Unfamiliar woman interpretation of the dream book. Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of an unfamiliar woman in a dream? To unexpected obstacles in business, secret intrigues, gossip behind your back.

For a representative of the opposite sex, such a dream promises rumors, the spreader of which is a mystery to her. A man dreams of an unfamiliar woman, indicating complications at work and intrigues from unknown spiteful critics. And making love to a stranger reflects physical dissatisfaction in reality.

Kissing an unknown lady means being the object of unwanted attention. Talking means receiving information that you didn’t even know about; depending on how she spoke, you can judge the nature of the news. It’s nice to communicate, flirt - to an unexpected turn in life. Swear - your ignorance will cause discord. Fighting is an attempt to reach an opponent in order to be noticed and understood.


    An unfamiliar woman and man stood in a dimly lit room. There was a romantic atmosphere. A woman in an evening dress, a man in a suit. Glasses of champagne in hands. Suddenly the man ran to the exit. The woman followed him and went down to the street. It seems she saw him and ran. She became invisible behind the truck. A man ran out from there, ran into the building and loudly asked the concierge to call a taxi so that he could leave with the woman.

    • Obstacles in romantic relationships. Since you haven’t seen yourself, perhaps this will only indirectly affect you (for example, you will become a witness to someone else’s disagreement).

    I stood in line to buy something. It was my turn and I had to pay. There was an unfamiliar man there whom I glanced at. I wanted to get his attention. I said oh, I don't have cash. Who can borrow it for me and I will pay it back as soon as I find an ATM. But the man did not react at all. But an unfamiliar woman from the queue gave me the required amount. I bought dishes - a saucepan. The saleswoman, an unfamiliar woman, put the purchase in a box. I saw a payment terminal on her desk. I asked why you didn’t tell me that I could pay by card. She replied that I didn't ask about it. Then I went to the ATM and withdrew the amount that I had to give

    • You should not wait for help, and even the help that will be offered to you seemingly free of charge will turn out to be intentional.

    I was walking through the park. I was surprised that there were soft beds along the green areas. Each of them was made up of a blue bed and on each bed lay an elderly, unfamiliar woman. Then I went under the canopy. Now I was with an elderly man and a young unfamiliar woman approached us. She looked beautiful, like a model. But when I spoke, I saw that her front upper tooth was blackened. She said something and left. A man I knew approached with another older man. There was a table there and a lot of food on it. A man I know started eating mulberries

    • Fatigue, which is aggravated by unpleasant conversations and negativity from someone from the immediate environment. You need to find support and at least pamper yourself a little.

    I dreamed about the wife of my beloved man, we don’t know each other.
    I see that she has several red pimples on her face, which makes her a little less attractive than in life.
    And I saw her hairstyle from the back when she was leaving the post office building, and I stayed there.
    The braid hairstyle looked very nice and neat. Thank you in advance.

    • Complications in the life of a rival.

    Among strangers, standing in a small corridor between two doors, I met an acquaintance whom I don’t know in real life. I asked her how she cured some disease. She said it was not easy and it took her three years. A woman doctor passed by. She was a little plump in blue medical clothes. A friend told me the name of the doctor and showed me that it was this woman. Then I went to see the doctor. There was a man and a woman in white medical clothes. It turned out that he was an ophthalmologist. I apologized and said that I had mixed up the doctors. The man confirmed. The woman said that since we came in, let’s take a look at you. I sat, and she moved a pencil in front of my face, moving it away, bringing it closer. I brought him to the corner of his lips, and then suddenly I had to turn my attention to another object. I dealt with everything easily. She said that my vision was fine and began to write me a certificate.

    • Take care of your health, nothing serious, but even an unexpected cold will be inappropriate for you.

    She walked between residential buildings. A man came up to me and asked where there was water. He was excited because... could not find. I showed the direction and said that there was a column between those houses. He left. To make sure that I didn’t deceive, I headed to those houses to check. When I approached, I saw that I had told the truth. Indeed, there was a pump there and a lot of water flowed from it. I came closer to look. At that moment, two unfamiliar women who were there began to shout something to me and throw something at me. So they chased me to the end of the house. I left

    • You shouldn't show others what you feel. Otherwise, gossipers will quickly use this to your detriment.

    I was not in the dream. First I saw the sea. In the middle there was a strip of sand on which stood a long net that ran the entire length. It caught fish that looked more like sharks. Some people were doing something at sea. Then the picture changed a little. There was no sand strip. The sea was clear. An unfamiliar woman was floating in it. She felt calm and enjoyed swimming. A white ship was visible in the distance. Closer to the shore there was another ship on which there were people. In general, the external environment is pleasant and calm. However, I felt anxious, expecting that something bad could happen at any moment.

    • Despite the fact that there is “calm” in your life, pleasant hopes are fulfilled, you still feel anxious. Learn to relax and enjoy life when you have the opportunity.

    I came to another country with two friends. At the hotel we were given bunk beds in the same room, but as if on different floors. Then something happened in the city, some unrest. We had to leave and pack our things before that. First I went to the bunk bed. On the top bed lay a young, unfamiliar woman. She ate fried chicken and threw the bones on the floor. I picked them up and threw them away. I put a napkin in front of her and asked her to put the bones there. She agreed. Then the floors had to be washed. I wanted to do this, but two women came and started cleaning. They mopped with a rag, thus collecting garbage. When they finished, I took a rag and began to mop the floors again without a mop. Then I saw the computer. I started taking apart the wires to put them together. I remembered that I didn’t print something out. I thought it was no big deal

    • Your hospitality (not necessarily at home, it could be an invitation to a cafe or a reception at work) will not be appreciated, so persistence and endurance will not hurt. In addition, think about whether your concern for others is really necessary, or will they manage without you?

    I had some kind of small yellow robot that walked on the floor. I approached an unfamiliar woman to conclude an agreement to use this robot. This robot contained information about my relationship with a man I was interested in. Next, I looked at a graph that showed the development of these relationships. It was a black line. She went up, then down. Then it went in a square and as a result the straight line is horizontal somewhere in the middle of the entire graph

    • Listen to other people's words, and you will be able to unemotionally and soberly assess the current situation.

    An unfamiliar elderly woman gave me advice on how to behave with a rat that was also there. I didn’t understand how I related to the rat and I wasn’t pleased

    • You should not pay attention to other people's words, even if it seems to you that the advice is given to you with good intentions.

    I worked as a salesperson. She was wearing a light beige trench coat. An unfamiliar female buyer stood on the street and said that she wanted to buy the same trench coat. I ran into the building and told the store owner about it. Then my trench coat was in her hands and she looked at its article while sitting. I stood nearby. Then I don’t remember what I was wearing, the woman - the buyer said that she wanted to give me a ring and asked the size. The store owner said look in the drawers. I went to the shop. She took a box from the shelf and took out threads from it. I tore off the thread white and tied it on the ring finger of the right hand in the form of a ring. I didn’t see how I took it off, but then I held this thread in my hands, tied in a ring, and thought that my finger size was very large, which surprised me

    • A small clarification: I don’t remember clearly how I tied the thread on my finger

      They will envy your relationship with someone and, supposedly with the best intentions, they will make you doubt, reflect, and worry. Don't give in to provocation.

    First, I saw an ad on the Internet from an unfamiliar woman and a photo of her in a wide-brimmed summer hat. The ad addressed me and indicated my last name. Then I walked along the streets of the city. Then somewhere I was and this woman was there. She walked and created traffic. Then she invited me to have tea with her. We walked up to a small round table and sat down at it. The girl from the next table got up and left. I don’t remember the conversation, but how I simply stuffed myself with the sweets that the woman brought for tea. It was mostly waffles, maybe some cookies.

    • Even unpleasant information (including mere trifles) can be useful for you.

    There were dark blue jeans on display at the market. I had a tube of hand cream in my hands. I squeezed it out a little at a time and lubricated my jeans with it. The woman seller stood nearby, and the man seller sat at the tray. I took the trousers and began to apply them to myself. From above it seemed that they were true to size, and the legs were wide. The woman angrily said that they were too expensive for me. I doubted whether I wanted such pants. Because of her tone, I left them and left.

    • Other people's gossip weakens you. Pay less attention.

    The woman stood near the pillar, as if tied with one hand and could not free herself. There were some things around the pillar. Then various things, all blue, neatly came out from above. They hung in the air around the pole as if in a sales window. The woman was confused

    • Excessive trust can prevent you from achieving what you want, weakening support and outside help.

    I was planning a trip abroad. Someone told me that it is better to fly by plane rather than take the bus. I thought it was expensive. I decided to check with the airline. After some searching, I found them. But the front door was closed by two women who worked there. I tried to ask them for prices, but they turned me down not very politely. I decided that I would look on my phone. I found prices on the Internet, and they are very low. I looked at different days and was surprised. At the same time, I started thinking about planning more trips.

    • Don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out for you, try to go a different way, it will turn out to be even more profitable.

    • Empty talk, useless advice.

  • I was in the room by myself. I was sitting at the table, working at the computer. An unfamiliar woman came in. I stood up and approached her. We were talking about something. What I remember most about this dream was the feeling. Some new perception of yourself and what is happening around you. I didn't know how to feel about it

    • Unexpected news that will leave you confused.

    An unfamiliar woman was standing, and her husband was sitting at a short distance. They were arguing. For 10 years he often left home under some pretext. And at that moment she discovered that he was living on the street. She was outraged and verbally abandoned him. To the side, where this man lived, another pretty woman was sitting. But she was with another man (I didn’t see him) they just lived together on the street

    • Do not get involved in other people's squabbles (you may end up in an uncomfortable position).

    • They will give you advice. Despite the harshness and rudeness, it is worth listening to him.

  • I was in a room with an unfamiliar woman. In the dream she was my mother. She dressed quickly. She put on a skirt above the knees, a jacket, tights on top of the skirt, and a long sweater on top of everything. She wanted us to go somewhere quickly, she was in a hurry. I stopped her verbally. She calmed down a little. I don't remember that we went somewhere

    • You are condemned for insincerity.

    Passed through the border. She presented some kind of identification instead of a passport to an unfamiliar woman in uniform. My photo on the ID didn't look like me. The hair is white, the face is different, how the photo didn’t turn out. The woman took the ID in her hands, compared the photo with me, laughed loudly and threw the ID far to the side. I thought they wouldn’t let me through. But immediately someone returned my ID to her, she gave it to me, didn’t laugh anymore and I passed

    • Behavior that is unusual for you can play a bad joke and become an unexpected obstacle to your goal. Control your impulses.

    With a company of people unfamiliar to me in my life, we were developing a quarry that belonged to us. It was not very big, but not small either. I didn’t see the development process itself, but only the quarry itself. An unfamiliar woman came and said that we had better leave. At that moment I was standing at the very top of the quarry, and she and everyone else were below. Her demand was due to the fact that someone influential had seized the neighboring territories and dug a huge quarry overnight, while no one was looking. From my elevation I saw these huge spaces with a newly dug quarry. I thought to myself what was the best thing to do: just leave or announce what I had done in the press and defend the territory, or stay and fight for my career. This is where I woke up

    • To your “pit to another”, there will be larger-scale counteraction. Therefore, while looking after your own interests, you should not harm others or respond with revenge.

    A couple I didn’t know lived in a large house. The whole dream was dedicated to the fact that a man killed his woman. She lay dead. Various people from another house came and discussed this. Everyone perceived it as if this had happened. Her death could have been avoided, but oh well. Taken for granted. I don’t remember myself in the dream

    • Intrigues and gossip will pass on their own, without your participation. “Well-wishers” will be distracted by something else.

    I dreamed of a small story. An unfamiliar woman and her daughter went for a walk and took someone’s boy with them. It seems they were going to ride horses or learn to ride. But the boy mounted his horse and easily galloped away, as if he had no intention of returning. The woman was surprised at his skill. I wasn't in the dream

    • The horse was light or white. Thank you

      Achieve what you want with all your might, allowing yourself a little lies and gossip.

    In a dream, I was given a vegetable garden. I stood and looked at him. The land was plowed. He wasn't big. The boundaries are not clearly defined on one side only. But there was a concrete parapet with a metal post that indicated the border. On the other side there was a concrete path. The vegetable garden was on a slight hill. Someone approached the garden, some woman. A young woman ran down the concrete path from below and chased away the one who was standing. They left together. I continued to look and study my garden

    • I would like to clarify that the woman was standing when I approached the garden. After she was driven away by another woman, I looked at my garden. The border on the side of the hill was not yet clearly visible. I didn't think about her, because... my garden didn’t border anyone there

      You are about to take on some business, and your circle is discussing it, but the rumors will not last long.

    Hello. I dreamed something strange. In my sleep I dreamed of women, a lot of them. They are not Russians, most likely from the southern regions. They were looking for some young man in my mother’s garden, but for some reason they ended up with my mother in the village. And I joined in the search for this young man. We searched for a long time, but then we finally found him, found him dead, but I didn’t see him myself, I only heard someone’s voice that he was dead. Then I go to my mother’s house (she lives in her own house) Again, these women are there, and I step over the threshold, they were in the kitchen, and one is so pleasant, she looks at me and smiles, and her face is so kind and welcoming.

    • Getting confused in someone's intrigues, not knowing who is with your heart and who is faking it.

    Hello. I had a dream that I don’t understand. Help me figure it out! It seems like I’m walking at night with a baby stroller in a dream, I know that my child is sitting there but I don’t see him, and the wind is blowing straight in my face and it’s difficult to walk, someone is calling me by name, but in the dream I I think Damn, what do you want from me again and I turn around, a pleasant woman is standing there, smiling and saying, do you remember me, am I like that??? (in the dream I felt something familiar but I don’t remember) and I myself say yes, yes, and she offers her help , and my family and I say, what should we do for you? In a dream it evokes pleasant emotions, but I’m embarrassed to ask, but in the end we talk to her about something and what’s the best way to do it... and she seemed to wake up... what could that mean??

    • Your difficulties will not last forever, unexpected help will come. You decide for yourself whether to use it, but the dream warns that it will not be free of charge.

    I dreamed about an unfamiliar woman. Different moments of her life. It shows how active and successful she is at work and at home. Looks beautiful and well-groomed. I have a good relationship with my husband. In one of the stories, she looked at what her life would be like if she married someone else. She would be plump with a blurred figure, there would be no work. Then I saw that in her real life my boss liked her. They constantly crossed paths when she went into the water to swim or came out of the water. He looked at her and tried to swim closer and touch her. But she never paid attention, although she felt attracted. Then I saw her at work. She organized some events and also worked as a presenter. She worked as a presenter with another girl and three men. I remember the story when she wanted to go to the toilet, but everything was busy, she went to another room. But there were no walls, so they could see her from the other room where the men were. She left. Please help me figure out why I have a dream where I am not there about an unfamiliar woman. thanks in advance

    • There is now a turning point in your life when fate can take two different scenarios.

      Thank you. And in a dream there is a reference point for the beginning of each of two directions: marriage or work? Or something else

      Rather, the directions are of the same type: two things, or two jobs, two men, etc.

    I had two dreams with a similar plot.
    1. A beggar woman was sitting on the street, loudly asking for money. I approached her, said that I had already given her money four times, and began to advise her on how to behave with men so as not to ask for money. She listened carefully, then shook my hand, looking into my eyes, and I felt that she was grateful. The handshake was very strong, masculine. I was surprised by her gratitude
    2. I was standing in the subway. A girl stood nearby. I started advising her how to stand on the subway so that she would be comfortable and not disturb anyone. She looked at me and thanked me. I felt sincerity. Then the carriage became free and she moved to an empty seat and once again sincerely said thank you. I was surprised by her gratitude

    • Provide help (maybe just advice) to those who do not deserve it, who are capable of turning your kindness against yourself.

    Hello! I dreamed that an unfamiliar woman was telling fortunes for me! But she was not a gypsy, and she was telling fortunes not on cards, but on some objects, most likely it looked more like she was predicting my fate. She told me something, I don’t remember exactly what, I asked her what it meant, and she looked at me very carefully, so intently and said Oh, this is a very good sign! I also asked her something about love, since I was telling fortunes about love, but she didn’t tell me anything else... Please tell me, what does this mean and why do you even dream when people tell fortunes or predict the future in a dream? Thank you.

    • To false information. The dream advises not to trust rumors.

    Good afternoon. I had a strange dream. Please help me understand him. It’s as if my ex-man’s mother (I don’t know her) is showing an album with paintings to people standing under the house from the window of the house (in the dream, but it doesn’t look like her house). People seemed to have gathered under the house (there weren’t very many of them) and were listening to her with interest. She shows and says that this picture was painted by her son (my ex), and this picture was painted by his girlfriend (he says her name, he is now in a relationship with her). I stand on the sidelines and I’m offended that she does this.

    • Unfair gossip that will contain more fiction than reality, but they will listen to it with interest.

    I dreamed that I saw my ex-boyfriend (recently I accidentally remembered him, but without emotion). Then a conversation with his mother (I didn’t know her, she died when we were dating the guy, many years ago). As a result of the conversation, I find out that she did not die and everything that the guy told me was a lie. I’m talking about this with a mutual friend, who says that he will clarify the situation, and begins to be more suspicious of the guy and treat me better. A feeling of expectation that everything will become clear soon and that they will not blame me (in life, many people did not approve of the fact that I left him. It was a very long time ago. I haven’t remembered this story for a long time).

    • Receive information from a dubious source, but have high hopes for it. The dream warns that in the near future you should check your news before trusting it.

People surround us not only in everyday life, very often they burst into our dreams without permission. If we see familiar people in our night dreams, this may be inspired by daytime impressions or thoughts about a particular person. But, according to almost any dream book, a woman - whether familiar or not - can often appear in a dream to anticipate some good event in life or warn of an upcoming danger.

What a woman dreams about, what news she brought to your dreams, will depend, first of all, on her appearance. The circumstances in your dreams and the actions of the lady in your dream are no less important. Particular attention should be paid to those dreams in which the sleeper interacts with the image he has dreamed of.

All interpreters are confident that if you dreamed about a woman and she was young and pretty, then such a dream is favorable. But in the case when the female image turned out to be ugly and even frightening, the dreamer should be afraid of some unfavorable circumstances in real life in the near future. An old woman in dreams, regardless of her beauty or ugliness, for the most part means that the person sleeping has become the subject of active discussion - probably because in reality older women love to gossip.

Familiar ladies and mothers

Some interpreters believe that seeing a woman in a dream is practically the same as looking in a mirror, only seeing in it a reflection not of your appearance, but of your own soul. But this does not negate the fact that a dream can be a prediction, advice, and a warning. What moments in dream images should you pay attention to first?

  • Was the woman familiar or not?
  • If it was a stranger, what was her age?
  • You need to remember the details of the appearance of the lady in the dream.
  • And also her clothes.
  • What was the woman doing in your dream?
  • What did you do yourself?

The question “why do you dream about a woman you know?” It is worth asking the interpreter if on the eve of the dream you did not think about the person you dreamed of. Otherwise, you may mistake your own anxiety or desire for a prediction. If a friend showed up unexpectedly in your dream, then the interpretation will be more accurate.

So, a dream in which the woman turns out to be your own usually portends good events - if the mother was in good health and in a good mood. If your mother is upset, you need to remember why - it is in this direction in life that obstacles may await you. If your mother turns out to be sick, this indicates that she is feeling well, or that you are concerned about your mother’s health.

You dreamed of a woman who in reality is your sister - the dream means that a family meeting is approaching. Seeing an old friend in your dreams means luck will not turn away from you. The image of an ex promises a quick interesting meeting, but not necessarily with the heroine of the dream.

If, according to the Modern Dream Book, the woman you dreamed about is your enemy, unexpected obstacles may appear in business. When your beloved has a dream, you need to pay attention to her condition and actions: she is healthy, cheerful and happy to see you - everything will be wonderful in your life, if she is sad or crying - it is worth auditing her affairs to find points of possible failure. If she is sick, you should take care of the health of your household.

If a girl dreams of a red-haired acquaintance, in reality her pangs of jealousy may turn out to be unfounded. If a man dreams of a red-haired “beast”, he should weigh business proposals very carefully, some of them may turn out to be scams. I dreamed about a lady I knew - events will take an unexpected turn.

Strangers and their ages

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar woman if she was young and pretty? Men often dream about young and beautiful strangers. According to the Noble Dream Book, an unfamiliar woman in a dream symbolizes the sleeping person’s current life circumstances.

The appearance of a stranger is the state of your affairs, the mood is your attitude towards these circumstances and your own plans for the future. In a dream, a stranger tried to flirt with you - be careful in the workplace: intrigues and intrigues against you are likely.

If you dreamed of a woman, neatly dressed and pretty, your affairs are in order, your plans have a good chance of coming true. If you dreamed of a young stranger looking unsightly - with dirty or disheveled hair, in an ugly or torn dress - this means that you should pay more attention to the state of your affairs. When a young woman in a dream turns out to be fat, sick or in a bad mood, this is a reason to pay attention to the state of her own health.

If, as the Esoteric Dream Book says, the unfamiliar woman in the dream turned out to be of advanced age, then you should also pay attention to her appearance. A neat and pretty old lady in a dream encourages you to more often seek advice from the older generation and use their experience in your affairs.

An evil old aunt in your night dreams warns that you may be deceived - be critical of business proposals, investments; attentiveness and objectivity will not hurt in the sphere of personal relationships. An old woman with a stick - such an image in a dream warns that people who are not burdened with conscience may try to “hook” you.

You met an old pretty lady in a dream while walking - such a dream suggests that you are an intelligent and balanced person who expects a calm and prosperous old age. If a man had a dream about an old lady, and according to the plot of the dream, he was courting a stranger, then in reality the dreamer will have a happy marriage to a young and beautiful girl.

A stranger may appear naked in your dream - this will be a warning about a possible illness or a threat to your reputation. But much more often women in dreams are dressed.

For example, why dream of a woman in black if she is not familiar to you? Black on a lady you don’t know in a dream indicates more about your attitude to the current situation. It seems to you that the situation is simply terrible and there is no way out, but interpreters advise you to reassess the circumstances, and a way out will definitely be found.

A woman in a black dress appears to be holding a child, which means that circumstances may not change for the better. Try not to lose your head, then you will definitely come out a winner.

On the contrary, a woman in a white dress promises the dreamer favorable life changes. If, according to the plot of the dream, a stranger in a white robe was beckoning you, then you can soon expect a promotion or a change of job to a higher paying one. However, if a woman in a white dress is in your dreams, you should be as careful as possible in your actions so as not to regret them later.

Catching up and catching up with an unfamiliar woman in a white robe in a dream means that in reality you will be able to “catch fate by the tail”. If a pregnant woman or a young mother was wearing a white dress, the dream foreshadows pleasant household chores or a pleasant large purchase.

The elderly woman whom you kissed in a dream warns against being too principled in the family circle - this can provoke a serious conflict. If an elderly lady sells or gives to you, you are guaranteed success in life, and if she is, your life will be calm and joyful.

Seeing an unfamiliar woman with a child in a dream means: you want your loved ones to take more care of you - do not hesitate to tell them about it. If the mother is busy with the child and putting him to bed, expect to meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

A clear warning image is a bald woman. Hair is a symbol of financial well-being, and therefore a bald lady in a dream warns: you need to be more economical so as not to end up in a financial hole. I dreamed about a bald wife - don’t get into conflict with your wife, otherwise you’re not far from divorce.

Also, for a woman to dream that she is bald, this is a signal that the body is signaling a disease that is still hidden. To dream of a lady whose one half of her head is bald and the other with hair is a sign of misunderstanding in the family.

If you dreamed that a bald woman was your mother, you need to listen more carefully to her advice in reality. And if you dreamed that a lady turned out to be bald as a result of the hairdresser’s manipulations, you will receive a lucrative offer that will literally change your life.

As they say, nothing predicted, and suddenly a stranger appears in a dream. What news does it bring, what does it symbolize? Women, in reality, are far from clear-cut beings, and when it comes to dreams, it’s not at all easy to get to the bottom of it.

What if you dream about an unfamiliar woman?

An unfamiliar woman seen in a dream represents the state and mood of the dreamer’s soul, his true assessment of his own plans and actions. If the stranger is beautiful - good luck and happiness. If, on the contrary, it is unpleasant to look at her, it is a sign of impending failures and quarrels. The vague outlines of a woman in a dream promise minor troubles. Seeing her pregnant means the dreamer is ready for change and even urgently needs it. A woman with a beard is a surprise.

A stranger runs away from the dreamer in a dream - it’s worth thinking about your false ideas about some things. If, on the contrary, he follows him, his roads in real life lead nowhere. Driving away an unfamiliar woman means that the dreamer needs a spiritual mentor due to the inability to control himself.

It matters what gender the person who dreamed of an unfamiliar woman is. If this is a man, such a dream predicts a change in his views towards women. If the dreamer is a woman, then this is a symbol of character traits that are not recognized.

Seeing a stranger cooking in a dream means finding peace. Playing with children - the flowering of mental strength is at its peak. A woman watering flowers in a dream symbolizes hope, and a woman breastfeeding a child means love has settled in the dreamer’s soul. If the stranger’s movements are strange, like a doll’s, then this is an image of a soul that is mired in self-deception.

The woman looks hostile - the dreamer is betraying himself. A humble, quiet woman promises spiritual development, but shallow. Cunning and insidious - the dreamer is confined to the framework of stereotypes. A stranger in a rage predicts receiving an undeserved insult. If you dream of a quarrel with a stranger, your secret plans will not be realized, as they will be revealed by someone.

What does it portend?

An old unknown woman seen in a dream is a harbinger of troubles due to gossip. A dark-haired and blue-eyed stranger in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s weakness and reluctance to fight for victory, which is already very close, but it seems to him that the matter is lost. If a woman has blond hair, it means that the dreamer will soon be able to realize himself in his favorite activity.

Seeing an unfamiliar woman raped or torn to pieces in a dream is a sign that the person seeing the dream is unjustifiably torturing himself. If a woman calls for help, the dreamer is tormented by his conscience, but does not admit it even to himself. A stranger covered in blood is a symbol of a soul overwhelmed by passions, a woman in water (wet) is a symbol of erotic fantasies.

When trying to explain why an unfamiliar woman is dreaming, it is important to understand that all dream books are compiled by people, which means you should not blindly trust them, because people tend to make mistakes. It would be much wiser to listen to your own intuition - sometimes it is precisely this that best hints at the essence of things.

Whatever the discovered interpretation of a particular dream turns out to be, the main thing is not to fall into hysterics, no matter from fear or joy. Firstly, the dream book may be lying, and secondly, why panic even if everything happens exactly like this? Nerve cells are not restored, but you still can’t argue with fate.

The image of a woman expresses care, affection, tenderness and love. Dreams in which a woman appears are very difficult to interpret outside the context of each dream, since all the surrounding people are female and male. Therefore, in order to determine such meanings, you need to take into account what the dreaming woman means to you, what she does and what emotions she evokes.

Why do women dream according to Miller’s dream book?

  • If a woman comes to you in a dream, expect intrigue behind your back. If you argued with her about something, your plans will soon be disrupted and people around you may try to outsmart you.
  • If you dreamed of a blue-eyed brunette with a small snub nose, you will soon leave the fight in which you have participated for a long time and had many chances to win.
  • If you saw a brown-eyed girl with a Roman nose, perhaps they will try to involve you in a dangerous game, a risky business, a financial fraud that will not be successful.
  • If the woman you dreamed of has red, brown or brown-red hair and a straight nose, you will experience sudden anxiety, anxiety, and difficulties in business.
  • If you saw a blonde in a dream, only your favorite pleasant things await you, which will bring joy and good mood.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation – woman

It is difficult to explain the specific meaning of a woman according to Vanga’s dream book; it all depends on the case.

If the woman who appeared in a dream is your mother, then you can read your future by her actions and words. If you dreamed of your mother in the same form as she looks now, it means that you can control your family relationships, and soon no significant changes are imminent. If your mother cries in a dream, you will face disappointments and disagreements in the family, which can lead to divorce. But such a dream makes it possible to fix everything. Mom in tears is only a warning of troubles that you can still avoid.

If a woman gives birth in a dream, and you help her and are nearby, minor changes will soon await you, which will then lead to unexpected and large-scale consequences. If you dreamed that a woman dies during childbirth, this means that you will try to improve the atmosphere in the family, try to make friends with its members, but such a plan will not be successful.

If a woman gives birth quickly and painlessly in a dream, you will soon get rid of complex painful matters that you have been dealing with for a long time.

I dreamed of a woman - interpretation of a dream according to Freud

If girls see the unclear appearance of a woman in a dream, this indicates the presence of a rival, a strong competitor. Most likely, in this case, all your fears are in vain, and jealousy is caused only by the fruits of your imagination.

If a woman comes to a man in a dream, this indicates his unclear desires and sexual fantasies, perhaps giving a signal to the body about sexual overexcitation and the need for release.

Why does a woman dream according to the interpretation of the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

  • Seeing an unfamiliar woman in a dream means drawing in your imagination a prototype of your aspirations and plans, your vision of happiness and unhappiness. Her appearance shows the state of your soul, her behavior shows your attitude towards your actions. If the woman you dreamed of was not clearly visible, expect minor troubles. If you dreamed of a beauty with an expressive appearance, it means wealth and good luck.
  • If you dreamed about a pregnant woman, changes await you soon. Perhaps you are afraid to change something in your life and are longing for the past.
  • Seeing an ugly, frightened, sad, disheveled woman means quarrels and poverty. If in a dream an unfamiliar woman runs away from you, you are mistaken about some things. A stranger who follows you in a dream means a road into the unknown and darkness.
  • Seeing a woman with a beard means surprises and surprises.
  • A cook seen in a dream means peace, tranquility, obtaining spiritual harmony, a gardener symbolizes hope.

Why does a woman dream - interpretation according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

  • Seeing a dark-haired woman means unfounded gossip behind your back.
  • If in a dream you looked at an attractive woman, expect betrayal from your friends and acquaintances.
  • If in a dream you tightly hugged and kissed a woman you don’t know, an improvement in your financial situation will literally fall out of the sky.
  • Seeing an ugly, old woman means quarreling with your neighbors. It can also be a harbinger of grief.
  • If the woman who appeared to you in a dream has beautiful long hair, you will be healthy. If she was charming or incredibly beautiful, expect new prospects that will bring success in the future.
  • If a woman is wearing a black veil, it means death.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - what does it mean to dream about a woman

  • Seeing a woman praying to God in a dream indicates bright changes. A pregnant woman in a dream is fortunate. A woman wearing a man's suit means that you are experiencing more sexual desire, moments of passion.
  • Kissing a woman in a dream means that you will soon have the opportunity to earn big money, which you should not refuse. A black-haired representative of the fair sex is a sign of gossip.
  • Seeing a woman with a small child in her arms means finding family peace and happiness. A red-haired lady in a dream means deception of a loved one, an unstable relationship.
  • A woman laughing indicates joy and happiness. A young girl in a dream means the risk of committing a number of reckless, crazy actions.
  • Seeing a sweet, beautiful and pleasant woman in a dream means fun in the near future.

Why is another woman dreaming?

If you saw another woman in a dream, there can be many interpretations, they all depend on the specific case. If a girl dreams of another woman, this means trouble in the near future, an unexpected illness or a fight with a loved one. If in a dream such a woman is holding something of yours in her hand, perhaps you will soon have a competitor. If you see another woman in a dream with your boyfriend (husband), it is possible that such an individual exists in real life, who is gradually approaching him and wants to win his heart. In this case, take a closer look at your lover; it is possible that he will soon begin to move away from you. This dream is not a symbol of separation; another woman appears to you in a dream in order to prevent trouble that arises in time.

If a man who has a beloved sees in a dream another woman with whom he simply communicates closely, argues and exchanges thoughts, it means that he may soon be slandered and gossip about him spread. If his companion in a dream evokes his sympathy, it means that in real life he lacks affection and love from his chosen one, who devotes most of her time to herself.

Dream Interpretation - a familiar woman

It has long been believed that seeing a familiar person in a dream means doing what you love. To correctly interpret such a dream, you need to pay attention to who this woman is to you. If you see a neighbor, it's time to do some housework, especially cleaning the house.

If you dreamed of a woman you know, but you can’t remember where you know her from, then great success awaits you in your endeavors. If in a dream you unexpectedly meet a sweet young girl whom you have not seen in real life for a long time, expect a pleasant surprise. If you met an elderly woman you know, all interpretations of the dream relate to your past. A friend in a dream means unpleasant gossip and rumors; it can also indicate an imminent important meeting that will radically change your life.

If a woman you know who appeared in your dream is in a coffin, do not be alarmed, this does not indicate the death of this person in reality. Most likely, in reality you will hear the success story of this person.

If you dreamed of a woman you know wearing a white wedding dress, expect unexpected changes.

Seeing a friend who has become pregnant in a dream is an excellent sign, regardless of the woman’s age, as it indicates wealth, the opportunity to earn big money, and an increase in salary.

Seeing a familiar girl means that you will soon be reminded of the events of your past, and by a person who is younger than you.

Much also depends on the atmosphere of sleep. Having seen your sister in a dream, expect a small quarrel; a colleague at work - expect some difficulties, which you can only solve in a non-standard way. If a man hugs an unfamiliar girl in a dream, he is subconsciously ready for a new relationship. If he dreams of his ex-girlfriend, he regrets the breakup or is actively looking for a new companion.

Why do you dream about a black woman?

Seeing a black woman means experiencing deep emotions, excitement, and fear of any troubles. Despite the fact that the image of a black woman is frightening, such a dream does not mean that some kind of trouble is approaching. Most likely, you are overtired and devote a lot of time to one task. After such a dream, you need to devote more time to rest, get a good night's sleep, and walk more in the fresh air.

Seeing a woman in a dark veil that covers her entire face means the death of a person you know.

Why did you dream about a naked woman?

According to expert Elizaveta Danilova, the image of a naked woman in a dream is accompanied by negative emotions that appear due to dissatisfaction, and not sexual, as it might seem at first glance. As a rule, this is financial dissatisfaction. Perhaps you dream of purchasing this or that thing that you currently cannot afford, and therefore you worry, believing that with such a thing your life would become much more comfortable. Men may have such a dream due to material instability, due to an inferiority complex, which is caused by a lack of career advancement or low wages. For example, all your friends and acquaintances can boast of high earnings or interesting work, while you are forced to work from morning to evening, receiving pennies.

If a woman had such a dream, it means that she is very worried about her unfashionable wardrobe. She is embarrassed because she doesn't look pretty. Sometimes I am even forced to deny myself the most necessary things due to lack of money. In this case, the subconscious sends the woman an alarming signal. To stop worrying about this, you need to change your life values, set all your priorities correctly and simply calm yourself down. It is important to understand that life is wonderful, and after such a black streak there will definitely come a white one, which will give a bright future.

Seeing your naked body in a dream has many different interpretations. Often the desire to be naked is characteristic of people during wakefulness who are experiencing neurosis or consider their own body unattractive. For example, such dreams were often seen by Brigitte Bardot during her neurosis, who loved to walk around naked at home.

Why do many women dream about it?

According to the dream book, seeing many women in a dream means the emergence of bright and warm feelings between lovers, a new stage in a relationship that will be characterized by kindness and mutual understanding. If an elderly person had such a dream, it means a return to passionate and serene love, which they forgot about so long ago.

The meaning of the dream about the Stranger (Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina)

An unfamiliar woman in a dream is a symbol of your circumstances and plans, your ideas about happiness and unhappiness; the image of your soul: its appearance reflects the state of your soul, its mood reflects your true attitude towards your own actions and plans. Seeing a woman unclearly in a dream means a little trouble. Pleasant appearance, beauty, (the neatness of a stranger - joy, happiness, wealth, luck. Seeing a pregnant woman - changes; readiness for something new, longing for change. A disheveled woman, ugly, dirty - poverty, failure, quarrels; a dejected soul. Drenched in blood - soul , tormented by passions, water (wet) - a soul immersed in a world of sensual fantasies. An unfamiliar woman is running away from you - you have not found yourself; you judge things falsely. Following you is the road into darkness. To kick out a stranger is the inability to cope with yourself, urgent need for spiritual help. To see someone torn to pieces, raped - out of false motives to commit violence against oneself, calling for help - hidden from your consciousness, but existing somewhere in the depths of your soul, pangs of conscience. An unfamiliar woman is hostile, angry, cold - betrayed by you your own soul. Submissive, humble - an insignificant step in spiritual development lies ahead. Insidious, cunning - you take for your self the ideas about him imposed on you by someone. Seeing a woman with a beard is a surprise. For the cook - peace. A stranger caring for children - a soul in the prime of its strength. Gardener - hope, a woman preparing to breastfeed or nursing - a soul nourished by love for people or a specific person (however: a baby greedily suckling someone's breast can portend illness. A woman is a kind of living doll, moving strangely to see - an image of the soul, in a state of self-deception.

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar woman (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Unfamiliar woman - You saw a stranger in a dream - a young, interesting, mysterious woman - in reality you will meet a young woman who for the time being will be a mystery to you; but then you will find the key to her: most likely, her weakness is original actions.

Why did I dream about it (interpretation of the Ladies' Dream Book)

Unfamiliar woman - For a man - the emergence of a new view in relation to women; for a woman - her own character traits that are not accepted or recognized.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Unfamiliar woman - If you saw an old woman in a dream, expect gossip and grief. Seeing a beautiful young woman in a dream means joy and new acquisitions, and not only material ones. Seeing a pregnant woman means that you need to beware of slander and trouble. If you see yourself pregnant, this portends good news. Seeing a woman angry means undeserved offense. If you had a quarrel with a woman in a dream, it means that your plans will be unraveled and you will be ahead of them in their implementation. If the woman you dreamed of has dark hair and blue eyes, it foretells your weakness and unwillingness to fight for an already imminent victory: you will retreat from the fight at the moment when the fortress is ready to surrender. You see a blonde, which means that in the future you will find something you like that will suit your interests and will not take up too much time.