Two ovulations in one cycle, signs and causes. How many follicles should be in the ovaries: the norm and deviations

The female body is periodically rebuilt (natural cyclical changes) due to the influence of hormones that control the complex mechanisms relating to its reproductive system (the set of organs that ensure the process of fertilization). For the onset of pregnancy, a prerequisite must be observed - the growth and normal development of ovarian follicles, which act as a kind of "container" for already

Interpretation of the concept of "follicle"

This is a small anatomical formation that looks like a gland or a sac filled with intracavitary secretions. The ovarian follicles are located in their cortical layer. They are the main reservoirs for the gradually maturing egg.

Initially, follicles in quantitative terms reach significant values ​​​​in both ovaries (200 - 500 million), each of which, in turn, contains one sex cell. However, for the entire time of puberty, women (30-35 years old) reach full maturity only 400-500 copies.

Internal processes of follicle evolution

They flow in their sacs and are characterized by the multiplication of granular or granular cells that fill the entire cavity.

Then the granular cells produce a fluid that pushes and pushes them apart, while directing them towards the peripheral parts of the follicle (the process of filling the internal cavity with follicular fluid).

As for the follicle itself, it significantly increases both in size and in volume (up to a diameter of 15-50 mm). And in terms of content, it is already a liquid with salts, proteins and other substances.

Outside, it is covered with a connective tissue sheath. And it is precisely this state of the follicle that is considered mature, and it is called the Graaffian vesicle (in honor of the Dutch anatomist and physiologist Renier de Graaf, who discovered this structural component of the ovary in 1672). A mature "bubble" interferes with the maturation of its counterparts.

How big should a follicle be?

With the onset of puberty (14-15 years), he completely completes his development. It is considered normal if during the follicular phase, when the menstrual cycle begins, several follicles mature in both ovaries, of which only one reaches a significant size, which is why it is recognized as dominant. The remaining specimens undergo atresia (reverse development). The product of their vital activity is estrogen - a female sex hormone that affects fertilization, childbirth, as well as calcium content and metabolism.

The dominant follicle, which increases in size by an average of 2-3 mm every day, reaches its normal diameter (18-24 mm) at the time of ovulation.

Generative function as a priority

On the inside, a mature follicle is lined with a multi-layered epithelium, it is in it (in a thickened area - an egg-bearing tubercle) that a mature egg capable of fertilization is located. As mentioned above, the normal size of the follicle is 18-24 mm. At the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, its protrusion (resembling a tubercle) is observed on the surface of the ovary.

Due to a number of hormonal disorders, this gap may be absent, and therefore the egg does not leave the ovary and the process of ovulation does not occur. It is this moment that can become the main cause of infertility and dysfunctional bleeding of the uterus.

Folliculometry: definition, possibilities

This is an ultrasound diagnostic study, through which tracking the development and growth of follicles is available. Most often, women resort to it, suffering from infertility or menstrual irregularities. The considered manipulation allows using ultrasound to track the dynamics of ovulation.

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, it becomes possible to observe the process of endometrial growth, and in a later period - the evolution of the follicle. So, you can determine the exact size of the follicles by day of the cycle.

When is folliculometry required?

This diagnostic study allows you to:

The value of indicators of the norm and pathology of the development of the follicle

At the very beginning of its evolution, the indicator in the “norm” status is the size of the follicle in diameter of 15 mm. Further, as mentioned earlier, it increases per day by 2-3 mm.

Many women are interested in the question: “What is the size of the follicle during ovulation?” Normally it is considered - about 18-24 mm. Then the corpus luteum appears. At the same time, the level of progesterone in the blood is necessarily increased.

A single ultrasound is unable to build a complete picture of the development (maturation) of the follicle, since it is especially important to control each individual stage.

The main pathologies that disrupt the maturation of follicles are:

1. Atresia - involution of a non-ovulated follicle. To be precise, after formation, it develops up to a certain point, and then freezes and regresses, thus ovulation never occurs.

2. Persistence - the persistence of the virus, when it is still functionally active, in the cells of tissue or organism cultures over the period characteristic of an acute infection. In this case, the follicle is formed and develops, but its rupture does not occur, as a result of which it does not increase. This form of anatomical formation is preserved until the very end of the cycle.

3. Follicular cyst - a kind of functional formation, localized in the ovarian tissue. In this situation, the unovulated follicle does not rupture, it continues to exist, and fluid most often accumulates in it, and subsequently a cyst larger than 25 mm is formed.

4. Luteinization - the formation of a corpus luteum, which sometimes forms without rupture of the follicle, which subsequently also develops. This situation is possible if there was an earlier increase in the value of LH or damage to the structure of the ovary.

Follicle sizes by day of cycle

From the very first days of the next cycle, with the help of ultrasound, one can notice that there are several antral anatomical formations under consideration in the ovaries, which will subsequently grow. Their increase is due to the influence of special hormones, the main ones being (FGS) and estradiol. Provided that their level corresponds to the established norm for the content of these substances in the blood, a woman most often has stable ovulation, and anovulatory cycles are observed no more than twice a year.

In the ovaries, the size of which is insignificant, should be present, according to the indications of the norm, in both gonads in an amount not exceeding nine pieces. As a rule, they are no more than 8-9 mm in diameter. Subsequently, it is the antral follicles, under the influence of the corresponding hormones, that will give rise to such an important anatomical formation as the dominant follicle, the size of which in diameter exceeds them by 2.5 times.

The average menstrual cycle is 30 days. Somewhere by the tenth day, the dominant one is outlined from the entire set of antral follicles.

Often, patients have a question: “What size should the follicle be at this stage?” At the first session of folliculometry, it practically does not differ in size from the rest (12-13 mm). It is worth recalling that this diagnostic ultrasound allows you to determine the size of the follicles by day of the cycle.

Also, at the first appointment, the specialist will be able to tell exactly how many dominant follicles have already formed. Most often it is the only one (in the right or left ovary). However, in the case when the patient undergoes a course of special ovulation stimulation, there may be several such follicles, resulting in a multiple pregnancy, of course, subject to the maturation of two or more dominant anatomical formations.

The second session is held after three days. During it, the doctor:

  • confirms the presence of a dominant follicle;
  • determines the size of the follicle by menstruation cycles;
  • fixes (if this occurs) the reverse development of the follicle.

The specialist carefully examines both ovaries of a woman. If you track the size of the follicles by day of the cycle, then at the second session it is 17-18 mm in diameter. It's been around 13 days now.

In the third session (transvaginal ultrasound), you can see that the size of the follicle before ovulation (the peak of its size) took on a value of 22-25 mm. This indicates its imminent (in the next few hours) rupture, as a result of which the mature egg will pass into the abdominal cavity, and then penetrate into the fallopian tube. For about a day, she is susceptible to fertilization, and subsequently dies. It follows that the viability of the egg is several times less than that of sperm.

There are also cases when the dominant follicle grows at a different rate, which is why more than three sessions of this ultrasound may be required. If the patient has repeatedly recorded his regression, then, as a rule, the doctor prescribes her daily folliculometry (from the 9th-10th day of the cycle). This will identify the beginning of the regression, and then establish the cause of this phenomenon.

So, it is worth recalling once again that it is possible to determine the size of the follicle by cycles during a diagnostic ultrasound examination - folliculometry. It will allow not only to control the course of maturation of the dominant anatomical formation under consideration, but also to identify the causes of deviations that hinder this reproductive process (if any).

Stimulation of ovulation

In other words, her induction. This is a complex of various kinds of medical manipulations, the purpose of which is the onset of pregnancy. It is in demand in the framework of modern gynecology in relation to female infertility due to many reasons.

To begin with, it is worth interpreting the concept of infertility - a condition when a woman under the age of 35 cannot become pregnant for 12 months, subject to an active sexual life, as well as couples (a woman over 35, and a man - 40), whose pregnancy does not occur whiter half a year.

Indications and contraindications for stimulation

Induction is carried out in two cases:

  • anovulatory infertility;
  • infertility of unknown origin.

The main contraindications for this procedure are:

  • violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • the impossibility of a full diagnosis through ultrasound;
  • male infertility;
  • depletion of the existing follicular reserve.

Stimulation of ovulation is not carried out with long-term treatment of infertility problems (more than two years).

Procedure schemes

They are expressed in two protocols:

  • increasing minimal doses;
  • lowering high doses.

In the first case, during this manipulation, the drug Clomiphene (non-steroidal synthetic estrogen) is first introduced, which blocks estradiol receptors. Then the drug is canceled, and thus the feedback mechanism is triggered: an increase in the synthesis of gonadotropic releasing hormones and an active release of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Ultimately, this should lead to the maturation of the follicles. So, we can say that the remedy "Clomiphene" is an indicator of ovulation.

In the course of this manipulation, regarding the induction of ovulation, only one follicle matures, that is, the likelihood of both multiple pregnancy and associated complications (for example, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) is practically excluded.

After the moment when the size of the follicles during stimulation according to the first scheme reaches 18 mm in diameter (at 8 mm), triggers are introduced (drugs that mimic the LH surge). Then, after the introduction of hCG, ovulation occurs approximately two days later.

The second scheme of manipulation is applicable mainly to women who have a low and low probability of the effect of small doses of FSH.

Mandatory indications for this manipulation:

  • female age over 35 years;
  • FSH value over 12 IU / l (on the 2nd-3rd day of the cycle);
  • ovarian volume up to 8 cu. cm;
  • secondary amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea;
  • the presence of operations on the ovaries, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

A visible result should appear by the sixth day. A significant side effect affecting the ovaries during this ovulation is the risk of their hyperstimulation syndrome. In the case when, during the next ultrasound, follicles in the ovaries are detected, the size of which exceeds 10 mm in diameter, the doctor regards this as a signal for preventive procedures for this syndrome.

Control ultrasound examination

It is necessary to confirm ovulation through transvaginal ultrasound. This is as important as the monitoring itself. It was previously mentioned what size the follicle is before ovulation (18-24 mm in diameter), however, even when the required size is reached, the capsule may not break through, and the mature egg will not be released into the abdominal cavity. Control ultrasound is performed 2-3 days after the estimated moment of ovulation.

At this session, the doctor will check the condition of the ovaries for signs of ovulation that has taken place:

  • the dominant follicle is absent;
  • a corpus luteum is present;
  • there is some fluid in the space behind the uterus.

It is important to note that if the specialist conducts a follow-up ultrasound at a later period, he will no longer detect either fluid or corpus luteum.

Finally, it would be useful to once again answer the question: “What is the size of the follicle during ovulation?” This dominant anatomical formation at the time of ovulation matures to a size of approximately 18 - 24 mm in diameter. It is worth remembering that the size of the endometrium and follicles varies depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

Follicles in the ovaries are essential for a woman's reproductive function. Ovulation - the release of an egg for subsequent fertilization - is impossible without their participation. The regular course of menstruation in most cases indicates the absence of violations in their work. Failure of their function occurs with pathologies of the sexual or endocrine sphere.


Follicles are found in every appendage of a woman. All of them cannot be operational at the same time. Their maturation occurs gradually, during each menstrual cycle.


The follicle is an oocyte - a spherical cell. Its initial size does not exceed 25 µm. It is protected by a double layer of connective tissue and surrounded by epithelial cells. In its center is the nucleus and the germinal vesicle, from which the egg develops. The latter in a mature state is considered the largest cell in the body. Follicular fluid in the structure of the ovarian follicle is formed at the beginning of its growth. Such a bubble is highly likely to rupture in the current menstrual cycle.


The follicle is necessary to protect the egg from external influences. It provides her with favorable conditions for development. With the almost complete maturation of the female cell and with the beginning of the growth of the bubble in the first phase of the cycle, its fluid produces estrogen. When the latter reaches peak values, the level of luteinizing hormone increases sharply - it stimulates the rupture of the membrane for the release of the egg. This occurs in the middle of the cycle when the follicle in the ovary has matured and is called ovulation. This is where the functions of the bubble end.

In the future, the remains of the shell are used to form the corpus luteum, which regulates the course of the last phase of the menstrual cycle.


The types of follicles differ in their degree of maturity. This determines its diameter and the likelihood of a rupture in the current menstrual cycle.


Primordial bubble is considered to be in a state of rest. This is the primary form of his development - it is in this state that he stays most of the time in the appendages of a woman. It contains an immature egg and does not increase in size. Its growth is possible in subsequent menstrual cycles.

Primary or preantral

Develops from the primordial. The dimensions of the primary sac slightly increase in comparison with the previous phase of its development. It occurs at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Such vesicles contain a small volume of fluid, but are able to produce sex hormones.

Secondary, or antral

At this period of development, the fluid surrounding the egg is actively produced. More and more sex hormones are produced. Antral vesicles with a diameter of 7-11 mm are formed on the 8-9th day of the monthly cycle. With menopause, the number of such follicles in the ovary is minimized, sometimes they are completely absent.

Tertiary, or preovulatory, or mature

This species is most often called the dominant, or Graafian bubble, and is considered the peak of development. It reaches 18-22 mm in diameter, most often one or two of these follicles are located in one ovary. The Graafian vesicle is formed by the 14-16th day of the cycle. Its cavity contains a large volume of follicular fluid. The latter produces the maximum amount of estrogen, which contributes to the rupture of the membrane for the release of the egg.

The role of the dominant follicle

The functionality of the Graafian vesicle determines the likelihood of ovulation. In order for its shell to burst, it must produce the maximum amount of estrogen. The latter stimulate the pituitary gland, which produces luteinizing hormone, which triggers the process of ovulation. Under its influence, a stigma is formed on the vesicle - a protruding area in which the egg is located. It is at this point that the shell breaks.

The moment of ovulation is the most favorable time for conception. It lasts only a few days, and the egg itself is considered viable only for one day.

The dominant follicle is formed in the left or right ovary. In most women, the right appendage is considered more active - it is he who is also responsible for the production of sex hormones, the implementation of the reproductive function. The ovaries are able to work alternately - in this case, in one menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in the left organ, and in the next - in the right.

Ovulation is a process that every healthy woman faces. Normally, one dominant follicle should regularly mature, but sometimes it occurs multiple ovulation. It represents the release of two or more full-fledged eggs.

    Multiple ovulations in one cycle

    Usually both ovaries function in women. Follicles grow in each of them (10–12 pieces), but approximately 3 days after the end of menstruation, one dominant(in rare cases there may be 2 or more), which continues to grow, while the rest decrease and disappear.

    If there are several dominant follicles, then 2 or more eggs will be released. They can be located in one or both ovaries. As a result of this phenomenon, 2 or more children are born. In this case, it is about doubly because twins develop from the same egg. More likely, the children will not be identical. In addition, they can be both same-sex and heterosexual.

    The occurrence of multiple ovulation is influenced by a large number of factors. Most of the time it's hereditary. There are women in whom this phenomenon occurs on a regular basis.

    But in some cases on maturation of follicles may be affected by medication. The main reason for multiple ovulations is hormonal stimulation of the ovaries.

    ON A NOTE! Twins are born as a result of the division of an egg. This phenomenon has not yet been fully studied by scientists, so it is almost impossible to influence it.

    How long does it take for the next ovulation to occur?

    The maturation of two or more dominant follicles is quite rare. Multiple ovulations may occur in one or both ovaries, simultaneously or with a difference of a couple of minutes, hours and even days. That is why there is always an older and a younger embryo. The difference in a day can have a significant impact on the weight, height and other parameters of the baby.

    REFERENCE! In very rare cases, 2 or more eggs can mature in one follicle.

    Doctors do not refute the fact that a subsequent rupture of the follicle can occur with an existing pregnancy. Normally, ovulation stops after conception. But in the world, 11 episodes of the occurrence of "double pregnancy". Women became pregnant due to 2 separate ovulations, which occurred with a difference of several days. Moreover, in such cases there may be different fathers.

    Characteristic features

    It is not always possible to predict for sure how many follicles will mature in a particular cycle, but some prerequisites for an unusual phenomenon may be present.

    In the presence of two or more ovulations, a woman may notice alternating heaviness in both ovaries. is increasing amount of mucus. Soreness of the mammary glands and pelvic organs is felt stronger. Other characteristic features include the following:

    • The presence of several yellow bodies in the second phase of the cycle.
    • A significant increase in progesterone after ovulation.
    • Large amount of free fluid behind the uterus.

    The most accurate way to determine an unusual phenomenon is to use folliculometry. The procedure includes 3-4 visits to the ultrasound diagnostic room. With a 28-day cycle, the first dose is scheduled approximately on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle. The second visit falls on the 13-14th day. The doctor evaluates the likelihood of peak fertility. It is during this period that he may discover two or more dominant follicles.

    ON A NOTE! During the fertile period, the position of the cervix changes. It rises into the upper fornix of the vagina, opens and becomes soft to the touch.


    In the modern world, multiple ovulation has become much more common than before. This, to some extent, is associated with the spread of oral contraceptives and a decrease in the female half of the population's ability to conceive. The fact is that multiple pregnancy is often the result of artificial insemination. Women resort to IVF after many years of unsuccessful attempts to conceive.

    REFERENCE! Not in all cases, as a result of multiple ovulation, several children are born. Sometimes the subsequent embryo dies due to a lack of nutrients.

    Among the main factors affecting the number of mature eggs, the following are distinguished:

    • Taking oral contraceptives.
    • Artificial insemination.
    • hereditary factor.
    • Stimulation of ovulation.
    • Multifollicular ovaries.

    Contraceptives cause double ovulation by withdrawal. While taking the pills, the reproductive function stops completely. The ovaries rest during this period. After drug withdrawal their work is intensified. Therefore, it is not uncommon for several eggs to mature at once.

    IMPORTANT! Treatment of infertility with OCs is based on the rebound effect.

    In the presence of multifollicular ovary syndrome, a woman has a deviation in the structure of the ovaries. Each cycle matures 2 or more eggs. However, in this case, problems arise due to the fact that not all follicles can burst. For this, there is not enough reserve of hormones. As a result, mature eggs turn into cysts.

    In the process of artificial insemination, ovulation is stimulated. Under the influence of drugs, several follicles mature at once. They are used to merge male sperm. Several embryos are implanted into the uterus of a woman, since not all of them take root. In most cases, the result is a multiple pregnancy.

    Sometimes the maturation of two eggs in one cycle occurs against the background of natural causes. They can be stressful situations or irregular sex life. The organism at the gene level begins to take care of the offspring, which manifests itself in double ovulation.

    ON A NOTE! Multiple pregnancy in 35% of cases is due to the use of hormonal drugs.

    In middle-aged women (35-40 years old), the chances of multiple pregnancy increase than in a younger period. This feature is associated with preclimatic state. In the female body, a surge of hormones occurs, as a result of which the maturation of several follicles occurs.

    Impact on pregnancy

    Multiple ovulation has little effect on course of pregnancy. In the body of a woman, several fetuses develop at once, so the load increases.

    When taking tests for hormones, you can notice that the amount of hCG is increased a couple of times. Otherwise, pregnancy is not much different from a singleton. The shocks inside the womb will be felt more strongly. Weight gain is more intense.

    Statistics show that delivery in multiple pregnancy occurs ahead of schedule. It does not affect the health of children in any way. In addition, childbirth most often occurs by caesarean section.

    IMPORTANT! With the maturation of two or more eggs, if the pregnancy did not take place, menstruation comes on time. Its intensity does not change either.

    The rupture of several follicles in one cycle is a completely harmless process. For many women, this is a real gift. After all, its result is the birth of several children at once. Treatment in this case is not provided.

Two ovulations: the truth about safe days in one cycle and more

The female body is full of secrets. One of them, for example, -. The second is two ovulations in one cycle, with a difference of a week or less. Most women are unaware that "safe days" can come as a surprise, re-ovulation is a common occurrence. The fact of double maturation of eggs is given little attention.

  • double ovulation. What is she?
  • When does it occur?
  • How often does it happen?
  • What causes two ovulations in one menstrual cycle
  • Time interval
  • signs

double ovulation. What is she?

Perceived as a rarity or a myth. In fact, this is reality. In the classic menstrual cycle (MC), one egg reaches a mature state and leaves the follicle. There are cycles with multiple ovulation (double and triple). They will be discussed further.

Double ovulation happens:

  • From one ovary (in one organ, 2 eggs mature at once - two dominant follicles in one ovary);
  • From different ovaries (left and right - two dominant follicles in different ovaries).

Over time, it can occur:

  • simultaneously;
  • at different times - with a gap of up to several days.

When do two ovulations occur in one cycle?

Most often, in one cycle, two ovulations and more occur with drug stimulation of the ovaries.

There is a method of infertility treatment that allows hormonal agents to influence the ovaries in such a way that several eggs mature at the same time. This is the so-called induced ovulation. The method is often used to carry out,.

Under natural conditions, two ovulations in one cycle are less common, but they do occur. There are 11 proven "double" pregnancies in the world, which occurred as a result of two separate ovulations in one cycle. The gap between the release of eggs was several days.

Reasons for the development of the second egg

In the first phase of MC, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), several eggs begin to mature at once in the ovarian follicles (in one or two at the same time). Soon a leader appears - the dominant follicle, which will give a mature egg after the rupture of the membrane.

It continues to grow and reaches 20 mm. The impetus for ovulation is given by the peak concentration of luteinizing hormone.

In classical MC, the remaining follicles, which have reached a size of 15 mm or more, undergo reverse development (atresia). In atypical cycles, after the first ovulation, bursts of LH and FSH are observed, which can “wake up” the follicles that began development along with the dominant one. All vesicles that have stopped their development are potential eggs, which, with an increase in the concentration of hormones, can continue to grow and undergo.

The second (repeated) surge of hormones responsible for maturation and ovulation occurs in 10% of women. The presence of the third wave of gonadotropic hormones was recorded in 6%. Follicular growth is observed even during pregnancy, despite the high content, which should completely suppress it.

What causes two ovulations in one menstrual cycle?

The nature of the phenomenon has not been sufficiently studied to draw final conclusions. It is well known that LH concentration rises during acute stress. Additional stimulation is possible with rape, episodic intercourse with irregular sexual activity.

There are hypotheses about the effect of food and some medicinal plants containing plant estrogens on re-stimulation. A genetic predisposition has not been excluded.

Time gap between two ovulations

Double ovulation, when two dominant follicles are formed, can be simultaneous or with a gap of several hours. , which occurs on the second wave of the rise in the concentration of gonadotropic hormones, occurs at least a day later, the maximum period is 7 days after the first ovulation. During this time, it completely reaches a level that can suppress potential re-ovulation.

Double ovulation and pregnancy

With double ovulation, pregnancy under favorable conditions occurs with both eggs. Proof of this is the birth of twins and triplets. A woman can become pregnant on any day of the cycle. The eleven cases of double superconception described above were from different men. The theoretical chances of becoming the father of a “not your own” child from twins is 1:40.

Signs of double ovulation

How to "recognize" double ovulation? Signs of double ovulation can theoretically be:

  • repeated positive ovulation test result within one cycle;
  • pain in the ovary, some women (25%) feel the moment the egg is released;
  • increased sex drive.

Reliable signs of double ovulation can only be detected during ultrasound. During the study, the dominant follicle, the forming corpus luteum, and after a while, the second follicle is fixed. After the release of the egg, the corpus luteum is in its place. In order to determine double ovulation, you need to monitor the processes occurring in the ovaries. But in practice, they don't do it on purpose.

Two dominant follicles in one ovary are extremely rare and allow a woman to become a mother of twins. In each paired organ, the process of maturation of several follicles is observed monthly, which is due to the influence of hormones. The dominant is large, a mature egg comes out of it.

The size of the "leading" follicle is about 2 cm. Its main task is to protect the egg, ready to merge with the sperm, from the negative effects of various factors. The rest of the formations produce estrogens, intended for the formation of the endometrium, the development of the mammary glands.

If two dominant follicles have matured, then multiple ovulation occurs. In the case of fertilization of both eggs and the introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity, twins are obtained. Moreover, during ovulation, the eggs leave the ovary at the same time, or one of them comes out a day or several days after the other.

Reasons for the formation of two dominant follicles

This phenomenon occurs as a result of hormonal preparations, including when using the IVF technique. There are other factors that provoke it:

  • taking plant estrogens (chamomile flowers, raspberry leaves);
  • genetic predisposition to increased hormone production;
  • rare intimate life;
  • frequent stress;
  • cancellation of oral contraceptives;
  • age over 35 years.
  • the use of certain products (milk, cherries, apricots, cereals, beef, etc.).

At the end of taking oral contraceptives, a withdrawal syndrome occurs, that is, the appendages are included in work after rest. This leads to the fact that two follicles appear in one ovary and a multiple pregnancy develops. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the likelihood of conceiving multiple babies increases after 35 years.

It has been scientifically proven that during ovulation, the release of several eggs from the ovary at once occurs against the background of a hereditary predisposition. Black women are 3 times more likely to have twins than fair-skinned women. Asian peoples rarely have several babies at once.

How to determine double ovulation in the ovary

There are no specific signs of this phenomenon. It can be detected by performing a pelvic ultrasound. In this case, in one appendage or two, two dominant follicles with the same size are found.

At home, double ovulation is detected using ovulation tests, which demonstrate the possibility of fertilization 2 times in one cycle. In addition, the woman notes repeated pain in the ovaries.

Signs of ovulation in one or different ovaries:

  • increased libido;
  • viscous consistency and an increase in the volume of cervical mucus;
  • excessive sensitivity and swelling of the breast;
  • the appearance of scanty bloody streaks from the genital tract.

A woman who bears 2 babies is subjected to a heavy load. During pregnancy, she gains weight more rapidly, more intensely feels the movements of the fetus. Childbirth in this case is often carried out by caesarean section.