Sbis electronic auction lite. Sbis trades

VLSI Monitoring of auctions allows you to find interesting purchases on trading floors, evaluate your chances of winning and organize work with selected auctions.

The service collects and constantly updates information from all federal and more than 100 commercial sites.

The main consumers of the SBiS Bid Monitoring service can be individuals or organizations that, by their nature of activity, work with electronic auctions and tenders:

  • Organization leaders.
  • Marketing, commercial divisions of companies.
  • Purchasing and supply departments.

Detailed video about the program

System Benefits

For sales, commercial divisions of companies

  • The Bid Monitoring service conducts the search for you, provides information on the customer, possible participants, and statistics on the conduct of the auction. Using this information, you will be able to win more often in ongoing contests. Now you do not need to start the same type of search queries on many sites every day, being afraid to miss an important competition.
  • VLSI Monitoring of trading will tell you the likely participants for trading, the statistics of their victories with a particular customer. You will be able to see the pricing policy of each of the potential participants.
  • The Bid Monitoring service will allow you to increase the number of customers: you will get to know the customers of your competitors, you will be able to find new customers from other regions and industries. In addition, you can find executors of major contracts and become their contractors.

For purchasing and supply departments

  • With the VLIS Bid Monitoring System, you can determine a competitive price for your purchase, focusing on similar auctions, without overpaying more than the market price.
  • Before concluding an agreement with a partner, it is possible to analyze the partner with the help of VLIS Trading Monitoring. With its help, you can determine the reliability of the organization, assess its financial condition.
  • The reputation of a partner can be judged by participation in tenders and courts. For example, a one-day firm will not regularly bid. If there are a lot of trades and the share of winnings is high, then this is most likely a stable company. Let's also look at arbitration practice. If the amount of lost claims and claims in production is insignificant, then VLSI will conclude that the company is reliable. Moreover, the system will assess the risk of bankruptcy, and will do this according to 5 different models.

The cost of the service for the year is from 10,500 rubles. Up to 10 people can work in the service at the same time.

User Expansion Packs can be purchased at an additional cost

We were able to achieve this price due to the large number of users. About 1,000,000 customers daily use the services of the SBiS family in their work, which allows us to create high-quality and affordable products for everyone.

If you want to make sure that the VLIS: Trade Monitoring system meets all your needs before purchasing, use the Trial version of the system for free.

For several years, the Tensor certification center has been helping companies all over Russia to take part in electronic trading.

Every year we issue tens of thousands of electronic signature certificates. We carry out accreditation of participants at the sites under the state order. We accompany clients at all stages of the auction. We provide training.

We have implemented our knowledge and many years of experience in a new product - VLSI Trading Monitoring.

  • The service collects and constantly updates information from all federal and more than 100 commercial sites. Including from those from the sites, access to which in the usual case must be paid additionally.
  • More than 1 trillion worth of purchases are available daily. rubles from 170 thousand customers throughout Russia.
  • To work with purchases, the service will provide you with complete information on any customer or supplier:
    • contacts,
    • names of owners and managers,
    • data on affiliates, financial condition and reliability, participation in courts, tenders, concluded government contracts.

VLIS will help you solve the main tasks at all stages of working with auctions:

  • Find the right trades
  • Explore Documentation
  • Assess the probability of winning
  • Organize work

Looking for the right trades

In front of you is the main window of the service. VLSI reflects an objective picture of the market: top suppliers, customers by industry and region. One glance at the page is enough to evaluate the main competitors, find top customers and the latest purchases.

You can go to any complete list: Trades, Customers or Suppliers by clicking on the section name.

Select the Auctions section and see only the newest purchases.

Using the filter, we select purchases not only by industry and region, but also by the customer you are interested in, the amount, stage and type of purchase.

Enter the keywords and you will see a list of fresh purchases from more than 100 sites on your screen.

Moreover, the search is conducted not only by the description of the purchase, but also by all documentation.

We study customer requirements

We open the trading card.

All important information about the purchase is reflected in the card: the timing of the application and tender, the provision of the application and the contract, the contacts of the person in charge. Marketplace where auctions will take place.

The "Tender Documentation" tab contains all tender documents. No need to download or store anything. Documents are displayed in the same window. No extra moves.

You can always work with documents, regardless of whether the marketplace server is currently available or not.

All changes that occur are recorded in the trading card. List of participants and proposed prices. Winner. Complaints received by the FAS regarding this auction.

Having assessed the requirements of the customer and their capabilities, it is too early to rush into battle.

We evaluate the probability of winning.

VLSI will tell you possible participants in the selected trade.

You will see the statistics of their participation with the customer, the percentage of wins and the amount of won bids.

But who are these possible competitors?

VLSI will provide information about them from all available sources.

First of all, from the database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, which is maintained by the federal tax service. In addition, our service analyzes open financial statements that companies submit to Rosstat, and other sources.

If the enterprise is included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, VLSI will warn about it.

Are you sure you know everything about your competitors?

In the "Owners" tab, you will see not only the owners and their shares, but also the links between dependent companies.

Comparing ourselves and competitors

In the “Financial Condition” tab, VLIS will show you its income, analyze its financial condition and reliability. It will clearly show the dynamics on the charts and give clear conclusions.

We expand the circle of our customers

The statistics of a competitor's participation in the auction will give you new ideas for development.

Check yourself - do you know all the competitors' customers?

Maybe you yourself go to them and start working closely?

There is another way to expand the circle of your customers.

If you select the “Suppliers” section for your region and types of activity on the main screen of the service, then VLSI will display a list of all winners in the auction. Sorted by the amount of trades won.

These are exactly the companies that are interested in performing work on your profile. And you can offer them favorable conditions for subcontracting.

We minimize the human factor

In order not to miss a profitable purchase, you have to spend time every day searching for auctions on dozens of sites. Start the same type of search queries, writing out or trying to remember the viewed purchases.

And there is always a risk of missing an important purchase. The cost of the issue can reach millions of rubles.

VLSI makes the process of searching for tenders simple and convenient. Specify once the subject of the auction, price range, region and save the search query.

And from that moment on, the system itself selects and puts into folders all new auctions according to saved requests.

Now you can just check the folders in the "Favorites" section, like morning mail. At the top of the list, you will see the most recent auctions.

VLSI will help organize the work if you have several managers involved in tenders. With one click, assign the necessary auctions to the employee. Now he will see all the trades for which he is responsible. There is no need to send him a separate auction documentation. All documents are at hand.

And as a result - analyze your success in trading over the past period.

How many times you participated last month, how much and how much you won. Who are your main customers? Have your competitors outbid you in the auction. Might be worth looking into their experiences.


VLIS Trading Monitoring is:

A service that makes it easy to find interesting purchases and does not require viewing a lot of unnecessary information

The analysis system will help you make the right decision. And you will begin to spend efforts only on those auctions in which it is worth participating.

Using the rich features of the service, you can find new partners and expand your business.

You can get all this right now by connecting to SBIS Trading Monitoring!

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Technical requirements for the workplace

To work with the web client, the minimum requirements are:

Internet browser (any of the following):

Your Firefox browser meets the requirements

  • Google Chrome version 46 or higher - recommend*
  • Mozilla Firefox version 42 or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8.0 or higher
    (the browser should have had compatibility mode turned off and some scripts turned on)
  • Opera version at least 34.00
  • Yandex Browser version not lower than 15.9
  • Chromium Browser at least 32.0

* Google Chrome has established itself as the fastest and most stable browser.

ActiveX component for Microsoft Internet Explorer

Adobe Flash Player Your version of Adobe Flash Player v.0.0 meets the requirements!

Adobe Acrobat Reader Your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader v.0.0 meets the requirements!

SBIS Plugin for all browsers.

At the first login, the system itself will offer to download and install the VLSI Plugin. In addition, the VLSI Plugin installation file can be downloaded, it contains the plugin itself and all add-ons for the operating system necessary for its correct operation.

2.1.2 The procedure for applying an electronic signature and CIPF when using the Program, as well as the legal conditions for recognizing electronic documents created and / or transmitted in the Program as legally significant.

2.2 The parties to this regulation are the developer and owner of the Program - Tenzor Company LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) and Users.

2.3 These Terms are the same for all Users of the Program. User of the Program in accordance with Art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation unconditionally accedes to this regulation by registering on the website

3. The order of registration in the Program

3.1 The User applies to the Operator with an application for registration in the Program. The specified application may be electronic and may be executed either during registration on the website, or using the local version of the program installed on the User's computer.

3.2 The Operator identifies and registers the User in the Program, either at its location (the service is provided for an additional fee) or at the Operator's office (free of charge).

3.3 To use the paid functions of the program, the User must have an appropriate set of licenses and software installed on the computer (their list and cost are published in the Tariffs section). The specified software and licenses are not transferred within the framework of this document and are purchased by the user separately from the Operator or partner organizations (their list is published in the section Sales offices)

3.4 If the license purchased by the User involves the issuance of a Certificate to him, the Certification Center of the Operator, at the request of the User, on the basis of the data provided by the User and confirmed by the Operator, generates and transfers to the User a Certificate of the electronic signature verification key. The Operator undertakes, in the presence of an appropriate license for the Program and upon expiration of the certificate, at the request of the User, to provide the User with a new Certificate. Repeated unscheduled replacement is carried out on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the tariff policy published on the website

3.5 If the license acquired by the User involves the issuance of CIPF to him, the Operator, on its own behalf, transfers to the User CIPF and non-exclusive rights to use them for the period of validity of this license.

4. Procedure for using the Program

4.1 A necessary condition for the User to use the Program is:

4.1.1 connecting the User's computer to the Internet;

4.1.2 compliance of the User's computer designed to work in the Program with the technical requirements (published on the help site);

4.1.3 for sending and receiving electronic documents and reports - the presence of a valid Certificate

4.2 After the implementation of paragraphs. 3.1-3.5 and subject to the conditions in clause 4.1, the User has the opportunity to use the Program in accordance with its purpose (described on the help site), its licenses and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3 The User undertakes to use the Program strictly in accordance with the user documentation (published on the help site).

4.4 The User shall not reverse engineer, modify or decompile the Program, its component parts or related technologies.

4.5 The User agrees to the possibility of using an electronic signature when exchanging electronic documents using the Program with other Users and the Operator.

4.6 The User acknowledges the equivalence of an electronic signature with a handwritten one and, accordingly, the legal significance of electronic documents sent and received through the Program, subject to the requirements for such documents enshrined in federal law.

4.7 Reporting to state bodies submitted within the framework of this Document is considered to be submitted subject to the complete completion of all stages of the exchange protocol in accordance with the operational documentation for the Program, as well as with the current regulations for electronic document management. In case of an incomplete exchange session, as well as if it is impossible to submit reports within the period regulated for this reporting via telecommunication channels, the User is obliged to take all possible measures for the timely submission of reports, by other means not prohibited by applicable law. The Operator is not responsible for the untimely reporting by the User if not all stages of the exchange protocol have been completed to the end.

5. Rights and obligations of the parties

5.1 The operator is obliged:

5.1.1 ensure that the Program performs all the functions stated in the user documentation (published on the help site), and in cases where the implementation of such functions is regulated by regulations and laws of the Russian Federation, ensure compliance with their requirements;

5.1.2 ensure the operation of the Program and the availability of the server around the clock, except for the time of maintenance work, of which the User is notified no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before they begin. The Operator sends the notification of the preventive maintenance to the User through the client's personal account on the portal;

5.1.3 in the event of failures in the operation of the Program due to technical reasons, notify the User about this by posting information on the web portal and eliminate the causes if they are in the area of ​​technical responsibility of the Operator within 3 (three) hours from the moment their occurrence.

5.1.4 provide information, consulting and technical support for the Program through the communication channels indicated on the web portal within the framework of the functionality for which the User has a valid license.

5.1.5 update the Program to support changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.1.6 respect the confidentiality of the User's information received from him in the course of using the Program;

5.1.7 ensure, within the period established by law, the safety of documents and other data uploaded or created by the User to the Operator's server using the Program, also in the event of termination or expiration of the license for the program, provided that there is no notification from the Operator about the need to transfer or deletion of this data;

5.2 The operator has the right:

5.2.1 make changes and modifications to the Program at any time and for any reason;

5.2.2 change the provisions of these Regulations by sending a corresponding notification to the User;

5.3 The user is obliged:

5.3.1 read the user documentation for the Program (published on the help site) and follow its instructions;

5.3.2 comply with the requirements for ensuring the security of confidential information using CIPF, established by the Instruction on the organization and security of information with restricted access (FAPSI order No. 152 dated June 13, 2001) and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation regulating the legally significant exchange of electronic documents;

5.3.3 in the event of a change in the details specified during registration in the Program, notify the Operator's Certification Center for an unscheduled replacement of the Certificate and registration of the latter in the Program;

5.3.4 comply with the requirements of all regulations governing the relevant types of electronic document management;

5.3.5 independently and in a timely manner monitor the electronic documents received by him in the Program and get acquainted with their contents.

5.4 The user has the right:

5.4.1 24/7 access to the Program, except for the time of preventive and other works announced by the Licensor in accordance with clauses 5.1.2, 5.1.3

5.4.2 Make proposals for the improvement of the Program. The terms and conditions of revision are formalized in separate agreements.

6. Liability of the parties

6.1 For malfunctions that have arisen in the operation of the Program, the Operator is liable under the current legislation, but not more than the amount of license fees paid by the User.

6.2 The Operator is not responsible for:

6.2.2 for the inability to use the Program, which arose through no fault of the Operator.

6.3 The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this document in the event of force majeure circumstances (force majeure), determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, if they provide evidence that these circumstances prevented the fulfillment of obligations under this document, such evidence is the documents of the competent authorities of the Russian Federation. From the moment the force majeure circumstances are eliminated, the Regulations shall operate in the usual manner.

6.4 Disputes under this document are considered by the Parties in the complaint procedure, and if an agreement is not reached, in the Arbitration Court at the location of the defendant.

7. The operation of the regulation and the procedure for its change

7.1 The text of the Regulations and subsequent changes are published on the website at

7.2 The Operator reserves the right to unilaterally make changes and additions to these Regulations. The changes come into force from the moment they are published on the Site, unless a different date for the entry into force of the changes is additionally determined upon such placement. These Regulations are valid until the official notice of its withdrawal is posted on the Site.

Today's business has a lot of opportunities for rapid development and search for additional distribution channels. A striking example is participation in electronic trading. This is quite a promising direction for companies, regardless of the scope and scale. To participate in public competitions, you do not have to bear extra costs. Customers of such events also benefit, because they receive all offers from specialized suppliers on one aggregated site and have the opportunity to choose exactly what suits them in terms of price and other conditions.

Another significant advantage of participating in electronic auctions is the ability to gain access to government customers, who since 2011 are required to make all purchases through this channel. And this applies to both the purchase of goods and the ordering of services. Thus, today any company can receive a large state order by offering the most favorable conditions.

The main benefits of joining electronic trading:

Calculate the most optimal conditions for you and your potential customers, and you will definitely meet each other using the VLIS auction search service. All you need is to choose the right auctions and the target audience to which you will offer your products and services. Start earning right now!

How to search for trades correctly?

First of all, you will need to register on specialized trading platforms. Today there are a great many of them - more than a hundred specialized sites that can potentially become an effective channel for promoting your company's offers.

On each of them, various customers constantly place their ads, which may become interesting for your company. From some position, every minute of your delay can be perceived as a lost profit, because it is likely that someone is looking for what you can provide him at the best price right now.

According to statistics, new tenders appear on such sites almost every 60 seconds! Just imagine how much space for order processing remains untouched by you.

Keep in mind that each site has its own rules, its own registration, its own interface, so you will have to deal with all this before you start making money on them. Be sure to study the regulations and rules of work, otherwise the administration of the resource may impose penalties on you and even remove you from work. Of course, it is not so easy to study the entire range of requirements, but this is a prerequisite for cooperation with modern trading platforms.

Monitoring ads is also not an easy task. It takes a lot of time, because it is necessary not only to respond to every consumer request, but also to study the requirements and conditions. As our observations show, entrepreneurs usually have “sufficient patience” for only a few (maximum 2-3) sites, while the remaining dozens of sites remain untouched. Consequently, potential transactions that could be made remain untouched. And all of them eventually go to competitors who have developed more adaptive mechanisms and scenarios for working with e-commerce sites.

SBIS Trading - up-to-date information about trading from all platforms

In order to avoid this, we suggest you use the VLIS Bidding service, which will allow you to receive comprehensive information about auctions and tenders in electronic form. It is important that you will receive a selection of those contests that are of interest to you, because the system will search for them according to very specific parameters that you set for it.

With the program from VLIS, electronic auctions will no longer be a difficult and time-consuming task for you and your business, because all operations will be carried out automatically, and therefore you and your employees will only have to analyze the list of auctions that may be of interest to you, choose from them those in which you will take part, and then apply and wait for a response from customers.

How easy it is to participate in auctions with VLSI Bidding:

Analyze the list of auctions: get the auctions you are interested in according to the specified parameters

Choose the most interesting: do not miss the most profitable bidding and auctions for you

Apply and wait for a response from the customer!

Benefits of using VLIS Bidding for your business

You should connect this service, because it will provide you with a huge space for the development of your business, for example:

  • Only the auctions you need
    You set specific parameters, the system takes them into account, and subsequently offers you exclusively relevant orders. The probability of a “miss” is practically zero;
  • Convenience
    The system has an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Every person who does not have experience with similar solutions will quickly master VLSI Trading and will not feel like a beginner after a couple of days of work;
  • Complex search
    The solution is connected to all e-commerce sites, so you can be sure that no opportunity to earn money will be missed;
  • Saving time and money
    The service independently works with trading platforms. All that is required of you is to set the settings, everything else will be implemented without your participation. This will allow you to free up time to address other strategic issues related to the development of your business, as well as reduce personnel costs;
  • Convenient notification system
    You can set up SMS or email notifications. The system will promptly inform you if an interesting offer appears on any site. So you don't miss a single chance to get an interesting deal!
  • low cost
    Compared to the budgets that your competitors spend on advertising and promotion, the price of VLSI Auction is negligible.
  • Everything in one place
    After you find an offer that interests you, you can view the detailed requirements in the competition documentation directly in VLIS Bidding. You will not need to go to a specific site and look for data that interests you there.

Marketplace purchasing is a unique battlefield for many suppliers. Whoever wins tenders for supplies first will be able to significantly develop their business and gain a foothold in existing positions. Thanks to the VLSI program, it is possible to control the auctions and follow them online.

Trading monitoring using the portal

Thanks to this opportunity, you can find various purchases that are located on the trading floors. Bid monitoring allows you to efficiently and timely find the best opportunity to win competitions for a particular tender.

Also, everyone can, using the analysis from the VLSI application, determine what chances there are to win the auction. At the same time, do not forget that it is still possible to organize work with certain auctions.

Information from each federal, as well as over 100 commercial sites, is regularly evaluated using the VLIS service. Trades are carried out using the convenient functionality of this portal. This system allows you to perform the following actions:

  • find exclusively necessary and best trades;
  • automatically receive all information regarding purchases from each trading platform;
  • promptly assess the conditions of the competition;
  • find customers of competitors.

What is VLIS trading

It is not surprising that the VLSI service is currently so popular. Additionally, it is possible to find out who else is bidding on VLSI and determine what percentage of winning they have.

Bidding Opportunities

Main consumers

It is not at all surprising that so many users use this portal to control VLSI trading. Participants can be not only organizations, but also certain individuals who, by their nature of activity, work with electronic VLSI auctions, as well as tenders. This group includes the following individuals:

  • heads of companies or enterprises;
  • commercial divisions of organizations;
  • purchasing department.

At the moment, we can say that VLSI trades are always held with significant competition. To win, each participant must carefully analyze the whole situation, as well as use the VLSI service. Bidding with the help of this program can be carried out much more efficiently, because the user will be able to evaluate the big picture, and not a specific auction.


As a result, you can instantly search for and implement the best bidding offers. It is not surprising that an application such as VLSI is incredibly popular at the moment and is used so often by everyone involved in tenders.