Vice Admiral Ugryumov German Alekseevich. "The loss of this person will have consequences for the entire country"

Ugryumov German Alekseevich - Head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism - Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Vice Admiral.

Born on October 10, 1948 in the city of Astrakhan in the family of a worker and participant in the Great Patriotic War. Russian. He grew up and studied at the Bishkil station in the Chebarkul district of the Chelyabinsk region, where his parents worked at a grain elevator. In 1964, after graduating from school, he left for Astrakhan, where he graduated from State Technical University No. 6. Since 1966, he worked as a diesel mechanic at the V.P. Chkalov ship repair plant in Astrakhan.

In 1967, following the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, he entered the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S.M. Kirov in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan SSR). He studied at the Faculty of Chemistry and was a deputy company commander. I did sports; Master of Sports of the USSR in boxing. After graduating from college in 1972, he was sent for further service in the Caspian Military Flotilla.

Since August 1972 - divisional chemist of the 250th minesweeper division of the 73rd water area protection brigade, since December 1972 - assistant commander, and since 1973 - commander of a large fire boat of the 279th emergency rescue service of the Caspian military flotilla. In 1974, for skillful management and personal courage shown when extinguishing a fire in the Baku oil fields, he was awarded the medal “For Courage in a Fire.”

In 1975, he was recruited to work in the naval counterintelligence of the USSR State Security Committee. In 1976, he graduated from the Higher Military Counterintelligence Courses of the KGB of the USSR in Novosibirsk and was sent to operational work in the same Caspian military flotilla. In 1976-1982 - detective officer, senior detective officer of the Special Department of the KGB of the USSR for the Caspian Military Flotilla.

Since 1982 - deputy chief, and since 1985 - chief of the Special Department of the KGB of the USSR (since 1992 - Military Counterintelligence Department of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation) of the Caspian Military Flotilla. He worked in difficult conditions: interethnic clashes, the activities of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, the collapse of the USSR. He participated in the rescue of Russian and Armenian families during the pogroms, and supervised the withdrawal of the military flotilla and naval school to Astrakhan.

Since 1992 - Head of the Military Counterintelligence Department of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation for the Novorossiysk Naval Garrison. Since 1993 - Head of the Military Counterintelligence Department of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation, and since 1994 - Head of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation (since 1995 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) for the Pacific Fleet.

Since 1998 - First Deputy Head of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate (3rd Directorate) of the FSB of Russia, supervised the counterintelligence agencies of the Navy. Since 1999 - First Deputy Head, and since November 1999 - Head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism (2nd Department) - Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia. Under his operational subordination was the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia, which included Directorates “A” (“Alpha”) and “B” (“Vympel”).

Under his leadership and with his direct participation, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region, as a result of which many leaders and active members of bandit formations were neutralized. This is the bloodless capture of Gudermes in December 1999, and the arrest of Salman Raduev in March 2000, and the release of hostages in the village of Lazarevskoye in November of the same year.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2000, for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, Vice Admiral Ugryumov German Alekseevich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with a special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

Since January 2001 - Head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. He dealt with issues of troop withdrawal, the procedure for transferring powers from the military and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to counterintelligence agencies.

He spent more than 25 years serving in military counterintelligence. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2001, G.A. Ugryumov was awarded the next military rank of admiral. And the next day he was gone.

He died suddenly on May 31, 2001 from a heart attack in his office at a military base in the village of Khankala (Chechen Republic). He was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Military ranks:
rear admiral (1993),
Vice Admiral (2000),
admiral (05/30/2001).

Awarded the Order of Military Merit, Honor (02/22/1989), medals, including “For Distinction in Protecting the State Border of the USSR” (1985), “For Excellent Service in Protecting Public Order”, “For Courage in a Fire” ( 1974), badges “Honorary Counterintelligence Officer” (1997), “For Service in Counterintelligence” 2nd and 3rd degree.

His name was given to a street in Vladivostok, a street and square in Astrakhan, a street and school in Novorossiysk, as well as the base minesweeper of the Caspian flotilla (BT-244 “German Ugryumov”).

Ugryumov German Alekseevich

Est socia mortis homini vita ingloria.

A person's inglorious life is equal to death.

Publius Sir. Maxims

Living the lives of my heroes, I thought for them.

Margarita Volina. Black romance

On June 1, 2001, a mournful obituary about the death of Hero of Russia German Alekseevich Ugryumov appeared in Moscow newspapers. To the majority of his fellow citizens of Russia, whom he served honestly, his name meant nothing. True, someone might remember that the name “Ugryumov” was mentioned in connection with the capture of Salman Raduev, and even earlier - in connection with Pasko’s “case”. For the admiral’s colleagues from the Federal Security Service, the name of German Ugryumov was and will remain sacred.

“On May 31, 2001, while performing military duty on the territory of the Chechen Republic, the deputy director - head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Vice Admiral, died suddenly UGRUMOV German Alekseevich.

G. A. Ugryumov was born in 1948 in Astrakhan. Since 1967, he has been a cadet at the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov. Upon completion of training, he was sent to serve in the Caspian Flotilla.

Since 1975, G. A. Ugryumov served in the security agencies of the army, where his organizational abilities and leadership talent were fully demonstrated. In 1999, he was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism, and since November 1999 - deputy director - head of the department.

G. A. Ugryumov made a great contribution to ensuring the security of the state and preserving its sovereignty. In January 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. With his direct participation, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region, as a result of which leaders and active members of gangs were neutralized and hundreds of human lives were saved.

When performing official tasks, G. A. Ugryumov showed personal courage and heroism. He was distinguished by dedication to his work, deep specialized knowledge, exceptional demands on his subordinates, and the ability to work with people. These qualities, combined with extensive life and professional experience, allowed him to successfully manage complex and multilateral activities to protect the constitutional order and combat terrorism.

The merits of G. A. Ugryumov in ensuring state security were highly appreciated by the Motherland. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Military Merit, the Badge of Honor, and many medals.

The bright memory of German Alekseevich Ugryumov will forever remain in our hearts.

Board of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation."

Just the day before, in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Decree conferring the rank of admiral on G. A. Ugryumov, so his colleagues, shocked by the sudden death of Ugryumov, did not have time to get their bearings. And in the mourning photograph of Ugryumov in vice-admiral's uniform, he did not have to wear three-star ones. The admiral’s wide chest is decorated with the Golden Star of the Hero of Russia, but he never put on the star and did not even have time to hold it in his hands: the star in the photo was scanned...

A strange grimace of fate: a sailor who died on the shore; Hero of Russia, who never wore an asterisk; an admiral who never wore admiral's shoulder straps... Maybe this is the pointing finger of fate that everything that Ugryumov was programmed to do, that he could still do, he did not have time to do...

Low bow to his friends and associates, without whom this book could not have happened.

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Hero of Russia German Ugryumov died at a combat post in Khankala in 2001. He was the only admiral in the highest echelons of state security.

Because of his generosity of soul, his colleagues gave him the call sign "Ocean", which went with the impressive appearance of the admiral - tall, dense figure. But Ugryumov did not live up to his last name - he was the life of the party: he sang with a guitar, recited poetry by heart.

He began his military career in the Caspian Flotilla. And he returned to Baku again after graduating from the KGB Higher School. Two sons of German Alekseevich will be born here. And here he will almost lose his family, when they start slaughtering and burning Russians and Armenians alive on the streets of Azerbaijani cities. The city of Sumgait will be “famous” for the first pogroms, and then posters will appear in Baku: “Russians, don’t leave! We need slaves and prostitutes!”, “War of Armenia!”. The Russians, who managed to get to the airport in Baku, could not fly to Moscow - civilian planes were loaded with boxes of nails. The flower trade season has not been cancelled.

Then Ugryumov saved hundreds of families by organizing evacuation by military aircraft and by sea. But several years before the tragic events, he sent reports to Moscow that nationalist sentiments were brewing in Azerbaijan and that Turkish and Iranian intelligence services were working. But the center responded: Azerbaijan will sort it out themselves.

The crime understood everything

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Ugryumov was sent first to Novorossiysk and then to Vladivostok, where he had to communicate with local criminals. Bandit groups attacked officers in broad daylight. The target is a military weapon. “The father met one-on-one with representatives of criminals. And the attacks stopped. All stolen weapons were returned. He had a rare gift of persuasion. And he still could not allow women, children and the elderly to be insulted in his presence. Once, at the Vladivostok market, he saw a racketeer knock over a box of greens from an old woman - she did not pay him a bribe. He forced the extortionist to pick up the greenery and said that every day he would check how he was protecting his grandmother, he says Admiral's son Alexander. - My father went to serious meetings without security or weapons. But with a grenade. In Baku, when he was taking out women and children and had to meet with armed militants from the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, he took a grenade with him for the first time.”

Ugryumov never parted with a grenade in Chechnya either. In the late 90s, German Alekseevich was transferred from Vladivostok to Moscow to the central office of the FSB leadership. After the invasion of Chechen gangs into Dagestan and the start of the second Chechen campaign, Ugryumov was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. Under his command were “Alpha” and “Vym-pel”. He developed operations that led to the elimination of iconic militant commanders one after another. And one of them - Salman Raduev- managed to be taken alive. Ugryumov personally delivered Raduev to Moscow.

The militants promised a reward of $16 million for the admiral’s head. “Conversations were intercepted on air more than once in which terrorists were indignant that they again failed to blow up German Alekseevich, although he was under their noses,” AiF said. FSB reserve colonel Alexander Ladanyuk, who worked as an assistant to German Ugryumov for more than 10 years. “My father was saved by his rare professional intuition,” says Alexander Ugryumov. - Having already set off on the road, he often changed the route. Sometimes he later sent me to check the previous one. And it always turned out that there was either a landmine or an ambush. When he escorted Alpha or Vympel employees to another operation in Khankala, he made sure to make the sign of the cross over them. And I couldn’t find a place for myself until they returned.”

"Ocean" is bad

Colleagues, remembering German Alekseevich, unanimously repeat that he was a scout from God. In the most difficult situation, he made the only right decision. The way he could turn a seemingly hopeless situation around was admirable. “Whoever fights can lose, whoever doesn’t fight has already lost,” said Ugryumov.

The admiral never directed operations from his Moscow office. Always went to the place. This happened when a sailor on watch in the Northern Fleet, having shot his colleagues, barricaded himself in the torpedo compartment of a nuclear submarine. He threatened to blow up the nuclear-powered ship, which would lead to a terrible disaster. When the persuasion of his mother, who was urgently brought from St. Petersburg, did not work, Ugryumov came up with a combination that is still kept secret. Result: the insane sailor was eliminated, despite the fact that he was in a sealed torpedo compartment.

The liquidation of the criminal was a last resort for German Alekseevich. We must try to work with any terrorist - that was his credo. The admiral put the lives of civilians and soldiers first. Thanks to his agreements with the Chechen elders, the stronghold of the militants, the city of Gudermes, was bloodlessly taken. Ugryumov met with Akhmat Kadyrov, who then went over to the side of the federal troops. Only one fact speaks about the admiral’s attitude towards the Chechen people. “A month before his death, my father visited home. At a family council he asked if we would be against the adoption of a Chechen girl, a six-year-old orphan whom he met in Khankala. Of course we agreed. Then they tried to find this girl. Did not work out".

German Alekseevich passed away in his “office” (field trailer) in Khankala on May 31, 2001. “Ocean” is feeling bad,” they said over the radio. First aid was immediately provided by a doctor from Alpha. He “started” the admiral’s heart twice within 40 minutes, but it refused to work. After an autopsy, doctors discovered that the admiral, at 52 years old, had 7 scars on his heart from microinfarctions suffered on his legs. During his farewell to German Ugryumov, the President Vladimir Putin asked him widow Tatyana what you can do to help your family. “We should get a registration,” she said. The admiral did not earn any dachas or apartments. At the same time, even in the most crisis years, he managed to get housing for his subordinates. It was not for nothing that they called him “Father” behind his back. The family was provided with registration. And the admiral himself, despite his professional reticence, received a residence permit in the history of the Russian state - streets in Astrakhan, Novorossiysk, Grozny and Vladivostok were named after him. And the patrol boat “German Ugryumov” goes out to the sea that he loved so much.

Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Patrushev at the funeral of G. A. Ugryumov. Photo:

FSB General Ugryumov said in the spring of 2000 after the election of Putin: “WE HAD TO BLOW UP HOUSES TO PLACE HIM IN THE KREMLIN, HOW MUCH BLOOD WILL WE HAVE TO SHEED TO GET HIM OUT OF THERE?” After this maxim, Ugryumov did not live even two months. Facts: General Lebed, presidential candidate - plane crash. General Troshev, commander in the Caucasus - plane crash. General Baranov is seriously wounded. General Romanov - seriously wounded in an assassination attempt while preparing a peace treaty. General Rokhlin was killed, his wife was convicted of murder. General Shamanov - wounded in a car accident. General Dubrov - died under an electric train on the platform. General Debashvili - body found on a Moscow street. General Gusev - died in a car accident. General Barannikov died suddenly after receiving the package. Major General Viktor Chevrizov, former head of the intelligence department of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the HORDE - was killed in Moscow. According to the official version, he allegedly shot himself in the head from an award pistol in the entrance of his own house. The list is endless... that is, there is no end in sight yet. Who is next? The shortest history of modern Russia: 1999 - the murder of V. Chernovol, the beginning of the second Chechen war (about 25 thousand people were killed in total), explosions of houses in Buynaksk, Volgodonsk, Moscow (307 people were killed), the detention of FSB officers who pawned bags with hexogen in Ryazan. 2000 – murders of A. Sobchak, A. Borovik, Z. Bazhaev, I. Domnikov, the death of the Kursk submarine (130 people died). 2002 – murders of A. Lebed, V. Golovlev, storming of the theater on Dubrovka (Nord-Ost, 130/174 people were killed), assassination attempt on V. Rushailo. 2003 – murders of S. Yushenkov, Yu. Shchekochikhin, conflict on the Tuzla Spit, defeat of YUKOS, arrests of P. Lebedev and M. Khodorkovsky. 2004 – murder of hostages in Beslan (333 people killed), murders of R. Tsepov, N. Girenko, P. Khlebnikov, Z. Yandarbiev, poisoning of V. Yushchenko, assassination attempt on E. Tregubova, poisoning of Ya. Arafat, mass beating in Blagoveshchensk (Bashkortostan), gas war against Belarus. 2005 – murders of A. Maskhadov, A. Trofimov, O. Latsis, ethnic cleansing in the village of Borozdinovskaya (12 people were killed). 2006 – gas war against Ukraine, murders of A. Politkovskaya, A. Litvinenko, hybrid war against Georgia, ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Russia, arrest and torture in custody of the terminally ill V. Aleksanyan (died in 2011). 2007 – murders of I. Safronov, Ch. Gutsiriev, Yu. Chervochkin, cyber war against Estonia. 2008 – attack on Georgia (about 1000 people were killed), murders of M. Evloev, R. Yamadayev, beating of M. Beketov (died in 2013). 2009 – gas war against Ukraine, murders of U. Israilov, S. Markelov, A. Baburova, S. Yamadaev, N. Estemirova, M. Aushev, S. Magnitsky. 2010 – murders in the village of Kushchevskaya (12 people were killed), the crash of a Polish plane near Smolensk (96 people were killed), due to the failure to provide timely assistance during a heat wave and smog in Moscow alone, the excess cost amounted to about 12 thousand people ., attempt on V. Shamanov, beating of O. Kashin. 2011 - crashes of “Bulgaria” and planes in Yaroslavl and Karelia (213 people died), the so-called. parliamentary elections, during which at least 17 million votes were stolen. 2012 – flood in Krymsk (171 people died), beatings, arrest, imprisonment of participants in the May 6 march on Bolotnaya Square, members of the Pussy Riot group. 2013 – the beginning of a hybrid war against Ukraine. 2014 – the beginning of a conventional war against Ukraine (the number is already in the tens of thousands), a terrorist attack against MH-17 (298 people were killed). 2015 – murder of B. Nemtsov, the beginning of the conventional war in Syria (1.5 thousand people were killed), terrorist attack against the Metrojet airliner over Sinai (224 people were killed. ), the beginning of a hybrid war against Turkey. 2016 - terrorist attacks in the EEC and Turkey, bombings with cluster and phosphorus bombs in Syria (hundreds of children, tens of thousands of civilians). War in Ukraine. Are there any doubts about what – if the current regime continues – 2017 and subsequent years will be like?

October 10, 1948 - May 31, 2001

Russian state security official, admiral

Early life and service in the navy

Born into a working-class family, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Russian. He grew up and studied at the Bishkil station in the Chebarkul district of the Chelyabinsk region. After graduating from high school, he again went to Astrakhan, where he entered a ship repair vocational school.

In the USSR Navy since 1967: cadet of the chemical department of the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov in the city of Baku. He graduated from college in 1972. He served in the Caspian military flotilla since 1972 as a senior assistant commander, and since 1973 as commander of a large fire boat. He distinguished himself while extinguishing a large fire in the Baku oil fields, for which he was awarded the medal “For Courage in a Fire.”

In the KGB of the USSR

Since 1975 - in the counterintelligence agencies of the USSR State Security Committee in the Navy. In 1976, he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR in Novosibirsk with the rank of captain-lieutenant, and was sent to a special department of the KGB at the Caspian Naval School named after S. M. Kirov, where he conducted operational work at the faculty of foreign students. In 1979, he became the head of the special department of the KGB at this school.

In 1985 - 1992 - head of the Special Department of the KGB of the Caspian Military Flotilla. He distinguished himself in his activities to ensure the security of the flotilla in the context of aggravated interethnic relations in Transcaucasia and interethnic clashes, numerous armed attempts to seize weapons and military property of the flotilla. One of the leading participants in the operation to withdraw the Caspian Flotilla and the Caspian Naval School from Baku to Astrakhan.

In the state security agencies of Russia

Since 1993 - Head of the Special Department of the FSK of Russia at the Novorossiysk Naval Base, at the same time he was awarded the rank of captain of the 1st rank. Since 1994 - Head of the Department of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation for the Pacific Fleet. In this position, one of the initiators of bringing journalist G. Pasko to criminal liability for espionage.

Since 1998 - in the central office of the FSB of the Russian Federation, first deputy head of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and headed the counterintelligence agencies in the Navy. In 1999 - First Deputy Head of the 2nd Department of the FSB (protection of the constitutional order and the fight against terrorism), in November of the same year he became the head of this Department - Deputy Director of the FSB. Subordinate to him was the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of the Russian Federation, which included the Alpha and Vympel groups. With the direct participation of Ugryumov, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region, as a result of which many leaders and active members of gangs were neutralized. His name is associated, for example, with the bloodless capture of Gudermes in December 1999, the capture of Salman Raduev in March 2000, and the release of hostages in the village of Lazarevskoye near Sochi in November 2000.

On January 21, 2001, Vice Admiral Ugryumov, simultaneously with his previously held position, was approved as the head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. According to a number of publications in the media, on May 30, 2001, he was awarded the military rank of admiral.

The next day, May 31, Admiral Ugryumov died of a heart attack in his office on the territory of the headquarters of the Russian military group in the village of Khankala, Chechen Republic. According to media reports, the autopsy revealed traces of 7 microinfarctions. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (the title was awarded by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2000 for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor
  • Order of Military Merit,
  • Medals, including “For courage in a fire”,
  • Badge “Honorary Counterintelligence Officer” (1997),
  • Badge "For service in counterintelligence" III and II degrees.


  • By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, the warship of the Caspian Flotilla - the base minesweeper BT-244 - was given the name "German Ugryumov".
  • In the city of Astrakhan a street and a square bear his name,
  • A monument was unveiled in Astrakhan on September 14, 2006.
  • A bas-relief monument was erected in Novorossiysk.
  • Streets in