How to properly feed a pug to raise a healthy dog. How and what to feed a Pug: healthy nutrition rules for puppies and adult dogs Obesity is a serious disease

The key to long life and well-being of a pet, not only a pug, lies in proper care, daily care and a balanced diet. Small decorative dogs will delight with their cheerful and lively character, if you follow the advice regarding their diet.

Basic principles

The digestive system of pugs is very delicate and sensitive. Although small dogs are capable of eating anything, you should not indulge their whims. A pet cannot be fed with all foods in a row. This approach will lead to the development of serious diseases, obesity and even the death of a four-legged friend.

One of the principles of proper nutrition is the mode. Feeding at a fixed time and portion size, selected according to age, will help to avoid health problems.

The bowl, even with half-eaten food, must be cleaned immediately after eating. If the dog is begging for a supplement, you will have to control yourself and not succumb to the whims of the pet. A double dose will only hurt.

In order not to harm the delicate digestive system of the pug, he is fed warm solid food. Too liquid food can provoke indigestion. Dog owners need to make sure that a bowl of clean (not tap) water and milk is always in the place where the dog is fed.

Need for nutrients and vitamins

There can be two options for feeding - dry mixes or natural products. With the second method, the owner will have to make a little more time and effort.

Knowing the daily requirement for minerals for a puppy and an adult pug (1 g of substance per 1 kg of weight) will help to understand what foods should be present in the pug's diet:

  • carbohydrates - 10 and 6 g;
  • proteins - 30 and 15 g;
  • fats - 2.6 and 1.3 g;
  • calcium - 0.5 g and 0.25 g;
  • phosphorus, potassium - 0.4 g and 0.2 g;
  • iron - 0.13 g for both puppies and adult dogs;
  • magnesium - 0.02 g and 0.01 g.

Do not forget about vitamins. Vitamin A is responsible for the growth and development of organs, skeleton, muscles. Essential for pregnant and lactating dogs. Found in greens (dill, spinach, parsley), fish oil and liver, egg yolks, milk, yellow, red and orange vegetables and fruits (apricots, pumpkin, tomatoes).

Vitamin B ensures healthy muscle development, normal appearance. Contained in the liver, bran, herbs, dried fruits, nuts, tomatoes, buckwheat.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of dental diseases, ensures the good functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Present in berries (currants), fruits, citrus fruits, sweet yellow and red peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, greens.

What foods can you feed a pug

The daily menu should include:

  • dairy products - the basis of the diet;
  • lean raw meat (beef) and poultry;
  • fish;
  • raw bones (not tubular);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable stew;
  • fruits and dried fruits.

You can feed the dog with rice (crushed), well-cooked porridge. Meat and fish should make up 2/3 of the total amount of food. Serving size is calculated individually for each dog.

What foods should not be fed to a pug

In no case should a pet be fed food from your table, as well as the following products:

  • fatty meat (pork);
  • raw egg whites;
  • flour products (white bread, pasta);
  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages;
  • sugar and products with a high content of it (potatoes, ice cream, chocolate);
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sour cream, mayonnaise, cream.

Do not feed your dog spicy, fatty or salty foods.

Feeding dry food

As mentioned earlier, you can feed your pet with natural products. A more useful, but expensive way, both in time and in finance. In addition, not everyone will be able to make a balanced diet. In this case, special mixtures will come to the rescue of the owners.

Now on the shelves of stores you can find ready-made feeds of two types - dry and canned. The latter are often added to natural products. There are several types of canned goods:

  • meat (given in pure form or with biscuit crumbs);
  • porridge with meat;
  • moistened food is not recommended for pugs as it does not contain all the nutrients required for the breed.

Dry food is the best option. The mixture already contains mineral supplements and vitamins in a proportion corresponding to the age and gender of the pet. When choosing a mixture, it is best to first consult with a breeder or veterinarian.

Dry food, unlike canned food, cannot be added to food made from natural products. But to soak the mixture in kefir or milk, on the contrary, is recommended.

You can not constantly alternate brands of feed. And even more so to mix products from different manufacturers. Since all the nutrients are already present in the mixture, it is not necessary to add vitamins to food. But complementary foods with fresh vegetables and fruits will benefit the pet.

How to feed an adult dog

Pugs, like no other breed, are prone to obesity. Especially when you consider that due to physiological characteristics, they are not very active. Therefore, it is impossible to overfeed pets in any case.

It is advisable to feed the dog after a walk or a lively game, giving him a little rest. If the animal refuses food or is undernourished, do not try to feed it at all costs.

Eating should take place in the same place, at a certain time. Break between meals - at least 12 hours. It is desirable that the bowl is flat and clean. In addition to water, the pug constantly needs to offer milk. It helps to cope with heartburn, which often torments dogs.

The mode of feeding puppies or animals during lactation, in principle, is no different from the usual. At this time, it is recommended to add mineral supplements and vitamins to the main food. The only difference is the rejection of meat products in the first 7-10 days of pregnancy.

Puppy feeding schedule

The basics of feeding a puppy and an adult animal are slightly different. During the period of rapid development, growth of teeth, animals need much more minerals and vitamins.

The main difference between the diet of a puppy 1 to 4 months old and the diet of an adult animal is the number of feedings. If the second is enough 1-2 times a day, then the first - 4 or 5. The puppy is actively growing, so he needs a lot of food.

In the morning, the pet is fed with dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt. A small amount of porridge (buckwheat, rice) with vegetable oil. You can slightly sweeten the food with honey. Or dilute well-boiled cereal with egg yolk, preferably quail.

The second feeding is stewed vegetables, fruits, dried fruits. You can offer the puppy a slice of black bread with butter and cheese, a piece of salted herring. Several times a week it is useful to feed the dog a clove of crushed garlic.

For lunch and dinner, they give meat, previously cleaned of bones, veins and fat. It must be raw. Often puppies are given bones. First, they are thoroughly crushed, beaten off and soaked in milk.

For dogs aged 4 to 7, three meals are sufficient. The basis of the diet is still raw meat and dairy products. Just during this period, their number is gradually increased. In the morning they also give cottage cheese, kefir and cereals. Day and night meat.

A pet aged 7 to 12 months is fed like an adult dog - 2 times a day. For breakfast they give everything except meat or fish. For dinner or lunch - meat products and bones. After a year, the animal is accustomed to the diet of an adult dog.

What can the wrong diet lead to?

Pug care is quite specific. An improperly formulated diet can lead to:

  • obesity (overfeeding);
  • disorders of the nervous system, loss of consciousness (lack of potassium);
  • circulatory disorders (incorrect ratio of calcium and phosphorus);
  • problems with teeth, skin, hair (lack of vitamins).

The fact that the pug is fed correctly and in sufficient quantities is indicated by a well-groomed appearance, lively character, and balanced behavior.

What to feed a pug puppy 2 months from birth? The period of 2 months is very important for the health of the puppy, he was not so long ago weaned from his mother and stopped receiving her breast milk. Usually breeders, while the baby is still breastfeeding, begin to introduce other foods. And for the health of the pug, it is important to maintain the diet that was compiled in the nursery.

And later, if there is a desire, you can change the diet to another, more acceptable one. So you can transfer from dry food to natural food and vice versa (But constantly transferring a puppy from one diet to another, as well as mixing them is not allowed). Below you will learn more about this.

original pug dog

The seeming solidity and powerful torso give the impression that pugs never get sick, they are always strong and strong. In fact, these dogs have their own characteristics of the body. The Chinese breed inherited a slender physique, wrinkled appearance with a short muzzle, short strong paws.

Short hair does not mean that it does not need care. The skin of pugs, first of all, suffers from malnutrition, irritations, rashes and prickly heat may appear.

It should be noted that the pug has a small ventricle, but they are prone to overeating. Hence the resulting problems with the gastrointestinal tract, also pugs are prone to obesity and more often than others suffer from diabetes. Also, because of the short muzzle, dogs often snore, they have difficulty breathing.

And eye loss due to eyelid injuries is a common problem in pugs, if you have not heard about it, be sure to study this issue. If all these features make you afraid and unwilling to take care of a dog, it is better not to buy a pug as a pet.

If you are just in love with the breed, then you will not be able to refuse a cute and attractive creature. Such loving owners, on the contrary, will bring a lot of pleasure taking care of a pet. Perhaps even you will avoid all the problems that can accompany him through life, knowing how to prevent and avoid unforeseen situations.

You must remember that the pug's stomach does not accept liquid food, and if at the beginning the mother fed the puppy with milk, and you acquired it when he was two months old, do not rush to remove milk from the diet, do it gradually, but the rest of the food should be a little firmer. By the way, milk for pugs helps prevent heartburn, which they often suffer from.

The need to feed a dog with dry food arises if the puppy was previously fed with it. Be sure to buy pug food expensive and balanced. In this case, vitamins are not needed, in the feed the nutrition is completely balanced for all vitamins and minerals. It is important to read on the packaging - how many grams are needed for feeding, and of course compare this with the diet that the puppy had earlier.

Adherents of natural nutrition also exist and there are many of them. If you choose natural food, you should take care of additional vitamins and distribute one feeding in such a way that all vitamins are balanced, and its menu includes vegetables, fruits, meat and cereals, herbs and vegetable oil.

They feed the baby after a walk and sleep, food should be given only from a bowl, and not from hands or from the table. Puppies from 1 to 2 months need food 6 times a day, and sometimes they wake up at night, as the mother fed the baby at night. From 2 months to 4, meals are mainly 4 meals a day, and the number of servings increases. Up to six months you feed 3 times a day, after 6 months - only 2 times.

What to choose - a balanced diet with dry food or natural - is up to you, the second is less expensive in terms of money, but more tiring in terms of cooking time. And the first is more expensive, but with a minimum of effort on your part.

Some dogs are allergic to dry food, but this is mainly due to the presence of a product in it that the dog does not tolerate. It is almost impossible to identify this product, it is easier to refuse it and switch to another or natural one.

The transition is carried out carefully, this process is long, so as not to affect the gastrointestinal tract. And with natural nutrition there can be such problems, it is much easier to identify the cause here. It is enough to remove one or two products from the menu and the dog begins to recover.

Basic rules for eating

A pug, as you understand, is a person who is sensitive to various innovations and changes. Thus, the introduction of a new menu may affect the dog with a deterioration in well-being. To keep everything in order, follow a few rules and facts about puppy nutrition:

  • Mixing natural food and "drying" is harmful to the health of the dog. Even if you decide to give porridge with vegetables first, and food in the evening, you can’t do this. The digestion of these types of foods is different, the stomach suffers, and at the same time the dog also suffers. If at a young age everything goes more or less well, then it worsens with age.
  • The introduction of new products should also be very careful, from such drastic changes, a pug can get heartburn, gastrointestinal upset and nausea.
  • Only super-premium food is suitable for pugs, not all food intended for decorative breeds is suitable for a pug. Moreover, for pug puppies - this is a separate menu, for pregnant women and aged dogs - another.
  • Being on a natural diet, the puppy should receive equally meat, vegetables and cereals, 1% oil and vitamin supplements.
  • From meat dishes, it is better to give preference to such products - beef, rabbit, lamb and chicken. For puppies, it is better to pour boiling water over the meat to avoid helminthic invasion, but if you are sure of the quality of the meat, it is better to slowly accustom it to raw meat - it can be scraped and finely chopped, it is undesirable to grind it into minced meat.
  • For proper assimilation of food, it is better for pugs to take long walks - about 2 hours of walks a day.

Useful components of a healthy diet

How to feed a pug puppy for 2 months if he is sick? Leave the regimen in the same amount - 6 times a day, just consult a veterinarian - perhaps some foods need to be removed from the diet.

It is also advised to feed such a small one with milk mixtures, but goat or cow's milk should be removed from the diet.

It is useful to prevent diseases with garlic - once a week, diversify any dish with such an ingredient in the name of your pet's health.

During the day, try to supply the tiny body with useful things, but do not overfeed the baby. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt will help you - these products are rich in proteins and at the same time beneficial bacteria. Do not disregard this fact, do not replace fermented milk with milk - it is harmful and dangerous.

What else is useful, besides sour milk, for a pug:

  • Lean meat, raw or steamed;
  • boiled fish;
  • Offal, but they do not replace meat;
  • Chicken bones pre-soaked and beaten off, not boiled;
  • Food should be warm, not cold or hot;
  • Water must be fresh, not from the tap;
  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, wheat;
  • It is useful to eat cartilage from moslov;
  • Vegetable oil, herbs;
  • You can do everything except potatoes, cabbage, legumes, corn.

Prohibited foods - what should be discarded when feeding a pug:

  • Chocolate;
  • Sweets and sweeteners, flavorings;
  • Pasta, flour, pastries;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Semolina;
  • Milk after 4 months;
  • Grapes, raisins, citrus fruits;
  • Potatoes, legumes, corn;
  • smoked products;
  • Pickled;
  • Too much salt and sugar is harmful;

Being on a natural diet, the pug should be given black bread, egg yolk, a little honey, dried fruits, garlic, fresh fruits. By the way, fresh fruits perform many functions for the body - they saturate with liquid, satisfy hunger, help digest nutritious food, and most importantly, they clean teeth and sharpen them.

I don’t find the menu for feeding pug puppies, where it is written what feeding is given. Please help me find.


A pug is capable of eating anything it deems edible. But you can’t feed a dog with human food: pugs have a delicate gastrointestinal tract, after improper nutrition, the dog will easily get sick or die. The breed is prone to obesity. For this reason, you should feed your pet according to a pre-arranged schedule at the same time. Products are taken into account depending on the age of the pet. If the dog does not want food, you will need to put the bowl in a cold place and do not reach for a new feeding. If the dog has eaten, do not offer supplements, the portion is enough for the dog to eat.

It is mandatory to add clean water (not from the tap) and milk to the pug's diet, with which the pet will cope with heartburn. Pay attention to the temperature of the food, burning or icy will not work. It is not recommended to offer liquid food, the dog's gastrointestinal tract is adapted to digest solid food. It does not hurt to include fresh meat in the diet, without adding salt. It is advisable to choose lean varieties (poultry, beef).

It is permissible to give the dog bird bones, cooking is not recommended - boiled bones will not be digested in the stomach. The dog is useful stewed vegetables with a small amount of salt. Do not forget about dry food, which is considered more convenient than regular food. Be careful with your choice.

Nutrition for a newborn puppy

If, for independent reasons, the bitch is not able to feed the puppies, the care of the offspring passes to the person. For feeding, it is necessary to purchase milk in powder form, sold in pet markets, and prepare a fresh mixture daily. Newborns are supposed to eat 6 times a day. For the feeding procedure, you will need to purchase a pacifier and a bottle.

The prepared milk mixture does not become too hot. To check the temperature, a method suitable for babies is used: put a little mixture on the wrist - achieve a warm feeling. In the absence of milk in stores, the use of infant formula is acceptable. Do not use cow's or goat's milk, their fat content is much less than necessary.

Diet after the first month

From the first month it is allowed to feed the puppy four times a day. The pug menu welcomes the presence of nutritious foods, foods high in calcium, which contributes to growing up.

Feeding a pug puppy from the first to the third month

  1. For breakfast, the pet is given not too fatty cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. For the sake of greater pleasure in eating, it is allowed to add a little honey to dairy food.
  2. On the eve of dinner, the puppy should be given lightly stewed vegetables without excess salt, for the sake of variety, it is allowed to include fruits, dried fruits, buckwheat and rice porridge, black bread, a little butter or a piece of cheese in the diet. It is permissible to dilute food with chicken or quail yolk.
  3. Meat is served for lunch and dinner. The kitten is already allowed to serve bones, previously soaked in milk and beaten off.

The number of meals at the specified age is 5 times a day. Twice a week, not more often, it is allowed to give the pug a garlic clove, which helps prevent diseases.

3 to 7 months

During the specified period of time, the active development of the kitten takes place. The puppy is already able to absorb a large portion at a time, this is the standard. The number of meals comes up to four times a day. During the first and second meals, offer the puppy: kefir, cottage cheese with honey, vegetables, pieces of dark bread, fruits, quail eggs, herring (if the pet starts eating).

During the third and fourth feeding, lean meat is prepared. Suitable: beef, hare, poultry, rabbit. The pupil may like lamb. You do not need to feed your puppy with pork because of the high fat content. Meat is allowed to occasionally alternate with boiled fish. A seven-month-old puppy is gradually transferred to a three-time meal schedule, and the amount of food offered should be enough to saturate.

After 7 months

A seven-month-old pug is fed twice a day. During the first meal, the food already mentioned is given, with the exception of meat. At the subsequent meal, meat and bones are offered. A similar schedule continues until the age of one year, in the future, the pet eats like an adult animal.

What food to buy for a pug

Natural food is healthier for a pet, it includes a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the development of a puppy. Adhering to a well-designed diet and acquiring the required is financially costly. For obvious reasons, it is easier to buy dry food. There are canned foods that can be mixed with homemade food. The advantage of dry food is the inclusion in the composition of the elements required for the successful development of the dog. Be careful when choosing food and buy products from reputable companies.

In order not to make a mistake when eating dry food, it is not allowed to mix brands of purchased food, mix and give the pet additional mineral supplements, pour boiling water into the food, throw a cup in an easily accessible place and mix natural food with dry food.

For a pug feeding on dry food, it is allowed to soak the granules in kefir or milk, to offer fruits or vegetables as treats. It is carried out gradually for up to two weeks. Mixing homemade food and feed is not allowed.

Foods prohibited for pugs

It is forbidden to give a pet at any age: sugar, pork, smoked meats, sausage, fatty, salty and fried foods, flour products, sour cream, cream, sweet curd, raw egg white, white bread, mayonnaise and food from the table.

To properly feed a pug puppy, you need to study the characteristics of the breed. Next, you need to decide what to feed your pug puppy, that is, choose between ready-made food, natural and mixed diets. The next step is to draw up an approximate menu by age. Do not forget about vitamins and supplements, the role of water in the pug's diet and the dangers of prohibited foods.

Pugs are cute, chic companions, but this breed has a lot of potential problems. Unfortunately, the breed is universally prone to nutritional and atopic, and this translates into chronic dermatitis and more serious problems.

Research the breed before buying a puppy, as a pug is a child who needs constant, meticulous care. It is important to understand that representatives of the breed are prone to problems with metabolism and harmonies.

The diet must be strictly balanced, any forbidden delicacy can cause a protracted illness.

Choosing a place and utensils for feeding a puppy

Pugs are prone to breathing problems and hiccups. The choice of place and utensils for feeding should be done taking into account all the features. Bowls should be wide, small with minimal sides. Bowls need to be fixed on a stand, because pug puppies, and adult dogs, do not eat very carefully.

In order for the pet to be comfortable and not suffer from hiccups, he must eat in the correct stance. To achieve the correct positioning of the bowls, you can use a non-slip mat and a stand, the height of which is adjustable.

How to feed a pug puppy - choosing the type of diet

How to feed a pug puppy so that he is healthy? Unfortunately, most health problems are hereditary, so little depends on you.

  • Natural feeding.
  • Industrial feeding.
  • Mixed feeding.

If the pug puppy has no visible health problems, your task is not to provoke them. The most balanced and dietary diet is the key to good health of the breed.

natural diet

Given the propensity for allergies, many potential pug owners are wary of a straight dog. A natural diet for a pug puppy includes:

  • Feeding raw and cooked foods.
  • Feeding meat porridge.
  • Feeding exclusively raw foods is a raw food diet.

Important! All new foods should be introduced into the pug puppy's diet gradually, in small quantities.


  • Control over the freshness and quality of food.
  • The ability to adjust the diet and its calorie content.
  • High-quality natural feeding is much cheaper than industrial products of approximate quality.


  • Dogs need to be prepared separately.
  • The risk of food allergies to one or more foods.
  • Natural food spoils quickly.
  • Vitamins and supplements should be given on an ongoing basis.

Natural complementary foods can be introduced into the diet of a pug puppy from the age of one month. A complete transition to natural products is made after weaning from the mother, at about 3-4 months of age.

Ready feed

Ready-made foods are convenient for the owner, but are they safe for the pet? It is important to understand that ready-made feeds are divided into types:

  • Dry (granules).
  • Semi-moist (pieces with gravy).
  • Wet (pâté or pasta).
  • Goodies.

However, the type of feed does not play a key role, quality or class is more important.

Industrial feed is divided into classes:

  • Economy
  • Premium.
  • Super premium.
  • Holistic.

If the dog is initially allergic, it is better to immediately transfer it to hypoallergenic food, in case of other individual characteristics (or their absence), products are selected from the following lines:

  • Casual.
  • Supportive.
  • Preventive and hypoallergenic.
  • Therapeutic.
  • For malnourished animals.
  • Hygienic (usually treats).

Benefits of prepared food:

  • No need to cook - save time.
  • High-quality feed contains enough proteins, essential vitamins and minerals.
  • The ability to transfer a pet to a hypoallergenic diet without any hassle.
  • Ready food has a long shelf life.


  • High-quality and hypoallergenic food is more expensive than natural food.
  • Expensive food is often counterfeited.
  • When an allergy occurs, it is impossible to identify the root cause, since the true composition of the food is unknown.

Pug puppy can be fed with soft ready-made food from the age of one month. Transfer to dry food is made not earlier than a complete change of teeth and only if there are no problems with the oral cavity.

mixed ration

A mixed diet is a devastating prospect for a pug puppy. Representatives of the breed are already prone to allergies. However, allergies may not occur or may be less severe if the dog is fed quality foods. If the puppy's digestive tract has to constantly change from one type of food to another, sooner or later, dysbacteriosis will develop.

Important! Dysbacteriosis is one of the symptoms of allergies, the cause of constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and many other problems.

Sample menu by age for a pug puppy

It is very important to think over in advance for a pug puppy an approximate menu by age. Moreover, you need to understand what products are interchangeable if your pet is allergic.

Up to a month

It is extremely important that a pug puppy gets enough mother's milk for up to a month. If for some reason this is not possible, the baby needs to be fed with a mother's milk substitute. If a substitute cannot be bought, the puppy needs to be fed or supplemented:

  • Natural (homemade) goat's milk diluted with boiled water 1:1.
  • A mixture of milk, glucose and egg yolk.

Note! As a ready-made food for a one-month-old pug puppy, infant formula without additives is suitable.

The portion size depends on the size and individual characteristics.

The number of feedings reaches 8-10 times.

At the age of 1 month

Healthy dogs drink frequently and willingly, especially in hot weather. Given the specific structure of the muzzle of a pug, you need to select voluminous, wide and not too deep drinkers. Since the representatives of the breed are prone to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the muzzle, it is extremely important to monitor the freshness of the water.

Remember! If the water has not been changed for a day or more, it is teeming with unfriendly bacteria.

List of prohibited products

It is important to exclude prohibited foods from the diet of a pug puppy:

  • Bones, pure fat, skin, especially poultry.
  • Palm oil.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Corn and semolina.
  • Raw freshwater fish.
  • Dry, salted fish.
  • Products containing sugar or its substitutes.
  • Products containing xylitol (chewing gum, some sweets).
  • Products containing flour or yeast.
  • Products containing caffeine, cocoa, any stimulants (sweets, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • Products containing marinades, salt, spices.
  • Smoked products, including sausage products, salmon, fish.
  • Expired products.
  • Leftovers from the table.

Foods that can cause allergies or other health problems are:

  • Lean raw pork.
  • Raw ocean fish.
  • Whole milk.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Raw and boiled chicken liver in large quantities.

Important! Many members of the breed are prone to lactose intolerance. Milk can be given to a pug puppy without fear until the age of 4 months, after which the body's reactions must be monitored.

If your pet develops diarrhea after drinking milk, this is the first sign of intolerance.

Pugs are one of the oldest dog breeds that originated in China. Each of its representatives is a unique individual, having its own character, habits, and behavioral patterns.

Pugs are very cute, kind and affectionate animals that are very attached to their owners, follow them always and everywhere. But in order for your charming pet to always be healthy and cheerful, he needs to create certain conditions and properly organize food.

Pugs, like most dogs of other breeds, can eat whatever is offered to them. However, these dogs with a pretty muzzle and such smart eyes, which are so hilariously begging for treats from the master's table, must be weaned from this habit from a very young age: they have an extremely sensitive gastrointestinal tract, which causes a lot of problems.

In addition, these dogs are prone to obesity. For this reason, such a pet should be fed in a certain mode and at the same time, corresponding to the age of the animal. If the dog refuses to eat, put the bowl of food in a cool place, and put it back only during the next feeding.

No matter how plaintively the beady eyes look at you, do not give the pug an additive - the standard portion is enough to saturate the animal. It is important that dogs always have access to clean drinking water.

The daily diet of an adult animal should include milk, which helps them fight heartburn, which quite often torments them. It is important that your four-legged friend's food is not too cold or too hot. In addition, it is advisable not to give liquid food, because the pug's stomach is adapted to solid foods.

What dog doesn't like raw meat? Pugs are no exception. The pet will be very grateful to you if you give him meat, but do not add salt to it. Dog handlers recommend low-fat varieties (veal, poultry). Bird bones must be included in the diet, although such a delicacy is not allowed for other breeds. And now we will take a closer look at how to feed pugs of different ages.

newborn puppies

Quite rarely, but there are situations when, for some reason, the dog cannot or does not want to feed puppies. Only a person can help them in this situation. What to feed a newborn pug puppy. The ideal option in this case would be the powdered milk of a nursing bitch, which today can be purchased at a pet store. Each feeding prepares a new portion.

You are probably wondering how much to feed a pug puppy. Newborn babies should be fed at least six times a day. These babies will need special nipples and bottles. If the pet store does not have powdered milk, then infant formula is suitable for feeding tiny pugs. Never use goat or cow milk.

Feeding mode

Until the end of the puppy's growth, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • From one and a half to two months - 5-6 times a day.
  • In two or three months - 5 times.
  • From three to seven months - 4 times.
  • From seven to twelve months - 3 times.

Now about how many times to feed a pug. Since that time, the dog is transferred to two meals a day.

Puppies from 1 to 3 months

For the first morning feeding, puppies are given kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt. To make the baby eat these products more willingly, quite a bit of honey is added to dairy products.

For the second feeding, puppies should cook lightly stewed vegetables with a small amount of salt (a few crystals). You can diversify the dish with well-boiled buckwheat or rice porridge, a small piece of black bread with cheese and butter.

Lunch and dinner must be meat. At the same time, babies are given pre-soaked in milk and broken bones. At the age of one to three months, puppies are fed five times a day. Twice a week, give your pet a clove of garlic, which is an excellent prophylactic against many diseases.

How to feed a pug at 2 months: an approximate diet

We will immediately make a reservation that we will present you with a set of products necessary for this age. You can, at will and based on the preferences of the baby, change their places and make a new menu every day.

First feeding:

  • finely chopped raw meat (veal or beef).

Second feeding:

  • cottage cheese diluted with kefir or milk.

Third feeding:

  • cottage cheese with kefir or milk.

Fourth feeding:

  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal milk porridge (except semolina).

Fifth feeding:

  • any milk porridge.

Sixth feeding:

  • raw meat.

We have already said how many times to feed a pug puppy. But it is important to observe equal intervals between meals. The biggest break is at night - about eight hours.

Puppies from 3 to 7 months

During this period, the puppy is actively growing. How to feed a pug at this time? Do not be alarmed if your pet eats fairly large portions - this is completely normal. For the first and second feeding, dairy products are chosen: yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese with honey, raw or stewed vegetables, pieces of black bread with cheese (unsalted) and butter, dried fruits, fresh fruits, quail egg, garlic clove once a week.

In the third and fourth feeding, cook meat, but it should be lean (poultry, veal, rabbit). Pugs are very fond of lamb, but you should not get too carried away with it. Pork is strictly prohibited because it is too fatty. By the seventh month, the dog is transferred to three meals a day.

You already know what you can feed a pug, so make up the menu in such a way that the animal receives a variety of food every day.

Pregnant and lactating dogs

How to feed a pug (bitch) in anticipation or while feeding offspring? The diet of the animal is not much different from the usual one, but mineral and vitamin supplements, calcium preparations are added to it. In the first ten days, meat should be excluded from the bitch's diet, as it can cause eclampsia, a disease characterized by convulsions and spasms.

Sometimes the owners of whelping females say that the dog begins to act up during pregnancy: refuses food, may completely refuse meat in favor of ice cream or pickles, for example. Dog handlers do not recommend going on about your pet. You just need to double the amount of vitamins and give vitamin K or a piece of liver every day.

Which food is better: natural or dry food?

This is a question that is constantly discussed not only by pet owners, but also by professional cynologists. According to experts, natural food is acceptable for pugs, regardless of their age. What to feed a pug puppy if you opted for natural products?

Not only puppies, but also adult animals need fermented milk products, including cottage cheese. They should make up about 100 grams of the total diet. Do not forget about cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). Puppies have two, and adults once a day, give raw meat (100-200 g). A properly selected daily diet allows natural products to be fully absorbed. The composition of natural food and its calorie content can be adjusted depending on the season and the general health of the animal.

Fish or meat products when feeding your pet with natural food should be about 70% of the total weight. The disadvantages of this method, the owners include the need for additional vitamins and minerals, the time spent on cooking, as well as the high cost of products.

canned food

If you have not yet decided what food to feed your pug, we recommend that you pay attention to high-quality canned food, which today is presented in a large assortment in pet stores. It can be added to homemade food. This type of food is also convenient because it is perfectly balanced, it contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins that a dog needs. But his choice should be approached with caution, because not only truly high-quality products are presented on the market, but also compositions that can hardly be called feed.

Choose products from well-known and well-established manufacturers, ask for the opinion of the breeder from whom you will buy a puppy, or seek help from a veterinarian.

Dry food

When a conversation comes up between pet owners about what you can feed a pug, many people are very skeptical about dry food. And this is most often associated with the unsuccessful experience of acquiring a low-quality product.

To finally decide what to feed your pug, read the rules that should be followed when using dry food:

  • do not alternate feeds from different manufacturers;
  • do not mix different formulations in one feeding;
  • do not give the pug vitamin or mineral supplements;
  • do not pour boiling water over the food - most vitamins will be destroyed;
  • do not alternate natural food with dry food.

Pugs who are fed dry prepared foods can soak the granules with kefir, yogurt or milk. Feel free to give your pet fresh vegetables and fruits as treats. The dog should always have free access to fresh clean water. When changing the diet, do it gradually, carefully monitor the condition of your pet.

From six months to a year, pug puppies are suitable for food of the "junior" category, and later - up to seven years - of the "standard" category. It should be understood that a dry food has not yet been created that is ideal for all dogs. One dog eats a certain type of food with great pleasure, and the other, having sniffed it, leaves offendedly.

Pet owners, with the help of an experienced veterinarian, should choose the very composition that is perfect for your little friend. Pug breeders recommend the following brands:

  • "Canide".
  • "Akana".
  • "Orijen".
  • Hills.
  • "Ekanuba".

What foods are prohibited for pugs?

Pet owners need to know what to feed pugs is strictly prohibited, regardless of the age of the pet. These products include:

  • pork;
  • spices and smoked meats;
  • fatty, fried and salty foods;
  • sugar;
  • White bread;
  • flour products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sour cream;
  • raw egg white.

Obesity is a serious disease

Pug is a big fan of tasty food. Dogs of this breed, as a rule, eat absolutely everything, to the last crumb, regardless of the size of the portion. In addition, these animals like to beg for food between feedings, but this behavior should not be encouraged. Never give your pet snacks between meals. Failure to comply with these rules most often causes obesity.

A healthy animal receiving a balanced diet is a dense, muscular, non-obese dog. Failures in the feeding regimen provoke diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which reduces the life expectancy of a pug. Get in the habit of weighing your pug monthly. This will help you control his weight and, if necessary, adjust the mode and quality of nutrition.

At the first sign of excess weight, reduce the amount of servings, consult a veterinarian and gradually transfer it to diet food.

Pugs are smart and kind companions. Having provided the dog with proper care, healthy and balanced nutrition, you will enjoy communication with an affectionate and friendly four-legged friend for a long time.