properties of melt water for humans:

  • As mentioned earlier, in melt water there is no hydrogen isotope dangerous for the body - deuterium, and its use cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, and removes harmful compounds. This gives a person a feeling of cheerfulness, gives good mood and gives strength.
  • It is useful to drink liquid for people who want to lose weight. excess weight. She renders positive influence on human metabolism, food is digested faster, fat is burned more actively. Still, judging by the numerous reviews, during a diet for heating ice water human body spends more time and energy, resulting in weight loss.
  • The heart starts to work better, a blood composition improves. It's connected with soft composition melt water. As a result, the brain begins to work more actively, the body receives more energy and becomes more resilient.
  • Beneficial to drink skin diseases, it quickly penetrates the skin cells, healing it, restoring and rejuvenating.
  • If you drink melt water regularly for prevention, you can avoid colds.

Thus, the liquid is useful in cosmetic purposes for rejuvenation of the skin and the whole body. It is important for maintaining immunity, removes toxins and toxins, is quickly absorbed into cells and thus helps in maintaining body shape and losing weight.

In order to prevent diseases, it is enough to drink liquid according to two glasses a day one hour before meals. This will provide the body with the necessary energy. Gradually with regular intake health will improve, immunity will increase.

To correctly calculate the dosage necessary for the body, you need to multiply the body weight by 5 milliliters of water. So it turns out required amount fluids to drink throughout the day. It is divided into 3 doses and drunk before meals.

As previously mentioned, the most successful way to take it is to use it immediately after defrosting. Do not heat it above 9-12 degrees, as useful elements can evaporate from it.

To achieve maximum useful effect liquid can be combined with herbal infusions or insist herbs directly on the melted liquid. Such recipes are especially useful for allergy sufferers.

You can buy bottled water in the store or boil tap water to prepare the liquid. You can not boil it more than once! For freezing, a plastic bag or a glass plate or pan is suitable. There should be no enamel on the dishes, it is also not recommended to use metal containers so that the water does not absorb impurities.

The liquid is poured from the bottle into a prepared container and placed in the freezer. After the first layer of ice has appeared on the surface, it must be removed and removed, the remaining water should be placed again in the cold.

Not all the liquid in the container freezes. In the process of freezing, when a small unfrozen area remains in the middle, the resulting ice is split and removed. excess water. The resulting pieces of ice can already be used at your discretion by defrosting it at room temperature.

Even if you do not feel any special differences from drinking tap and melt water, your body still receives the necessary energy and is gradually cleansed. Over time, the effect will manifest itself, and the body will tell you: “Thank you!”.

Recipes for weight loss

Now it has become popular to use melt water as one of the elements of weight loss diets. Its preparation is no different from the method described above. Only the method of its use for weight loss will be slightly different. To get the desired effect, you should increase the dosage and frequency of fluid intake: per day you need drink melt water at least three times in one glass. You need to do this every time before eating.

The ideal water temperature for weight loss is between 4 and 11 degrees. It's okay if ice crystals remain in it - the body will need to spend more energy to warm them up, and this is exactly the effect we need.

With regular use of melt water, metabolism will improve, metabolism will accelerate. The food that enters the body will be absorbed faster, thereby prolonging the feeling of fullness. The best results can be achieved with constant proper nutrition and physical activity is the key to the effectiveness of any diet.

Other ways to use the liquid

You can use the miraculous liquid not only inside. There are several more ways to strengthen the body and prolong youth with the help of melt water:

  • Treatment of warts. For this, celandine, infused with melted water, is perfect. First, it must be poured with boiling water and put in the freezer for at least 2.5 hours. The resulting ice can be used to treat the affected areas of the skin or make compresses by soaking the cloth in melted water.
  • Treatment of diseases digestive system. The use of liquid in small quantities is perfect, it is enough to drink it in small sips 3 times a day before meals.
  • If you suffer from heartburn after eating, you can get rid of this symptom very simply. At the very first attacks, you need to drink a wonderful liquid in small sips, and heartburn will quickly pass.
  • It is useful for diabetics to drink such a liquid, one glass three times a day.
  • If your hair is unknown reasons began to fall out, this can be stopped by massaging the scalp with ice cubes for 5-10 minutes. You can combine melt water with herbal infusions against hair loss, such as nettle.

If you do not violate the rules for taking melt water, it will only benefit the body, relieve diseases and restore beauty and youth. It is not difficult to prepare it even at home from tap water.

From children's fairy tales, everyone knows that there is living and dead water. All this, of course, was always perceived only in a fabulous way.

However, it turned out that the semblance of living water actually exists not in a fairy tale, but in reality.

We are talking about melt water. She is truly credited miraculous properties. But we must always remember that by itself it is not able to treat any disease.

It only gives support to our body, strengthening it. So replace her medicines impermissible.

Melt water - what is it?

It is a liquid after thawing ordinary frozen water. Her beneficial effect on the body has been known since ancient times.

It was drunk and washed by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

After all, at that time there were no creams and lotions. And as a result of washing with such water, their skin was healthy and clean.

Melt water was certainly present in the bath, hair was rinsed with it.

Thanks to this, they became lush and acquired shine. She even watered the plants. As a result, their growth accelerated, they became stronger.

Scientists set up an interesting experiment on old cats that have lost the ability to give birth to kittens. Whole month they were not given water to drink, but melted water. The results were amazing. Cats again acquired the ability to give birth to kittens.

Its composition is truly high quality. It contains a minimal amount of deuterium and heavy water.

In its structure, it is a natural energy drink, which gives the whole body a tremendous boost.

At the same time, the body, as it were, is saturated with energy, acquires strength to protect itself from different kind adversity.

Structure of melt water

The main part of our body is water. However, it is not simple, not the one that flows from a faucet.

This water is structured.

Ideally, the body should receive water that is as close as possible to the water of the body itself.

No salt heavy metals and other rubbish in it should not be.

The mineral composition in it should be presented in complete harmony of their combination.

Naturally, there should be no talk of any bacteria and viruses at all. Only under such conditions the body is able to absorb water without any additional costs.

Structured water refers to unboiled water that has been frozen.

Berry and juice products can serve as an example of such water. No wonder it is considered the most useful. It contains water with biological activity. Such products are quite easily absorbed by our body.

The molecules here are linked to each other. In plain water, their chaotic dispersion is observed.

Several better structure than tap water, rainwater has. Therefore, subjectively, it is softer and more tender.

An established fact is the circumstance under which it is legitimate to say that water has a memory. Words, music, etc. can influence its structure. Even thoughts can influence this.

Church water has a structured character, as it is cleansed of various negative information.

It has been noticed that those who constantly use structured water are much less likely to get sick with colds.

However, it should be noted right away that in full positive traits only 12 hours are saved.

After this period, all its useful properties disappear.

The benefits of melt water and why is it better than ordinary water?

Indeed, what is the use of melt water?

Since ancient times, it has been noted that when using such water, the benefits for the body are invaluable:

  1. When drinking this water, metabolic processes proceed at an accelerated rate.
  2. Risk of occurrence allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Melt water contributes to the fact that toxins and slags simply leave the body.
  4. Thanks to the use of such water, the body's immunity is on the rise. It becomes stronger and is able to withstand the action of various negative agents.
  5. The indisputable fact is that under the influence of such water digestion is significantly improved.
  6. The person begins to feel much better. Sleep is normalized, memory becomes better, physical endurance improves and overall performance increases.

The elimination of many problems associated with vessels is noted:

  • the work of the heart is normalized;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • improves the quality of the blood;
  • disappear discomfort at varicose veins veins.

Melt water solves many problems associated with skin diseases, in the development of which allergy plays a certain role:

  • eczematous skin lesions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

Melt water plays a certain role in the fight against the processes that cause the aging of the body.

Such water is excellent remedy for the prevention of obesity. It helps to get rid of extra pounds. To do this, it is enough to drink one glass of it every day. Therefore, it can be used for weight loss.

How to make melt water yourself at home?

It is quite possible to do this at home.

In order to achieve maximum effect a number of rules must be followed:

  • natural ice or snow should not be used as a base, as they contain a lot of dirt. It is necessary to freeze drinking water;
  • freezing should be carried out in a plastic container, but not in glass, as it can burst;
  • do not use metal containers for these purposes, since the effect will be low;
  • do not use a “fur coat” from the freezer for these purposes;
  • after the water has thawed, it must be consumed within 8 hours. After that, all its healing properties will disappear.

The preparation of such water is quite simple.

To get an answer to the question of how to prepare melt water at home, you must consistently perform a series of actions:

  1. A liter of tap water is poured (convenient for freezing).
  2. The water should stand for several hours.
  3. The water container must be plastic. It must be covered and placed in the refrigerator.
  4. After a certain time, the top layer will be covered with a crust. It must be removed, because it contains deuterium.
  5. After removing the crust, the water is re-placed in the refrigerator.
  6. When the ice fills the container up to 2/3 of the volume, the remaining water must be drained. It contains many harmful chemicals.
  7. The remaining ice melts. But he must melt only naturally, that is, simply melt at room temperature.

It is easy to see that it is not difficult to cook this at home.

How to use melt water?

When the product is ready, it remains to find out how to drink melt water?

The tonic effect can be felt with just one sip.

If you drink 2 glasses daily, you can feel a surge of vigor.

The first dose should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Daily consumption water is carried out at the rate of 5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

It cannot be said that the use of melt water can harm the body, but one should not consider it a panacea for everything, and replace medicines with it.

Each of us knows that water supports life and contributes to the flow of all processes in the body. Of course, the cleaner it is, the more benefits it brings to us. The preparation of melt water at home allows you to get a liquid purified from harmful impurities that even an expensive filter cannot handle. Making such water is not difficult at all and everyone can do it. We will tell you how to get the miraculous elixir of longevity and youth.

Useful qualities of melt water

It has long been no secret that melt water is of great benefit to the body. How is it different from ordinary liquid? Firstly, melt water contains fewer harmful substances. Secondly, ice has an ordered crystalline structure that interacts well with our cells.

Cooking melt water at home is a fairly common phenomenon among connoisseurs traditional medicine. Regular use such a liquid allows:

  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Cleanse and rejuvenate the body.
  • Improve blood composition and heart function.
  • Speed ​​up metabolism and get rid of excess weight.

In addition, melt water helps to improve sleep and increase efficiency. People with high cholesterol doctors recommend drinking melted water. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, therefore it is considered one of the main reasons for longevity.

What water to use

As mentioned above, the preparation of melt water at home is quite simple and does not require special skills. But before you start it, you should find out what kind of water you need to use. The fact is that some liquid can not only not be beneficial, but also harm the body.

It is best to take for the past filtering. It is not recommended to use liquid that has been boiled several times. Tap water contains a lot of chlorine, which, with repeated heat treatment, can contribute to the formation of cancer.

For the preparation of melt water at home, you can not take ice or snow from the street. They contain a lot of harmful chemical substances which would be extremely difficult to get rid of. Dust, dirt, exhaust gases - all this settles on the surface of the snow and penetrates into the thickness of the ice. It is better not to risk your health and refuse to get water in the open air.

How to prepare melt water? Cooking melt water at home

The correct one consists of three stages: primary and secondary freezing, thawing. Let's talk about each process in more detail.

As we have already said, water should be passed through the filter, and then poured into a saucepan (necessarily enameled) or plastic bottle. It is worth remembering that when freezing, the liquid expands, so you do not need to pour to the brim. After that, close the lid and send it to the freezer. By the way, in winter it can be taken out to the balcony so as not to take up space in the refrigerator.

After a few hours, deuterium ice forms on the surface of the water. It is frozen containing harmful impurities. The crust of ice on top must be removed. Then you need to pour the still not frozen water into any dishes. This is unprepared melt water. Cooking healthy liquid at home will take a long time, but the result is worth it. Now you need to carefully clean the walls of the container from deuterium ice.

Refreezing water

The next step will be freezing not all the water, but about 70% of its volume. Again we put the container with water in the cold and wait. This process it is recommended to control over time in order to know in the future how many hours a certain amount of liquid freezes.

After that, we take out the ice and pour out the unfrozen water. It is saturated with harmful impurities and a solution of salts that melt water contains. Cooking at home pure water is to get absolutely clear ice. To do this, we place the ice floe under the stream warm water and thoroughly wash the white and yellow spots.


This process should proceed independently, under the influence of room temperature. Ice can be left in the same container in which it was frozen, or you can break off a piece with a knife and place it in a glass of water.

Remember that the melting process cannot be accelerated by heating. It will make you disappear useful properties, which melt water has. How to cook it right? Yes, just wait until the ice melts. This will happen gradually. You can drain the water into a glass as it accumulates in the container and drink.

How to drink melt water

How useful is melt water, how to cook it at home - you already know. But how to use this miraculous drink? Daily dose melt water is about two glasses. It should be drunk in small sips. Otherwise, cold liquid can lead to sore throat.

When heated to room temperature, water gradually loses useful qualities, so in a day it will no longer differ from tap water. The same goes for heat treatment. You can use such water in cooking, but it doesn’t make much sense.

So, we told you how to make melt water at home. Now you can prepare a healing liquid yourself and enjoy excellent well-being and health. And most importantly - you do not have to spend money on filters and water purification systems.