The dachshund is shaking slightly. The dog is shaking, she does not drink, does not eat and hardly walks

In the article I will talk about the causes of trembling in pets, why a dog or cat is lethargic, tucks its tail, hind legs and starts shaking. What disease is it caused by? Or is it a normal physiological reaction. When diagnostics and qualified veterinary assistance are needed.

In animals that have not been vaccinated, shivering can be caused by a viral disease.

Trembling may indicate a violation in the work of the internal organs of the animal:

  • Hypoglycemia is a lack of blood sugar in small breed dogs. Accompanied by shaking, lethargy, loss of strength. Hypoglycemia is easily cured with a single injection of glucose. If not detected in time, it causes paralysis of the limbs and death.
  • (deficiency of thyroid hormones) - accompanied by trembling, weakness, lowering body temperature.
  • Heart disease (heart failure, myocarditis) - caused by trembling, palpitations, frequent bowel movements.
  • Inflammation of the spinal cord - accompanied by shaking, paralysis of the limbs.
  • Eclampsia (falling calcium levels) - appears in bitches during pregnancy and lactation. There is trembling, turning into convulsions, vomiting, fever, shortness of breath.

Trembling may also indicate a violation in the work of internal organs.

Like a normal physiological response

Among the physiological causes, one can single out a feeling of cold, allergies, excitement, fear.

An allergy manifests itself when a pet is abruptly transferred to a new diet or the use of medications. Accompanied by itching and rashes, tremors may appear immediately after eating. The reason is an allergic reaction. You should switch to another diet, stop taking medication, give an antihistamine.

Cold and hypothermia of the body

Dogs of small and medium sizes get cold outside without warm clothes. If you notice that the pet is shaking from the cold, you should not continue the walk further. Your pet may get sick and need to be treated. Therefore, purchase clothes for walking in the cold season, in which the dog will be comfortable.

Small breeds may shiver due to the cold after washing. If the room temperature is not high, but low, place a heater to warm the air. Wrap your pet in a towel. It can be dried with a hair dryer if it is not afraid. But you can’t leave an electrical device alone with a pet. Insulate the place where your pet sleeps by putting a blanket or woolen bedding there.

If the trembling is due to physiological causes, it is enough to eliminate their influence

Another cause of trembling is anxiety, excitement, fear. The animal was frightened by the peals of thunder, the explosion of firecrackers, and was agitated by the change of scenery. Drink her soothing chamomile tea and protect her from stressful situations.

When to contact the veterinarian

  • If the shaking lasts more than 1-2 hours and you have never seen your pet trembling and shaking before.
  • Body temperature above 39 degrees Celsius.
  • If, along with trembling, symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, refusal of food, heavy breathing, salivation, diarrhea, and impaired coordination of movements are observed.

Do not delay your pet's visit to a specialist.

Only with timely diagnosis of the disease and treatment, the pet will delight you and your loved ones for a long time.

The reasons why a dog may tremble are physiological and pathological. The former include harmless conditions that arise under the influence of external factors and require minimal human intervention.

Common Causes of Trembling

A dog may shake due to hormonal reasons. This condition often occurs in males during arousal and in bitches during estrus.

If the dog is trembling, the breed may be the explanation for the condition. This often happens with small pets, such as how:

  • Pomeranian;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • chihuahua etc.

These animals most often experience emotions of fear and excitement.

If the dog constantly lies at home and on a walk, periodically shakes, then perhaps the reason is old age. Pets age faster than people - their 10 years are equivalent to 60 years of human life.

Pets may twitch in their sleep. This is due to dreams: they are more dynamic in animals than in humans.

In some cases, the state of trembling is caused by a number of factors:

The reasons Explanation
ColdSmall breeds and puppies have a hard time with cold temperatures.
EmotionalityIf a dog whines, it is fearful and stressed. When the pet is excited, a small shiver runs through, and when frightened, the nose becomes dry
HeatstrokeSevere trembling and lethargy in a dog are indicative of heatstroke. This is most common in flat-faced breeds, bulldogs.
PoisoningIf the animal is poisoned, diarrhea, apathy, weakness and vomiting are observed.
allergic reactionsPuppies and small dogs often have hypersensitivity to ingredients in medicines or food. Allergy can be recognized by red areas on the skin that the pet tries to comb due to itching.
InjuryIf the dog is whining and shaking, then it has been bitten or injured. You need to pay attention to the spine if the dog is tucking its tail and hunching
Desire to get attentionThis applies to pets that have their tail docked. This behavior is typical of boxers, Dobermans
Period after vaccination or surgeryA dog after vaccination may develop a number of side effects: trembling, loss of appetite, weakness. If the condition worsens, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian. Otherwise, the development of infection is not excluded. The state of tremor appears in the postoperative period due to the weakening of the pet's body. After surgery, the functions of thermoregulation are impaired, so chills are observed.

Allergy in an animal

Situations provoked by diseases

The main causes of trembling include metabolic disorders. The condition can be caused by:

  • violation of the magnesium-calcium balance;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • insulin deficiency.

Low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, is most common in small breeds. You can find out by additional symptoms when the dog:

  • becomes lethargic, apathetic;
  • does not eat anything;
  • feels cramps.

The condition is quickly cured, but if the process is started, paralysis of the legs may occur.

The cause of tremor in a dog that has given birth to offspring is eclampsia. The condition is characterized by a rapid decrease in the level of calcium in the blood. The bitch's hind legs, front limbs and the whole body are shaking.

With eclampsia, the following additional symptoms occur:

  • spasmodic muscle contraction;
  • temperature increase up to 40 degrees;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • acceleration of the heartbeat.


Trembling in dogs appears with a viral disease. The most dangerous conditions are

Small dogs of decorative breeds, especially Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, are characterized by such a physical condition as trembling and shaking. Many inexperienced owners of their pets, not knowing the cause of this condition, run to the veterinarian for help, thinking that their sneeze, Yorkie or Spitz is sick with something. Let's look below, all the possible causes of this condition.

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Causes of Trembling and Shaking Conditions in Dogs

  1. Cold. One of the most common reasons why a dog trembles and shakes is low air temperature, a feeling of cold. Since dogs are small in size (up to 3.1 kg), they are very susceptible to a decrease in temperature. Both humans and dogs instinctively start shivering and shaking when they feel cold, thus accelerating the flow of blood through their body in order to avoid hypothermia. If you notice such a feature of your pet in the cold season (autumn, winter) at home or while walking, be sure to pay attention to this and warm your pet.

    How to keep your dog warm and prevent shivering?
    1. Now there is a lot for a walk, which will provide one hundred percent comfort for the animal (sweater, sweatshirt, overalls).
    2. If the dog feels cold at home, put the heater a few meters away from him, but do not leave it on unattended.
    3. In addition, insulate the place of rest and sleep for your pet (blanket, bedding).
    4. During a walk after the rain, when you come home, be sure to dry the dog with a hairdryer.
    5. On a trip, if there are no improvised means for warming, hug the pet to you to warm it or just hold it in your arms.
  2. Anxiety, fear, fear. Almost all small breeds of dogs begin to tremble and shake when they experience feelings of fear, anxiety and fright. To such a state, a stressful situation, the punishment of the dog for the trouble he has committed, or she herself feels guilty can lead. For example, we can cite such a situation when a puppy went to the toilet in a place not indicated to him and then went to hide either in his house or somewhere in a secluded place, while he trembles strongly, like an aspen leaf, knowing that his will scold. Another clear example, perhaps almost every one of you has observed, when a miniature dog begins to shake and tremble at the sight of a large dog, while feeling a sense of fear and threat, hiding, hiding in a safe place.
  3. Excitement. The dog may tremble and shake when he is agitated. A very simple example of such a phenomenon is the anticipation of a favorite treat by a pet, or when he has already received it and is waiting for more, while dancing to boot. This kind of excitement is a very good phenomenon, in which the dog experiences a feeling of happiness and pleasure.
  4. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Dogs of small breeds often suffer from hypoglycemia, which is accompanied by uncontrollable trembling, as well as lethargy, loss of energy. It is easily treated, but if the symptoms are not recognized in time and certain measures are not taken, worse symptoms may appear and end all fatally: convulsions, paralysis of the limbs, death. .
  5. Allergic reactions.
    If you notice that your dog begins to shake and shiver after eating, or you have switched to a new food, or this happens during treatment (taking medications) - this is a symptom of an allergic reaction. In this case, switch to a different diet that your pet felt good with, or stop taking the medication and monitor your pet. Otherwise, if there are no changes and you do not see any improvement, consult your veterinarian for advice.
  6. Poisoning. The cause of the state of trembling and shaking may be poisoning (food, toxins, foreign body). The main symptoms of the disease and first aid for its manifestation: weakness, apathy, chills. If you cannot help your pet, seek help from a veterinarian.

Yorkshire terrier shaking after bathing

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  • dog shaking what to do
  • Why is my dog ​​constantly shaking at home?
  • the dog is trembling and lethargic
  • why does a dog whine and tremble
  • small shaking dogs
  1. It is known from biology textbooks that shivering is considered an unconditioned reflex. The animal can shake from the manifestation of emotions: aggression, joy, excitement. After strong emotions, the body continues to tremble, experiencing the consequences.
  2. The dog may tremble if there is a surge of hormones in the body. This sometimes happens when seeing an animal of the opposite sex. In the latter case, the dog is characterized by violent behavior, does not follow the commands of the owners.
  3. The animal is able to shake from the cold. To calm the trembling, the owners must rub the pet, make it move actively.
  4. When traveling long distances, moving to a new place, the adaptation of the animal is slow. In unusual climatic conditions, the animal begins to tremble, body temperature rises or falls, appetite decreases. The cause of the condition is a fluctuation in air temperature, a change in its humidity.
  5. The reason for trembling is fear. There is a release of adrenaline into the blood, the heartbeat accelerates, the body begins to tremble. The animal refuses to eat. When driving in a car, the dog gets motion sick. The condition is accompanied by trembling of the body, vomiting, loss of appetite, and sometimes loss of consciousness. The animal may not walk for some time. The way out of this situation will be sedatives. The dog falls asleep, saving energy.
  6. Active life, excessive excitability are considered the cause of sleep disturbance. An animal can move its paws in a dream, whine, get up abruptly in a dream without waking up, which happens due to a lack of magnesium.
  7. Pets, including dogs, are sensitive to hypothermia and drafts. Tetrapods have a much higher body temperature than humans. Dog owners should not rely on their own instincts. If the room is warm, you still need to protect your pets from drafts, especially after swimming. After washing, the animal's hair should be wiped with a terry towel. You need to wipe until the wool is almost dry. For drying use a hair dryer.

If trembling and weakness appear in a pet in a calm environment for no apparent external reasons, it is recommended to assess the condition of the animal, look for clinical signs:

  1. Refusal to eat or drink.
  2. Decrease or increase in body temperature.
  3. The coat looks dry, disheveled, dull, begins to crumble.
  4. The skin under the coat is also dry and flaky.
  5. The pulse is frequent or, on the contrary, significantly slows down.
  6. Mucous membranes turn pale or acquire a bluish tint.
  7. The appearance of loose stools with impurities, retching, loss of coordination, unsteadiness when trying to get up.
  8. The dog becomes lethargic and depressed, or, conversely, irritated or aggressive, excitable.

The cause of tremor and weakness can be an allergic reaction, which is stopped by taking antihistamines and eliminating an unfavorable factor from the dog's environment.

In healthy females, tremor is noted during pregnancy before the onset of labor, foreshadowing the onset of imminent contractions. This condition is recognized as physiological for the animal and does not require special assistance.

The task of every dog ​​breeder is not only to provide a pet with comfortable living conditions, proper balanced nutrition, proper care, but also to monitor his well-being and condition. Uncharacteristic behavior for a dog should alert the owner. Noticing that the dog is shaking with a slight tremor, you need to carefully look at its behavior and assess the state of health.

Often, tremor, according to experienced dog breeders, can be caused by various physiological features. The animal may shiver from cold or fear, experiencing delight or excitement. Trembling is especially often observed in small decorative dogs (Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, etc.), for which this phenomenon is considered a characteristic feature of the breed.

However, the tremor caused by the physiological reaction of the muscles under the influence of the contraction of hormones is not always safe for the health and life of the animal. To properly assess the situation, it is worth looking at the accompanying symptoms. If your dog is panting, whining, refusing to eat, and not feeling well, take the animal to a vet right away.

In this video, you will learn about the possible causes of dog trembling (using the Chihuahua as an example).

Causes of shivering

An additional list of reasons why the dog trembles and feels weak is highlighted. Perhaps the animal received acute poisoning. Dogs can experience acute salt intoxication. The pet begins to shiver finely, drinks a lot of liquid. This condition is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature, convulsive twitching of the limbs or the development of epileptiform seizures in a pet, copious loose stools and retching. First aid for such poisoning in a dog consists in administering an enema, supplying vegetable oil, starch and caffeine.

Trembling and weakness develops in violation of the heart - tachycardia. Perhaps the animal simply suffered a strong fright, in which case the pet should be calmed and distracted. If trembling and tachycardia are accompanied by frequent defecation or vomiting, it is better to show the pet to a specialist. Tachycardia may be a symptom of acute myocarditis or heart failure.

The inflammatory process that affects the spinal cord can also manifest itself in weakness, trembling of the animal's body. It is necessary to lay the dog on a soft, clean bedding, massage, give vitamins and antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Such a disease can progress and lead to atrophy of muscle tissue and the development of bedsores.

From the endocrine system, constant tremor, combined with weakness, looks like a sign of hypothyroidism. With this condition, there is increased fatigue in the pet and low temperature. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of hormones.

If the pet's trembling and weakness do not go away for a long time, do not rely on your own strength, consult a doctor so as not to miss precious time and help your four-legged friend. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the ailment and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Even if your dog is not a small chihuahua, but, for example, a large German shepherd, then you should not start worrying right away. First of all, you should think about the reason why the animal began to tremble, and, perhaps, exclude the most harmless options. Among these relatively harmless factors, temperature, excitement, fear, a feeling of cold, and even allergies can be distinguished.

  • Short haired dogs can tremble because of the cold after washing. Even if the owner thinks that the dog should be warm enough, the dog can easily catch a cold, so you should immediately increase the temperature in the room and wrap the dog in a dry towel or blanket. It is important to do this without delay and not let the dog catch a cold, because the treatment of this kind of disease is quite unpleasant - rather than treating the animal with immunostimulants, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs after some time, it is better to simply not let the pet get sick. To prevent hypothermia, it can be advised to purchase warm clothes for the animal and insulate the place of sleep. After walking on a cold street, it is advisable to dry the dog and perhaps even dry it with a hair dryer. If the dog began to tremble on the road, when there is no hair dryer, blankets and it is impossible to raise the temperature, just hold the animal close to you.
  • The next reason, which cannot be called serious and dangerous, is anxiety and fear. Many dogs are temperamental and can become overwhelmed or frightened by a change of scenery, fireworks or thunder. In this case, the excitement may be accompanied by trembling and all that should be done in this case is to give the dog a soothing tea, such as chamomile. Such a drink has a calming effect and the animal will immediately feel its effect. In the future, a dog with a weak nervous system must be protected from strong feelings.
  • Another reason, partially similar to the previous one, is excitement. For example, when a dog is looking forward to some kind of treat, he may tremble and even dance, but such excitement is not something negative, because in this case the dog feels happy and contented.
  • With strong excitement, for example, during estrus or rut, the dog may also tremble. This is due to hormonal changes and in extreme cases can be treated with castration or sterilization.
  • Hypoglycemia is common in small breed dogs. Under this name, a banal lack of blood sugar is hidden, and a low sugar level is accompanied by trembling, lethargy and loss of energy. It is important to detect hypoglycemia in time and consult a doctor, because it is easily treated with a simple glucose injection, but if you do not pay attention to it, more serious symptoms may appear, even death.
  • Allergy. With a sudden change to a new diet or when taking medication, the dog may shake after each meal or medication. The reason for this trembling is allergic reaction, and in this case it is worth switching to a different diet, stopping medication, giving the dog an antihistamine and, depending on the reaction of the animal, even contact the veterinarian.
  • The last reason for which it is worth worrying, but moderately, can be called pain. Very often, dogs after injuries or bites can tremble, and in this case, if the injury is not serious, the dog will lick the wound itself. It is worth observing the site of a bite or tissue rupture, because under unfavorable circumstances, the wound may fester - in this case, you need to resort to medical help. In case of severe pain, no external causes of pain, or a serious bite or injury, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for treatment, treatment, or, in the most difficult cases, for surgical intervention.

The dog may tremble for natural reasons. Often this occurs when environmental conditions change or stress is applied. In this case, the dog can often breathe, but the general condition is not disturbed.

cold or fear

The pet may be shaking due to the cold. At low ambient temperatures, muscle contraction contributes to warming.

Another reason why a dog shakes with small tremors is fear. When scared, adrenaline and cortisol are released into the blood. Hormones contribute to the mobilization of the body's defenses. This is manifested by rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils, and muscle tremors. That is why if the dog is scared, then it shakes.

sexual interest

Sexual desire also causes tremors. This occurs due to an increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood. Before mating, the pet trembles, has increased activity. A hormonal surge is not dangerous and does not require medical intervention.

Strong excitement and excitement

Strong emotions are also manifested by trembling. For example, if a pet is begging for a treat or waiting for praise. In this case, trembling is not accompanied by other pathological signs. The dog often breathes, but behaves actively, excitedly.

Trembling is not always a harmless condition. Sometimes this indicates a pathology. If other symptoms are observed in addition to tremor, then most likely the trembling is pathological. It is important to monitor the mind of the pet and its general condition.


In case of poisoning, trembling occurs as a response to intoxication. Other symptoms are also present:

  • vomit:
  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • sometimes an increase in body temperature.

The cause of poisoning can be food, medicines, household products, as well as toxic substances.

Electrolyte imbalances

Potassium and magnesium levels affect muscle contractions. Therefore, a change in the electrolyte balance may be accompanied by tremor. Electrolyte disturbances often occur after childbirth. At the same time, the dog draws up its hind legs, lies and whines.


Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. The disease is manifested by a number of symptoms, one of which is tremor. In addition, the dog is lethargic and tired, it tends to sleep all the time. The body temperature in hypothyroidism is reduced, the skin is dry, the dog lies or hides most of the time.


Decreased blood glucose levels can also be manifested by muscle tremors. Hypoglycemia occurs in several conditions:

  • when the dog was given too much insulin;
  • in the presence of insulinoma - a benign tumor that produces insulin;
  • with insufficient intake of carbohydrates or excessive physical activity.

At the same time, the dog trembles and breathes heavily, as if very frightened. In addition, the heart rate increases, and the skin feels moist to the touch.


If your pet is shaking after being in the sun for a long time, then he may have heatstroke. Small breeds and puppies are especially susceptible to heat transfer disorders. With heat or sunstroke, the dog is lethargic, panting, and the skin is hot to the touch.

Depending on the place where the trembling is more noticeable, several causes of this symptom can be assumed.

1. Trembling of the head, shaking the muzzle.

  • Cerebellar anomalies (eg, in puppies after parvovirus enteritis),
  • Hereditary congenital anomalies of the nervous system,
  • Inflammatory processes (encephalitis),
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • Nervous form of carnivorous plague.

2. Trembling of the pelvic limbs.

  • Weakness or pain (eg, abdominal pain, weakness with fever),
  • Metabolic diseases ( kidney failure low blood sugar or potassium (hypoglycemia or hypokalemia),
  • Compression injuries of the spine (tumors, hernias),
  • Leptospirosis.

3. General tremor. Trembling all over body.

  • Poisoning by toxic substances (organophosphorus substances, mycotoxins)
  • Degenerative neurological diseases
  • Idiopathic generalized tremor (this syndrome is more common in small white dogs)

The most common reasons why a dog is lethargic and does not eat anything include:

  • Dental problems and oral diseases. With any discomfort that occurs when eating food, the dog will continue to refuse food (broken or loose teeth, injuries to the mouth, stomatitis). You can see how the dog approaches the food, seems to start eating, but immediately stops and does not touch the food anymore.
  • Any ear disease. Infections of the hearing organs are always accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and sometimes pain, at the time of chewing or when something needs to be chewed.
  • Chemotherapy for cancer significantly reduces appetite.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(enteritis, volvulus or intussusception, gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the stomach or intestines, blockage of the stomach or intestines).
  • Foreign body in the mouth or esophagus of a dog.
  • Any pain syndrome. If the dog experiences pain of various etiologies for a long time, most often the appetite will be completely absent. They say that the dog feels pain: trembling, shortness of breath, hunched back, the dog tries to move less.
  • Any infectious viral or bacterial disease accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If the general body temperature jumped, the dog will drink more, and the appetite will be reduced or disappear altogether.
  • post-traumatic shock. If the dog has received numerous injuries and lost a lot of blood, then, of course, there can be no talk of any appetite.
  • Medical therapy. With individual sensitivity to certain drugs, loss of appetite may develop with excessive exposure to the liver and stomach.
  • Cold . According to veterinarians, one of the most physiological and safe causes of shivering. Due to muscle contraction, blood flow through the vessels accelerates, and body temperature rises. Especially often shivering from cold occurs in small dogs(whose body weight is up to 3 kg). This is due to problems with heat transfer in animals with a small body weight. In order to calm the trembling, you can take a small dog in your arms, and bring a larger pet into a warm room.
  • stress. Fear, fright or anxiety can also cause trembling in our pets. The palm for stress trembling belongs, again, to small dogs. Trembling may occur when walking in unfamiliar territory or in the event of a loud shout or sharp sound. It is not uncommon for puppies to tremble when meeting an older member of the canine tribe. In this case, with a shudder, they show humility and a subordinate position. The best way to calm the nervous trembling is to try to calm the pet. Some are helped by even strokes or the gentle voice of the owner. If the dog is excitable and reacts violently to what is happening around, it can be helped with medication - by drinking a course of homeopathic remedies that calm the nervous system.
  • Excitement. However, pleasant prerequisites can also lead to trembling. Many dogs, for example, tremble with excitement or anticipation of something pleasant - a walk with the owner or receiving a treat. Often the dog even dances with pleasure. You don't have to deal with this kind of trembling. The only thing that such a reaction says is that your dog is overly excitable and prone to violent manifestations of feelings.
  • natural features. Sometimes shivering is due to genetic causes. For example, for a greyhound, shivering is a breed trait. Breeders say that this is how these dogs perceive the world - not only with the nose or ears, but with the entire surface of the skin.
  • Low sugar (hypoglycemia). Most often, this pathology is inherent in small breeds of dogs or age animals. If the blood glucose level has reached a critically low level, the body of the animal is shaking, the dog becomes lethargic and weak. Glycemia occurs most often from malnutrition or the inability to absorb glucose due to autoimmune pathologies. The quickest way to deal with an attack is to inject a glucose solution or give your dog water to drink with a little sugar or honey added. If you do not provide assistance in time, the dog may begin to have convulsions or even paralysis.
  • Hormonal causes. Very often, trembling creeps through animals of both sexes during "love dating". A male or female in the hunt, having met with an animal of the opposite sex, begins to tremble. As a rule, such a “sensual shaking” disappears in a bitch after estrus, and in a male a few minutes after parting with a bitch in heat. However, if your pet is too loving and reacts so violently to any person of the opposite sex, you can simply castrate it. Another common cause of shivering caused by hormonal imbalances is postpartum eclampsia in bitches. This disease is caused by a banal lack of calcium and, as a rule, disappears without a trace after the first injection of this vitamin preparation.
  • Allergic reaction. If you observe shaking in your dog after switching to a new brand of food or while taking any medications, it is most likely that allergic reaction. First of all, you should completely exclude the contact of the animal with the allergen - return to the old diet or interrupt the course of treatment and observe the dog. If trembling is accompanied by cramps or swelling, give your pet an antihistamine immediately and take it to the doctor immediately.
  • Pain syndrome . The painful sensations experienced by the pet may be accompanied by trembling. First of all, make sure that there are no wounds or marks on the body of the animal. insect bite(for example, bees). Trembling can also be caused by rheumatism or by pains in the abdomen. In the latter case, a light analgesic and abdominal massage will help the pet.
  • poisoning. Large shivering and pallor of the mucous membranes are the first signs of poisoning in dogs. In addition to these symptoms, intoxication is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and a lack of interest in life. First aid in this situation is gastric lavage and an attempt to induce vomiting in the pet. All other manipulations are preferably carried out in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Trembling of the dog can be a symptom of the pathology of the internal organs, for example, heart disease or pneumonia. In this case, ultrasound and laboratory diagnostic methods will help to make a diagnosis. The main thing in this case is not to waste time and consult a doctor as early as possible - so the disease can be recognized at an early stage and cured with less effort.
  • Vaccination, postoperative period. Trembling can be a side effect of a vaccine or the body's reaction to surgical intervention. If the symptoms in this case are limited to trembling, do not worry. In both cases, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to stress.

Trembling is a sign of disease

In case of body trembling in a dog, pay attention to the well-being of the animal. The situation is troubling:

  • the animal does not eat or drink anything;
  • the dog's body temperature rises;
  • wool becomes dull, unkempt;
  • the appearance of peeling on the skin;
  • rapid pulse;
  • cyanosis appears on the mucous membranes;
  • upset or nausea occurs;
  • aggressiveness increases or, conversely, the animal becomes lethargic.

If one or more of these symptoms are noted, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian. There are many causes of pathology - poisoning, heart problems, dehydration, nervous disease, heat stroke. Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis, self-medication or ignoring is inappropriate.

The animal may tremble with allergies. In such cases, antihistamines are prescribed.

Trembling begins in females before childbirth. The prenatal condition is not considered a pathology and does not require human intervention.

Causes of pathological trembling in dogs:

  • Chronic thyroid disease associated with hormonal imbalance. To establish a diagnosis, you will need to donate blood.
  • Sugar deficiency. Diabetes can be detected by testing for sugar.
  • Lack or excess of magnesium or calcium. Trouble is common in animals. Accompanied by trembling, uncontrolled actions, sleep disturbance, manifestation of aggression. Such a violation is established using a biochemical blood test.

These three diseases are common in dogs. Not fully cured, require systematic monitoring. With normal care and regular procedures, animals live a full life.

Tremor as a symptom of a disease or pathology

Not always a tremor in the body of an animal can be caused by physiological phenomena. Sometimes this condition indicates pathological disorders. If the dog trembles heavily, breathes heavily, lies all the time, refuses food and water, looks lethargic and weakened, while there is an increase or decrease in body temperature and convulsions, you need to urgently show your pet to the veterinarian.

Some diseases accompanied by chills are very dangerous for the health and life of the animal.

Disturbed electrolyte metabolism

Many are interested in why a recently given birth dog often shakes. Tremor in the body can be the cause of electrolyte imbalance. After childbirth, a hormonal failure occurs, as a result of which the metabolism is disturbed and the ratio of magnesium, potassium and other micro- and macroelements necessary for the normal life of the animal changes.

Only a specialist can identify violations of electrolyte metabolism based on a previously made biochemical blood test.


Thyroid hormone deficiency, also known as hypothyroidism, is a serious condition. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature and lethargy, the dog tends to sleep all the time.

A specialist can identify hypothyroidism and prescribe competent treatment after a thorough examination and laboratory diagnostic examination of a pet.


With low blood sugar, the dog begins to develop hypoglycemia, which leads to paralysis of the hind limbs and death of the pet. For this reason, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist if the dog whines and trembles, while looking lethargic and unhealthy. Hypoglycemia at the initial stage is successfully cured.


In the summer, a dog that stays under the scorching sun for a long period of time can get heatstroke, which often occurs as a result of the negligent behavior of the dog breeder, who closed the pet in the car and went to solve his personal affairs.

It is not difficult to determine heat stroke if you carefully look at the condition of the animal. The dog may breathe heavily, tremble violently, and be very lethargic.


If the dog is trembling, as if in a chill, begins to hide, feels thirsty, and there is weakness, lethargy, apathy or drowsiness, there is a high risk of poisoning. Intoxication of the body can be of a food or toxic nature.

According to experts, most often a pet living at home can get poisoned. Despite strict control and certain rules, even a well-mannered and trained dog suffers from curiosity and often grabs an object of interest to it during a walk.

If, upon returning home after a walk, you notice that the dog's paw muscles are twitching strongly, you need to urgently contact a veterinary clinic. A similar phenomenon is considered one of the characteristic signs of strychnine poisoning.

For this, the veterinarian conducts a clinical examination and:

  • laboratory blood and urine tests;
  • x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • endoscopy.

If the dog is lethargic, does not eat anything and ...

Symptom: Likely causes:
only drinks
  • dehydration;
  • diabetes;
  • Cushing's syndrome (a hormonal disease of the adrenal glands, in which the level of cortisol in the blood goes off scale);
  • pyometritis or any other purulent inflammation of the internal organs;
  • Addison's disease (lack of corticosteroid hormones).
doesn't drink
  • poisoning with poisons;
  • problems with the pancreas or liver.
has an elevated body temperature
  • cold;
  • any viral or bacterial infections (which are assessed by the veterinarian according to other associated clinic and laboratory tests).
  • poisoning;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal system, up to blockage of the intestine;
  • increased intracranial or arterial pressure.
vomit and vomit
  • poisoning;
  • dehydration;
  • worms;
  • enteritis.
vomits, vomits and has a high temperature
  • plague of carnivores;
  • enteritis;
  • any other infectious disease.
vomiting foam
has yellow mucous membranes or skin
  • disorders in the liver and biliary system;
  • piroplasmosis.
shivering, trying to move less, breathing heavily
pain syndrome of various localization.
sleeps a lot, lies down, does not react to external stimuli and does not drink
Urgently deliver to a veterinary specialist to determine the exact cause!

If the dog trembles in a calm environment or for no apparent reason, you need to assess the general condition of the animal. Negative indicators in the presence of tremor can be considered:

  • High or low temperature.
  • Dull, dry, disheveled coat.
  • Too fast or slow pulse.
  • Pale or bluish mucous membranes.
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, loss of balance.
  • Aggression or excessive oppression.

The presence of one or more symptoms indicates a disease. A veterinarian should be involved in the diagnosis, since there are a lot of possible options: poisoning, heat stroke, heart failure, dehydration, severe stress, central nervous system diseases, pneumonia, influenza.

An allergic reaction can cause itching, redness of the skin and mucous membranes, nasal discharge, tremors - antihistamines are used to relieve symptoms.

Tremor is often observed in pregnant dogs before labor begins. The phenomenon is considered normal and does not require intervention.

  • The hind legs or the whole body are shaking.
  • The back is arched or hunched.
  • The dog tucks its tail, lies on its side.

Tremor that occurs only during movement or vigorous activity is called intentional tremor, there are several reasons for its occurrence:

  • Hypothyroidism- a chronic disease of the thyroid gland, leading to a violation of the hormonal background, is detected by a detailed blood test.
  • Lack of insulin (diabetes)- is detected by a specialized blood test.
  • Calcium and magnesium imbalance- the symptoms of this disorder are very wide, from mild nervousness and sleep disturbances, to uncontrolled aggression and violence.

All three diseases are common, life-long and completely incurable. To alleviate the condition, supportive therapy is carried out, with proper care and regular procedures, the pet lives fully.

Painful sensations and bouts of rheumatic pain in older dogs also cause shivering. As prescribed by the veterinarian, the dog is given an anesthetic, after which the causes of the disease are identified. If the dog is in pain, most often, he does not eat anything, is depressed, prefers to remain alone, squints or defends when probing the painful area.

Immediately after childbirth or during the period of feeding offspring, the bitch may experience an attack of eclampsia. The symptoms are similar to epilepsy, but they are not.

  • Small but strong shaking of the front paws, hind legs or the whole body.
  • Pale mucous membranes.
  • Breathing is choked, intermittent.
  • There may be a drop in temperature and the release of excess saliva.

What to do? - To provide emergency care, time goes by for minutes, so it is useless to wait for the veterinarian or go to the clinic - you will not have time. Remove excess saliva and keep the airways clear. Intramuscularly or intravenously, inject calcium gluconate at the rate of 1 ml per kilogram. Injections are made in several places, for example, in each paw. The intake of calcium will relieve acute convulsions, after which the dog should be given veterinary care.

It is impossible to consider tremor as an individual symptom of the disease, but it must be considered as part of the anamnesis. Make sure that the shivering is not related to physiological reactions, watch for additional symptoms and contact your veterinarian without delay. Many of the above diseases are very dangerous and can lead to a tragic outcome.

Diagnosis and further treatment

The first thing to do in such a situation is to determine the cause. To do this, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary tests:

  • complete blood count - to detect signs of inflammation;
  • glucose level - to exclude hypoglycemia;
  • biochemical blood test - determination of the level of electrolytes;
  • determination of the level of hormones - with hypothyroidism, the level of T3 and T4 decreases.

After examination and diagnosis, treatment can begin. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the cause of trembling:

  1. Hypothyroidism is treated with hormone replacement therapy - Levothyroxine. During treatment, the level of thyroid hormones is examined and, depending on this, the dose of the drug is selected.
  2. With insulinoma, surgical intervention is indicated - removal of the tumor. If hypoglycemia occurs during the treatment of diabetes mellitus, then it is necessary to carefully adjust the dose of insulin.
  3. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to give sorbents, such as Enterosgel or activated charcoal. Sometimes administration of antidotes is justified.

If shivering is the body's natural response to cold, stress, or a hormonal surge, no treatment is needed. Enough to calm the pet and warm.

To begin with, the veterinarian examines the dog and excludes the most common pathologies that cause trembling. These are abdominal pain, fever, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, kidney disease, leptospirosis, viral infections. For this, a general clinical blood test, a general biochemical analysis (by which the work of the kidneys, liver is evaluated, glucose and potassium in the blood are measured) are taken. A blood test for leptospirosis, plague, feces for parvovirus enteritis is also given.

With the help of ultrasound
diagnostics and X-ray, tumors of the intestines and internal organs, foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric volvulus, intestinal intussusception, cystitis, prostatitis, endometritis, pyometra, colitis, enteritis are excluded - everything that can cause abdominal pain.

Each owner, walking on the street or being in a calm home environment, sooner or later notices that his dog is trembling. What factors influence such a state of a shaggy friend? The reasons may be varied. But they all fall into two groups. natural and pathological. So why is the dog trembling?

The dog trembles due to physiological reactions

What is meant by trembling? Trembling occurs as a result of muscle contraction under the action of hormones. Numerous processes that occur in the body can cause trembling. For example, it can be a reaction to a food product, excitement at the sight of another individual, a pet is very tired or cold, a defensive position, an animal is sick.

If the dog is trembling for physiological reasons, then there is no reason to worry. This is absolutely normal. But in such cases, the pet should not refuse food. This important factor must be taken into account.

Excessive emotionality

The dog has its own character, it can be quite temperamental and emotional, as well as impressionable and overly receptive to everything. Any unusual event can unbalance such individuals. It can be the aggression of someone else's dog, a loud car passing by, an impending rain with a thunderstorm. All these moments can greatly excite the animal, and it will begin to tremble. Soothing tea will come to the rescue, which will help relieve excitability.

It's good when the dog meets the owner with fun, and in wild delight jumps, barks, whines, spins, shakes. Or, in anticipation of sweets, trembles all over. The pet may even sleep and tremble when he has a pleasant dream. But if the animal is hiding and trembling at the sharp sound, then the dog may have been frightened. Some dogs may tremble to get attention. With this behavior, the dog shows his devotion and love. This is common in docked tail breeds.


Trembling with excitement at the sight of another attractive individual is also natural. This reaction of the body is typical for small emotional dogs. But in other breeds, this is manifested quite often.


If the dog is shaking and tucking its tail, it may be cold. Animals with short hair get cold more often. This problem can be solved by placing your pet under a blanket or dressing him up. Heating a house or apartment also does not hurt. Small breeds of dogs are especially cold. For them, special overalls for walking are purchased. After bathing, the dog may also shiver.

Trembling indicates a problem in the body of a dog

When a dog has other symptoms that appear along with trembling and cause anxiety in the owner, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. Since trembling in this case can occur due to a virus or an allergy, as well as with any other pathology that only a specialist can identify.

Danger of overheating

If your dog is shivering on a hot summer day, it is most likely heat stroke. The animal must be immediately taken to the shade and given cool water to drink. It is also recommended to see a veterinarian, as this condition is quite dangerous. If in hot weather the dog breathes frequently, with his tongue on his side and shivers, which is common in breeds with a flat muzzle, then you need to get him to the clinic as soon as possible. For such breeds, overheating is dangerous, since they have many problems with heat transfer.

Response to pain and poisoning

The animal may tremble in pain. It is necessary to examine the pet to identify a bite or injury. Older individuals may suffer from rheumatic pains, which may cause trembling. If the dog is lethargic and trembling, and vomiting is also present, then these are all signs of poisoning. You should immediately take the animal to the doctor.


Allergic reactions can be very different. A four-legged pet may itch, tremble, his eyes may turn red. All of these symptoms are signs of an allergy. An antihistamine drug in this case will significantly alleviate the unpleasant condition.

Viral infection

The dog is shaking and not eating, and is lethargic and has a fever. All of these symptoms point to a virus. In such a situation, only a doctor can help the animal, and it is urgent to deliver it to the clinic for examination and treatment.

reaction to vaccines. Postoperative period

The reaction of the dog's body to vaccines can be different. Side effects from vaccinations are quite common. Why does the dog tremble when it lies in this situation? The animal may tremble and be indifferent to food. Experienced dog breeders recommend giving a quarter of a suprastin tablet. But you should still see a doctor to rule out various diseases. After surgery, the pet may tremble after anesthesia. This indicates that the body is weakened, has not established thermoregulation and the animal is cold. Another factor is the temperature due to infection. The reason may be in the reaction to drugs. In any case, if the pet trembles in the postoperative period, it must be urgently taken to the veterinary clinic.

A severe helminthic infestation can also cause a dog to shiver. Such a reaction can be on a tick bite. Dirofilariasis is a very dangerous disease for animals and one of the symptoms can be tremor. If the owner has suspicions about the listed sources of yeast, then it is better to contact the veterinarian immediately.

In addition to viral, shivering in a dog is also possible from other diseases. These can be disorders of the nervous system, pneumonia, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Each of the diseases requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Also, shivering in the absence of other symptoms may indicate a metabolic disorder. The dog may have hypothyroidism, changes in the magnesium-calcium balance, lack of insulin in diabetes mellitus. Treatment of these disorders without examination and appointments of a competent specialist is impossible.

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