Aggressive behavior in various mental disorders, taking into account the quality of life of patients. Unreasonable aggression in men: causes and methods of treatment Aggression is a sign of what

In the modern world, not all people manage to always remain calm and positive. We often do not pay attention to the bad mood of the people around us and even our closest relatives. And in vain! What signs can be seen in men in the initial stages of the disease?

Mental disorders - what are they?

Mental disorders are a variety of human mental states that do not correspond to the norm. Often, such diseases begin to be treated only in critical stages with clear manifestations of inappropriate behavior and thinking. In our country, many people still take mental illnesses lightly.

Many people prefer to attribute the manifestation of symptoms of mental illness to their opponent. At the same time, many signs of mental disorders in men can be noticed without being a specialist. Be more attentive to yourself and your loved ones. Don't be lazy and don't be afraid to seek professional help if you notice any suspicious symptoms.

Main external signs

Popular proverbs urge not to judge others by their appearance. And this is not always the right decision. If a person suddenly stops taking care of himself, begins to neglect the rules of personal hygiene, and often looks untidy and sloppy, this is already a reason to think about his mental state. A neat and attractive appearance is one of the indicators of mental well-being and internal balance.

What is noteworthy is that the sick person himself can be aware of what is happening. To criticism regarding his appearance, he can respond with something with the meaning that “appearance is not the main thing.” This portrayal of self-confidence coupled with indifference are also signs of mental disorders in men. As symptoms of such diseases, we can also mention personality degradation in general. During this process, a person loses interest in everything that happens to him and around him.

Behavioral symptoms

In everyday life, it is easiest to notice the main manifestations in the behavior of the sick person. The most striking symptom is a rapid change of mood. Sadness, joy, apathy, anger, anxiety and other emotions change, like in a kaleidoscope. At the same time, they are not connected with real events.

Quite often, people suffering from mental disorders are aggressive. Aggression can manifest itself in different ways, for one person it is only excessive rudeness in words, for another it is physical impact on surrounding objects, attempts to organize fights. Hypertrophied jealousy is also often observed in mental disorders. This is a common sign of mental illness among the stronger sex. If a man is constantly jealous of his woman without any real reason, this is a reason to seek professional psychological help.

Emotional manifestations

How does a person feel with mental illness? Do not forget that mental disorders can occur with a variety of symptoms. Some diseases are characterized by agitation of consciousness, while others are characterized by apathy. Almost every person with psychological problems comes to the idea that “no one understands him.” The sick person feels lonely and unwanted.

In some cases, a critical attitude towards others may be observed. With this symptom, a person sincerely considers those around him to be guilty of all his problems. Despite the instability, most often people suffering from mental disorders experience something unpleasant. Most often these are emotions such as sadness, sadness, anxiety, fear.

A variety of phobias and psychological complexes can also develop against the background of more serious diseases. Interestingly, many patients note changes at the physiological level. Sleep disturbances, migraines, causeless pain, cramps - all this can be indirect manifestations of mental disorders. Sometimes problems with eating behavior are also observed. The sick person may begin to eat more than usual, or, on the contrary, refuse food.

Cognitive symptoms of psychological disorders

Any mental disorder occurs with a noticeable deterioration in mental abilities. Memory impairment is especially noticeable. The sick person may forget some facts and events. The ability to operate with existing knowledge decreases, logical thinking is impaired. In some cases, there may be a slowdown in the reaction, and in others, on the contrary, an acceleration of thought processes. Obvious signs of mental disorders in men: inability to adequately assess what is happening, worsening adherence to principles.

Many diseases occur with the formation of obsessions, criticism of which is met with a strong negative reaction. Often a person in such a state feels literally like an “unrecognized genius.” Based on this, a clear passion for philosophy is possible. Moreover, it can be expressed in the study of the works of recognized sages or the creation of one’s own “teaching”. Most mental illnesses occur with a distorted perception of reality and oneself. People suffering from them are immersed in the world of their own, often not entirely adequate, fantasies and cease to be aware of the boundaries and importance of reality.

Perceptual manifestations of mental illness

Serious mental illnesses occur with a whole bunch of vivid symptoms. The most popular among them is hallucinations. The sick person may see or hear something that does not exist in reality. Hallucinations come in a variety of forms. Sometimes it is a disembodied voice that sounds “in your head” or in a dark room. Some patients see very real objects, animals or even familiar people. Others talk about observing irrational pictures, unreal beings.

In 70% of cases, hallucinations are frightening and disturbing. At the same time, the sick person fully believes in their reality. Most people who experience this symptom are happy to talk about their visions and experienced emotions. Some patients try to find a rational explanation for their visions. This applies primarily to auditory hallucinations, when the patient hears strange sounds and cannot accurately determine their source.

The most common mental disorders in the modern world

When studying the main signs of a mental disorder, you probably remembered at least one friend who has some of the listed symptoms. And this is not surprising, the life of a modern person is filled with worries and stress. With constant rush and an abundance of worries, it is difficult to always remain positive and maintain peace of mind. It sounds scary, but depression is considered common today. But this mental disorder, despite its outward harmlessness, can cause death.

Women are more emotional than men. Perhaps it is precisely because of their openness and desire to share the emotions they experience that representatives of the fair sex are less likely to suffer from serious mental illnesses than their husbands. If you believe the statistics of mental disorders, among men, 60% first encounter this problem at a young age. The remaining 40% are representatives of the stronger sex who became ill in adulthood.

The most common mental disorders in men are: neuroses, syndromes, phobias, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. But if you suspect that someone close to you is suffering from a mental disorder, it is in your power to record the most striking symptoms and convince the sick person to seek professional help.

Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in men, features of the disease

Each of us has heard the name of this disease at least once. This is a fairly serious mental disorder that can be successfully corrected if therapy is started in the early stages. The pathology is characterized by loss of interest in life. How does schizophrenia manifest? Symptoms and signs are similar in men of all ages. A responsible person gradually stops thinking about work or study, and gradually loses interest in his family. The schizophrenic also abandons all personal interests and hobbies.

Many patients develop symptoms of autism. This is, first of all, isolation, reluctance to contact other people. A sick person seems to be trying to isolate himself from the world with an invisible wall, to remain alone with his own thoughts, experiences and problems. Signs of anxiety disorders in men can easily be confused with schizophrenia. This diagnosis occurs with deterioration of mental abilities, impaired concentration and attention. As the disease progresses, the person begins to think illogically and his speech may become incoherent.

They don’t like to leave the house; anxious thoughts haunt them. The mood of a man with this diagnosis is often depressed and apathetic; sometimes loved ones may notice causeless fear. In particular cases, schizophrenia occurs with impaired motor functions, neuroses and hallucinations. This pathology is characterized by seasonal exacerbations. Painful symptoms in schizophrenics become more pronounced in spring and autumn.

Causes of mental illness

Today, official medicine is not always able to establish the root causes of diagnosed mental illnesses. And yet there are a number of provoking factors. These are: stress, increased mental and emotional stress, a tense environment at work or at home, serious shocks. We should also not forget about genetic predisposition, brain diseases and other medical factors.

The first signs of a mental disorder in men may appear against the background of systematic use of alcohol and drugs. More often, drug addiction and alcoholism provoke the development of psychosis, delirium tremens, delusions of jealousy and other specific disorders. Very often, the cause of mental illness can be traumatic brain injury. Mental disorders are observed against the background of epilepsy and somatic disorders. With these pathologies, the psycho-emotional state of a person is extremely unstable.

There is a high percentage of people suffering from mental disorders among patients with malignant tumors and cerebrovascular diseases. In these cases, mental problems arise against the background of physiological disorders, the most common of which is increased blood pressure. A separate group of diseases are age-related mental disorders. Symptoms in men of diseases in this category are diagnosed in the older age group. We are talking about diseases such as paranoia, Alzheimer's disease, marasmus, dementia, Pick's disease and some others.

Treatment of mental disorders

The majority of our compatriots still do not perceive mental disorders as serious illnesses. And this is an unforgivable mistake. We make an appointment with a doctor for bronchitis or heart pain, because we are afraid of serious complications, even death. And at the same time, we completely ignore bad mood and anxiety, attributing these symptoms to natural reactions of consciousness or banal laziness. But mental disorders can be much more dangerous than a runny nose or high temperature.

If you are careful enough, it is not difficult to spot signs of mental illness in men. The test can be done at home. If at least 2-3 symptoms are observed in a person for quite a long time, it is simply necessary to show him to a specialist!

Which doctor should I contact if I suspect a mental disorder? You should start by visiting a psychotherapist. During a confidential conversation, this specialist will be able to make a diagnosis, and if necessary, refer you to a psychiatrist. There is no universal formula for how to treat mental disorders in men. In each case, the supervising doctor develops an individual treatment plan.

Many mental disorders can be cured with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques and psychological exercises. In some cases, drug therapy is also prescribed. Most mental disorders are completely treatable. It is important that treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist and started as early as possible.

Increased aggressiveness

It leads to impulsive attacks (raptus),

paroxysms of swearing,

destructive rage

fits of violent insanity.


Constitutionally, as a personality trait: in so-called excitable psychopaths. This is important due to the fact that these individuals may pose a threat of criminal violence. Alcohol can act as a trigger due to decreased control, especially in certain social situations.

Psychoreactive: in rage, anger, fear, despair. As a psychogenic reaction to imprisonment, the “prison explosion” is known (blind destructive rage, violent acts).

Neurotic: with neurotic imbalance, in difficult life situations, in tense relationships, aggressiveness, irritability, and sensitivity increase.

Organic psychoses: in alcoholic intoxication, in epileptic intoxication. In postencephalitic parkinsonism, aggressive impulses may be observed along with oculogyric crises, for example. the desire to strangle someone.

In case of a general disease of the brain (organic psychosyndrome): due to loss of control, increased reactive aggressiveness (irritability with impulsive actions) may be observed.

With local cerebral psychosyndrome, raptus-like violent actions are observed, similar to those with endocrine psychosyndrome.

Mania: With angry mania, violent actions similar to violent insanity occur.

Schizophrenia: with catatonic agitation, one must be wary of violent actions. When paranoid (especially with), verbal and motor attacks take place as a means of defense or revenge. The meaning of passion as a form of auto cannot be discussed here. On the contrary, it is necessary to point out the interpretation of suicide as auto-aggression, as well as impulsive self-harm. Both of them can be raptus-like. About violent actions of mentally ill people. Of the rapists examined, 3% turned out to be people with mental disorders. This corresponds to the frequency of mental disorders broadly defined in the adult population. Mentally ill and mentally ill people commit violent acts no more often than mentally healthy people. Among mentally ill rapists, schizophrenics occupy the first place.

Suicide: in the raptus of melancholic people aimed at self-destruction, brutal, untargeted suicidal actions can take place. Often, close relatives—a spouse or children—are involved in suicidal acts (extended suicide).

Impulsive self-harm (automutilation): for example, self-castration of a schizophrenic for delusional-religious reasons. A schizophrenic burns his lips and mouth with lye to avoid following orders to eat his mother. An old, depressed woman cuts off the hand she used to masturbate in her youth. An oligophrenic person pulls out his hair (trichotillomania). In one of the various forms of manifestation of Munchausen syndrome, patients injure themselves in order to be hospitalized.

Reducing or inhibiting aggression

  • constitutionally as a character trait: in psychopathic and neurotic individuals (so-called neurotic inhibition of aggression) - asthenics, “paralyzed”, passive people;
  • with all bodily suffering, weakened;
  • reactive: with sadness, grief, care.
  • in organic psychoses with dementia, a decrease in aggressiveness often, although not always, develops as part of a general decrease in activity with apathy;
  • depression: in almost all forms of depression, aggression is reduced.
  • Chronic schizophrenia is characterized by passive, “paralyzed”, with loss of motivation, weak-willed, and in many cases devoid of aggression behavior.

Unmotivated aggression can arise as a result of a strong shock or a critical situation. However, this symptom may appear out of nowhere, which should alert a person. Unmotivated aggression for no particular reason may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Aggression as a symptom of a disease

The appearance of unmotivated aggression occurs as a result of certain diseases. These include:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • excess weight;
  • neurological disorders;
  • personality disorders;
  • injuries;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Hyperthyroidism. Increased irritability for no particular reason may indicate problems with hormonal levels. Often this symptom develops in women. Affected people may feel hungry but remain thin. Excessive food consumption does not affect your figure in any way. The disease can be recognized by nervousness, high activity, red skin and excessive sweating.

Excess weight. Fat deposits can provoke the production of estrogen. As a result, there is a negative impact on the psyche, both in women and men. It is enough to get rid of extra pounds - and the unpleasant symptom will go away by itself.

Neurological disorders. Aggression can be a symptom of serious illnesses and lead to... A person gradually loses interest in life and withdraws into himself. In this case, excessive aggressiveness and memory problems are noted. This symptomatology is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Personality disorders. Unmotivated aggression can be a sign of serious mental problems and even schizophrenia. Most schizophrenics live normal lives, presenting no danger to others. During periods of exacerbation, their aggressiveness increases, which requires psychiatric treatment. Trauma and malignant neoplasms. Mental excitability can be caused by brain damage. Rage and high activity may give way to apathy. All this indicates a serious injury or tumor process.

Often the causes of aggression are hidden in sociopathy, stress disorder or alcohol addiction. The first condition is a character anomaly. A person does not need the company of other people, moreover, he is afraid of them. This is a congenital problem associated with the inferiority of the nervous system. Stress disorder creates a hostile attitude towards others. This happens if a person is constantly in the midst of unpleasant situations. An aggressive state is also typical for people suffering from alcoholism.

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Aggression in men

Unmotivated aggression among representatives of the stronger half can occur due to physiological and psychological characteristics. Increased irritability may indicate chronic diseases, in particular damage to the endocrine system. Nervousness is caused by constant conflicts and stressful situations.

Attacks of aggression can occur due to grumpiness and rudeness. Psychological nervousness can appear as a result of constant lack of sleep, hormonal changes, overwork or depression. The man is dissatisfied with himself and takes his anger out on others. Aggression can also be motivated, namely, associated with noisy neighbors, loud music or TV.

Sometimes even the most non-conflict people lose their temper and take out their anger on others. This is often due to the fact that a person has been accumulating negative emotions for years and simply does not give them a way out. Over time, patience runs out and aggression comes out for no apparent reason. Sometimes one negative sign is enough for a symptom to appear. This could be a loud voice or a sudden movement. The person breaks down instantly and is unable to control himself. It is necessary to monitor your own condition and try to stop aggression in time.

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Aggression in women

The main reason for aggression in women is misunderstanding and powerlessness. This happens when a representative of the fair sex is unable to express herself without the support of others. The absence of a specific plan of action causes an emotional explosion.

Aggression is not dangerous in all cases. Sometimes this is the only way to throw out emotions to activate new strength and energy. However, you should not resort to this all the time. Aggression is a positive phenomenon, but only if it is aimed at solving a specific problem. If this condition is constant and does not bring any relief, family members and relatives fall under the negative influence. In this case, aggression indicates chronic fatigue and can appear as a result of constant noise, an influx of negative emotions and minor troubles. If you do not learn to deal with this condition, there is a risk of developing constant aggression. This entails dissatisfaction with one's own life. As a result, not only the woman herself suffers, but also the people around her.

Motivated aggression can be caused by diseases, lack of communication and constant noise. Often a woman is susceptible to this condition while raising a child. She has a lack of communication and opportunities for self-expression. All these conditions need to be controlled.

Aggression: types, causes and methods of manifestation


Snezhana Ivanova

Aggression is a special form of human behavior, which is characterized by the intention to cause harm or damage...

Unfortunately, the modern world not only does not contribute to making a person feel as comfortable and safe as possible, but also constantly provokes him to various negative reactions, such as aggression and open attack. But here it should be noted that man inherited aggressiveness, as well as the tendency to display violent and aggressive behavior, from his ancient ancestors, who could survive in difficult conditions only thanks to the forceful seizure of territories and resources.

With the advent of civilization, people have become less aggressive, but when a certain danger hangs over a person or his loved ones, as well as in a situation of loss of stability of his position (there is no confidence in economic and social well-being), the tendency to display aggression is gaining momentum again. Also, the level of aggressiveness can increase significantly with the restructuring of the old system of personal values ​​and the change of established stereotypes that regulated a person’s relationship with society.

Today all over the world there is both partial and complete destabilization of all spheres of life, and in this situation, many mass media further aggravate the situation by promoting violence in its various manifestations. Naturally, all this has a negative impact on the human psyche, generating tension, negativism, anxiety, anger, cruelty and violence, which necessarily finds its manifestation in the behavior and actions of people, forming in them a persistent personality characteristic - aggressiveness. But it is also worth remembering that a person’s aggression and aggressiveness should not be understood only as negative phenomena that have a destructive effect on his life. Quite often, a certain level of aggressiveness is necessary for every person, being an essential component of his instinct of self-preservation and protection (both physical and psychological).

Human aggressiveness: definition and essence

In order to understand what aggressiveness is, it is necessary to analyze the concepts of aggression and aggressive actions. In psychology, aggression (from the Latin aggredi - attack, attack) is understood as a specific form of destructive (destructive) human actions, which involve the use of force and the infliction of various types of harm on other people, as well as living beings or objects (this includes physical harm , and psychological). Such behavior is perceived by others as one that does not meet certain standards, norms and rules approved in a particular society.

It should be emphasized that various authors who were interested in the problem of aggressiveness from a scientific point of view, considered aggression both as behavior, and as a state, and as a property of the psyche, that is, this phenomenon was reflected in all forms of manifestation of the human psyche. For example, some argued that aggression should mean a specific event, and aggressive behavior should mean specific actions that are performed by a person.

According to the views of the Austrian psychotherapist, the founder of the psychoanalytic direction in psychology Sigmund Freud (Freud) the tendency towards aggression and aggressive forms of behavior is the initial instinctive predisposition of every person as a representative of a specific biological species of living beings. Therefore, aggression can be considered a natural form of a person’s response to stress, frustration of his needs (current at the moment), the manifestation of which is accompanied by a series of various negative emotional states, such as hostility, hatred, anger, embitterment, etc. Aggression can be either a destructive form of a person’s response or a constructive one, when it plays the role of one of the ways to preserve the individual’s individuality, a condition for increasing self-esteem and self-affirmation, a means of achieving a goal and a way to relieve emotional stress.

Aggression is understood not only as behavioral and emotional manifestations, but is also analyzed from the point of view of the form of human social behavior. Aggression is any human behavior that is distinguished by the fact that it contains an obvious or hidden threat, as well as causing harm. Thus, this is a certain action directed by the aggressor at his victim (this can be either another person or any object) with the aim of committing violence against him or causing harm. If aggression can be considered as the intention to cause harm, then aggressive behavior is already aimed at committing an action. Among the main signs of this behavior are the following manifestations:

  • tendency to dominate others;
  • using other people according to your goals and desires;
  • desire for destruction;
  • causing damage to surrounding people, living beings and things;
  • tendency to show violence and cruelty.

So, aggression is a destructive form of behavior that is in confrontation with existing norms and rules in society, and also brings physical harm to a person or creates psychological discomfort for his personality. Moreover, aggression finds its manifestation both in real action and in fantasies or intentions. When aggressiveness occurs as a situational reaction of a person, it is customary to talk not about aggression, but about aggressive actions. If such reactions and actions are repeated periodically, this is already aggressive behavior.

As for aggressiveness, it is a special form of human behavior, which finds its manifestation in relation to other people and is characterized by the intention to cause harm or damage, as well as create various kinds of troubles for them. R. Nemov considers human aggressiveness to be a necessary response, unprovoked hostility, which is directed both towards individuals and the surrounding world. Also, aggressiveness in psychology is considered as a property and personality trait, which manifests itself in the following:

  • tendencies to attack other people and animals;
  • cause trouble to people around you and dominate them;
  • harm people, animals and the environment.

Most psychologists classify aggressiveness as a personality trait, but despite the fact that it ranks alongside cruelty, a person’s aggressiveness can be safely considered a more moral category, since not every action backed by aggression will be characterized as cruel. In principle, aggressiveness can be defined as a personality trait that manifests itself in the readiness to commit any aggressive actions within the framework of one’s interests and in order to achieve certain results.

The reasons for aggressiveness lie both in the characteristics of the individual himself and in the influence of the surrounding reality, therefore this property is often defined as a bipolar phenomenon - as a negative manifestation of a person and as a central function of the individual, aimed at adapting to living conditions (this is described in more detail in the table).

Bipolarity of aggressiveness

Thus, in psychology, aggressiveness is considered both as a negative personality trait and as a necessary condition for a person’s self-development and fulfillment, because in order to achieve the goal and desired results it is necessary to demonstrate many different leadership qualities (persistence, strength, perseverance and even pressure on others). That is why every manager simply needs a certain level of aggressiveness in his actions and actions, otherwise he simply will not be able to control and direct other people.

The main reasons for human aggressiveness

Aggressiveness of a person, as noted above, should be considered in two aspects - as an intention to cause harm to a friend and as a necessity for the harmonious development of a person, a condition for his successful social adaptation and the ability to overcome obstacles in his path (that is, what contributes to the formation of perseverance, initiative and leadership). Therefore, more and more often in the scientific psychological literature one can find data that indicates that in the absence of a certain level of aggressiveness in a person, it can lead to passivity and comfort in his behavior, and as a result, the erasure of his individuality and a significant decrease in social status and position in society .

It should be noted that, despite the fact that aggressiveness finds its manifestation in all people, in each individual it is characterized by a different level and has its own characteristics. The strength of aggressive reactions, as well as the direction and duration of aggressive actions, depends on many different reasons. Therefore, the problem of aggressiveness should be analyzed from the point of view of the impact on a person of physiological, psychological, social and situational factors. But here it should be noted that whatever the physiological and psychological characteristics of a person, the main causes of aggressiveness are conflicts and conflict situations, be they short-term or long-term, conscious or unconscious, forced or specially created. Thus, any manifestation of aggressiveness is a consequence of a person’s dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality, his standard of living, other people, or himself.

Aggressiveness, like aggression, can have:

  • explicit or hidden nature, that is, a person can clearly demonstrate dissatisfaction and commit aggressive actions, or, conversely, do nothing (complete inaction with the aim of causing harm by such behavior);
  • manifest themselves physically (harm and injury) or verbally (verbal abuse and threats);
  • be direct and indirect, active and passive.

The most successful classification of human manifestations of aggressiveness was proposed by D. Dmitrova, which includes 5 forms of aggressive reactions (they are presented in the table).

Forms of aggressive reactions (according to D. Dmitrova)

Forms Characteristic
Physical aggression (or attack) the use of force (or other various aggressive influences) on another person or animal
Indirect aggression aggressiveness is directed not at a direct object, which is the cause of the manifestation of aggressiveness, but at another person, an object, or at no one at all (often stomping his feet, hitting the table, wall and other surface with his fists, slamming (and trying to wish it louder) doors and etc.)
Verbal (verbal) aggression manifestation of aggression through certain forms, naturally negative (screaming and quarrels), through verbal (speech) expression (use of threats, curses, obscene words and swearing)
A person's tendency to be irritable a person is ready to show aggressiveness even with the least degree of excitement (hot temper, rudeness, harshness, etc.)
Negativism such behavior is considered to be oppositional, which is often directed against elders both in age and social status or position (against parents, management, superiors, etc.), that is, against any authority

Any manifestation of aggressiveness has a certain basis, that is, there are certain factors that contribute to such human reactions. So, the main reasons for aggressiveness are as follows:

  • hatred, which can take the form of moral convictions, aggressive assertion of one's own ideals and power, or become a psychopathology of a person's character;
  • situational factors;
  • personal characteristics (personal factors), type of temperament and character traits;
  • situational, social, socio-psychological and behavioral factors.

The listed causes of aggressiveness (or rather, the factors that contribute to its manifestation) are described in more detail in the table below.

Factors contributing to increased levels of aggressiveness

Factors Components
Situational climatic and temperature conditions, cultural influences and noise exposure; pain, stressful situations, observing patterns of aggressive actions in the media; anticipation of possible revenge or aggression from others, large crowds of people in one place, unpleasant smell or pressure (crowded conditions transport, indoors) and violation; exposure to alcohol and drugs, sexual arousal, feeling of discomfort, etc.
Personal (or personal) increased levels of hostility and anxiety; irritability and depression; , inadequate level of self-esteem and aspiration; instability of the emotional sphere and reactivity of expression of emotions, as well as increased readiness to take risks; features of personality orientation (motivation, needs, goals and attitudes); low level of intellectual development; gender roles and sexual differences; antisocial tendencies, various addictions, difficulties in building social contacts, and a tendency to project aggressiveness
Social the level of social, economic and political development in a particular state, as well as the relations existing in it; the impact of stress factors, the formation of a cult of violence and hostility in a given society, the promotion of negative reactions in the media; abnormal behavior of significant people, low socio-economic status in society, dependence on various types of social services. help, education system, influence of surrounding people (relatives and friends), etc.
Behavioral Actions that create difficulties for other people, vandalism, aimlessness of life, lack of desire for self-development.

Manifestation of aggressiveness and conditions for its formation

The manifestation of aggressiveness depends on many different determinants, among which the following should be noted: the characteristics of a person’s individual development, his age, life experience, characteristics of the nervous system, as well as the influence of external social and physical conditions of his existence. As for the peculiarities of the formation of a certain level of aggressiveness, a special role is given to the social environment and the characteristics of the individual’s education system.

A person’s aggressiveness and the ways in which it is expressed have significant differences depending on age, namely:

  • at an early age, children show aggression (if their needs and desires are not met) through crying, screaming, lack of smiling and refusal to contact their parents (cruelty towards other, younger children can also be observed);
  • the manifestation of aggression in preschool age becomes more diverse (children no longer only cry and scream, but also use offensive and obscene words in their speech, bite, pinch, spit and fight), of course, all these reactions are mainly impulsive in nature;
  • younger schoolchildren often direct their aggressiveness towards weaker children (they choose a “victim”) and it manifests itself in the form of pressure, bullying, ridicule, fights and swearing;
  • Aggression in adolescence most often depends on the influence and evaluation of peers or older comrades, and here this form of behavior is a way of establishing oneself in a team and the desire to take one’s place in the reference group. It should be noted that it is at this age that the active formation of aggressiveness occurs not only as a situational manifestation, but also as a persistent characteristic of the individual;

The manifestation of aggressiveness upon reaching adulthood is characterized by great diversity, because it is influenced by many factors, including the individual characteristics of his personality that have already been formed in a person. Among the individual psychological characteristics that determine aggressiveness, it is necessary to highlight:

  • presence of fear of the possibility of non-recognition and disapproval from society;
  • increased irritability, suspicion and impulsiveness;
  • dependence on signs and conventions (especially ethnic, religious, linguistic);
  • the tendency to experience not a feeling of guilt and responsibility, but shame and resentment;
  • low ability to adapt and lack of skills to cope with frustrations.

A person’s aggressiveness is formed and transformed throughout a person’s life, therefore, its level, as well as the forms and methods of its manifestation, are influenced by various factors and conditions. Among the most significant conditions for the formation of aggressiveness, the following should be highlighted:

  • age, gender and individual characteristics;
  • examples of aggressive behavior of significant others;
  • influence of mass media and mass media;
  • family factors (one-parent or incomplete family, domestic violence, isolation and low contact, lack of attention, conflict and inadequate parenting style).

As for the impact of the mass media on the formation of aggressiveness, this is the most controversial issue in psychology. The greatest contribution to the study of this problem was made by the American scientist Leonard Berkowitz, who identified factors in which demonstrated violence in the media can cause the formation of aggressiveness, namely:

  • if what is demonstrated is accepted by the person as a manifestation of aggressiveness and aggressiveness;
  • a person identifies with the aggressor hero;
  • there is an identification of oneself as an object of aggression with a victim who is shown in a film, program or talk show;
  • the events and scenes shown look most real and exciting, which has a significant impact on the emotional and cognitive spheres of a person (the observer becomes, as it were, a participant in what he sees on the screen).

Diagnosis of aggressiveness: descriptions of the most well-known techniques

Each person’s aggression has both its own level and various forms of manifestation, therefore, if there is a need for its correction, it is initially necessary to study all its features as accurately and deeply as possible. Here, of course, ordinary observation of human behavior is not enough, since a number of different techniques are needed (diagnosis of aggressiveness), which will help not only to subjectively see the picture of the manifestation of aggressiveness, but to objectively confirm the results obtained.

A person’s internal aggressiveness as a personality trait is quite difficult to study, so most diagnostic techniques are aimed at analyzing its external manifestations (aggressive actions and behavior). Among the various methods existing today aimed at studying human aggression, the diagnosis of aggressiveness is often carried out using the Bass-Darki questionnaire, the Assinger test, and the “Self-assessment of mental states of the individual” technique (G. Eysenck). The purpose and features of these techniques are described in the table.

Methods that allow you to study the characteristics of aggressiveness

Methodology Purpose Peculiarities
Questionnaire by A. Bass-A.Darki studying the characteristics and types of aggression has 8 scales that allow you to understand what type of aggression dominates (physical, verbal and indirect aggression, irritability, negativism, resentment, guilt complex or suspicion); It is also possible to diagnose aggressiveness (direct or motivational) and hostility, thanks to the calculation of their index
A. Assinger's test Diagnosis of aggression in relationships allows you to determine the level of specificity of a person in relationships with others (how easy it is to communicate and build contacts with others)
Self-assessment of mental states of the individual according to G. Eysenck mental state research the presence of 4 scales help describe the levels of manifestation of various states of the human psyche (anxiety, frustration, aggression and rigidity)

It should be noted that no matter how universal a certain technique is, which allows one to study the causes of aggressiveness and the methods of its manifestation, it is impossible to draw any conclusions based on the results of it alone and make recommendations for its correction. Diagnosis of aggressiveness should always be carried out using a whole range of different methods and techniques, only then can we talk about the real results of studying human reactions and behavior.

Correction of aggressiveness: features and effective methods

A person’s aggressiveness, as a personality trait, can be enhanced and suppressed depending on individual characteristics, volitional self-regulation and the level of self-awareness. Many researchers do not deny the influence of genetic and physiological factors in human aggression, but along with this opinion, they emphasize the more significant impact on the specificity of the manifestation of aggressiveness of a set of unique social behavior skills acquired by a person throughout his life. Also influenced by the characteristics of the cognitive and emotional sphere, environmental, social and psychological factors. Therefore, if psychocorrectional work is directed correctly, the level of aggressiveness and hostility of an individual can be significantly reduced.

It should be noted that human aggression is not an inevitable form of his response to various difficulties and inconveniences of the surrounding reality. Scientists have proven that with proper work on oneself, as well as creating more comfortable living conditions, one can not only control the manifestation of aggression, but also prevent its various psychopathological forms. And here the most effective is the correction of aggressiveness, which can be carried out by a psychotherapist or a practicing psychologist-consultant (sometimes it becomes necessary to contact a more specialized specialist - a psychiatrist, but this is only when aggression begins to take pathological forms - a serious threat to life and health as other people, and to yourself).

Among the main methods and methods of dealing with high levels of aggressiveness, the following should be noted:

  • autogenic training, psychoregulation methods and relaxation;
  • hypnosis and autosuggestion;
  • psychodrama, art therapy, Gestalt therapeutic methods, Jungian psychoanalysis and holotropic breathing;
  • various training programs (for example, training in social skills, self-knowledge and self-development).

Particularly interesting is the training aimed at developing social skills. It includes the following procedures:

  • modeling situations where examples of adequate behavior are demonstrated, even if provoked to enter into conflict and show aggressiveness;
  • role-playing games (the use of social skills in situations close to real ones, but with maximum safety for the human psyche, that is, under the control of a trainer);
  • feedback and reflection (there is an exchange of reactions between participants and their analysis);
  • transfer of skills and abilities developed during training sessions to life situations.

Negative emotions and attacks of aggression occur to everyone from time to time, but while most of us prefer to restrain ourselves, some people cannot restrain themselves and experience uncontrollable attacks of aggression. Aggression in men and women today is generally frowned upon. But the number of people who are unable to cope with their emotions is not getting smaller, and their families and close people suffer from attacks of aggression in men - it is on them that most of the negative emotions “spill out”. What to do with irritability and aggression in men and is it possible to cope with this problem on your own?

Aggressive behavior is considered more characteristic of males. This is explained both by the action of hormones and by social factors, as well as by upbringing. Some men continue to consider it a variant of the norm, not realizing that aggressive behavior not only spoils their relationship with others, but also negatively affects their own well-being.

It is customary to distinguish between “positive” or benign aggression - in the form of defensive reactions, courage or sporting achievements - and negative or malignant aggression, characteristic only of humans. Under the influence of such a reaction, a person commits destructive, sharply negative actions that are not approved by society.

There are many types of attacks of aggression in men, the reasons for their occurrence can also be different:

  • Diseases of the internal organs - acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs, accompanied by pain and other symptoms, often cause irritability and aggression in men. Especially if such patients are not treated and hide their condition from others.
  • Hormonal imbalance - the level of aggressiveness depends on the concentration of testosterone and some other hormones in the blood. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the pancreas, adrenal glands and other glands.
  • Neurological diseases and injuries - increased intracranial pressure, injuries and other pathologies of the nervous system can cause aggressive behavior.
  • Personality disorder - unmotivated aggression may indicate serious mental problems, there are many, one of the main signs of which is the aggressiveness of the patient.
  • Psychological trauma - too strict upbringing, experiences of violence and aggression in childhood often provoke outbursts of aggression in men in adulthood.
  • Stress - negative experiences, irritation, personal failures and other problems cause hidden or obvious irritation, which easily turns into aggression.
  • Overfatigue - excessive physical and neuropsychic stress causes exhaustion of the nervous system, loss of control over one’s feelings and behavior.
  • Use of alcohol and psychoactive substances - under the influence of these substances, a person’s character and attitude change. If it is impossible to obtain a new dose of a psychoactive substance or during a period of abstinence, a person’s aggressiveness increases several times, and restraining motives (social, moral) cease to have their influence.
  • Features of character and upbringing - sometimes aggressiveness can be a character trait or the result of improper upbringing. In such cases, manifestations of aggression can only be dealt with through self-control and learning other ways to resolve conflicts.


Male aggression can be different. There are several main types of aggressive behavior.

Active aggression– negative emotions “splash out” in the form of destructive actions, words or behavior. Active aggression, in turn, is divided into physical, verbal, and expressive.

  • Physical – when a person uses his strength to cause harm or destruction.
  • Verbal or verbal - negative emotions are manifested by shouting, swearing, and cursing.
  • Expressive – expressed by non-verbal means of communication: facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Auto aggression– aggressive actions are directed at oneself. In this state, people can cause real harm to themselves and cause physical injury.

Passive or hidden– this type of aggression is typical for family relationships. Not wanting to enter into an open conflict, people ignore requests made to them and do not complete the assigned work. Passive aggression in men is considered a socially acceptable form of relationship. But often, people who do not give themselves the opportunity to openly express their experiences “accumulate” negative emotions, which can lead to an explosion.

The most common types of aggression in men are considered to be family, alcohol and drugs. An aggressive man in the modern world can rarely find a socially acceptable outlet for his feelings, therefore, his aggression manifests itself in family and personal relationships, as well as when “disinhibiting” emotions after taking alcoholic beverages or drugs.

Family– the most common type of aggression. A husband's aggression can be expressed both in physical actions and in moral violence, constant nagging or passive failure to fulfill the duties of a husband and father. The causes of family aggression in men can be different: misunderstanding and stressful situations, jealousy, financial or domestic problems, as well as disturbances in sexual life or neglect of household responsibilities.

Alcohol and drug aggression– the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages and drugs on the brain causes the death of nerve cells and reduces a person’s ability to adequately perceive the situation. Disinhibition of instincts leads to the fact that a person stops following generally accepted norms of behavior and returns to the “primitive” state.


Aggressive men rarely seek help themselves; usually, the wives of aggressors ask how to deal with their husband’s aggression.

There are a lot of ways to deal with aggression, but the most important thing is a person’s understanding and desire to cope with his character. It is impossible to help a domestic tyrant who takes pleasure in intimidating his family. Such a person does not see a problem in his behavior and does not want to change anything.

When communicating with such people or when interacting with aggressive people whom you do not intend to help, you should follow the following rules:

  • No Contact – Avoid any conversation, communication or any interaction with such people.
  • Do not answer questions and do not give in to provocations - this is the most important thing when dealing with family aggressors. No matter how difficult it may be, you need not to succumb to various methods of provocation and remain calm.
  • Asking for help is important not to be shy and not to become dependent on the aggressor. Seeking help helps avoid further aggression.

You can cope with attacks of aggression on your own using the following techniques:

  • Control over your behavior - you need to know what situations or factors can cause aggression and avoid such situations or find other ways to solve the problem.
  • The ability to relax - the ability to switch and relieve nervous tension helps reduce aggression.
  • Breathing exercises or physical exercises – a good way to deal with aggression is to do a few exercises or “breathe” through emotions.
  • Sedatives - herbal preparations help cope with irritability, improve sleep and reduce aggression.

Regular attacks of aggression are a reason to consult a neurologist, endocrinologist and therapist. Only after excluding endocrine and neurological diseases can treatment of aggression begin. It is equally important to establish a daily routine, reduce physical and mental stress and devote time to sports and walks in the fresh air every day.