Chlamydia in women symptoms of discharge. Chlamydia in women: characteristic features and photos of discharge

Chlamydia is one of the most dangerous and common sexually transmitted diseases, the culprit of which is chlamydia. They are neither viruses nor bacteria. Their main difference is that they can hibernate in the human body and, at the slightest decrease in immunity, intensify their activity.

In contact with

There are four types of chlamydia:

The incubation period of chlamydia lasts about thirty days, so it is not so easy to detect immediately, and the symptoms can be easily confused with other infections of the urogenital tract. This disease affects both men (51%) and women (30−60%).

The first symptoms and signs of chlamydia in women after infection

Characteristic symptoms of chlamydia in women are: painful and frequent urination, itching in the urethra and outside the genitals, scanty or mucopurulent discharge, heaviness and pain in the lower back, cervical erosion. Also, patients with chlamydia may have elevated body temperature, malaise, disruption of the menstrual cycle, development of conjunctivitis, etc.

With prolonged reproduction of chlamydia, their non-treatment can lead to serious disorders of the reproductive system in the body:

  • salpingitis;
  • infertility, etc.

Read more about the consequences of chlamydia.

Symptoms and first signs of chlamydia in men

Distinctive signs of chlamydia in men are: heaviness and pain in the scrotum, discomfort and pain when urinating, purulent, glassy or bloody discharge, itching or burning in the urethra, aching pain in the lower back, body temperature, swelling in the testicles, sexual dysfunction , intoxication of the body.

Incorrect one can also negatively affect the function of the male reproductive system. This There is a risk of developing diseases such as:

  • urethritis;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • neurochlamydia;
  • atony;
  • prostate cyst, etc.

Is there a smell with chlamydia?

The very first sign of the appearance of chlamydia in the body is an unpleasant odor, in women - from the vagina, in men - from the urethra. Of course, it causes some discomfort, but many, without even realizing it, try to eliminate it with the help of various hygiene products or medications.

But the worst thing is that after the discharge with this odor disappears, without the necessary treatment, the body cannot be considered healthy. In most cases, this indicates that the chlamydia infection has already spread to other organs or has become chronic.

During the course of the disease, patients very often complain of discharge from the genitals. They have the following features:

A very important indicator of chlamydia damage to the genitourinary organs is chlamydial conjunctivitis. It occurs as a result of the transfer of chlamydia from the genitals to the eyes, and an infected person can spread the infection to his partner.

Read also our article about their manifestations and methods of treatment.

Symptoms of chlamydia in a child

Since there are different types, children are also at risk. It is worth noting that in 63% of cases, chlamydia is transmitted to the child from an infected mother, in the acute form of the disease.
Chlamydia mainly affects the upper respiratory tract in combination with conjunctivitis or other damage to the membranes of the eyes. Chlamydia in a child’s body negatively affects all organs, which can even lead to death, therefore, it is very important to detect it in the first year of life.

The symptoms of chlamydia in children are slightly different from those in adults. Most often this is:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • gastritis,
  • enteritis,
  • urethra or
  • runny nose,
  • sinusitis,
  • nasopharangitis,
  • temperature,
  • otitis,
  • swelling of the throat mucosa,
  • cough.

The symptoms of the disease are mild and very often become chronic.

Although chlamydia cannot live long in open space, there have still been cases of infection with chlamydia by airborne droplets. The incubation period of respiratory chlamydia is 7−9 days. Once the infection enters the lining of the upper respiratory tract, it quickly moves down, causing pneumonia, and in the worst case, chlamydial pneumonia.

At the initial stage, strong immunity is able to overcome pathogens that have entered the body, after which the developed antibodies will not allow you to get sick again.

Discharge from chlamydia in women and men is one of the main symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease; it is accompanied by discomfort and a feeling of itching. In most cases, foreign microorganisms are localized in the genitourinary system, becoming the cause of chlamydia. The symptoms of the disease are sometimes so insignificant that the patient may not be aware that he is a carrier of the disease for a long period. Infection can occur in several ways: sexual, vertical, household contact, airborne.

While chlamydia is not given much importance, this disease can cause significant harm to the human body. As the pathology develops in the human body, entire systems and organs are affected - joints, eyes and, in some cases, the myocardium. If timely treatment is not started, chlamydia in women can cause chronic inflammation in the vagina, causing arthritis and conjunctivitis.

The nature of discharge in urogenital chlamydia

One of the most common signs of developed chlamydia is the characteristic discharge from the urethral canal in men after urine excretion, and vaginal discharge in women. This indicates that the disease is in an acute stage. During this period, bacterial microorganisms that have entered the urethral mucosa begin to actively multiply. This pathological process causes the accumulation of microorganisms inside the epithelium, swelling of cellular structures, which ultimately leads to their death. Discharge in men and women is formed from the products of bacterial activity, particles of dead cellular structures and intercellular fluid caused by inflammatory swelling of the mucous membranes.

Discharge in women

There is no heavy discharge in women with chlamydia. A small part may accumulate in the urethral canal during the night's rest. The presence of chlamydia infection can be detected by a gynecologist during an examination. The discharge looks like plaque in the area of ​​the cervical canal of the uterus. In the case of an acute form of the disease, a woman’s characteristic vaginal discharge begins 2 weeks after infection.

What is noteworthy is that with an asymptomatic course, discharge can appear during an exacerbation after 1.5 months.

Infection with chlamydia during pregnancy is fraught with the appearance of various pregnancy complications. In the early stages, there may be miscarriages; in later stages, the pregnant woman may experience abruption of the placenta or the water may break earlier. During childbirth, the baby may become infected, which entails the development of conjunctivitis, pneumonia and pharyngitis in newborns.

Discharge in men

In the vast majority of men, the disease has virtually no severity. But at the same time, the man remains a carrier of infection and poses a danger to his partner. The period from the moment chlamydia penetrates the urethral canal until the characteristic signs of the disease begin to appear ranges from two weeks to 1 month. In the acute stage of chlamydia in men, the following occurs:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Itching and burning during urination.
  3. White and sometimes bloody discharge during ejaculation or after urination.

The nature of discharge in men with chlamydia is characterized by wateriness, sometimes it can be glassy discharge. In the acute stage of inflammation, discharge from the urethral canal of men can be mucous, brown, mixed with blood. This manifestation is especially noticeable after a night's sleep.

Features of slime

Penetrating into the human body, pathogenic microorganisms initially infect the mucous membranes lining the internal organs. Actively multiplying, they become the cause of an inflammatory process. Then the cells die, and new bacterial microorganisms enter the space.

The mucus that is secreted from the genital tract is dead particles of cellular structures, microorganisms and liquid located between the cells. When infected with chlamydia, there is always a specific secretion. The characteristic features of the secretion secreted during chlamydia from the vagina in women or the urethra in men are:

  • smell;
  • color;
  • consistency;
  • density;
  • frequency of occurrence.

It is important to remember that a lately diagnosed pathological process, as well as the lack of adequate treatment, can cause serious disorders in women and men.

The female half of the population may develop inflammation in the fallopian tubes, bladder and cervix. In the future, this may even cause the development of oncology in the female reproductive system.

In the case of representatives of the stronger sex, chlamydia can also cause serious harm to the body, causing inflammation in the prostate gland, inflammation in the testicles and even infertility.


In most cases, chlamydia discharge has a smell. The smell can only appear if another pathological microflora is attached to chlamydia. For example, this occurs with a disease that often penetrates the genital tract due to chlamydia - gonorrhea. It is due to the development of gonococci in the urethra and vagina that an unpleasant characteristic fishy odor appears.


With an infectious lesion of the genital tract, the discharge does not have a characteristic color. That is why, identifying the disease on your own and in the early stages is quite problematic, unlike other sexually transmitted diseases. During the development of chlamydia, secondary microflora can also join, causing a change in the color of the secreted secretion. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the chronic course of chlamydia, often weakened immunity easily allows other types of pathogenic bacterial microorganisms to pass through.

Frequency of occurrence

The extent to which discharge may appear from the moment of infection varies greatly. In the acute stage of the disease, symptoms may appear after 2 weeks. The onset of an asymptomatic course cannot be predicted, and the first discharge may occur within 1-2 months after infection.

Secret volume

Chlamydia is a rather secretive type of disease, since neither the smell, nor the color, much less the amount of secretion secreted from the vagina or urethra, changes. The largest part of the secretion can accumulate during night sleep .

In women, it is quite difficult to detect chlamydia without a special gynecological examination.


The consistency of the secretions released during chlamydia varies from watery to slightly viscous. They, as a rule, do not become thick, such as with purulent inflammation. The density of the secretion can be seen in the photo below.

Discharge after treatment

The characteristic discharge ends after proper treatment of chlamydia. The antibiotic therapy used is capable of destroying most of the pathogens located inside the damaged cellular structures of the mucous membranes. It happens that there are discharges that come out after urination. The mucus remaining after drug treatment occurs due to a violation of the microflora in the vagina or urethra. When taking antibiotics, beneficial microflora dies and candidiasis begins to develop against the background of a weakened immune system and stressful situations.

Quite often, when infected with genital infections, accompanying symptoms may appear. Specific discharge due to chlamydia in men and women is one of these symptoms, when it appears, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

The inflammatory process caused by chlamydia can provoke damage to various human organs.

The pathology is characterized by burning, itching, pain in the genital area and abdomen.

The disease provokes an increase in body temperature and causes the release of pathological mucus from the vagina and male penis. The last sign of sexually transmitted pathology is considered one of the most unpleasant.

Discharge from chlamydia indicates the acute development of an infectious pathology and requires immediate contact with a medical facility.

About the disease

The causative agent of venereal disease is the microorganism Chlamidia trachomatis. The bacterium can infect the internal and external organs of the genitourinary system of men and women.

In the fair sex, chlamydia affects the vaginal mucosa, fallopian tubes, and urethra.

Penetrating into a living organism, harmful microorganisms first infect the mucous membrane and begin to actively multiply, causing an inflammatory process. Then the cell dies and new bacteria enter the space.

The mucus coming out of the genital tract is particles of dead cells, microbes and intercellular fluid.

The appearance of discharge from chlamydia begins 2 weeks or 1 month after a person is infected. This occurs due to the active growth of the number of bacteria in the cells of the mucous membrane of the urethra.

With chlamydia, discharge is detected in 84% of cases, while other signs of the activity of harmful microorganisms are found in no more than 36% of patients.

Features of slime

At the entrance to the female genital organs there is always a secretion, which consists of white blood cells, microbes, desquamated epithelial cells, as well as mucus formed in the cervical canal and the vestibule of the vagina.

A healthy woman excretes 0.001–0.002 liters per day. In girls who do not have diseases of the genitourinary system, vaginal discharge is white or yellow in color, without a characteristic odor.

If the mucus has an unpleasant odor, changes color, or its amount increases, then it’s time to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Additional appearance of signs such as burning, itching, swelling of the testicles and penis in men, labia in women, abdominal pain, may indicate the presence of urogenital pathology, such as chlamydia.


What kind of discharge does chlamydia cause in women?

Venereal pathology is accompanied by the appearance of clear mucus. If the victim is sick with other diseases of the genitourinary tract, the discharge takes on a dark shade.

In the presence of two sexually transmitted pathologies, one of which is chlamydia, the mucus acquires a yellow or even greenish tint, indicating the formation of pus. Also, the discharge turns this color in case of severe chlamydial infection.

In 70% of patients with Chlamydia trachomatis, a secondary disease is detected. This is characteristic of the chronic form of chlamydia.


The mucus secreted during venereal pathology is odorless if there is no secondary pathology.

The appearance of an unpleasant “smell” is most often provoked by the addition of other infectious diseases. This sign means the presence of gonorrhea (purulent inflammation of the urinary tract).

With this venereal disease, the patient is found to have a plaque that has a pungent odor.

Secret volume

The presence of chlamydia in men and the fair sex is not accompanied by copious mucus secretions.

After waking up, there is a release of fluid, which becomes noticeable during the first morning urination in men. A secretion may remain on the penis, if detected, a person should consult a doctor.

Signs of pathology in women are difficult to detect. Mucus is less noticeable; often girls do not know about the accumulation of foreign plaque on the cervix until they visit and are examined by a gynecologist.

Frequency of occurrence

The first signs of sexually transmitted pathology appear during exacerbation of the disease. The discharge typically appears in the second week of the disease; often this symptom is detected several months after infection.


With chlamydia, the mucus is watery. The consistency of the discharge is slightly sticky.

More viscous mucus indicates concomitant pathology. It may be mixed with blood or pus.

Thick plaque on the lower segment of the uterus means the presence of a second harmful microorganism.

Reasons for the appearance of secretions after therapy

Discharge usually goes away after treatment for chlamydia. Antibacterial therapy destroys harmful microorganisms inside the affected cells and contributes to the complete cure of the patient.

In some cases, pathological discharge remains and comes out during urination.

The remaining mucus is a violation of the vaginal microflora, as a result of which beneficial bacteria die and the formation of a fungal infection begins.

Thrush develops (a disease caused by yeast-like fungi), which develops against the background of:

  • weakened immune system;
  • stressful situation.

If discharge remains after treatment for chlamydia, it is possible that the sexually transmitted pathology has not been fully cured and has taken a chronic course.

This happens when the course of treatment is stopped due to the absence of symptoms of the disease, so it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and treat chlamydia comprehensively and completely.

When and why does it “smear”?

Most often, infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact. The incubation period after bacterial entry can range from 48 hours to 30 days. At this time, the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the uterus, its cervix and appendages is actively developing.

Pathogenic microorganisms can affect not only the reproductive system, but also the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, heart, joints and blood vessels. This happens quite rarely, and more often infection with these microorganisms causes chlamydia.

It is important to know that only 30% of people experience symptoms characteristic of chlamydia after infection.

They usually appear 2 weeks after infection. In the first days after questionable sexual intercourse, pathogenic bacteria penetrate the mucous membrane. Then they actively multiply and die off the cells in which they are located.

As a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs and the affected cells are removed from the body, which is characterized by vaginal discharge.

Nature of the discharge

What kind of discharge can be observed in women with chlamydia? In most cases, there is no nonspecific discharge, as well as other alarming symptoms.

This is why this pathology spreads so quickly, and it is impossible to recognize it on your own in the early stages.

If an acute inflammatory process has developed in the genital area, characteristic features are:

  • Yellowish discharge that is mucous or purulent in nature.
  • Mucus with a pungent odor.
  • White mucopurulent clots.

It is impossible to recognize STDs only by the nature of the excreted particles. This disease may not manifest itself in any way or may be disguised as other diseases. Yellowish mucus is a sign of any other inflammatory pathology of the reproductive organs, as well as the presence of pus.

The texture of the mucus is different for each patient and can be either clear or mixed with pus.

Additional symptoms

Even if there is no discharge, there is still a pungent odor. For some people, regular leucorrhoea begins to smell, cause itching and burning. Other characteristic signs of the disease:

  • Pain and burning when urinating.
  • Bleeding between periods.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or in the area of ​​the external genitalia.
  • Pain in the lumbar region and a feeling of heaviness.
  • Increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees.

General symptoms vary from patient to patient, so To make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to undergo laboratory tests. It is impossible to make a diagnosis at home.

Watch a video about what tests and how to get tested for chlamydia:

How to act if such signs are detected?

After sexual intercourse with a dubious partner or if alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. The treatment is carried out by a venereologist. To obtain an objective conclusion, PCR diagnostics or ELISA and PIF are required.

In the process of laboratory tests, the doctor determines the presence of pathogens and the degree of spread of the inflammatory process, which is especially important for proper treatment.

Similar disorders are detected with vaginitis or other problems with the functioning of the reproductive organs. Only timely contact with a specialist will prevent this disease from developing in the body.

Your doctor will tell you more about this disease:

Common symptoms of chlamydia in women

The disease has a number of features that add up to the following picture:

  • elevated body temperature - in case of acute chlamydia in women, it remains at the level of 37-37.5 ° C;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region - can be strong, mild or absent;
  • burning and stinging during urination, frequent urge to go to the toilet - reminiscent of the symptoms of cystitis, when the urethra is affected by infection;
  • burning sensation in the vagina - since it is the main breeding ground for the infectious agent, it is the vaginal mucosa that suffers;
  • discharge is a fairly common occurrence, characterized by a strong unpleasant odor and uncharacteristic color;
  • erosive formations on the inside of the cervix - can only be detected during an examination by a gynecologist; their presence is indicated by slight bleeding.

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The listed symptoms are only an approximate list of signs that indicate some kind of pathology in the gynecological field. It is impossible to say solely from them that a person has chlamydia. And, It is impossible to determine chlamydia independently and taking into account only a visual analysis of discharge. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after receiving the results of a laboratory examination.

In addition, a woman may also have other infections, not necessarily sexually transmitted ones. Against the background of the disease in question, symptoms of thrush often appear, which also affects the nature of the vaginal secretion.

The nature of pathological discharge in chlamydia

Mucus secreted from the genitals is the material that is primarily examined for the presence of certain viable microorganisms.

So, if a man or woman discovers discharge that is uncharacteristic of the usual condition, you should inform your doctor about this. The signs of chlamydia in women are not very different from the course of the disease in men, but there are still some features.

Discharge from chlamydia in women

An accurate description of this sign allows us to tell at an early stage about the presence of concomitant diseases or the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. The following characteristics are of particular importance:


As a rule, such discharge does not have a pronounced shade, but only if there are no secondary infections. And these occur in more than half of patients. The presence of other pathogenic bacteria in the body contributes to the appearance of yellowish or greenish discharge mixed with pus. They can be observed in women even after treatment for chlamydia, which is already typical for the chronic form of the disease.


A characteristic feature of the disease in question is the absence of aroma in the discharge. It can appear only if a secondary infection occurs. This symptom is most often considered evidence of the development of gonorrhea in the body. In addition, a coating with a sharp and very unpleasant odor is observed on the genitals, which can be felt even at a distance from a person.


The course of chlamydia itself does not lead to the appearance of a large volume of mucus secreted. As a rule, in girls it accumulates on the cervix in the form of a specific plaque. It is quite difficult to detect this symptom on your own, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Many women are not even aware of it until a gynecological examination or the appearance of other negative signs (pain, burning, temperature, etc.).


The manifestation of symptoms of this infection depends on the individual characteristics of the person. The first discharge is usually observed as a result of the transition of the disease to an acute form, which can only happen several months after the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.


Sexual secretions with chlamydia acquire a watery and slightly viscous consistency. Most other inflammatory processes are accompanied by purulent discharge, which markedly distinguishes them from the situation under consideration. If the mucus has become thick, it makes sense to consider the possibility of exposure to another pathogenic microorganism.

Secretion in men

Discharge from chlamydia in men differs in color and viscosity from that in women. So, sometimes they acquire a yellowish color and a gel consistency. However, they are not characterized by abundance. As a rule, men notice a similar sign in the morning, because during the night a specific plaque accumulates in the urethra.

Among the symptoms that most often occur in men in case of infection are the following:

  • itching and burning in the genitals (especially in the morning upon waking);
  • painful or simply uncomfortable sensations during urination;
  • clumping of the urethra.

Even after the patient has completed treatment, some symptoms may remain for some time. This phenomenon cannot be called positive, so you should immediately consult a doctor for additional examinations. It is rarely possible to cure chlamydia in an advanced stage at one time. Therapy should be selected taking into account all concomitant diseases.

Discharge after treatment

Therapy with strong antibiotics, which is prescribed for this infection, usually gives a positive result. However, there are situations when not all affected cells are killed and the activity of pathogenic microorganisms does not subside. You can notice a similar phenomenon if, after treatment of chlamydia, characteristic discharge remains.

They usually appear during or immediately after urination.
The first thing to do in this case is to consult your doctor. Repeated examination will allow you to accurately determine the presence of infection in the body. Tests are recommended to be done at the end of therapy: after about a month.

Pathological discharge and other symptoms remaining after treatment may indicate the following phenomena:

  1. Changes in microflora under the influence of antibiotics - aggressive therapy usually destroys not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, which are taken into account by the doctor when prescribing drugs, i.e. the specialist additionally prescribes medications that normalize the microflora on the mucous membrane.
  2. Ineffectiveness - the disease did not respond to treatment with prescribed drugs, the patient may not have completed the therapeutic course completely, or the chosen prescription was drawn up without taking into account the form and nature of the disease in a particular case.
  3. During the examination, we did not notice the presence of a secondary infection, which continues to affect the body, which affects the appearance of pathological discharge.
  4. Treatment was prescribed to only one partner - in such a situation the disease simply recurs.

When the course of treatment has been completely completed by both partners, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity for a month. During this period, women should actively restore the vaginal microflora with the help of specially selected medications and probiotics in order to populate it with beneficial bacteria. The appearance of any alarming symptoms should be reported to your doctor.

Photos of possible discharge due to illness

As you can see, secretion during infection is not much different from normal, with the exception of discharge mixed with blood during cervical ectopia.

Characteristics of discharge

Discharge appears 2-4 weeks after infection. Pathogenic bacteria actively multiply on the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Discharge from chlamydia has its own special characteristics, by which an experienced doctor can immediately identify the disease.

The disease can be recognized early by mucus. It is taken for analysis in the laboratory and almost always it contains viable bacteria, which can be used to clarify the diagnosis.


A healthy female body experiences discharge from the genitourinary system. In girls who do not have genitourinary diseases, the discharge is white or yellow and odorless.

With chlamydial infection in both women and men, the discharge becomes clear. When other diseases of the genitourinary system are associated, the mucus can acquire a dark color and become green when pus is added. Brown, bloody discharge is not typical for chlamydia. Such symptoms occur only with complications, advanced forms of the disease.


Chlamydia discharge has no odor. Although it is possible that a specific odor may appear when other infections are associated, for example, gonorrhea.


An increased volume of discharge is not observed during chlamydial infection. A certain amount accumulates in the urethra at night and becomes noticeable in the morning when urinating. Men can detect such discharge in the morning when urinating; women sometimes are not aware of the presence of foreign accumulations.

Frequency of occurrence

The first signs of chlamydia damage appear a week after infection. But in almost half of the cases the disease will not manifest itself with external symptoms. Discharge with characteristic features will appear during the period of exacerbation of the disease, weakening of the immune system after several months.


Mucus with chlamydia has a watery consistency. It is not similar in thickness to purulent discharge. If the viscosity increases, it means that an additional infection has occurred. This often occurs with sexually transmitted diseases.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge

In a normal state, chlamydia should not be present in the human body. Identification of these microorganisms during diagnosis requires immediate treatment. The pathogen can remain in the body for a long time in an inactive state under the restraining factor of immunity. The cause of heavy discharge during chlamydia is the active reproduction of chlamydia in favorable conditions.

A carrier of bacteria poses a danger to the people around him. Ways of spread of chlamydia:

  • Sexual. Not only during traditional sexual contact, but also when infected sperm gets into wounds on the mucous membrane of the lips.
  • Contact - household. Through dirty towels, underwear, when sharing baths with an infected person. The reasons for the spread of infection are non-compliance with hygiene rules in public baths and gyms.
  • Vertical. During pregnancy, from an infected mother to the fetus.

Chlamydia cannot remain alive for long in the external environment. But they are perfectly preserved on wet surfaces. At a temperature of 19 o C for up to two days. These bacteria persist especially long on natural fabrics (cotton, linen).

Treatment methods

Getting rid of chlamydia in the early stages of the disease is faster and easier. You cannot self-medicate, as bacteria can adapt to medications, which will make it more difficult to cure. The doctor must develop a special medication regimen. It is individual for each person, because it is based on personal analyzes and takes into account the characteristics of a particular organism, chronic diseases, and the severity of chlamydia.

Treatment must be comprehensive and include:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • immunostimulants;
  • multivitamins;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • refusal of sexual intercourse to prevent re-infection.

In some cases, laser irradiation of the blood is prescribed to enhance the effect of antibiotic treatment and strengthen the immune system.

Without timely and competent treatment, chlamydia will progress to the chronic stage. The regimen will depend on additional infections, complications, and severity of symptoms. The main stage of therapy will include antibiotics, immune drugs, antioxidants, and vitamins. In a week, antifungal agents will be added.

During the recovery period, hepatoprotectors and physiotherapy are necessary. It is good to use local procedures, for example, baths with disinfecting medications, microenemas.

Possible complications

Negative complications are indicated when discharge may remain after treatment. Sometimes they contain streaks of blood and traces of pus. These are symptoms of a secondary infection; it often affects the reproductive organs of men and women. Without proper treatment, infertility may develop. Signs of secondary infection:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heat;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • general weakness.

In women, complications of chlamydia can include inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, which can ultimately lead to cervical cancer. In men, the consequences of chlamydial infection often include prostatitis, joint inflammation, and infertility.

Chlamydial infection affects not only the genitourinary system; over time, it is released into the blood and spreads throughout the body. Stopping and accumulating in the eye area, chlamydia leads to the occurrence of a special type of conjunctivitis. They cause chlamydial pneumonia in the lungs. Joints, liver, heart, even the brain are affected.

A person sometimes cannot determine why his health has deteriorated sharply, and the culprit is chlamydia, which is active in all internal organs. Only an experienced specialist can understand the cause of such a health problem, so self-medication in such cases is frivolous. This will only lead to loss of time, which is very important when you are ill.

Infection with chlamydia in pregnant women is dangerous. In the early stages, this leads to miscarriages. In the later stages, it threatens to damage the baby’s important internal organs. A child may be born with diseases of the nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Regular visits to the doctor and tests will help prevent infections in pregnant women.

Chlamydia is a serious disease and is highly contagious. Sexual transmission of infection is not the only method. Approximately half of the cases of transmission of bacteria occur through contact and household contact. The disease can affect a child’s body, which cannot yet withstand such a strong infection. If one person in the house is infected, not only sexual partners should be treated, but children should also be shown to a doctor. Birds, including pets, can be carriers of the infection.

Chlamydia is a common infectious pathology that is sexually transmitted. Characterized by burning and soreness in the genitals, high fever. But the most unpleasant thing is the specific discharge from the urethra due to chlamydia. Their appearance requires urgent medical attention.

Characteristics of discharge

Discharge appears 2-4 weeks after infection. Pathogenic bacteria actively multiply on the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Discharge from chlamydia has its own special characteristics, by which an experienced doctor can immediately identify the disease.

The disease can be recognized early by mucus. It is taken for analysis in the laboratory and almost always it contains viable bacteria, which can be used to clarify the diagnosis.


A healthy female body experiences discharge from the genitourinary system. In girls who do not have genitourinary diseases, the discharge is white or yellow and odorless.

With chlamydial infection in both women and men, the discharge becomes clear. When other diseases of the genitourinary system are associated, the mucus can acquire a dark color and become green when pus is added. Brown, bloody discharge is not typical for chlamydia. Such symptoms occur only with complications, advanced forms of the disease.


Chlamydia discharge has no odor. Although it is possible that a specific odor may appear when other infections are associated, for example, gonorrhea.


An increased volume of discharge is not observed during chlamydial infection. A certain amount accumulates in the urethra at night and becomes noticeable in the morning when urinating. Men can detect such discharge in the morning when urinating; women sometimes are not aware of the presence of foreign accumulations.

Frequency of occurrence

The first signs of chlamydia damage appear a week after infection. But in almost half of the cases the disease will not manifest itself with external symptoms. Discharge with characteristic features will appear during the period of exacerbation of the disease, weakening of the immune system after several months.


Mucus with chlamydia has a watery consistency. It is not similar in thickness to purulent discharge. If the viscosity increases, it means that an additional infection has occurred. This often occurs with sexually transmitted diseases.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge

In a normal state, chlamydia should not be present in the human body. Identification of these microorganisms during diagnosis requires immediate treatment. The pathogen can remain in the body for a long time in an inactive state under the restraining factor of immunity. The cause of heavy discharge during chlamydia is the active reproduction of chlamydia in favorable conditions.

A carrier of bacteria poses a danger to the people around him. Ways of spread of chlamydia:

  • Sexual. Not only during traditional sexual contact, but also when infected sperm gets into wounds on the mucous membrane of the lips.
  • Contact - household. Through dirty towels, underwear, when sharing baths with an infected person. The reasons for the spread of infection are non-compliance with hygiene rules in public baths and gyms.
  • Vertical. During pregnancy, from an infected mother to the fetus.

Chlamydia cannot remain alive for long in the external environment. But they are perfectly preserved on wet surfaces. At a temperature of 19 o C for up to two days. These bacteria persist especially long on natural fabrics (cotton, linen).

Treatment methods

Getting rid of chlamydia in the early stages of the disease is faster and easier. You cannot self-medicate, as bacteria can adapt to medications, which will make it more difficult to cure. The doctor must develop a special medication regimen. It is individual for each person, because it is based on personal analyzes and takes into account the characteristics of a particular organism, chronic diseases, and the severity of chlamydia.

Treatment must be comprehensive and include:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • immunostimulants;
  • multivitamins;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • refusal of sexual intercourse to prevent re-infection.

In some cases, laser irradiation of the blood is prescribed to enhance the effect of antibiotic treatment and strengthen the immune system.

Without timely and competent treatment, chlamydia will progress to the chronic stage. The regimen will depend on additional infections, complications, and severity of symptoms. The main stage of therapy will include antibiotics, immune drugs, antioxidants, and vitamins. In a week, antifungal agents will be added.

During the recovery period, hepatoprotectors and physiotherapy are necessary. It is good to use local procedures, for example, baths with disinfecting medications, microenemas.

Possible complications

Negative complications are indicated when discharge may remain after treatment. Sometimes they contain streaks of blood and traces of pus. These are symptoms of a secondary infection; it often affects the reproductive organs of men and women. Without proper treatment, infertility may develop. Signs of secondary infection:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heat;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • general weakness.

Women may experience inflammation in the reproductive organs, which can ultimately lead to cervical cancer. In men, the consequences of chlamydial infection often include prostatitis, joint inflammation, and infertility.

Chlamydial infection affects not only the genitourinary system; over time, it is released into the blood and spreads throughout the body. Stopping and accumulating in the eye area, chlamydia leads to the occurrence of a special type of conjunctivitis. In the lungs it occurs because of them. Joints, liver, heart, even the brain are affected.

A person sometimes cannot determine why his health has deteriorated sharply, and the culprit is chlamydia, which is active in all internal organs. Only an experienced specialist can understand the cause of such a health problem, so self-medication in such cases is frivolous. This will only lead to loss of time, which is very important when you are ill.

Infection with chlamydia in pregnant women is dangerous. In the early stages, this leads to miscarriages. In the later stages, it threatens to damage the baby’s important internal organs. A child may be born with diseases of the nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Regular visits to the doctor and tests will help prevent infections in pregnant women.

Chlamydia is a serious disease and is highly contagious. Sexual transmission of infection is not the only method. Approximately half of the cases of transmission of bacteria occur through contact and household contact. The disease can affect a child’s body, which cannot yet withstand such a strong infection. If one person in the house is infected, not only sexual partners should be treated, but children should also be shown to a doctor. Birds, including pets, can be carriers of the infection.


Thrush or. ...?

Good day. During pregnancy, treatment for chlamydia. Six months have passed since the birth. My husband didn’t treat it (even though he didn’t get tested), but we protect ourselves with condoms. So headless)))) Now I have itching and copious, odorless white discharge, one might say in lumps. I’ve never suffered from thrush, but now I’m wondering: thrush or a relapse of chlamydia? And also, I’m on breastfeeding, what medications can I take for thrush? Thank you...

Mother Nature has worked hard on the woman

After giving birth, I didn’t see a gynecologist for about 2 years. And then I began to worry about discharge, itching and an unpleasant odor from the vagina. I thought it was thrush, I began to treat it... The itching went away, the discharge was different, the smell remained... And I think that’s it, I need to go to the gynecologist... And then I discovered this: firstly, erosion (large), smear - showed inflammation and a large number of leukocytes. I took a PCR test for infections: and there, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma... The question arises, where does such a bouquet come from? If I have a permanent partner, and I am confident in my partner.