Prohibiting road signs for pedestrians. Signs of special regulations

Prohibition signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions.

3.1 “Entry prohibited.”

All entry is prohibited Vehicle in this direction.

3.2 “Movement prohibited.”

All vehicles are prohibited.

3.3 “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited.”

3.4 “Truck traffic is prohibited.”

The movement of trucks and vehicle combinations with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons (if the weight is not indicated on the sign) or with a permissible maximum weight more than indicated on the sign, as well as tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

Sign 3.4 does not prohibit the movement of trucks intended for the transport of people, vehicles of federal postal organizations having a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, as well as trucks without a trailer with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 26 tons that serve enterprises located in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

3.5 “Motorcycles are prohibited.”

3.6 “Movement of tractors is prohibited.”

The movement of tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

3.7 “Driving with a trailer is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to drive trucks and tractors with trailers of any type, as well as tow motor vehicles.

3.8 “The movement of horse-drawn carts is prohibited.”

The movement of horse-drawn carts (sleighs), riding and pack animals, as well as the passage of livestock is prohibited.

3.9 “Bicycles are prohibited.”

Bicycles and mopeds are prohibited.

3.10 “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

3.11 “Weight limitation”.

The movement of vehicles, including combinations of vehicles, the total actual weight of which is greater than that indicated on the sign, is prohibited.

3.12 “Limitation of mass per vehicle axle.”

It is prohibited to drive vehicles whose actual weight on any axle exceeds that indicated on the sign.

3.13 “Height limitation”.

The movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.14 “Width limitation”.

It is prohibited to drive vehicles whose overall width (laden or unladen) is greater than that indicated on the sign.

3.15 “Length limitation”.

The movement of vehicles (vehicle trains) whose overall length (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.16 “Minimum distance limitation.”

It is prohibited to drive vehicles with a distance between them less than that indicated on the sign.

3.17.1 “Customs”.

It is prohibited to travel without stopping at a customs office (checkpoint).

3.17.2 “Danger”.

Prohibited further movement any and all vehicles in connection with a traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

3.17.3 “Control”.

Driving through checkpoints without stopping is prohibited.

3.18.1 “Right turns are prohibited.”

3.18.2 “Left turns are prohibited.”

3.19 “Turning is prohibited.”

3.20 “Overtaking is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to overtake all vehicles except slow-moving vehicles, horse-drawn carts, bicycles, mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without sidecars.

3.21 “End of the no-overtaking zone.”

3.22 “Overtaking by trucks is prohibited.”

It is prohibited for trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons to overtake all vehicles.

3.23 “End of the no-overtaking zone for trucks.”

3.24 “Maximum speed limit.”

It is prohibited to drive at a speed (km/h) exceeding that indicated on the sign.

3.25 “End of maximum speed limit zone.”

3.26 “Sound signal is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to use sound signals, except in cases where the signal is given to prevent a traffic accident.

3.27 “Stopping is prohibited.”

Stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.28 “Parking is prohibited.”

Parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month.”

3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.”

At simultaneous use signs 3.29 and 3.30 on opposite sides of the roadway, parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway from 19:00 to 21:00 (rearrangement time).

3.31 “End of the zone of all restrictions.”

Designation of the end of the coverage area simultaneously for several signs from the following: 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 – 3.30.

3.32 “The movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited.”

The movement of vehicles equipped with identification signs (information plates) “Dangerous cargo” is prohibited.

3.33 “The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable cargo is prohibited.”

The movement of vehicles transporting explosives and products, as well as other dangerous goods subject to marking as flammable, is prohibited, except in cases of transportation of these dangerous substances and products in limited quantities, determined in the manner established special rules transportation.

Signs 3.2 – 3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 prohibit the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles in both directions.

The signs do not apply to:

3.1 – 3.3, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19 – for route vehicles;

3.27 – for route vehicles and vehicles used as passenger taxis, in places where route vehicles stop or where vehicles used as passenger taxis are parked, marked with markings 1.17 and (or) signs 5.16 – 5.18, respectively.

3.2, 3.3, 3.5 – 3.8 – on vehicles of federal postal service organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, and also serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination;

3.28 – 3.30 – for vehicles driven by disabled people, transporting disabled people, including disabled children, if the identification mark “Disabled” is installed on these vehicles, as well as for vehicles of federal postal service organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, and in a taxi with the taximeter on;

3.2, 3.3 – for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children, if the identification sign “Disabled” is installed on these vehicles;

The coverage area of ​​signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26-3.30 extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind it, and in populated areas, in the absence of an intersection, to the end of the populated area. The effect of the signs is not interrupted at exit points from areas adjacent to the road and at intersections (junctions) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.

Effect of sign 3.24 installed in front of locality, indicated by 5.23.1 or 5.23.2, extends to this sign.

The coverage area of ​​signs may be reduced:

for signs 3.16 and 3.26 using plate 8.2.1;

for signs 3.20, 3.22, 3.24 by installing signs 3.21, 3.23, 3.25 at the end of their coverage area, respectively, or using plate 8.2.1. The coverage area of ​​sign 3.24 can be reduced by installing sign 3.24 with a different meaning maximum speed movements;

for signs 3.27-3.30 by installing at the end of their validity repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with plate 8.2.3 or using plate 8.2.2. Sign 3.27 can be used in conjunction with marking 1.4, and sign 3.28 - with marking 1.10, while the coverage area of ​​the signs is determined by the length of the marking line.

IN Russian Federation Currently, there are more and more cars every year. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult for pedestrians to move around the city, since careless motorists often do not seek to use their knowledge of road signs.

According to the rules traffic with changes and additions, the pedestrian is a full participant in the road traffic, which means he is simply obliged to follow the rules of conduct on the road. Knowing road signs can save your health and sometimes your life.

These small images, constantly flashing on the roads, should become not empty space for the pedestrian, but faithful assistants on the way. Their thorough knowledge, of course, will help you feel more confident on the road and not get into ridiculous situations.

One of the main signs that every pedestrian of any age should know is the pedestrian crossing sign. This sign informs you that it is possible to cross the roadway next to it. It is located near a special marking, popularly called a “zebra”. This square sign is for pedestrians only, but triangular shape The same road sign is intended only for motorists.

The next sign, relevant for pedestrians of any age, will be the “Underground passage”. It is installed at the entrance to the underground pedestrian crossing. You should not cross the roadway if this road sign is nearby.

It is quite useful to learn the signs indicating where the bus or tram stops. Please note that these signs are installed as close as possible to the waiting area for vehicles. If you have children, be sure to tell them about the rules of conduct while waiting for a bus or tram. This same sign is important for the driver, since his attention becomes more intense when approaching a stop with people.

For every pedestrian, and especially those living in a metropolis, will be useful road signs"Pedestrian path" and "Bicycle path". It is worth explaining to children that the pedestrian path is intended exclusively for pedestrians, but the bicycle path can be used by cyclists and moped drivers, but pedestrians can also walk on it. You need to walk on these paths, adhering to right side, and you definitely shouldn’t interfere with other road users.

There are a number of prohibitory signs in the Road Traffic Rules for each pedestrian. A “No Entry” sign or simply a brick means that pedestrians will have priority in traffic. Remember that if you are riding a bicycle, then there is no path under the sign, but if you drive it in your hands, then the path will be clear.

Another sign that is important for pedestrians will be a sign that prohibits pedestrian traffic.

Knowing road signs and traffic rules for pedestrians will help you feel more confident on the road and not create emergency situations.

As soon as your baby starts walking further than the playground near the house, he will certainly notice road signs. The most common signs for children are: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Tram stop”, “Bus stop”, “No entry”. An inquisitive child will also see other signs, because sometimes he has to travel with his dad or mom.

I believe that it is necessary to teach a child road signs early age. From which one? Yes, from the moment your baby starts crossing the road with you or driving a car. Why not tell your child what a “Zebra” is and why there is a beautiful sign of a man walking along the stripes next to it. By the time the child begins to walk kindergarten and in first grade, he will already know the most basic road signs.

Today I want to show you pictures of “Traffic Signs”. Each picture with a sign will have a detailed and simple explanation.

Pictures for children - Road signs

"Crosswalk"- This is an informational sign.

It indicates the location of the ground crossing of the roadway. This sign is installed near special markings for pedestrians - zebra crossings.

Please pay attention to the child that there is another similar sign, but triangular. It is a warning (triangular) sign, also called a "Pedestrian Crossing". It does not indicate the crossing point for pedestrians, but warns the driver when approaching the crossing.

“Underground pedestrian crossing” is an information and directional sign. This sign indicates the location of the underground passage of the roadway. Installed near the entrance to the passage.

If you have an underground passage on the way to kindergarten or school, be sure to show it to your child.

"Tram stop"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us what stops at this place public transport.

Parents should explain to the child that this road sign, like the previous one, is important for both pedestrians and drivers.

The pedestrian will find his way around where the stop is, and the driver will be careful, because there may be people (and especially children) at the stops.

When telling about this sign, be sure to repeat to your child how kids should behave at a stop (you can’t run or jump out onto the roadway).

"Bus Stop Location"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that a bus stops at this place.

This sign is installed close to the landing area - the waiting area for passengers.

"Bike Lane"- this is a prescriptive sign. Allows movement only on bicycles and mopeds. Other types of transport are not allowed to enter it. By bike path Pedestrians can also move if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path.

If your child already knows how to ride a bicycle, then you should explain to him that he can only ride his bicycle horse in the courtyard of the house. And the one where there is such a sign.

Bike paths are designed specifically for cyclists. Perhaps your city has such areas for cycling.

"Footpath"- prescriptive sign. Sometimes on the streets there is such a special path designed for pedestrians only.

On this path you must follow general rules behavior for pedestrians: keep to the right; do not disturb other pedestrians.

Children should be explained that they are not allowed to play on the footpath or go sledding. Riding a bicycle on the pedestrian path is also prohibited.

"No entry"- this is a prohibition sign. All prohibition signs are red.

This sign prohibits the entry of any vehicles, including bicycles, onto the section of road in front of which it is installed.

Its effect does not apply only to public transport, the routes of which pass through this section. A cyclist, upon seeing this sign, must get off the bicycle and drive it along the sidewalk, observing the rules for pedestrian traffic.

Remind your child that if he is carrying his bike rather than riding it, he is considered a pedestrian.

"Bicycles are prohibited"- another prohibitory sign.
This sign prohibits the use of bicycles and mopeds. It is installed in places where riding a bicycle can be dangerous.

Typically this sign is placed on streets with heavy traffic.

It should be remembered that cycling is prohibited on highways, even if there is no prohibiting sign.

I believe that every child should know this sign and the rules associated with cycling, because children love to ride and, if possible, will want to ride on the road.

"Children"- warning sign.

This sign warns the driver about possible emergence children on the road. It is installed near a child care facility, for example, a school, a health camp, or a playground.

But parents must warn the child that This sign does not indicate a place for children to cross the road! Therefore, a child pedestrian must cross the street in a place where pedestrian crossing is permitted and there is an appropriate sign.

"No Pedestrians"- prohibition sign.

This sign prohibits the movement of pedestrians. It is installed in places where walking can be dangerous.

This sign is often used for time limit pedestrian movement, for example, during road works or renovation of house facades.

It should be remembered that pedestrian traffic is always prohibited on highways and roadways, even if a prohibitory sign is not installed.

Of course, this article does not cover all road signs. But those that you will see in our pictures are the signs most often encountered by pedestrians.

If you want to teach your child all the signs, you can download a picture and print out each road sign. With the help of these homemade road signs you can play with your child and teach him at the same time.

Simply cut out the signs, glue them to matches or toothpicks, place them in prepared plasticine holders and place them on the toy track.

Let the kid roll his car himself and tell you what kind of signs he meets on the way.

Learning traffic rules is interesting and fun with Pustunchik. Join me and I will take you to the exciting and interesting land of Road Signs for Kids.


This is perhaps the most main sign for the young pedestrian. It shows that you can cross from one part of the street to another. However, remember that you only need to cross the street when the traffic light for pedestrians is green.

Before crossing the road, turn your head to the left to make sure there is no car driving nearby. When you reach the middle of the road (before the markings), make sure there is no car on the right. If the road is clear, feel free to cross to the other side.

In addition to ground crossings (the usual zebra), there are:




This sign tells the driver that children may run out onto the road, so driving at high speed is prohibited. You can usually see such a sign near a school, kindergarten or playground. However, this does not mean that you can cross the road here. You can cross the street only in a specially designated place - at a zebra crossing.

Under no circumstances run out onto the road! Is it dangerous.


If you see a sign on the road with a bicycle in a red circle on it, so as not to become a violator, get off the bicycle (scooter, moped) and take it to the required place.


This sign is often installed on roads with particularly busy traffic, where there are no sidewalks or curbs. Walking on such sections of the road, much less crossing to the other side, is life-threatening.


A man with a shovel in a red circle signals road work: repairing asphalt, trimming branches from trees, or any other work taking place directly on the road surface. It is strictly not recommended for children to walk near it, because branches may fall, hot resin may be spilled, or stones may fly, so there is a risk of injury.


A sign with a bus, tram or trolleybus on a blue background shows that only in this place you can get on or off the transport.


One of the most important road signs for children is the “Pedestrian zone” sign. Cars are prohibited from driving here, only pedestrians are allowed to move. Please note that on such a section of the road there should be two signs - the first signals the beginning of the pedestrian zone, and the second - its end.

Remember! To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation on the road when going to school or kindergarten, leave the house in advance. This way you won’t rush, you will carefully monitor road users and pay attention to all the signs. Bon Voyage!

"Crosswalk"- This is an informational sign.

It indicates the location of the ground crossing of the roadway. This sign is installed near special markings for pedestrians - zebra crossings.

Please pay attention to the child that there is another similar sign, but triangular. It is a warning (triangular) sign, also called a "Pedestrian Crossing". It does not indicate the crossing point for pedestrians, but warns the driver when approaching the crossing.

"Underground pedestrian crossing"- This is an informational sign. This sign indicates the location of the underground passage of the roadway. Installed near the entrance to the passage.

If you have an underground passage on the way to kindergarten or school, be sure to show it to your child.

"Tram stop"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that public transport stops at this location.

Parents should explain to the child that this road sign, like the previous one, is important for both pedestrians and drivers.

The pedestrian will find his way around where the stop is, and the driver will be careful, because there may be people (and especially children) at the stops.

When telling about this sign, be sure to repeat to your child how kids should behave at a stop (you can’t run or jump out onto the roadway).

"Bus Stop Location"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that a bus stops at this place.
This sign is installed close to the landing area - the waiting area for passengers.

"Bike Lane"- this is a prescriptive sign. Allows movement only on bicycles and mopeds. Other types of transport are not allowed to enter it. Pedestrians can also use the bike path if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path.

If your child already knows how to ride a bicycle, then you should explain to him that he can only ride his bicycle horse in the courtyard of the house. And the one where there is such a sign.

Bike paths are designed specifically for cyclists. Perhaps your city has such areas for cycling.

"Footpath"- a prescriptive sign. Sometimes there is a special path on the streets intended only for pedestrians.

On this path you must follow the general rules of behavior for pedestrians: stay on the right side; do not disturb other pedestrians.

Children should be explained that they are not allowed to play on the footpath or go sledding. Riding a bicycle on the pedestrian path is also prohibited.

"No entry"- this is a prohibition sign. All prohibition signs are red.

This sign prohibits the entry of any vehicles, including bicycles, onto the section of road in front of which it is installed.

Its effect does not apply only to public transport, the routes of which pass through this section. A cyclist, upon seeing this sign, must get off the bicycle and drive it along the sidewalk, observing the rules for pedestrian traffic.

Remind your child that if he is carrying his bike rather than riding it, he is considered a pedestrian.

"Bicycles are prohibited"- another prohibitory sign.
This sign prohibits the use of bicycles and mopeds. It is installed in places where riding a bicycle can be dangerous.

Typically this sign is placed on streets with heavy traffic.

It should be remembered that cycling is prohibited on highways, even if there is no prohibiting sign.

I believe that every child should know this sign and the rules associated with cycling, because children love to ride and, if possible, will want to ride on the road.

"Children"- warning sign.

This sign warns the driver about the possible appearance of children on the road. It is installed near a child care facility, for example, a school, a health camp, or a playground.

But parents should warn the child that this sign does not indicate a place for children to cross the road! Therefore, a child pedestrian must cross the street in a place where pedestrian crossing is permitted and there is an appropriate sign.

"No Pedestrians"- prohibition sign.

This sign prohibits the movement of pedestrians. It is installed in places where walking can be dangerous.

This sign is often used to temporarily restrict pedestrian traffic, for example, during road works or renovation of house facades.

It should be remembered that pedestrian traffic is always prohibited on highways and roadways, even if a prohibitory sign is not installed.