Holistic medicine: removing blocks in the movement of vital energy. Habitat (Human Design) Color – Kitchens

Each person is unique, and each case of illness is unique. In ancient times, doctors considered the body as an integral system, attaching great importance to mental properties, the environment and the internal strengths of a person. Many famous doctors became famous for their original approach, as evidenced by parables that have survived to our times.

Modern medicine seems to have chosen the path of extinction. The widespread application of standards, as well as a commercial approach, makes the individuality of the patient fade. Therefore, achieving a good effect in treatment is becoming increasingly difficult.

For example, a therapist in a clinic is given only 12 minutes to examine each patient, of which the patient must spend 6 minutes undressing and dressing. Is it possible to get some idea of ​​the patient’s problems in these moments? Probably, if the ancient Aesculapians saw a modern, worn-out doctor, they would feel uneasy. But let’s not blame everything on doctors, who are also victims of the system and trends in the development of society.

The great doctors of the past had an insightful mind, and considered each case of illness taking into account the specific circumstances. Their methods may seem strange, but they really worked. Here are two funny parables about this.

This cow is too skinny!

According to legend, these words belong to the famous physician, philosopher and sage of Central Asia Abu Ali Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna. One day, Avicenna was invited to see a major official who, apparently, suffered from possession by an unclean spirit. Without a hint of embarrassment, the official declared that he was a cow that needed to be slaughtered for meat. He refused to eat, and his body became very weak. He was on the verge of death.

Having learned the essence of the problem from the envoys, Avicenna did not use medicinal remedies, but asked him to tell the nobleman that he need not worry, since the butcher would soon come to him. Upon hearing the good news, the patient simply jumped for joy. Avicenna arrived on the appointed day. In his hand he carried a huge knife. Approaching the patient’s chambers, he shouted with all his might: “Where is that cow? Now I’ll use her for meat!”

The official hummed joyfully and rushed towards him. Avicenna ordered the “animal” to be tied up so that it would not twitch. He raised the knife with great flourish, but suddenly became embarrassed. Feeling the nobleman’s sides, he said dismissively: “Oh, no. This cattle will not be used for meat. She is as skinny as a withered bush. First, you need to feed her well. When he gains the required weight, then call me!”

The official had no choice but to start eating. He quickly gained weight. After some time, he was able to recover, thanks to the further care of Avicenna.

Tears of happiness

The lion's share of diseases has deep causes that are hidden in the mental characteristics of a person. To achieve a radical cure, the person himself needs to change. Therefore, ancient doctors did not always use drugs in treatment.

For example, Hua Tuo. Like Hippocrates in the West, the image of the doctor Hua Tuo is legendary in the East. He is also called the “amazing healer.” When a doctor achieves outstanding success in treatment, he is called the “second Hua Tuo.”

There is a legend about how, during the time of the Three Kingdoms, one poor scientist named Zhang Quan unexpectedly inherited a huge house. He was so happy that he began to laugh uncontrollably all the time. For a long time, no one was able to help him, until one fine day he and his father came to Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo, having learned the essence of the matter, listened to the patient’s pulse. With a gloomy face, he shook his head: “This case is too severe. It’s unlikely that I can help you with anything.” Hua Tuo's words were like a hammer blow to father and son. They fell to their knees and began to beg for help.

Then Hua Tuo said: “You can try to contact my student Wu Pu. Most likely he has a remedy. True, there is not much time, and he lives in Xuzhou. If you could get there in 10 days, you would have a chance to survive." He wrote a letter to the student, but strictly ordered him not to open it until Xuzhou arrived. Zhang Quan was so scared that eight days later he and his father visited Wu Pu.

Having opened the letter, Wu Pu began to laugh loudly. In the letter, Hua Tuo said: “The patient suffers from uncontrollable laughter, he could not stand the news of enormous wealth. Medicines won't help matters. I specifically told him that his illness was fatal to make him afraid. Most likely, the day he arrives in Xuzhou will be the day he recovers.” At this moment, Zhang Quan realized that he had recovered.

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A holistic approach to health and to life in general is the basis of youth, beauty and longevity!

A holistic approach to life is a person's acquisition of own strength and self-control, activation of one’s own hidden capabilities inherent in Nature.

The first mention of a holistic approach to health is found in China almost 4 thousand years ago, during the reign of the dynasty of the Yellow Emperor Huan-Ti. The system of healing the body was focused on the treatment and prevention of diseases and used the healing power of herbs, the psychophysical system of breathing and physical exercises, nutrition with natural products, and also placed discipline and self-control at the forefront.

The disease was seen as a consequence of the loss of inner harmony and spiritual balance.

There is now a return to a holistic approach to health, where the basic focus of power a person is “Here and Now”, in the present moment. It doesn’t matter when the illness came, when relationships with other people deteriorated, finances ran out, or the business failed. Until now, our lives have been dominated by thoughts and feelings, as well as words, which have shaped our current situation. By realizing this fact, taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions, we take the first steps towards our healing.

Currently, with the advent of the Age of Aquarius, New Energies are coming to Earth, which bring new tools to people for healing difficult life situations and diseases of the physical body.

Available to us today techniques, that allow activate cellular knowledge of our bodily organization . These dormant abilities include clarity of consciousness, deep peace, excellent health and rejuvenation. It is very important to determine which aspects of our life enhance our vitality, and which interfere with natural processes.

The main responsibility for a person’s mental, physical and spiritual health lies with himself, because the source of healing lies within our cellular biology!

Currently, it has developed all over the world vibrational energy healing, Methods are being improved, and more and more competent, competent healers are appearing who understand that man is a multidimensional creature, complexly structured, requiring a synthetic approach to the healing process, disease prevention, and health preservation based on the new knowledge of the New Age that is being revealed to people. But before you get acquainted with the methods of vibrational healing, you need to have an idea of ​​what structures of the human body they work with. And here science helps us synthesize into a single whole idea of ​​health, find optimal ways for each person, methods for correcting the imbalance, let’s get acquainted with some key concepts, which will expand our understanding of man, his physical and spiritual organization and the inextricable connection with everything that exists on planet Earth.


Now science is on the verge of the final completion of research on the human genome. Scientists are interested in identifying the clear structure of DNA and deciphering the sequence of individual elements that make up genes. But who laid this key of life in us and what guides DNA in fulfilling its most complex role in the body? Research by many scientists shows that DNA is a matrix placed in us by the Creator, containing all the information necessary for the healing of each person and the entire human race as a whole. Scientifically proven - We are Divine Beings and we naturally have the ability to heal ourselves. .

Our biological DNA has two helices, visible under a microscope. But there are ten more spirals whose functions were lost and can be activated today. In total, there are 12 DNA helices, arranged in layers, which are “wrapped” in a crystalline structure - a memory that stores all the knowledge about our life, including about past incarnations.

Thus, there is a constant exchange between the 12 strands of DNA and the 12-segment crystal memory, but at present it is difficult. This is why a person cannot remember how to effectively regenerate tissue, how to protect himself from many diseases and infections, since most of biology “does not remember” how to protect himself from them, how to live longer on this planet, since some parts of biology cease function over time or are chemically suppressed.

With the 12-segment crystal structure surrounding the human DNA code communicated Earth's magnetic grid system , which took on a new orientation by 2002, and Activation of DNA codes has now become possible!

The 12 strands of DNA contain sets of instructions that allow the human body to live up to 950 years. Currently, most of this encoding is ineffective because it does not receive information from the memory core. It is in the core (crystalline structure) of the memory that contains information that will help the chemical component of DNA “remember” how these mechanisms work. The basis connecting the cellular level of human biology with the Earth’s Magnetic Grid is magnetism . Every cell in the human body has the ability to self-diagnose. Today there is an awakening and reunification (through the magnetic component) of the memory core and code system.

Currently there are various techniques , allowing you to activate DNA codes. The pure intention of a human being triggers mechanisms for activating subtle structures and promotes healing at many levels of its organization . These techniques allow one to draw from the reservoir of cosmic energy (the Earth’s Magnetic Grid) as much as a person needs at a given stage of his development in accordance with his natural Wisdom.

In order to understand how some methodological systems work, it is necessary to understand which organs of the human body are involved in receiving and transmitting information, in converting one form of energy into another, and what physiological processes occur in this case. First it is important to note that our thoughts give rise to our reality, shape our life experience .


The human brain is capable of perceiving every frequency of thought of the One Divine Mind, the total internal Knowledge. But today it perceives only those frequencies that allows himself to accept. Most people are tuned to receive thoughts that match the frequency level public consciousness, dominant in limited thinking, when most of the brain is inactive. A person rejects those thoughts that the public consciousness does not accept, thereby refusing to penetrate beyond its limits, limiting the possibilities of developing his brain and accepting thoughts of high frequencies. The pituitary gland activates only those parts of the brain that receive low-frequency thoughts. The only reason that a person exhibits genius, is the openness of his thinking to the contemplation of daring thoughts, brilliant, going beyond the limited thinking of man. He allowed yourself to have such thoughts and occupy your thinking with them. Most people can't accept high frequency thoughts That's why , that he has yet to activate those parts of the brain that will make it possible reconfigure your thinking process.

At this time, the great thoughts of limitless understanding pouring out upon humanity are bouncing off the “receiving device” of the light structure and are sent back through the spiritual component of the human being into the river of thought of the Divine Mind. To have a closed consciousness means not to allow the possibility of the existence of something that cannot be sensed by the senses of our body. And yet this is not so. Everything that is thought out, everything that is dreamed and imagined already exists in the sphere of existence, for this is how everything created on this planet arose, and this is what will become our experience. This is how a person forms his own reality, which, due to closed thinking, he cannot understand, cope with ailments, failures in various areas of life experience.

Each person, while still a child and under the influence of social consciousness, has accepted a program according to which he must grow up, grow old and die. This is why, as man accepted this thought, he began to weaken the life force within his body, because the thought of old age sends a low frequency electrical spark to every cellular structure. The lower the speed, the faster the body loses flexibility because the body's ability to rejuvenate and recover is reduced.

The human brain is a receiver of the electrical frequency of thought, it consists of different sections where different frequencies of thought are received, housed and amplified.

Contrary to popular belief, the human brain does not generate thoughts. This organ accepts and places a thought, passing through the Spirit of a human being, turns it into an electric current, amplifies it and sends it through the central nervous system to every part of the body, to every cell for awareness And understanding .

The higher the frequency of a person’s thoughts, the more actively the whole body receives nutrition and the ability to recover and regenerate, the more active and longer the person lives. Thus, our thoughts shape our life experience and lengthen or shorten our lives.


Every person knows that in one place - be it an apartment, a street, an open space - he feels safe, in another he feels as if he is filled with the energy of movement, and in a third he can feel complete devastation.

With Human Design, you can find out which environment is most suitable for a particular person. In the right environment we will encounter the least resistance. Our business will be most productive, the right people will come to us, in relationships with whom we can show maximum efficiency.

Having received information about your environment, do not try to artificially find yourself in such a place. If you follow the strategy of your Type and listen to your Inner Authority, life will lead you to the place you need, where your capabilities and abilities will literally blossom. Artificial adjustment will again lead you to the wrong place, even if outwardly it matches the description.

The recipe for the environment is the same as for everything else: become a passenger. Place your mind in the back seat of the car. Surrender to Life, it really knows better than you what you need and what you are needed for.

The color of your environment is determined by the position of the Lunar Nodes of Design.

If you see 1, 2 or 3 tones under Color, this is a Left, natural environment that will encourage you to be physically active. This means you're looking for more than just walking or leisurely cycling. Your body needs conscious physical activity to maintain good health.

If under the Color you see 4, 5 or 6 tones, this is the Right, artificial environment in which you feel comfortable walking, cycling or horseback riding. Swim for your own pleasure, ski at a pace that suits you. Your body does not need increased physical activity to maintain good health. You need contemplation, passive rest.


Once upon a time, people sought protection from the threats of the surrounding world in caves. A modern person who has this color in his habitat carries within himself a powerful genetic program for the memory of his ancestors.

Children with this color love to build or play in huts, set up a house under the table, covering it with a tablecloth, and hide in the closet to survive moral difficulties and fears.

For people with 1 Color, a sense of security from the back is important. Therefore, they need a room or office with one entrance that they can control. In moments of internal discomfort, they need hugs from behind, from the back, including during sleep.

An analogue of a cave is a car. Although there are 4 doors, they are all controlled, space is limited, and the seat back supports your back.

In addition to creating a sense of security, the environment should promote development, so people with 1 color like to surround themselves with various sources of information and place their workspace so that they can periodically look out the window.


In the modern world, markets are any business environment: office buildings, large shopping centers, airports and train stations - places where there are large crowds of people and there is a constant exchange (of things, information, money, etc.). Thus, people of 2 Colors are residents of the city. They can periodically go on vacation to sparsely populated places and get great pleasure from the opportunity for solitude, but if you place such a person in a permanent place of residence, for example, in a village, he will feel discomfort and a desire to immerse himself in the bustle of the city. Streams of cars, blinking traffic lights, even traffic jams are an indicator for him that life is moving, and he is related to this movement.

If a person of 2 Colors is forced to work at home, he needs to equip a room for himself, which will be a full-fledged office. Such a person can work using the Internet, provided that periodically people associated with his work also appear in his home office.


A kitchen is a place where something is cooked, where parts are transformed into a whole or something else. People with 3 Colors, especially women, can choose the kitchen as a place that can also be used as a home office. It is people with 3 Color who love to receive guests in the kitchen, rather than in the room, more than others. For men with 3 Colors, it is advisable to have an equipped workshop right in the house.

If you look at it more broadly, plants, factories, canteens, cafes and restaurants are suitable habitats for such people (business meetings and even the process of self-study can be held there). What is important for them is not so much participation in a big process, but the opportunity to observe how life revolves around them and at this time one thing turns into another (for example, individual products into a whole dish). These are people with a great focus on the material process of work.


The name does not mean at all that people with the 4th Color need to live in the mountains, although even periodic trips to the mountains are healing for them.

If a 4 Color person lives in an urban environment, it is better for him to choose an apartment or office on a high floor. So he will look at the world from above and feel himself involved in the world and at the same time located at a distance, on an eminence. Inaccessible to encroachment, but having the opportunity to join the world “below” at will. Influencing from above.

Children with 4 Colors love to climb trees, build houses in their crowns, sit on window sills and climb onto roofs, sleep on top of a bunk bed or on the second shelf in a train compartment. Looking out the window on an airplane.

Mountains are rarefied air, so these people often lead a lifestyle associated with oxygen starvation. For example, they start smoking and get a buzz from it, and practice holding their breath. They can engage in deep-sea diving (it’s like mountains in reverse).


Your correct environment is crossroads where different people, information, and strangers meet. First floors, detached house, lowland with constant external activity.

Narrow streets filled with different delicious smells and sounds are suitable for you, which you can look at from the window, following the ever-changing picture, or walk along them, periodically sitting down in some street cafe.

The business center with its high-rise buildings is not your environment. Choose old neighborhoods or a cozy private sector for living or office.


The shores are a kind of border place, a place of transition from one to another. For such people, it is correct to live on the border - land and water, city and countryside, plain and mountains.

In the right environment for you, people who need a psychological “carrier” from one state to another will be attracted to you. You don't even need to be some kind of specialist in this field, you just are a role model. A few of your phrases, said as if by chance, can give a person a hint on how to move in the future. But that is not why you are on the “shore”. You are simply living yourself.

Housing should not tie a person of 6 Colors to one place. Rather, his home is the whole world. Therefore, if this is your Color, always have a travel set of things on hand.

Holistic health

X. z. (holistic health) addresses the whole person. The first mention of a holistic approach to health is found in China, during the reign of the Yellow Emperor Huan-Ti, almost 4 thousand years ago. This system of medicine, focused on the treatment and prevention of disease, was based on the use of herbs, acupuncture and massage. The main element of the approach was Chi Kun - the psychophysical system of respiratory and physical. exercises, dietary prescriptions and mental discipline. The main goal of Chi Kun was to improve health; illness was considered an accident due to the loss of internal harmony and balance of spirit.

In the West, the two most influential approaches to health were codified in Ancient Greece. Hippocrates (c. 460-377 BC) is considered by many to be the father of medicine. The Hippocratic method was strikingly similar to the Chinese in that the doctor directed the people. to recognition of the natural state of health that accompanies living in harmony with oneself and nature.

The roots of psychosomatic medicine and medicine, practiced in modern times. zap. culture, go back to the school of Hippocrates, which considered the personality as a whole in interaction with the outside world.

Galen (c. 129-199) proposed an alternative form of treatment. Maintaining a view of the need to treat people. In general, Galen argued that pathology was the result of disorders in individual organs and that the main thing in medicine was the diagnosis and treatment of disorders specific to a given organ.

The overwhelming influence of the Christian church led to the displacement of Galen's views in favor of the Hippocratic concept. The works of Hippocrates were seen as confirmation of the church's idea of ​​illness as a punishment from God. It was only with the advent of the Renaissance that the spirit of curiosity allowed researchers to question Hippocrates' method and return to Galen's approach. The scientific method, shaped by this spirit of curiosity, has led to a deeper understanding of the human body. and its functions.

Empirical research. Harvey was quite consistent with the philosophical views of his contemporary. Rene Descartes, having created an attitude towards natural phenomena, led to the discovery of bacteria, antibodies and most modern medicine. knowledge of honey Sciences. The purpose of this honey. tradition was to reduce treatment to the lowest common denominator, treat the affected organ and expect that the human body. will return to its normal functioning.

This approach has been a huge success. After Pasteur and Koch's discovery that microorganisms cause disease, the Hippocratic tradition seemed to be superseded by physicalist medicine.

In the 30s XX century Holistic medicine re-emerged as the “new” psychosomatic medicine. This was partly due to the phenomenal success of physicalist medicine. Many infectious diseases have been effectively controlled in Western Europe. the world; this has led to the prevalence of new disorders. Although it was not yet recognized at the time, the new disorders were caused by lifestyle. Cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases are the result of a person’s exposure to prolonged exposure to personal or environmental factors, and not microorganisms. The physicalist tradition has formed only one therapeutic approach that corresponds to its paradigm - surgery. Hospitals have become larger, honey. disciplines have become more specialized. In the 1970s only 0.5% of the US national budget was allocated to prevention and only 2.5% to health education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, over 50% of deaths in the United States were caused by preventable disorders.

As physicalist medicine continued its efforts to treat these new disorders, two major problems arose: the rising cost of health care and the rise of iatrogenics. The cost of health care rose from 4% of the gross national product in 1950 to 7% in 1970. Every fifth person entering the N.-I. clinic, acquired an iatrogenic disease. This meant that 20% of people receiving honey. service, became distressed by the treatment they received. With the increasing specialization of medicine, the cost of treatment and the risk for patients increased.

Dr. The reason for the turn to holistic medicine was the growing awareness among leading researchers that health could not be maintained solely through a physicalist approach. The greatest contribution to this was made by Hans Selye, who formulated the concept of a general response to stress, which emphasized the interaction of the individual and the environment. The concept of stress was holistic; it explained disturbances in individual organs and the occurrence of specific disorders by a generalized adaptive reaction of the whole organism to environmental influences. When eminent microbiologists such as René Dubos showed that socioeconomic factors played an even greater role in health than antibiotics, the holistic concept of health gained further recognition.

It was also found that the factors that determine the state of health or illness are diet, smoking, alcohol and drug consumption and the presence or absence of physical activity. exercises. These “lifestyle factors” are components of psychopedagogical experience, which determines a long-term style of behavior.

The third set of factors related to personality is closely related to lifestyle. One of the most famous and widely recognized elements of this dimension is the A-type personality. Two doctors, Meir Friedman and Ray Rosenman, first identified and began to treat diseases in people with type A personality.

What was needed was political and social. the setting of the 1960s to the concept of X. z. has become the dominant force in US health care services. People wanted to participate in maintaining their health. In the 1970s Jogging became popular - more and more people wanted to “get in shape.” The emerging concept of “wellness” attracted X. Z. to the rapidly developing business. like honey professionals and charlatans.

In the 1980s X. z. became more respected. Empirical research. demonstrated the effectiveness of this concept, many charlatans were driven out and holistic practices were integrated into the healthcare system. Scientific theory has not yet grasped the full implications of a shift to a truly holistic paradigm, and it is difficult to do so.

In practice plane concept X. Z. caused a revolution in the healthcare system. This is largely due to the financial restrictions that medical institutions and insurance companies had to face until the early 1970s. Only recently has preventive medicine become cost-effective for certain sectors of the health care system. “Wellness” programs were developed, and insurance companies began to widely promote participation in health programs to reduce the cost of treating illnesses.

As this process spread, the concept of health in the United States was expanded and refined. Concept X. z. deals with the physical, interpersonal, psychological, professional and spiritual dimensions of each health care user. It is interdisciplinary - dentists, doctors, clergy, sociologists, psychologists, consultants, educators and businessmen are among the many professions that work together to create conditions that promote health.

Concept X. z. focuses both on promoting a healthy lifestyle and on the treatment and prevention of diseases. Empirical data are drawn from phenomenologically designed studies. East. religious teachings are used as sources of material for the further development of health strategies such as yoga, meditation, herbal medicine and acupuncture.

X. z. It is phenomenological in the sense that it is based on the premise that treatment will be optimal if carried out in the natural environment of people. The services that help the most are those that allow people to remain in their home, family, and community. Honey. Services are most effective when they are delivered in a way that respects people's beliefs about health, without imposing the health service's belief system on them.

X. z. based on cooperation. Authoritarianism and control decrease as service providers move from a doctor, patient, and prescription model to a consultant, client, and contract model. Responsibility of people for your health becomes the main element of any health service. Self-responsibility involves an individual's desire and ability to engage in and maintain health-promoting behaviors. Often this means the need to abandon a style of behavior that is dysfunctional (for example, smoking cigarettes).

This process requires a strong sense of self-responsibility. Research willingness of patients to follow medical regime testify to how difficult this process is. In plural works show that the number of patients who do not follow doctor’s instructions reaches 60%. In 20-50% of cases, patients refuse an appointment with a doctor.

Patient compliance with lifestyle modification programs is even lower. In research The effectiveness of weight control programs has shown that 90-95% of patients fail to achieve the desired weight. Of those who quit smoking, up to 75% start smoking again within six months.

Lack of willingness to comply with the requirements and recommendations of specialists - a serious problem for physicalist medicine - becomes even more serious for a holistic approach to health. The population served must be motivated to implement and maintain positive behavioral lifestyles, which are best achieved by increasing a sense of self-responsibility and self-control.

If a holistic approach to health succeeds in increasing people's sense of empowerment and self-control, it can provide high levels of disease prevention, voluntary compliance, and health promotion.

Health services that use authoritarianism and control to ensure patient compliance. prescriptions may achieve short-term compliance with a therapeutic regimen, but are unable to achieve the goal of long-term maintenance of a positive lifestyle.

Movement X. z. to increase the internal locus of control therefore gives the entire healthcare system the opportunity to address the multidimensional nature of people's responsibility. before oneself and its influence on the way of life. There is hope that the feeling of personal strength will spread to other aspects of people’s lives. - interpersonal relationships, work productivity and family relationships.

Induce self-sustaining voluntary changes, moving from a lifestyle focused on short-term rewards to long-term rewards and to the deinstitutionalization of some medicines. services are large-scale tasks. Knowing what is best for your health and practicing a healthy lifestyle are often not the same.

Knowles suggests that the inability to maintain a healthy lifestyle may be determined by five factors: denial of death and illness with a strong focus on short-term rewards; the idea that nature, death and disease will be conquered by science; reluctance to live under certain socio-economic or interpersonal restrictions; depression and lack of interest in following doctor's orders. Attention must be paid to these factors in order for the concept of X. z. could make tangible strides in American health care.

The US healthcare system has undergone major changes recently. Services that diagnose and treat diseases remain important; At the same time, health maintenance, promotion and motivation are becoming increasingly important in health care.

Progress in modern times physicalist medicine should not be ignored, but prevention is key. Living in harmony with nature becomes the core goal of positive health.

See also Type A Personality, Weight Control, General Adaptation Syndrome, Behavioral Medicine, Health Services

How can we characterize the holistic scientific method? The Greek word "holon" is translated as "wholeness" or "integrity." Respectively, holism as a doctrine is based on the direct integral relationship between the material and spiritual. This is a theory about the inseparable interconnection of everything that surrounds us, about the constant renewal and transformation of all types of living matter in their inextricable triumph of unity. Today this teaching has taken root in philosophy, psychology, and medicine. One way or another, the doctrine of holism continues to remain relevant for humanity even after many hundreds of years.

See eternity in one moment

From the point of view of holism, man and the Universe are a single whole. Being by nature a microcosm, the Universe in miniature, man embodies in his own existence elements of a macrocosmic scale. " Know that you are another universe in miniature, and that in you are the sun, the moon and all the stars", wrote the ancient philosopher Origen. Isn’t it surprising that the structure of the solar system exactly repeats the structure of the atom? Perhaps this indicates the deep similarity of all being around us - from microorganisms to planets. One way or another, the concept of the integrity of all things is a key concept of holism.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, a holistic approach to science became one of the main philosophical principles of the time. Both Galen and Paracelsus followed the theories of holistic medicine in their research. Later, advocates of the empirical method branded holism as anti-scientific. When experiment took the leading place in science, holism, which could not prove at the experimental level the thesis about the relationship between man and the surrounding world, lost its connection with science for several centuries.

Only at firstXXcentury, holism was resurrected from the ashes. The founder of modern holism was a South African scientist Jan Smuts, in his book “Holism and Evolution”, established integrity as the highest philosophical concept. According to Smuts, the bearer of all the physical qualities of a particular material object is an immaterial subtle psychoenergetic field. The fields generated by different objects come into contact and interact with each other, closely cooperating with each other. Electrons are built into atoms, atoms form organic compounds from which plants and animals are born. Thus, the entire evolution of living nature is based on the inherent inseparability of the diversity of species and forms that surround us.

Jan Smuts managed to restore holism as a scientific direction. Without rejecting materialism, Smuts managed to reconcile the eternal confrontation between the physical and spiritual, temporary and eternal. The holistic approach received further development in connection with the emergence of the New Age movement, when knowledge that had been forgotten for a long time was again in demand.

Reconciliation with yourself

Today, holistic medicine is becoming increasingly popular. First of all, because of its safety for health. It’s paradoxical, but true: in the USA there are statistics according to which thoughtless and uncontrolled treatment with traditional medicine is one of the three main reasons leading to the death of patients. Holistic medicine it is absolutely harmless to the body: it appeals to practices from thousands of years ago, the basic principle of which is the principle of “do no harm” .

Today, holistic medicine is represented by a wide range of movements. At the moment this is acupuncture, And homeopathy, and herbal medicine, and aromatherapy, And Ayurveda, And osteopathy, And qigong. Followers of holistic medicine believe that it is impossible to study diseases of one organ in isolation. It is necessary to look at the disease more broadly; it is worth tracking not only the physiological background of the disease, but also how the disease can be related to the current mental and spiritual state of a person.

In general, in holistic medicine a lot of attention is paid to the patient’s previous traumatic experiences and his mental attitudes. A positive attitude can itself activate the body’s immunological reserve, while negative thoughts and depression can provoke a decline in immunity and subsequently lead to inhibition of recovery processes.

Two sides of the same coin

According to representatives of holistic therapy, there is a constant struggle inside a person - “want” and “need”, duty and desire, inner parent and inner child. This problem of duality is often fraught with neuroses. Quite often, many of us are faced with a terrible feeling of tornness, a split soul. Holistic psychology aims to eliminate this fragmentation and remove the contradiction between those dual principles for which the human soul is a fighting ground . The goal of holistic psychology is to reconcile these principles and offer them cooperation as an alternative to struggle.

Holistic psychology and psychotherapy emphasize the integration of conflicting feelings and experiences. Only by finding harmony with himself can a person mature in order to realize unity with the world around him and understand what mission he is fulfilling here and now on Earth.

Great ancient Greek scientist Heraclitus once wrote: " From one - everything, from everything - one". Only by perceiving the sacred interconnection of everything that surrounds us can we feel ourselves as one of the links in an invisible chain that permeates all of existence - starting from an ant and ending with the entire Universe.