Development plan for the company's marketing strategy. Marketing strategy - what is it, types, goals, stages and fundamentals of developing, evaluating and choosing an enterprise marketing strategy

The development of a marketing mix, including the development of a product, its positioning using a variety of sales promotion measures, is closely related to strategic management. Before entering the market with a specific marketing strategy, the company must clearly understand the position of competitors, its capabilities, and draw a line along which it will fight with its competitors.

When forming a marketing strategy for a company, 4 groups of factors should be taken into account:

  • 1. trends in the development of demand and the external marketing environment (market demand, consumer requests, product distribution systems, legal regulation, trends in business circles, etc.);
  • 2. the state and characteristics of competition in the market, the main competing firms and the strategic direction of their activities;
  • 3. managerial resources and capabilities of the company, its strengths in the competition;
  • 4. the main concept of the development of the company, its global goals and entrepreneurial tasks in the main strategic areas.

The development of a marketing strategy is a laborious process that requires a significant investment of time, the ability to correctly analyze the current situation and think creatively. This process begins with an analysis of the external and internal environment and ends with an analysis of the effectiveness of the decisions made. Moreover, at the last stage, it is necessary to find out not only how the planned actions were carried out accurately, correctly and on time, but also how well these actions were chosen to achieve the goal (Fig. 1).

At the level of the enterprise as a whole, a general strategy is formed, which reflects the general strategic line of development and a combination of its possible directions, taking into account the existing market conditions and the capabilities of the company. Plans and programs of marketing activity are based on it. At the level of individual areas of activity or product divisions of the enterprise, a development strategy for this area is developed, associated with the development of product offerings and the distribution of resources for individual products. At the level of individual products, functional strategies are formed based on determining the target segment and positioning a particular product on the market, using various marketing tools.

Rice. one.

The key point in the development of a company's marketing strategy is the analysis of the internal and external environment. Analysis of the internal environment allows you to identify the capabilities of the enterprise for the implementation of the strategy; analysis of the external environment is necessary because changes in this environment can lead to both expanding marketing opportunities and limiting the scope of successful marketing. Also, in the course of marketing research, it is necessary to analyze the “consumer-product” relationship, the characteristics of competition in the market of this industry, the state of the macro environment, the potential of the industry in the region where the company is going to operate.

A rather widely recognized approach that allows for a joint study of the external and internal environment is the SWOT analysis. In addition, SWOT analysis allows you to develop a list of strategic actions aimed at strengthening the competitive position of the enterprise and its development.

During its implementation, weaknesses and strengths are initially identified - these are factors of the internal environment that will contribute to or hinder the effective operation of the company; as well as opportunities and threats - environmental factors that favor or hinder the development and effective functioning of the organization. Based on the data, a SWOT table is compiled, after which the following questions should be answered:

whether the company has any strengths or major strengths on which the strategy should be based;

whether the firm's weaknesses make it vulnerable to competition, and what weaknesses the strategy should mitigate;

what opportunities the firm can use with its resources and experience to really count on luck; what are the best opportunities from the firm's point of view;

what threats should management most fear in order to ensure their reliable protection.

It is also necessary to establish links between internal and external parties. For this, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled from 4 fields (Fig. 2). In each of these fields, the researcher must consider all possible pair combinations and highlight those that should be taken into account when developing an organization's behavior strategy.

In the field of "strengths - opportunities", a strategy should be developed to use the strengths of the organization in order to get a return on the opportunities that have appeared in the external environment (it is proposed to use them as strategic development guidelines).

Rice. 2. SWOT matrix

It would be more correct to consider the opportunities that open up not only for a particular enterprise, but also for its competitors in the relevant market where the company operates or intends to operate. These opportunities allow you to develop a program of certain actions - the strategy of the company.

"Weaknesses - Opportunities" are proposed to be used for internal transformations. The strategy should be built in such a way that, due to the opportunities that have appeared, it should try to overcome the weaknesses in the organization.

The combination of "strengths - threats" is considered possible to use as potential strategic advantages. The strategy should include the use of the forces of the organization to eliminate threats.

The combination of "weaknesses - threats" is proposed to be considered as a limitation of strategic development. The organization must develop a strategy that would allow it to get rid of weaknesses, and at the same time try to prevent the threat looming over it.

When developing strategies, it must be remembered that opportunities and threats can turn into opposites. Thus, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or, conversely, a successfully prevented threat can create an additional strength for the organization in the event that competitors have not eliminated the same threat.

To assess the competitive position of the company, a methodological tool called "benchmarking" is used. This term refers to a comparative analysis of the key success factors (business parameters) of the analyzed enterprise with its main competitors. In other words, it is a procedure for managing the competitive potential of a firm. As a rule, a comparative analysis is carried out according to the following parameters: market share; quality and price of products; production technology; cost and profitability of products; the level of labor productivity; volume of sales; distribution channels and proximity to sources of raw materials; the quality of the management team; new products; the ratio of domestic and world prices; company reputation; competitor strategies and plans; study of the competitiveness of products and the effectiveness of marketing activities.

This comparison is necessary to determine what the company should strive for and what needs to be changed.

The results of SWOT-analysis and benchmarking allow for a full-scale and, what is very important, fairly objective assessment of the company's competitive position in the industry.

In the course of the study, it is important to analyze the relationship "consumer-product", i.e. study of consumer behavior.

Directions for studying consumers are:

consumer attitudes towards the company, attitudes towards various aspects of the company's activities in the context of individual elements of the marketing mix (manufactured and new products of the company, characteristics of modernized or newly developed products, pricing policy, efficiency of the sales network and product promotion activities);

the level of satisfaction of consumer requests (expectations);

consumer intentions;

making a purchasing decision;

consumer behavior during and after the purchase;

consumer motivation.

It is also necessary to investigate the attitudes of consumers towards the brands of competing manufacturers.

Depending on the opportunities and threats, the potential of the company, as well as the state of the competitive environment, i.e. based on the study, a general strategy for the development of the company is developed.

Strategic marketing involves methods for systematically analyzing needs and developing concepts for effective products and services to provide a sustainable competitive advantage, and includes market research, market segmentation, demand differentiation and product positioning. The logical continuation of strategic marketing is complex marketing pressure, implementation and control.

Thus, a true marketing strategy is based on segmentation, differentiation and positioning. It is aimed at finding the company's competitive advantage in the market and developing such a marketing mix that would allow realizing this competitive advantage.

Segmentation allows you to systematically analyze needs and develop effective assortment concepts of goods and services that provide competitive advantages for the enterprise in the market. Allocate macrosegmentation, the task of which is to identify the market of goods, i.e. determination of commodity and territorial boundaries; and micro-segmentation, the purpose of which is to identify within each segment of consumers for a more detailed analysis of the diversity of their needs.

Market segmentation is carried out according to certain criteria. These features include: geographical, socio-demographic, psychographic, behavioral.

The segments identified during the study require further evaluation of their attractiveness. It is on the basis of this assessment that organizations develop marketing strategies aimed at positioning products, as well as developing a targeted marketing program focused on selected segments. Segments are evaluated according to certain criteria, which include: the size of the segment and the rate of its change, the structural attractiveness of the segment, the goals and resources of the organization developing the segment. Moreover, when choosing a target market and in order to achieve the maximum possible effect, it is necessary to take into account all these criteria in combination.

In the selected target markets, the following approaches to their development can be used, i.e. segmentation strategies:

Undifferentiated marketing - when the differences between market segments are ignored and go to the entire market with one product. At the same time, the manufacturer focuses not on how the needs of various consumers differ, but on what these needs have in common.

Differentiated marketing - a strategy of full market coverage is also adopted, but at the same time, each segment (market) has its own specially designed product. This approach allows you to operate in all selected segments with an individual product, price, marketing, communication policy (marketing-mix).

Concentrated (focused) marketing - focusing on one or more of the most profitable segments. The strategy is attractive to enterprises with limited resources, which concentrate their efforts where they can use their advantages, providing economies through specialization and a strong market position in the segment due to the high degree of uniqueness and individuality of their products and services.

Personalized - a strategy in which the market is broken down into the smallest boundaries, down to the level of the individual consumer.

Sometimes within the framework of differentiated marketing, differentiated target marketing is also distinguished. At the same time, their difference is that differentiated marketing means the development of such a marketing mix for selected segments, which differs only in promotion complexes, and differentiated target marketing involves the use of completely different marketing tools for them and, first of all, goods and services are differentiated here, designed for different consumer groups. At the same time, each strategy differs, first of all, in the content of the main tools of the marketing mix (marketing-mix); product, price and promotions.

Having decided on the choice of target market segments, as well as areas of differentiation, the company proceeds to positioning goods and services in the selected segments.

Positioning determines the nature of the perception of goods by target segments. It can be defined as the development and creation of an image of a product in such a way that it takes a worthy place in the mind of the buyer, different from the position of competitors.

When positioning, it is necessary to pay attention to those characteristics (arguments) and their combination that are most important for the consumer. This can be price, product or service quality, company prestige, etc. A company can develop positioning strategies taking into account the strategies used by competitors: positioning by attribute, by advantage, by use / application, by consumer, by competitor, by product category, by ratio price quality. Or apply several strategies at once.

Thus, in the processes and methods of segmentation, differentiation and positioning, the features of the marketing concept are most clearly reflected, since are determined by the specifics of the behavior and needs of individual consumers, are aimed at finding and choosing the arguments by which the company influences consumers and forms the competitive advantages of its products. Next, the process of operational marketing begins, based on the chosen strategic orientation of the enterprise and product, i.e. the firm can engage in a detailed study of the marketing mix, which includes the development of a product, pricing policy, and promotion strategies. At the same time, the marketing mix should be developed taking into account the interests and needs of the segment that the company focuses on.

Marketing strategy is a particular element of the company's overall strategy, which describes how it should use the opportunities and resources at its disposal to achieve the greatest result and increase profitability in the long term.

In fact, it is a general plan of measures in the field of marketing, with the help of which the company expects to achieve its marketing goals. It involves setting specific goals for each individual product, type of market for a certain period of time. A strategy is formed within the framework of the general production and commercial activities according to the individual capabilities of a particular enterprise and the characteristics of the market situation.

After developing a general firm can move on to work on more specific (marketing plans).

The main sections of a marketing plan include: an analysis of the current marketing situation, a SWOT analysis, a list of tasks and existing problems, a list of obvious dangers and potential opportunities, a presentation of marketing strategies, an action program, budgets, and certain control procedures.

The marketing strategy of the company begins its existence with the development of a specific program, setting goals and formulating tasks for all future marketing activities.

The marketing strategy is chosen individually for a particular company in accordance with the peculiarities of its current affairs and the development tasks of future periods. The main ones are: penetration into a new market, development of an existing market, development of a new product, diversification.

Based on the general marketing strategy, private programs of marketing events are formed. Programs can focus on achieving such effects from activities as the maximum effect regardless of the risk, the minimum risk without expecting a large effect, various combinations of these two approaches.

The marketing strategy is developed based on the requirements of the market, the shortcomings of the company, the needs of consumers and some other factors. The formation of a marketing strategy is influenced by trends in the state of the external marketing environment and demand, the distribution system, and consumer requests; features and state of the competitive environment; individual capabilities of the firm and its management resources; the main concept of the future development of the company, its tasks and goals.

The key subsystem of the corporate marketing strategy is the product marketing strategy of a commercial organization. It is aimed at the analysis, development of the most important strategic decisions on the range, nomenclature, volume and quality of manufactured products, issues of product sales on the market.

It is the main strategy for survival, economic growth, quiet existence and commercial success of the company. Its main component is the optimization of the product program for the current year.

Thus, a marketing strategy is created in relation to a specific target market, selected as a result of the expanded market conditions. Strategic planning is built on its basis and with its help the competitive advantages of the company are provided for the future. It is the result of a rational and logical construction of long-term success plans, on the basis of which the movement towards the progressive development of production and sales is carried out.

On the basis of the developed strategy, a detailed program of specific activities is created for the entire marketing mix, responsible executors are assigned, future costs are determined, and deadlines are set.

The marketing strategy determines the direction of product promotion, in which the company receives the maximum profit in the long run. The development of a marketing strategy includes a plan aimed at specific actions that increase demand for a product and reduce risks regarding the activities of competitors. The objective of the project is to prevent the company from going astray, determined by experts to increase profitability, product competitiveness and efficient operation of the enterprise.

Concept of marketing strategy

Competent helps to bring the company to a certain market level in accordance with its internal capabilities. Numerous models of this strategy are known, here are the main ones:

  • Increasing the level of business activity (promoting a new product on the market to existing customers, building new market relations).
  • Improving the overall structure of the firm.
  • On the contrary, a decrease in business activity (withdrawal from the market of a product that is not popular, exit from the old market and directing more efforts to create new, more productive relationships).
  • Formation of a joint foreign organization with foreign partners on the territory of other countries.
  • Creation of an enterprise with foreign partners on the territory of our country.
  • Cooperation with several foreign partners to promote the product in markets where you have not been able to work productively before.

Depending on the goals set, the direction in which the promotion is planned is chosen, the stages are developed, and the features of the brand implementation are highlighted. With the help of mathematical models of the market, a strategy is selected that needs to be drawn up:

  • "Mini-max" - more efficiency, ignoring all sorts of risks.
  • "Maxi-min" - reducing risks, despite the fact that profits may decrease.
  • Combination of the first two options.

To write a strategy correctly, you need to pay attention to many factors. First of all, you need to do the following:

  • Determine the group of buyers present on the market where the product is planned to be placed, find out their attitude towards it and their needs.
  • Choose buyers for whom the products manufactured by your company will be an ideal option, regardless of the activities of competitors.
  • Choose the most efficient time at which the sale of goods can best meet the demand of consumers present in this market. Do not forget about advertising and seasonality, if this can affect the process.

It is important to create a product that will meet the requirements of the buyer, and not the last place in this project is the price, which should not be inflated to attract customers.

Examples of strategies and additional tactics of action

As an example of a marketing strategy, we can cite the actions of Japanese forms. Their direction of development is called the "strategy of the laser beam." Its goal is to conquer the consumer market of foreign countries with a product that is not produced on their territory, and then its promotion to the markets of other countries.

This is clearly seen in the automotive business. At first, Japan launched its cars only in Ireland, Norway, Finland and Denmark, and only some time later, when a positive reputation had already been gained, Japan entered the more complex markets of Western European countries: Sweden, Germany and France. The specialists were able to calculate long-term approaches that brought the manufacturer significant profits, a positive reputation, entry into new markets, and new customers.

In addition, some companies use defensive methods that work well if the company does not plan to generate additional income, and the current market situation suits them. The goal is to confidently defend your position from competitors. In some cases, it is possible to combine offensive processes with defensive ones. For example, if an enterprise leaves the market to develop new segments, then it is more efficient to use these two strategies together to achieve the set goals.

The tactics used should produce positive results throughout the planned process. Pay attention to the following methods if you need to increase sales:

  • Increase the volume of advertising and events when promoting products.
  • Analyze the professional level of persons responsible for the sale of products.
  • Stimulate sales by lowering prices.
  • Introduce a system of incentives for specialists responsible for the sale of goods.
  • Control the quality of products (be sure to write about it in the media).

If you need to change the volume, which is noticeably behind the demand, then:

  • Expand your production scale.
  • Raise the price of the item.
  • Reduce the part of the specialists involved in sales.
  • Do not direct additional opportunities for advertising and sales promotion.

It describes the main directions of marketing strategies that entrepreneurs use to attract profit in the enterprise. Choose which option suits you best and go for it. Good luck in your endeavors!

Any company should be puzzled by the study of this issue. A marketing strategy is a component of a corporate strategy that determines the direction of the company's activities, taking into account its current internal state and the external conditions in which the enterprise operates.

The need to develop a marketing strategy

Strategic management is more common among large enterprises that have a need for a professional approach to determining the direction of activity, the vision of the company in the future and have enough funds for this. The market positions of small enterprises are often determined on an intuitive, reactionary level, since the distribution of a small amount of resources does not require significant labor and funds, and the future of such enterprises is more susceptible to outside influences. However, it is worth noting that strategic management is necessary to some extent in every enterprise, since competent management allows you to choose the right paths to achieve the ultimate goal.

The marketing strategy helps to choose the basic model of the company's behavior in the market and ensure its further successful formation. It may not be able to insulate against all market dangers, but it may well help to develop ways of responding to the most likely options and to use all available resources in the most efficient way. The process of forming a marketing strategy, as well as other positions of this complex concept, ends with the choice of one of the alternatives, however, management moves to the next stage - the development of action programs, which determines the ways to achieve the goals set at the previous stage. Also, to develop a marketing strategy, it is important to establish an effective intra-organizational communication system.

Marketing strategy in a strategic pyramid

Strategic management involves the formation of a "strategic pyramid" at the enterprise, which includes four levels of strategies:

  • Corporate.
  • Business.
  • Functional.
  • Operational.

At the stage of forming a business strategy, the following are determined: a portfolio strategy, a growth strategy, and a direct marketing (competitive) strategy. Let's focus on how to ensure its formation. The marketing strategy determines the ways to enter and consolidate in certain markets and market niches, evaluates the prospects for development in certain strategic areas of management, methods of competition, and ensuring the competitiveness of products.

Types of Marketing Strategies

At the stage of choosing a competitive strategy, the enterprise determines the general model of behavior in the market, what methods will be used to win and maintain the target demand. The alternatives that an enterprise can follow are divided into types.

The marketing strategy is:

  • Violent (power).
  • Patient (niche).
  • Commutation (adaptive).
  • Explerent (pioneer).

Violet (power) strategy is used in the management of large firms specializing in mass, standardized production. Competitiveness in this case is ensured due to the "scale effect", which allows mass production of high-quality products and selling them at a relatively low price.

A patent (niche) strategy is typical for those firms that are focused on a niche business, that is, specialized products to meet demand in a narrow market segment. The strategy is applicable to those who produce a specialized high-quality product at a high price. Such a strategy is good because it allows you to find that part of the market that will be inaccessible to competitors, thereby making it possible to reduce the cost of competition and redirect resources to self-development.

A commutative (adaptive) strategy involves the satisfaction of individual services, solving problems on a local scale, which is typical for small, private enterprises, often of short duration. Commutative strategy businesses look for every opportunity to satisfy their customers, so they tend to be very flexible in their operations.

The explerent strategy (pioneer, innovative) is the most risky of the strategies, it involves the creation of completely new products, revolutionary products. The main problem of such firms is that it is impossible to study the demand for their products, since it simply does not exist yet, the explorers form the need for their own product, and their success in business depends on how well they succeed. The practice of firms-explerents shows that only a small percentage of "pioneers" succeed, but this success is huge and often covers the costs of all failures. Such a business is called “scalable” in the literature.

Functional Marketing Strategies

This is followed by a functional level, which involves the development of tactical measures for different departments of the company to achieve the strategies that were laid down at the previous stage. At this stage, the existing product marketing is developed or improved, which is divided into the following types.

Marketing strategy at the functional level is divided into the following types:

  • Assortment.
  • Promotion.
  • Distribution.
  • Pricing.
  • Target market selection.

Assortment marketing strategy involves the definition of product groups that will be in the company's portfolio, the breadth and depth of the range, describe product differentiation or the development of new products.

Determining the target audience to which the company's activities will be directed, developing communication plans and conducting an information campaign that will familiarize the potential consumer with the product - all this is part of building a promotion strategy. A promotional marketing strategy can also refer to a firm's advertising budget.

In a highly competitive environment, one of the primary skills is the correct allocation of the limited resources of the company. The development of a marketing strategy helps to evaluate and correctly plan the use of the enterprise's potential. Achieving the set goals and getting the maximum income for a long time are important moments in the functioning of each company. clearly form the path and carry out the structuring of the enterprise at all levels to obtain the desired result.

Key Features

When developing a marketing strategy for a project, many factors are taken into account. The internal analysis of the company allows to judge its potential. External market research determines the possible areas of activity of the enterprise. Strategy development is a complex multi-level approach to doing business. The leader sets himself the goal not only to reach a certain point, but also to gain a foothold in the position. Continued development and consolidation of the company's achievements are priorities in long-term business planning.

The process of developing a marketing strategy takes a long time. It is required to conduct a deep analysis and systematize the information obtained. As a rule, to draw up a high-quality strategic plan, they use the services of consulting companies. They prepare detailed reports on the activities and the situation on the market, make proposals for solving existing problems. Every business has its own unique marketing strategy. It is created taking into account the characteristics of the company and the volatility of the market.

Applying the right marketing strategy to your business plan will accurately chart the course of your business. Identification and correction of weaknesses at the initial stage will reduce possible risks in the implementation of the project. Developing methods that will be activated at certain stages will help to achieve income generation over an extended period. When creating a strategy, flexibility, the ability to understand the market and adapt to its conditions are important.

Development stages

The process of creating a marketing strategy can be divided into five stages. Each of them has its own function and helps to achieve a holistic picture of actions. The stages of developing a marketing strategy allow you to conduct a comprehensive study of activities and identify further development paths.

  1. Enterprise Analysis

Conducting a marketing audit and determining the goals that the company sets for itself. At this stage, it is necessary to draw up a development plan. When setting goals, it is important to take into account the basic principles that they must comply with. These include:

  • concreteness - the exact formulation of real goals;
  • achievability - an adequate assessment of the capabilities and strengths of the company;
  • consistency among themselves - the exclusion of inconsistency of goals;
  • measurability - setting the exact period for implementation; the possibility of monitoring and evaluating the result;
  • comparability with the period allotted for their implementation.

When setting goals, the overall direction of the company and the qualifications of employees are taken into account. You can set not only material goals, but also non-material ones. So, for example, the formation of a certain image of the company in the consumer market, after a certain period, is a very realistic goal.

  1. Market analysis

Conducting a comprehensive study of the market segment in which it is planned to sell products. Evaluation of the potential of the proposed product. Deep analysis of sales indicators: monthly and quarterly. Identification of the relationship between supply and demand. At the second stage, you need to find the main support for the formation of consumer interest. Analyze and understand what affects the turnover. Seasonal demand, supply of raw materials, sales methods - all this significantly affects the company's profit.

It is important to assess the development prospects and possible changes in the sales market and suppliers. Anticipate possible price fluctuations. Identify weaknesses in the system of production and sale of products. The combination of all these factors will provide an understanding of the market of interest.

  1. Enterprise policy analysis

First of all, it is necessary to work out a line of interaction with partners and consumers. If there is a well-established model of behavior, conduct a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the methods used. Change the scheme in case of non-compliance with the new requirements. The main thing is to find the right methods that will ensure maximum profit when dealing with consumers and minimum costs when working with suppliers.

The study of the actions of competitors will modernize the company's policy, taking into account their positive or negative experience. Analysis of the performance of other enterprises will help to form your own path more effectively. If at the moment there are no competitors, then you should calculate the possible actions when they appear in the future. All the results of the conducted research should be summarized. The use of the data obtained will allow you to create a competent company policy.

  1. External factor analysis

Everything can be attributed here: from fashion trends in the business sphere to the global economy. When creating a long-term action plan, it is necessary to take into account all possible influences. The economic situation of the country directly affects the development of business. And it, in turn, is influenced by the global economy. Even the smallest company by the standards of the state is in close relationship with global changes in the international political and economic arenas. It is important not only to “see” your business, but also to associate it with world changes.

  1. Drawing up a marketing plan

At the fifth stage, the data obtained earlier is processed. The cumulative analysis of factors and indicators allows us to form a clear development strategy for the company. Proper distribution of the limited resources of the enterprise makes it possible to achieve the goals at the lowest cost. A set of measures is being developed to be implemented. A plan is created with fixed deadlines and goals. "Hot spots" are envisaged, according to which the implementation of the tasks set will be monitored. On their basis, the movement of the company is analyzed. If necessary, carry out a correction.


When developing a specific marketing strategy, the main performance indicators of the company are taken into account. Based on the conducted research, a decision is made on the further development of the enterprise. There comes a crucial moment for a choice that can radically change the company's position in the market. Decisions are made to change the scope of activity, close or open additional production, improve or replace the main product (goods).

Radical measures aimed at achieving the set goals are characteristic features of strategy development. To choose the right direction of development, certain tools are used. When developing a marketing strategy, two methods are used: formal and informal. In the first case, formulas and tables are used for calculations. The second is characterized by an intuitive approach. The application of the formal method involves the use of marketing matrices. Most often chosen:

  • M. Porter's model, which establishes a relationship between market share and company profitability (much attention is paid to competitors; focused on slowly growing markets);
  • I. Ansoff's matrix, which reflects the actual and planned level of development of the company (focused on a growing market).

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing strategy?

One of the signs of a successfully implemented scheme is the company's position in the market. If, after the start of the implementation of the marketing strategy, the company has significantly improved its performance, then it works. In the absence of any changes, the applied strategy should be reviewed. The criterion for the effectiveness of a marketing strategy is also the achievement of goals. If there is a systematic execution of tasks, then the right strategy is chosen. In the process of applying a marketing strategy, it is necessary to monitor indicators (income, expenses, sales and demand, etc.) for timely correction of work. The constantly changing market economy and consumer demand oblige companies to be sensitive to the slightest fluctuations and to apply appropriate measures. This helps to maintain the won positions in the market for a long time.

To create a marketing strategy, a large-scale study of the company is carried out, which reflects the real level of the enterprise. The influence of external and internal factors is studied. The reasons that have a major effect on the purchasing behavior of target consumers of goods are clarified. The use of the obtained data to create a marketing strategy allows you to achieve high results in the implementation of the company's activities.