Syphilis symptoms and treatment prevention photo: syphilis rash. What do skin rashes look like with syphilis? What does pale treponema look like on the skin

Lues is one of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases known to mankind. This disease, better known as syphilis, is transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also during household contact - through personal hygiene items.

There are cases of infection with an infectious disease through blood transfusion. Venereal disease develops as a result of ingestion of the causative agent of syphilis.

Penetrating into the human body, it leads to various lesions and skin manifestations of syphilis. An infectious disease is fraught with the fact that it is possible to fully recover only at an early stage. A spiral microorganism rapidly develops in the body, damaging and affecting vital organs and tissues.

The causative agent of an infectious venereal disease can affect human skin in different ways. As a rule, a rash appears on the body, located on the soles of the feet and in the genital area. In women, such manifestations can also be found in the chest area, but the genital area continues to be the main foci. White treponema is able to retain its infectious properties for quite a long time even at low temperatures.

The causative agents of syphilis are dangerous because they are not detected at an early stage and it is possible to eliminate the foci of the pathogen only at an elevated temperature of up to 100 degrees, treatment with various solutions of acid and alkali. But in no case should you perform self-treatment, since you can only do harm.

Skin manifestations

A pronounced symptom of syphilis is a skin disease. During the penetration of a pathogen into the human body, the first ones begin to appear. Many are interested in the important question of how syphilis manifests itself, but it will not be possible to answer unambiguously, since the manifestations at each stage differ from each other.

What syphilis will look like on the skin can be seen at an early stage of an infectious disease. A hard chancre begins to form, which can disappear without a trace in subsequent stages. The disappearance of such symptoms does not mean that the disease has passed, it may be chronic. Thus, if the disease is not externally expressed, this may mean that the process of developing a terrible disease has started in the body.

After infection and spread of white treponema through the bloodstream, the body begins to intensively fight the infectious lesion. The active phase of the fight against microorganisms smoothly flows into the second phase of the disease. Syphilides can serve as an example of the interaction of antibodies with white treponema.

This skin manifestation of syphilis can be localized in the chest area, on the hands, and also have a different color and size. Some of the manifestations can cause discomfort, and even pain. Most people infected with syphilis note that they even feel itching and burning. What syphilis looks like can be observed already in the second stage of the disease.

Usually there are chancres on the human body similar to ulcers. These ulcers have an unpleasant appearance, discharge of purulent origin regularly appears from them. They may be dark red or purple. Spots with a complication of syphilis develop into lesions with a blood bottom, which become covered with a crust.

Such unpleasant formations most often appear when the stage of the disease is already running. In this case, the entire skin on the back and abdomen is covered with acne, which is discomfort for a patient with syphilis. In men, after infection, a rash appears on the genitals and can cause discomfort. Since the symptoms are similar to other diseases, many people do not take them seriously.

What does syphilis look like

When infected through personal hygiene items (washcloths, dishes, towels), ulcers appear on the hands, in the oral and nasal cavities. This type of ulcer is more like blisters, with purulent discharge. It must be remembered that getting rid of such abscesses is not easy and you do not need to self-medicate. The situation may worsen with the appearance of purulent formations, as they become contagious for those who come into contact with the patient.

Secondary syphilis of the skin and mucous membranes

As already described above, a characteristic feature of syphilis during the secondary stage are manifestations on the skin. Despite the fact that the rash does not cause discomfort, nevertheless, when they appear, you need to contact a specialist. On average, after 10 weeks, when pressing on it, painful sensations begin to appear.

A similar rash appears on those areas that have been infected. Most often, such areas are mucous membranes, folds, the location of the genital genitalia in men and women. The symptoms include the appearance of tumors in the genital organs, hair loss, which is an unpleasant process, especially for the female half of the population. Thus, syphilis can vary and have characteristic features, it all depends on the method of infection.

If you look at syphilis, you will notice that the spots and chancres are small lesions of a pale red color, which can disappear on their own without any intervention. Erosion on the skin is localized on the pubis in women, the genitals in men, and even on the mucous membranes. Multiple ulcers on the mucous membranes are also signs of syphilis, resembling small warts.

In fact, it is very difficult to distinguish the symptoms at an early stage, given that the symptoms have similarities with other diseases. But you should pay attention to the similarities of symptoms and then it will be easier to establish a diagnosis. With syphilis, new formations have an individual color, gradually change from pink to dark scarlet, and then get a pale shade.

The next similarities of syphilis will be the fact that syphilides have smooth edges and do not mix with other formations and do not peel off. These syphilides range in size from one to two millimeters. The third and most noticeable fact is the disappearance of manifestations without leaving marks and scars on the skin.

Skin rashes with syphilis during the secondary stage can have various variations. Variants of syphilis are the most diverse - roseola, spots, papules, rashes on the palms and soles of the feet.

Almost 75% of patients with syphilis develop so-called roseola. These symptoms indicate that the infection has begun to spread throughout the body. Roseolas are growths on the skin that are not particularly inflamed. They are round in shape and pale pink in color. It must be pointed out that they do not spread on the human body and are placed on the abdomen and torso.


On the skin of a patient with syphilis, they can take the form of peas and have a compacted content. If the roseola does not peel off, then the papules are characterized by a surface without tubercles that has a certain luster. After some time, these papules begin to itch and peel off. This form is also located in the genital area, as well as on the palms and soles of the feet. On the soles of the papules are seals that have properties similar to corns. Often, with the development of the disease, the palmar - plantar syphilis begins to crack and peel off.


It is worth noting that warts are the result of improper and untimely treatment of papules. Condylomas are characterized by fusion with other formations on the skin. This form is the most complex and neglected variant of venereal disease, since with warts the affected surface is covered with a pale coating with unpleasant secretions.

Angina, often called erythematous, appears in the oral and nasal cavities. In these areas, the appearances are reddish, even copper in color, with clear outlines. Despite the fact that there is no particular pain, some patients indicate that there is some discomfort during meals.

Formations, which are called syphilitic leukoderma (necklace of Venus), located in the neck area. Pigmentation has a pronounced yellowish color, without burning and itching.

Thus, we considered that despite the secretive nature of the symptoms of a venereal disease, they make themselves felt and become a signal for seeking medical help. In this article, you can see and consider the symptoms of a skin manifestation using the example of syphilis (photo), which will allow many to understand the signals of their body in time and prevent irreversible consequences.

Infectious disease, in 99% of cases transmitted through sexual contact and affecting the entire body. Pale treponema is considered the causative agent of pathology - a bacterial pathogen, one of the signs of the presence of which are characteristic spots. What are the spots on the body with syphilis? And what are the ulcers with syphilis?

The period of syphilis from the moment of infection to 2-3 months is considered primary, when a hard chancre is formed in the area of ​​infection:

  1. At first, there is a slight redness, in place of which a bulge forms after a few days.
  2. In the middle of the formation, cell death occurs, so soon the chancre turns into an insensitive ulcer, framed by a solid ring.

The first stage of syphilis ends with characteristic rashes on the body - the result of the vital activity of pale treponema. Skin problems are accompanied by symptoms of intoxication:

  • general weakness and joint pain;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • decrease in vitality.

The totality of all signs indicates the beginning of the next stage in the development of syphilis.

Spots with secondary syphilis

The second stage is longer. It lasts up to 4 years and manifests itself on the skin in a very diverse way. Surface elements of this period are classified into:

  • Roseolous syphilides, the appearance of which indicates that the body contains a huge amount of pathogen bacteria. The color of the spots is weak, the outlines are slightly blurred, the shape resembles an oval or a circle with a diameter of up to one and a half centimeters. The roseolas do not coalesce and are flush with the surface of the skin. The area of ​​​​their localization is the sides and abdomen.
  • Papular syphilides resembling nodules (papules). They look like a circle or hemisphere the size of a lentil grain, dense to the touch. Initially, the papules are smooth and shiny, but soon signs of peeling become visible on the surface, and a border forms around the perimeter. The area of ​​localization of papular syphilides is the whole body, including the groin, palms and feet.

Papular syphilides

  • Palmar-plantar syphilides- one of the forms of the elements mentioned above. Outwardly, they resemble dark red spots-corns. An increase in the volume of formations causes them to crack in the center, which leads to the formation of a flaky halo along the perimeter of the circle. Often, patients confuse palmar-plantar papules with ordinary rubbing from shoes, so they do not rush to the doctor and start treatment late.
  • Wide warts. In fact, these are vegetative papules. They can combine to form hypertrophic areas. They are covered with a white layer of swollen horny epithelium, under which a serous infiltrate is contained. Wide warts in some cases may be the only skin symptom of secondary syphilis. A favorite place of localization is the perianal region, therefore, when examining a neoplasm, it must be differentiated from anal warts and manifestations of hemorrhoids.
  • Syphilitic leukoderma. They are observed infrequently and are considered a specific manifestation of syphilis. Accumulations of elements of a rash on the chest and neck are romantically called by doctors the “Necklace of Venus”. A single leukoderma looks like a light oval on a dark brown spot. In addition to the anterior surface of the upper body, the rash may cover the arms and armpits.

Syphilitic leukoderma

Skin formations characteristic of tertiary syphilis lead to the development of conditions such as:

  1. Erythematous angina. Its characteristic feature is the spots on the body of roseola, covering the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. They are distinguished by a dark red tint, a smooth surface and clear boundaries. Roseola on the mucous membrane does not hurt, but can make it difficult to swallow saliva and food. Syphilis in the mouth with relapses in the third stage of syphilis may be the only external manifestation of the disease;
  2. Syphilitic alopecia. This is baldness caused by a large number of specific elements on the scalp. Hair breaks down and falls out unevenly, like pieces of fur “beaten” by moths.

It is important to understand that a person on whose body there are syphilides is dangerous by the ability to “share” the infection upon contact, since the elements of the rash contain a large amount of pathogen bacteria.

Syphilitic alopecia

So, a syphilitic rash can be represented by spots and other elements of various types. In this case, the severe course of the pathology is accompanied by pustular (pustular) syphilides, resembling smallpox, acne or impetigo. A characteristic feature of the secondary period is also that with each new relapse, the number of spots on the body decreases, but the elements themselves become larger, form clusters resembling circles and arcs.

Against the background of lack of treatment or improper therapy, secondary syphilis passes into the next stage.

Spots and ulcers in tertiary syphilis

This degree of pathology is ascertained 7-10 years after the ingestion of pale treponema. Currently, tertiary syphilis occurs in patients who neglect doctor's prescriptions, partially or completely violating them.

What do you think, if there is a chance to be cured in the third stage of syphilis?


The skin manifestations of this period - tertiary syphilides - develop over months and years, without giving symptoms of inflammation and without causing discomfort. Unlike the formations of secondary syphilis, these are located compactly, occupying a limited area of ​​​​the body and gradually regressing, transforming into skin scars.

External manifestations of tertiary syphilis include:

  1. Tubercular syphilides. These are dense syphilis spots-bulges of a brownish hue containing infiltrate. They are up to 7 mm in diameter. In the accumulation of syphilides, elements of varying degrees of development can be distinguished. After a while, the tubercle necroticizes, forming sores with syphilis, containing an infiltrate. It takes weeks and months to heal, after which a small area of ​​atrophy or a scar remains on the body.
  2. Gummous syphilides, which are represented by one or more single elements on the body. Gumma, in fact, is a painless node under the skin, the localization of which can be the forehead, shins and forearms, elbows and knees. At the initial stage of formation, the node is mobile. Over time, it grows and fuses with surrounding tissues, turning into a static subcutaneous formation. A hole appears in the center through which the gelatinous discharge flows. Soon the recess takes the form of a crater, at the bottom of which there is a necrotic rod. After its release, the ulcer quickly heals, forming a concave star-shaped scar. There are cases when gummas are resolved, bypassing the stage of an ulcer: the node simply becomes smaller, and over time is replaced by connective tissue.

Tubercular syphilides

In addition to the thickness of the skin, gummous syphilides affect:

  • cartilage and bones;
  • muscles and blood vessels.

In the future, this leads to the inevitable destruction of the body.

Treatment and prevention

A dermatovenereologist deals with the treatment of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. The therapy takes a long time. In the early stages of treatment, its duration reaches 3 months, and in later stages it stretches for years. The fact of cure is confirmed solely by the results of laboratory tests, and not by the patient's statements about improving well-being.

It is important to understand that it is easier to avoid syphilis than to treat it. In this article, you can find out

To combat syphilis, water-soluble antibiotics of the penicillin series are used, which are administered intramuscularly at regular intervals in a course of several weeks. In case of intolerance, they can be replaced with tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, macrolides. In addition to antibacterial injections, those suffering from syphilis are prescribed immunostimulants and vitamin preparations.

To avoid infection with syphilis, you should follow simple but important prevention rules:

  • use of personal hygiene products;
  • avoiding kissing and sexual contact with unfamiliar partners;
  • use of barrier contraceptives (condoms);
  • visiting a dermatovenereologist after unprotected sex with a person whose state of health is unknown;
  • refusal to self-medicate when signs of a sexually transmitted disease are detected, as this is fraught with serious complications in the future.

If it so happened that an infection has occurred, it is worth remembering that modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of tools and capabilities to successfully fight syphilis. The sooner you seek medical help, the greater the chance of a speedy recovery.


You can also watch a video where a venereologist will tell you about the symptoms of syphilis in men and women.

When spots from syphilis appear on the skin, it is unpleasant and frightening, like any sign of a serious illness. But this is not a reason for fear and despair, but only a reason to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

A rash with syphilis is one of the main symptoms. The disease is caused by treponema pale. The causative agent of infection enters the human body through injured mucous membranes or skin. It is possible to transmit syphilis during fetal development and during blood transfusion.

Syphilis on the skin is the primary sign of the disease, indicating the active reproduction of bacteria at the site of penetration. During this period, a hard chancre is formed. With further spread of treponema, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. It is because of this that secondary rashes appear.

The tertiary form of the disease develops several years after infection. There is a loss:

  • skin;
  • bones;
  • nervous system.

A rash is one of the most common manifestations of tertiary syphilis. Each phase of the rash has its own characteristics.

Rash in primary syphilis

The first symptoms of infection appear after the end of the incubation period, which lasts 14–60 days. A large defect appears on the skin, called a hard chancre. It has a rounded shape and a smooth bottom (see photo). Itching and pain are absent, the ulcer has a dense base, resembling cartilage. Syphilitic erosion is similar to an ulcer, but patients rarely pay attention to it. Such rashes are of a single nature, with a severe course of the disease, several elements are formed.

Small ulcers appear on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs. Large chancres affect the skin:

  • abdomen
  • hips;
  • faces;
  • groin area.

They are found most often in men. A hard chancre may appear on the lip or tongue, after healing, a star-shaped scar remains. The elements contain a large amount of the infectious agent, so a person with a primary form of the disease is considered extremely dangerous for others. An ulcer on the skin with syphilis is present for 2 months, after which tissue scarring occurs.

An atypical manifestation of a sexually transmitted disease - affecting the fingers. The phalanx swells and turns red, pain appears. A deep ulcer is visible. Skin manifestations of syphilis are accompanied by an increase in regional lymph nodes.

Signs of a secondary form

During this period, the following types of rash occur:

Spots can appear anywhere on the skin. Despite the variety of types, all secondary syphilides have common features. The color in the first days is bright pink, then gradually turns into brown. The elements of the rash do not spread and do not merge with each other. Itchy rashes with syphilis do not appear, they disappear even in the absence of treatment. The skin affected by syphilis does not become inflamed. The introduction of penicillin antibiotics contributes to the rapid disappearance of spots, papules and vesicles. All secondary syphilides are extremely contagious.

Abundant rashes appear after the end of the primary period, which lasts about 10 weeks. Red spots or pimples are found on the skin, having a symmetrical arrangement. With the recurrence of the disease, syphilides appear in smaller quantities, affect limited areas of the skin, forming rings and garlands.

What does a syphilitic rash look like at this stage? In most cases, papular rashes or roseola are found. The latter consists of rounded spots of small size with uneven borders. They have a pale pink color that brightens when pressed. Merging or peeling of the elements of the rash is not observed. In density and height, they do not differ from healthy skin. If left untreated, roseola disappears after 3 weeks, after which it reappears a few months later.

The appearance of papular rashes is promoted by the inflammatory process in the upper layers of the skin. Elements have clear boundaries and slightly rise above the surface. Under the influence of certain factors, they can merge. The rashes have a smooth shiny surface and a pale pink color. Before disappearing, they are covered with scales, leaving behind areas of hyperpigmentation. Papules do not affect the palms and feet, most often they are found on the back of the head, forehead and lips.

Pustules occur in a small proportion of patients with secondary syphilis. Their appearance contributes to a decrease in immunity. Outwardly, they resemble acne, impetigo and other dermatological diseases. When diagnosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a dark rim. Pimples are small in size and have a dense base, later covered with crusts. Healing is not accompanied by tissue scarring.

Impetigo syphilide has the appearance of a papule with a suppurating center, which eventually becomes covered with a multi-layered crust.

Ecthyma is a large ulcer surrounded by a purple rim. During the healing process, a crust forms in the form of a shell. Healing is accompanied by the appearance of scars.

A rare symptom of the secondary form of the disease is herpetiform syphilide, resembling herpetic eruptions. Its occurrence indicates a malignant course of infection.

Skin manifestations of tertiary syphilis

This stage begins 4-5 years after the penetration of pale treponema into the body. There have been cases of the occurrence of a tertiary rash after 10–20 years. The transition of syphilis to this form is facilitated by improper treatment. The rashes look like gummy infiltrates and tubercles. Re-activation of bacteria in the affected areas leads to their appearance. During this period, a person is not dangerous to others. Rashes can spread around the periphery.

A dense knot of large size, which rises above the skin. The main symptom of rashes in tertiary syphilis is the absence of pain. Single lesions most often affect the lower extremities. In the future, the gum begins to break down, resulting in the formation of a large ulcer. It has dense edges, uneven borders and a deep bottom, represented by dead tissues. Healing is accompanied by the formation of star-shaped scars. In some cases, the gumma does not ulcerate, but turns into a subcutaneous scar.

Tubercular syphilide is a small bluish-colored elevation that can ulcerate and contribute to the appearance of deep defects. Such rashes persist for several months. The congenital form of syphilis has special skin manifestations. The formation of papular syphilis may be accompanied by infiltration. The skin turns red, thickens and swells. The rash appears on the arms, buttocks, feet and. Subsequently, diverging cracks are formed, the healing of which is accompanied by the formation of a scar.

Syphilitic pemphigus is another characteristic sign of the congenital form of the disease. Rashes look like bubbles filled with transparent contents. They affect the upper limbs, are not prone to fusion and increase. Syphilis affects the internal organs, due to which the appearance of a rash is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body. In the late period, gummas are formed, characteristic of the tertiary period of the disease. How to define and?

Therapeutic activities

An experienced dermatologist can make a diagnosis after the initial examination. To establish the syphilitic origin of the rash, laboratory tests are carried out (immunofluorescence reaction, passive hemagglutination). Identification of an infection can present some difficulties; it is impossible to decipher the test results on your own.

Therapy should not be aimed at eliminating the rash, but at destroying the pathogen. Pale treponema is sensitive to penicillin antibiotics. The substance after the introduction begins to act quickly, but it does not stay in the body for a long time. Bicillin - a modified penicillin is used as intramuscular injections 2 times a day. The modern drug Bicillin-5 can be administered once every 3 days, therefore it is often used for outpatient treatment of syphilis.

Tetracycline is prescribed for severe infections. The drug can not be used to eliminate the disease in children and pregnant women. Macrolides are considered safer, for example,. It is taken once a day for 2 weeks. With the introduction of drugs, the syphilitic rash quickly disappears. To prevent allergic reactions to antibiotics, antihistamines (Claritin) are used. In the presence of gums and ulcers, antibacterial ointments are used. Early treatment for syphilis helps to avoid the formation of rough scars on the skin.

Syphilis is a severe sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. This is a bacterium capable of independent movement. It penetrates into human skin, destroying it at the site of penetration, forming ulcer-like changes in surface tissues. It is a generalized infection highly resistant to antibiotic therapy.

A characteristic rash is a striking manifestation of syphilis. Its elements have their own specific features at different stages of the disease. What does a syphilitic rash look like? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Characteristics of the rash in the first stage

After the incubation period, the stage of primary syphilis begins, which is manifested by the only symptom: a hard chancre. This is the most contagious manifestation of the disease of all possible skin lesions. As a manifestation of primary syphilis, it is formed at the site of the introduction of an infectious agent into the body, therefore, for example, during sexual contact, a chancre appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intimate organs.

The primary chancre is localized anywhere. The most favorite location is the external genitalia. In men, the chancre can also affect the skin in the lower abdomen and inner thighs. it often occurs on the clitoris, frenulum, labia. In 12% of cases it is found on the cervix. According to the localization of the pathology, it is divided into: genital, perigenital, extragenital.

With syphilis, extragenital chancres form less frequently. They occur on the lips, oral mucosa, eyelids, fingers - in those places where the bacteria have invaded. In most cases, it is difficult to immediately diagnose for various reasons (including the absence of any discomfort, itching and soreness), while the infection continues to develop further. Now the symptoms and places of chancre formation have changed: in women, the percentage of pathology in the oral cavity has increased, in men - around the anus.

Hard chancre (ulcus durum)

A hard chancre (ulcus durum) is formed in the place through which the infectious agent has entered the body: on the external genital organs, in the anus, on the lips, tongue, tonsils.

It is formed gradually, goes through several stages of its development. Using the example of its transformation, one can understand what the rash looks like with syphilis of the first period. Initially, a spot (erythema) appears, clearly demarcated, small in size (0.7–1.5 cm), rounded, pale red or pink. Painful or unpleasant sensations are not observed. After 2-3 days, erythema transforms into a papule. Its surface is flaky, and the base is compacted.

In the following days, the spot is eroded (in 60% of cases) or an ulcer with a compacted base is formed (in 40%). The difference between erosion and an ulcer lies in the depth of damage to the presenting layer: with erosive damage, it is superficial, within the surface layer of the skin or mucous membrane. The ulcer also affects the muscle layer. Over the next 2 weeks, the chancre increases in size, after 4-5 weeks, self-epithelialization of erosion occurs even without treatment for syphilis and the process subsides.

Erosive chancre

Erosive chancre - formation of a round or oval shape, reaching 1.5 cm in diameter, with a smooth and shiny, bright red or gray bottom. No inflammatory phenomena are observed along the edges of erosion. Produces serous transparent discharge. At the base, a cartilaginous seal is palpable, painless, elastic. To determine it, the base of erosion is captured by the fingers, lifted and squeezed.

The seal of a hard chancre has a different shape, depending on which three types of it are distinguished:

  • nodular - is called a symptom of the "visor"; typical location: region of the coronal sulcus, inner surface of the foreskin; often causes complications - leads to the formation of phimosis;
  • lamellar - looks like a coin, is located on the external male genitalia, in women - on the labia majora;
  • leaf-shaped - occurs on the head of the penis, resembles a leaf in density.

Over time, the erosive chancre undergoes epithelialization, leaving a dark spot in its place. Later, it disappears completely.

Ulcerative chancre

Ulcerative chancre - deep damage to the skin (changes occur within the dermis). It is observed in syphilis in debilitated individuals with severe chronic pathology, alcoholism. Education may occur after a course of irritant therapy in patients with erosive chancre. In most cases, it is of the correct concave shape, resembling a saucer, the edges of the chancre do not have signs of inflammation. The bottom is dirty yellow with small hemorrhagic manifestations. Abundant discharge is characteristic, the compaction at the bottom is more pronounced than with erosion, there is no pain when squeezing the formation. In place of the ulcer, a rounded scar remains in the future.

"Disease of conduct", "French disease", "German disease". The names of syphilis are varied, as are the symptoms. Modern trends are forcing society to gain health and medical literacy. So…

What is syphilis

Syphilis is an infectious sexually transmitted disease with an undulating course that affects all body systems.

The causative agent of syphilis is pale treponema. The course of the disease goes through several stages:

  • the incubation period provides for the spread of the pathogen to organs and tissues through the circulatory and lymphatic systems with further reproduction. This stage has no clinical manifestations. Lasts within one month;
  • the period of primary syphilis begins with the appearance of characteristic skin changes at the site of penetration of the pathogen. As well as involvement in the process of regional lymph nodes. The duration of the period is 1-2 months;
  • secondary syphilis. The stage is long (up to several years) with an undulating course. Many body systems are already involved in the disease. Now periods of acute clinical manifestations will alternate with periods of imaginary well-being;
  • tertiary syphilis. With modern possibilities of medicine, a rare occurrence. Manifested in the absence of treatment in the form of irreversible changes in the organs. It ends for the patient with disability or death.

Skin syndrome in primary syphilis

One of the mandatory manifestations of pathology is a skin syndrome. It is important not to confuse and not substitute concepts! There is no separate disease "cutaneous syphilis"!

At different stages of the disease, rashes will have different characteristics and localization. Today, real photos are available for everyone to view and study.

In order not to be just scared, but to be armed, let's understand the whole variety of manifestations of skin syphilis!

The end of the incubation period will be the first bell on the skin - a hard chancre (aka a syphilitic ulcer). At the same time, specific changes in blood tests are still silent!

According to localization, sexual and extra-sexual chancres are distinguished. But this will certainly be the site of the initial introduction of the pathogen (mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs, prianal zone, skin of the thighs, bikini zone, abdomen, mucous membranes of the lips, oral cavity, upper respiratory tract).

Externally, the chancre has the form of erosion of a rounded shape, with smooth edges. No wonder education is called solid. Indeed, to the touch, the chancre resembles cartilage.

Most often, a syphilitic ulcer is solitary, up to several centimeters in size. The patient does not cause any special concerns, except for an unaesthetic appearance. Surrounding tissues and lymph nodes are still intact.

Atypical types of hard chancre deserve special attention.

This is a panaritium chancre, when the primary focus was localized on the first phalanx of the finger and copies the symptoms of panaritium. The course includes pronounced inflammatory manifestations.

This is a chancre-amygdalite that mimics unilateral tonsillitis, but without the pain and intoxication component.

This is an indurative edema, when the affected area is without clear boundaries, but looks like a widespread dense infiltrate.

Skin syndrome in secondary syphilis

The spread of various types of rash diffusely, including the palms and feet, signals the transition of the disease to the stage of secondary syphilis. Many syphilitic lesions of the skin led to the fact that

The international classification of diseases of the tenth revision even provided for a separate niche for this condition and brought out a separate unit "Secondary syphilis of the skin and mucous membranes."

Syphilis on the skin is now characterized by polymorphism (diversity) of rashes: roseolous syphilis, papular syphilis, wide condylomas, syphilitic leukoderma, syphilitic tonsillitis, syphilitic alopecia. And now more...

Roseolous syphilide. The most common manifestation of secondary syphilis is on the skin. It occurs in 80% of patients. It looks like multiple pink spots up to 1.5 cm in diameter, which are scattered over the skin of the trunk and extremities.

The spots do not rise above the skin, turn pale when pressed, do not peel or itch. Resolution of the rash occurs in an average of 2-3 weeks, sometimes up to 6 weeks. But after a while, the 2nd wave comes.

The rash is now larger, paler and tends to merge. It should be noted that there are also rare types of roseola: follicular and scaly.

Papular syphilis. This type of rash appears both along with roseola, and as independently. Papules are nodules located under the skin.

Depending on the size, the nodules are divided into types: millet, lenticular, coin-like, plaque-like. Papules are localized scattered throughout the body, often on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx.

Most do not cause pain. Except for the rash located in the folds. There is a high probability of attaching a secondary infection and the transition of papules to weeping erosion.

Important! The fluid discharged from the erosion contains a huge amount of pale treponema. Therefore, in such cases, it is advisable to remember the risk of a contact-household route of infection.

Wide warts. With the problem of the formation of genital warts, 5-10% of patients are found. Basically, the fair sex is unlucky. A favorite location is the perineum, sometimes the skin of the inner thighs.

The process begins with a grouping of papular rashes in the above places and the gradual formation of plaques. The plaques merge into large areas, a broad stalk is formed, and continues to spread to nearby areas.

The surface of warts is covered with scales and a gray coating. The exudate released from the surface contains a huge number of pathogens, which makes the patient very contagious.

Without treatment, the uncontrolled growth of wide warts can bring formations to the mammary glands and armpits.

Syphilitic leukoderma. The rash looks like patches of uneven skin pigmentation. First, affected areas of darkening appear, which then transform into large white spots.

The skin in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, back, lower back, abdomen, and rarely limbs is affected. Doctors distinguish spotted and lacy forms of leukoderma. With spotted, isolated foci are in familiar places.

With a lace shape, the spots merge into bizarre patterns. A similar fusion around the neck has received the romantic name "necklace of Venus".

Interestingly, pale treponema is found in the superficial layers of the dermis only in areas with spotted leukoderma.

Syphilitic alopecia. There are two reasons for hair loss in syphilis. This is either the absence of hair growth in areas of scarring after the rash resolves. Or their loss as a result of the course of the disease and a decrease in the body's defenses.

In any of the cases, a characteristic feature is the focality of the lesion, scattered areas of baldness throughout the head.

At the same time, the scalp resembles moth-eaten fur. And skin devoid of hair has no specific changes. Hair growth can be restored with the right treatment.

Syphilitic angina. A condition that occurs if, in primary syphilis, a hard chancre is localized on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, tonsils. Then the secondary stage of development will imitate the course of angina.

Initially with coloration of the palate and tonsils in a bluish-red color. This is followed by the appearance of erosions (ulcers) and the spread of a gray rash over the entire surface of the oral cavity.

The process is accompanied by intoxication and hyperthermic syndrome, peripheral lymphadenitis.

Skin syndrome in tertiary syphilis

A rarity, but still taking place, is tertiary syphilis. Occurs in untreated or undertreated patients. Tertiary syphilis - skin lesions in the form of tubercles or gums.

They are represented by deep infiltrates, in which the body has "immured" pale treponema. Nodular syphilide looks like scattered in large quantities, small (5-7 mm) subcutaneous nodules.

Whereas the gummas are large nodes, often not numerous. Elements of the tertiary period with a malignant course.

In the place of destruction, they will form ulcers and scars, involving the underlying bone and cartilage structures in the process of destruction. In this case, there are no acute inflammatory phenomena.

Surely, you have seen photos of a saddle nose change. So this is a clear example of the irreversible destruction of bone tissue in untreated syphilis.

Skin syndrome in congenital syphilis

I would like to dwell separately on the types of skin manifestations in congenital syphilis.

Congenital syphilis is a form of syphilis that occurs when a fetus becomes infected during fetal development.

Skin syndrome will be one of the clinical manifestations.

Papular eruptions. Papules are located in the perineum, on the buttocks, palms and soles.

The mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are also involved. The radial arrangement of papules and scars after their resolution on the skin of the face, and especially around the lips, is characteristic.

Pemphigus of the skin. A condition characterized by blisters. Favorite localization of the latter on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the extremities.

Differential diagnosis of skin manifestations

As can be seen from the description of the skin syndrome, it is quite diverse. It is not for nothing that syphilis has long been called the "monkey disease", meaning the variety of its masks.

The clinical picture requires differential diagnosis with dermatological, gynecological, urological, dental and other diseases.

Let's consider some particular examples.

Hard chancre is differentiated from psoriasis, lichen planus, balanoposthitis, scabies, erosions caused by other STD pathogens.

With an extragenital location of the chancre, the latter can be regarded as a furuncle, carbuncle, tonsillitis, stomatitis.

Often diagnostic errors are caused by secondary syphilis. Rashes are disguised as psoriasis, different types of lichen, toxicoderma, epidermophytosis, syphilitic alopecia must be distinguished from other types of alopecia, trichophytosis.

Wide condylomas are differentiated from papillomavirus condylomas, hemorrhoids.

It is important for doctors of different specialties to remember the visual characteristics of many types of rashes in order to differentiate and establish the correct diagnosis. Here, the characteristic signs and photos of real patients help specialists.

The best prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is the culture and literacy of intimate communication. Be healthy and loved!