The cat does not leave the third eyelid. Inflammation of the third eyelid in cats

Paul Miller (University of Wisconsin-Madison).

Inner eyelid of cats(Tertia palpebra) is a fold of mucous membrane at the inner corner of the eye. Its other name is third eyelid.

Previously, similar to the appendix or human wisdom teeth, it was estimated by some scientists as a rudimentary organ. Early 20th century veterinary research even describes methods of removing this supposedly unimportant organ in order to make it easier to examine the cat's eye. Today it is already known for certain that the third eyelid of cats plays a significant role in the health of the outer part of the eye. Moreover, the inner eyelid is very important. It is found in almost all mammals, as well as birds. Its absence in some species, such as humans, and our close relatives, the primates, is rather a biological curiosity, an exception to the general rule.

The structure of the inner eyelid of a cat is quite complex. The nictitating membrane is a fold of conjunctiva located on the eyeball in the medial corner of the eye. On the one hand, it covers the inner part of the eyelids (facing the eye), on the other, the cornea. In the scleral (bulbar) surface there are dense areas of lymphoid follicles that are in contact with the surface of the eye and a thin layer of fluid - the tear film. These structures function like the lymph nodes of the eye, protecting it from dirt and dust.

Between the two layers of the conjunctiva is a T-shaped cartilaginous plate. The "upper bar" of the plate reinforces the free edge of the third eyelid. It is curved along the surface of the cornea. The "trunk" of the T-cartilage is surrounded by the appendages of the lacrimal gland, which produce much of the fluid in the tear film. Through tiny channels, the tear leaves the gland, and from the third eyelid it comes out between the lymphoid follicles, spreading in a thin film over the entire eye surface.

Like in other animal species, the third eyelid of cats is quite large. It completely coats the cornea, acting in the same way as a windshield wiper, removing debris while distributing the tear evenly across the cornea.

When the cat is awake, most of the third eyelid is hidden in the eye socket, only a small part of it is visible in the inner corner of the eye. However, when a cat sleeps or blinks, the eye muscles cause the inner eyelid to passively move across the surface of the eye from the inner corner to the outer.

The movement of the cat's third eyelid is regulated in part by the sympathetic nervous system, as well as by the smooth muscles of the innermost eyelid. This fact is widely used in studies of the effect of drugs on the sympathetic nervous system.

The exact function of the cat's third eyelid has not yet been fully explored. Most scientists are inclined to believe that it is designed to protect the cornea from injury. Injuries could occur, for example, when a cat moves through tall grass or when prey is captured. In addition, the presence of lacrimal appendages allows the production of more tear fluid and, therefore, better flushing of the eyes than in primates. Lacrimal fluid, passing through the lymphoid follicles covering the third eyelid, is saturated with a number of immunological mediators, including secretory IgA and lactoferrin. Diverging along the outer surface, the tear fluid provides immune protection against bacteria and fungi that can live even on a healthy eye.

The third eyelid is also thought to help keep the surface of the eye moist by better keeping the tear film on the cornea. Loss of the third eyelid after trauma or neoplasm treatment often results in chronic irritation of the cornea and remaining conjunctiva. In fact, the question that should be asked is not "Why does a cat have a third eyelid?", but "Why does a person not have a third eyelid?". In fact, in ours it has shrunk to a vestigial fleshy bulge in the inner corner of the eye. Today, the exact reason why a person's third eyelid disappeared is unknown. This may be due to the fact that people do not usually catch prey with their teeth (like cats), and do not eat vegetation from the ground (like horses). Thus, the third eyelid does not provide any benefit to the individual for providing additional eye protection.

Nature endowed the cat with excellent hunting skills, a flexible body, large beautiful eyes and the ability to see in the dark. Her "staring" gaze is caused by her lack of blinking function. And at a time when the animal is awake or is watching something with interest, specks and dust fall on the mucous membrane of the eyeballs. However, the mustachioed creatures successfully cope with external “garbage”, as they have the thinnest fold at the inner corner of the eye, “rubbing” its shell, like wiper blades clean the windshield on a car.

Third eyelid in a cat: causes, treatment

In a healthy pet, this nictitating membrane (“third eyelid”) is practically not noticeable - it is translucent and does not prevent the animal from watching or sleeping at all. It is visible for a short time when the cat is half asleep or when it tilts its head. A unique fold appears from the edge of the eye, quickly removes everything foreign in its path, distributes the lacrimal fluid, which it itself partially produces, and again hides.

It happens that the membrane does not return to its “original” position and becomes larger in size. This should serve as a signal to the pet owner to contact the veterinary service.

ATTENTION! If the third eyelid in cats is not in order, the doctor should prescribe treatment!

Protrusion of the nictitating fold is a symptom of such complex internal diseases as:

  • infection caused by bacteria, virus or fungus;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • reaction to allergens;
  • eye injuries;
  • internal diseases (including the digestive tract);
  • helminthiases.

What can be dangerous prolapse of the third eyelid in cats? Treatment should be aimed at finding the cause of the disease and its elimination. Some owners self-diagnose their pets and give them medications they see fit. As a result, time has passed, the disease is running, and further treatment will be longer and more difficult.

Prolapse of the third eyelid in cats: treatment of the disease

The nictitating fold falls out and closes half of the eye. This is prolapse, a condition very similar to inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, as the symptoms are similar. The difference in causes is only in the color of the conjunctiva. With prolapse, it has a clear gray or bluish tint. This is not a pathology, but a signal of a disease, including allergy symptoms and foreign body contact with the mucous membrane.

The animal tries to “remove” what is bothering it, and rubs its muzzle with its paws. His body reacts to this with secretions, even a tiny trash can cause inflammation, increased tearing and purulent discharge. In order for the mote to come out with pus on its own, it needs to provide a “slippery” environment, for which the furry pet is given ointments, drops and antibiotics. After the treatment procedures, the nictitating septum will fall into place.

Eye disease in cats: third eyelid, adenoma treatment

A benign pink growth in the inner corner of the eyeball is often mistaken for inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat, but this phenomenon is an adenoma. It sticks out from under the eyelid and prevents the pet from closing its eyes tightly, its presence threatens that dirt and microbes get on the always ajar mucosa. In an operable way, the lacrimal gland is “put” in place and eye drops of an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory nature are prescribed.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the veterinarian himself to suggest removing the nictitating fold for adenoma.

ATTENTION! Removal of the lacrimal gland is fraught with disastrous consequences for the animal - a severe form of dry keratoconjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis, blindness and lifelong purulent discharge.

Treatment of adenoma is possible, although it is laborious and lengthy, so there is no need to remove the third eyelid in a cat.

You should not “reset” the fold on your own either - this will not give the result that the owners expect, but it can lead to complications, double infection, thorns and damage to the cornea.

In order to prevent eye diseases, take care of your pet more often, wash its bedding, wash the room where it sleeps. Source: Flickr (beautifulbenaziza)

Other Causes of Eye Disease in Cats

Micro-wounds (when bitten or punctured) can cause inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, for example, when fighting with other animals. The cornea is damaged and the eyelid will take a long time to heal, so the cat may need surgery.

If the gastrointestinal tract is not in order, then the result is inflammation of the inner eyelid in a cat.

It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the pet. If he vomits, he refuses food and vilifies, then the reason is gastrointestinal disorders. In this case, veterinary help is required.

If you notice that the cat's eyes are closed by the third eyelid, then treatment may not be needed in the following cases:

  • decreased immunity;
  • a mild form of cat flu;
  • a temporary phenomenon that passes in 1-2 days.

For such reasons, the mustachioed should be observed. If he feels quite vigorous, then you just need to strengthen the diet with vitamins and useful trace elements, with the flu - regularly remove discharge from the nose and eyes, drip with eye drops.

With a genetic pathology (protrusion of the lacrimal gland occurs in cats of the Persian and British breeds), one cannot do without the intervention of an ophthalmologist veterinarian. In an operative way, he will set the gland to the place where it should be located anatomically.

Again, a veterinarian should and should be consulted. Only he will be able to determine what happened to the caudate patient and, based on the owner's story about his behavior at home, about the diet and additional signs of the disease, he will prescribe the right drugs.

Eye disease: definition, prevention

Let's summarize the above:

  • if the cat has a prolapse of the lacrimal gland on only one side, this indicates the ingress of a foreign particle;
  • both eyes are partially covered by the nictitating membrane - this is inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, the treatment of which depends on the identification of the cause (if this is a sign of the disease, it must be confirmed with additional symptoms);
  • the nictitating fold is enlarged, the reason is the anatomical pathology of the animal (a consultation with a doctor is needed);
  • the third eyelid in a cat - no treatment is required, as this is a sign of reduced immunity.
  1. Treat the cat with drops or ointments intended for humans.
  2. Trying to “return” the blinking membrane on your own.
  3. If the veterinarian insists on removing the nictitating membrane, contact another veterinary clinic.

In order to prevent eye diseases, take care of your pet more often, wash its bedding, wash the room where it sleeps. Eye care should be daily. To do this, there are effective rinses, like BEAPHAR Oftal, which will help prevent irritation of the mucous membrane caused by dirt or dust. Watch your four-legged friend, his behavior and appearance. Pamper him with vitamins and wholesome food - a strong body is less likely to be "attacked" by bacteria and viruses. Health to your cat!

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The presence of a third or inner eyelid in cats is an ancient natural feature. This eyelid has the function of protecting the eyes, preventing their possible damage when foreign objects enter or come into contact with the eyeball.

Externally, the appearance of the third eyelid (or nictitating membrane) immediately becomes visible to the naked eye. This is a whitish or light blue thin skin, located at the inner corner of the eye, of various sizes.

The third eyelid in a cat is important for maintaining the health of the entire eye surface. In addition to cats, almost all types of mammals and birds can boast of having such a peculiar organ.

Third eyelid in cats: causes and symptoms of the disease

The third (inner) eyelid is a conjunctival fold that covers the inner surface of ordinary eyelids from the side of the eye, and the surface of the cornea on the other side. Its principle of operation resembles the work of a windshield wiper. The eyelid effectively removes debris that has entered the eye and promotes an even distribution of tears over the surface of the cornea, protecting it from possible injuries. Tears help create immunological defenses against bacteria and fungus.

Some varieties of cats - Persians, Britons, etc. - tend to experience prolapse or protrusion (prolapse) of the third eyelid. The period from the second to the ninth month of life becomes especially dangerous. Due to eyelid movements due to constant blinking, the enlarged eyelid will get injured and swell. In addition, due to its size, the eyelid will constantly touch the cornea, creating certain inconveniences for cats. Trying to rub the damaged eye on its own, the animal will only complicate the situation.

As for the symptoms of prolapse of the third eyelid, these include the following:

  • tearing of the eye;
  • the appearance of blepharospasm;
  • the presence of mucus or accumulations of pus in the damaged eye;
  • volumetric noticeable formation in the corner of the damaged eye (syndrome of "cherry eye").

Common causes of protrusion formation are:

  • weakening of the ligaments that hold the eyelid in the appropriate position;
  • eversion of the cartilaginous base of the eyelid.

It is necessary to correctly distinguish protrusion from adenoma (neoplasm). Removal of the eyelid, in contrast to the removal of an adenoma, will lead to the development of such a dangerous disease as keratoconjunctivitis, which cannot be completely cured.

The following types of diseases can be associated with third eyelid prolapse in cats:

Timely detection of the disease and the start of professional treatment help to preserve the quality of vision and even life for the cat.

Third eyelid in cats: treatment

Before asking a veterinarian how to treat protrusion, you can safely use phytomineral types of top dressing with such herbs as part of:

  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • cornflower;
  • plantain;
  • calendula.

What to do if you find a protrusion in a cat? Immediately contact the clinic for help. It is not recommended to use such drugs for treatment as eye drops intended for humans.

In some cases, the fallen third eyelid is restored after a few hours. If this does not happen, the intervention of the surgeon will be required. Course treatment at home may include the use of medications such as immunomodulatory drugs - fosprenil or cycloferon. They will help eliminate the viral infection.

Treatment of the third eyelid in cats depends on the underlying disease, as nictitating membrane prolapse is only a symptom, not a disease. Self-administration of drugs is contraindicated, as this may aggravate the course of the disease or make it difficult for a veterinarian to diagnose.

The reasons for the loss of the third century can be:

Only after identifying the cause of inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat is treatment prescribed. It can be medical or surgical.

How to help a pet

With a viral, bacterial, fungal etiology of the manifestation of the symptom "third eyelid in cats", the treatment is complex. Antiviral, antifungal drugs, antibiotics are prescribed. They can be both general and directly local action. Symptomatic therapy is also implied (antipyretic, analgesic drugs, vitamins, infusion infusions of nutrient solutions to eliminate dehydration). A cat needs: a balanced high-calorie diet, care, warmth and rest.

Allergy can be manifested not only by conjunctivitis, most often it is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, otitis media, problems with hair. An important part of treatment is the identification of all possible allergens. The most common veterinarian will tell you to remove immediately at the reception. It's best to keep a diary to record possible food choices or other factors that led to an allergic reaction. Antihistamines are also prescribed. In severe cases, hormonal agents, both local and general for the whole organism, can be used.

As in the case of an infectious disease, diseases of the internal organs are treated in a complex manner, depending on the situation, different drugs and methods are used. Most often, specialized feeds with a dietary bias are prescribed.

With mechanical damage to the eye, the main task is to anesthetize it. At the appointment, the doctor will drip painkillers and after a while examine the eye and determine the severity of the injury. The same initial actions in the case of a foreign body. After the examination, eye rinsing is prescribed if the prolapse of the third eyelid is due to the accumulation of small foreign particles. However, in severe cases, the treatment will reach surgical intervention.

With an adenoma of the third eyelid, an operation to remove it is not necessary. If the neoplasm does not grow, does not interfere with the pet, then the veterinarian will persuade the owner to supportive therapy. Indeed, after the removal of an adenoma of the third eyelid, a chronic pathology of the lacrimal gland and dryness of the eye occur, this is called “dry eye syndrome”.


The third eyelid in cats is a characteristic feature that performs a protective function. With it, it is possible to protect the eyes from the appearance of various damage or contact with the cornea. The third eyelid (nictitating membrane) can be seen with the naked eye. It manifests itself in the form of a light thin skin, which is located near the inner corner of the eye. May vary in size.

The membrane plays a significant role in maintaining the health of the eye surface. In addition to cats, birds, as well as almost all mammals, have a similar organ.

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Organ device

As numerous photos show, the nictitating membrane on one side is adjacent to the cornea. On the other hand, to the upper and lower eyelids, to their inner surface.

From the inside, the membrane is covered with lymphoid tissue, which can be mistaken for the focus of the inflammatory process of a disease such as, for example, follicular conjunctivitis. When it is removed, the protective function is weakened.

The eyelid retains its shape thanks to the cartilage. It comes out of the medial angle, while contributing to the tightest possible fit of the membrane to the cornea. Its base is surrounded by tear-producing tissue. It is attached by soft ligaments to the periosteum of the skull.

The functioning of the membrane

The membrane functions involuntarily. On its own, the cat will not be able to make the transparent shell move. The eyelid begins to move forward at the moment of lowering the head or during irritation of the cornea. The membrane smoothly creeps along the cornea, disinfecting the surface with tear fluid.

Regardless of its functions, the eyelid can have some pathologies that will adversely affect the health of the cat.


There are breeds of cats that are capable of experiencing prolapse or protrusion of the nictitating membrane. It is most dangerous in the period from 2 to 9 months of life. Due to the constant blinking, an enlarged eyelid can be injured.

Due to its large size, the membrane will come into contact with the cornea, creating discomfort for pets. The situation will be complicated if the fluffy begins to rub his eyes on his own. The video will show what the complications associated with third eyelid prolapse look like.

Signs and causes

Prolapse of the third eyelid is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased tearing;
  • blepharospasms occur;
  • secretion of mucus or pus;
  • there is a volume formation in the corners of the eyes.

The causes of protrusion may be as follows:

  • weakened ligaments that hold the eyelid in a certain position;
  • eversion of the cartilaginous base.

It is important to be able to distinguish this disease from an adenoma. In the event of a mistake, such a dangerous disease as keratoconjunctivitis can occur. To cure a pet in such a situation can only be half. It cannot be done completely.

pet treatment

A prolapsed nictitating membrane can lead to a variety of diseases.


An adenoma is a benign tumor that occurs near the bridge of the nose. Its shape is similar to a bean. Has a pink color. The photo demonstrates this perfectly. Over time, the tumor only increases in size.

Adenoma can occur for a variety of reasons, among which the most common are eye damage and infectious diseases.

Because of this pathology, the eyes of the pet cannot be closed completely. And this leads to new injuries. In many situations, adenoma is accompanied by secretions. At the last stage, the temperature will rise. The cat may begin to refuse food and show aggression.

It is important to start treatment on time. If this diagnosis has been made, drug treatment may be prescribed. With it, you can remove puffiness. Removal of the tumor is possible only with the help of surgery. Treatment should not be accompanied by removal of the membrane and lacrimal gland. Otherwise, there will be a syndrome of "dry eye", which will be accompanied by chronic conjunctivitis.

Cartilage abnormal growth

During the growth of a pet, with his eyeball, a break in the nictitating membrane may occur. The cause of this pathology is the abnormal growth of cartilage. It cannot be returned to its normal position. At the same time, the membrane is not able to function normally. As a result, a variety of inflammations appear.

Treatment of the disease involves antibiotic therapy. With the help of it, it will be possible to remove the inflammatory process. After that, the treatment is followed by surgery. This operation should be approached responsibly, as it is possible to damage the cornea.

Prolapse of the membrane

It is often possible to observe a blinking membrane on the eye, which does not disappear. And this is a serious cause for concern. Moreover, the loss may not be a pathology, but a symptom of an existing disease. There are several variants of the disease.

If the nictitating membrane is observed in one eye, it is necessary to check the pet for the presence of diseases such as:

  • foreign bodies that may be under the membrane;
  • damage to the cornea, cartilage, third eyelid, facial nerve;
  • inflammation of the membrane;
  • fusion of the membrane with the eyeball.

Pathology can appear in both eyes.

In such a situation, the causes of loss can be:

  • bilateral conjunctivitis or symblepharon;
  • worm damage.

The use of special formulations

Before you ask the veterinarian what treatment should be prescribed, you can use phytomineral supplements, which include herbs such as:

  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • cornflower.

Treatment of protrusion

What if a protrusion was found in a fluffy? Treatment should only be prescribed by a professional veterinarian. Do not use eye drops that are intended for humans.

In some situations, the dropped membrane recovers on its own after a few hours. Otherwise, intervention by the surgeon will be required. At home, treatment may be accompanied by the use of immunomodulatory drugs. With the help of them it will be possible to eliminate the viral infection.


In order to avoid problems with the nictitating membrane, prevention is necessary. Eye damage must not be allowed. This can happen, for example, during a fight with other cats.

Video "Eye diseases"

The video will talk about what eye diseases can occur in cats.

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