Phonetic laws and orthoepic rules. "Tense points of orthoepy"

Orthoepy is a system of norms for correct pronunciation. Orthoepic norms are historically established and accepted in society rules for the pronunciation of words and grammatical forms of words. Orthoepic norms are no less important for the literary language than the norms for the formation of grammatical forms of words and sentences or spelling norms.

It is customary to distinguish between different orthoepic norms: “older” and “younger”, as well as norms of high and neutral pronunciation styles.

The older norm, which primarily distinguishes the speech of educated older people, is characterized by the pronunciation bulo [shn] aya, soft [ky], [z`v`] er. The younger pronunciation norm, observed in the speech of young people who speak a literary language, allows the pronunciation of bulo [ch] aya, soft [k`y], [sv`] vr.

The norms of a high style of pronunciation (cf. the measured speech of a radio or television announcer, as well as an artist reading a solemn ode from the stage) allow, for example, the pronunciation of an unstressed sound [o] in borrowed words: p[o]et, s[o]no, nocturne. In a neutral style, these and similar words are pronounced according to the general rule of replacing an unstressed sound [o] with a sound [a]: p[a]et, s[a]no, n[a]kturne.

The system of modern norms of Russian literary pronunciation and the features of the pronunciation of more than 63,000 words and their grammatical forms are reflected in the Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by R. A. Avanesov (the first edition was published in 1983, after which there were a number of reprints). The compact “Dictionary of Russian Pronunciation Difficulties” by M. L. Kalenchuk and R. F. Kasatkina (M., 1997) is also useful for both the student and the teacher, which contains 15,000 of the most common Russian words, the pronunciation of which can cause difficulties.

To master the norms of correct literary pronunciation, it is important to take into account four sections of orthoepy: orthoepy of consonant sounds; orthoepy of vowel sounds; orthoepy of individual grammatical forms; orthoepy of borrowed words.

Orthoepic norms. Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. the language spoken and written by cultured people. The literary language unites all Russian speakers, it is needed to overcome the linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical - norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other language differences, interfere with people's communication, shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said. Pronunciation norms are determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language has its own phonetic laws, according to which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian, the stressed sound [o] in an unstressed position changes to [a] (in [o] du - in [a] yes, t [o] chit - t [a] chit); after soft consonants, the stressed vowels [o, a, e] change to an unstressed sound [i] (m [i] so - m [i] sleep, in [e] l - in [i] la, l [e] s - vl [and] zat); at the end of words, voiced consonants change to deaf ones (du [b] s - du [n], moro [s] s - moro [s]). The same change of voiced to deaf ones occurs before deaf consonants (ru[b]it - ru[n]ka, slide - how [s]ko), and deaf consonants before voiced ones change to voiced ones (ko[s]it - kozba, young [t]it - youth [d]ba). Phonetics is the study of these laws. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options - if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. So, in words of foreign origin, in principle, the consonant before the letter e can be pronounced both hard and soft, while the orthoepic norm sometimes requires a hard pronunciation (for example, [de] kada, [te] mp), sometimes - soft (for example [d "e] declaration, [t" e] temperament, mu[z" e] d). The phonetic system of the Russian language allows both the combination [shn] and the combination [h "n], cf. bulo [h "n] th and bulo [shn] th, but the orthoepic norm prescribes to speak horse [shn] o, and not horse [h "n] o. Orthoepy also includes stress norms: to pronounce the document correctly, not the document, began, but did not start, ringing, and not ringing, alphabet, not alphabet). The basis of the Russian literary language, and hence the literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect. It happened historically: it was Moscow that became the unifier of the Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow dialect formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state were not Moscow, but, say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be “okane” (i.e. we would now pronounce in [o] yes, and not in [a] yes), and if Ryazan became the capital - “yakane” (that is, we would speak in [l "a] su, and not in [l "i]su). Orthoepic rules prevent a mistake in pronunciation, cut off unacceptable options. Pronunciation variants recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems - territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all Russian speakers have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia, they “okayut” and “jump”: they pronounce v[o]da, g[o]v[o]rit, n[e]su), in the south they “kayat” and “yak” (they say v[a] ]yes, n[ya]su), there are other phonetic differences. A person who has not mastered the literary language since childhood, but consciously mastering literary pronunciation, may encounter pronunciation features in his speech that are characteristic of the local dialect that he learned in childhood. For example, people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of the sound [g] - they pronounce a voiced [x] in its place (a sound denoted by the sign [g] in transcription). It is important to understand that such pronunciation features are a violation of the norms only in the system of the literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and correspond to the phonetic laws of these dialects. More in the specified source

The term "orthoepy" is used in the science of language in two meanings: 1) the totality of the norms of the literary language associated with the sound design of words: the norms of pronunciation of sounds, stress and intonation; 2) a science that studies the variation of the pronunciation norms of the literary language and develops pronunciation recommendations (orthoepic rules). Orthoepy ensures the unity of the sound design of the national language, which contributes to quick and easy language communication. The rules of orthoepy have their own long history and usually take shape as language norms late, when various forms of public speech develop and the share of oral speech in the life of society increases. Of great importance in the development of literary pronunciation was the theater, which preserved the norms of orthoepy in the purest form. Stage speech in many languages ​​is the basis of orthoepic norms. The importance of orthoepy increases with the development of sound films, radio, and television. The orthoepic norms of the Russian language developed in their most important features in the first half of the 17th century as the norms of the Moscow dialect, which later began to acquire the character of national norms. The norms of orthoepy finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century and are largely preserved today; only a few private rules have changed.

These are the rules for pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

The pronunciation norms of the modern Russian literary language have evolved over the centuries, changing. So, for example, in Ancient Rus', the entire population who spoke Russian was Okalo, i.e. pronounced the sound [o] not only under stress, but also in unstressed syllables (just as it happens today in the dialect dialects of the North and Siberia: in [o] yes, dr[o] wa, p[o] go etc.). However, okanye did not become the norm of the national Russian literary language. What prevented this? Changes in the composition of the Moscow population. Moscow in the XVI-XVIII centuries. accepted many immigrants from the southern provinces and absorbed the features of the southern Russian pronunciation, in particular akanye: in [a] yes, dr[a] wa, n[a] go. And this happened just at the time when the solid foundations of a single literary language were being laid.

Since Moscow and subsequently St. Petersburg were the capitals of the Russian state, the centers of the economic, political and cultural life of Russia, it turned out that the Moscow pronunciation was taken as the basis for the literary pronunciation, on which some features of the St.

For successful mastering of orthoepic norms it is necessary:

    1) learn the basic rules of Russian literary pronunciation;

    2) learn to listen to your speech and the speech of others;

    3) listen and study the exemplary literary pronunciation, which radio and television announcers, masters of the artistic word must master;

    4) consciously compare your pronunciation with the exemplary one, analyze your mistakes and shortcomings;

    5) correct mistakes by constant speech training in preparation for public speaking.

The complete style is characterized by:

    1) compliance with the requirements of orthoepic norms;

    2) clarity and distinctness of pronunciation;

    3) the correct arrangement of verbal and logical stress;

    4) moderate pace;

    5) correct speech pauses;

    6) neutral intonation.

With an incomplete pronunciation style, there is:

    1) excessive reduction of words, loss of consonants and whole syllables, for example: right now (now), thousand (thousand), kilogram tomato(kilograms of tomatoes), etc.;

    2) indistinct pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations;

    3) inconsistent pace of speech, unwanted pauses.

If in everyday speech these features of pronunciation are acceptable, then in public speaking they must be avoided.

Some difficult cases of pronunciation of vowels and consonants

Pronunciation of vowels

    In the pronunciation of a number of words such as scam, guardianship, grenadier, fur, faded and so on. difficulties arise due to the indistinguishability of the letters e / e in the printed text, since only one graphic symbol is used to designate them - e. This situation leads to a distortion of the phonetic appearance of the word, causes frequent pronunciation errors.

    List of words with a stressed vowel [e]:

      af e ra

      breve started


      head shka

      holole ditsa



      single, different, one, tribal (but: many, different tribes)


      expired (year); but: bleed out

      Kiev-Pechersk Lavra



      axis long


    List of words with a stressed vowel [o]:

      bl yo kly

      lie; zhe lchny (additional [zhe])

      same forehead


      manyo vr; maneuverability

      I'm useless

      of the same name



      shadow that


  1. In some words of foreign origin in place unstressed spelling "o" instead of a sound close in pronunciation to [a], the sound is pronounced [o]: beau monde, trio, boa, cocoa, biostimulant, advice note, oasis, reputation. The pronunciation of the words poetry, credo, etc. with unstressed [o] is optional. Proper names of foreign origin also retain unstressed [o] as a variant of literary pronunciation: Chopin, Voltaire, etc.

Pronunciation of consonants

    According to old Moscow norms, the spelling combination -ch- was pronounced like [shn] in the words bulo tea, purposely, penny, trifle, creamy, apple and others. At present, the pronunciation [shn] has been preserved only in some words: horse chno, boring, scrambled eggs, eyeglass, mustard, trifling, birdhouse, bachelorette party. In the vast majority of other words, in place of the letter combination -ch- it is pronounced [h’n]: toy chny, creamy, apple, diner, wine glass etc. In addition, according to the norms of the Russian literary language, the combination of letters -ch- has always been pronounced and pronounced like [ch'n] in words of book origin, for example: al chny, eternity, careless, as well as in words that have recently appeared in Russian: otli black hat, camouflage and etc.

    The [shn] pronunciation is preserved today in female patronymics ending in -ichna: Nikiti chn a, Ilyinich a and so on.

    The letter combination -th- in the word that and in its derivatives is pronounced like [pcs]: [pcs] oby, something [pcs] about, [pcs] about anything, none [pcs] about. In the word something sounds [h't].

    The combinations of the letters zhzh and zzh can be pronounced as a long soft sound [zh’zh ’] in accordance with the old Moscow pronunciation: in [zh’zh ’] and, dro [zh’zh ’] and, later - after [zh’zh ’] e etc. However, at present, soft [zh’zh ’] in such words is being replaced by hard [lzh]: in [lj] and, dro [lj] and, later - after [lj] e and others. Soft long [zh’zh ’] is recommended for stage, as well as radio and television speech.

    In the pronunciation of the word rain, the variant predominates [PC'] while remaining, but obsolete to [sh’sh’]. In other forms of this word in modern Russian, the sound combination [zhd '] was fixed: before [wait '] I, until [wait '] and.

Pronunciation of loanwords

    In the position before the sound [e], denoted in writing by the letter e, both soft and hard consonants are pronounced in borrowed words, for example: detective - [dete] active, academy - aka [d'e] miya.

    The lack of softness is more often characteristic of dental consonants d, t, z, s, n and consonant r, for example: fo [ne] tika, [re] quiem. However, in borrowed words fully mastered by the Russian language, these consonants are pronounced softly in accordance with the tradition of the Russian letter e to denote the softness of the preceding consonant sound: mu ze y, te rmin, tire l and etc.

    Remember the pronunciation of the following words!

    List of words with softly pronounced consonants before E (aka [d'e] miya, [b'er'e] t and etc.):

      ag re ssia



      de prescia

      de can [d "e] and [de]

      de fis


      congre ss


      Ode ssa

      patent nt


      pre ssing

      progress ss

      se yf


      session [s "e] and [se]

      those rmin



      express ss


    List of words with strongly pronounced consonants before E (a [de] pt, [dete] rminism and etc.):

      A inadequate

      antise ptik


      business with, business change



      de qualification


      de cor

      de mping





      conse nsus

      manager (add. [m "ene])

      nonce ns

      parte p






      str ss

      those sis

      those mbr

      those mp



      extras ns


    P.S. In borrowed words beginning with prefixes de- before vowels, dez-, as well as in the first part of compound words beginning with neo-, with a general tendency to soften, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of soft and hard d and n:

      devaluation [d "e and de]

      misinformation [d "e and de]

      neo-colonialism [neo and add. n "eo]

    IN foreign proper names recommended solid pronunciation consonants before e: Descartes, Flaubert, De Cameron, Rembrandt and etc.

    Solid [sh] is pronounced in words parachute [shu], brochure [shu]. The word of the jury is pronounced soft sizzling [zh"]. The names Julien, Jules are also softly pronounced.

  1. When pronouncing some foreign words, erroneous extra consonants or vowels sometimes appear. Should be pronounced:

      incident (not incident[n] dent)

      precedent (not precedent)

      dermatin (not dermat[n] tin)

      to compromise (not to compromise)

      competitive (not competitive [n] able)

      extraordinary (not h[e] extraordinary)

      institution (non-educational)

      future (not future)

      thirsty (not thirsty)

Phonetic laws- the laws of functioning and development of the sound matter of the language, which govern both the stable preservation and the regular change of its sound units, their alternations and combinations.

Phonetic laws:

1. Phonetic law of the end of a word. Noisy voiced consonant at the end of a word stunned, i.e. pronounced as the corresponding double deaf. This pronunciation leads to the formation of homophones: the threshold is a vice, young is a hammer, goats is a braid, etc. In words with two consonants at the end of the word, both consonants are stunned: breast - sadness, entrance - drive up [pldjest], etc.
Stunning of the final voiced occurs under the following conditions:
1) before a pause: [pr "ishol post] (the train came); 2) before the next word (without a pause) with the initial not only deaf, but also a vowel, sonorant, as well as [j] and [c]: [praf he ], [our sat], [slap ja], [your mouth] (he is right, our garden, I am weak, your kind). Sonorant consonants are not stunned: rubbish, they say, com, he.

2. Assimilation of consonants by voiced and deafness. Combinations of consonants, of which one is deaf and the other is voiced, are not characteristic of the Russian language. Therefore, if two consonants of different voicing appear side by side in a word, the first consonant is likened to the second. This change in consonants is called regressive assimilation.

By virtue of this law, voiced consonants before the deaf turn into paired deaf, and deaf in the same position into voiced. The voicing of voiceless consonants is less common than the stunning of voiced ones; the transition of voiced to deaf creates homophones: [dushk - dushk] (shackle - darling), [in "yes" ti - in "yes" t "and] (carry - lead), [fp" yr "em" yeshka - fp " r "eem" yeschka] (interspersed - interspersed).

Before sonorants, as well as before [j] and [c], the deaf remain unchanged: tinder, rogue, [Ltjest] (departure), yours, yours.

Voiced and voiceless consonants are assimilated under the following conditions: 1) at the junction of morphemes: [pLhotk] (gait), [collection] (collection); 2) at the junction of prepositions with the word: [where "elu] (to business), [zd" elm] (with business); 3) at the junction of a word with a particle: [got-th] (a year), [dod`zh`by] (daughter would); 4) at the junction of significant words pronounced without a pause: [rock-klzy] (goat horn), [ras-p "at"] (five times).

3. Assimilation of consonants by softness. Hard and soft consonants are represented by 12 pairs of sounds. By education, they differ in the absence or presence of palatalization, which consists in additional articulation (the middle part of the back of the tongue rises high to the corresponding part of the palate).

Assimilation by softness has a regressive character: the consonant softens, becoming like the subsequent soft consonant. In this position, not all consonants, paired in hardness-softness, soften and not all soft consonants cause a softening of the previous sound.

All consonants, paired in hardness-softness, soften in the following weak positions: 1) before the vowel sound [e]; [b" ate], [c" eu], [m" ate], [s" ate] (white, weight, chalk, villages), etc .; 2) before [and]: [m "silt], [n" silt "and] (mil, drank).

Before unpaired [g], [w], [c], soft consonants are impossible, with the exception of [l], [l "] (compare the end - the ring).

Dental [h], [s], [n], [p], [e], [t] and labial [b], [p], [m], [c], [f] are most susceptible to softening. They do not soften before soft consonants [g], [k], [x], and also [l]: glucose, key, bread, fill, keep quiet, etc. Softening occurs within the word, but is absent before the soft consonant of the next word ([here - l "eu]; compare [L thor]) and before the particle ([grew-l" and]; compare [rLsli]) (here is the forest , otter, whether it grew, grew).

Consonants [h] and [s] soften before soft [t "], [d"], [s"], [n"], [l"]: [m "ks" t "], [v" iez " d "e], [f-ka with "b], [punishment"] (revenge, everywhere, at the box office, execution). Mitigation [s], [s] also occurs at the end of prefixes and prepositions consonant with them before soft lips : [rz "d" iel "it"], [r's" t "ienut"], [b" ez "-n" ievo), [b "yes" -s "il] (split, stretch, without it, no power). Before soft labial softening [h], [s], [d], [t] is possible inside the root and at the end of prefixes on -z, as well as in the prefix s- and in a preposition consonant with it: [s "m" ex] , [s "in" kr], [d" in "kr |, [t" in "kr], [s" p "kt"], [s "-n" im], [is "-pkch"] , [rLz "d" kt "] (laughter, beast, door, Tver, sing, with him, bake, undress).

The labials do not soften before soft teeth: [pt "kn" h "bk], [n" eft "], [vz" at "] (chick, oil, take).

4. Assimilation of consonants by hardness. Assimilation of consonants by hardness is carried out at the junction of root and suffix, beginning with a solid consonant: locksmith - locksmith, secretary - secretarial, etc. Before the labial [b], assimilation in hardness does not occur: [prLs "it"] - [proz "b", [mllt "it"] - [mlld" ba] (ask - request, thresh - thresh), etc. [l "] is not subjected to assimilation: [floor" b] - [zLpol "nyj] (field, outdoor).

5. Assimilation of teeth before sizzling. This type of assimilation extends to dental[h], [s] in position in front of the hissing(anteropalatine) [w], [g], [h], [w] and consists in the complete assimilation of dental [h], [s] to the subsequent hissing.

Complete assimilation [h], [s] occurs:

1) at the junction of morphemes: [zh at "], [pL zh at"] (compress, unclench); [sh yt "], [rL sh yt"] (sew, embroider); [w "from], [rL w" from] (account, calculation); [rLzno sh "ik], [out of sh" ik] (peddler, cab driver);

2) at the junction of a preposition and a word: [s-zh arm], [s-sh arm] (with heat, with a ball); [bies-zh ar], [bies-sh ar] (no heat, no ball).

The combination of zzh inside the root, as well as the combination of zhzh (always inside the root) turn into a long soft [zh "]: [by zh"] (later), (I drive); [in w "and], [trembling" and] (reins, yeast). Optionally, in these cases, a long hard [g] can be pronounced.

A variation of this assimilation is the assimilation of dental [d], [t] following them [h], [c], resulting in long [h], [c]: [L h "from] (report), (fkra q ] (briefly).

6. Simplifying consonant combinations. Consonants [d], [t]in combinations of several consonants between vowels are not pronounced. Such a simplification of consonant groups is consistently observed in combinations: stn, zdn, stl, ntsk, stsk, vstv, rdts, lnts: [usny], [posn], [w" iflivy], [g "igansk" and], [h " ustv], [heart], [sun] (oral, late, happy, giant, feeling, heart, sun).

7. Reduction of groups of identical consonants. When three identical consonants converge at the junction of a preposition or prefix with the next word, as well as at the junction of a root and a suffix, the consonants are reduced to two: [pa sor "it"] (time + quarrel), [with ylk] (with a link), [kLlo n s] (column + n + th); [Lde with ki] (Odessa + sk + y).

8. Vowel reduction. Change (weakening) of vowel sounds in an unstressed position is called reduction, and unstressed vowels - reduced vowels. Distinguish between the position of unstressed vowels in the first prestressed syllable (weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in other unstressed syllables (weak position of the second degree). Vowels in weak position of the second degree undergo more reduction than vowels in weak position of the first degree.

Vowels in a weak position of the first degree: [vLly] (shafts); [shafts] (oxen); [bieda] (trouble), etc.

Vowels in a weak position of the second degree: [par? Vos] (locomotive); [kyargLnda] (Karaganda); [kulkLla] (bells); [p "l" ie on] (shroud); [voice] (voice), [exclamation] (exclamation), etc.

The main phonetic processes occurring in a word include: 1) reduction; 2) stunning; 3) voicing; 4) softening; 5) assimilation; 6) simplification.

Reduction- This weakening of the pronunciation of vowels in an unstressed position: [house] - [d ^ ma] - [d ^ voi].

Stun- a process in which voiced consonants before deaf and at the end of the word are pronounced as deaf; book - book [w] ka; oak - du [n].

voicing- a process in which deaf pregnant before voiced are pronounced as voiced: do - [z "] do; selection - o [d] boron.

Mitigation- a process in which hard consonants are soft under the influence of subsequent soft: depend [s "] t, ka [s"] n, le [s"] t.

assimilation is a process in which the combination several dissimilar consonants are pronounced as one long(for example, combinations of sch, zch, shch, zdch, stch are pronounced with a long sound [w "], and combinations of ts (i), tc (i) are pronounced as one long sound [c]): volume [sh] ik, spring [ sh]aty, mu[sh"]ina, [t"]astye, ichi[c]a.

Simplification consonant clusters - a process in which in combinations of consonants stn, zdn, eats, dts, persons and others, sound drops out, although the letter uses a letter denoting this sound: heart - [s "e" rts], sun - [sonts].

Orthoepy(from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech) - a department of linguistics that studies the rules of exemplary pronunciation ( Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language D.N. Ushakov). Orthoepy- these are the historically established norms of Russian literary pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations in the flow of oral speech.

1 . Pronunciation of vowels is determined by position in prestressed syllables and is based on a phonetic law called reduction. Due to reduction, unstressed vowels are preserved in duration (quantity) and lose their distinct sound (quality). All vowels undergo reduction, but the degree of this reduction is not the same. So, the vowels [y], [s], [and] in an unstressed position retain their main sound, while [a], [o], [e] qualitatively change. The degree of reduction [a], [o], [e] depends mainly on the place of the syllable in the word, as well as on the nature of the preceding consonant.

A) In the first prestressed syllable the sound [Ù] is pronounced: [vÙdy / sÙdy / nÙzhy]. After hissing, [Ù] is pronounced: [zhÙra / shÙry].

In place of [e] after the hissing [w], [w], [c], the sound [s e] is pronounced: [tsy e pnoį], [zhy e ltok].

After soft consonants in place [a], [e], the sound [and e] is pronounced:

[ch٬ e sy / sn٬ e la].

b ) In other unstressed syllables in place of sounds [o], [a], [e], after solid consonants, the sound [b] is pronounced:

par٨vos] After soft consonants in place of sounds [a], [e], it is pronounced [b]: [n" tÙch" ok / h" umÙdan].

2. Pronunciation of consonants:

a) the norms of literary pronunciation require a positional exchange of paired deaf and voiced in position in front of the deaf (only deaf) - voiced (only voiced) and at the end of the word (only deaf): [chl "epʹ] / trʹpkʹ / proʹ bʹ];

b) assimilative softening is not necessary, there is a tendency to lose it: [s"t"inaʹ] and [st"inaʹ], [z"d"es"] and [zd"es"].

3. Pronunciation of some combinations of consonants:

a) in pronominal formations What, tothu pronounced like [pcs]; in pronominal formations like something, mail, almost the pronunciation [h "t] is preserved;

b) in a number of words of predominantly colloquial origin, [shn] is pronounced in place ch: [kÙn "eshn / nÙroshn].

In words of book origin, the pronunciation [h "n] has been preserved: [ml "ech" nyį / vÙstoch "nyį];

c) in the pronunciation of combinations sun, zdn, stn(hello, holiday, private trader) usually there is a reduction or loss of one of the consonants: [holiday "ik], [h "asn" ik], [hello]

4. Pronunciation of sounds in some grammatical forms:

a) pronunciation of the form I.p. unit adjectives without stress: [red / with "in" and į] - under the influence of spelling arose - uh, - uh; after back-lingual g, k, x ® uy: [t "iх" iį], [m "ahk" iį];

b) pronunciation - sya, - sya. Under the influence of spelling, soft pronunciation became the norm: [n'ch "and e las" / n'ch "and e ls" a];

c) pronunciation of verbs in - ive after g, k, x, the pronunciation [g "], [k"], [x"] became the norm (under the influence of spelling): [vyt "ag" ivt "].

Studying pronunciation norms orthoepy. Orthoepy means correct pronunciation. Russian orthoepy is a branch of the science of the Russian language that studies the norms of literary pronunciation. In Russian orthoepy, "senior" and "junior" norms are distinguished in the pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and their forms. The "older" norm retains the features of the old Moscow pronunciation. The "younger" norm reflects the features of modern literary pronunciation. The listener tries to perceive the meaning of what was said. Mistakes in the pronunciation of certain words “cut the ear”, distract from the essence of the presentation, and can cause misunderstanding and indignation.

By the way a person speaks, how he puts stresses, one can determine, for example, the place of his birth, residence. There are such dialectal features as "akane" or "okanye", etc. In any case, the correct pronunciation of words is an indicator of the level of education of the speaker.

Among the norms of pronunciation, two of the strongest can also be distinguished. First norm- this is a quantitative and qualitative reduction of vowel sounds in an unstressed position. This rule excludes the so-called okanie, i.e. the pronunciation of the sound [ O] in the unstressed position. You can’t say [milk?, expensive? th, gold], etc. You need to say: [malak?, dear, gold].

Attention should be paid to the difficult cases of reduction.

After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of letters a, e, i to pronounce the sound [ ie]: watch. This is called "hiccup". It is found in neutral and conversational styles. "Ekanye" (pronouncing in a given phonetic position of the sound [ ee]) characterizes stage speech: V[ ee]net, t[ ee]new. Pronunciation h[ And]sy- obsolete h[ A]sy- dialect.

In a few words of foreign origin, not completely assimilated by the Russian language, in place of the letter O, unlike the Russian orthoepic norm, in an unstressed position, a weakened [ O], i.e. without reduction: for the sake of[ O]. too clear [ O] is perceived as mannered, on the other hand - a distinct pronunciation [ O] in "Russified" book words ( sonata, novella) is also undesirable, as it gives the pronunciation a colloquial connotation.

Causes difficulty and functioning in speech sound [ O], indicated on the letter by the letter e. letter yo proposed to use the Russian historian N. M. Karamzin, simplifying the complex drawing of a letter that existed earlier in the alphabet. However, the letter yo now we can only meet in primers and textbooks for foreigners studying Russian. The absence of this letter in books and periodicals leads to incorrect pronunciation of words. Pay attention to words in which the vowel [ O], denoted by the letter yo, sometimes erroneously replaced with a percussion [ uh], whitish, maneuvers pronounced like whitish, maneuvers. Sometimes, on the contrary, percussion [ uh] is erroneously replaced by [ O] yo: grenadier, scam pronounced like grenadier, scam. This pronunciation is not standard.

The second strongest pronunciation norm- this is a softening of hard consonants before soft ones and before front vowels.

After the hissing [ and] And [ sh] and sound [ c] unstressed vowel [ A] is pronounced like a short [ A]: jargon, kings, but before soft consonants - like the sound [ ye]: sorry, thirty. On rare occasions [ ye] is also pronounced before hard consonants: rye, jasmine.

Consonants c, w, w- solid sounds, after them in place of the letter And pronounced [ s]: revolution[ s]I, w[ s]zn, sh[ s]p.

There are also a number of rules that regulate the correct use (application), i.e., the pronunciation of consonants (most often combinations of consonants). Let's list some of them.

In masculine nouns – ism consonant [ h] is pronounced firmly in all cases, including when softening the final consonant in D.p. and P.p.: under capitalism.

Voiced consonants at the absolute end of a word and before voiceless consonants are stunned: shares[ With], pre[ T] acceptance.

Consonant [ G] can be pronounced as [ G] – year, [ To] – enemy, [ ? ] – God(r-fricative), [ X] – God, [ V] – whom.

Sound [ ? ] within the modern literary norm is pronounced in a limited number of words, but the pronunciation of [ G]God, but[ G]a, o[ G]o can be considered a variant of the norm.

In the Russian language, there is a tendency for the adaptability of the sound image of borrowed words with e after a hard consonant, many such words have "Russified" and are now pronounced with a soft consonant before e: museum, cream, academy, overcoat, plywood, Odessa. But a number of words retain a solid consonant: antenna, business, genetics, detective, test. Possible variant pronunciation: dean, claim, therapy, terror, track. The hard or soft pronunciation of a consonant is determined in dictionary order.

According to old Moscow norms, the spelling combination ch pronounced like [ sh]. Currently [ sh] is stored in words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, fiddling and in female patronymics on - ichna: Fominichna, Kuzminichna. In a number of words, a double pronunciation is allowed: bulo[ ch]naya and bulo[ sh]naya, although the latter is becoming obsolete.

According to the "older" norm, the combination thu pronounced like [ PC] in a word What and words derived from it: nothing, something etc. Currently, this rule is kept for all the specified words except something[ thu]. In all other words, spelling thu always pronounced like [ thu]: mail, dream.

Combination railway in a word rain and its derivatives were pronounced according to the "higher" norm as [ zh'zh'] (at the end of the word - [ sh'sh']). Modern pronunciation [ zhd'] (at the end of the word - [ PC']) is evaluated as a variant of the literary norm.

According to the "older" norm, spelling combinations zzh And LJ(yeast, later) worn out like [ zh'zh'] - long and soft hissing. Currently in place zzh And LJ pronounced hard hissing [ LJ]. And this pronunciation is evaluated as a variant of the literary norm.

According to the rate of speech, full and incomplete styles of pronunciation are distinguished. The full style is characterized by slow tempo, correct articulation. Sounds are pronounced clearly and clearly, for example: "Hello!" The incomplete style is characterized by a fast pace, fuzzy pronunciation of sounds is allowed, for example: Hello! Incomplete style is appropriate for everyday, interpersonal communication.

According to another classification of styles, there are high, neutral and colloquial styles. The choice of pronunciation style depends on the appropriateness of its use in a particular situation. In colloquial speech, you can pronounce words "only" like [toko], words "What"[che], etc. It is obvious that such liberties are unacceptable in a public speech or official communication.

You should also pay attention to the placement of the accent. Stress in Russian is not fixed, it is mobile: in different grammatical forms of the same word, the stress can be different: end - final - finish.

In most cases, it is necessary to refer to the "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. R. I. Avanesov, which gives the pronunciation of the word. This is the best way to learn the above norms: before using any word that causes difficulties in practice, you need to look into the spelling dictionary and find out how it (the word) is pronounced.

Topic: The main rules of Russian orthoepy. Intonation.

Goals and tasks:

    give an idea of ​​the subject of study of orthoepy;

    to acquaint with the features of Russian stress;

    introduce the concept of orthoepic norm;

    summarize information about the features of the pronunciation of some sound combinations;


    develop cognitive abilities;

    develop logical thinking (the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and identify the main thing);

    develop the ability to coherently and competently express their thoughts;


    to form a respectful, careful attitude to the native language;

    to form a sense of responsibility for the preservation of the Russian language as an integral part of the national culture;

    influence the motivational sphere of the personality of students;

    to form the ability to rationally use time;

Lesson progress

    Org. moment

    Announcement of goals and objectives, lesson plan. Formulation of the problem.

Frontal discussion with the class.

In "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" A.S. Pushkin there is an episode that tells about the first meeting of the heroes with the princess, remember:

"The elder said:" What a marvel! Everything is so clean and beautiful. Someone tidied up the tower Yes, the owners were waiting. Who? Come out and show yourself, Be honest with us."

Did you notice that the princess in the forest tower of the heroes did not behave like the daughter of the king, but rather like a peasant girl?

"And the princess came down to them, Honored the hosts, Bowed low from the waist; Blushing, she apologized, For something she came to visit them, Although she was not invited."

But how did the heroes guess that the king's daughter was in front of them?

"In an instant, from the speech, they recognized that they received the princess:"

Conclusion: It turns out that sometimes it is enough to hear how a person speaks in order to understand who he is, what he is. It is the pronunciation that we will devote our lesson today. A studies this branch of linguisticsorthoepy. So we will consider the object of study of orthoepy, get acquainted with the features of Russian stress, with such a concept as the orthoepic norm; summarize information about the features of the pronunciation of some sound combinations; we systematize and generalize knowledge about the placement of stress in adjectives, verbs, and some participles. During the lecture, take brief notes to create reference materials for yourself that you can use in the following classes when completing test tasks.

III. Teacher lecture with conversation elements

    Classification of norms of oral speech

Speech rules include:

    orthoepic norms.

    Accent rules.

    intonation norms.

  1. Orthoepic pronunciation norms

Orthoepy - the system of pronunciation norms of the language.

    [G] pronounced like[X] in combinations gk And ms (light - le [x] cue, lighter - le [x] che).

    Assimilation when combinedssh, And zsh . They are pronounced like a long hard consonant.[w¯] (lower - not [shsh] y, highest - you [shsh] y, make a noise - ra[shsh] be able to)

    Similar assimilation in combinationsSJ And Learn - [and] (unclench - ra [lzh]at, with life - [lzh] life, fry - [lzh] fry).

    Combination MF And ZCH pronounced like [sch ] (happiness - [w] astier, score - [w] et), (prikazchik - prik [sh] ik, sample - obraz [sh] ik) .

    Combinations PM And DC- How [h] (speaker - report [h] ik, pilot - le [h] k).

    Combinations Tts And DC- How [ts ] (twenty - two [ts]at , gold - gold [ts] e).

    Combinations PM And DC- How [h] (speaker - report [h] ik, pilot - le [h] ik).

    Combinations Stn And Zdn - they have consonant soundsT And d fall out (charming - adorable, late - knowledgeable, honest - che[sn], sympathetic - educative).

9. In modern Russian pronunciation[SHN] considered obsolete, the norm -[H`N].

Combination CHN , usually pronounced according to the spelling(anti [h`n] yy, ve [h`n] yy, yes [h`n] yy, ka[h`n] ut, milky [h`n] yy, but [h`n] oh, different [h`n] oh, poro [h`n] yy, then [h`n] yy).

There are traditional deviations from the norm, legitimized by modern dictionaries and reference books.

Exception : In some words[sn] : kone[shn] o, sku[shn] o, naro[shn] o, yai[shn]itsa, empty[shn], square[shn]ik, laundry[shn]aya, Savvi[shn]a, Nikiti[ shn]a, Fomini[shn]a, etc.

double pronunciation allowed in the words:bulo [shn] ([ch]) th, drain [shn] ([ch]) th, yai [shn] ([ch]) th, sin [shn] ([ch]) left.

10. Combination Thu , basically the same as the pronunciation(ma[th]a, me[th]a, not [th]o, nothing [anything], after [th] and, about [th] and, at [th] and)

But: in union What and in the pronoun that (to, something, something) pronounced [PCS].

11. In reflexive verbs at the end is written– to be or – tsya , but pronounced the same[tsa]

12. Features of the transition [E] to [O] in the modern language.

    The general trend - the transition of E into O under stress after soft consonants (Russification).Whitish - whitish, crossbill - crossbill, firebrand - firebrand, faded - faded.

    Along with this, there are numerous facts of conservation of [E](Expired, deadwood, guardianship, fishing line).

    Words of foreign origin:

    Softening consonants before E .

    In accordance with the norms of pronunciation in Russian before a vowelE pronounced soft consonant : text [t´e], brunet [n´e], term [t´e] , specifically [r´e], therapist [t´e].

    But usually in book words and terminology continues to be pronouncedwith a hard consonant (integral [te], tendency [te], artery [te], asepsis [se], phonetics [ne], Voltaire [te], Descartes [de], Chopin [pe], La Fontaine [te], steak [te] , scarf [ne], timbre [te], thermos [te]).

    In many foreign words, after consonants, it is writtenE , and consonants are pronouncedfirmly (atelier [te], atheist [te], dandy [te], scarf [ne], cafe [fe], desk [te], resume [me], stand [te], masterpiece [she]).

    But in a number of words, consonants are pronounced softly.(decade [d´e], academy [d´e], demagogue [d´e], museum [z´e], plywood [n´e], flannel [n´e])

    A double consonant is pronounced double in one word (va [nn] a, ka [ss] a, ma [ss] a, cape [ll] a) , in others - like a single (neatly - a [k] hurriedly, accompaniment - a [k] accompaniment, chord - a [k] ord, allocate - a [s] ignore, gram - gra [m]).

    Accentological norms/mistakes. The main trends in the development of stress norms.

    Accent options:

    Accent options double stress :

    A short list of equal accentological options:

    apartments - apartments;

    basilica - basilica;

    barge - barge;

    bijouterie - bijouterie;

    delusional - delusional;

    rustyAvet - rusty;

    Otherwise - otherwise;

    sparkle - sparkle;

    kirza - kirza;

    dropped - armored;

    loop - loop;

    meatballs - meatballs.

    Semantic variants - these are pairs of words in which the heterogeneity of stress is intendedto distinguish the meaning of words (homographs - the same in spelling, different in stress).

    A short list of words that differ in their meaning depending on the stress:

    Book (assign something to someone) - book (cover with armor);

    armor - armor;

    busy (person) - busy (house);

    salted (about vegetables) - salted (about soil);

    sharpened (pencil) - sharpened (prisoner);

    naked (cut) - naked (hold checkers);

    bypass (leaf, path) - bypass (maneuver);

    portable (radio receiver) - portable (value);

    transitional (score) - transitional (age);

    submerged (on the platform) – submerged (in water);

    close (to something) - close (close);

    draft (age) - draft (calling);

    damned (cursed) - damned (hated);

    developed (child) - developed (mentally) - developed (hair);

    inclined (to something) - inclined (in front of someone);

    folded (from details) - folded (having one or another physique);

    haos (in ancient Greek mythology) - haos and haos (disorder);

    characteristic (person) - characteristic (act);

    linguistic (verbal expression of thoughts) - linguistic (related to the organ in the oral cavity);

    Bite (common word) - bite (special);

    silk (common) - silk (poetic).

    Normative-chronological options are pairs of words in which heterogeneity is associated withtime period the use of this word in speech:

spare (modern) - spare (obsolete);

Ukrainian (modern) - Ukrainian (obsolete);

angle (modern) - angle Urs (obsolete).

    "Dictionary Words". Basic accentological norms.

Trends in norms at the place of stress:

    nouns - tendency towardsmobile stress (folk language invades literary);

    at verbs - trendanchoring accents onroot syllable (influence of South Russian dialects);

    general trends - is detectedmultidirectional movement of the accent :

    regressive - moving the stress from the last syllable to the beginning or closer to the beginning of the word;

    progressive - moving the stress from the first syllable closer to the end of the word.

3. Intonation norms/mistakes.

Intonation - this is a rhythmic-melodic and logical articulation of speech.

Intonation is one of the means of expressive speech.

But the intonational norms in the Russian language concern, first of all,correct rise / fall / intonation towards the end of the sentence depending on the purpose of the statement and the correct setting of the logical stress in the phrase.

    Towards the end of the declarative sentence, the intonation drops.

Nurse Natasha had a very hard day today.

    By the end of the interrogative sentence, the intonation, on the contrary, rises.

She is tired?

intonation errors.

1. Intonation errors are relatedwith wrong intonation (inappropriate increase or decrease in intonation).

2. In addition, intonation errors include:incorrect setting of pauses and logical stress. This often leads to a distortion of meaning, especially in poetic works, for example:

For example: Setting pauses.

Wrong: In the heavens / the earth sleeps solemnly and wonderfully / in the radiance of blue.

Right: In the heavens / solemnly and wonderfully / / the earth sleeps in a blue radiance.

IV. Orthoepic workout. ).


1. When climbing stairs, hold on to the handrails. Go through the customs check. The customs office has already begun its work. A load divided by two is twice as light. After lifting the suitcase, place it on the conveyor. The expert, who understood his task, began to act. The train arrived at the station on time. Arriving at the place of destination, get your luggage.

Test yourself

1. When climbing stairs, hold on to the handrails. Have you passed customs clearance? Customs has already begun its work. A load divided by two is twice as light. After lifting the suitcase, place it on the transporter. The expert, who understood his task, began to act. The train arrived at the station on time. When you arrive at your destination, don't forget to collect your luggage.

V. Performing training exercises.

Exercise 1. Read correctly.


live for / city,

climb on / mountain,

deliver to / house,

pull for / leg,

take under / hands,

walk on / forest.


Alive - alive, alive, alive.

Right - right, right, right.

Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful, pitiful.

Green - green - green - green.

Tough - tough, tough, tough.


Accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted.

Raised - lifted, lifted, lifted

Sold - sold, sold, sold.

Given - given, given, given.

Busy - busy, busy, busy.

V. Independent work (ex. ____)

VI . Teacher's word. In the first part of our lesson, we noted that the subject of the study of orthoepy is also "literarypronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations. Let's pay attention to the pronunciation rules of some combinations. We will take them into account in everyday life.

1. Combinationmid orzch (at the junction of the root and the suffix starting with the letterh) usuallypronounced like a lettersch , that is, like a long soft [u"u"] - ra[u"u"] from, [u"u"] astute, different [u"u"] ik, sign [u"u"]ik, uka[ u "u"] ik.

2. In place of the letterG at the end-th (-his) the sound [in] is pronounced: big [in] o, blue [in] o, ko [in] o, th [in] o, second [in] o, other [in] o, revived [in] o. Consonant [in] in place of a letterG also pronounced in wordsToday, today, total .

3. The combination of consonants in verbs in-tsya And- be pronounced as double [ts].

4. Combinationch has an interesting history. "Back in the 18th century, the spelling combination ch was consistently pronounced as [shn], as evidenced by the phonetic spellings recorded in the dictionary of the Russian Academy (1789-1794): tie, cap, kopeeshny, lavoshnik, button, factory, etc. However, over time, this option begins to be supplanted by the pronunciation [h "n], which arose under the influence of writing. "Today, words with a combinationch are pronounced differently: 1) as a rule, the pronunciation corresponds to the spelling, that is, it is pronounced [h "n]:durable, country, eternal, start, swing ; 2) in some words in placech pronounced [shn], for example:of course, boring, on purpose, birdhouse, Savichna, Fominichna (the number of such words is decreasing); 3) in a number of cases today both options are considered normative - [h "n] and [shn], for example:candlestick, bakery, dairy (note that in some cases the pronunciation [shn] becomes obsolete:creamy, brown ). "In some cases, pronunciation options distinguish between different lexical meanings:cordial [h "n] attack - friendcordial [shn];pepper pot [h "n] (pepper vessel) - damnpepper pot [shn] (about an evil, grumpy woman)."

5. "Combinationthu pronounced like [pcs] in a wordWhat and its derivative forms (something, something ). In the word something is pronounced [h "t], in the wordnothing both options are acceptable" [Ibid.].

6. "Fricative"[?] in the literary language is allowed in wordsOh God, accountant, yeah, by God, Lord .

7. The final [r] is replaced by the sound [k] (not [x]!): creative [k], dialogue [k], the exception is the wordGod [boh]". [Ibid.]

VII. Exercises for the pronunciation of individual sound combinations.

1. Read the given words aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation of ch as [ch] or [sh]. In what cases is double pronunciation possible?

Bakery, mustard plaster, cream, shopkeeper, comic, maid, milkmaid, of course, laundry, boring, match, penny, loser, bachelorette party, on purpose, bribe taker, trifling, decent, unprofitable, Ilyinichna.

2. Based on the rhymes of poetic texts taken from the works of A.S. Pushkin, determine the pronunciation of the combination of ch. How would you explain the discovered orthoepic phenomenon?


On the winter road, boring
Troika greyhound runs
Single bell
Tiring noise.


It's sad, Nina: my way is boring.
Dremlya fell silent my coachman,
The bell is monotonous
Foggy moon face.

VIII. Summarizing.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds:

    Remember a few rules that reflect modern orthoepic norms.

Rule 1: letterG at the end of a wordGod pronounced like [x].

Rule 2: -th/-his in masculine and neuter adjectives are pronounced likeo [c] o / e [c] o.

Rule 3: zzh Andszh pronounced like[and] (at the junction of morphemes or

official word with a significant one).

Rule 4: AF Andmid pronounced like [w "] (at the junction of morphemes).

Rule 5: dh Andpm pronounced like [h "] (at the junction of morphemes).

Rule 6; -tsya And- be pronounced like[ca] (in verbs).

Rule 7: ds Andts pronounced like[c] (before k in adjectives).

Rule 8: train pronounced like[PC"] And[w "] (in the word rain and derivatives). The pronunciation of such combinations in case of difficulties should be clarified in the spelling dictionary.

Rule 9: h pronounced like [h "n] - in most words, but pronounced like[sn] in wordsboring [shn] o, kone [shn] o, na-ro [shn] o, laundry [shn] aya, square [shn] ik, Ilyini [shn] a and etc.

Rule 10: Thu" pronounced like [pcs](for what etc.), butsomething [Thurs].

Rule 11: gk pronounced like [x "k"] - in wordslight, soft.

Rule 12: hh pronounced like [hh "] - in wordslighter, softer.

Rule 13: stn, ntsk, stl, ndsk, zdn, rdts, lnts, stv, lvs - contain

unpronounceable consonant. In case of difficulty, please contact

spelling dictionary.

Rule 14: double consonants in loanwords are pronounced

usually as a long consonant, but a number of words can be pronounced

double consonant as one sound(bath [n],flu [P]).

Rule 15: in an unstressed position, the sound [o] is not pronounced. After

hard consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable, as well as at the beginning of a word in

the place of the letter o is pronounced [a](kSchza -k [o \ zy, [writing - [o] writing).

Therefore, for example, they are pronounced the same way, with the sound [a], the wordsoxen And

shafts, catfish Andherself, although spelled differently.

Homework._________ ex. ___________