The cat screams in the spring. Video about why cats meow

When getting a cat, most of us expect only positive points. It’s so nice to pick up and stroke a warm plush lump and listen to its gentle purring. But we must not forget that a cat is not a piece of furniture that can be put away in the pantry if it gets boring or gets in the way. Purrs are living beings with all the ensuing consequences: with their own character, mood, likes and dislikes. And these qualities do not always manifest themselves in a pleasant way.

One of the ways of expressing desires and emotions, available to all mustaches, is meowing. Among cats, as among people, there are both silent introverts and overly emotional extroverts. If the first category silently experiences stress, grievances and health troubles, then the second will immediately and very loudly notify the whole house about its needs and problems, regardless of the time of day.

But do not think that some representatives of the cat tribe are so stupid that they scream heart-rendingly simply “for the love of art” or out of harm. Any cat “concert” certainly has a reason, you just don’t always understand it. Experienced owners cats will definitely distinguish the signals given by a hungry animal from the meowing of an angry pet.

There can be many reasons for long continuous meowing. Let's look at the main ones.

Reasons for concern in kittens

Almost all kids love to complain about life’s difficulties, since they are often not yet able to cope with them on their own. So why do kittens “cry” most often?

  • The most common cause of constant meowing is stress from change of environment. Just recently, the baby snuggled up to his mother’s warm side and felt absolutely protected. Suddenly, completely unexpectedly, the mother cat disappears somewhere, and the kitten is surrounded only by strangers and unusual objects. All this is so scary that the baby panics. Fortunately, nervous system a healthy animal will quickly and easily cope with such stress if the new owners show patience, attention and friendliness, and the screaming will soon stop.
  • Small cats and kittens must grow and gain weight quickly, so they are almost constantly hungry. If the kitten does not have enough food, then its hungry meow will accompany you continuously. Place the bowl in the same place and do not forget to put fresh food in it more often. There should always be a bowl of drink nearby so that the animal does not suffer from thirst.
  • Often an inexperienced baby begins to “cry” and call you for help when turns out to be in difficult situation . For example, a kitten may climb into a place where it cannot get out on its own, or get tangled in yarn while playing with a ball. Hurry up to help your pet.
  • If your pet is fed and not sick, but continues to meow pitifully, this means that he requires your attention. Pet your fluffy or play with him. Please note that this often happens at night, because cats are nocturnal animals. In this case, you should not indulge your whims. Immediately teach your baby that it is useless to demand attention at night, otherwise he will teach you to get up to him at the first whim. And who then raises whom?

Causes of continuous meowing in adult animals

Adult cats also often begin to behave unbearably, mewing heart-rendingly all day long. There are several reasons for this behavior.

  • The most common reason for a continuous “concert” is onset of estrus at the cat. Cats who crave “love” behave in exactly the same way. The unsatisfied desire to continue their kind causes animals both psychological and physical discomfort. In addition, loud screams are necessary to notify the entire district of your desire and attract partners. If you are not ready to spay or neuter your pet, then relief can come from hormone therapy. However, this method should be used only after consultation with a veterinarian.
  • Some owners spoil their pets too much, indulging in all their whims. If you are the owner spoiled cat, then don’t be surprised that she can meow continuously for hours while sitting next to the bowl. In this way, your pet is trying to convey to you the idea that he categorically does not like the food offered. There are animals so stubborn that they would rather die of hunger than agree to eat another type of meat or fish. The decision in this case is up to you. You can show strength of character and insist on your own, but if you have always indulged the whims of the animal before, then you should not disappoint him. Whatever you choose, be consistent in your parenting methods.
  • The greatest activity in wildlife All cats express themselves at night, so it shouldn't surprise you when... desire to play or socialize will appear on your pet after sunset. After all, this is quite natural for him, but your behavior causes bewilderment and indignation of the animal. “How can you sleep when the time has come? the right time for communication!" – the pet probably thinks and loudly expresses his indignation at your strange behavior. Be patient and do not react to his calling cries. Then, over time, the purr will understand everything and come to terms with such an incomprehensible, from his point of view, habit of sleeping at night.
  • Always be attentive to to a pet, because he cannot explain to you what health problems he is being tortured. If a cat meows for a long time and at the same time makes sounds atypical for itself, you should carefully examine the pet and make sure that touching different parts the torso does not cause him painful sensations. If you notice any additional warning signs, take your pet to a veterinarian immediately.

Health reasons

There are both easily solvable problems that cause continuous meowing, and dangerous painful conditions.

  • The animal may feel unwell due to intoxication of the body with worms. Typically, such problems arise in kittens and, in addition to plaintive screams, are sometimes supplemented by trembling or bowel irregularities.
  • If your pet meows continuously before, during, or after a bowel movement, or Bladder, this behavior indicates diseases of the digestive or urinary systems.
  • Constant screams accompanied by slight trembling, may indicate spinal injury.
  • When an animal rushes around the apartment, shakes its head, scratches its ear or muzzle, and at the same time its “meow!” is constantly heard, most likely it’s a cat worries ear mite or allergic reaction.
  • Life-threatening situations often accompanied by continuous meowing and complete absence appetite.
  • Constant hoarse meowing may be a sign viral diseases.

In all of the above cases, do not try to diagnose, much less treat, your pet yourself. Be sure to show your cat to a veterinarian, who will conduct a professional examination and identify the causes. non-standard behavior and, if necessary, will appoint effective course treatment.

Older cats meowing

A separate topic is the persistent meowing of older animals. With age, changes occur in the character of cats, which are often characterized by the appearance of new, not always pleasant habits. They have understandable and, unfortunately, inevitable health problems, but old animals can scream heart-rendingly for other reasons.

  • As the cat ages, it becomes more and more dependent on its owner. Sometimes she it's hard to make decisions on your own, and she is waiting for a hint from you: should she go eat now or take a walk first? And the purr can only ask its question with the eternal “meow.” Be patient and help your pet make the right choice.
  • Older pets experience increased need for affection. When your mustache is lonely or sad, it begins to attract attention by meowing, demanding to be petted. This condition occurs especially often in older cats when the family goes to bed, to the general displeasure of the household. If you truly love your pet, you will have to accept sleepless nights or try to spend more time with your cat during the day.
  • The older the animal, the more virtuoso it is knows how to manipulate the owner. After all, over the years, not only do we begin to understand the cat better, but she also understands us. Cunning purrs turn their knowledge to their own advantage, knowing exactly when and how they can force the owner to fulfill their desires. And they never make mistakes! As soon as the first loud and demanding cries are heard, you rush to the rescue to feed, warm and caress your pet.

Be attentive to your pet, because almost always the reason for prolonged and annoying meowing lies not in the harmful nature of the animal, but in the amazing stupidity of its owner.

A furry pet is more than just a splash positive emotions, gentle purring, which so touches all owners. A cat in the house is a living creature that, like a person, has certain needs and character. That's why she needs our daily care and attention. Every owner wants to know the reason why a cat constantly meows and yells, and how to fix it.

Cat behavior, problems and causes

Among the pets there are both silent and talkative ones. Some of them isolate themselves with their problem and lie quietly in a corner, while the owner puzzles over what could have happened. And others loudly report discomfort However, this situation also drives people crazy.

The main thing is to know that a cat screams for a reason. It is important to detect it and help your pet cope with it. Even if it’s just a whim, you need to evaluate why she’s capricious and show maximum attention.

Why do kittens scream?

It is difficult for small children to explain what they want, and all demands result in screaming and crying. The same thing happens in the world of cats. Kittens express their feelings by meowing. There may be no reason for this, but most often there are several reasons why a little murka screams. notice, that As long as the kittens are close to their mother cat, they are calm. Problems may arise after moving to another family.

  1. First of all, there is hunger. Kittens grow and develop quite quickly and their bodies require nutrition. It has been noticed that kittens are constantly hungry. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a sufficient amount of food in the bowl and place it on permanent place so that the baby learns to eat there. One more important point there will be a constant presence of a bowl of clean water. It should never be empty.
  2. The second reason for a cat’s cry is a change of environment. Adaptation – mandatory stage after the kitten has arrived in its new home. Even an adult needs to get used to a new place. Everything around is unfamiliar: the atmosphere, the smells. Show more attention to your pet during this period and soon he will stop screaming. Young kittens get used to it faster than adults.
  3. A kitten may scream, simply asking for attention and affection. Take him in your arms, sit him on your lap and stroke his back. He will calm down and his mood will improve. If he keeps you from sleeping with his screams, then this may be a simple whim; let him go to bed with you and you will sleep peacefully. The kitten can be awakened by hunger. Leave some food in the bowl in the evening.
  4. The kitten may become frightened and scream if it is trapped. Curiosity often leads him to the most secluded places, for example, to a sofa, a duvet cover, or a dark corner. Help him get out and calm him down by picking him up, petting him and talking gently. Believe me, he will understand you.

Why do adult cats scream?

Don't think that your cat is yelling for no reason. It definitely exists and there can be quite a lot of reasons for restless behavior. Of these, the most common ones can be identified.

Lack of attention- most frequent occasion, when a fluffy lady meows constantly and follows her owner around. Most often, this situation arises if another pet appears in the house. That's when she perceives him as a competitor. Moreover, the owners themselves begin to devote a lot of time and care to the new one, slightly relegating Murka, who was always alone and received all the affection individually, to the background. Over time, this may pass, but don’t forget about it, pay attention too. If she is the only pet in the house and the cat screams at night, then there is no need to indulge these demands.

Buy her a cozy soft house or arrange a place in an armchair and she will probably understand that in dark time you don't want to play at all. This is the only way to stop a cat from yelling at night.

With the onset of heat the cat may demand the cat by screaming. The cat's body is designed in such a way that estrus can happen at any time of the year and the mating instinct cannot be extinguished. There are, however, special supplements that can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. They will good option, if the animal is domestic, and you do not want to regularly invite the cat to her, and then mess with the offspring.

And the last reason why the cat yells is lies in upbringing. But here only the owners are to blame, who indulged all the whims of the fluffy beauty. It has been noticed that often the cause of screaming can be a transition to a different diet. There are specimens that completely refuse new food, scream, but starve. Here the breeders themselves are late with education, they will have to give in. It is impossible to change an adult cat.

Old cat screams

Cats live much longer less people and, inevitably, the age comes when they are considered elderly. Everyone knows how people's character changes with age, and the same thing happens in the cat world. There comes a time when an old cat constantly screams, and the owners begin to panic. Let's understand this behavior.

Most often, an older individual meows from a feeling of loneliness, which worsens just in advanced years. Changes hormonal background, increasing feelings such as melancholy, despondency, the feeling that nothing around is pleasing, both physical and emotional tone decreases. Right now the pet needs more attention, she demands it with her voice. Accept that you will have to forget about good nights.

An older cat becomes less independent and increasingly requires you to make decisions for her. She screams and makes it clear that she doesn't know if she wants to play. Try to occupy her with her favorite toy; if she doesn’t respond, then calm her down with affection.

It happens that she yells out of spite, manipulating you. By meowing she calls her owners, expecting that someone will definitely come and fulfill her wishes.

The cat is constantly yelling. What to do?

It’s not pleasant that your pet is constantly yelling. But what to do in this case? Fight or let it slide? First you need to find out the reason, maybe you will find it after all. In fact, cats have few needs: feed her if she’s hungry, cuddle her if she’s bored, play if she’s in a playful mood. It's nothing big for you, but it means so much to the animal.

Perhaps it’s enough for the cat to buy a new toy, treat or vitamins.

On your part, of course, attention and a little patience are required. It just seems that she is indignant constantly and for no reason. They exist, but they are probably not on the surface. Start with yourself; screams and high-pitched meows may be the result of the upbringing that you have instilled in the animal from the age of a kitten. A spoiled pet behaves no better than a spoiled child.

Or maybe health problems?

However, health problems can lead to constant meowing. They can occur at any age, and the difficulty is that you won’t be able to figure them out on your own. Only consultation with veterinarian. Therefore, if your cat is yelling, take it to the clinic first, talk to the doctor and get tested necessary tests. This will help avoid serious complications. What can cause a high-pitched meow?

Every owner fluffy pet was faced with the fact that his cat seemed to for unknown reasons suddenly starts screaming loudly at night and keeps everyone in the household from sleeping. Naturally, such behavior of a pet can irritate even the most patient owners.

Why does a cat yell for no reason at night?

Why does a cat scream at night?

But in fact, there are a number of reasons why a cat yells at night, and in order to effectively deal with this, you must first identify the cause of your pet’s anxiety.

Reason 1: boredom

The cat may be bored, so he yells.

What do adult domestic cats do in daytime? Mostly they sleep! But cats are nocturnal predators and it is at this time of day that they behave most actively. At night, the pet rushes around the house, makes noise and plays pranks. And since he does not have a suitable company to play with and is overcome by boredom, he begins to wake up his owner with a loud meow, demanding that they play with him.

You can avoid this situation using the following methods:

  • Accustom your pet from a young age to the owner’s rhythm of life: that is, to stay awake during the day and sleep at night.
  • During the daytime, pay more attention to your pet, playing active games with him.
  • Offer to your cat before bed hearty dinner consisting of meat or fish products.
  • Late in the evening arrange for your pet walk for fresh air , this, by the way, will contribute to strong healthy sleep not only for the cat, but also for its owner.
  • If possible, do not let your cat sleep during the day.
  • Buy a wide variety of toys for your pet.
  • Get another cat so that the animals have someone to play with while the owners sleep.

In order for the cat to sleep at night and not scream, you need to actively play with him during the day.

Under no circumstances should you punish a cat for yelling at night. Cats are quite vindictive animals and after punishment the pet will continue to scream at night simply out of spite.

Reason 2: lack of attention

A kitten may cry at night due to lack of attention.

When purchasing a furry pet, do not forget that it needs not only basic care and proper nutrition, but also in attention.

Cats are extremely attached to their owners, giving them warmth and tenderness, but they also demand the same in return, because they it is very important to feel needed and loved . If you don't spend enough time with your pet, he may fall into mild depression and even get sick.

This is especially true for cats whose owners are forced to spend the whole day at work.

And very often this is the reason why the cat begins to scream mournfully loudly at night. In this way he wants to attract attention to himself, which he so lacks.

The cat starts screaming at night because he demands attention to himself.

The way out of this situation may be active evening games with your pet. You can simply pick up the cat and pet him or talk to him so that he feels that he has not been forgotten about. Typically, such measures help the animal calm down, and it will not wake up the owner at night with its screams.

Communication is very important for a furry creature , so it is advisable to talk to him as often as possible.

Reason 3: hormones

Outdoor cats release their hormones by fighting and courting the cat. So what to do domestic cat? Just scream at night from an excess of hormones!

The reasons why an uncastrated cat screams at night are quite obvious - he follows the call of nature and wants to have offspring.

In this way, the cat not only attracts the attention of the opposite sex, but also tries to intimidate potential rivals.

For owners in this situation, there can only be one solution to the problem - sterilize your pet . Of course, this does not give a 100% guarantee that the cat will stop screaming loudly at night, especially in the first months after the operation, but over time the level of testosterone in the animal’s body will decrease and it will stop organizing night concerts.

If you sterilize a cat, he will stop screaming at night.

Some owners prefer to ignore the cry of their pet, hoping that this period will not last long. But we should not forget that the inability to mate with a female causes not only psychological but also physical suffering. Therefore, there is nothing else left to do but find a suitable girlfriend for the cat, or give him special drugs that reduce hormone levels.

If a castrated cat yells

If a castrated cat starts screaming at night, this may be a sign of illness, then the cat should be taken to the veterinarian.

It happens that sterilized cats suddenly begin to wake up their owners with a mournful scream, as if demanding a cat.

This may indicate that the animal is under stress or is very frightened by something. As a rule, such cases are isolated, but if they are repeated systematically, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian. Perhaps the cat is sick with some disease.

Castration is the best solution for those animals whose owners do not let them go outside.

Reason 4: illness

The cause of your pet's nightly concerts can also be a variety of diseases.

Often cats suffer from stomach pain , most often due to the consumption of low-quality food or poor nutrition.

Cats, especially neutered ones, are susceptible, and often have problems with their kidneys and going to the toilet.

Neutered cats may have kidney problems and therefore cry when going to the toilet.

In any case, if a cat yells at night without any reason visible reasons, you need to take it to veterinary clinic. Perhaps it is Due to illness, the pet does not allow its owners to sleep .

Reason 5: old age

An old cat needs more attention and care.

Like most older people, old animals become capricious and mischievous.

It is also important that cats are also susceptible to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease . It has been proven that 30% of animals over ten years of age and 50% of cats over fifteen years of age suffer from it.

Unfortunately, this disease is incurable, but it is quite possible to alleviate its symptoms. An aging pet should be given more attention and try to avoid stressful situations for it.

There are even special medications that help animals become calmer, but only a veterinarian should prescribe them.

Don't forget that Older cats need care and affection , and become especially vulnerable, so the owner will have to turn a blind eye to the pet’s petty pranks and not punish him for his pranks.

Reason 6: anxiety

It's no secret that animals can feel approaching disaster, such as earthquakes or storms.

And if a cat starts screaming at night, this may be evidence of an impending cataclysm.

When a natural disaster approaches, the cat will begin to get nervous and scream.

Very often, pets begin to wake up their owners during a fire. Therefore, the owner should not rush to scold his furry pet if he woke him up with his cry at night, perhaps a cat warns him of some misfortune.

In custody

Under no circumstances should you beat or punish a cat for not letting you sleep at night, because this often leads to the opposite results and it will yell and make noise even more. Only after finding out the real reason loud screams of the pet, you can get rid of this problem.

Video about why cats meow

Most people get a cat expecting only positive emotions from it. It's nice to hold your pet and hear a quiet purr in response. But do not forget that a cat is a living creature, capable of splashing out not only positive, but also negative, and without much embarrassment. Among the cat family there are calm and emotional individuals. The first category can completely hide stress, health problems, and grievances against the owner; the second category will notify everyone of their indignation with a loud meow or with a rending cry.

Lack of attention

Buying a pet requires not only timely feeding, but also paying attention to it in sufficient quantity. Cats quickly become attached to their owners, giving them affection and warmth, in turn, expecting similar manifestations. In most cases, if you do not pay attention to your pet, he will not find a place for himself, will become depressed and will start yelling constantly, trying to eliminate the lack of attention. This problem is often faced by pet owners who have to work all day. To get out of this situation, you need to compensate the animal for the lack of attention. This could be active games in the evenings, conversations, stroking, the main thing is that the pet understands that they have not been forgotten about.

Hormonal background

The reasons why a young cat (up to 1 year old) rushes at the front door with the onset of spring, screams loudly, tears wallpaper and scratches the walls, are obvious - the animal feels the call of nature and wants to continue its family. With its shrill scream, the pet not only attracts the opposite sex, but also eliminates weaker competitors. One solution to the problem may be to sterilize the animal. Naturally, no one can give a 100% guarantee of peace of mind, but over time, the pet’s testosterone level will begin to fall, and he will become much calmer.

Some owners prefer to close the animal for a certain time, hoping that the screams will not last long. But the animal’s inability to mate depresses not only it psychological side, but also affects physical health. Therefore, in order for your pet to calm down, you need to let him go for a while.


Old age

old cat, just like older people, becomes capricious. The reasons for her hysteria can be anything: hunger, cold, thirst, fear, etc. Often in old pets there is an exacerbation of diseases, which the animal signals in the same way.


Animals, like no one else, are good at detecting seismic activity. They can feel the approach of an earthquake, storm, fire, etc. Often cats try to warn their owners about the approaching trouble with the help of hysterical screams. Therefore, if you are woken up at night by the shrill scream of your pet, do not rush to punish him.

So spring has come, we enjoy the spring sun, good weather, and everything around us comes to life, wakes up. Streams, birds and, of course, March cats are singing.

Many people don’t really like their nightly serenades, but what can they do if their soul sings?! It is in March that these cute “fluffies” touch us so much with their singing. It’s not their fault, it’s all the hormones that are raging, seething like spring waters. In spring, the natural, basic instinct of all animals, including cats, intensifies. The surge of hormones in the spring intensifies with particular force.

Cats love to sing not only in March, they do this throughout the year, but in the spring their songs sound louder and more often than usual. This is how nature works, that in March, at the beginning of spring, love blossoms among all living beings. Seals become extremely active, and when hunting for cats, they are not averse to fighting among themselves. Sometimes people, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, forget what month it is, it’s good that cats remind us of this. All living things obey the call of nature, and cats eagerly and enthusiastically go out in search of their soulmate. When cats grow up, they begin to mark their territory. The reason for this behavior is explained simply by tags - this is an “odorous” method of protecting personal territory. Thus, cats, as it were, single her out in order to show the other cats their possessions, which cannot be encroached upon.

Do you think your beloved animal is just behaving badly if it peels off the wallpaper in the hallway, marks your beautiful carpet and vacuum cleaner? Tags are nothing more than a means of cat communication.

But you need to know that there are many reasons why cats mark. As scientists say. When marking the territory, the cat calms down, marking acts on it as an anti-anxiety agent. In March, not only cats sing, but also cute kitties, of course, not so loudly and not so emotionally. All these signs: singing, marking, occur in cats with the onset of puberty, this happens at 6 months and a little later. The time has come for animals to prolong their race.

The period of puberty in cats depends on many reasons: living conditions, feeding, climate, and, of course, the gender and breed of the cat. Cats can accept a cat only when the so-called estrus period begins. But the cat is ready to make friends with the cat at any time. The most favorable and active period for this purpose early spring and summer months. This is when your cat's sperm concentration is highest. It is believed that the main factor that influences the intensity of puberty and activity is the length of daylight hours. Therefore, in cats living at home, activity occurs all year round, due to heat and artificial lighting. Of course, activity intensifies a little with the arrival of spring.

Oh, the “activity” of our charming pets! Their throat singing at night under the windows, it simply “irritates” everyone in the household. But, nothing can be done, it’s a sign of spring, the onset of March! Testosterone is produced with increasing force, forcing cute creatures - cats, to disturb the peace and quiet of people at night. Aggressiveness and marking of territory are also not good for people. And if you are not going to breed cats for the purpose of selling, then an animal would be advisable. If an animal is not sterilized and lives in greenhouse conditions at home, without communicating with its relatives, then sooner or later it will get confused hormonal cycle, which leads to diseases of the reproductive system. Think and have pity on your pet, because there is no one to take care of it except you. And then cats will delight us only with their pleasant rumbling and affectionate purring.