Wet navel in women. Unpleasant discharge from the navel


An unpleasant smell from the navel can appear for a number of reasons, a person will feel discomfort, irritation, and unpleasant discharge. Let's find out what causes the discharge of fluid and an unpleasant odor from the navel.

Smell from the navel in children

In children, an unpleasant smell from the navel may result from the healing of the umbilical ring. At this point, a crust appears, which is fraught with the causes of an unpleasant odor. When asked why, there is a discharge of fluid and an unpleasant odor from the navel in women, is the presence of a fistula - incomplete and complete. The first is much more common, with it fluid is released, irritation occurs around, inside the fistula is lined with mucous. A fistula occurs in the bile and urinary ducts.

Why does discharge and bad smell occur? The reasons may be in omphalitis. This inflammation is caused by staphylococcus aureus or E. coli. There are three types of disease: necrotic, phlegmonous, simple. Symptoms of omphalitis are:

  • ring redness;
  • yellowish liquid;
  • characteristic, unpleasant smell;
  • crusting of the navel area;
  • the temperature can rise to 37.5–38 degrees.

Treat discharge exclusively in a hospital, the navel must be washed from pus. In extreme situations, surgical intervention is necessary, but if the treatment was timely, then it is dispensed with.

Why is fluid released?

Why is fluid and an unpleasant smell coming out of the navel? The reason for this can be a variety of phenomena:

  • trash. If particles of clothing, dust, sand and foreign objects (especially in the deep navel) get into the navel, tissue decomposition occurs, and this can lead to infection. There is itching, discharge that has an unpleasant odor;
  • Why is there bad smell and discharge? The cause will be inflammation of the navel, an accumulation of pus occurs in it as a result of anaerobic bacteria. Suppuration breaks through, the release of pus begins, which has an unpleasant odor;
  • a bladder cyst can cause discharge. First, there are pain in the abdomen, then the body temperature rises. The cyst begins to affect the body from the inside, as a result, a liquid with an unpleasant odor oozes from the navel;
  • candidiasis. In women, most often it is thrush or candidiasis that causes the release of an unpleasant odor from the navel. In the navel area, the Candida fungus develops, curd secretions come out of it. This disease affects people with a weakened immune system who are unable to cope with the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, you need to start immediate treatment;
  • pathological development of the urinary tract. The urinary duct is a tube that connects the top of the bladder and the navel between the transverse fascia of the abdomen and the peritoneum. In some cases, it happens that the urinary duct will not close the tube after birth. This leads to the fact that an unpleasant odor is released from the navel, urinary incontinence, mucus are observed, and cysts appear. Correction of the defect is carried out surgically;
  • fungal infections can lead to foul-smelling discharge. They will be accompanied by burning and severe itching;
  • sepsis. One of the reasons for the phenomenon will be modern fashion. A poorly done piercing can cause an inflammatory process, bleeding from the navel, and sepsis. A white liquid with a putrid odor is discharged from the navel.

What to do if there is a smell from the navel?

What should be done if liquid began to stand out from the navel and an unpleasant odor appeared, and the causes of the phenomenon are unknown? We want to offer instructions for caring for the navel:

  • Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene, wash at least once a day with mild soap. After a shower, the navel should be wiped with a soft cloth, it should not contain water;
  • the deep navel should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in a disinfectant liquid, twice a week. To do this, you can use Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. To cope with an unpleasant odor allows hydrogen peroxide and Fukortsin;
  • inspect the navel for the presence of a mud plug. Most often this happens in overweight people who have a fairly deep navel. It accumulates dirt, villi from clothes and skin particles - it all rolls into a dense roller, which becomes the cause of the inflammatory process;

If you follow the rules for caring for your navel, but the smell and discharge remain, then you should definitely visit a doctor. The cause of this phenomenon may be diseases, including fungus, omphalitis, urachus cyst, umbilical fistula and others. You can not do without consulting a surgeon or dermatologist to prescribe the right treatment.

An unpleasant smell from the navel is a common occurrence. Even with its presence, few people think about the reasons for its appearance. But even with the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, and the smell still remains, it is necessary to go to the hospital without hesitation.

This is especially true for young children, in whom an unpleasant odor can be caused by omphalitis and needs urgent treatment.

Therefore, if you find that the smell does not go away, there is itching, discharge, pain, then you should not self-medicate, immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause and subsequent treatment.

An unpleasant smell from the navel is a common phenomenon, and some consider it completely normal. It can occur both in a child and in an adult. Why does the navel stink, what should I do to eliminate this phenomenon? After determining the exact cause, you can begin to deal with the problem.

Poor hygiene

The most banal reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the navel is the neglect of hygiene rules. Moreover, it is not only disadvantaged people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle that face this. Not everyone, taking a shower, thoroughly wash this area. By its structure, in most people, the navel is depressed inward. Simply lathering the abdomen will not reach it, especially if it is very deep.

It is necessary to soap the navel with soap, you can use a washcloth, ear sticks. If this is not done, garbage begins to accumulate in it - dirt, dead skin particles, villi from clothes. Such an environment becomes an ideal place for the active life of pathogenic bacteria, which results in an unpleasant odor.

Important! Bacteria create a mud plug in which they actively multiply. A person may not know about the problem for years.

If the hygiene rules are followed, but it still smells bad, this indicates the presence of diseases that provoked the phenomenon. The most common of them are those that are accompanied not only by the smell, but also by discharge from the navel:

  1. Infection. If you injure the navel, in which dirt has been accumulating for a long time, a mud plug may even form, bacteria penetrate inside, which provokes infection of the internal organs. Allocations appear almost immediately after damage.
  2. Bladder cyst. A characteristic feature is severe pain around the navel. Some confuse them with inflammatory processes in the digestive system.
  3. Candidiasis. Frequent female disease, including young girls. It is caused by a fungus. When it strikes the umbilicus, a cheesy mass comes out of it, as usual from the vagina.
  4. Fungal infections. Candidiasis is just one of them, others can also occur in men. At the same time, it may smell rotten, other unpleasant odors appear.
  5. Purulent inflammation. Most often it appears due to improper piercing of the navel. It is important to immediately contact a specialist in order to stop the inflammatory process in time.

In most diseases, the smell is not strong at first, and the discharge is moderate. If you ignore them for a long time, over time the aroma will be sharper - it can stink of feces, rot, the discharge also intensifies.

Other causes of odor

Not only fungal diseases and problems with the urinary system of the body can provoke an unpleasant smell from the navel. One of the common causes is omphalitis - an inflammatory process of the skin in the fossa. The smell is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • white bloom;
  • frequent discharge;
  • purulent discharge when pressed;
  • increase in body temperature.

Fistula is less common - a congenital pathology that can manifest itself in adults. Acquired fistulas can be triggered by infringement of the umbilical hernia and other factors.

At the baby

In a newborn, the smell from the navel is a common phenomenon that frightens parents. Why do babies collide with him? It is associated with difficulties in wound healing. To prevent this, doctors give parents recommendations on how to wash the navel, how to treat it for the first time, and talk about the need to follow other hygiene rules. Otherwise, a strong inflammatory process and complications may develop.

Another common cause of belly button odor in newborns is fistula formation. If during childbirth, cutting the umbilical cord, the umbilical ring is injured, the inflammatory process begins. It becomes red inside, constantly getting wet due to the secreted pus. It may begin by age 5–7, sometimes older.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, women's immunity decreases, so their body becomes more susceptible than before to fungal infections. Therefore, the expectant mother may face one of the diseases listed above. However, the appearance of odor is often associated with other physiological changes.

During the second trimester, when the active growth of the abdomen begins, the navel may bulge, changing its previous shape. If there is no unpleasant odor, itching, irritation, this phenomenon is considered normal. Over time, the skin around the navel begins to stretch, which causes discomfort, sometimes painful, discomfort, stretch marks.

Even minor trauma to the skin can lead to the formation of a wound. If over time an infection gets into it, the navel becomes wet due to purulent discharge. It is especially important for pregnant women to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to get rid

In most cases, to get rid of an unpleasant navel smell, you just need to start practicing good hygiene. If fluid is released from the navel in a newborn, the doctor conducts an examination, after which he gives recommendations to parents: treat it with an antiseptic, wash the child properly. If the cause is a congenital fistula, surgery may be required.

Important! Most operations to eliminate the fistula can be performed in childhood, without waiting for adulthood.

When it turns out that the navel smells unpleasant and is wet due to pathological diseases, treatment is prescribed only after examination. Usually the therapist directs the patient to an ultrasound scan, a consultation with other specialists. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, therapy is prescribed. Eliminating the root cause allows you to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

The navel can stink due to poor hygiene, the presence of serious diseases. In newborns, this is due to complications in the healing of the wound, in pregnant women - with physiological changes in the body. The smell from the navel itself is not treated, it is necessary to choose a therapy to eliminate the cause, the underlying disease.

The basis of everything

Every person has a belly button. Many people do not attach much importance to his condition. But this is the same part of the body as all the others, and it requires special care. It can be affected by various kinds of infections. Therefore, if there is discharge from the navel, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. A possible cause is omphalitis or fistula. But only a doctor can determine this, at home you will not achieve anything, since tests are needed, at least bakposev.


Most often, discharge from the navel is the result of the action of a bacterium or fungus. In this case, the site of the lesion turns red, swells and itches. An unpleasant odor may appear. Then, fluid with an admixture of blood and pus begins to accumulate in the umbilical fossa. All this smells bad. Despite the seeming harmlessness, the disease is dangerous, it can lead to serious consequences. The thing is that purulent inflammation will go further into the body and move to other tissues. At the first symptoms, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor. Omphalitis is easily treatable. In the early stages, it is sufficient to use an antiseptic or cauterize the wound with silver nitrate. The procedure is painful, but gives good results. In severe cases, surgery is required. The doctor will insert a special probe into the wound and clean it of pus. Then it is enough to use special ointments and gels. An important aspect of treatment is the use of antibiotic therapy. Discharge from the navel can be in both a child and an adult.

weeping navel

If fluid is released from the navel, then it is not necessary to suspect a terrible disease. Sometimes everything is quite simple. So, small serous crusts appear in the moistening zone, sometimes with purulent secretions. In rare cases, excessive granulation can lead to growth in the form of a fungal tumor, but this does not pose a threat to life. The treatment is very simple - just use antiseptics and powder. Also, do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene.


But in some cases, a weeping navel can mean a serious illness. In this case, discharge from the navel is not the only symptom. So, phlegmon can move to other tissues. The area of ​​inflammation increases not only in breadth, but also in depth. On palpation, pain is observed, the body temperature rises sharply. If no action is taken at this stage, the necrotic stage will begin. Sepsis passes to the nearest vessels. This is a rather dangerous process.

Fistula of the navel

Most often, a fistula is a congenital pathology. It occurs as a result of non-closure of the yolk-intestinal or urinary duct. Inflammation most often begins with non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, as a sebaceous secret accumulates in the umbilical fossa. The result is infection and inflammation. The discharge from the navel begins. Also, piercing can provoke the development of a fistula.


In the early stages, inflammation of the navel is treated simply. It is enough to wipe it with a swab moistened with an antiseptic. Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. It will not be superfluous to consult a surgeon.

Discharge from the navel indicates a health condition that may require treatment. It is more common in children, especially newborns, but it also occurs in adults.

Fungal infection - purulent discharge

brown discharge

One of the most common causes of belly button discharge is fungal infections. This is exacerbated by the fact that "the navel is a dark, damp, warm place, an ideal breeding ground for fungus" especially candida albicans.

When a yeast infection appears in the belly button, it causes swelling and yellow, white or dark discharge - pus. Other common symptoms include itching, soreness, and irritation. Redness, bleeding occurs due to scratches, and can provoke a bacterial infection.

The use of steroids, some anti-cancer drugs, HIV infection, obesity, the use of antibiotics, birth control pills, tight sportswear and pregnancy are known to contribute to the development of a yeast infection not only on the navel, but also on other parts of the body,


Antifungal medications, especially creams and powders, are often used to treat a yeast infection. In addition, personal hygiene of the navel should be observed and thoroughly dried after showering, avoid tight clothing, reduce the use of antibiotics, eat live yoghurts and reduce the consumption of alcohol and sugar.

Bacteria - yellowish or greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor

Bacteria, like fungus, love damp, dark, and warm places. The condition is exacerbated when sweat and skin particles clog the navel, especially with a pitted navel and/or poor hygiene.

The presence of bacteria in the belly button leads to a purulent greenish, brown or yellowish discharge. They can join after surgery or due to scratching due to a fungal infection, as the wounds open the way for bacteria.

To treat bacterial infections, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics—topical, oral, intramuscular, or intravenous. In addition, you need to carefully observe hygiene - use antibacterial soap for the navel, disinfectants, avoid touching it with dirty hands, and so on.

This is a bacterial infection of the umbilical cord that usually affects newborns. It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus, leading to cellulitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue) or skin infection that is accompanied by redness, swelling, localized fever, and pain.

Other symptoms include "pus discharge from the umbilicus, fever, increased heart rate (tachycardia), low blood pressure (hypotension), drowsiness, poor appetite, and jaundice."

After operation

Some people experience discharge from the navel after surgery, especially after a tummy tuck, tubal ligation, or surgery on any of the abdominal organs where laparoscopic surgery is used. This is not due to the procedure itself, but to the subsequent addition of infection.

Immediately after the operation and up to three weeks, odorless discharge is usually possible, which is normal. There may also be slight crusting. However, if you have symptoms such as increased pain, redness, swelling, chills, or fever, contact your surgeon immediately.

Infected stitches

In some cases, discharge from the navel will be due to inflammation of the stitches, especially if it lasts longer than two to three weeks, which is the normal healing time. According to Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgery Center, "Depending on the type of suture chosen, infection and discharge may result."

If they have an unpleasant odor, this is a likely sign of deep stitch infection. Using hydrogen peroxide will help kill bacteria but slow healing, use antibacterial soap and water.

If there is no improvement, ask your surgeon to remove the saved suture. He may also recommend certain medications, such as antibiotics.


If you have intermittent, severe, severe or chronic discharge after a tummy tuck, cysts on your navel may be the cause. "Intermittent and chronic drainage from the umbilical region after a facelift indicates the presence of a cyst associated with the umbilical ring" according to Barry L. Eppley, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgery Center.

Pinched skin and hair can also cause a cyst, so there will be discharge.

Infections after surgery

After a surgical procedure, such as tubal ligation, patients may have a viscous, white discharge with a bad smell. Often accompanied by swelling, redness, and abdominal pain. These are all signs of infection after surgery.

Urachus anomalies

The urachus is the remaining tubular communication channel that exists in embryogenesis (embryo formation and early development). It connects the bladder to the navel. However, after the 12th week of pregnancy, the urachus normally closes and smooths out. Sometimes it remains after birth, presenting four problems:

Urachal cysts

They form when the urachus does not completely disappear, but there is no connection between the umbilical and bladder. This gives the cyst a chance to develop. It is often asymptomatic, but if an infection occurs, it can "cause abdominal pain or lead to cloudy or bloody discharge."

Urachal sinus

Occurs when the urachus does not heal, leaving a cavity near the navel known as the sinus. May show no symptoms or cause abdominal pain and discharge, especially if an infection occurs.

bladder diverticulum
When the urinary duct does not fuse, a channel forms near the bladder, which ends in a diverticulum. May pass without symptoms or cause urinary tract infections.

The above urachus anomalies are not very common, i.e. "rarely seen in adults because the urachus usually flattens out in early infancy".


Chemical cauterization, drainage, and surgery (where surgeons may opt for laparoscopic removal) are usually the main ways to deal with this problem. The exact procedure will depend on the specific condition.

If the skin infection occurs due to any of the urachus abnormalities, fever and redness may be present, and antibiotic treatment and hospitalization may be required.


Diabetics may suffer from "a foul-smelling, curd-like discharge." You need to control diabetes to be able to cope with this problem.

Other reasons

Other common causes are an infection of the navel, obesity, or an internal abscess. Less often, sebaceous cysts and polyps on the navel.

White, yellow or brown discharge with a bad smell

In this case, the cause is mainly infection. There may be infected stitches, post-surgery infections, an internal abscess, or problems with the urachus.

If the discharge is white, yellow, or brown, smells bad, and is accompanied by itching, pain, redness, and blisters, then the infection is most likely caused by a fungus or bacteria.

Discharge and abdominal pain

The presence of pain and discharge from the navel may be due to problems with abdominal surgery, a lift, or abnormal development of the urachus, especially bladder cysts. Mild pain can also be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection.


Bladder cysts are likely causes, and this can lead to spotting. Bleeding can also be caused by scratching due to a yeast or bacterial infection. Injuries can also cause bleeding and purulent discharge.

If there is a lot of secret, consider seeing a doctor.

In children and infants

Discharge in newborns and children can be caused by a number of reasons, including the addition of bacteria or fungus, as well as general urinary disorders, namely "in newborns and infants, constant wetness of the umbilical cord may be a sign of a problem with the urachus."

If the newborn's belly button has been recently circumcised, a small amount of discharge and crusting is part of the healing process and should not be a concern.

In women and men

With the exception of pregnancy, which only increases the risk of a yeast infection, there are no gender-specific causes of discharge. Most of them can lead to secretion from the navel, in both women and men.

Transparent highlights

This is a normal belly button healing process after surgery, piercing or injury. But in addition, the presence of such an anomaly of development as patent urachus can lead to the fact that urine will ooze through the navel.

During pregnancy

Most women complain of discharge from the navel during pregnancy. The presence of asymptomatic urinary disorders can become apparent during pregnancy, and pregnancy, in turn, can increase the chances of having a yeast infection, which causes discharge.

Answering the question: “Does the discharge of fluid from the navel mean that something is wrong with the pregnancy or the baby? , OB/GYN doctor Jeff Livingston said there is no direct link between pregnancy and the problem.

What to do?

The presence of a bad smell and discharge from the navel often pushes many people to try almost everything to get rid of this problem.

However, avoid combing or picking, especially when cleaning. Use an antiseptic or add it to your bath water. You can also use over-the-counter creams.

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The belly button throughout life is a reminder of how we came into the world. Someone decorates it with piercings and puts it on display, while others completely forget about it. But sometimes discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor may appear, which cause a lot of inconvenience and cause panic. Why is this happening and should I seek medical help?

Umbilical discharge can appear regardless of gender and age. The reasons for their occurrence are different:

  1. Inflammation. The causative agent can be a bacterium: E. coli or staphylococcus aureus. The bacterium enters the navel, and as a result, it infects the tissues and causes inflammation. Purulent discharge with a pungent odor appears. As a rule, inflammation occurs rarely.
  2. Garbage and dirt. Dust, particles of clothing and other pollutants enter the umbilical fossa. This leads to irritation and infection. First itching appears, and then the discharge.
  3. Bladder cyst. This is a rare disease. You can recognize a cyst by pain, high body temperature (38-39 C˚), reddening of the skin, thickening in the lower abdomen. The cyst is filled with mucus, serous fluid, meconium. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then liquid begins to ooze from it.
  4. Pathology of the urinary tract. The urinary duct (urachus) is a tube that connects the anterior bladder to the navel. With abnormal development of the urachus, the tubule does not completely or does not close the duct at all. This manifests itself in the form of secretions. Urinary incontinence is also added to the symptoms.
  5. Fungal infections. If the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning in an adult, then this indicates the development of a fungal infection.
  6. Sepsis. Often this problem is faced by young people who have pierced. Incorrect puncture is a common cause of inflammation. If a liquid with a putrid odor appears, then you should immediately see a specialist.

Causes of umbilical discharge may be associated with diseases. One of these is omphalitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissues, blood vessels and the bottom of the umbilical ring). The causative agent of the disease is a fungus or a bacterium. Omphalitis is a common cause of discharge from the navel during pregnancy.

In medicine, there are several forms of the disease. In the catarrhal form, a clear liquid appears. Sometimes with an admixture of blood. Reddening of the skin appears. This form is not dangerous and is easily treatable. Catarrhal omphalitis proceeds without complications. The purulent form is characterized by the appearance of a dark liquid, a viscous consistency with a pungent odor. Redness of the navel is more pronounced. The patient's body temperature rises sharply, appetite disappears. Treatment is medical and long-term. The third form is phlegmonous. The patient's condition is regarded as serious. The navel is an ulcer where pus accumulates. The infection spreads to nearby tissues. If you do not start treatment, then necrosis develops.

Discharge from the navel in women appears due to the development of the Candida fungus. Thrush affects women with weakened immune systems. Symptoms of candidiasis are cheesy whitish discharge with a pungent odor. With their appearance, you should immediately see a specialist.

Discharge in a newborn

Discharge from the navel in newborns is not uncommon. When the umbilical cord heals, a clear or light yellow fluid may be released. It is not dangerous and does not require special treatment.

If the umbilical discharge has a strong odor or the color has changed to bright yellow, see your doctor immediately. This may be a sign of inflammation or a fistula. If a seal is palpable in the umbilical region, then this is a granuloma. This is not an infectious disease. A granuloma is formed due to a wide umbilical ring or improper processing of the umbilical cord. The baby becomes whiny, refuses breast milk, sleeps poorly. Self-medication is not worth it, it can aggravate the situation and lead to the development of complications.

Important! If there is a liquid with the smell of urine, then this is a symptom of the connection of the bladder with the crust of the healing navel (fistula). Treatment in this case is only surgical. After the operation, additional diagnostics of the genitourinary system is prescribed to make sure that it functions normally.

To identify the cause, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests. Based on the received data, treatment will be prescribed. If the cause was a granuloma, then the pediatrician prescribes the treatment of the umbilical cord with chlorophyllipt or hydrogen peroxide, as well as antibacterial ointments and creams. In inflammatory processes, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

Bloody issues

In adults, discharge from the navel of a red color may appear as a result of an injury. You can injure the navel by accident with sharp objects or nails. So that the infection does not get into the resulting wound, the navel must be treated with an antiseptic. It is not recommended to seal the top with adhesive tape. In order for the wound to heal faster, air must flow to it.

The cause of discharge of blood from the navel in women can be a disease such as endometriosis. Pathology is characterized by the growth of endometrial cells in the tissues of the abdominal wall. Blood is released during the premenstrual period, during or after menstruation. You can't fight endometriosis on your own. Treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.

Fistula is also a possible cause. It can be congenital or acquired. The fistula may ooze pus, sometimes blood. The acquired fistula is caused by the infringement of the umbilical hernia. Congenital fistula may not manifest itself for a long time. But with inflammation, abundant purulent and bloody discharge appears.

Bloody umbilical fluid can be in newborns. The reason for this phenomenon is prolonged and frequent crying, constipation, coughing. All this leads to tension in the abdominal press. Blood can appear when rubbing the umbilical region with a diaper or poor hygiene. Bloody discharge is not the only symptom. Puffiness and redness of the umbilical fossa, soreness, and an unpleasant odor may also appear.

Symptoms cannot be ignored. Early diagnosis increases the chance for a speedy recovery. Diagnosis includes a primary examination, a smear from the navel, a complete blood and urine test, x-rays and ultrasound. The doctor selects the method of treatment (conservative or surgical) based on the cause that caused this violation.