Where to place a cat while on vacation. How much does it cost to adopt an animal while on vacation?

Tickets purchased, suitcases packed. All thoughts are occupied with dreams of the sun, the beach and carefree days of the long-awaited trip. There is only one problem left to solve: where to leave the cat during the holidays so that you don’t have to worry every hour about the comfort and mood of your pet?

Most cats are independent and independent creatures. The cat appreciates personal space and a measured flow of life. Forced changes are accompanied by stress, worries and anxiety. Therefore, the decision to give away a cat for a vacation is not always wise. However, many pets are so sociable and sociable that they would prefer to temporarily move to unfamiliar house, just so as not to be alone. There are several options for where your cat will stay during your vacation. When making a choice, it is important to remember the character of your pet, its preferences and attitude towards others.

The most affordable and simplest option is to leave your cat under the supervision of a relative, friend or neighbor during your vacation. If there are no willing people among your loved ones, you can ask a pensioner or housewife for help, not necessarily from the apartment opposite. Taking a walk around the yard, you will probably meet a couple of suitable candidates for the role of a cat nanny - responsible adults who are ready to provide comfort to your pet for a small fee. Before leaving your cat for a week or a little longer, you should explain in detail to the “nanny” what to feed the pet, how many times a day to change the water, when to change the tray, etc. Of course, everything you need must be purchased in advance. And don't forget to exchange contact information just in case.

As the holiday season begins, pet owners are faced with the challenge of finding someone to care for their cat or dog while the owner goes sightseeing or relaxes on the beach. The simplest and a budget option- hand over the keys to the apartment to accommodating and trustworthy neighbors and ask them to feed the animal, walk it or change the tray. For those who were unable to reach an agreement, there are special services for keeping animals. These same services are also provided by private individuals. The Village looks at how much it costs to look after a cat and dog for a standard two-week holiday.


Hotel accommodation or private cat foster care

from 250 rubles per day

Two-week holiday for a cat in a spacious room with video surveillance

12,460 rubles

Cat on call

“Everything here is like in human hotels, there are even high and low seasons,” says Andrei Pushkin, owner of the Sir Cat hotels. This is a Moscow chain of four hotels, as the name implies, designed exclusively for cats; dogs are not accepted here. Network points are located in different areas of the city on the territory of business centers. The hotel offers four types of rooms: from budget to luxury, just like in hotels for people.

When choosing a room, you should focus not only on the price, but also on the size and activity of the cat. The basic room has an area of ​​2.4 square meters and does not have video surveillance capabilities. It costs 489 rubles per day, for two weeks you will have to pay 6,846 rubles. A room of similar size, but equipped with a camera, will cost 9,086 rubles for two weeks; a room of 3.4 square meters with the ability to monitor the cat around the clock via a smartphone will cost 12,460 rubles.

Two hotels in the chain have rooms with an area of ​​4.3 square meters. They usually house several animals, such as a cat and kittens. Such a room will cost 1,090 rubles per day. Owners can communicate via messenger with the cat nurse caring for the animal. If necessary, the hotel offers a driver who will pick up the animal from the house and bring it back. The cost of a transfer within the Moscow Ring Road is 700–950 rubles one way.

Smart drinker and talking feeder

Other Moscow hotels for cats offer similar services. So, in “Cat Behemoth” a glass room with video surveillance and specialized care costs 1,490 rubles per day under the All Inclusive program. The hotel promises to listen to the individual wishes of the owners, and the rooms may have interactive toys, a smart drinking bowl with running water and a feeder with a recording of the owner's voice.

The most spacious rooms, comparable in size to rooms in old-style houses, are offered in the “Kotel”. A room for a cat of seven square meters costs 1,290 rubles per day, but one owner can accommodate up to three animals.

The cheapest place in Moscow to leave an animal is in the Zoodom hotel chain. For a cat under the age of one year and weighing up to five kilograms per day, you need to pay only 250 rubles here, but the price increases with the age and weight of the animal.

Take-away tray

Private individuals offering foster care services ask for approximately the same amount - 250–300 rubles per day of stay, provided that the owner brings everything necessary: ​​tray, food, bowls, toys.

In the article I will look at options for where to put the cat if it is not needed. I’ll explain how to properly look for new owners and what to do to help your pet find it faster. new house.

Cats are wonderful creatures that can help make a person’s life richer and more interesting. But if it happens that this animal cannot be left at home, take this situation as a test. And bear it with dignity.

The cat cannot be thrown away, where to put it, it needs to find a new home.

And the house should be such that the cat is loved there.

Here are some options:

  • overexposure;
  • family and friends;
  • cat cafe;
  • advertisement on the Internet;
  • animal shelters;
  • other.

Let's take a closer look.


Overexposure is a temporary home for an animal, which is paid for by the owner. Overexposure can be in the form of a hotel for an animal or a hotel. Most often, a cat (or several) is kept in an ordinary apartment.

This option is necessary in the case when a new owner has not yet been found, and there is no way to keep the cat. The maintenance of the animal is paid, but other people will take care of it.

You can visit the pet at the request of the owner and by agreement with the owner of the foster home.

Even temporary home(overexposure) must be sought responsibly. You will pay money, make sure that this money is honestly worked out. To do this, you need to visit your pet as often as possible.

When visiting, pay attention to appearance the pet, its behavior, whether it has water, where the animal is kept, how the owner treats the foster home. It happens that when you wave your hand, the cat presses into the floor. This suggests that the furry guest is being beaten and punished. This cannot be allowed.

While the furry cat is temporarily housed, the owner should actively look for a permanent home for it.

The exception is a living cat. This is the case when it is known for sure that no one will take the animal (disabled, seriously old), then they look for foster care with survival. Yes, you will have to pay for the entire time the animal lives, but this is better than having a defenseless pet torn to pieces by dogs.

Family and friends

It is best to give the cat to your family or friends. The main thing is to find future owners who truly love animals.

Very often people, having already had one cat, are afraid to take him a girlfriend or comrade. They feel like they can't handle it. In fact, it is much easier to keep two cats than one. They won't be so bored. This must be conveyed to future owners.

If the cat is given to friends who already have a cat, it is necessary to sterilize one or both animals.

When handing over an animal to friends, it is better to immediately tell what the pet’s habits, characteristics, and perhaps illnesses are.

It would be nice if, by handing over an animal, you can help buy a tray, food or toys.


Cat cafes are establishments where you can spend time with cats. Several pets live in this establishment, and they are provided with competent and regular care.

If there is absolutely no way to keep the pussy, negotiate with the owners of the cat cafe to take it.

It’s difficult to get a job in such an establishment, but if it happens, the pussy will be very lucky.

There are a lot of people on the Internet who want to buy pussy. However, there are many times more offers of cats.

In order to offer your pet, a photograph is required, short description and telephone number for contact.

In order for your beauty to be accepted, your ad needs to stand out from the rest. For this:

  • the photograph should be optimally interesting. A cat jumping, with a toy, against a beautiful background - the imagination is not limited;
  • the text should be catchy. Attribute mythical comic powers to your pussy (attracts men (women), saves you from depression, provides free massage, etc.);
  • don't attribute mongrel cat fictitious breeds. A lot of lovers of fashionable breeds then simply throw the animal away if it turns out to be an ordinary mongrel;
  • Keep your listings and offers up to date.

Beware of giving away black cats on the eve of black dates. There are many known cases where cult fans used black cats as sacrifices.

If it happens that new owners are found via the Internet, do not be lazy to take the cat to a new home yourself. You will see in what environment your pet will live, what kind of owners it will have. If the situation strongly resembles a dysfunctional one, do not leave. Save your pet’s health and your (already wasted) time - is this what you were looking for, was it worth it?

Animal shelters

If anyone hopes that shelter is the easiest and right choice, don’t flatter yourself. In good shelters, all places have long been occupied, but a bad one is not much different from a concentration camp. And, as a rule, cats are accepted into such shelters only after being caught.

Look at the conditions in which an innocent cat will live.

She will spend the rest of her life in a cage, where the same poor fellows will sit with her.

After sofas and free walks around the room, a space of two meters will seem like an eternal nightmare to a pet.

Think about it, would you like such a life for yourself?

A shelter is the worst option for adopting a cat.

Other options

Remember your neighbors. There are many old women who live alone, but do not have cats because they are afraid that they will not be able to feed them on a meager pension or they are afraid of their own age. They say, if something happens, the cat will be left alone in an empty apartment to die.

If you offer such a grandmother a cat, and even regularly bring food (and litter) to the pussy, then both the pussy and the grandmother - the neighbor - will be happy.

You can post advertisements with photographs on poles, place advertisements in newspapers, or in a creeping line.

Visit animal lovers forums.

Avoid offering your pet (especially kittens) around the holidays. Free kittens – good gifts for children. But in a couple of months, the grown gift may end up on the street.

Why is it important not to kick your cat outside?

Very often, people who are not too concerned about the fate of the animal simply throw the unwanted animal out into the street. They motivate this by the fact that the animal is a beast, and the beast needs nature, freedom, etc., etc.

In fact, it is simply impossible to do this.

Don't throw your pets outside

And that's why:

  • a cat, especially one that grew up in a house, does not know how to defend itself from dogs, it will simply die;
  • suffer from relatives;
  • immunity domestic cat very weak to withstand many diseases that an outdoor cat will pick up from relatives or get from stress;
  • the pet will not be able to get its own food;
  • she does not know cars and other transport;
  • she will not be able to withstand the frost.

If anyone doubts it, look to see how many stray cats there are in cities. Not even a tenth of the kittens survive there.

They are the easiest prey.

How to part with a cat as painlessly as possible

If the cat is given away important reasons, and the owner himself is very accustomed to the pet, then parting will not be easy. But, if a person can cope with his feelings, then a furry pet, having lost its home and adored owner, will suffer enormous stress.

To make it easier for your cat to get used to a new home and new owners, so that he doesn’t get bored, you can take some measures:

  • gradually introduce the pet to new owners;
  • give the pet at a time when the new owners can devote more time to the pet (weekends, vacation);
  • tell the new owners about the furry little one’s favorite games, so they can play with him this way more often;
  • After a week, you should ask how the adaptation went.

It's better to warn than to surrender the cat

Situations when you need to get rid of an animal are very unpleasant, psychologically difficult, and sometimes costly. Therefore, to avoid them, it is better to warn them.

Here are some tips:

  • never give animals as gifts to anyone if you yourself do not want to receive a return gift at the most inopportune moment;
  • do not take a kitten to your children or teenagers if you yourself are not ready to become the owner of this kitten;
  • if you cannot keep your pet when moving, renovating, having a child, or buying new furniture, it is better not to get a pet at all;
  • Before buying an animal, weigh whether you can keep it if it gets sick;
  • never get an animal unless all family members agree;
  • never buy a purebred animal because of fashion.

It is worthy to get rid of the cat, that is, it is possible to find loving owners for it.

All you need is desire and action. It will take time to surrender a cat, but your pet's life is worth it.

And yet... I would love to write a bunch of suggestions on how to survive all the obstacles, but keep your beloved purr next to you.

Everyone needs a break from time to time and an opportunity to escape from the drabness of everyday life. Many four-legged owners refuse to go on vacation just because there is nowhere to leave their pet. If you are thinking about where and under what conditions to leave your cat during your vacation, read on. We will look at all, perhaps even unexpected, options for solving this situation.

Of course, the most reliable and best option– this means placing a cat with loved ones during the holidays. This way, you will get rid of doubts, suspicions, mistrust and fears that problems may arise when returning your pet. Call all your family and friends, many dream of having a pet, but do not get one for a number of reasons. In this case, offering your tailed friend as a temporary roommate will please you. loved one and leave your pet safe.

The second option is to ask someone close to you to live with your pet at your home. Perhaps your offer will be accepted by younger family members (teenagers) or those who want a temporary change of scenery.


A good option that requires little preparation. It is not advisable to take your pet to temporary guardians on the day of departure, especially if there are animals or small children in the house. Commit test visit, see how the cat reacts to smells, surroundings and new people. Please note right away that your pet will not be happy about visiting you; he will be stressed and dissatisfied. However, this approach will make it possible to understand whether the cat will show aggression, whether it will panic, and whether it will be able to adapt to someone else’s home.

If the first attempt went well, you need to transfer some things with your scent to the future temporary shelter. It would be a good idea to place cat-scented bedding in your home and set up several safe places. After preparation, you need to take the cat to visit again, show her things with a familiar smell and places to hide. Immediately place bowls of food and water. If your pet behaves calmer than the first time, you can safely plan a trip.

Provide temporary caregivers with training on how to deal with unexpected situations, tell us about your pet’s habits and preferences. If your friends do not have experience in keeping animals, even small things need to be mentioned, for example, that the cat sleeps a lot, seems hot, can meow or compulsively climb into your arms. It is worth talking about behavioral tactics if the four-legged dog shows aggression.

An angry roommate can be calmed down by isolating him in a separate room, and in no case should he be punished or scolded. If the cat begins to shit, it will need to be locked in a carrier for a while until supervision is possible. On the day of relocation, collect all your pet's personal belongings (bed, tray, bowls, toys) and take him to your friends. Be sure to purchase a carrier (if you don't have one) and leave it with your cat.

With guests

The best option that does not require a change of environment for your pet. The cat does not need to be transported or accustomed to a new place, which means there will be less stress. However, there is also back side medals, in your house there will be stranger. Of course, it is better if it is a relative you trust. Another nuance that is worth considering is the pet’s reaction.

As in the previous version, it is worth conducting preliminary inspections, invite the future guardian to the house, observe the reaction of the ward. In 2-3 visits, your cat and her future caretaker will have time to get to know each other. From the outside, it will be more than clear to you how the mentee reacts to the candidate, whether he is comfortable, whether he feels safe.

Representatives of some cat breeds have a territorial instinct and will not welcome guests. This does not mean that the vacation needs to be cancelled, but the preparatory procedures will take more time. Be sure to spend detailed instructions about the habits, habits, preferences of the pet. A few days before departure, you need to move all the cat’s personal belongings to one room. If the cat becomes aggressive after you leave, the caregiver will be able to isolate it until the situation stabilizes. If no incidents occur, all the cat’s personal belongings can be returned to their places in 1–2 days.

Before giving your pet into the wrong hands

There were no helpers among your relatives and you are considering other options? Well, many people do this and there is nothing wrong with it. However, we recommend that you foresee some subtleties in advance. If your cat has no breeding value, she should have complete filled veterinary passport, a purebred animal has documents.

If you cannot completely trust a person, then you should think in advance what you will do if they refuse to return the cat. Yes. you can go to the police and write a statement, but you left the cat yourself, and how can you prove that it is yours? These nuances are easily eliminated. The documents must be on hand, that is, you must take them on the trip or leave them in a closed home. Be sure to discuss with the temporary guardian the issue of remuneration for services and clear terms of your absence. Before leaving, contact the appropriate services so that the animal is registered with your passport details. If your cat does not yet have a microchip, install one.

Looking for outside help

One of the most available options- This appeal to people who live next door to you. Naturally, the temporary guardian must be an adult who loves animals. You should not contact parents with many children, as your pet may become a toy for children. In addition, young parents are already constantly overloaded; someone else’s animal will clearly be their priority. If you leave your cat as a guest, you should abandon the guardians retirement age, because the cat may get scared and run away. It will be difficult for older people to look for a pet.

Make sure the temporary caregiver is committed to keeping the pet comfortable. You can understand how serious intentions are in relation to preparatory procedures. It will be very good if the caretaker has experience in interacting with or keeping cats. By the way, it is extremely undesirable to leave your pet at a place where cats or dogs already live.. Before leaving, exchange all contact details so that the guardian can contact you at any time of the day or night.

Paid foster care

Overexposure is something between a pet hotel and a home-type shelter. Animals are not in cages or enclosures; they move freely around the house and communicate with their guardian. The disadvantage of such overexposure is large quantities animals, plus – in active communication (if this is important for the cat).

It doesn’t matter how long you leave the animal, for three days or a week, the owner of the foster home must ask you for a veterinary passport. Vaccinations must be completed at least 3 weeks before handing over the animal. If this moment is missed, look for another foster care! There are quite a lot of virus carriers among cats, especially those that were once street cats. If your cat is not required to have vaccinations, then the health of other animals should be questioned.

There are 2 options for feeding:

You leave food for the cat.
All animals are fed the same - not suitable for animals with sensitive digestion or food allergies.

Advice: Be sure to visit the paid foster care facility before departure and preferably several times!

Very important point– this is the location of the tray and its cleanliness. Subjectively, this is the most a big problem paid overexposures. Many owners, after vacation, are faced with the fact that their pet begins to crap in the house. A newcomer who finds himself with already settled cats may tolerate infringements of the territorial plan, that is, other cats will go to his litter box. Find out in detail how exactly these issues are regulated in foster care.

Important! The animal is transferred to paid foster care after concluding a legally valid contract for the provision of services.


More expensive and higher quality service. Your pet will not be picked up by a pet sitter, provided that there are no more animals in the house. This option is similar to the above (leave the cat as a guest) with only one difference - The pet sitter receives a pre-agreed remuneration for her work.

Your task is to visit the pet sitter’s house and find out a number of questions:

  • How long the guardian is absent from home.
  • How long has the caregiver been providing such services?
  • By what means household chemicals the home is processed before a new guest moves in.
  • Is it okay for the guardian to feed the cat? natural food, if required.
  • Does the pet sitter require vaccinations for animals?

Advice! Be sure to find out whether the caregiver has primary skills in providing veterinary care, and how much such services cost.


Hotel – boarding animal shelter. On the one hand, this option is the most reliable, on the other hand, it is very doubtful. Let's start with the pros:

  • Hotels for animals are opening knowledgeable people with extensive experience in keeping animals.
  • The animal is transferred to professionals who can confirm their status.
  • When transferring an animal, an agreement is concluded on the provision paid services, which means you can be sure that you will pick up the cat without any problems.
  • Temporary guardians are legally responsible for the condition of the animal in the hotel, provided that this clause is specified in the contract.
  • Hotels usually have enclosures for animals, meaning the cat will be safe. Typically, hotels do not accept animals that are unvaccinated or in the rutting stage.

If the hotel is organized on the basis veterinary clinic, for a fee, the cat can receive specific care or therapy. This condition is very important if the pet suffers from chronic diseases, For example, .

Advice: be sure to spay or neuter your pet if it does not have breeding value. This must be done at least a month before your vacation. Neutered cats are calmer and less likely to fight. A cat can go on a spree due to stress and return home pregnant.

Now about the cons:

  • The cat will be placed in an enclosure with another animal, and this is not always good. You cannot be sure that four-legged animals will find mutual language and they won't fight.
  • Care, feeding and treatment of animals does not take into account individual needs. Even if they assure you that they find an approach to every animal, this is not so. An exception is a hotel designed to accommodate 2-3 animals.
  • In a hotel, the cat experiences a lack of communication.

Note! Modern hotels offer the service of equipping the enclosure with a webcam. While on vacation, you can see your pet at any time and check the conditions of its detention.

When staying in a hotel, many risks are eliminated, but you must understand that quality services are really expensive. Be sure to visit the establishment before making your final decision. Assess the cleanliness, quality and integrity of the equipment, and the presence of drinking bowls in each enclosure. If several enclosures have a common paddock, it is worth inspecting the integrity of the nets. Be sure to clarify how the cages are treated, where the animals are during treatment, how often the filler in the tray is changed, and other details regarding the conditions of detention.

For adults, independent and independent - proud loneliness

In case you are going on a short trip, and your pet is young, healthy and independent, you can consider this option. Naturally, this is not the most best alternative and you need to do everything to place your pet under supervision, but if the situation is critical... the cat can be left alone in the house.

If there are several cats living in the house, then the pets will not have a lack of communication. On the other hand, you can be sure that the wards will give themselves free rein and turn everything in their home upside down.

Leaving a cat alone without any supervision is acceptable if your absence time does not exceed 2 days. A prerequisite is that the animal must be kept in industrial feed, since natural food will spoil in a bowl in 6-10 hours. If you are not sure that you will have time to return, be sure to agree with someone about visiting your pet. For an absence period of 2 days, the home must be equipped (per cat):

  • Two trays with fresh filling.
  • Three large drinking bowls (it is better to use pots or bowls).
  • Two feeders.

Important! If your ward eats only natural food, he should absolutely not be left at home alone for more than a day. Food supplies will simply spoil.

Cats are independent and adaptive animals, but when their beloved owner leaves, pets experience inevitable stress. Leaving hometown due to vacation or business trip, take care of four-legged friend- create a fluffy comfortable conditions, in which he can wait out your absence.

Fostering cats while on vacation in Moscow involves three or four options with their own advantages and disadvantages. When making a decision, remember not only your own whims, but also the needs of your pet.

Help from friends and family

When hotels for pets had not yet been invented, cats were left at home and arrangements were made with loved ones about care. The advantage of this option is minimal stress for the cat: the pet remains in familiar conditions and follows the traditional daily routine.

But finding a relative or friend who is ready to take care of someone else’s cat is a very difficult quest that not everyone can complete. My grandmother is allergic to wool, my brother is stuck at work, and my aunt has two kittens even without your Murzik.

Couldn't reach an agreement with any of your friends? Consider other options.

Home foster care

The increased popularity of caring for little brothers has given rise to many communities and private foster care centers that provide temporary pet care services for a nominal fee. Why loving owners are they in no hurry to give cats to home shelters?

A caring owner knows that it is impossible to ensure sterility in the house, and this is a mandatory condition when keeping several cats at the same time. To eliminate the risk of infection, refrain from dubious online advertisements for foster care.

Giving away the cat to a stranger, you will not receive guarantees of care and due attention. Many enterprising people take up this work out of a banal desire to earn extra money, and not out of sincere love for their smaller brothers.

Holiday hotel for cats

Is there a solution that eliminates the risk of infection and unprofessional care for your pet? "Kotel"! A comfortable and inexpensive shelter for cats in Moscow during your vacation, where you can leave your pet without worrying about its health and mood.

Why do regular customers regularly trust us with their favorite cats?

  1. We created favorable conditions, in which the cats are calm, nourished and comfortable. Hotel rooms are spacious glass enclosures. Sitting in a multi-level “house”, the cat watches its neighbors and the actions of the staff, plays and sleeps peacefully, without experiencing the stress of close communication with strangers and animals.
  2. We guarantee the health safety of our four-legged guests thanks to thorough washing with disinfectants and quartzing the number after each visit. We accept healthy, clean, well-groomed cats. Animals are kept isolated from each other, contact is completely excluded.
  3. There are no identical cats - there are individuals, each of which has its own preferences in food, games and daily routine. When welcoming a new guest, we ask the host about his habits in order to create comfortable conditions for adaptation. If you have a special diet or need to clean your ears, eyes or coat, we provide additional services by prior arrangement.

Taking care of cats in the absence of their owners is our favorite job, which we are proud of. By entrusting your pet to us, you can safely go on a trip, knowing that the baby is in good hands.