Norms of ovarian size according to ultrasound data. Why is an ultrasound of the ovaries performed on a woman?

For every woman of childbearing age, it is very important to know the health of her internal organs, especially the ovaries. This is no coincidence, because a woman’s ability to have children depends on them. Let's consider the main parameters and indicators that the ovaries of a healthy woman should have.

Only women are endowed with ovaries by nature, which is associated with the function of childbirth. The ovaries are a special type of female where the complete formation, development and maturation of eggs occurs. Every woman has two paired ovaries in her body, located in. By location, the paired ovaries occupy a position on the sides of the uterus, due to which they become quite distinguishable during an ultrasound examination of the body. If, due to some circumstances, detection of one of the two ovaries becomes inaccessible, the doctor focuses on the area of ​​the iliac vein. Thus, under any circumstances related to a woman’s health, the ovaries are clearly visible in her body.

In a healthy woman, the shape of the ovary is somewhat flattened, but it is quite mobile and visible during examination. The flattened shape indicates their healthy condition. The size of the right and left ovary varies and this is normal. This is especially noticeable among representatives of the fair sex who are of reproductive age. At the same time, they fully perform the functions assigned to them.

The size of a woman's ovary is influenced by her age, the number of pregnancies with childbirth, the stages of menstruation and methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy by using oral contraceptives.

The size of one ovary relative to another can change and fluctuate significantly.

Features of the ovaries:

  • The internal structure of the ovary has two layers: the cortex and the medulla. Both layers are clearly visible when examined in detail through special magnifying devices.
  • On the outside, each ovary is covered with a special layer of the tunica albuginea.
  • The outer or cortical layer of the ovary is characterized by the presence of follicles of varying maturity.These follicles are represented by two main types: primary immature, also called primordial, and mature, also called prevoulatory. All types of follicles perform certain functions in the female body.

With the help of ultrasound examination, specialists can identify changes occurring in their structural structure, including those of a negative nature. Typically, such procedures are carried out during the first week of menstruation. When conducting this type of study, specialists pay great attention to the volumetric indicators of each ovary. After all, the health status of each ovary depends on their numbers, and the type of a particular pathology in the body is determined.

Size of a healthy woman's ovaries

In a healthy woman, the size of the ovaries is within the following limits:

  • Volume ranges from 4 to 10 cubic centimeters
  • Width varies from 18 to 30 millimeters
  • Thickness ranges from 16 to 22 millimeters
  • Length ranges from 20 to 37 millimeters

For a more detailed examination of the internal structure, the anatomy of the ovaries is examined taking into account the phases of menstruation. In a woman in the early follicular phase, which falls between the fifth and seventh days of the menstrual cycle, ultrasound examination shows a white capsule with ten follicles located on the periphery, measuring up to six millimeters. Already in the middle follicular stage, which falls on the tenth menstrual day, a dominant follicle is clearly visible, reaching a size of fifteen millimeters. This follicle does not end its development here, but continues to develop further. The smaller follicular cells located nearby finish developing in the female body. This happens even if they have gained about ten millimeters.

The late follicular stage, which falls on the fourteenth menstrual day, is a period of active growth of the dominant follicle.

Sometimes the growth process of a given follicle becomes so active that the increase occurs by several millimeters every day. When an actively growing follicle becomes eighteen millimeters in size, doctors note the rapid process of ovulation in the body. This usually occurs when the follicle reaches eighteen millimeters in size. At the same time, the ongoing changes in the structure of its internal and external structure become noticeable.

In addition to the follicular stage, the luteal phases play a special role:

  • So, in the early luteal phase, which falls on the fifteenth day, the corpus luteum is formed in the female body. Its dimensions range from fifteen to twenty millimeters. All this happens at the ovulation position.
  • With the onset of the middle luteal stage, the active and rapid growth of the corpus luteum begins in the female body. Typically, this process occurs during the twentieth day of the menstrual cycle. The corpus luteum grows, acquiring size indicators ranging from 25 to 27 millimeters.
  • Then the late luteal phase begins, ending on the twenty-seventh day. During its period, the process of reduction of the corpus luteum and its slow extinction are clearly evident. It becomes similar to a ten millimeter object. As soon as a woman begins menstruation, the fading corpus luteum completely disappears.

If a period begins in the female body, a period of activity begins for the corpus luteum, lasting almost two weeks. At the same time, progesterone is actively synthesized in the female body. At this stage, the release of a new egg is completed.

Useful information from the video about ovarian inflammation.

With pregnancy there is a noticeable increase in the size of the ovaries.This is observed in all women in this position. The reason for this increase is the active blood flow carrying blood to these organs. Pregnancy is also associated with a change in their position compared to the original one. The change in the position of the ovaries goes towards the upper part of the small pelvis. This is facilitated by the uterus enlarging in this position.

With the onset of the postmenopausal stage in the fair sex, there is a noticeable reduction in the size of both ovaries.

They even become equal in volume. In this case, the dimensional parameters of the ovaries will be as follows: the volume ranges from 1.5 to 4 cubic centimeters, the width varies from 12 to 15 millimeters, the length ranges from 20 to 25 millimeters, and the thickness ranges from 9 to 12 millimeters. Such size indicators are considered the norm for a healthy woman.

If the doctor finds a difference in the volumetric indicators of the ovaries of the female body, exceeding one and a half cubic centimeters, or one of the ovaries is almost twice as large as the other, it means that the woman is developing a pathology. In such cases, appropriate tests are immediately scheduled to make an accurate diagnosis, and treatment begins.

One of the most common types of pathological changes in the structural structure of the ovaries is the appearance of formations in them, called cysts. A cyst on the ovary is the formation of a small bubble that is filled with fluid. This bubble can form both on the surface of the body of the ovary and in its thickness. The resulting cyst can have different sizes. They vary in the range from millimeter to centimeter indicators.

If an ovarian cyst is significant in size, it can be easily detected by ultrasound examination of a woman’s ovaries.

The cause of cysts on the ovaries is the functional activity of the data. Often this pathology does not pose a great threat to the health and life of a woman, but there are cases when the cyst that appears is a symptom of the development of a serious disease in the body. To dispel all doubts about the cyst that is forming, the woman is sent to the hospital for a full examination and the necessary tests. If the cyst carries signs of a pathological nature, then the woman is prescribed special treatment.

Every month in the body of a healthy woman occursthe formation of one cyst, different in size from other vesicles:

  • The cyst appears in the ovary and becomes clearly visible among the other follicles. It is called dominant or Graf's follicle.
  • This type of follicle contains in its structure an egg cell, immersed in a special liquid and at the stage of its maturation.
  • The follicle containing it has a significant size - from 25 to 28 millimeters. That's why he stands out more than others.
  • As soon as the menstrual cycle reaches its midpoint, the dominant vesicle ruptures, and the female reproductive cell contained in it is released. This cell goes directly into the cavity of the fallopian tube.
  • At this time, this egg can be fertilized. Conception is associated with the development of new life in the female body.

In the place where the dominant follicle bursts, what is medically called the “corpus luteum” is formed. The corpus luteum is a small compaction of part of the ovary in the center of which lies a small vesicle. During this period, there is an active production of hormones, which help maintain the developing pregnancy.

Sometimes the fluid-filled dominant vesicle in the structural structure of the ovary does not burst, but on the contrary continues to actively grow.

The volume of liquid inside it also increases. Such a vesicle is considered a follicular cyst. In medical practice, cases are even known and described when the corpus luteum also becomes a formation that is very reminiscent of a cyst. In other words, the formation of cysts on the ovaries occurs during their normal functioning in the body of a healthy woman.

Another fairly common type of ovarian pathology is the formation of a cancerous tumor on them. In the first stages of the appearance of this pathology, it does not reveal itself at all and is practically invisible. This helps the disease spread without much resistance from the body. Of all women with cancer, only a third were diagnosed with cancer in the early stages. In other cases, the disease showed virtually no symptoms. Typically, ovarian cancers become noticeable as the disease progresses to advanced stages. In order not to start this disease in the body, women should periodically check their internal organs, especially the ovaries, because their ability to become mothers depends on them.

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries is the most important examination for women aimed at diagnosing complications, pathologies or diseases of the reproductive system of the female body. The ovaries themselves are small glands that are located in the pelvic area in women. The shape, size and presence of pathologies in the ovaries can be identified in different ways, but the most popular and effective is an ultrasound examination of the ovaries.

Who is prescribed an ultrasound examination of the ovaries? Indications for undergoing an ultrasound examination of the ovaries?

An ultrasound examination of the ovaries is best performed in conjunction with an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. This will allow you to visualize a complete picture of the health of the genitourinary and reproductive systems. An ultrasound examination of the ovaries is prescribed if pathologies of the reproductive system are suspected:

  • For disorders of the female cycle (duration or irregularity of menstruation)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Various neoplasms
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Mastopathy
  • Infertility
  • For diagnostic purposes to prevent whitening
  • How to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the ovaries?

    The main thing that needs to be done is to properly prepare for an ultrasound examination of the ovaries. You need to follow a diet and fill your bladder 2 hours before the examination. More detailed recommendations below.

    3 days before the procedure

    The evening before the event


    From your daily diet you need to exclude foods that can contribute to increased gas formation: fatty fish and meat, carbonated drinks, brown bread, sweet products, dairy products, juices, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

    Light dinner, last meal no later than 20:00. You should not eat meat and fish products, even if they are dietary.

    In cases where the examination is scheduled for the morning, breakfast on the day of admission is excluded

    If there is a stable tendency to constipation, then it is imperative to take a laxative orally no later than 16:00.

    The examination is after 15:00, then a light breakfast is possible, but no later than 11:00

    Meals should be fractional, in small volumes, 4-5 times a day

    If the patient’s body does not tolerate laxatives well, then you can use a Besacodyl suppository (constipation suppositories)

    1-2 hours before the procedure, fill your bladder by drinking 1-2 liters of water

    2 days before the test, you need to do an enema to cleanse the intestines.

    IMPORTANT: Before the procedure itself, you should not smoke, take antispasmodics, chew gum, suck lollipops or other sweets.

    Permitted for use: durum grain porridge, lean poultry, lean fish, cheese, tea, coffee.

    Sign up for an ovarian ultrasound

    How is an ultrasound examination of the ovaries done?

    Ultrasound examination of the ovaries can be performed using three different methods: transabdominal method, transrectal method or transvaginal method.

    With the transabdominal method, the pelvic organs are examined through the patient's abdominal wall. This method is absolutely painless and safe for the human body.

    With the transrectal method, a sensor with a disposable condom and applied gel is inserted into the rectum. This method is used extremely rarely and only in cases where the patient has contraindications for two other methods of diagnosing the ovaries. Discomfort may occur when the sensor is inserted and moved in the rectum. If you feel pain, tell your doctor immediately.

    With the transvaginal method, a sensor with a disposable condom and applied gel is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 3-4 cm. This procedure is less unpleasant than a standard examination on a gynecological chair. Pain and severe physical discomfort can be observed if patients have serious pathological abnormalities of the internal genital organs. This is the most informative method! It is best to be examined on the 10th day of the cycle. Important: in the 3rd trimester, this examination method can stimulate muscle tone, which leads to undesirable consequences.

    Cost of ultrasound examination of the ovaries

    Where to get an ultrasound examination of the ovaries in Moscow?

    At the DoctorStolet multidisciplinary medical center, you can always undergo an examination - an ultrasound examination of the ovaries. Our medical center is located between the Konkovo ​​and Belyaevo metro stations. The journey from each of them will take no more than 10 minutes. Here you will find highly qualified personnel and the most modern diagnostic equipment. Our clients will be pleasantly surprised by our quite affordable prices.

    The ovaries are the important reproductive organs of a woman. These are symmetrical organs located on either side of the uterus and located in the pelvis. They produce eggs, which then travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. Since violations of their functions can lead to serious consequences for reproductive function and cause health problems, a woman’s normal size is an important indicator that must be taken into account when examining the genital organs.

    The average size of the ovaries in a woman of childbearing age

    In a healthy young woman who is of reproductive age, the size of the ovaries may vary slightly depending on the level and condition of the body. The size of the right and left ovaries may not be the same, but the difference is usually no more than a few millimeters. A sharp and disproportionate change in their dimensions may indicate the presence of a tumor or an inflammatory process.

    The size of these gonads depends on many factors that can affect fluctuations in the size of a woman’s ovaries during different phases of the menstrual cycle.

    In order to most accurately analyze this data and take correct measurements, ultrasound examination is usually performed from the fifth to the seventh day of the menstrual cycle. The main indicator is not the length or width of the ovary, but its volume, since it is this that can indicate the presence of tumors, cysts and inflammation.

    If you measure the size of a woman’s ovaries normally, then these indicators can be as follows:

    • Volume – from 4 to 10 cubic centimeters.
    • Length – from 20 to 37 mm.
    • Width – from 18 to 30 mm.
    • Thickness – from 16 to 22 mm.

    As you can see, the “scatter” of indicators is quite large, so measuring the size of the ovaries is not the only type on the basis of which a diagnosis can be immediately made. Many indicators must be taken into account.

    Causes of changes in the size of a woman's ovaries

    Throughout a woman's life, the size of a woman's ovaries can normally change. It depends on age, the number of all pregnancies, including those that ended in childbirth, the day of the menstrual cycle, as well as on the use of hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives.

    “Starting” at puberty, a woman’s ovaries undergo a number of changes throughout her life that are considered normal conditions. When these paired organs increase in size due to the fact that blood flow in the genital organs increases significantly to supply nutrients to the fetus. At the same time, the ovaries can change their usual position in the woman’s body: since the uterus with the growing fetus continuously increases, it shifts these organs from the top with its dimensions. The growth in size of the ovaries is only a few millimeters. During pregnancy, the ovaries do not produce eggs or estrogen. Instead, they produce progesterone, a hormone necessary for conception, gestation and childbirth.

    After childbirth, in parallel with the involution of the uterus, a decrease in the size of the ovaries occurs.

    The placental blood circulation disappears, the overall blood flow decreases, the ovaries gradually return to their original state within 2 months, resuming the synthesis of estrogen, preparing the body for the resumption of reproductive function. This happens if the woman does not practice breastfeeding, otherwise restoration of the size and normal functioning of the ovaries will occur only after breastfeeding is completed.

    With age, a woman's reproductive function begins to fade and this is reflected in the size of the ovaries. They gradually begin to decrease and by the time a woman enters the postmenopausal stage, both organs acquire the same size.

    Normal dimensions are considered:

    • The volume of the ovary is from 1.5 to 4 cubic centimeters.
    • Length – from 20 to 25 mm.
    • Width – from 12 to 15 mm.
    • Thickness – from 9 to 12 mm.

    In the first years of the postmenopausal period, despite the absence of menstruation, a woman’s ovaries continue to produce single follicles, so millimeter fluctuations in the size of these organs are possible.

    Pathologies leading to changes in ovarian size

    When determining possible pathologies in the body, it is necessary to take into account the normal size of a woman’s ovaries. An indicator of serious violations may be an increase in one of the ovaries by a factor of two or more. If you determine the volume, then the pathology becomes an enlargement of the ovary by 1.5 cubic centimeters or more.

    If such a significant enlargement of the ovary is not detected, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

    • Ovarian cyst of different types.
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome (multiple small cysts).
    • Benign tumors.
    • Malignant tumors.
    • Metastases.
    • Congenital pathologies of the size or structure of the ovary.

    Indications for urgent surgical intervention include such emergency conditions as purulent inflammation of the ovary and its torsion. If surgery is not performed in time, the problem can become very complicated, even fatal.

    The most dangerous, life-threatening condition is ovarian cancer.

    Gynecological cancer is the second leading cause of death after cancer. If during an ultrasound examination it is possible to determine the initial stages of the disease, the woman has a chance of survival and even recovery. It is much worse if the tumor reaches a large size or is a metastasis of the underlying disease. That is why timely and regular testing will help to detect a possible disease in the early stages of its development and quickly take action.

    More information about ovarian function and ovarian cysts can be found in the video.

    An alarming symptom is a sharp decrease in the size of the ovaries, which occurs in a woman of childbearing age.This condition is often called “premature menopause”, since the ovaries are “switched off” from the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. It most often affects women between 37 and 40 years old.

    The uterus also shows signs of significant changes, it is reduced in size, its walls are very thin, and there are no follicles in the ovaries.

    Menstruation stops, and after it disappears after a few months, a woman may experience symptoms characteristic of menopause:

    • Excessive sweating
    • Irritability
    • Nervousness
    • Sleep disorders
    • Weight loss or gain
    • Sudden feeling of heat - “hot flashes”, etc.

    If this condition is detected in a timely manner, hormone replacement therapy is carried out, functions are restored, and the woman may still become pregnant.

    Ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries in gynecology is considered the most accessible and effective examination method. Using ultrasound, a doctor can quickly diagnose various gynecological diseases in women, assess the size, location and structure of the female reproductive organs.

    Uterus and ovaries

    In what cases is a study prescribed?

    There are certain indications for prescribing ultrasound diagnostics of the condition of the uterus and ovaries. These include:

    • Carrying out folliculometry when planning pregnancy.
    • Diagnosis of pregnancy, determination of the site of attachment of the fertilized egg (to exclude ectopic pregnancy).
    • Ultrasound is done as part of IVF.
    • Detection of ovarian cysts.
    • Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
    • Bloody discharge outside of menstruation.
    • Heavy, painful periods.


    • Lower back pain.
    • Suspicion of uterine and ovarian cancer, diagnosis of uterine polyp.

    Types of ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology

    There are two main methods for performing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs:

    1. Transvaginal ultrasound is performed using a special sensor that is inserted into the woman’s vagina. The method is more accurate and can show pregnancy in the early stages, but in some cases its use is impossible.
    2. Transabdominal - the doctor does a scan through the abdominal wall; organs are better visualized with a full bladder.

    How to prepare for the examination?

    Preparation for the study directly depends on what methods the doctor will use in diagnosis.

    When conducting a transvaginal examination, a woman is advised to prepare herself by completely emptying her bladder.

    During a transabdominal examination, preparation is that the bladder should be as full as possible. This is due to the fact that ultrasonic waves pass well through the aquatic environment, which significantly improves the visualization of internal organs. Therefore, shortly before the examination, it is recommended to drink about a liter of liquid - plain water or tea.

    1.5 hours before the transabdominal examination, you need to drink up to 1 liter of water

    It is important to find out in advance the method by which the research will be carried out so as not to confuse the preparation method.

    A common point in preparation for both types of examination is to limit the consumption of foods that increase gas formation in the intestines the day before the examination - distended intestinal loops prevent the passage of ultrasound to the pelvic organs, distorting the results.

    When is the best time to conduct research?

    In order to diagnose gynecological diseases, the study is best done in the first days of the cycle - 5-7 days after the onset of menstruation, when the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) is at its thinnest, due to which visualization is better and the likelihood of detecting tumors and polyps increases.

    In order not to confuse the days of the cycle and to come for the examination correctly, women are recommended to keep a calendar in which the days of menstruation should be noted.

    Menstruation calendar

    To assess ovarian function, it is better to do several ultrasounds within one menstrual cycle. It is determined which follicle is dominant, the progress of its maturation, the release of a mature egg and the formation of the corpus luteum are monitored. The presence of cysts on the surface is also diagnosed. The correct course of all these processes plays a major role in a woman’s ability to become pregnant and bear a child.

    Interpretation of examination results

    When performing ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, the doctor acts according to an examination protocol, which includes the study of the following parameters:

    • Location of the uterus in the pelvis: Normally, the uterus is in the anteflexio position, that is, tilted slightly forward.
    • External contour of the uterus: Normally clear and even. Uneven contours can be caused by benign tumors or cancer. When the doctor detects blurred edges, we can talk about the inflammatory process of the surrounding tissues.
    • Dimensions: length on average is 7 cm, thickness 6 cm, length in the anterior-posterior direction can be within 4.5 cm.
    • Echogenicity of the myometrium: Normally homogeneous, an increase in this parameter raises the question of the development of cancer.
    • : this parameter directly depends on what day of the woman’s menstrual cycle she has. To facilitate diagnosis, changes in the endometrium were divided into phases:
      1. Regeneration – restoration of the endometrium after menstruation (2-4 days, beginning of the cycle).
      2. Proliferation is the growth of the endometrium. The thickness of the mucosa can increase from 3-5 to 10-15 mm (5-14 days).
      3. Secretory phase - the thickness of the endometrium during this period reaches its maximum values ​​on the day of ovulation - 16-20 mm. The mucous membrane is preparing for a possible pregnancy.

    Pathological and normal endometrium

    • Assessment of the condition of the uterine cavity: homogeneous with clear and even edges.
    • Condition of the cervix: The normal length of the cervix can be 36-41 mm, the cervical canal is filled with mucous mass. The diameter of the endocervix is ​​2-4 mm. In the case when the diameter is increased, they speak of the presence of inflammation or serious diseases such as cervical cancer and endometriosis.
    • Free fluid in the retrouterine space: Normally, in the second half of the menstrual cycle, there may be a small amount of fluid in the pelvis that came out of the ovary when the dominant follicle ruptured. The presence of fluid behind the uterus in the first half of the cycle indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvis.
    • Ovarian assessment: during the examination, the doctor pays attention to the contours of the organs - normally clear and lumpy due to the presence of follicles on their surface. The normal dimensions of the ovaries are 2.5 cm wide, 3 cm long and 1.5 cm thick. An ultrasound should reveal one dominant follicle and several ripening ones.

    Ultrasound examination for various diseases of the uterus and ovaries

    Ovarian cysts

    A cyst is a hollow pathological formation filled with fluid and located on the surface or in the body of the ovary. In most cases, the development of cysts is due to the physiological function of the organ and does not pose a serious danger. However, in some cases, the dominant follicle does not rupture on the day of ovulation; it increases in size and degenerates into a follicular cyst. Such cysts are called functional, since their appearance is due to the normal functioning of the ovaries. In most cases, the formation goes away on its own within several cycles and does not interfere with pregnancy. On ultrasound, an ovarian cyst looks like a round vesicle filled with hypoechoic fluid.

    Ovarian cancer

    Ovarian cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops on the surface and in the body of the organ. The exact causes that can cause this serious disease have not yet been identified. One theory is that the cancer is caused by disruption of the normal healing process of the ovarian surface after the follicle ruptures during ovulation. There is evidence of a connection between the disease and hereditary predisposition and the age of the patient - young women get sick less often. Cancer is less common in women who have gone through pregnancy and breastfeeding. When performing an ultrasound, the doctor is able to assume the presence of cancer by noticing on the monitor a pathological formation of various sizes with clear edges. To clarify the diagnosis, laparoscopy is performed.

    Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is of great importance in identifying early gynecological pathologies. Timely diagnosis of serious pathologies can save a woman from serious problems, so it is better to do monitoring at least once a year.

    Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) is a fast, safe and most informative examination method in medicine. Recently, various gynecological pathologies have become increasingly common, so it is important to know the normal sizes of the uterus and ovaries by ultrasound.

    There are different conditions under which a doctor may order an ultrasound examination. Common ones:

    • severe pain during menstruation;
    • regular cycle disorders;
    • frequent pain in the area of ​​the ovaries or uterus;
    • to establish a possible pregnancy and exclude the formation of an ectopic pregnancy;
    • when strange vaginal discharge appears that is not associated with menstruation.

    Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to promptly identify various pathologies of a woman’s internal organs and prevent the formation of serious complications.

    How is an ultrasound performed?

    The following methods are used for ultrasound examination:

    1. Transabdominal
    2. Transvaginal.

    Let's take a brief look at each of the methods.

    Transabdominal ultrasound diagnostics

    This research method is carried out through the abdomen. For better glide of the device over the skin, a special gel is applied to the diagnosed area by the doctor. For free penetration of ultrasonic waves, an important requirement of this method is a filled bladder.

    Transvaginal ultrasound diagnostics

    The study is carried out with a special device through the vagina. To avoid infection, put a condom on the device. With such an examination, the bladder, on the contrary, should be empty. This method is more accurate than the first.

    The diagnostic procedure does not cause any discomfort or pain, and does not have a negative effect on the female body. However, it is important to know what sizes of the ovaries and uterus are normal according to ultrasound.

    Norm for ultrasound diagnostics of ovaries

    Ovarian sizes

    The normal sizes of ovaries in women are:

    • width – 25 mm;
    • length – approximately 30 mm;
    • thickness – 15 mm;
    • the volume of each ovary should not exceed 80 mm ³ .

    If the size of the ovaries increases, inflammation or serious pathology of these organs may be present.

    Structure of the ovaries

    Correct structure of the ovaries: capsule and follicles. The number of the latter may not be the same in both the right and left organs.

    Echogenicity and external contours of the ovaries

    Ovaries without pathologies should have a clear and lumpy outer shell, as well as uniform echogenicity. Fuzzy contours indicate the development of inflammatory processes (for example,).

    Ultrasound examination of the uterus

    Having felt alarming symptoms, the woman is sent for examination. If the reproductive organs are functioning correctly, all studied indicators should be normal.

    To assess the general condition of the uterus, the doctor examines the following indicators using an ultrasound.

    Body position

    The uterus is located between the upper part of the rectum and the bladder. It is considered correct when the organ is tilted forward towards the rectum or urinary tract. The doctor carefully examines the location of the uterus and indicates everything in the protocol.

    Organ outlines

    Normally, an organ is considered to have a flat and smooth surface. There should be no scar changes, neoplasms, or thinning on the body of the uterus. An uneven contour may indicate the presence of inflammation.

    Endometrial size

    The endometrium is the mucous lining of the uterus. In patients of reproductive age, its thickness may vary depending on the period of the cycle. If the diagnosis was carried out immediately after the end of menstruation, this value is approximately 1-2 mm; after ovulation, its width reaches 10-15 mm.

    In women during menopause, the thickness of the endometrium does not change throughout the month. Over the years, after the cessation of its functions, the endometrium gradually becomes thinner. At the beginning of menopause, its thickness is about 8.5 mm, and after 10 years it may become smaller - 1.32 mm.

    Uterus size

    If the uterus is normal, then its size depends on age, number of pregnancies and is approximately 45-70 mm. The anterior-posterior size of the uterine body varies from 34 mm to 44 mm, width - 45-60 mm.

    If the size of the uterus is smaller than normal, underdevelopment of the organ may be suspected. When these indicators are increased, this indicates the presence of pregnancy or.

    The nulliparous uterus has the following dimensions:

    • length – 4.5 cm;
    • thickness – 2 cm;
    • width – 2.5 cm.

    During pregnancy, the uterus increases in length to 40 cm and becomes heavier.

    Cervical parameters

    The cervix, which has no pathologies, is homogeneous. Its correct size is on average 35-40 mm. The cervical canal should contain a homogeneous fluid (mucus) and be approximately 2-3 mm in diameter.

    An enlargement of the cervical canal or the cervix itself may indicate the development of various pathologies.


    This parameter indicates the density of the fabrics. The norm is homogeneous echogenicity. In the presence of any other indicators, the development of a neoplasm or fibroids is possible.

    Presence of free fluid

    After ovulation, fluid in small quantities may be observed in the retrouterine area. But during other periods of the menstrual cycle, the presence of this fluid indicates possible pathologies caused by sexually transmitted infections.

    Cavity structure

    In a healthy body, the uterine cavity is homogeneous. A blurred structure indicates endometrial disease or the presence of neoplasms.

    The doctor records all examination data in the protocol. Having assessed the above indicators, he can make an accurate diagnosis.

    Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is rightfully considered a fairly informative diagnostic method, which is prescribed for violations of the functioning of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system. If an ultrasound examination does not help establish an accurate diagnosis or the doctor has any doubts, the patient is recommended to donate blood for hormones, bacterial culture and other tests.