Why dream of a child's urine in a pot. Why dream of urine? Interpretation of sleep in various dream books

Dream interpretation urine

It has long been proven that our dreams are a reflection of our state of mind, and the subconscious sends them as warning signs with which to predict the future. The interpretation of urine seen in night scenes can have a different interpretation. Why dream of urine? Often such discharges cause unpleasant emotions in the dreamer. This is mainly due to an unpleasant smell and a feeling of untidyness. But urine is used to pass tests to the laboratory to identify and diagnose various medical diseases. It is worth noting that indeed this can be both a favorable and a negative sign, it all depends on the details seen in a night dream.

To interpret a dream, you can rely on your feelings, but it is better to use an online dream book. To get started on the Internet, enter in the search bar: "dream book urine." The search engine will provide you with the most common interpretations of the plot seen.

Basic interpretations of the dream

As mentioned earlier, urine in a dream can have a favorable and unfavorable interpretation. Let's consider in more detail.

Favorable meaning

In many dream books, night vision with urine has a good meaning and portends material well-being. Dreaming of a large amount of discharge - to joyful and pleasant events in real life.

If you dreamed of urine

Miller's dream book tells the dreamer who saw this plot like this: you should get rid of everything superfluous. It could be:

  • old trash in the house;
  • routine work;
  • relationships that bring only problems and troubles.

Seeing her on the floor - to material well-being. Dreamed of urine as a yellow spot on the floor? This vision portends monetary gain.

A plot in which a man wet his shoes with it is of great importance; such a dream portends great luck for the dreamer.

Defeat the need - to the fulfillment of desire. Going to the toilet in a dirty room - to financial well-being.

negative value

If the dreamer dreamed that he was doused with urine, then he should be more careful in real life, as this portends an imminent illness. The night plot with blood discharge has the same interpretation. Turbid urine according to Miller's dream book dreams of hospitalization.

Stepping on a puddle of secretions - to minor troubles. It is worth noting that if urine was in a bank for testing, it means that a person will avoid a serious illness.

Smell urine - a vision portends trouble in reality. It is also worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, as among your friends there is a dishonest person who seeks to harm you.

What does it mean to do urine therapy in a dream? In real life, you will be engaged in a boring activity. But if in a night dream you drank urine during an illness, the vision portends a long and happy life.

If the puddle was made by an animal

Feel pain in a dream during urination - take care of your health, go through a physical examination. The darker the urine, the more serious the disease can be. If you didn’t manage to go to the toilet in a dream, then you don’t realize your plan.

Enuresis seen in a night dream also has a bad meaning and portends losses.

foreign urine

And what do night visions mean, where the discharge was not a dreamer?

Animal secretions

Cat urine seen in a dream portends troubles and troubles. The dreamed urine of animals indicates a difficult period with the household.

child's urine

Why is your child's urine dreaming? Perhaps your child in real life, your baby needs your warmth, care and is looking for your understanding. Changing clothes for a child is a hassle. Has your baby gone to sleep on you? To unexpected news.

If the child described

To see another person's puddle of urination on the floor in a night dream - quarrels in the family are coming.

How other dream books interpret the plot seen.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

This selection according to the Wanderer's dream book has a negative interpretation and indicates evil energy and the dreamer is under the negative influence of others who seek to cause him trouble.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Indicates the dream interpretation of urinary excretion is a symbol of impotence. The dreamer cannot cope with problems and needs rest and a change of scenery. Seeing someone urinate is a sign of problems and troubles in real life that will arise due to the fact that a person cannot independently calculate his strength.

Interpretation according to Grishina

Urine is a manifestation of negative qualities in a sleeping person. Urinating in an unspecified place - you cannot find contact with others. In the toilet - only you can change the situation, remember that communication is good.

What not to see in the night! Sometimes in a dream you can see plots with not very pleasant details regarding human physiology. What is someone else's urine dreaming of? What to think after such a strange, if not disgusting vision?

Miller's interpretation

In the dream book of the American psychologist Gustav Miller, you can find many clues about what bowel movements can dream of.

So urine in a container, say, prepared for analysis, anticipates the strongest stress that the sleeper will experience. It is bad when the contents in the dream jar are cloudy. This may indicate that the dreamer has serious health problems.

But the blood in the urine is a sign that one of the relatives can get sick.

Did you drink urine in a night dream? Then, in reality, amaze everyone with your extraordinary, even outrageous antics.

Problems in the service - that's what predicts night vision that you urinate. And if in a dream they noticed an outsider urinating, then in reality troubles lie in wait at home.

public restroom

A curious interpretation can be found in Vanga's dream book. She describes a plot in which you find yourself in a public toilet and see that all around the floor is filled with a foul-smelling liquid. Why dream of such a filthy restroom? To the fact that the sleeper is trying with all his might to arrange his future, is actively building a career, but, alas, sometimes he acts vilely, disgustingly. And even if he achieves success in the end, they will be, as they say, "with a smell."

Solidarity with the Bulgarian clairvoyant and pastor Loffa. In his dream book, a public restroom flooded with urine is a reflection of the dreamer's uncleanliness, acting on the principle: after us - at least a flood, or all means are good to achieve the goal. And is it really so? Not only in dream books, but in other analogues of human wisdom, you can find a non-alternative answer: you will have to pay for everything, including your ugly misdeeds.

Outright rudeness or hooliganism

In the Noble dream book, as well as in the dream interpreter N. Grishina, one can find an explanation for the plot that someone in a dream, having corrected all the norms of morality and conscience, urinates in public in a busy place, for example, in a park. Such an ugly picture can serve as a serious warning to the dreamer: he behaves selfishly. This has a detrimental effect on people close to him, and it is unlikely that they will forgive him for this.

What was the dream of a terrible situation in which the sleeping man was doused with urine? This vision is interpreted depending on the real state of the sleeper. If he is sick, he will soon recover. But for a healthy person, such a dream is a warning that the body is about to fail.

Specific odors and animal feces

Do not rush to be indignant when a dog or cat urinates on your shoes in a dream. As Aesop predicts, such a dreamy incident in reality will turn into a financial triumph - like King Midas, whatever the dreamer undertakes will bring him fabulous profits without much effort.

The smell of someone else's urine in a dream indicates that in real life you will have to face obvious rudeness, rudeness. And the one who insults will not even think to apologize. Therefore, one must stay away from inadequate personalities who can humiliate and offend. In particular, pregnant dreamers should follow this advice.

Sometimes we are visited by rather unusual dreams, the rational explanation of which is quite difficult to give - for example, we dream of urine. What could this mean

Why did you have such a dream?

Dream Interpretations offer such an explanation for the dream in which we saw urine.

If you urinate in your sleep?

What does the dream in which you urinate mean? To do this, remember the details of the dream:

  • Urinate for a long time in a dream and experience relief- this portends the appearance of positive emotions in real life, getting rid of troubles.
  • Pee in the toilet in a dream- negative energy will leave you. You will be open to pleasant experiences.
  • Dreaming that you urinate in a public place in front of people- there is no harmony in your soul, you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, some thoughts oppress you.
  • You urinate in a dream and it brings discomfort- in reality, you will have to face problems that will not be easy to solve alone. Do not be afraid to ask for help from others - at the moment it is very useful.
  • adult pee in diaper- you have an influential friend who will help you in a difficult situation.
  • Pee in a dream in water- this is a sign that reads an early deliverance from unpleasant current affairs.

someone else's urine

The urine of another person, a man or a woman, dreams of a quick acquaintance with a person who will interest you quite strongly. If you know that this person was of the opposite sex, you can expect a stormy love adventure.

Children's urine in a dream says that you do not have enough attention from others. However, the reason may be in yourself - try to meet people halfway in their requests. If someone close to you is offended, you should take the first step towards reconciliation.

A dream of dog urine portends minor troubles, in the solution of which a close friend will help. We saw cat urine in a dream - this means that in your environment there is a two-faced person posing as a friend who can create unpleasant things for you.

Other details

What else is worth paying attention to in order to correctly interpret the dream in which you saw urine?

  • Drink someone else's urine in a dream- you have an extremely uninteresting task that does not bring you any profit or moral satisfaction, but which you cannot refuse.
  • Feel a strong, pungent smell of urine in a dream- this is a warning, meaning that unfamiliar people can deceive you.
  • see urine with blood- you have to take care of the health of one of your dear people or relatives. However, if you saw bloody urine in a special vessel, this portends you good health.
  • Be drenched in urine- this dream portends. However, if you are currently sick with something, a speedy recovery awaits you.
  • Wet your own shoes in a dream- for a man, this is a sign that in the near future he will be a favorite of good luck. He will be very lucky in financial matters.
  • Seeing in a dream a man who urinates- such a dream portends a conflict situation in the dreamer's family.
  • Dreaming of a woman urinating- this is a warning that says that you should beware of slander or gossip coming from people who envy you.
  • A dream in which you see a bucket of urine reflects your great fatigue. Be sure to find time to rest - otherwise it may threaten you with a loss of high working capacity or even illness.
  • spilled urine in a dream portends lost profits. Seeing urine droplets on the floor - such a dream portends troubles that you can deal with quickly enough.
  • Several people urinate in the toilet- you can get into a situation that will end in an argument.
  • You dream that you urinate while making love- in real life you will experience new experiences.
  • Pee in a very dirty public

Of course, urination is an intimate process and it is not customary to perform it in public places and it is also not customary to talk about it. But since we do not control our dreams, then seeing urine in a dream or the process of urination clearly portends something to us. Why dream of urine?

It is always good to know what surprises, pleasant or not, fate is preparing for us in order to prepare for any surprises.

According to Slavic interpretations of dreams, seeing urine in a dream portends the receipt of material wealth and promotion at work. But with all the positive explanations, fate warns of the negative impact on your fate of unknown enemies. To more accurately know the meaning of sleep, you need to remember all the details and then turn to different dream books.

To urinate in a dream yourself is to show your true essence, a dark side hidden from people. If you urinate in public, then you are not in a harmonious relationship with the outside world. If you do this process in the bathroom, you can improve your relationships with people, especially with loved ones.

To see a large amount of urine - you will soon receive joyful long-awaited news.

Accidentally pour urine on your shoes - receive a large cash reward or a large gift.

Smell urine - be careful! Very soon you will meet unpleasant and dangerous people who will try to take possession of your property.

Miller's dream book

Not without reason the process of urination is called to be facilitated. According to this dream book to see such a dream is to embark on the path of fundamental changes in one's destiny, i.e. get off one's chest. Maybe change jobs, improve relationships with relatives, get rid of unnecessary things in your house, etc. Usually, after such a dream, the plan easily comes true.

See urine with blood - soon you yourself or one of your close relatives will get sick. Urine taken for analysis is seen by those who are not threatened by long debilitating illnesses.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Drink urine in a dream - soon get a stupid and empty lesson, which will bring neither joy nor profit, but only useless chores.
  • The only case when such a dream is good is to be treated with urine therapy for a long illness. In this case, the dream promises many years of life.
  • Seeing the urine of a cat or other pets means having a lot of trouble and problems., which one of the secret ill-wishers artificially creates for you. Such false friends surround you, but you will be able to recognize their intrigues and easily solve all problems.
  • Seeing a child's urine is not a good sign, indicating that you just need to pay more attention to your children. Most likely they lack your attention and care, they do not feel protected in the family.
Such a dream may warn that a child may soon have psychological problems.
  • Someone poured urine on you in a dream - healthy for an early illness, and sick - for a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation of the Spouses of Winter

Why dream of urine according to the dream book of the spouses of Winter? These psychoanalysts believe that a person who has such a dream is in an exhausted state, he needs rest and restoration of health. It is impossible during this period to solve serious problems, make vital decisions. During this period, you will not be able to resist the difficulties and obstacles that will come your way. In addition, even minor troubles can lead you to despair.

Islamic dream book

Seeing yourself urinating in a dream means that dark entities have taken possession of you., but at the same time to see a lot of urine - to make a big profit or an expensive gift.

  • To urinate in a public place is to experience temporary difficulties due to quarrels in your environment.
  • Peeing in a secluded place - soon you will have a secret love date.
  • Urine to drink - vain large expenses or losses.

Noble dream book

  • Pour urine on someone or urinate on someone in a dream - quarrel and quarrel with someone in real life.
  • Public urination - to come into conflict with the law, to commit a crime.
  • To see urine and smell urine is to fall into the company of immoral, dangerous people who will disgrace you.

Dream interpretation of Rommel

  • Being in a filthy place - joy, wealth, well-being.
  • Inadvertently wet yourself - suffer losses, losses, deceit.
  • The body, stained with feces and urine - to wealth and prosperity.
  • Having seen a dream, do not try to forget it immediately, but try to understand what fate portends to you.

This video will also help to understand why urine is dreaming.

Urination is a normal physiological process inherent in living beings, and, of course, people. The interpretation of dreams associated with this phenomenon is insidious.

On the one hand, a dream may indicate the need to wake up and empty the bladder in reality, on the other hand, combinations of details of dreams with urine give both good and unpleasant omens.

Some characteristics of the liquid

Why dream of human urine?

Dreaming of your own urine to get rid of trouble, symbolizes relief in every sense, predicts new useful acquaintances.

To problems that require urgent resolution, or to the appearance of interesting people in fate - this is what someone else's urine is dreaming of.

Dreaming of children's urine shows that you need the attention of others, if this is the allocation of your own, your child is experiencing a deficit.

Urine warns you to be careful and not take responsibility for other people's misdeeds.

If the sample belongs to a representative of the opposite sex to the dreamer - a cordial meeting, mutual passion. Human urine in any form, according to the Islamic dream book, means wealth and prosperity.

Ate dreamed of the urine of an animal ...

Interpretations by color

I saw yellow urine - you will be pleased with the good news.

Red - news about the well-being of people who care about you.

Black - fast problem solving.

Dark - dubious profit, having received which you will be tormented by remorse.

For other options

Clear urine is easy money.

Muddy - get a bribe.

C - concern for a loved one.

Where was it found?

We saw a puddle on the floor of our room - a tangible income to the family budget.

In a bucket or pot - a dream indicates fatigue and the need for rest.

In the bank, collected for analysis - health care and concern.

On the carpet - the machinations of enemies, intrigues, gossip.

We found yellow spots - a long journey awaits you.

Quantity matters too

A lot of urine in a dream portends financial growth, stability, a brilliant career.

A full bucket is a profit, a valuable present. Half empty - sadness, longing.

A small amount - to a quarrel or misunderstanding with relatives.

Drops - minor troubles.

The dreamer's behavior and his interaction with urine


Peeing on the floor - getting rid of insults, making the right decision; in a pot or toilet - profit; past the ship - frustration. Write to - reputation damage; in - the end of the problems; in diapers - the support of an influential patron.

Peeing in the toilet - say goodbye to indecision, old difficult questions.

Urination lasts longer than usual and at the same time a large amount of fluid is excreted - pleasure, emotional release. If diuresis is painful with discomfort and pain - health problems.

Leave yourself on your feet - go on a business trip, an unexpected long journey; on hand - to earn hard physical labor. A dream in which you found someone else's urine on your hands is interpreted by Vanga as unfavorable.

Urinary incontinence is a material loss or waste that can be avoided if you carefully plan future expenses.

To urinate during or the so-called "golden rain" dreams of new sensations, of unprecedented pleasure.

Describe the boar win, experience triumph.


Looking for where to urinate is anxiety, the desire for change, inconstancy.

Unsuccessful attempts to urinate - difficulties in making an important decision. Feel free to seek advice from senior comrades.

Get dirty or see something dirty

If you dream that you have been described - an unexpected outcome, vain chores.

Shed accidentally - miss a lucky chance. Wiping off the floor is an unpleasant chore that will surprisingly bring success or a decent reward.

Get dirty with urine and - joyful events, financial receipts. Emptying involuntarily - at a loss. Step into the urine - minor adversities.

Pouring urine on someone is a quarrel with those who have been doused. Douse yourself - to the disease.

If the dreamer was sprinkled with urine, he will receive a bonus, a nice gift.

Seeing urine on the floor in the toilet is a surge of emotions, both positive and negative; in the room - someone is preparing to take revenge on you.

Seeing a dirty toilet in the urine is an increase in well-being. Public toilet with puddles - well-being and prosperity. Walking through these puddles is fun, a feast.

Other actions

Seeing from the outside how someone urinates is the emergence of difficulties, in the solution of which you will have to rely only on yourself.

According to Miller's dream book, if you urinate yourself in a dream, in reality you need to get rid of unnecessary belongings, which will lead to serious changes, to an increase in social status, material well-being.

Drink urine - pleasant adventure adventure or evidence of the presence of barriers, complexes. To treat diseases in a dream by applying a compress with urine is a streak of trouble, depression, disappointment.

Seeing a children's potty with urine is good news, useful information that will help in resolving serious situations.

Take tests - pay attention to your health. Or pay attention to the family and organize a joint vacation.

Answering the question of why the smell of urine in a room is dreaming, dream books warn: be careful with new acquaintances.

Feel an unpleasant smell on your own - to acquisitions, new clothes.

Interpretations for women and men

For a lonely girl, a dream portends an acquaintance with an adventurer; in a relationship, a quick marriage. For a pregnant woman - easy childbirth, for a married woman - pregnancy or a material gift.

For a lonely guy, a dream promises acquaintance with frivolous intentions, mutual flirting. A young man in a relationship will propose to his chosen one, by analogy with animals - “marked the territory”. A married man should be wary of female deceit.

These are the possible interpretations of dreaming urine. Nothing frightening or repulsive in the possible details. Trust your intuition and choose the most impressive components. And let the meanings of sleep pleasantly please!