Ovulation calculator with baby gender prediction. Calculate the ovulation calendar for conception: online calculator for free

Problems with conception are quite common today, and this also applies to absolutely healthy young couples.

This can be caused by stress, strong emotional disturbances, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, excess weight and many other factors.

Even poor nutrition may cause long-awaited pregnancy it never comes. If a man consumes few foods containing zinc, selenium and chromium, the activity of his sperm drops sharply, they lose viability, and the overall quality of sperm deteriorates.

If the spouses are healthy, they do not have chronic diseases, then the method of determining ovulation can help speed up conception. Determining the most favorable day for fertilization has long been used in IVF clinics and reproduction centers, but this does not mean that a woman cannot independently calculate the day of ovulation.

Ovulation is the release of mature eggs from the follicle into the cavity fallopian tube. This is where fertilization occurs if the sperm reaches its goal. It is important to understand that the lifespan of an egg outside the ovaries is no more than 24 hours, so women who want to get pregnant should not miss this opportunity.

Ovulation occurs only once a month, however, there are cases when eggs come out of the follicles only 8–10 times per year instead of the required twelve. Most often, this occurs in women with an inconsistent menstrual cycle, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

To all girls and women who are active sex life and cannot become pregnant within a year, gynecologists recommend keeping an ovulation calendar, which allows, even with an error, to calculate the day of conception. This will help determine favorable days for conception and prepare for pregnancy in advance (3-4 days before expected ovulation you should stop using intimacy and follow a special diet).

There are many methods to determine the day of ovulation. They all have their pros and cons, so you shouldn’t stop at just one. After all, the more accurate the result obtained, the more likely onset of pregnancy. So, on what day does ovulation occur?

How to calculate the day of ovulation if you have a regular cycle

Last period method

This method allows you to determine on what day after menstruation ovulation occurs. This is the simplest, but at the same time the most unreliable way to determine ovulation.

The day of expected menstruation is 14 days = ovulation.

In order to determine the expected day of the onset of menstruation, you need to add to the first day of the last menstruation average duration cycle (from 27 to 37 days). Subtract 14 days from the resulting date - this will be the estimated date of ovulation.

28 days – cycle duration

Total: March 15 is the expected day of thinning of the ovarian walls and the release of mature eggs, that is, ovulation.

Calendar method for determining a favorable day for conception

A slightly more accurate way to determine exactly when the period favorable for conception will occur. To do this, you need to know all the cyclic dates for the last six months, or even better - for the year. Next, you need to make calculations using the following algorithm:

  • Determine the duration of the longest and shortest cycles.
  • Subtract 18 from the shortest one. The resulting figure will be the date of the beginning of the fertile (favorable) period.
  • Subtract 11 from the longest one. The resulting figure will be the end date of the fertile period.
  • The interval between these values ​​is the period when the probability of conception increases by 50–70%.

The described methods are effective only under one condition - the menstrual cycle is constant, and the woman monitors its duration (knows exactly the start and end dates of menstruation) for at least 6 months.

If your cycle is inconsistent, you can determine ovulation using other methods.

With an irregular cycle

Basal temperature measurement

- this is the most low temperature human body, which is measured during rest. You need to measure it in the morning, before getting out of bed. The most optimal method is to measure the temperature in the rectum ( anus), although you can insert the thermometer into oral cavity(under the tongue) or in the vagina.

Measurements must be carried out for at least three months. This is important for the reliability of the data obtained and the accuracy of the graph. The data should be recorded in a special notebook, preferably so that you can clearly record the curve of the rise and fall of the values.

The thermometer should be held for at least 5 minutes, and measurements should begin on day 1 of the cycle.

How to decipher the result?

  • During menstruation, the temperature will be quite high, after which it will decline (this usually happens towards the middle of the cycle).
  • At the moment of ovulation basal values temperatures rise sharply by 0.2–0.6 degrees. Such values ​​can last up to two weeks.
  • Before the next monthly period, the thermometer will drop again.

The most low values temperatures recorded before the next increase will be considered ovulation.

Ovulation tests - help you get pregnant

The most popular and fairly reliable method for determining ovulation.

The principle of operation of these tests is similar to similar strips for determining pregnancy, which are used when there is a delay to confirm or exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

The only difference is that ovulation test strips determine the content of LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine, which reaches its maximum concentration 24 hours before the eggs leave the follicle cavity.

These tests must be carried out every day during the fertile period - this is the only way the accuracy of the result will be close to 98%.

Saliva testing: the “fern” method

At the time of ovulation, the amount increases female hormones– estrogens. Under their influence, the composition of the salivary secretion changes, in which the level of sodium chloride (salt) almost doubles. If you apply such saliva to glass on the day of ovulation, then as it dries, you will see a pattern similar to fern leaves. Small salt crystals form on the surface of the glass - this picture can be observed 72 hours before and after ovulation.

Available for sale special devices to conduct such testing. They are convenient and easy to use, and the accuracy of the results obtained ranges from 90 to 96–97%.

Ultrasound monitoring

The most reliable method that allows you to accurately calculate the day of ovulation to increase the likelihood of conception. Ultrasound monitoring (folliculogram) is a dynamic observation of the growth and maturation of follicles and the expulsion of eggs.

This study is called monitoring, as observation is carried out over time. This means that the frequency of examination using a transvaginal sensor is every day for the period necessary to establish a diagnosis or confirm the fact of ovulation.

This method is used in the treatment of infertility and IVF, since only with the help of a sensor can one assess the condition of the organs of the female reproductive system and determine whether positive dynamics occur in response to therapy as part of artificial stimulation of ovulation.

Constant monitoring is also necessary for polycystic ovary syndrome, and in some cases with this disease, the study can be carried out for 3 months in a row (with two-week breaks).

What can be assessed using ultrasound monitoring:

  • growth and maturation of the dominant follicle on the eve of ovulation;
  • the appearance of free fluid after ovulation;
  • destruction of the walls of the main follicle;
  • formation of the corpus luteum at the site of maturation of the dominant follicle.

For the first time, the patient should come for the study on the 6th day of the cycle; in the future, the procedure will be repeated every day until ovulation occurs. A control ultrasound should be performed no later than 3 days after the date of release of the eggs from the cavity of the dominant follicle.

Among the listed methods for determining ovulation, there are no ones that would 100% guarantee exact result. Even during ultrasound monitoring, small errors are possible, since there is human factor, and the possibility of error cannot be completely excluded. However, using these methods, you can increase the chances of a successful conception by at least half, so you definitely shouldn’t neglect them.

In order to get pregnant at the planned time, you need to correctly calculate ovulation for conception.

For many women, the issue of planned pregnancy is relevant. This becomes especially important in case of any irregularities with the menstrual cycle. In order to get pregnant at the planned time, you need to correctly calculate ovulation for conception. This is the most favorable period of time when an egg and sperm can meet.

There are several methods for performing calculations. You can even find out the exact date passing ovulation during an unstable cycle.

Day of Conception

Ovulation is a certain process of maturation of an egg, which is completely ready for fertilization, and its movement into abdominal cavity.

Ovulation occurs in women childbearing age, somewhere in the middle menstrual cycle. This process stops after fertilization or after menopause.

A woman needs to guess the moment when this process only has to happen when the sperm penetrates the fallopian tubes.

Advice! In some cases, ovulation can be detected by individual sensations. It may be minor pain symptoms lower abdomen, increased libido and more intense mucus secretion.

How to calculate ovulation: effective ways

Ovulation is the most favorable time for pregnancy. If you know exactly its duration, you can calculate optimal time for sexual intercourse and for creation the best conditions. There are several ways: how to correctly calculate ovulation to conceive a child.

Basal temperature

To calculate by basal temperature, you need to measure your temperature rectally with a thermometer every day for seven minutes. You don't need to get up. The thermometer is inserted into anal hole at a distance of 4–5 cm.

The temperature is measured at the same time. The obtained values ​​must be entered into the table. The days of the cycle are recorded horizontally, and temperature values ​​are recorded vertically. To keep such records, you should keep a diary. In this case, the day before ovulation the temperature will drop, and then rise to 37 degrees and above. And at this level the value will remain until the onset of menstruation.

Advice! Changes in values ​​may be affected stressful situation, illness, drinking alcohol or sexual intercourse.

How to use test strips?

These tests are easy to use. The method is similar to the test method for determining pregnancy. The only differences are in the chemical reactions.

The tip of the strip is placed under a stream of urine for five seconds. After a couple of minutes you can see the result:

  • If the color of the line being tested is paler than the control line, then the level the required substance didn't get up.
  • If the colors match or even the shade is darker, then the long-awaited ovulation will come soon.

Advice! The test is taken at the same time every day. Before the test, you should not go to the toilet for four hours and drink a lot of water. This will allow you to get a more accurate result.

Calendar method

During this time, you need to keep a diary, where in special table indicate the beginning and end of menstruation. It is important to write down all dates.

To calculate the fertile time, that is, the best time for fertilization, you need to use arithmetic operations. From the most short period cycle, you need to subtract 18 days, this way you can find out the beginning of ovulation.

The last day can be determined by subtracting 11 days from the longest cycle. Right time for sexual intercourse and possible fertilization lies between the received days.

Advice! The calendar method is considered one of the most accurate for determining the onset of ovulation.

Subjective sensations

Symptoms of ovulation include pain in the lower abdomen, which are similar to signs of the onset of menstruation. In the middle of the cycle, a sensation of a “bursting bubble” may appear.

Since there is an intense release of estrogen, a strong sexual desire during this period.

Also at this time, mucus discharge from the cervix appears. In this case, the mucus will have a viscous consistency. During the period of ovulation, mucus contains a high percentage of salts.

Advice!An examination with a gynecologist will help determine ovulation, but for this you need to visit a doctor when symptoms of ovulation appear, which is not very convenient.

Is it possible to choose the gender of the child?

Often families with a child dream of a second child, but of a different gender. It is believed that it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child if you know about the calculations of the life expectancy of a sperm with a male or female set of chromosomes.

Moreover, if sexual intercourse coincides with the time of ovulation, then a boy will appear, and if it occurs within 2-3 days, then a girl will appear. This method works if both parents have perfect health. Sperm speed can even be affected by physical fatigue men.

The future sex of the child is influenced by the chromosomes of the sperm that fertilize the egg. They come in two types:

  • XX set - conception of a girl.
  • XY set - birth of a boy.

Advice!There is a way to determine sex by blood renewal. Women's blood is renewed every three years, and men's - every four. We divide the woman's age by three, and the man by 4. The smaller number will indicate the gender of the child.

Chances of conceiving a boy

It is important to correctly calculate ovulation to conceive a boy. Sexual intercourse should occur closer to the day of ovulation or even on this day. Y chromosomes move faster than X chromosomes. The vagina has an acidic environment, which does not allow the first chromosomes to live for more than two days. If sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, then sperm with a male set of chromosomes will have time to meet the egg.

Advice! What matters is the position during sexual intercourse, which promotes deep penetration of sperm. Orgasm also affects the possible conception of a boy. Since in this case the vaginal environment becomes more alkaline, which is not aggressive for sperm with a male set of chromosomes.

Calculate ovulation to conceive a girl

It is also possible to calculate ovulation to conceive a girl. The female chromosomes are not as mobile as the male chromosomes. They are slower, but can still live in acidic environment for three days, and sometimes longer. In this case, it will be better if sexual intercourse occurs 3-4 days before ovulation. Such sperm will be able to gradually reach the egg.

Advice! In this case, the penetration of sperm should not be too deep, and an orgasm is also undesirable. This will promote an acidic environment in the vagina.

How to conceive twins?

The following factors influence the conception of twins:

  • Heredity. If there have been cases of the birth of twins and twins in the family, then the chances of giving birth to a pair of babies increase.
  • Women of the Negroid or Mongoloid race are more likely to become pregnant with twins.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • There is a high probability of giving birth to twins in women who have already given birth, as well as their age, which is from 30 to 40 years.
  • It is believed that overweight women can become pregnant with twins.

Advice!Doctors say that women who have a short menstrual cycle are more likely to become pregnant with twins.

Traditional methods of conceiving twins

There are no scientific ways to conceive twins at home. But there are some traditional methods that can increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins:

  • Proper nutrition. Food should be enriched with proteins that stimulate the ovaries. It is believed that with such a diet, two eggs can be released in one ovulation. These products include cheese, beef, pork, milk, poultry and shrimp.
  • The process of conception must take place in summer time. In this period female body filled with vitamins and the activity of female hormones is higher in summer.

Advice! To increase the acidity of the vagina, you need to eat foods such as sweets, corn, meat and grain products.

Medical methods

Some increase the chances of fertilizing two eggs medical methods. In vitro fertilization is one of the most reliable methods for conceiving twins. The procedure is artificial insemination. In this case, pre-fertilized eggs are implanted into the woman’s uterus. A similar technique is carried out in special laboratory. Couples who have problems conceiving on their own resort to it.

Since several embryos are implanted into a woman at once, the chances of becoming pregnant with twins increase.

You can also influence the possible conception of twins by taking birth control pills. If drugs are used long time, then ovulation is constantly suppressed. In this case, the ovaries may rest and not produce eggs. Moreover, if you stop taking the pills, the ovaries will work harder, which can affect the production of several eggs at a time.

Advice! Start reception hormonal drugs This is possible only after consulting a doctor. These drugs can be harmful hormonal levels, the ovulation process and the entire menstrual cycle.

How to carry out calculations with an irregular cycle?

To carry out calculations, the temperature must be measured every day for three months. In this case, you need to listen to your feelings, since even a small jump of 0.2 -0.4 degrees may indicate the completion of ovulation.

You can also determine the onset of the fertile period by ultrasound. In this case, the procedure is carried out 7–8 days from the beginning of the cycle. Expected ovulation occurs when the follicle size is 18-22 mm.

Advice! To find out the pH of the vaginal environment, you can use alkaline reaction tests, which are sold in pharmacies.

How to get pregnant quickly?

After calculations have been made on the appropriate time for conception, on these days you need to stop douching and using various soaps after sexual intercourse.

You should shower an hour before sexual intercourse to restore a suitable environment in the vagina.

After sexual intercourse, you need to lie down for 15–20 minutes with your pelvis elevated or just on your side. This will prevent sperm from leaking out.

To increase your chances of pregnancy you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • There are more chances to get pregnant in the first two days of ovulation. But if the cycle is irregular, you may not guess. Therefore, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse three days before and after ovulation.
  • Also, do not forget that several months before conception you only need to conduct healthy image life and take appropriate vitamins and minerals
    • Do not be nervous, as stressful and conflict situations do not contribute to normal conception.
    • Excess or lack of weight can also affect the course of ovulation and a lack of necessary hormones.

    Advice! To calculate the sex of a child, you can use Japanese and Chinese methods, as well as determination by blood type and Rh factor.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The issue of childbearing sooner or later arises in the life of any woman. It becomes especially relevant when a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant has problems or irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Many are also concerned about the need for contraception and pregnancy planning. Ovulation is a physiological phenomenon of a woman’s body, inextricably linked with the above issues.

Methods for calculating the ovulation period

The term “ovulation” means the process of maturation of an egg and its release into the fallopian tubes. Female reproductive cells mature once a month. Ovulation- best time to conceive a child. Having accurate information about the timing of her ovulation, a woman has the opportunity to independently plan a pregnancy, calculate the best time for sexual intercourse and create favorable conditions for pregnancy with a child of the desired gender.

By basal temperature

How to calculate ovulation based on basal temperature? To do this, every day in the morning, using an ordinary thermometer, measure your temperature rectally for seven minutes. Record the results obtained in a table, where you write down the days of the cycle horizontally, and enter temperature readings in the vertical column. For reporting, select a special diary. The day before ovulation, the basal temperature will drop, and immediately after ovulation it will rise by 0.3-0.6 degrees (37 degrees Celsius and above). The temperature will remain at this level until the onset of menstruation.

For calculation basal temperature influenced by factors such as illness, stress, alcohol or sexual intercourse.

Test strips

Self-calculation of ovulation using test strips involves determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, which increases 24-36 hours before ovulation. Using test strips and reusable portable devices is very simple, because the principle of determining ovulation using tests is similar to the test method for determining pregnancy, the only difference is in the chemical reaction.

Place the tip of the test strip under stream of urine for about five seconds. In a few minutes you will get the finished result:

  • If the test line is paler than the control strip, then the LH level has not risen and testing should be continued.
  • If the result line matches the color of the control strip or is darker, it means you will ovulate soon.

Do the test in the morning, afternoon or evening, but try to do it at identical watches. Four hours before the test, try not to go to the toilet so that the concentration of the hormone in your urine is sufficient. To get the most accurate results, do not drink a lot of water.

Calendar method

To calculate ovulation calendar method, you should determine the duration of your menstrual cycle over six months to a year. During this time, keep a diary with a corresponding sign, where you regularly write down the dates when menstruation begins and ends. We must not forget to record all the dates of the cycle, because the effectiveness of planning the long-awaited pregnancy will depend on the accuracy of the data.

To calculate the onset of the fertile period, that is, a favorable time for pregnancy, you should use an ovulation calculator or simple arithmetic operations. Subtract 18 days from the shortest period of the menstrual cycle - this will be the beginning of ovulation. The last day of the fertile period is calculated by subtracting 11 days from the longest cycle.

How to accurately calculate the day of ovulation to conceive a child

Calculating the exact timing of fertility will help a woman properly organize the planning of a child. To determine the sex of the unborn baby important role plays a difference between the behavior of male sperm X and Y. The sex of the child directly depends on what type of sperm meets the egg.

To conceive a girl

To calculate ovulation to conceive a girl, you need to increase the possibility of X-sperm meeting the egg. Male sperm contains them in smaller quantities. X-sperm move at low speed, but are resilient. It is necessary to reduce the amount of sperm and try to create acidic environment in the vagina. The right time for sexual intercourse - a couple of days before ovulation.

To conceive a boy

The conception of a boy is determined by the activity of Y-spermatozoa, which differ increased mobility, but short lifespan. To maximize your chances of getting pregnant with a boy, you should try to conceive during or immediately after ovulation. On the first day of ovulation, the chances of conceiving a boy increase significantly.

Correct calculation of the fertile period will allow you not to make mistakes in choosing a favorable time for conceiving a child of the desired gender, as well as avoid regrets about negative consequences unplanned pregnancy.

How to correctly calculate the date of ovulation with an irregular cycle

Measuring basal temperature rectally is one of the possible ways calculating ovulation with irregular periods. To accurately calculate the timing of your fertile period, you will have to measure your temperature regularly every day for three months. It is important to monitor temperature changes daily and listen to your sensations, since even a jump of 0.3 degrees Celsius is a sign of the end of ovulation. Only a careful and responsible approach to calculating all temperature indicators will bring the long-awaited motherhood closer.

You should not place high hopes on other methods and try to apply other calculation methods fertile days, because monitoring the growth of follicles using ultrasound will help determine the onset of this period. This is one of the most popular methods for determining the appropriate period for conception. The first ultrasound procedure should be performed on the 7-8th day of the cycle, and the second and all subsequent ones - at your personal request or as directed by a doctor. Ovulation occurs when the follicle reaches a size of 18 to 21 mm. To get pregnant with irregular periods, you need to follow all the instructions of the gynecologist.

Deciding to have a child with your loved one is no small thing. But it is also important to take the issue of pregnancy planning seriously, because the slightest wrong action can delay the appearance of the long-awaited baby.

Online ovulation calculator

The ovulation calculator allows you to quickly get the most accurate result of calculating the menstrual cycle and best period to conceive a child. The calculator provides a unique opportunity to calculate your ovulation schedule for free, choose the best time to conceive a child or avoid an unplanned pregnancy. To obtain accurate data, it is recommended to keep a special calendar for six months - a plate in which you need to enter all the dates of menstruation by week. Using monthly data recorded in the calendar, and online calculator, you will calculate the most accurate results.

Female physiology is designed in such a way that the ability to become pregnant is available only 1-2 days a month. This one is the most favorable period For every woman to conceive, it is called ovulation. All internal genital organs participate in this process, therefore, at different pathological disorders and disruptions of the menstrual cycle, ovulation may be absent.

We recommend reading:

Ovulation concept

Ovulation includes a number of processes that occur in a woman’s body in a certain sequence:

  • the formation of a follicle in the ovary (this is repeated every month), in which the egg is located surrounded by a special fluid;
  • maturation of the follicle to the desired size by the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • opening of the follicle and exit from it to the outside, into the abdominal cavity, and then into the lumen fallopian tube, eggs.

To be more precise, ovulation is precisely the moment when an egg that is already mature and ready for fertilization leaves the follicle. Life cycle egg when it is ready for fertilization - 24 hours.
Ovulation occurs against the background of certain hormonal changes in a woman’s body there are 2 phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • folliculin - maturation of the follicle;
  • luteal – the time from ovulation to the onset of the next menstruation.

Before ovulation, namely 24 hours before it, there is maximum level luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. Its peak is ensured by an increase in the concentration of another female sex hormone - estradiol to a certain limit. The latter is produced by a follicle that grows in the ovary. As the concentration of estradiol increases, the endometrium also grows. After ovulation occurs and the follicle opens, a corpus luteum. It is already beginning to secrete progesterone, which prepares the endometrium for future pregnancy. At the peak of estradiol, basal temperature (measured in the rectum) decreases, and when progesterone secretion begins, it increases.

The ability to fertilize an egg remains only for 12-24 hours, and for sperm from 2 to 4 days. Taking this fact into account, on the days of ovulation the probability conception the maximum is 33%, in the days following ovulation and 6 days before its onset this probability is 0%, 3-4 days before - 15%, 2 days before - 25%, 1 day - 31%.

Symptoms of ovulation

Considering that this process occurs hidden from the human eye, the signs of ovulation are subjective, that is, those that can only be observed and felt by the woman herself. Objective symptoms of ovulation are laboratory and instrumental techniques her research. The subjective definition of ovulation is based on the following changes in the body, which allow a woman to determine it independently:

  • Vaginal discharge. Over a few days, there are more of them than usual, and they have less viscosity, which is due to the influence of estrogens during this period. Discharge after ovulation sharply decreases in volume and takes on the appearance of thick mucus.
  • Pain during ovulation. A woman can feel immediate sharp pain a tingling sensation that occurs in the lower abdomen on the right or left. This happens precisely during ovulation, when the follicle bursts. This sign is not typical for all women.
  • Sexual attraction. It may intensify 1 or 2 days before ovulation.
  • Bleeding. At the moment of ovulation, very small (several milliliters) bleeding is possible, which does not in any way affect the process of conception itself.

All these symptoms of ovulation are observed on days 11-16 of the cycle, depending on its length. note: how many days ovulation lasts can only be found out using instrumental diagnostic methods, but there are other methods that are less reliable, but more accessible.

How to determine ovulation: the most effective ways

The need to calculate ovulation appears in a woman when she, or vice versa, tries to avoid it in order to calculate “safe” days. Today there are enough ways to determine this moment as accurately as possible. If you cannot do this yourself at home, then there is sufficient quantity laboratory and instrumental methods. In particular, the following diagnostic methods are used today ovulation:

  • basal temperature;
  • ovulation test;
  • laboratory tests;
  • ovulation calculator
  • Ultrasound monitoring of ovaries, endometrium;
  • ovulation calendar;
  • endometrial biopsy.

Basal temperature

It is measured exclusively in the morning after sleep. Without getting out of bed, you need to insert a thermometer into the rectum for 5 minutes. The data is recorded daily and a basal temperature graph is built based on it.
In the days before ovulation, a decrease in basal temperature is observed, and immediately at the time of its onset sharp increase by 0.5 - 0.6 divisions of the thermometer.

Ovulation test

It is intended for use at home. To determine the exact day of ovulation, the test will have to be repeated more than once. It comes in the form of a test strip, which can be purchased at every pharmacy. This test responds to an increase in luteinizing hormone in urine. The peak of its concentration during a normal menstrual cycle is observed 24 hours before the onset of ovulation itself. This test should be performed 2 times a day, every day, starting a few days before the expected date. 2 lines on an ovulation test indicate that you are this moment The woman’s body is as ready as possible for conception. One line indicates that the test is working, and the second reflects the level of luteinizing hormone.
: if the second line on the ovulation test is paler than the control line (repeated during each cycle), then this may be a symptom of lack of ovulation due to the presence of pathology in the body (usually hormonal). It should also be taken into account that normally 1-3 cycles per year can be anovulatory, and the older the woman, the more of them there are and this is not a pathology. If ovulation does not occur regularly, then this requires medical intervention, a full examination and treatment.

The ovulation test is not suitable for women who have the following conditions::

  • Not regular cycle;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • chronic stress, against the background of which LH levels are often elevated, which can give a false positive test;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

Laboratory tests

In their work, gynecologists use some functional tests to calculate the day of ovulation. They are inexpensive and accessible, but require the woman to visit the gynecologist several days in a row, which can be problematic. These tests are based on studying the characteristics of discharge fromvagina.

  • Fern symptom. The doctor takes mucus from the cervix and places it on a glass slide. Due to the significant increase in potassium and sodium salts in it before ovulation, after the smear dries, the mucus crystallizes, forming a pattern in the form of a fern leaf.
  • Extensibility cervical mucus . A couple of days before ovulation, the discharge is White color and stretch approximately 1 cm, on the day of ovulation they take on the appearance egg white and already stretch several centimeters. After ovulation, they become sticky, thick and very few in number.
  • "Pupil" symptom. During the examination, the doctor notes a slightly open cervical canal.

The reliability of such tests in reality does not exceed 50%.

Ovulation calculator

Today there is a special program that helps determine the least and most favorable days for conception - an ovulation calculator. With its help, you can calculate ovulation for each woman individually, provided that she has a physiologically normal menstrual cycle (28 days). In order to use the calculator, you must enter 2 numbers: the date of your last menstruation (its first day) and the duration of the cycle itself. The program will produce ready results. The reliability of this method of determining ovulation is relative.

Ultrasound of the ovaries

This method is considered the most informative and allows you to obtain the following information:

  • endometrial condition;
  • growth of a dominant follicle;
  • detection of the corpus luteum, which is formed in situ former follicle, and parallel changes in the structure of the endometrium.

Ultrasound monitoring allows the doctor to accurately record the moment when the follicle enlarges and ruptures, that is, the very moment of ovulation. At the same time, the gynecologist always advises simultaneously keeping a chart of basal temperature and taking functional tests. Performing an ultrasound twice per cycle is enough to determine on what day ovulation occurs.

The first ultrasound is performed as close as possible to the expected day of ovulation, where the presence and size of the dominant follicle is determined. The second study is carried out based on the approximate day of ovulation based on the growth rate of the follicle. On average, it grows by 2 mm per day and reaches a maximum of 20-24 mm. At the same time, they are appointed lab tests on the level of progesterone and estradiol. Ultrasound is also often used as a diagnostic after ovulation stimulation to determine its exact date of onset.

Ovulation calendar

This is an individual scheme every woman's menstrual cycle. It marks the start and end dates of menstruation and ovulation. Also, such a calendar records the sexual acts that have occurred. Drawing up such a calendar will be useful not only for those who want to conceive a child, but also for those who do not yet have plans for motherhood (calculate “ safe days"). This calendar is similar to an ovulation calculator, but it is compiled manually. With its help, a woman can independently learn over several cycles to determine the moment of ovulation, taking into account the characteristics of her body. It is necessary to record data in the calendar for at least 6 months before calculating ovulation.

note: The individual fertile period is calculated in this way: 11 is subtracted from the longest cycle, and 18 from the shortest. For example, 28-11 = 17 is the last day of a woman’s fertility (where 28 is the longest cycle), 26-18 = 8 is the first fertility day, where 26 is the most short cycle. As a result, from 8 to 17 days of the cycle is the most favorable period for conception, since it is in this interval that ovulation occurs. Most women have a regular cycle of 28 days, with ovulation occurring on days 14-15. An example of an ovulation calendar with a cycle duration of 32 days:

Endometrial biopsy

This instrumental method ovulation diagnostics. It is rarely resorted to only if other technologies are uninformative. During ovulation, namely in the middle of the luteal phase, the endometrium is transformed, that is, its secretory transformation occurs, and its presence is a sign of follicle maturation.

Ovulation and conception

A woman's menstrual cycle consists of 3 periods relative to the likelihood of conception:

Fertilization of the egg released from the follicle is possible only during ovulation. For this, the woman’s body is specially prepared:

  • increased secretion of cervical mucus to facilitate sperm movement;

Menstrual cycle

There is a common misconception that a woman's menstrual cycle should last exactly 28 days, and ovulation should occur exactly “on the 14th day of the cycle” or “in the middle of the menstrual cycle.” This is not true.

In reality, the menstrual cycle is divided into two phases - follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation).

Follicular phase

The follicular phase (preceding ovulation) begins on the first day of the last menstruation and lasts until one dominant follicle(or several). It ends with ovulation.

Luteal phase

The luteal phase (corpus luteum phase) begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts about 12-16 days.

In place of the ovulated follicle, a corpus luteum forms within a few days after ovulation. Its main function is the synthesis of progesterone and estrogens to maintain future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in hormone levels, after which pregnancy begins. another menstruation. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support the pregnancy.

In the absence of pregnancy, progesterone levels reach their maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.

Duration of the menstrual cycle

The follicular phase may vary in duration (as in different women, and for one woman throughout her life). Typically, the length of this particular phase of the cycle determines the length of the entire menstrual cycle and affects the delay of menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle occurs faster or slower than usual, or does not occur at all. The luteal phase usually has a constant duration (12 to 16 days).

Gender of the child

The sex of the unborn child does not depend on the location of the stars in the sky, the menu of the future parents, or the position at conception. The sex of the child depends on which type of sperm fertilizes the egg - those carrying a male Y chromosome or a female X chromosome. Spermatozoa of the “male” sex, as a rule, move more easily and more quickly compared to “female” ones, but are more sensitive to external conditions and adverse effects. Female sperm, on the contrary, are less mobile, but more resilient. Thus, if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or later, the likelihood of having a boy increases, and if sexual intercourse occurs long before ovulation, then the likelihood of having a girl increases and the likelihood of conception decreases. However, experts believe that the reliability of this method does not exceed 60%.